Quiz Arnis
Quiz Arnis
Quiz Arnis
1. Which is not included in the names Arnis have been known for in different
A. Eskrima C. Kali
B. Garote D. Sibat
2. In what year was Arnis declaired as the national sports of the Philippines?
A. 2007 C. 2009
B. 2008 D. 2010
3. Who is the chairman and president of the Arnis federation in the Philippines?
4. What does PEKAF, the governing body of Arnis in the Philippines stand for?
A. Anyo C. Laban
B. Dumog D. Sagupa
B. Duelo D. Sparing
A. Anyo C. Kamusta
B. Duelo D. Pugay
and body shifting techniques established goals that can be achieved in a very short
B. Arnis D. Sagupaan
10. Which one of the stances that mimics position when riding on a horse back?
11. Which of the following players are required to strike their opponents'
from the body. The heels of the foot should form an imaginary “L” shape
while the legs are in a straddle Position. Which one is being described?
13. Strike to the right temple area of the opponent. This strike is number __ in
A. one C. three
B. two D. four