Adjective Preposition Combinations STUDENTS 3
Adjective Preposition Combinations STUDENTS 3
Adjective Preposition Combinations STUDENTS 3
1. I’m interested ........ a. at English. She got 100% in her last test.
3. I'm bored ........ c. of his friend, because he’s just bought a Ferrari.
4. My dad got angry ........ d. about Liam. He didn't come home last night.
6. I’m not very keen ........ f. of taking the lift. He has to use the stairs.
8. I’m really worried ........ h. from school today, because he’s sick.
9. Helen and Mary are excited ........ i. on fishing. I think it’s so boring.
10. Terry’s scared ........ j. with me, because I came home late.
12. Walter’s jealous ........ l. with taking the bus. I want to go by car instead.
B. In pairs, describe the pictures using the adjective + preposition combinations above.
C. Complete each question with the correct preposition. Then, ask and answer the
questions with your partner.