SD WAN Topologies
SD WAN Topologies
SD WAN Topologies
The Versa Networks solution supports the following SD-WAN overlay topologies:
• Full mesh
• Hub and spoke
• Regional mesh
• Multi-VRF, or multitenancy
These topologies are established by using that well-known routing techniques that have been used for a long time in
MPLS Layer 3 VPN networks. They use MP-BGP communities to achieve fine-grained route control and to provide
flexible options for manipulating and fine-tuning routes. You can use Director Workflows to create these topologies, thus
simplifying these complex configurations.
Full-Mesh Topology
You use a full-mesh topology for any-to-any communication. In this type of topology, branches communicate directly
using overlay tunnels, and traffic does not need to transit through a hub or centralized site. The following figure
illustrates a full-mesh topology.
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A full-mesh topology is generally the preferred topology when branches must communicate directly with each other.
Typically, you choose a full-mesh topology over a hub-and-spoke topology for voice applications, because a hub-and-
spoke topology introduces delay when the hub is distant from the branches. Another instance in which a full-mesh
topology is preferred over hub and spoke is a distributed security architecture, where policy enforcement is performed at
the branch. Here, the full-mesh topology avoids the need to funnel traffic to hub sites for inspection.
In a full-mesh topology SLA monitoring probes are sent to every remote branch on every available transport. SLA
monitoring probes are used to track reachability and to measure link metrics for each access circuit towards any given
remote site. You can use SLA optimization features such as adaptive SLA and data-driven SLA to optimize the SLA load
in large deployments.To verify SLA monitoring status, issue the following CLI command:
Updated: Tue, 14 Sep 2021 15:43:23 GMT
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6758916 fc_ef Internet Internet 2 2 active disable 0 up 1 00:06:31
Branch-4 6820100 fc_ef MPLS MPLS 1 1 active disable 0 up 2 00:05:45
6824452 fc_ef Internet Internet 2 2 active disable 0 up 2 00:05:44
Controller-1 69888 fc_nc MPLS MPLS 1 1 disable disable 0 up 1 00:16:38
74240 fc_nc Internet Internet 2 2 disable disable 0 up 1 00:16:38
The output above shows the SLA monitoring view from Branch-1, which has internet and MPLS transports towards all
branches and towards the Controller node.
In a full-mesh topology, you must determine the proper scaling of the maximum number of branches. To dimension the
deployment, you must consider many variables, including the following:
For example, in a full-mesh topology with 1000 branches that have one tenant per site and two WAN links in different
transport domains, if you use the Versa Operating SystemTM (VOSTM) device default SLA monitoring configuration, the
SLA probe traffic consumes 6.25 Mbps of bandwidth at each site. Increasing the number of branch CPE devices
increases both the bandwidth usage and the CPU overhead to perform SLA monitoring. You can limit the SLA
monitoring traffic to lower link utilization, for instance, on high-cost links such as LTE connections. For more information,
see Configure SLA Monitoring for SD-WAN Traffic Steering.
In a full-mesh topology, there is direct reachability to prefixes in remote branches. Traffic is routed to those prefixes
using the next hop of the remote branch loopback (TVI) interfaces. If there is an underlay cut or the SLA probing cannot
declare the remote branch to be reachable, the SLA monitoring session is down and therefore the next hop is not
reachable. The result is that this prefix is withdrawn from the routing table. The route table below illustrates that for the
Branch-1 VRF, three routes have been withdrawn. These routes have the interface name "indirect."
Updated: Tue, 14 Sep 2021 15:43:23 GMT
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BGP N/A + 1w6d20h Indirect
BGP N/A + 00:05:58 Indirect
Hub-and-Spoke Topology
The Versa Networks SD-WAN solution supports different types of hub-and-spoke topologies:
Spoke-to-Hub Only
In a spoke-to-hub-only topology, the only prefixes advertised, by default, are hub routes, and spokes routes are not re-
advertised by the hub branch. You use this topology when spokes do not have to communicate with each other. A good
example is a network of ATM cash machines in which devices communicate exclusively with resources in the customer
data center. The following figures shows that spoke prefixes are accepted only by the hub and that they are rejected by
other spokes based on the BGP community configuration.
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The following CLI output shows that the spoke Branch-1 VRF route table contains routes only from the hub:
The route table on spoke Branch-1 shows only destinations behind hubs, again with Hub-1 being preferred, and the
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table shows no spokes routes. The following output shows the prefixes advertised by spoke Branch-1:
You use BGP import policies to filter spoke routes. For example, using spoke community 8000:2 filters out spoke routes
on hubs in the LAN-VR-Export VR, and these routes are not advertised back to the spokes. Therefore, the hub route
tables contains all spoke prefixes:
On hubs, all spokes prefixes are installed in the corresponding VRF. You can implement redistribution policy on hubs to
perform route summarization or to generate default a static route, for instance, to attract traffic from spokes.
Updated: Tue, 14 Sep 2021 15:43:23 GMT
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You can use the spoke-to-spoke through a hub topology when communication between branches is not required, for
example, when security and other services are centralized at the hub site or when the cost of ownership of WAN links
dictates it.
The following figure shows the method that hub sites use manipulate VRF spoke routes. With this method, you change
the route distinguisher on the hub for a set of VRF routes that you are advertising so that the Controller nodes can
separate the routes and accept them during BGP route selection. The Controller nodes have the original routes from the
spokes and the spoke routes advertised by the hubs, and they reflects them to the branches. You use route-target
filtering on the spokes to perform the remainder of the route selection. With route-target filter, you import the hub-
advertised spoke routes, and the Controller nodes use these routes to select the hub as the next hop towards the
remote sites.
Updated: Tue, 14 Sep 2021 15:43:23 GMT
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In a spoke-to-spoke via hub topology, the branches communicate only through the hub. The IP prefixes of remote
branches always have the hub as the next hop.
SLA monitoring is active only on paths towards hub sites and Controller nodes, and spoke sites are not monitored. This
reduces the amount of SLA probe traffic compared to a full-mesh topology and addresses the concerns of scalability in
deployments that have a large number of branches.
The following CLI output shows the SLA monitoring view on Branch-1:
Because the hub nodes re-advertise the spoke branch prefixes, the spoke branches learn all the spoke prefixes. The
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next-hop IP address for the spoke branches is the hub's loopback TVI address.
The following output from the Branch-1 VRF routes table shows a deployment with two hubs. The hub that you configure
with a higher priority is the one that maintains the active route
The following CLI output shows an example of the spoke routes advertised by Branch-1:
The community string 8000:1 marks the spokes routes so that the BGP import policy on the spokes can identify them,
and in this case, it rejects routes starting with this community string. The following CLI output is an example of a spoke
route advertised by Hub-1:
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Route Distinguisher : 16002L:110
Next-hop :
VPN Label : 24705
Local Preference : 100
AS Path : N/A
Origin : Incomplete
MED :0
Community : [ 8000:0 8000:1 8001:110 8002:111 8009:8009 ]
Extended community : [ target:16002L:0 target:16002L:110 ]
The community string 8009:8009 marks the spokes routes advertised by hubs so that the BGP import policy can identify
them, and in this case, it accepts these routes, which have the hub as the next hop. The community string 8009:8010
marks direct LAN route from hubs, which the BGP import policy also accepts.
In this topology, Hub-1 is configured with a higher priority than Hub-2. This configuration explains why there are two
entries in the route table for each prefix and why Hub-1 is the preferred next hop. Having two hubs provides redundancy,
because Hub-2 is used when Hub-1 is not reachable.
The BGP import policy uses the extended-community attribute to accept routes from the hubs and to set a higher local
preference for Hub-1. The extended target string 16002L:110 is derived from site ID 110, which is Hub-1.
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For a spoke-to-spoke–direct topology, you use spoke groups. Branches within the same spoke group can communicate
directly with each other, and they use hubs to reach branches in different spoke groups. In the topology shown above,
Branch-1 and Branch-2 communicate with each other directly, but to reach Branch-3 the next hop is Hub-1. The hubs
are connected using a full-mesh topology.
It is recommended that you deploy a spoke-to-spoke–direct topology whenever feasible, so that you can use spoke
groups to provide redundancy and flexible meshing of branches.
The following CLI output shows the SLA monitoring view on Branch-1:
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Branch-2 6689028 fc_ef MPLS MPLS 1 1 active disable 0 up 1 00:04:59
6693380 fc_ef Internet Internet 2 2 active disable 0 up 1 00:04:59
Controller-1 69888 fc_nc MPLS MPLS 1 1 disable disable 0 up 5 1d22h41m
74240 fc_nc Internet Internet 2 2 disable disable 0 up 1 1d22h45m
Hub-1 7213316 fc_ef MPLS MPLS 1 1 suspend disable 0 up 7 02:48:59
7217668 fc_ef Internet Internet 2 2 suspend disable 0 up 3 02:48:58
Hub-2 7278852 fc_ef MPLS MPLS 1 1 suspend disable 0 up 5 02:48:41
7283204 fc_ef Internet Internet 2 2 suspend disable 0 up 3 02:48:41
SLA monitoring is performed on the paths towards Hub-1, Hub-2, and Branch-2, because these belong to the same
spoke group. SLA monitoring is not performed on branches in different spoke groups.
The following CLI output shows the Branch-1 VRF route table:
A spoke-to-spoke direct topology incorporates additional redundancy. The CLI output above shows three route table
entries for These routes are advertised by Branch-2 as well as by Hub-1 and Hub-2. When there are
underlay connectivity issues between Branch-1 and Branch-2, the hubs provide a redundant path to reach the Branch-2
Routes for branches in different spoke groups are only reachable through the hubs.
To create the expected topology, you use BGP community strings and import policies to accept or reject routes.
Here, the community string 8010:1 corresponds to spoke Group-1. The community string is a unique BGP community
that is associated with the spoke group and that you assign during the Workflow configuration. Based on this community
string, the import policy based is pushed to the spokes that are in the same spoke group.
In the topology shown in the figure above, Hub-1 has a higher priority. You configure an import policy that manipulates
the Local-Pref attribute (Branch-2 > Hub-1 > Hub-2) to prefer the routes advertised by Hub-1. The following output
shows the Local Preference configuration on Branch-1:
Updated: Tue, 14 Sep 2021 15:43:23 GMT
Copyright © 2020, Versa Networks, Inc.
Origin : Incomplete
MED :0
Community : [ 8000:0 8000:1 8001:110 8002:111 8009:8009 8009:8009 8010:1 ]
Extended community : [ target:16002L:0 target:16002L:110 ]
Preference : Default
The following CLI output shows the entries in the Branch-1 route table:
Spokes routes are directly reachable from hubs, and the backup is to use the remote hubs. For example, in the output
above, the prefixes learned from Branch-1 (the first two entries in the roue table) show that the direct route is active.
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by region. Within a particular region, the topology can be anything—full mesh, partial mesh, or hub and spoke—and
branches communicate based on the selected topology. When a branch in one region wants to communicate with a
branch in another region, the communication transits through regional hubs.
You can select this topology when there is geographical separation and when regional WAN transport networks are
available and hubs between regions use the company backbone or high-bandwidth WAN links. The following figures
shows two regional networks with different topologies: Region A uses a spoke-to-spoke–direct topology, and Region B
uses a spoke-to-spoke topology through a hub. In this example, communication between Branch-1 and Branch-3 uses
Hub-1 and Hub-2, but the branches can use any regional hubs in the local region. This topology demonstrates how you
can use the SHHS topology in regional networks.
The following CLI output shows the SD-WAN topology view from Branch-1. Because Region A uses a full-mesh
topology, the output shows only regional hubs and branches.
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Branch-1 101 local 12d:19h:48m:37s - no
Branch-2 102 remote 22m:34s Connected no
Controller-1 1 remote 6d:21h:54m:14s Connected yes
Hub-1 110 remote 12d:19h:47m:28s Connected no
The following CLI output shows the SD-WAN topology view from Branch-3. Branch-3 is the only hub branch, which is
normal in a spoke-to-spoke through a hub topology:
The following CLI output shows the entries in the Branch-1 VRF route table. The two prefixes in both regions are
highlighted. The prefix, for Branch-2, is a direct route towards Branch-2 through Hub-1 for redundancy,
and it is the less preferred path. The preferred route is the direct route that uses Branch-2 as the next hop and that is the
active route, as indicated by the plus sign (+). The prefix is for Branch-3, and the route table entries
points to Hub-1.
The following CLI output shows the entries in the Branch-3 VRF route table. The highlighted output shows two prefixes
in both regions and that there is no difference in the treatment between regions. Region B uses a spoke-to-spoke
through a hub topology. The prefix is behind Branch-1, and the prefix prefix is behind
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Routes for Routing instance : Tenant1-LAN-VR AFI: ipv4 SAFI: unicast
You can connect the sites by configuring one of the following in on the gateway device:
• Configure the branch as the gateway and configure the branches in the spoke-to-spoke-direct topology in the
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Workflow templates
• Advertise a summary route from the gateway. The gateway can be any branch site, and you do not need to
configure the branch as a gateway in the Workflow templates.
• Advertise a default route from the gateway. The gateway can be any branch site, and you do not need to configure
the branch as a gateway in the Workflow templates.
The separation prevents the control planes of each SD-WAN island from exchanging information with each other, and
there is no connectivity between domains. Creating tenants and service templates across SD-WAN islands become a
complex task. The SHHS topology provides a solution that is highly scalable, compartmentalized, fully automated, and
easy to deploy and operate.
The following figure shows a control plane connection for an isolated region. An IBGP session is established between
the headend Controller node and the hub Controller node (HCN-1) site in the restricted region and is used to exchange
SD-WAN route information over a suitable transport, in this case a private transport, that allows IPsec traffic. The data
plane flow between a branch in the restricted region and a branch with no restriction traverses the hub sites using IPsec
tunnels. Note that the headend Controller node is not part of the data plane communication.
You can apply the SD-WAN network topology shown in the following figure to restricted regions. Branches in this region
create an SD-WAN island in the form of a restricted underlay that has no connectivity with the rest of the world. An
approved transport must be provided by a government-approved service provider to allow IPsec traffic, which can be a
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Layer 2 service (such as Layer 2 VPN and VPLS) or a Layer 3 service. This service is represented by the private
For such a topology, the VOS software provides a hierarchical controller structure called a hub-controller node (HCN)
device type. An HCN can interconnect the control planes of SD-WAN islands that may be using their own Controller
instances. The MP-BGP–based control plane assigns separate community values to represent each SD-WAN island,
and IBGP sessions are established between the regional HCNs and the Versa headend Controller node, unifying the
control plane. HCNs can consolidate Controller and hub functionalities into one node to preserve resources on the
control side of the network. HCN nodes exchange information with spokes and implement the data plane functions of
hub nodes.
You can deploy HCNs in active–active mode for the control plane to maximize uptime and ease of serviceability. In
active–active mode, multitenancy is preserved across the topology using the organization and sub-organization
structure. Data plane redundancy is provided by BGP next-hop route resolution. You then provision tenants and
services, starting from the spokes of one SD-WAN island to the other SD-WAN island, using the expanded templates for
SHHS deployment. After the control plane is fully functional, SD-WAN paths are automatically established between
Branch-1 and Hub-1, Hub-1 and HCN-1, and HCN-1 and Branch-3 in a hop-by-hop manner, in both directions, as shown
in the figure above. These paths can be separate SD-WAN tunnels or shared SD-WAN tunnels that may already be
present between spokes and hub routers. All data plane operations are handled automatically and require no manual
configuration. After the end-to-end data paths are set up, users can communicate seamlessly between the spokes of
separate SD-WAN islands.
The following figure shows an SD-WAN topology with two VRFs in one organization. VRF-A (red) is configured for
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spoke-to-hub only, and VRF-B (blue) uses a full-mesh topology. This principle can apply to multitenant branches in
which each organization's topology may be different.
• The full-mesh topology is the default option in Director Workflows, and you can deploy a full mesh without
restrictions for VPNs with up to 100 sites. If there are more sites, SLA monitoring consumes a significant amount
bandwidth. This means that branches with low-bandwidth connections must assign a relatively high proportion of
their available bandwidth for SLA monitoring traffic. For low-bandwidth branches, it is recommended that you deploy
a spoke-to-spoke through a hub topology so that SLA monitoring is performed only towards the hubs.
• Spoke-to-spoke-direct topologies are recommended over full-mesh topologies. For many use cases, having a hub
node is preferable in the topology, for example, to avoid disjointed underlays caused by circuit failures or NAT
traversal issues. Also, spoke-to-spoke–direct topology provides better support for automatically importing routes
from LAN adjacent networks, which avoids manual configuration of redistribution policies.
• Use a distinct WAN network name on the hub sites.
Updated: Tue, 14 Sep 2021 15:43:23 GMT
Copyright © 2020, Versa Networks, Inc.
Software Release Information
Releases 20.2 and later support all content described in this article.
Additional Information
Configure Regional Hub-and-Controller Nodes for SHHS Topologies
Configure SLA Monitoring for SD-WAN Traffic Steering
Updated: Tue, 14 Sep 2021 15:43:23 GMT
Copyright © 2020, Versa Networks, Inc.