Course Contents/Syllabus:: L T P/S SW/F W Total Credit Units
Course Contents/Syllabus:: L T P/S SW/F W Total Credit Units
Course Contents/Syllabus:: L T P/S SW/F W Total Credit Units
Credit Units: UNITS
Course Level: UG 2 - 2 - 3
Course Code: ES 202
Course Objectives: The objective of this course module is to acquaint the students with the basics of computers system, its components,
data representation inside computer and to get them familiar with various important features of procedure oriented programming
language i.e. C. This Course guides the students to read, write and modify C programs and to implement basic projects.
Course Contents/Syllabus:
Weightage (%)
Module I: Introduction
Pointers, relationship between arrays and pointers Argument passing using pointers, Array of pointers.
Passing arrays as arguments. Strings and C string library. Structure and Union. Defining C structures,
Giving values to members, Array of structure, Nested structure, passing strings as arguments. File
List of Experiments:
• Introduction to TURBO C IDE and Programming Enviornment
• C Building Blocks
• Decision making the if and if-else structure
• Decision making the Switch case and conditional operator
• Loop Constructs in C Language
• Nested looping
• Functions in C-Language programming
• Arrays in C (single dimensional)
• Arrays in C (Multidimensional)
• Structures and Unions
• Pointers in C-Language
• Pointers with arrays and function
• File Handling in C-Language
Assessment/ Examination Scheme:
67 33 100