IFUM3 Safe Path Files
IFUM3 Safe Path Files
IFUM3 Safe Path Files
The cutting part of these instruments is made of a nickel-titanium alloy.
None known
This product contains Nickel and should not be used for individuals with known allergic sensitivity
to this metal.
In order to prevent infectious agent transfer it is highly recommended to use a rubber dam
system during the endodontic procedure.
Multiple use and re-processing cycles may lead to increased risk of file separation.
These instruments should not continuously be immersed in a sodium hypochlorite solution.
Instrument decontamination (Only applicable for the non-sterile version of the instruments):
strictly follow decontamination instructions from the manufacturer.
Irrigate abundantly and frequently.
Before using the M3-Safe Path Files, establish a glide path using hand files, to at least an ISO
size 010.
Use at constant rotation at a speed of 300 rpm.
Clean flutes frequently and check for signs of distortion or wear.
Use the Files with light pressure.
Use the files to follow the canal to the working length, and then withdraw.
In the present technical state, no adverse reaction has been reported to date.
For our root canal shaping instruments we recommend not to exceed the following maximum
number of uses:
Type of canal Stainless Steel Stainless Steel NiTi instruments
Instruments with a Instruments with a
diameter ≤ISO 015 diameter >ISO 015
Instruction A
Operation Activities Warning and remarks
1 Disassemblin -Disassemble the device, if -Remove and discard silicone stops.
g applicable.
2 Pre-Disinfecti -Soak all devices -Follow instructions and respect
on immediately after use in a concentrations and immersion times given
disinfection solution. Use a by the manufacturer (an excessive
tray made from high concentration may cause corrosion or others
density polyethylene or defects on devices).
stainless steel. -The pre-disinfection solution should be a
specific solution targeted by the supplier for
pre-disinfection. It should be used at the
dilution specified by the supplier. It should
contain, or be combined with a proteolytic
-The pre-disinfection solution should be
aldehyde free (to avoid blood impurities
fixation) and without di- or triethanolamines
as corrosion inhibitor. Change the
pre-disinfection solution regularly i.e. When
it becomes soiled, or when efficacy is
diminished due to exposure to microbial
-Do not use pre-disinfecting solutions
containing Phenol or any products, which
are not compatible with the devices(See
general recommendations).
-For visible impurities observed on
instruments a pre-cleaning is recommended
with a soft brush (made from either nylon,
polypropylene, acrylic). Manually brush the
device until visible impurities are removed.
3 Rinsing - Abundant rinsing (at least -Use tap water for rinsing.
1 min) under running -If a pre-disinfectant solution contains a
water (ambient corrosion inhibitor, it is recommended to do
temperature). the rinsing step just before starting the
cleaning step
4 Automated - Place the devices in a kit, -Discard any devices with large obvious
Cleaning with support, or container defects (broken, bent,…).
washer- (made from stainless steel -Avoid any contact between instruments or
disinfector or titanium) to avoid any posts when placing in the washer
contact between devices disinfector use kits, supports or containers.
or posts. -Follow instructions and concentrations
-Place the devices in the given by the manufacturer of the detergent
washerdisinfector and solution(see also general
execute the defined cycle recommendations).
(Ao value > 3000 or, at -Follow the instructions of the
least 5 min at 90°C). washer-disinfector and verify the success
-Use a detergent solution criteria after each cycle have been met as
with cleaning properties stated by the manufacturer.
-The final rinse step should be with
deionised water. For other steps follow the
water quality defined by the manufacturer
-Use only approved washer-disinfector
according to EN ISO 15883, maintained and
validated regularly.
-It is recommended to use an alkaline
detergent with tensides, which has grease
removal, disinfection (against bacteria/
fungi) and corrosion inhibition properties.
The detergent should be approved for its
efficacy (VAH/DGHM-listing, CE marking,
FDA approval) and used in accordance with
its IFU The detergent should be aldehyde
free and without di- or triethanolamines as
corrosion inhibitor.
Instruction B
1 Manual -Place the devices in a kit, -No visible impurities should be observed on
Cleaning support or container the devices.
assisted by an (made from stainless steel, -If visible impurities are observed on the
ultrasonic polypropylene or titanium) devices, the device must be manually
device to avoid any contact brushed t with a soft brush (made from
between devices. either nylon, polypropylene, acrylic) until
-Immerse in the detergent visible impurities are removed.
solution with cleaning -Discard any devices with large obvious
properties. defects (broken, bent, and unwound).
-Follow instructions, observe water quality,
concentrations and cleaning time stated by
the manufacturer of the cleaning solution
(see also general recommendations).
-It is recommended to use an alkaline
detergent with tensides, which has grease
removal, disinfection (against bacteria/
fungi) and corrosion inhibition properties.
The detergent should be approved for its
efficacy (VAH/DGHM-listing, CE marking,
FDA approval) and used in accordance with
the IFU of the detergent solution
-The detergent should be aldehyde free and
without di- or triethanolamines as corrosion
2 Rinsing -Abundant rinsing (at least -Use deionised water for rinsing.
1 min) under running -If the previously used cleaning solution
water (ambient contains a corrosion inhibitor, it is
temperature). recommended to do the rinsing step just
before starting the autoclaving.
5 Packaging -Place the devices in a kit, -Use packaging which are resistant up to a
support or container to temperature of 141°C (286°F) and in
avoid any contact between accordance with EN ISO 11607. -Avoid any
instruments or posts and contact between instruments or posts
pack the devices in during sterilization. Use kits, supports or
“Serialization pouches”. containers.
-For sharp devices that are not contained
within a box, silicon tubes should be placed
around the devices to prevent packaging
-Seal the pouches according to the
recommendation of the pouch
manufacturer. If a thermo-sealer is used, the
process must be validated.
-Check the validity period of the pouch
given by the pouch manufacturer to
determine the shelf life.
Manufacturer EC REP