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Pengajian Perniagaan Semester 1 Bab 3

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1 Marketing Approach
Meaning of Marketing / Maksud Pemasaran
Activity and process for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have
values for customers.
An effort of promoting, distributing and selling products and services.
Usaha untuk mengagihkan produk atau perkhidmatan.

Importance of Marketing
❖ Increase sales.
❖ Create demand, relevance, reputation for product or service.
❖ Create value for the existing product or service.
Marketing Concepts / Pendekatan Pemasaran*
❖ Production Concept (Pengeluaran)
o High production efficiency
o Low costs
o Mass distribution
o Holds that consumers will prefer products that are widely available and
o Example: Walmart, McDonalds
❖ Product Concept (Produk)
o Process of bringing a product to a market, promoting and then selling it
o Involves understanding the target audience
o Uses strategic positioning and messaging to boost revenue and demand
o Example: Apple
❖ Selling Concept (Penjualan)
o Seeks to understand consumer needs
o Seeks prospects and sells the product’s benefits
o Assumes the product won’t sell without a significant sales effort
o Involves aggressive advertising
o Examples: brands that uses email marketing to advertise reductions, discount,
sales and special offers. Or brands that promote Black Friday such as Amazon.
❖ Marketing Concept (Pemasaran)
o Customer-first-approach
o Spend time to understand target market, sense its needs and meet them effectively
o Based on increasing a company’s ability to compete and achieve maximum profit
❖ Societal Marketing Concept (Pemasaran Kemasyarakatan)
o Emphasizes the welfare of society
o Based on the idea that marketers have a moral responsibility to market
conscientiously to promote what’s good for people over what people may want,
regardless of a company’s sales goals

Marketing Process / Proses Pemasaran*

1. Evaluate marketing opportunities / Menilai peluang-peluang pemasaran
2. Choose the target market / Memilih sasaran pasaran
3. Build mixed marketing / Membina campuran pemasaran
4. Manage marketing efforts / Mengurus usaha pemasaran
Strategic Approach / Pendekatan Strategik

❖ Business Portfolio Analysis

o Stars
▪ Products that have a high market share and high market growth.
▪ Vast growth opportunities but very competitive.
▪ Businesses need to invest heavily to keep them in the market.
▪ Example: Netflix.
o Cash cows
▪ Products that have a high market share and low market growth.
▪ Require relatively little investment but still need to be managed to stay
successful in the market.
▪ Example: Coca-Cola is sold across 200 countries in a mature beverage
o Question marks
▪ Products with low market share and high market growth.
▪ Have potential to grow in an attractive market and require investment to
beat competition and gain market share
▪ Example: Fanta, the brand has not been able to gain widespread popularity
but in some areas, it has been able to obtain a generous sales volume.
o Dogs
▪ Products that have a low market share and a low market growth.
▪ Not doing well in a slowly growing market and is not worth investing
▪ Production is typically discontinued as the product is reaching the end of
its life cycle.
❖ SWOT Analysis / Analisis SWOT
o Importance of SWOT
▪ Help devise successful strategy for the future.
▪ Uncover weakness and blind spots.
o Strength
▪ Internal factors that help to achieve the organization’s objective.
▪ Things that an organization does well.
▪ Advantages that an organization has over its competitors.
o Weakness
▪ Internal factors that impair the organization’s growth.
▪ What can be improved? Which practices should be avoided?
o Opportunities
▪ External factors that help to achieve organization’s objective
▪ Market trends, government policies, social patterns, population profiles,
o Threat
▪ External factors that affect your business.
▪ Supply chain problems, shifts in market requirements, shortage of recruits,
change of quality standards or specifications.
❖ The Ansoff Matrix
o Market Penetration (Penembusan Pasaran)
▪ Sell more of the same things to the same market.
▪ Objective: increase company’s customer base or market share.
▪ Develop a marketing strategy to encourage more people to choose the
product. Introduce loyalty scheme. Launch special promotions.
▪ Example: Nike implements this strategy through partnerships with major
distribution channels such as Walmart, Target, and company-owned
NikeTown retail outlets.
o Market Development (Pembangunan Pasaran)
▪ Sell more of the same things to different people.
▪ Objective: introduce existing products to new markets.
▪ Target new markets or new areas of existing market.
▪ Use market segmentation to target different groups of people. Or use the
marketing mix to reposition your products.
▪ Example: geographic expansion, branding, distribution.
o Product Development (Pembangunan Produk)
▪ Sell new products or new variants of existing products.
▪ Objective: grow revenues.
▪ Extend products by producing different variants.
▪ Example: Nike has produced new product designs to create different shoes
suited for different sports. Such as football shoes which offer more
comfort, grip and friction than previous models.
o Diversification (Pempelbagaian)
▪ Sell different products to different customers.
▪ Objective: expand market share or enter new markets by launching or
acquiring new products.
▪ Advantage of diversification is that, if one business is suffering from
adverse circumstances, another may not be affected.
▪ Example: Coca-Cola has diversified its product portfolio into other
categories such as sparkling soft drinks, water, sports drinks, ready-to-
drink coffee and tea beverages.

Consumer’s Behavior / Gelagat Pengguna

❖ Stimuli (External Factors)
o Marketing Mix / Rangsangan Pemasaran
▪ Product / Produk
▪ Price / Penetapan harga
▪ Place / Pengedaran
▪ Promotion / Promosi
o Environmental / Rangsangan Persekitaran
▪ Economic / Ekonomi
▪ Technological / Teknologi
▪ Political / Politik
▪ Cultural / Budaya
▪ Demographic / Demografi
▪ Situational / Situasi
❖ Buyer’s Black Box / Kotak Hitam Pembeli
o Consumer Characteristics
▪ Beliefs/Attitudes / Gelaggat pengguna
▪ Values / Nilai
▪ Knowledge / Pengetahuan
▪ Motives / Motif
▪ Perceptions / Persepsi
▪ Lifestyle / Gaya hidup
o Decision-Making Process / Proses Pembelian Produk Pengguna
❖ Buyer’s Response / Respons Pembeli
Factors Affecting Consumer’s Behavior / Faktor Mempengaruhi Gelagat Pengguna
❖ Culture / Budaya
❖ Social / Sosial
❖ Individual / Individu
❖ Psychology / Psikologi

Decision-Making Process for Consumer’s/New Products / Proses Keputusan Pembelian

Produk Pengguna/Baru
1. Problem solving / Mengenal pasti keperluan/masalah
2. Information search / Mencari maklumat
3. Alternate evaluation / Menilai alternatif
4. Purchase / Membuat keputusan pembelian
5. Post-purchase evaluation / Gelagat selepas pembelian

Decision-Making Process for Industrial Products / Proses Keputusan Pembelian Produk

1. Problem solving / Mengenal pasti masalah
2. Determining the needs of the organization / Mengenal pasti keperluan organisasi
3. Determining the product’s specifications / Menentukan spesifikasi produk
4. Find a supplier / Mencari pembekal
5. Open tender / Membuka tender
6. Choose a supplier / Memilih pembekal
7. Order products / Memesan produk
8. Evaluate the supplier’s performance / Menilai prestasi pembekal
Market Research / Penyelidikan Pemasaran
Organized effort to gather information about target markets (sasaran pasaran) / customer’s needs
and preferences.
Proses pengumpulan maklumat secara sistematik yang relevan dengan sesuatu masalah
pemasaran yang dihadapi oleh sesebuah perniagaan.

Importance of Market Research / Kepentingan Penyelidikan Pemasaran

❖ Maintain a customer-centric approach
o One of the most effective ways to be customer-centric in market research is by
using a segmentation-targeting-positioning (STP) model.
▪ Segmentation: Brainstorm the possible segments a product or service may
appeal to. There are four types of segmentation: behavioral, demographics,
psychographics, geographics.
▪ Targeting: Determine which segment offer the most profitable
opportunities in order to focus on marketing to these segments.
▪ Positioning: Develop a strategy for addressing the target segment’s needs
and do it better than the competitors.
❖ Connect with target customers more effectively.
o Understand the target customers’ needs to reach them effectively.
o Market products and services according to the target customers’ needs.
o Mengenal pasti perubahan cita rasa pengguna. Memberikan tumpuan kepada
sasaran pasaran tertentu dengan menawarkan produk dan perkhidmatan yang
❖ Make more informed decisions.
o Membantu pemasar untuk membuat keputusan tentang strategi dan taktik yang
paling berkesan. / Membuat ramalan dan unjuran yang lebih tepat.
❖ Compete more effectively.
o Mengatasi persaingan,
❖ Expand your market.
o Identify opportunities for growth.
o Meluaskan pasaran. Membolehkan pasaran untuk memahami keperluan dan
kehendak pengguna untuk mengeluarkan produk yang menarik minat pengguna.
Marketing Research Process / Langkah-langkah Penyelidikan Pemasaran
1. Identify the problem. / Mengenal pasti masalah.
2. Develop a research plan. / Membentuk rancangan penyelidikan.
3. Conduct the research. / Melaksanakan penyelidikan dan menganalisis data.
4. Analyze and report findings. / Mengiterprestasikan data dan melapor penemuan.

Market Segmentation / Asas Segmentasi Pasaran (DePsiGeGe)*

❖ Demographic Segmentation / Segmentasi demografi
o Customer information such as
▪ age,
▪ gender,
▪ income,
▪ level of education,
▪ religion,
▪ profession,
▪ income,
can be used to segmentize them to market products that is suitable for them.
o Simple to measure and analyze yet effective. Easy to collect information.

❖ Psychographic segmentation / Segmentasi psikografi

o Process of grouping people together based on
▪ similar personal values,
▪ beliefs,
▪ opinions,
▪ aspirations or motivation,
▪ personality,
▪ hobbies,
▪ social status,
▪ lifestyle,
and other psychological characteristics.
o Hard to gather but also valuable.
o Information can be gathered through social media, analytic tools, surveys and
o Deep insight into customers’ likes, dislikes, needs and wants.
❖ Geographic segmentation / Segmentasi geografi
o Process of grouping customers based on where they live and where they shop.
o Geo-specific information are:
▪ climate,
▪ culture,
▪ language,
▪ population density (urban or rural).
o Each factor can influence customers’ shopping behavior.

❖ Behavioral segmentation / Segmentasi gelagat pengguna

o Process of grouping customers based on common behaviors.
o Customers can be grouped based on:
▪ spending habits,
▪ purchasing habits,
▪ browsing habits,
▪ interactions with a specific brand,
▪ loyalty to a brand,
▪ product feedback.
o Help identify patterns in customers’ behaviors that help predict how they interact
with a brand.

Market Targeting / Strategi Menyasarkan Pasaran*

❖ Undifferentiated marketing / Strategi pemasaran tidak dibezakan
o Mass marketing. Occurs when a product or service that has a high market appeal.
Most commonly everyday needs such as toilet rolls, toothpaste, furniture, et
❖ Differentiated marketing / Strategi pemasaran dibezakan
o Identify several market segments and design separate strategies for each.
o Offer more personalized and focused products. Increase customer loyalty.
o Example: brands such as Nike sell different trainers for different segments -
runners, weightlifters, cyclists, gym-goers, or sports footwear fans.
❖ Concentrated marketing / Strategi pemasaran tertumpu
o Niche marketing. Focus on one or a few specific consumer groups.
o With the aim of owning a specific segment over competitors. Create brand loyalty
and long-lasting relationships with ideal consumers group.
o Example: vegan products.
❖ Micromarketing / Strategi pemasaran mikro
o Developing products, services and marketing programs best matched with
individuals and locations.
o Example: gaming devices are targeted at gamers.
Market Positioning / Proses Peletakan Pasaran
Set of actions and processes designed to improve the image and visibility of a brand, company or

Types of Positioning Strategies / Strategi Peletakan*

❖ Product attributes / Atribut produk
o Objective and subjective details that help a potential customer decide what to buy.
o Characteristics or features of a product.
o Core benefits (Produk teras) – benefits of the products.
o Tangible attributes (Produk ketara) – size, shape, color, weight.
o Intangible traits – price, brand image, quality, value, aesthetics or prestige.
o Augmented benefits (Produk sampingan) – extra benefits of the product such as
warranty and free transportation.
❖ Benefits / Manfaat
o How it benefits users and bring a positive impact on users.
o Example: shock-absorption shoes, environmental-friendly vegan products, or
luxurious bed for a good sleep.
❖ Product use / Kekerapan penggunaan
o Frequent usage of product proves it is useful to the users.
❖ Consumers / Pengguna
o The product is well-liked by a specific group of customers based on the
characteristics of the product that is suitable with the needs and wants of the
❖ Product classifications / Klasifikasi produk
o Convenience goods / Produk mudah beli
▪ Purchased repeatedly without thought. Discounts are not a major factor
since most convenience goods are priced low.
▪ Products such as toilet paper, candy, soap, toothpaste.
o Shopping goods / Produk beli-belah
▪ Commodities consumers typically spend more time researching and
comparing before purchase.
▪ One-off purchases with high economic impact.
▪ Example: houses, shoes, phones.
o Specialty goods / Produk istimewa
▪ One-of-a-kind products.
▪ Consumers are willing to spend a lot of money to purchase these kinds of
▪ Example: iPhones, constant innovation and improvements make a strong
brand identity.
o Unsought goods / Produk tidak dicari
▪ Goods that people are not excited to buy. Consumers are usually are not
reminded of the products.
▪ Only bought out of a sense of fear or danger.
▪ Example: fire extinguishers, batteries, life insurance.
o Industrial goods / Produk industri

Mixed Marketing / Campuran Pemasaran

❖ Product / Produk
o Attributes

o Classification
o Branding
▪ Process of using names, mottos, symbols or shaping products to
differentiate products from competitors with copyright laws (undang-
undang hak cipta).
▪ Branding can shape the image of products such as its quality and add to a
product’s value.
o Packaging
▪ Process of shaping and producing a product’s packaging box to protect the
product from damage before it reaches the consumer.
▪ Interesting packaging can attract a customer’s interest, add value to a
product, differentiate product from competitors, promote a product and
increase its competitive abilities.
o Labelling
▪ A short note or graphic that comes with the packaging of the product to
attract interest and promote a product.
▪ Provides information such as brand, name, name of the producer,
production date (tarikh pengeluaran), expiration date (tarikh luput),
product content, instructions to use or keep the product.
o After-sales service
▪ A marketing strategy to increase competitive abilities to guarantee
consumers’ satisfaction to make repeated purchase.
▪ Examples of after-sales service: free transportation, free installation,
money-back warranty.
o Product line
▪ Product depth
• Variety of choices for a product such as flavors for a drink.
▪ Product width
• Different kinds of products. The company Coca-Cola makes soft
drinks but also juices (Minute Maids) to attract a bigger market.
o Product life cycles
▪ Introduction Stage (Peringkat Pengenalan)
• Customers are introduced to a new product.
• Demand/Sales: low
• Price: low in order to drive customer engagement
• Competition: little-to-no competition at all
• Profit: negative revenue
• Production: require substantial investment in advertising
▪ Growth Stage (Peringkat Pertumbuhan)
• If a product is successful, it will move on to the growth stage.
• Demand/Sales: increasing
• Price: low in order to stay competitive
• Competition: increases
• Profit: higher revenue
• Production: more recognized, popular, increase in production,
expansion in availability
▪ Maturity Stage (Peringkat Kematangan)
• Most profitable stage. Company strives to have its product exist in
this maturity stage for as long as possible.
• Demand/Sales: stable, maximized
• Competition: high
• Profit: maximum revenue and decreasing as it enters the next stage
• Production: production costs and marketing costs are low
▪ Decline stage
• Demand/Sales: declining due to saturation (demands for a product
no longer exist) and alternative products
• Profit: loss in market share
• Production: production may stop or a new version of the product
may enter the market
❖ Place / Pengedaran
o Distribution
▪ A process of spreading the product throughout the marketplace such that a
large number of people can buy it.
▪ Satu proses memindahkan produk daripada pengeluar kepada pengguna di
lokasi dan masa yang dikehendaki oleh pengguna.
o Distribution channel (Saluran agihan)
▪ A chain of businesses or intermediaries through which a good or service
passes until it reaches the final buyer or the end consumer.
▪ Satu set pengantara pemasaran atau orang tengah yang berfungsi
memindahkan produk secara fizikal daripada pengeluar kepada pengguna
akhir atau pengguna perniagaan.
o Components of Distribution Channels / Perantaraan dalam Saluran Agihan
▪ Wholesaler / Pemborong
• A person or company that sells large quantities of goods, often at
low prices, to retailers.
• Pihak yang membeli produk secara pukal daripada pengeluar dan
mengagihkannya kepada peruncit dalam kuantiti yang kecil.
▪ Agent / Ejen
• Commonly act on the behalf of the producer to accept payments
and transfer the title of the goods and services as it moves through
• Orang tengah yang membantu dan menemukan pembeli dengan
pengeluar dalam urus niaga.
▪ Retailer / Peruncit
• A person or business that sells goods to the public in small
quantities for immediate use or consumption.
• Pihak yang menjual produk secara teras kepada pengguna dalam
kuantiti yang kecil mengikut keperluan pengguna tersebut.
❖ Price / Penetapan harga
o Internal Factors that Affect Pricing Decisions / Faktor Dalaman yang
Mempengaruhi Penetapan Harga
▪ Marketing objective is survival / Objektif pemasaran adalah penakatan
• Objectives of the organization is survival, or maximize profit, or
lead the market, or lead product quality.
• Objective to survive is so that an organization can continue its
operation by marketing the product at low price to create demand
for the product.
▪ Marketing strategy / Strategi pemasaran
• Pricing of the product must include the shape, type, quality,
distribution type, promotion type of the product.
• A product of high quality and branded products are usually priced
high whilst products which its distribution is not expensive are
usually sold at cheap prices.
▪ Cost / Kos
• A producer must price the product higher than its production cost
in order to earn profit.
▪ Organizational consideration / Pertimbangan organisasi
• The price range and the policies are decided by the top-level
managers while the distinct price is fixed by the lower-level staff.
• Pricing decisions are also dependent on the size, type, ability of the
organization and so on.

o External Factors that Affect Pricing Decisions

▪ Market condition and demand / Keadaan pasaran dan permintaan
• Good economic condition and high demand allows the
organization to fix a price for the product that is compatible with
the consumer’s buying power.
• If the demand is inelastic, then a higher price can be fixed. The
other way around is that elastic demand for a product should be
fixed at a lower price.
• Price is also affected by the type of market that the product is
marketed in such as
o Perfect competition market
o Monopoly market
o Oligopoly market
o Monopolistic competition market
▪ Competition
• Prices are required to be competitive without any compromise on
the quality of the product.
▪ Environmental factors / Faktor persekitaran
• Sociocultural factors and legislation factors can determine the price
set by marketers.
• Social factors can also affect pricing due to marketers do not want
to burden the consumers with higher price to earn a high profit.

o Common Pricing Strategies / Pendekatan Penetapan Harga secara Umum

▪ Cost-plus pricing / Penentuan harga berasaskan kos
• Calculate costs and add a mark-up.
▪ Value-based pricing / Penentuan harga berasaskan nilai
• Base a product or service’s price on what the customer believes it’s
▪ Competitive pricing / Penentuan harga berasaskan persaingan
• Set a price based on what the competition charges.

❖ Promotion / Promosi
o Promotion Mix / Campuran Promosi* (4P1J)
▪ Advertising / Pengiklanan
• Long-term activity that is repeated to create, maintain, and expand
demand for the product.
• Done in order to attract interest and attention of the people to a
• Examples of advertisements: newspapers, magazines, radio,
televisions, internet.
▪ Sales promotion / Promosi jualan
• Short-term incentive to encourage consumers to buy a product.
• An effort to encourage sales that is used by businesses to increase
profit and expand market
• Examples of consumer promotion: coupon, sampling, premium,
discount, rebate, special offer.
▪ Publicity / Publisiti
• Putting a business in front of the public and media outlets so you
can showcase your products, services and company news.
• Goal is to attract target market and increase awareness as well as
• Having a positive publicity helps to spread message to larger
• Examples: news report, articles, newspaper publications, social
media posts, press, conferences, events, offers.
▪ Public relations / Perhubungan awam
• Maintain a good relationship between a business and the
community including important parties such as government,
supplier, and consumers.
• Examples of public relations: media relations, community
relations, public affairs, online and social media communications.
▪ Personal Selling / Jualan bersemuka
• Sales representative meets with a potential client for the purpose of
transacting a sale.
• Allows a business to build relationships with customers in real-
time. Being able to address questions or objections right away in
detail helps create trust.
• Types of personal selling: transactional selling, solution selling,
consultative selling, provocative selling.

o Integrated Marketing Communication / Komunikasi Pemasaran Bersepadu (IMC)

▪ An integrating marketing communications strategy, also known as IMC
for short, conveys a consistent message across a brand's various channels.
▪ Example: Coke’s “share a coke with” campaign.

Which used unified messaging across TV, Social, Outdoor and Display
leading to a 7% uplift in Coke consumption by the target demographic,
making it one of the most successful Coke campaigns in history.

It de-brands the traditional Coke logo, replacing “Coca-Cola” from

one side of a bottle with the phrase “Share a Coke with” followed by a
person's name.

The campaign, which uses a list containing 250 of each market

country's most popular names (generic nicknames and titles are also
used in some cases), aims to have people go out and find a bottle with
their name on it, then share it with their friends.

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