Doan 2014
Doan 2014
Doan 2014
Abstract – When planning for the installation of a 1.3MW should be given guidance on the proper personal protective
photovoltaic system, and its integration into an existing equipment (PPE) to wear that will protect them during an arc
facility’s electrical system, an arc flash study was performed to flash incident. A few of the tasks the workers might perform
determine the best protective device settings to minimize the are:
arc flash energy in the photovoltaic system, and to determine - switching to put the system in a safe condition
the effect of the additional short circuit current on the existing - lockouts
system arc flash calculations. The existing system has - troubleshooting (including voltage and current checks)
distribution at 13.8kV and two 10MVA transformers to a 2.4kV
feeder system. The photovoltaic system adds the hazard of II. PROJECT BASIC DATA
500 VDC sub-array collection wiring and terminations. The
DC arc flash exposure of PV systems, including those in the The existing plant system has distribution voltages of
inverter enclosures, can be complicated, and this paper 13.8kV and 2.4kV. See Figure 1 for a simplified one line
outlines the basic data collected for the study, the steps taken diagram of the portion of the site system that connects to the
to complete the calculations, the methodology used, the PV system. The 480V PV system is connected into 2.4kV site
results, and the team’s learnings. feeders #7 and #8 through a 1500kVA transformer.
Arrays Quantity of Voc Isc, A Vmpp Impp, A
A,B,C,D 7251 157 1.43 121 1.20
E 1079 37 8.54 29.5 7.97
Figure 4. Plot plan of PV system installation
time-current curve. From discussions with the fuse supplier,
we learned that the 400A version of this fuse had not yet been
tested for average melt and/or total clearing time.
Third, we realized from the solar module technical data that
the short-circuit current of the modules was not significantly
higher than the full output current. This could mean that the
previously used ‘maximum power’ calculation for DC arc flash
[2] might not be valid, since that method depends on a linear
source impedance.
Using this equation for the combiner boxes, the results are
shown in Table 5. IE values are calories/cm . Working
Combiner Vmpp Impp from Duration IE from Impp from Fuse Duration IE from Total
Box modules (sec) modules recombiner size (sec) recombiner IE
AB: 52-string 363 V 62 A 2 0.43 1 409 A 125 .003 0 0.4
CD: 52-string 363 V 62 A 2 0.43 1 367 A 125 .003 0 0.4
CD: 27-string 363 V 32 A 2 0.22 1 397 A 100 .002 0 0.2
CD: 20-string 363 V 24 A 2 0.17 1 405 A 75 .001 0 0.2
E: 30-string 384 V 239 A 2 1.8 423 A 400 2 3.1 4.9
E: 23-string 384 V 183 A 2 1.4 479 A 400 2 3.5 4.9
Recombiner Vmpp Impp from Duration IE from Impp from Fuse Duration IE from Total
Box combiner (sec) combiner Inverter size (sec) Inverter IE
boxes boxes
AB: 156-string 363 V 187 A 2 1.3 1 284 A 400 2 8.9 10.3
CD: 156-string 363 V 187 A 2 1.3 1 242 A 400 2 8.6 9.9
CD: 131-string 363 V 157 A 2 1.1 1 272 A 350 2 8.8 9.9
CD: 124-string 363 V 149 A 2 1.0 1 280 A 300 2 8.9 9.9
The DC arc flash calculation for the Inverter input bus can
be calculated directly from the total Impp of each Array, using
equation (3). Again the fuse protection is not sized to protect
against any short circuit current, as the expected full load
current, maximum power current, and short circuit current are
all very similar values, so 2 seconds duration is used. Table 7
provides the results of this calculation.
would stay near the maximum power and short circuit values. J.P. , IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications,
We decided to use the maximum power point as the worst Volume: 46 , Issue: 5, Page(s): 1810 - 1819
case arcing energy. In most cases, we would expect some [2] “Arc Flash Calculations for Exposures to DC Systems”,
lower value of energy to be released during a PV system fault. Doan, D.R. , IEEE Transactions on Industry
Those performing an arc flash hazard analysis of other PV Applications, Volume: 46 , Issue: 6, Page(s): 2299 -
systems may be able to defend the use of a different point on 2302
the PV module curve. [3] IEEE/NFPA Arc Flash Research Project:
IV. LEARNINGS [4] IEEE Xplore® website:
We had several learnings while doing this study. First, we [5] IEEE 1584-2002 “Guide for Performing Arc Flash
found that the short circuit current of these PV cells is not Hazard Calculations”, IEEE Standards, 2002.
much higher than their typical load point. From this we found
that many of the typical design fuses installed in these
systems do not open quickly under short circuit conditions. IX. VITA
Some fuses did open, such as the recombiner box fuses
opening during a combiner box fault. Daniel R. Doan (S’80, M’81, SM’00, F’11) is a Principal
We learned that inverter layout design could be improved Consultant with DuPont Engineering in Wilmington, Delaware.
by separating the DC and AC buses in the inverter. In the Dan received the BSEE and MSEE degrees from the
case of this system, the AC arc flash energy was low, so there Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He has co-authored
was not much additional energy. IEEE papers at IAS, PCIC and Pulp & Paper Conferences on
Finally, we found a higher value for arc flash energy than subjects ranging from electrical safety to electrical system
we initially expected. With the modules’ short circuit current reliability and operations. He has coauthored PCIC Tutorials
only slightly higher than the full load current, it is difficult to on Electrical System Reliability and Arc Flash Hazard
reduce the arc flash energy with normal protective devices. Analysis, and has participated in many IAS Electrical Safety
Protection technologies are beginning to be available that are Workshops as author and presenter. Dan is a Fellow of the
specifically designed for PV systems, and those technologies IEEE, a member of the IEEE 1584 ‘Guide for Arc Flash
should be carefully reviewed to determine if they can be Calculations’ Working Group, and is a registered Professional
applied in a specific system design. If maintenance has to be Engineer in Pennsylvania.
done on a PV system, it would be best to open disconnects at
the module and/or combiner box level, before working around Richard M. Derer (M’13) is a Facilities and Electrical
the recombiners or inverter enclosures. Engineer with DuPont Electronics and Communications in
This grid-connected system did not include any energy Parlin, New Jersey. Rich attended Drexel University. He has
storage system such as batteries. Battery systems are a received two corporate Engineering Excellence Awards, and
known source of DC arc flash, and give a higher short circuit has been a finalist for two others.
current during fault situations. PV systems that include
batteries would be a special case that should be carefully
studied to determine a worst-case arc flash incident energy