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So youve decided that now is the time to prepare for pregnancy congratulations!

! Youve probably been thinking about babies for some time and cant wait to get started. Its important to bear in mind that its completely normal for you to conceive anytime in the first twelve months of trying 90% of couples will conceive in the first twelve months of trying. After this time, your fertility can be investigated should you be concerned that you havent yet conceived. So, whats the next step? In no particular order, below are some things to think about now that youre ready to prepare for pregnancy. 1. Visit your GP Visit your GP for a full check-up, including a pap smear and breast check. Your doctor will likely ask if your vaccinations are up-to-date, particularly:

Measles, Mumps & Rubella (MMR) Chicken Pox Whooping Cough Influenza Pneumococcal Disease

Remember its a personal choice to vaccinate or not, BellyBelly recommends you do your research to find out whats best for you. Some vaccines have additives (some preservatives in vaccines include mercury) and side effects which you may not be happy to have in your body. 2. Start taking Folic Acid (folate) Because it can be difficult to get all the folate you need from your diet, its a good idea to take folate supplements, which help prevent neural tube defects like Spina Bifda one of the most common of all birth defects. Ideally, start taking folate three months prior to conception, but if you hope to conceive earlier than this, the sooner you start taking it, the better. A dose of 400ug until the 12th week of pregnancy is ideal its most crucial in the first trimester as the brain and spinal cord are developing. Most pregnancy / pre-natal multi-vitamins should contain folate so you can even start taking those instead of folate on its own just make sure you read the label so you know how much folate youre actually getting (ideally not too small amount). Youll also find folate in the following foods:

Spinach Broccoli

Brussel Sprouts Asparagus Berries Avocado Beef / Yeast Extracts (e.g. Vegemite) Eggs Bran Flakes Chick Peas Soy Beans Oranges Grapefruit

A vitamin to make mention of is Vitamin A, which can be harmful to the baby or may cause birth defects when taken in excess amounts. This is no reason to panic about the foods you eat on a daily basis. According to the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration website, the recommended adult daily allowance of vitamin A from all sources is 2500 IU per week. You will find a Vitamin A in most multi-vitamins and this is okay as its an important vitamin a deficiency can also cause health problems for your baby. Provided you dont exceed the above intake per week, Vitamin A is safe to ingest. This is why it is important to make sure you have a multi-vitamin suitable for pregnancy as this should be factored in already. 3. Investigate / Check Your Private Health Cover If you intend to:

Attend a Private Hospital, See a Private Obstetrician or See a Private Midwife (some funds contribute towards Midwives, contact your fund to see)

.. youll need to make sure your Private Health cover is up to date and that you have the level of cover you need. Most Private Health funds require you have appropriate cover for at least 12 months prior to your baby being born. Most will also cover your baby if he / she is to be admitted for any reason during this time, however some funds have exceptions and limits so its important to check with them first. 4. Smoking There is no safe level of smoking no matter if you are trying to conceive or pregnant or neither. If you are a female smoker, you will likely have lowered fertility compared to that of a nonsmoker. Smoking can also result in less success with fertility treatment and a higher miscarriage and stillbirth rate.

Men who smoke may have reduced semen volume and sperm count and more abnormal sperm compared to non or ex-smokers. Toxins found in tobacco smoke, such as cadmium, nicotine, lead and radioactive elements may be directly toxic as they circulate in the blood and reach the testes. It is not yet known whether this affects the fertility or health of the children of men who smoke.^1^ Smoking during pregnancy and exposing the infant to tobacco smoke in the first year of life is one of the major risk factors for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS or cot death).^2^ Over one-quarter of the risk of death due to SIDS is attributable to maternal smoking.^3^ So if you are a smoker, now is a great time to stop. You can discuss this with your GP, pharmacist or you can call support organisations like Quit on 137848. You can read more about smoking in pregnancy HERE. 5. Stop alcohol consumption The National Health and Medical Research Council (NH&MRC) recommends that men drink no more than four standard drinks per day, with at least two alcohol-free days per week and for women, recommends no drinking at all during pregnancy. This is due to the difficulty in knowing what is a safe level for a pregnant woman to drink. Excessive drinking can result in miscarriage or stillbirth and puts baby at risk of disabilities, behavioural problems and slow growth. 6. Stop taking social drugs It goes without saying that recreational drug use is harmful to your body, this may also include your fertility. Studies suggest that certain drugs may have effects including a reduction sperm count and quality, preventing ovulation, causing abnormalities and an increase in general fertility problems. Some drugs may cause bleeding, miscarriage and low-weight and underdeveloped babies. 7. Visit your pharmacist If you are taking any medications, check with your pharmacist or GP to see if they are still appropriate for conception and / or pregnancy. Many medications including over-the-counter painkillers and other drugs are not recommended to take when pregnant or breastfeeding. 8. Healthy eating & exercise You dont need to follow a strict regime thats impossible to keep up with, but aim to be in the healthy weight range for your body being underweight or overweight can effect fertility. Being underweight or overweight can result in problems with ovulation. You are also more prone to high blood pressure in pregnancy if you are overweight, which can be dangerous if left untreated.

Drink plenty of water, eat a balanced diet from the five food groups, including lots of fresh fruit and vegies and exercise regularly. Going for a walk everyday with your partner is a great idea perhaps to motivate yourself, you can make up a little game where youre not allowed to talk about babies for the day until you go on your walk! Alternately you might like to sign up at the local gym or for a fitness class there are plenty of things you can do to work with your body towards conception. The fitter you are, the better you will be able to cope with pregnancy, which places extra demands and strains on your body. 9. Family health history If your family has a history of genetic disorders or health problems, you may like to bring this up with your GP who can refer you to a genetic counsellor or you are able to contact one directly. If you arent aware of any previous health problems in your family, it doesnt hurt to have a chat to your family about it, as sometimes they dont think or remember to tell you. For example, a good friend of mine had terrible complications with pre-eclampsia and it wasnt until she had her baby that her family revealed the long lineage of pregnancy complications from pre-eclampsia. 10. See your dentist Its a good idea to have a check up with your dentist to make sure your teeth and gums are healthy before you get pregnant, as once pregnant, not only can you be more prone to teeth and gum issues, but you are not able to have the usual treatments you would if you werent pregnant. So making sure any potential problems are seen to before pregnancy is a good idea. 11. Caffeine There are so many differing conclusions made about the effect caffeine has on fertility, some studies claiming that higher caffeine consumption can delay the chance of conception and some saying it has little effect. One study indicated that moderate caffeine intake of 150-300 mg (approx one to two cups of strong coffee per day) is an established risk factor in human fertility. They noted that women who drank more than one strong cup of coffee per day were half as likely to conceive in any given menstrual cycle, compared to those who drank less than one cup per day, and those who consumed 2.5 cups per day were 4.7 times less likely to conceive. According to the The Australia New Zealand Food Authoritys report on on the safety aspects of dietary caffeine (2000), the below foods contained the following amounts of caffeine: Instant coffee (1 teaspoon/cup) 60-80 mg/250 mL cup Percolated coffee 60-120 mg/250mL cup

Tea 10-50 mg/250 mL cup Coca Cola 36 mg/375 mL can Milk Chocolate 20 mg/100g bar Energy Drinks (e.g. Red Bull) 80 mg/250 mL can 12. Investigate options for pregnancy care While you are thinking about your private health cover, you might like to investigate the different options available to you private? Public? Homebirth? Shared care? Knowing where youd like to birth and who youd like to care for you will be very useful as a headstart, with current waiting lists for hospitals and carers starting when women book in at five and a half weeks for some places. 13. Chart your cycle BellyBelly has a detailed article on charting your cycle here which may all seem complex at first, but its as easy as riding a bike! Online charting is so easy to do and gives you a great advantage when trying to conceive, as you can see right in front of you your most fertile times and least fertile times. Another article you might find useful is our article on mucus observations here which is another great help when looking for fertility indications. All the best for a successful road to conception! References 1. United States. Department of Health and Human Services. The health consequences of smoking: A report of the surgeon general. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Office on Smoking and Health; 2004. 2. US Department of Health and Human Services. The Health Consequences of Smoking for Women. A report of the Surgeon General. Rockville, Maryland: US Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Office on Smoking and Health, 1980. 3. Blair P, Fleming Pet al. Smoking and the sudden infant death syndrome: Results from 1993-5 case-control study for confidential inquiry into stillbirths and deaths in infancy. BMJ 1996;313:195-8.

Diet for a healthy mum-to-be

Approved by the BabyCentre Medical Advisory Board [Show references]

Improve your diet three months to a year before you conceive Reach your ideal body weight Follow a healthy eating plan Take a vitamin supplement Get lots of folic acid Cut back now on alcohol Think ahead about caffeine What else to avoid

What you eat, and how much you eat, can affect your ability to conceive a child both positively and negatively. Here are some of the most important food-related ways you can boost your chances of getting pregnant and having a healthy baby.

Improve your diet three months to a year before you conceive

For both men and women, foods and fertility are linked. If you both stick to a balanced diet, you can boost your chances of conceiving and of having a healthy baby. Read on for specific advice for you. The man in your life can also find out more about nutrition tips for a healthy dad-to-be.

Reach your ideal body weight

You may choose to shed some weight (or gain a little if you're underweight) before trying to get pregnant. It's a good idea to be as close as possible to your recommended weight when trying for a baby as being overweight or underweight can reduce your chances of conceiving. But consult your GP or midwife before you embark on any diet or exercise plan. If you are overweight, a sensible eating plan could include lower fat and higher fibre foods, but don't forget to exercise. You are more likely to get pregnant if you join a group, which includes exercise and advice on your diet than seeking advice on diet alone. Extreme weight loss from crash dieting can deplete your body's nutritional stores, which isn't a good way to start a pregnancy. (Read more about how your weight affects your fertility.)

Follow a healthy eating plan

Healthy eating means eating a balanced diet. The Food Standards Agency recommends eating a variety of foods while trying to conceive, including: Fruit and vegetables - these can be fresh, frozen, tinned, dried or a glass of juice. Aim for at least five portions a day. Carbohydrate foods such as bread, pasta, rice (preferably wholegrain) and potatoes. Protein such as lean meat and chicken, fish, eggs and pulses (beans and lentils). Fish, at least twice a week, including some oily fish, but don't have more than two portions of oily fish a week. This includes fresh tuna (not canned tuna, which does not count as oily fish), mackerel, sardines and trout. Dairy foods such as milk, cheese and yoghurt, which contain calcium. Iron-rich foods, such as red meat, pulses, dried fruit, bread, green vegetables and fortified breakfast cereals, to build up your resources of iron in preparation for pregnancy. It helps your body to absorb iron if you have some food or drink containing vitamin C, such as fruit or vegetables, or a glass of fruit juice with any iron-rich meals. In general, you should aim to reduce the amount of high-fat, high-sugar foods you eat (such as cakes, pastries, fizzy drinks, some takeaway and fast foods). Make time for breakfast every day, and keep an eye on your portion sizes at mealtimes and snacks between meals.

Take a vitamin supplement

While you can meet almost all your nutritional needs through a balanced diet, some experts believe that even the healthiest eaters could do with some extra help. "My doctor suggested I take a supplement while trying to conceive and I reckoned it couldn't do any harm," says Margaret. "I don't always have time to plan meals and I sometimes eat on the run. This way, I'm making sure I get everything my body needs." Remember that a supplement is a safeguard, not a substitute for a sound diet. And since over-the-counter supplements may contain large doses of vitamins and minerals that could be harmful to a developing baby, it's sensible to switch to a pill formulated for pregnant women even before you conceive. Or choose a supplement that contains about 100 per cent of the RDA (recommended daily allowance) so that

it does not contain mega doses of vitamins or minerals. Talk with your GP or midwife about the right antenatal supplement for you.

Get lots of folic acid

Everyone could do with more folic acid, not just women - this B vitamin has been linked to a lower incidence of heart attacks, strokes, cancer, and diabetes. It also reduces a baby's risk of neural tube birth defects such as spina bifida (a serious congenital condition, which occurs when the tube around the central nervous system fails to close completely). Women who are trying to conceive (or who might become pregnant) should take a supplement of 0.4 milligrams (mg) daily - also written as 400 micrograms (mcg). You should take this from the time you stop using contraception until the 12th week of pregnancy. Make sure that the supplement you use does not contain vitamin A or fish liver oil (see below, "What else to avoid"). It is recommended that any woman who has had a child with a neural tube defect should take a much higher dose - 5 milligrams (mg) a day. If you or your partner or an immediate relative has a neural tube defect you should also take 5 milligrams (mg) of folic acid a day. This higher dose is also recommended if you are taking anti-epileptic drugs, have coeliac disease (gluten intolerance) or sickle cell disease. In addition, it's wise to eat folate-rich foods such as dark green leafy vegetables (such as spinach or kale), citrus fruits, nuts, whole grains, brown rice, fortified breads and cereals.

Cut back now on alcohol

If your drinking habits leave something to be desired - and many people's do - you'll have to make some adjustments. Here's some solid advice: cut out or only occasionally drink alcohol. The current advice is to drink no more than one or two units of alcohol once or twice per week. A unit is half a pint of standard strength beer, lager or cider, or a pub measure of spirit. A glass of wine is about two units and alcopops are about 1.5 units. The main risk here is to a developing fetus, which can be harmed by heavy or binge drinking. If you have stopped using contraception, there is a chance that you could already be pregnant - it's better to be safe than sorry and avoid worrying later about how much you drank early in pregnancy.

Think ahead about caffeine

There is no consistent evidence to link caffeinated beverages (tea, coffee and colas) to fertility problems. However, the Food Standard Agency advises that pregnant women should limit their intake of caffeine - having more than 200 mg of caffeine

per day has been linked to miscarriage and low birth weight. As part of your preparation for pregnancy you could start to wean yourself from caffeine in chocolate, cocoa, fizzy drinks and coffee so that you are used to a lower intake before you become pregnant. To check how much you are consuming now - 200 mg of caffeine is roughly equivalent to: 2 mugs of instant coffee (100mg each) 2 cups of brewed coffee (100mg each) 4 cups of tea (50mg each) 5 cans of cola (up to 40mg each) 4 (50g) bars of plain chocolate (up to 50mg each). Caffeine in milk chocolate is about half that of plain chocolate

What else to avoid

The Food Standards Agency recommends that women who are trying to conceive should also avoid the following: Too much vitamin A. This means you should avoid eating liver and liver products such as pt and avoid taking supplements containing vitamin A or fish liver oil. You need some vitamin A, but if you have too much during pregnancy, this could harm your baby. Fish containing mercury, such as, shark, swordfish and marlin. Also, don't eat more than two tuna steaks a week (weighing about 140g cooked or 170g raw) or four medium-size cans of tuna a week (with a drained weight of about 140g per can). High levels of mercury can harm an unborn baby's developing nervous system. Your GP can give you more information on the dos and don'ts when trying to conceive - it's a good opportunity to make sure you are in tip top physical condition for pregnancy too.

Choosing your baby's sex: the folklore

Written for BabyCenter India

Last reviewed: October 2010

Can you really choose the sex of your baby? You're more likely to conceive a boy if... You're more likely to conceive a girl if...

Can you really choose the sex of your baby?

For as long as we've been making babies, women have been exchanging ideas about how to increase their chances of having either a boy or a girl. Unfortunately there's no medical evidence that any of them actually work! Having said that, there'll always be a mum who swears by an old wives' tale that worked for her. So if you fancy defying the experts and tipping the balance towards a preferred sex, why not try some of the suggestions below. (If you know an old wives' tale that worked for you or someone you know, why not scroll down to the "ideas and suggestions" box below and tell us about it.)

You're more likely to conceive a boy if...

You have sex on the day of ovulation, as male sperm are thought to swim faster and reach the egg first. you reach orgasm before your husband, as this releases an alkaline fluid, thought to be more male-sperm friendly than the vagina's natural acidity. you have deep penetration during sex, such as from behind. your husband has a high sperm count. This is because male sperm are not as strong as female sperm, and so the higher the count, the more chance there is of a male sperm reaching the egg first. you avoid sex for a week before ovulation and then only have sex once on ovulation day, to keep the sperm count high. your partner suggested the love-making. you make love at night. you make love on odd days of the month. your husband keeps his genitals cool by wearing boxer shorts and loosefitting trousers. you eat sweet food, plenty of meat, fish, white flour (mehda), pasta, fresh fruit, certain vegetables, but avoid milk and dairy products, such as curd and cheese, nuts, chocolate, shellfish and wholemeal bread.

You're more likely to conceive a girl if...

You have sex earlier on in your cycle, a few days before ovulation. This is because female sperm are thought to be stronger and therefore last longer than male sperm, who will die off before reaching the egg. your husband reaches orgasm before you. you have sex frequently to lower your husband's sperm count, and so increase the chances of the female sperm reaching the egg first. you keep penetration shallow. you stop having unprotected sex four to five days before ovulation, to minimise the chances of the male sperm reaching the egg first. your husband keeps his genitals warm by wearing close-fitting underwear and tight trousers (although this isn't likely to do his general fertility any good!). you suggested the love-making. you make love in the afternoon. you make love on even days of the month. you put a wooden spoon under your bed and a pink ribbon under your pillow. you drink plenty of milk and eat dairy products such as cheese and curd, salty foods, rice, pasta, certain vegetables, mineral water, limited amounts of meat and potatoes, but avoid wine and beer, fresh fruit, spinach, tomatoes and mushrooms, chocolate, coffee and tea.

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