Volume 3 Zoning Ordinance As of Mar 5
Volume 3 Zoning Ordinance As of Mar 5
Volume 3 Zoning Ordinance As of Mar 5
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GIS-based Comprehensive Land Use Plan & Zoning Ordinance of Calatagan, Batangas 2017-2027
Table of Contents
Article I ................................................................................................................................ 5
Section 1. Title of the Ordinance .............................................................................. 5
Article II ............................................................................................................................... 6
Section 2. Authority ...................................................................................................... 6
Section 3. Purposes ...................................................................................................... 6
Section 4. General Zoning Principles ....................................................................... 6
Article III .............................................................................................................................. 7
Article IV ........................................................................................................................... 19
Section 5. Division into Zones or Sub-Zones .......................................................... 19
Section 6. Base Zones ................................................................................................ 19
Section 7. Overlay Zones .......................................................................................... 20
Section 8. Zoning Maps ............................................................................................. 20
Section 9. Zone Boundaries...................................................................................... 20
Section 10. Interpretation of Zone Boundaries .................................................... 35
Article V ............................................................................................................................ 36
Section 11. General Provisions................................................................................. 36
Section 12. Regulations in Base Zones ................................................................... 37
Section 12.1 Regulations in Agricultural Zone .................................................. 37
Section 12.2 Regulations in Municipal Waters Zone ....................................... 37
Section 12.3. Regulations in Mineral Land Zone .............................................. 39
Section 12.4 Regulations in General Residential Zone ................................... 39
Section 12.5 Regulations in Socialized Housing Zone ..................................... 42
Section 12.6 Regulations in General Commercial Zone ................................ 42
Section 12.7 Regulations in Industrial –1 (I-1) Zone .......................................... 46
Section 12.8 Regulations in Industrial – 2 (I-2) Zone......................................... 50
Section 12.9 Regulations in Industrial–3 (I-3) Zone ........................................... 56
Section 12.10 Regulations in General Institutional Zone ................................ 60
Section 12.11 Regulations in Parks and Recreation Zone ............................. 61
Section 12.12 Regulations in Cemetery/Memorial Park Zone ...................... 62
Section 12.13 Regulations in Buffer/Greenbelt Zone ...................................... 63
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Series of ________
Article I
Title of the Ordinance
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Article II
Authority and Purpose
Section 2. Authority
Section 3. Purposes
Promote and protect the health, safety, peace, comfort, convenience and
general welfare of the inhabitants in Calatagan;
Guide, control and regulate the growth and development of public and
private lands in Calatagan, Batangas in accordance with its Comprehensive
Land Use Plan (CLUP);
These Zoning Regulations are based on the principles provided for in the
approved Comprehensive Land Use Plan as per SB Resolution No. __________
dated___________, as follows:
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Article III
Definition of Terms
The definition of the terms used in this Zoning Ordinance shall carry the same
meaning given to them in already approved codes and regulations, such as
but not limited to the National Building Code, Water Code, Philippine
Environmental Code and other Implementing Rules and Regulations
promulgated by the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board. The words, terms
and phrases enumerated hereunder shall be understood to have the
corresponding meaning indicated as follows:
Absolute Majority Vote - means that the “in favor” votes represent more than
50 percent of the valid votes. This is also called the 50% + 1 vote.
Accessory Use- pertains to those that are customarily associated with the
Principal Use application (such as a garage is accessory to a house).
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Actual Use – refers to the purpose for which the property is principally or
predominantly utilized by the person in possession of the property.
AFMA – shall refer to the Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act of 1997 or
RA 8435.
Agricultural Activity – per the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law of 1988 (RA
6657), means the cultivation of the soil, planting of crops, growing of fruit trees,
raising of livestock, poultry or fish, including the harvesting of such farm
products, and other farm activities and practices performed by a farmer in
conjunction with such farming operations done by persons whether natural or
Agricultural Zone (AGZ) – an area within the Municipality intended for the
cultivation of the soil, planting of crops, growing of trees, raising of livestock,
poultry, fish or aquaculture production, including the harvesting of such farm
products, and other farm activities and practices performed in conjunction
with such farming operations.
Base Zones – refers to the primary zoning classification of areas within the
Municipality and that are provided with a list of allowable uses and regulations
on building density and bulk, among others.
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Buffer Greenbelt Zone (BGZ) – an area within the Municipality that are yards,
parks or open spaces intended to separate incompatible elements or uses to
control pollution nuisance and for identifying and defining development areas
or zones where no permanent structures are allowed.
Building Height Limit (BHL) - per the National Building Code, this is “the
maximum height to be allowed for buildings structures…and shall be generally
measured from the established grade line to the topmost portion of the
proposed building/structure. If applicable, the BHL may be subject to
clearance requirements of the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP)
or the concerned military security authorities.” BHL is expressed as the number
of allowable storey’s floor above established grade and or meters above
highest grade.
Central Business District (CBD) – shall refer to areas designated principally for
trade, services and business purposes.
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Easement – open space imposed on any land use activities sited along
waterways, fault lines, road-rights-of-way, cemeteries memorial parks, utilities
and the like.
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Environmentally Critical Projects (ECP) – refer to those projects which have high
potential for negative environmental impacts and are listed in Presidential
Proclamation 2146 dated December 14, 1981, as follows:
a. Heavy industries
• non-ferrous metal industries;
• iron and steel mills;
• petroleum and petro-chemical industries including oil and gas; and
• smelting plants.
b. Resource extractive industries
• major mining and quarrying projects;
• forestry projects such as logging, major wood processing,
introduction of fauna (exotic animals) in public/private forests, forest
occupancy, extraction of mangroves and grazing; and
• fishery projects (dikes for/and fishpond development projects).
c. Infrastructure projects
• major dams;
• major power plants (fossil-fuelled, nuclear-fuelled, hydroelectric or
• major reclamation projects, and
• major roads and bridges.
d. Golf course projects
Fisheries Code – shall refer to the Philippine Fisheries Code of 1998 (RA 8550).
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Fishery Refuge and Sanctuary Sub-Zone (FRS-SZ) – an area within the Municipal
Waters Zone of the Municipality “where fishing or other forms of activities which
may damage the ecosystem of the area is prohibited and human access may
be restricted.” (Fisheries Code)
Flood Overlay Zone (FLD-OZ) – an area in the Municipality that have been
identified as prone to flooding and where specific regulations are provided in
order to minimize its potential negative effect to developments.
Floor Area Ratio or “FAR” – is the ratio between the gross floor area of a building
and the area of the lot on which it stands, determined by dividing the gross
floor area of the building and the area of the lot. The gross floor area of any
building should not exceed the prescribed floor area ratio (FAR) multiplied by
the lot area. The FAR of any zone should be based on its capacity to support
development in terms of the absolute level of density that the transportation
and other utility networks can support.
Gross Floor Area (GFA) – the GFA of a building is the total floor space within
the perimeter of the permanent external building walls, occupied by:
• Office areas
• Residential areas
• Corridors
• Lobbies
• Mezzanine
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But excluding:
Impervious Surface – type of man-made surface which does not permit the
penetration of water.
Industrial-1 Zone (I1-Z) – an area within the Municipality intended for light
manufacturing or production industries that are:
a. non-pollutive/non-hazardous; and
b. non-pollutive/hazardous.
Industrial-2 Zone (I2-Z) – an area within the Municipality intended for medium
intensity manufacturing or production industries that are:
a. pollutive/non-hazardous; and
b. pollutive/hazardous.
a. highly pollutive/non-hazardous
b. highly pollutive/hazardous
c. highly pollutive/extremely hazardous
d. pollutive/extremely hazardous
e. non-pollutive/extremely hazardous
Landslide Overlay Zone (LSD-OZ) – an area in the Municipality that have been
identified as highly susceptible to landslides and where specific regulations are
provided in order to minimize its potential negative effect to developments.
Local Zoning Board of Appeals (LZBA) – a local special body created by virtue
of this Ordinance mandated to, among others, handle appeals for Variances
and Exceptions.
Mariculture Zone and Park (MZP) – an area “designed to produce fishes thru
sea cage culture such as bangus, siganids, groupers, red snappers, seaweeds
farming, aqua silviculture, mussel culture, oyster culture, sea ranching of
lobsters and seahorses in coral reefs and sea grass areas, and others that may
be developed through the continuing research and development program of
the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) and other institutions”
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Mining Act –shall refer to the Philippine Mining Act of 1995 or RA 7942.
Municipal Fishing Sub-Zone (MF-SZ) – an area within the Municipal Waters Zone
of the Municipality where only municipal fishing, as defined in the Fisheries
Code, is allowed.
Municipal Waters Zone (WZ) – per Republic Act No. 8550 or the Philippines
Fisheries Code of 1998, this zone covers the Municipality Waters which “include
not only streams, lakes, inland bodies of water and tidal waters within the
Municipality which are not included within the protected areas as defined
under Republic Act No. 7586 (The NIPAS Law), public forest, timber lands, forest
reserves or fishery reserves, but also marine waters… (boundary delineation
defined in the Fisheries Code).”
Overlay Zones (OZ) – a “transparent zone” that is overlain on top of the Basic
Zone or another Overlay Zone that provides an additional set (or layer) of
Parks and Recreation Zone (PR-Z) – an area in the Municipality designed for
diversion amusements and for the maintenance of ecological balance.
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Port – an area with facilities for loading and unloading of ships and may
include, among others, harbor, docks, wharves, and piers.
Protected Areas – areas declared as belonging to the NIPAS System per NIPAS
Act. These areas are those that have been designated or set aside pursuant
to a law, presidential decree, presidential proclamation or executive order.
These include:
Protected Area Management Board (PAMB) – per the NIPAS Act’s IRR, a board
established for NIPAS areas that shall, among others:
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Sea lane Sub-Zone (SL-SZ) – an area within the Municipal Waters Zone the
Municipality that is designated as an established route for water vessels
traversing the municipal waters. Also referred to as Navigational Lane.
Tourism Zone – are sites within the Municipality endowed with natural or
manmade physical attributes and resources that are conducive to recreation,
leisure and other wholesome activities.
UDHA – shall mean the Urban Development and Housing Act of 1992 or RA
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Water Code – shall mean the Water Code of the Philippines (Presidential
Decree 1067).
Yard – as defined in the National Building Code, this is “the required open
space left between the outermost face of the building structure and the
property lines, e.g. front, rear, right and left side yards. The width of the yard is
the setback.”
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Article IV
Zone Classifications
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The locations and boundaries of the above mentioned various zones into
which the Municipality has been subdivided are identified and specified as
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b) These are tidal water and shoreline designated under the Fisheries
Code of the following barangays:
East of Talibayog
East of Baha
South of Bucal
East and West of Balitoc
Northeast of Barangay 3
Small strip Northeast and West of Tanagan
East and West of Sta. Ana
Surrounding Bagong Silang except North
West of Barangays 1, 2 and 4
West of Gulod
West of Quilitisan
West of Carretunan
West of Talisay
West of Balibago
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Southeast of Talibayog
b) In Land Mangrove
East of Talibayog
East of Baha
South of Bucal
Southwest of Tanagan
Northwest of Sta. Ana
West of Barangay 4
Northwest of Barangay 1
West of Balitoc
West of Gulod
West of Quilitisan
West of Carretunan
West of Talisay
West of Balibago
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Lot Nos.
117 125 126 135 140 153 157 158 159 170
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173 180 181 182 183 184 185 187 188 189
191 194 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 214
215 216 217 218 220 405 519 521 551 558
Lot Nos.
73 74 303 328 344 358 362 363 391 393
429 494
c) Areas 100 meters depth on both sides of the provincial Road from
Barangay Talisay to Biga, and from Barangay Lucsuhin to Biga,
covered by:
Lot Nos.
151 351 354 457 460 B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 D-1
D-2 D-3 D-4 D-5 D-6 D-7 D-9 D-15 D-16 D-17
Lot Nos.
1 3 7 9 10 28 55 123 127 128 129
130 132 134 135 162 163
Lot Nos.
5 7 13 26 27 28 29 40 69 87 88
123 249 241 242 244 245 270 271 273 276
2-A 2-B
Lot Nos.
8 159 160 163 164 167 175 177 186 187 188
191 200 201 215 216
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Lot Nos.
24 26 27 30 31 32 33-A 33-B 33-C 62 63
64 65 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 121
Lot Nos.
219 302
j) Areas in Barangay 1 covered by portion of lot nos. 47, 52, 53, 41, 48,
42, 43, 44, 39, 38, 20, 19, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 30, 31, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
17 and 18.
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l) Areas in Barangay 4 covered by portion of lot nos. 44, 45, 47, 1-AA-
50-E, 1-AA-50-C, 1-AA-50-HH and 1-AA-50-B.
m) Areas in Barangay 3 covered by lot nos. 2, 3, 11, 12, 39, 48 and 49.
n) Western side of Sta. Ana covered by portion of lot nos. 68, 103, 142,
143, 171, 172, 174, 175, 184 and 187.
o) Eastern side of Sta. Ana covered by portion of 12, 13, 15, 36, 44, 47, 61
and 62.
p) Central part of Sta. Ana covered by portion of lot nos. 2-A, 2-B, 2-C,
17, 32, 64, 69, 100, 106, 131, 132, 146, 169, 189, 130, 99, 70, 63 and 83.
q) Western side of Tanagan covered by portion of lot nos. 212, 215, 217,
225, 226, 253, 257, 260, 261, 279, 281, 282, 286, 287, 308, 309, 310, 312,
313, 314, 315, and 365.
r) Eastern side of Tanagan covered by portion of lot nos. 86, 88, 117,
191, 201, 238, 275, 291, 301, 326, 327, 329, 332, 357, 369, 370, 372 and
u) Areas North of Bagong Silang covered by lot nos. 2-G-6, 2-G-7 and 2-
v) Areas West of Bagong Silang covered by lot nos. 2-K-10, 2-E-3 and
portion of 2-E-2, 2-E-4 and 2-E-5.
w) Areas East of Bagong Silang covered by lot nos. 2-H-25, 2-H-17, 2-H-
19, 2-H-1-A, 2-H-1-B, 2-I-1-A, 2-F-1-13, 2-I-1-D, 2-I-1-E, 2-I-1-F, 2-I-3-B, 2-I-
4-B, 2-I-6, 2-J-1 and 2-J-2.
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Lot Nos.
4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 34 39 105 94 110 170 2-A 2-B
2-C 2-E 2-F 2-G 2-O 2-Q 2-R 2-T 2-5
PSD-172690 PSD-174260
PSD-174200 PSD-172199
aa) Areas in Barangay Real covered by portion of lot nos. 14, 11-A, 11-
B, 11-C, 11-D, 16-B, 20-B, 22, 24-B, 26-E, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27-D, 27-F, 31,
32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47 and 48.
bb) Areas South of Barangay Carlosa covered by portion of lot nos. PSD-
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1-B-40, 1-B-41, 1-B-43, 1-B-44, 86, 87-C, 87-D, 87-E, 83, 85, 1-B-17, 1-B-
16, 1-B-15, 1-B-14, 1-B-19, 1-B-22, 1-B-12, 1-B-32-F, 1-B-23-C, 1-B-9, 1-B-
24, 1-B-23-A, 1-B-31, 1-B-6, 1-B-7, 1-B-5, 1-B-10, 1-B-11, 1-B-25, 1-B-26,
1-B-28, 1-B-29 AND 1-B-30.
Lot Nos.
1 2 3 4 5 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 167 215 353 356 357 358
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b) All areas in Barangay Baha covered by lot nos. T-82392 and T-82395.
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Lot Nos.
1-AA-50-Q-5 1-AA-50-Q-6 1-AA-50-Q-7
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A. Urban T-Z
a) Areas in the West of Barangay 1 facing the ocean, covered by
portion of lot nos. 31 and 32.
b) Pandak Island, Maahas Island and Balong Bato Island.
B. Rural T-Z
a) Areas in the Northwest tip of the Municipality in Barangay Balibago.
b) Areas in the Southwest of Balibago covered by lot nos. 1, 2, 122, 124,
127, 128, 129, 134, 137 of Section 19 and Lot 129 B&C.
c) Bumbon Island on the western side of Talisay.
d) All areas on the southern part of Encarnacion-Hukay Provincial
Road along Pagapas Bay with 250-meter depth, covered by the
Planned Unit Development (PUD) Zone.
e) Eastern side of Sta. Ana opposite of Kaybungo Point, covered by
portion of lot nos. 137.
f) Areas in Tanagan, East of Parola Road covered by portion of lot nos.
205, 206, 236, 243, 267, 268 and 272.
g) Areas South of Bagong Silang, East of Parola Road along residential
road, covered by portion of lot nos. 2-J-3.
h) Areas East of Bagong Silang covered by portion of lot nos. 2-H-6, 2-
H-7, 2-H-8, 2-H-9, 2-H-10, 2-H-11 and 2-H-12.
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Overlay Zones
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A. Urban ETM-OZ
a) Areas in Maahas Island and Balong Bato Island in Barangay 4
b) Areas in Barangay 4 covered by portion of lot nos. 43 and 49.
B. Rural ETM-OZ
a) Areas in the East of Talahiban Mountain in Barangay Sta. Ana.
b) Areas along the shoreline of Barangay Sta. Ana covered by lot nos.
21, 22, 23, 25 and portion of 2A, 2B, 2L, 20, 24, 01, 48 and 49.
Lot Nos.
2-H-34 2-N-1 2-N-2 2-0-1 2-0-2-A
2-0-2B 2-0-3 2-E-1 2-E-6 2-E-7
2-E-8 2-E-9 2-E-10 2-E-11 2-5-16
2-5-15 2-E-10-8 RD 2-R 2-S
C. Water ETM-OZ
a) Tidal water and reef area in West Philippine Sea within the territorial
jurisdiction of the Municipality of Calatagan covered by the
following barangays:
West of Balibago
West of Talisay
West of Carretunan
West of Quilitisan
West of Gulod
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b) Tidal water and reef area in Pagapas Bay within the territorial
jurisdiction of the Municipality of Calatagan covered by the
following barangays:
South of Hukay
South of Encarnacion
South of Bucal
East of Balitoc
East of Barangay 3
East of Tanagan
East of Sta. Ana
East of Bagong Silang
The following rules shall apply in the interpretation of the boundaries indicated
on the Official Zoning Map:
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The textual description of the zone boundaries shall prevail over that of the
Official Zoning Maps.
Article V
Zone Regulations
Allowable Uses
The uses enumerated in the succeeding sections are not exhaustive nor all
inclusive. The Local Zoning Board of Appeals (LZBA) may allow other uses
subject to the requirements of the Mitigating Devices provision of this
Building Regulations
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Base Zones refer to the primary zoning classification of areas within the
Municipality and that are provided with a list of allowable uses and regulations
on building density and bulk, among others.
The Agricultural Zone includes areas intended for the cultivation of the soil,
planting of crops, growing of trees, raising of livestock, poultry, fish or
aquaculture production, including the harvesting of such farm products, and
other farm activities and practices performed in conjunction with such farming
operations (AFMA). These include Protected Agricultural Areas (as defined by
AFMA, CARL and related issuances) as well as Production Agricultural Areas as
may be declared by the Municipality.
Regulations shall be in accordance with AFMA, CARL, Republic Act No. 7160
or the Local Government Code of 1991 (LGC), and related issuances.
Per Republic Act No. 8550 or the Philippines Fisheries Code of 1998, this zone
covers the Municipal Waters which “include not only streams, lakes, inland
bodies of water and tidal waters within the Municipality which are not included
within the protected areas as defined under Republic Act No. 7586 (The NIPAS
Law), public forest, timber lands, forest reserves or fishery reserves, but also
marine waters… (boundary delineation defined in the Fisheries Code).”
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Per the Fisheries Code, these are designated areas “where fishing and other
forms of activities which may damage the ecosystem of the area is prohibited
and human access may be restricted.”
Allowable Uses/Activities
Building Regulations
Allowable Uses/Activities
• Mangrove plantations
Building Regulations
Allowable Uses/Activities
Building Regulations
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An area within the Municipal Waters Zone of the Municipality where only
municipal fishing as defined in the Fisheries Code is allowed.
Allowable Uses/Activities
Building Regulations
An area within the Municipal Waters Zone of the Municipality that is designated
as an established route for water vessels traversing the municipal waters. It may
also be referred to as Navigational Lane.
Allowable Uses/Activities
Building Regulations
The Mineral Land Zone (ML-Z) includes “any area where mineral resources are
found” as provided in Republic Act No. 7942 or the Philippine Mining Act of
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Allowed Uses
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a. Such home industry shall not occupy more than thirty percent
(30%) of the floor area of the dwelling unit. There shall be no
change or alteration in the outside appearance of the dwelling
unit and shall not be a hazard or nuisance;
b. It shall be classified as non-pollutive/non-hazardous as provided
in this
c. integrated ZO;
d. Allotted capitalization shall not exceed the capitalization as set
by the DTI; and
e. Such shall consider the provisions pertaining to customary
accessory uses, traffic and equipment/process under Home
Occupation of this section.
• Recreational facilities for the exclusive use of the members of the
family residing within the premises, such as:
a. Swimming pool
b. Tennis courts
c. Basketball courts
• Parks and Open Spaces
• Nursery/Elementary school
• High school
• Vocational school
• Tutorial services
• Sports club
• Religious Use
• Multi-purpose/Barangay hall
• Clinic, nursing and convalescing home, health center
• Plant nursery
• Parking buildings (aboveground/underground)
• Customary accessory uses incidental to any of the principal uses
provided that such accessory uses shall not include any activity
conducted for monetary gain or commercial purposes such as:
a. Servants quarters
b. Private garage
c. Guardhouse
d. Laundries
e. Non-commercial garages
f. Houses for pets such as dogs, birds, rabbits and the like of not
more than 4.00 sq. m. in floor area
g. Pump houses
h. Generator houses
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Building Regulations
Per the relevant provisions of the NBC, PD 957 and this Ordinance.
No build zone in highly susceptible rain-induced landslide and flooding.
Mitigation measures should be observed and implemented in moderate
to low-susceptibility to hazards.
The Municipality of Calatagan shall strictly implement the Green Building
Designs on new constructions such as but not limited to energy, water,
waste management, indoor environmental quality and site
Allowable Uses
Building Regulations
Allowable Uses
• Wholesale stores
• Wet and dry markets
• Shopping center, malls and supermarkets
• Retail stores and shops like:
a. Department store
b. Bookstores and office supply shops
c. Art supplies and novelties
d. Home appliance stores
e. Car display and dealer stores
f. Photo shops
g. Flower shops
h. Curio or antique shops
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Building Regulations
a. non-pollutive/non-hazardous; and
b. non-pollutive/hazardous.
Light industries are projects or undertakings which are (a) not classified as
Environmentally Critical Projects (ECPs) under Presidential Proclamation No
2146 (1981), Proclamation No 803 (1996) or (b) non-ECPs and are not located
in Environmentally Critical Area (ECA). Processes of any of these establishments
are characterized as: (a) using, storing, and/or handling chemicals not listed in
the Priority Chemical List (PCL) (Annex 1 of DAO 2014-02); (b) generating zero
to small quantities of Chemicals and/or Hazardous Wastes (Annex 2 of DAO
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2014-02); (c) have air pollution source/s that are not required to undergo stack
sampling; (d) generate more than 30 kg/day of aggregates solid waste; (e)
discharges less than 30 m3/day of waste water and within effluent quality
parameters; and (f) do not generate sludge.
Allowable Uses
Non-Pollutive/Non-Hazardous Industries:
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o Eateries/canteens
o Parking lots/garage facilities
o Storerooms and warehouses but only as may be necessary for the
efficient conduct of the business
o Pump houses
o Generator houses
Non-Pollutive/Hazardous Industries:
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a. pollutive/non-hazardous; and
b. pollutive/hazardous.
Allowable Uses
Pollutive/Non-Hazardous Industries
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Pollutive/Hazardous Industries
• Flour mill
• Cassava flour mill
• Manufacture of coffee
• Manufacturing of unprepared animal feeds, other grain milling
• Production prepared feeds for animals
• Grains and cement silos
• Cigar and cigarette factory
• Curing and re-drying tobacco leaves
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a. highly pollutive/non-hazardous
b. highly pollutive/hazardous
c. highly pollutive/extremely hazardous
d. pollutive/extremely hazardous
e. non-pollutive/extremely hazardous
Allowable Uses
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• Manufacture of paints
• Manufacture of varnishes, shellac and stains
• Manufacture of paint removers
• Manufacture of other paint products
• Manufacture of matches
• Manufacture of tires and inner tubes
• Manufacture of processed natural rubber not in rubber plantation
• Manufacture of miscellaneous rubber products n.e.c.
• Water and power generation complexes
• Liquid and solid waste management complexes
• Power plants (thermal, hydro or geothermal)
• All other types of complexes for public utilities
• Warehouse for pollutive/extremely hazardous industries
• Parks, playgrounds, pocket parks, parkways and promenades
• Customary accessory uses incidental to any of the above uses such
o Staff houses/quarters
o Offices
o Eateries/canteens
o Parking lots/garage facilities
o Storerooms and warehouses but only as may be necessary for
the efficient conduct of the business
o Pump houses
o Generator houses
Allowable Uses
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Allowable Uses
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Allowable Uses
• Memorial Parks;
• Cemetery;
• Columbarium;
• Crematorium;
• Ossuary; and
• Customary accessory uses such as crypts, chapels, parks,
playgrounds, pocket parks, parkways, promenades, parking, and
toilet facilities.
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Allowable Uses
• Open spaces/gardens;
• Parks and park structures such as playgrounds, jogging trails, bicycle
• Plant nurseries;
• Ground-level or underground parking structures/facilities;
• Agriculture, silviculture, horticulture; and
• Customary accessory uses incidental to any of the above such as
offices, eateries canteens, parking, kiosks, retail stores and toilet
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Allowable Uses
Allowable Uses
• Agri-tourism;
• Resort areas, e.g. beach/mountain resort including accessory uses;
• Theme parks;
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Allowable Uses
The MAPSO shall include all buildings and structures built or to be built on the
As defined in the NBC, USA is the “true open space which should be of
exposed soil and planted.” The USA is located outside the building
Prohibited Uses
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Allowable Uses
Prohibited Uses
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• The objective for this Overlay Zone is to ensure that the dual goals of
environmental conservation and tourism economic development are
Allowable Uses
In addition to those uses that may be allowed in the Base Zone, the following
are uses and activities that may be allowed in the Ecotourism Overlay Zone:
• Accommodation facilities;
• Boardwalks;
• Dining facilities;
• Dive shops/Diving lesson establishments;
• Water-oriented recreation/sports rental equipment shops;
• Tourism-oriented retail shops (e.g. souvenirs, clothes, etc.); and
• Foreign exchange shops/establishments.
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Similar incentives may also be given to projects that provide wider setbacks,
increased ground level open spaces, provides public infrastructure or
conserve heritage sites.
Article VI
General Regulations
Exempted from the imposition of height regulations in residential zones are the
following: towers, church, steeples, water tanks and other utilities and such
other structures not covered by the height regulations of the National Building
Code and/or the CAAP.
Pursuant to the provisions of the Water Code: 1) the banks of rivers and streams
and the shores of the seas and lakes throughout their entire length within a
zone of three (3) meters in urban areas, twenty (20) meters in agricultural areas
and forty (40) meters in forest areas, along their margins, are subject to
easements of public use in the interest of recreation, navigation, floatage,
fishing and salvage.
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No person shall be allowed to stay in this zone longer than what is necessary
for space or recreation, navigation, floatage, fishing or salvage or to build
structures of any kind.
A buffer of four (4) meters (or as declared by the LGU) shall be provided along
entire boundary length between two or more conflicting zones/sub-zones
allocating two (2) meters from each side of the zone/sub-zone boundary. Such
buffer strip should be open and not encroached upon by any building or
structure and should be a part of the yard or open space.
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upon payment of corresponding fees to the Municipality. The permit for such
sign shall indicate the location, size, slope, contents and type of construction.
Article VII
Performance Standards
The following performance standards are intended to ensure land use and
neighborhood compatibility. Proposed developments shall comply with the
applicable performance standards which shall form part of the requirements
for Locational Clearance. These standards are by no means exhaustive or all
inclusive. The Local Zoning Board of Appeals (LZBA) may require other
standards, when deemed necessary, to ensure land use and neighborhood
1. Views shall be preserved for public enjoyment especially in sites with high
scenic quality by closely considering building orientation, height, bulk,
fencing and landscaping;
2. Deep wells shall not be allowed unless a Water Permit is obtained from
the National Water Resources Board;
3. Land use activities shall not cause the alteration of natural drainage
patterns or change the velocities, volumes, and physical, chemical, and
biological characteristics of storm water. Streams, watercourses,
wetlands, lakes or ponds shall not be altered, re-graded, developed,
piped, diverted or built upon;
4. All developments shall ensure that storm water runoff shall be controlled
through appropriate storm water drainage system design;
5. All developments shall undertake the protection of rivers, streams, lakes
and ponds from sedimentation and erosion damage;
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The Municipality consider it in the public interest that all projects are designed
and developed in a safe, efficient and aesthetically pleasing manner. Site
development shall consider the environmental character and limitations of the
site and its adjacent properties. All project elements shall be in complete
harmony according to good design principles and the subsequent
development must be visually pleasing as well as efficiently functioning
especially in relation to the adjacent properties and bordering streets.
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1. The height and bulk of buildings and structures shall be so designed that
it does not impair the entry of light and ventilation, cause the loss of
privacy and/or create nuisances, hazards or inconveniences to
adjacent developments;
2. Abutments to adjacent properties shall not be allowed without the
neighbor’s prior written consent which shall be required by the Zoning
Administrator/Zoning Officer prior to the granting of a Locational
3. The capacity of parking area/slots shall be per the minimum
requirements of the National Building Code. These shall be located,
developed and landscaped in order to enhance the aesthetic quality
of the facility. In no case shall parking area/slots encroach into street
4. Developments, such as shopping malls, schools, places of worship,
markets, sports stadia and the like, which attract a significant volume of
transportation, such as PUVs and, private vehicles shall provide
adequate on-site parking for the same. These should also provide
vehicular loading and unloading bays so as through street traffic flow will
not be impeded;
5. Buffers, silencers, mufflers, enclosures and other noise-absorbing
materials shall be provided to all noise and vibration-producing
operations. Noise levels shall be maintained according to levels
specified in DENR’s latest guidelines on the Abatement of Noise and
Other Forms of Nuisance;
6. Glare and heat from any operation or activity shall not be radiated, seen
or felt from any point beyond the limits of the property; and
7. Fencing along roads shall be see-through. Side and rear fencing
between adjacent lots (not facing a road) may be of opaque
construction materials.
All developments shall not cause excessive requirements at public cost for
public facilities and services. All developments shall exhibit that their
requirements for public infrastructure (such as roads, drainage, water supply
and the like) are within the capacities of the systems serving them.
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All development proposals in flood prone areas and all major proposals likely
to affect the existing drainage regime, shall be required to submit Drainage
Impact Assessment Studies including:
These should be prepared, signed and sealed by duly licensed Civil Engineers,
Sanitary Engineers or Environmental Planners.
a. residential buildings with total floor area greater than 20,000 sqm;
b. office buildings with total floor area greater than 10,000 sqm;
c. mixed-use buildings with total area greater than 10,000 sqm;
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d. educational buildings with total floor area greater than 5,000 sqm;
e. retail buildings with total floor area greater than 15,000 sqm
f. Hotel buildings;
g. Hospital buildings;
h. Government buildings;
Energy Efficiency
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Water Efficiency
b. The applicant/project shall comply with the list of measures indicated in the table
MRF (waste segregation and Required Required Required Required Required Required
b. The IEQ measures listed in the table below must be complied with.
Designated smoking area Required Required Required Required Required Exempt Required/
and other indoor environment quality
applicable ordinances.
Designation of pantry or area for staff Required Exempt Exempt Required Required Required
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Site Sustainability
Article VIII
Mitigating Devices
Variance may be allowed provided that proposals satisfy all of the following
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a. The exception will not adversely affect the public health, safety and
welfare and is in keeping with the general pattern of development in
the community.
b. The proposed project shall support economic based activities/provide
livelihood, vital community services and facilities while at the same time
posing no adverse effect on the zone/community.
c. The exception will not adversely affect the appropriate use of adjoining
properties in the same zone such as generating excessive vehicular
traffic, causing overcrowding of people or generating excessive noise
and the like.
d. The exception will not alter the essential character and general purpose
of the zone where the exception sought is located.
1. The project proponent shall file a written application for Variance and/or
Exception with the LZBA citing the section(s) of this Ordinance under
which the same is sought and stating the grounds thereof.
2. Upon filing of application, a visible project sign, (indicating the name
and nature of the proposed project) shall be posted at the project site.
This sign shall be maintained until the LZBA has rendered a decision on
the application.
3. The LZBA shall conduct preliminary studies on the application. These
application papers shall be made accessible to the public.
4. A written affidavit of no objection to the project by the owners of the
properties immediately in front of and abutting the project site shall be
filed by the applicant with the LZBA within fifteen (15) days upon filing of
5. The LZBA shall hold public hearing(s) to be held in the concerned
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Article IX
Administration and Enforcement
The Approved Municipality Zoning Maps, printed in standard color codes and
with minimum dimensions of 1.20m x 1.20m, shall be posted at the following
Zoning maps for each barangay shall be posted at respective barangay halls
for public information and guidance of barangay officials. These should
similarly be printed in standard color codes and minimum dimensions of 1.20m
x 1.20m.
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The Zoning Administrator/Zoning Officer or the LZBA, as the case may be, may
seek the assistance of the HLURB or external consultants in the evaluation of
proposed Major and/or Innovative Projects such as seaports, airports, oil
depots, reclamation areas, shopping malls, special economic zones, tourism
enterprise zones, and the like.
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CDMPs shall also be provided with Deed Restrictions where, upon approval of
the Zoning Administrator/Zoning Officer or LZBA, as the case may be, proof of
compliance of future projects on the said PUD site shall form part of the
requirements for Locational Clearance.
Activities within PUD areas shall be limited to the submitted PUD Master Plan
approved by the Zoning Administrator/Zoning Officer or LZBA.
The Business and Licensing Division shall require a Locational Clearance for
new developments except for projects indicated in the approved
development plan in subdivisions with preliminary approved locational
Should there be any change in the activity or expansion of the area subject of
the Locational Clearance, the owner/developer shall apply for a new
Locational Clearance.
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Upon issuance of an LC, the grantee thereof shall have one year within which
to commence or undertake the use, activity or development covered by such
clearance on his property. Non–use of LC within said period shall result in its
automatic expiration, cancellation and the grantee shall not proceed with his
project without applying for a new clearance.
Should there be any change in the activity or expansion of the area subject of
the Locational Clearance, the owner/developer shall apply for a new
Locational Clearance.
It may also provide conditions by which the non-conforming use can reduce
its non-conformity.
The lawful uses of any building, structure or land at the time of adoption or
amendment of this Ordinance may be continued, although such uses do not
conform to the provisions of the integrated ZO, provided:
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2. That no such non-conforming use which has ceased operation for more
than one (1) year be again revived as non-conforming use;
3. A vacant/idle building or structure may not be used for non-conforming
4. That any non-conforming building/structure which has been damaged
maybe reconstructed and used as before provided that such
reconstruction is not more than fifty percent (50%) of the replacement
5. That should such non-conforming portion of any building/structure be
destroyed by any means to an extent of more than fifty percent (50%)
of its replacement cost at the time of destruction, it shall not be
reconstructed except in conformity with the provisions of this Ordinance;
6. That no such non-conforming use maybe moved to displace any
conforming use;
7. That no such non-conforming use and/or structure may be expanded or
altered in a way which increases its non-conformity, but any structure or
portion thereof may be altered to decrease its non-conformity;
8. That should such use and/or structure be moved for any reason to
whatever distance, it shall thereafter conform to the regulation of the
zone in which it is moved or relocated;
9. That such non-conforming use and/or structure should not cause
nuisance effects to its neighborhood, such as but not limited to pollution
of whatever form (air, noise, land, water, etc.), undesirable traffic
(whether vehicular or pedestrian) and the like and should further not
pose health and safety hazards and as further provided in the
Performance Standards provision of this Ordinance; and
10. The owner of a non-conforming use and/or structure shall program the
phase-out and relocation within ten (10) years from the effectivity of this
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1. Enforcement
2. Planning
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Appeals (LZBA)
There is hereby created an LZBA which shall perform the following functions
and responsibilities:
a. Variances
b. Exceptions
c. Non – Conforming Uses
d. Complaints and Oppositions to Applications
The Municipal Planning and Development Office shall serve as the Secretariat
to the LZBA.
The LZBA may invite resource persons in support of the performance of its
The Local Zoning Review Committee (LZRC) is hereby created under the
Municipal Development Council, to review the integrated ZO considering the
CLUP, based on the following reasons situations:
The Municipal Planning and Development Office shall serve as the Secretariat
to the LZRC.
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The LZRC may invite resource persons in support of the performance of its
The Local Zoning Review Committee shall have the following functions:
Changes in the integrated ZO, as a result of the review by the LZRC shall be
treated as an amendment, provided that any proposed amendment to the
Zoning Ordinance or provisions thereof shall be subject to public hearing and
shall be carried out through a three-fourths vote of the Sangguniang Bayan.
Any amendment shall take effect only after approval and authentication by
HLURB or Sangguniang Panlalawigan.
Any person who violates any of the provisions of this Ordinance, shall, upon
conviction, be punished by a fine not exceeding the latest HLURB Schedule of
Fees and Fines or an imprisonment for a period not exceeding six (6) months or
both at the discretion of the Court. In case of violation by a corporation,
partnership or association the penalty shall be imposed upon the erring officers
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The rules and standards provided in this ZO shall conform to the rules and
standards provided by national agencies and shall not in any way diminish
those that have been set by national laws and regulations.
Section 57. Consistency between National and Local Plans, Programs and
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Hon. Andrea Anne V. Del Rosario
Municipal Vice-Mayor
______________________________ _______________________________
Hon. Noel A. de las Alas Hon. Rexio P. Bautista
Councilor Councilor
______________________________ _______________________________
Hon. Eligio C. Bautista Hon. Florentino V. Cahayon
Councilor Councilor
______________________________ _______________________________
Hon. Teodulo Jose O. Caisip Hon. Jose Z. Coz, Jr.
Councilor Councilor
______________________________ _______________________________
Hon. Theresa Palacio-Pelea Hon. Danilo L. Pineda
Councilor Councilor
Hon. Anthony R. Sayo
Ms. Eugenia D. Zapata
Sangguniang Bayan Secretary
Hon. Peter Oliver M. Palacio
Municipal Mayor
V o l u m e 3 : T h e Z o n i n g O r d i n a n c e |91
GIS-based Comprehensive Land Use Plan & Zoning Ordinance of Calatagan, Batangas 2017-2027
V o l u m e 3 : T h e Z o n i n g O r d i n a n c e |92
GIS-based Comprehensive Land Use Plan & Zoning Ordinance of Calatagan, Batangas 2017-2027
V o l u m e 3 : T h e Z o n i n g O r d i n a n c e |93
GIS-based Comprehensive Land Use Plan & Zoning Ordinance of Calatagan, Batangas 2017-2027
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