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Ucsp Q1 Week8

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DAILY LESSON LOG School Grade Level 11/12


Department of Education Teacher Learning Area
Teaching Dates and Time WEEK 8 Quarter QUARTER 1
Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: Session 4:
The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
A. Content Standards
1. how individuals should behave as part of a political community.
The learners…
B. Performance Standards
1. assess the rules of social interaction to maintain stability of everyday life and the role of innovation in response to problems and challenges.
Analyze the forms and functions of social organizations.
a. Define social organizations.
C. Learning b. Classify and differentiate the types of social groups.
Competencies/Objectives  Primary groups and secondary groups
 In-group and out-group
c. Appreciate and treasure all types of social group.
A. References
1. TG’s Pages
2. LM’s Pages
3. Textbook’s Pages
B. Other Resources
a. Greet the students and ask them if
a. Ask the students if they have ever been part of a group or organization. What was Ask students to recall the different agents
they have any questions from the
1. Reviewing previous lesson or it like being part of that group? of socialization and their importance in
previous lesson.
presenting the new lesson b. Introduce the topic by explaining that humans are social beings and that we shaping an individual's behavior and
b. Introduce the new lesson topic:
naturally form groups to interact with one another. beliefs.
"Defining Social Organizations"
a. Introduce the concept of social
groups and their significance in
Explain to the students that the purpose society.
2. Establishing the purpose of the of the lesson is to define what social Explain that the purpose of the lesson is to classify and differentiate the types of b. Define primary and secondary
lesson organizations are and their importance in social groups. groups and in-group and out-group
society. dynamics.
c. Differentiate between the two types
of social groups.
3. Presenting examples/instances of a. Show the students different examples a. Provide examples of primary groups, such as families and close friends, and a. Provide examples of primary groups,
the new lesson of social organizations such as secondary groups, such as work colleagues and classmates. such as family and close friends, and
schools, sports teams, political b. Provide examples of in-groups, such as a sports team or a club, and out-groups, secondary groups, such as co-
parties, religious groups, and such as a rival team or a group with opposing beliefs. workers and classmates.
volunteer organizations. b. Give scenarios that illustrate in-
b. Ask the students to identify the group and out-group dynamics, such
characteristics that these social as belonging to a sports team or a
organizations have in common. social club.
a. Facilitate a discussion on the
a. Explain the definition of social
a. Define primary groups and secondary groups and explain the characteristics of characteristics of primary groups,
organizations to the students.
each. such as intimacy and emotional
b. Discuss the different types of social
4. Discussing new concepts and b. Ask the students to give examples of primary and secondary groups in their own bonds.
organizations, such as formal and
practicing new skills #1 lives. b. Guide students in identifying the
informal organizations.
c. Define in-group and out-group and explain the characteristics of each. characteristics of secondary groups,
c. Ask the students to give examples of
d. Ask the students to give examples of in-groups and out-groups in their own lives. such as formal and impersonal
each type of social organization.
a. Discuss the importance of social
a. Lead a discussion on the dynamics
organizations in society.
of in-groups and out-groups.
b. Explain how social organizations a. Have the students work in pairs or small groups to create a list of characteristics
b. Ask students to give examples of in-
help to meet the needs of individuals that distinguish primary groups from secondary groups and in-groups from out-
5. Discussing new concepts and groups and out-groups they belong
and society. groups.
practicing new skills #2 to or have observed.
c. Ask the students to give examples of b. After a few minutes, have the groups share their lists with the class and discuss
c. Facilitate a dialogue on the impact
how social organizations help to the similarities and differences between their lists.
of in-group and out-group dynamics
meet the needs of individuals and
on society.
a. Divide the students into groups and
ask them to choose a social a. Divide the class into small groups.
organization to analyze. b. Provide a scenario wherein each
b. In their groups, ask the students to a. Give the students a worksheet that includes different scenarios and ask them to group will identify whether it is a
identify the purpose, goals, and classify the social groups involved in each scenario as primary or secondary and primary or secondary group and the
6. Developing Mastery
structure of the organization. in-group or out-group. in-group and out-group dynamics
c. Have the groups present their b. After completing the worksheet, review the answers with the class. present.
analysis to the class and explain the c. Each group will present their
importance of their chosen social answers to the class.
a. Ask students to reflect on their own
Ask the students to think about the a. Discuss with the students how understanding the different types of social groups experiences and the social groups
7. Finding practical applications of different social organizations they belong can help them better navigate social situations in their daily lives. they belong to.
concepts and skills in daily living to and how these organizations have b. Ask the students to share examples of how knowing about in-groups and out- b. Encourage them to identify the
helped them in their daily lives. groups can help them in their interactions with others. positive and negative aspects of
these social groups.
a. Summarize the key points of the
a. Summarize the main points of the
lesson, emphasizing the importance
lesson. a. Lead a class discussion about how the types of social groups can affect
of social groups in shaping an
8. Generalizing and abstractions b. Encourage the students to think individuals and society as a whole.
individual's behavior and beliefs.
about the lesson about how they can apply what they b. Ask the students to reflect on how their own experiences with different types of
b. Ask students to give examples of
have learned about social social groups have influenced them.
how social groups influence their
organizations in their daily lives.
decisions and actions.
Ask the students to answer questions
Give the students a quiz or test that asks them to classify different social groups as Administer a quiz to assess the students'
9. Evaluating Learning about the lesson to assess their
primary or secondary and in-group or out-group. understanding of the lesson.
understanding of the topic.
10. Additional Activities for a. Assign the students to create a social a. Have the students research and present on a specific social group, its a. Ask students to write a reflection
organization and present its purpose, paper on how their social groups
goals, and structure to the class. have influenced their personal
characteristics, and its impact on society.
b. For remediation, provide additional growth and development.
Application or Remediation b. Provide additional scenarios for the students to classify as primary or secondary
examples of social organizations and b. Provide reading materials that
and in-group or out-group, and have them explain their reasoning.
discuss their characteristics with the discuss the impact of social groups
students. on society and culture.


A. No. of learners who earned 80%

in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which
I wish to share with other

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