CourseDescription French L&C1 UC

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French Language and Culture 1

Newton D2
Wednesday 13:40-15:25 & Friday 11:25-13:10

Dr. Michèle Kremers

Designed as a liaison between culture courses and language study, French 11

incorporates listening, speaking, reading and writing skills as well as a critical
introduction to the study of French culture.

Course objectives:

Course objectives are two-fold:

1/ Students will develop a critical notion of French cultural specificity through various
modes of cultural analysis, with special emphasis on sociological approaches. Students
will be trained to identify and critically examine key themes in French culture and recent
social, political, artistic and economic history, through the in-depth study of documents.
The documents in class include accessible readings from various textbooks in French or
in English as well as documents excerpted from films, advertising material, business
world, and the media. Explanations in English will be given during class for the texts
provided in target language which do not have an official translation.

2/ Through systematic, guided practice, students will be trained to express themselves

in French and to craft clear, well-structured discourse in relatively uncomplicated
French. Wherever possible, French is the language of communication in class. Students
will be trained to become more critical and effective readers of French, capable of
highlighting the main ideas of a more challenging text although not understanding each
word. They will also be encouraged to better organize, evaluate and revise their own
writings. More advanced presentations and discussions on French cultural topics will be
conducted in English.

Course method and instructions:

Due to the exceptional measures related to the Covid-19 pandemic, this course will be
adapted to F2F, bimodal or online delivery as events develop. This is an unprecedented
way of teaching and learning which requires tolerance and flexibility from both sides.
In-class work:

In-class work:
This involves grammar and vocabulary exercises/tests as well as close reading and
preparation of required assignments in the cultural sphere. This also involves active
class participation and two presentations on a chosen topic.
As you know, to learn a language effectively, you must work constantly, regularly and
start working from day 1.
Since interactive contact with the target language only happens during the very few
weekly “contact hours", attendance rule for this course follows UCU guidelines (see

Outside-class work:
Each week the student is supposed to spend about 10 hours of self-study on various
tasks and skills addressed during class. These include: writing a portfolio, preparing
communication tasks or presentations to be performed in class, working on grammar
and vocabulary exercises (in Reader or Blackboard) or be generally exposed to French
by reading newspapers or magazines online/surfing on the Internet, watching French
news or films etc…

UCU recommends to introduce an attendance policy that encourages a regular working
attitude which is all the more relevant for language classes. This is why you can miss a
maximum of 5 classes without penalty throughout the semester. If you miss more than 5
classes, your final grade will be lowered automatically – unless you are facing
exceptional personal circumstances. In that case, please ask your tutor to contact me.
Of course, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, you may come to face difficult circumstances;
thank you for communicating the challenges you are facing, either via your tutor or
directly to me. This is the best way to promote understanding and trust as well as ensure
an adequate response.

There are 2 classes per week. However, on some days, there will be no class but oral
exams, self-study, public holidays etc… Please, see work schedule for details.

Class Materials:

- Reader “French Language and Culture 1”

- Grammaire progressive du français, CLE International (ISBN 978-2-09-033848-5)

Please do bring the Reader to each class: the Reader contains all the
culture/vocabulary/grammar components which shall be addressed during class.
Grading: (see below for further details)

60% Language Proficiency

* 40% Grammar & Vocabulary
* 15% Oral Proficiency
* 5% Academic attitude

40% Cultural Component

* 20% oral presentations
* 10% in-class exam
* 10% portfolio

60% Language Proficiency (written & oral):

40%: You will have 3 written tests in class covering grammar, vocabulary, writing
proficiency, written comprehension and oral comprehension (see syllabus for exact
dates). A few days before each test, a reminder of all the points you need to know and
revise will be posted on Blackboard.

The first two tests count for 10 % of the final grade.

The third and final test counts for 20% of the final grade.

15%: Students will take an oral exam on a one to one basis with their professor at the
end of the semester. Active class participation is also essential in the determination of
this component of the final grade.

* 5% Academic attitude (preparation for class; active participation, involvement & focus
in class)

40% Culture:

20%: Students will give, individually, an Oral Presentation (or, preferably, 2 if the
number of students permits) in French/English during class on an item related to
French culture or the culture of a French-speaking country. They will use documents in
both English and French as well as audio or/and visual support in French (or bilingual).
Further instructions will be given in due time.

10%: A written exam in class (both in French and English) to test factual and critical
knowledge of French culture.

10%: A short portfolio with various components relating to yourself and French culture.
It will be written both in French and English and handed in towards the end of the
A few guidelines:

Outside class work must be done individually and without collaboration unless
indicated otherwise. You must respect the principles of the UC Honor Code at all times.

The portfolio is prepared outside of class and must also be done individually. Parts of it
may be submitted for pre-correction on the dates indicated in the Syllabus.
Language assistants are available to help students with the portfolio - https://academic-

As a rule, late submissions will not be accepted.

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