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CARPENTRY AND MASONRY + CARPENTRY ~artand manner of cutting, forming and joining wood parts together, involves shaping and assembling:structural woodwork + Carpenter ~ Builder or skilled craftsman who performs carpentry works + Woodworking ~ skills developed In.terms of measuring, cutting, framing, Jolning and finishing yr jynaterials. Types of Woods O » 1. Lumber — Woods that came from trees, elther softwood or hardwood, y + Softwood ~ called as conifers because many of them bear cones. | ail, + Hardwood - comes from broad leafed (deciduous) trees ‘at y 2. Yard lumber: A —_ — Prepared lumber for variety of uses. » @ «Select grade —lumber of good appearance that can take elferent fines suchas stain, paint,” and enamel. 4 + Common grade suitable for rough carpentry, tis not of finishing quality (eg. Coco Lumber) 3. Manufactured wood ~ Aso called man-made wood, tis are timber sheets which ae produced by gluing wood layers or wood fibers together. n < + Wood veneer -thin slices of wood » + Plywood ~a sheet material from thin layers op ples" of Wobd Veneer + Pressed wood or Fiber wood ~ also called af Mediurdensity fiber (MDF), made from woodchips + article board ~ also known as Low-density fet (LDF) or chipboard, I's cheaper, denser and more uniform than conventional wood andplywood Us + Laminated wood — logs are rogessed iby, sovling rand drying + DEFECTS OF WOODS oa + Knot = Branch off he been Exposed + Check smallerackorspllt. | ~ + Split - break or big crackin the board. + Decay “Rotting of wood + Stain- Discoloration + Wane = lack of wood on the face of the piece +. Warp = crack; bow, cup, wind (twist) or any combination of this. + Lumbers are sold following the description: + Surfaced two side or $25:~planed or smooth on two sides. + Surfaced four side or S45 — planed or smooth on four sides. + Surfaced in two side and one edge or $35 ~ board has been surfaced $25 first, then one edge is ripped straight. + Rough lumber~ unplanned usually passes exact dimension in T, W, L. + Surfaced lumber ~ Pianed lumber usually lessened in actual size by about 3/8 of an inch. + Prices of lumber ranges according to the following: + Types of wood . + Dimensions + Grades of lumber ~ either sun drled, alr dried or kiln dried * Basie Consideration on the Quallty of Work Done: + Quality of wood selected + The design of the project + The skill and basic processes Involved in making the project + Wood Preparation + Seasoning ~ process of drying the wood In preparation for use. + Finishing Seasoning + the process of drying the wood in preparation for use. = AirSeasoning (Sun Drled) ~ filling the wood in open alr Kiln Seasoning (Kiln Dried) ~ the use of oven to dry wood Treated — Use of Chemical compound before seasoning + approximate moisture content of drying hardwood for home furniture are: we, 20% for softwood 6-12 % for hardwood a Finishing % + Scraper~ used to produce a very smooth surface. a + Sand paper — used to smoothen the surface of wood. — + Wood fillers (Masilya) ~ used to eliminate deep éuts and holes.» + Stain wood finishing metal, derived from different.color of woods such as walnut, mahogany and natural color. “ o + Shellac - came from gums substances of insects + a. Orange Shellac= natural type +b. White Shellae— produced by/bleaching + Varnish ~ most used clear finishing material + Paints ~ most widely use‘in finishing)a project. + a. Latex paint is easier to work with and dries more quickly +b Enamel Paint ~ used for coating surfaces that are outdoors +c, Lacquer Paint - used for a number of hard and potentially shiny finishes applied to materials such as wood and metals. + Common Wood Joints 1, Dado Joint (across the grain) Groove that runs on board, commonly use for making cabinets and bookshelves. 2. Rabbet Joint (along the grain) Commonly used for making frames to hold glasses in drawers and other cabinetwork. 3. Mortise and Tenon (force fitting) Oldest and strongest kind of wood joint. This is considered best for quality chairs, tables and benches. Miter Joint Uses 45 degrees angle cut, intended for making frames. Lap Joint Used for reinforcing wood length. Wood assembling is overlapping each other. Butt Joint Simplest type of wood joint, two pieces of wood is nailed in one end. Dovetail Joint Used on the corner of drawers and chairs. Nowe Tongue and Groove is widely used for re-entrant angles, allow two flat pieces to be joined strongly together to make a single flat surface MITER JOINT ~ picture frame LAP or BUTT JOINT ~ tables and chairs MORTISE and TENON ~ chairs, table and benches a Cutting Tools Back Saw ~ making wood joint. ® Coping Saw ~ irregular shape and curves @ Crosscut Saw ~ across the grain Hack Saw ~ cut metal Key Hole or Compass Saw ~ irregular and circle shape in wood. Long crosscut Saw ~ large and round lumber Rip Saw— along the grain DESIGN A PRODUCT Designing processes to follow; i. Wood Floor System Girder - principal beam exténding fro Clarify the purpose, condition and place of use. Draw a conceptual picture. List the materials needed, yo Ust the tools and equipment to be uséd in processing Sa Prepare technical drawings and parts drawings) Make prototype if possible. > Y om ito wal Floor joist — placed on the girders where the floor boards are fastened Sill~ rest horizontally upon the foundation Header ~ short transverse jist thet supports the end of cut-off joist ata stair well hole ‘Trimmer Support Flooring — tonglie and/groove board which is most common of wood flooring materials. aN ist which carries an end portion of header. bist splices Cinders, Roof System 1. Shed or Lean-to-Roof - Simplest form of roof consisting of one single slope, 2. Gable or Pitch Roof - Most common type and economical form of roof Truss Hip Roof - Common form used in modern houses Hip and Valley Roof - Combination of hip roof and an intersecting gable roof forming T or L shaped building. Pyramid Roof - Modification of hip roof Gambrel Roof - Modification of the gable roof with each side having two slopes. Dome Hemispherical form of roof ‘Types of Roof Frame a 1 2 3. 4, Common Rafter — extended at right angle from the plate or girt to the ridge. » Rafter ~ diagonally laid from the corner of plate or girtto the ridge. rN Valley Rafter — does not extend from plate or girt to the ridge. Jack Rafter - frame between hip rafter and girt are called hip jack. Thegrame be the ridge and valley rafter are called valley jack and those frame between the hip and valley rafter are called cripple jack. “ . Octagonal Rafter ~ placed on octagonal shaped plate at the central apex or ridge pole. series of triangles used to distribute load and stiffen the structure spacing Girts - the structural member that supports the rafters or truss of a building. Collar Beam “ties between rafters on opposite sides of roof. Purlins =the struetial member placed on top of the rafter or top chord of a truss that support the roofing matefials. Girts « Common Parts of a Stair Height of a flight of stairs from landing to landing. Vertical face of stair step. Horizontal distance from the first to last riser of stair flight. Horizontal floor as resting place in a flight. Place occupied by flight of stairs (TxW' xt) /a2 + Example: dy = T pieces of 2% 2x2 (8 bd. Ft.x7 pe 56 bd. Ft. x Php Php 616.00. MASONRY + Concrete ~ artificial sto SY '4x.x 12) cost Php 11.00 per board feet. 16)12 = B bd. ft.x 7 pcs = 56 bd. Ft. 8) x Php 11.00 11.00 ne as a result of mixing sand, cement, gravel and water. “Well Hole_| Opening in the floor at the top of the flight of stairs. Stair Clear vertical height measured from nosing of a stal Headroom | tread to any overhead construction. _ b Tread [Horizontal part of a step Including the nosing. (7 Za} iy, ‘Step __| Stair unit which consist of one tread and one riser= Winders _|Steps not parallel with each other GN = + Mortar ~ mixture of cement, sand and water used for binding stones, bricks, etc. or for plastering. + Plaster - mixture applied wet to wall or ceilings and hardened to produce smooth surface. + Cement - a bonding agent that reacts with water to form a hard stone-like substance. — Two types of Cer ment + Portland Cement (Approx 24Hrs Curing Period) + Pozzoland Cement (Approx 72Hrs Curing Period) + CHB- most widely used masonry material + Bricks ~ manufactured from clay + Ashlars~ stone blocks laid in parallel horizontal courses. + Rubble stone ~ irregular stones with good face for wall surface, + Aggregates ~ material bound together Into a conglomerated mass by cement and water to form concrete, mortar or plaster. ~ Fine sand ~ Coarse crushed rocks, gravel TILE SIZE TILE SIZE NUMBER OF ___ (METRIC) (ENGLISH) TILES 20x20 8x8 25 pes 20x25 8x10 20 pes». 30x30 12x12 11 pes 33x33 13x13 9.25,p0s 40x40 texts 6.25 pes. ‘50x50 18x18 | Apes 60x60 24x24 Ww 2.7 pes aw - oe CHB Size ¢ . I No. of Pieces Ss 4a’x % pss Wa 55 to 60 pes m ae 6" x 8" x16" 30 to 36 pcs 8" x8" x 16" 25 to 30 pes BLESSING NOTES | Carpentry —referring to technology and science of cutting, fitting, and assembling thumb — used as guide * working with piece of materials as in sawing, boring, filing and planing, always use ~ Clamps * marking the thickness — marking gauge + squareness -Try square + Angles ~Sliding T bevel + Carpentry ~ referring to technology and science of cutting, fitting, and assembling + thumb -used as guide + working with piece of materials as in sawing, boring, filing and planing, always use ~ Clamps + marking the thickness ~ marking gauge + squareness Try square Angles ~ Sliding T bevel hardwood - 6-12 % Softwood ~ 20% angle used in sawing soft and thin wood ~ 30-45 degrees Seasoning - process of drying the lumber ‘Sawing ~ preparation of wood for commercial purposes common plywood is 4x 8 feet 4 provides greater holding power than nails — screw . process of smoothening using sand paper ~ Sanding constructing tables and chairs - Mortise and Tenon CHB ~ bound together by a material called mortar artificial stone ~ Concrete @ most widely used masonry materials ~ Hollow blocks € manufactured from clay ~ Bricks > cconglomerated mass ~ Aggregates aggregate components ofa total mass of concrete - 90% (exact composition Is 95%) 1: 3:6 ~ class Concrete mixture hand mining % kg of water +1 kg of cement +2 kg of sand’#2.5~3 kg of (giavel vertical - Plumb bob NO Classifications of masonry tools none of the above (2nly, Roughing Up and Surface Finishing Tools) finishing a surface - Float Le v fine textured concrete plaster ~ Rubber foam. “< y Vv one Economy ~ NOT to be considered in proportiching conefete mixture ‘commonly used in small and large construction — Portland cement practices in mixing cement EXCEPT, Add plenty of water purpose of footing in masonry, It prevents the foundation from sinking Has long period of curing tirie =Pozzolan’” ‘smallest division of the metric scale = millimeter ‘one inch to centimeters = 2.54 best to use — Kiln dried er ~ cylindrical objéct Fastening materials = nals Plywood ~ three or more veneer slice strongest form — mortise and tenon sanding ~ done before the application of finishing materials $48 — four of its sides are smooth or planed splicing or joining of wood using two side blocks ~ Fishing simplest - Butt joint major horizontal support - Header series of triangles — Truss 60 degrees tooth of a cross cut saw solid color instead of a wood pattern - Opaque finishes oldest and most commonly used building material - Wood conifers - Soft wood binding agent — Cement rough ~ cutting marks are visible put through planking machine ~ dressed been dresses and matched, ship lapped, or patterned - worked plank of wood that has been roughly cut ~ Lumber Fatal ~ parallel to the face 4 Edge-grain - 90 degrees tothe face art of building with stone, bricks, concrete - Masonry you hold on to— Handrail 7 part do you step on ~ Tread (minsan READ ang kalagay s3 option) g2. Door hinge ~ door swing when you close and open it standard height ofthe riser ~ 6-8 inches protective equipment, EXCEPT ~ ear muffs Helmet - protects the carpenter from falling objects protects the carpenter from falling - Belt and harness compress baked clay ~ Bricks closely together —Close-grain do not run parallel to the board —Cross-grain picture frame — Miter joint shelves of a bookcase ~ Dado joint ar end of one member inserted to hole of the ather‘n imeinber: Morea Tenon joint Lap joint - one side over the other On \ v Butt joint~one end over the other y . ‘igid and durable ~Mortise and Tenor{jolit >’ 45 degrees angle - Miter joint ps ‘es protects the room occupants — abet joint mmidcle of a bench ~ Bridle joint” English system—inch “SY Metric system — meter . measure long distances ~ Pull-push rule mark very rough object? - Chalk line vertical line = Plum bob, fasten and remove nails~ Claw hammer smoothen wood surfaces ~ Plane ‘smooth finish of concrete after floating - Concrete trowel cut brick, block, or stone ~Mason’s hammer Tepair mortar joints ~ Pointing trowel and move mortar ~ Brick trowel mix concrete ~ Shovel lays bricks - Hawk flat with handle at the back usually made of wood - Float shaping and forming concrete edges - Edger ‘mix concrete for column and slab ~1:41/2:3 class B mixture 1:21/2:5 + mix concrete fora slab in the ground-1:2:4 + mix concrete for hollow block filler 13:6 + can be molded without segregation —Plasticlty + degree of wetness or slump ~ Consistency + results from mixing cement, sand, and water — Mortar + results from mixing cement and water Grout A + process of finishing using mortar ~ Plastering + Start laying ceramic tiles - Center + Start laying concrete hollow blocks — Left ap + mix mortar for plastering - cement and sand GEO + _tollet and bathroom flooring - Non-skid granite tiles Ss . + Bricks longer side is exposed to view — Stretcher 7 regulate the strength of concrete, EXCEPT , Dropping concrete mixture from high. Seoy + 1:24—Class A > * set-up the lateral level of a concrete fence ~ Spirit level @ + coarse aggregates ~ Gravel ~ + process of hardening of concrete ~ Curing & widely used in small and large construction including roads‘and Hahn Portiand cement + added to the batch immediately before or during its ix ‘Adminedre + the structural reinforcing member—Stirups 4). + structure that holds the poured concrete - Forms.” » | + days shall concrete be maintained above 10, ): Ctemperature ~ 7 days + a"x8" x16" Concrete hollow blocks ~55 10.60 pes » eee, * COMPUTATION y 4 + Acarpenter bought 7 pieces of Bray? umber If the price is 35.00 per board foot, how much did he pay? a.1,980.00 «, 1/950,00 < Lp 1,940.00 d.1,960.00)) 2x4x12 = 96/12 = 8 bd. ft. x7 Pe 56 bd. Ft, (8bd. Ft. X7 pes) Php 35.00 ‘ ps ‘56 bd. Ft. x Php 35.00 hp 1,960.00 + Find the total number of board feet of six pieces of lumber with a dimension of 2" x4" x 12', a.8bd. ft, ©. 48 bd. ft. b. 96 bd, ft. d. 480 bd. ft. 2xaxl2 = 96/12=8 8 bd. ft.x 6 pes = 48 bd. Ft. + Ifyou have 2 ft length of a piece of wood, how long is it in inches? 3.25 6.22 b.12 4.24 2 ft x12 inches = 24 inches + Ifyou have 2 yards length of a plece of wood, how long Is It In inches? 3.82 bm 2 yards x 36 inches = 72 Inches +20 yards length of wood Is how many feet? 3.36 b.35 10 yards x3 feet = 30 feet + One decameter of G.l, sheets is how many centimeters? a.10 b.20 1 decameter = 0.10 meter 1 meter = 100 centimeter 0.10 m x 10cm = 10 + A2"x3" x12! lumber is how many board feet? a2 : ~~ 2.30 b.35 1x1x8=8 y 8x5 pes=40 oo & & y © SOmillimeters lest ofan jece’of lumber Is how many decimeter? as Oo Xv boos A meter = 1000 millimeter meter = 10 decimeter 50mm / 1000 m= 0.05 mi 0.051 x 10 dm = 0.5 dm ‘+ How tall sa 10 meter building in inches? 23.937 b.39.37 1m =39.37 inches 10x 39.37 = 393.7 84 4.64 6.30 .24 100 ; d. 1,000 ® ¢ O38. bé 10° (23x12) /2= 72/12 ©.40 0.45 ©. 0.005, 4.05 ©3937 4. 3,937 + Amason wants to lay concrete hollow blocks into a 10 sq.m. wall, How many CHB are needed? 10 a. 100 pes. , 122.5 pes. b, 120 pes. d. 125 pes. 10 sq, mx 12,5 pes (standard) = 125 pes + How many 8" x 8" wall tiles are needed In a wall 2.5 m width and 4.0 m height? ‘a, 300 pes. ©. 550 pes. b, 500 pes. d, 600 pcs. 2.5mx4m=l0sqm 7 10 sqm x25 pes (8"x8") = 250 pes ®@ (pwede yung 300 dahil nearest to 250) * + Acatpenter bought 10 pes. of a2" x3" x8! lumber. If the price of lumber Is P50.00 Per bdard foot, how much did he pay? a, 1,800 €. P2y 4 b. 1,900 4.92100 2x3x8/12=4 410 pcs = 40 bd ftx Php 50 = Php 2,000 * Acarpenter bought 10 pes, of 22" 4x lumber tf ther Jer is P50.00 per board foot, how much did he pay? a. P1800 b. PI,900 c. P2,000 4. P2,100 2x4x6/12=4 = 5 0 41x 10 pes = 40 bl Res PRG zp 2,000 + How many cubic yard cof conerete do you need to cover a space with an area of 25 square foot anda slab thickness of four (4) inches? ~~ ‘a.038cu, yd,” b.0.32cu. yd. ¢.0,25 cu. yd. yd. * Convert 4 inches into foot then combine with the given area + 4/12=0.33ft 0.33 ft x 25 sq ft 8.25 sqft uw + Area /27 cu yrd + 10% (Formula, 27 comes from 3¥for cuble yard) 8.25 sq ft /27 (cu. ved) 0.30555... 0.31 + Getthe 10% of 0.31 031x0.1 =0.031 0.31 +0.031 = 0.341 cuyrd. + Toconvert from feet to get numberof meters, multiply feet by? 2.03048 b.2sa 30.48 4. 284 BUSINESS MATH Four Financial Statements 1. Balance Sheet / Financial Position + assets + labitties + capital 2. Income Statement + revenue or income + expenses = Gross income (total revenue) WITHOUT deduction) ~ _Netincome (Reverie ess Expelise; R> E) ~ Net Loss (E> & Expensels greater than Revenue) 3. Statement of Owner's Equity + _aptaland dringi CERTAIN PERIOD 4. Statement of Cash Flow . Received cash; om gbing operations + Cash Feéeipts and payments ASSET ‘CURRENT ASSETS > 1. Cash ‘Amediln of exhange thats in currency form. 2. Account Receivable = Money owed by the customers or debtor acquired through service rendered and goods purchaed on accounts 3. Notes Recelvable ~ debts endorsed through promissory notes. FINED ASSETS and INTANGIBLE ASSETS. Buildings Franchise Vehicles Copyright Offce/ Store Supplies ‘Trademarks Offce/Store equipment and machineries Patent Furniture and Fixtures Software uasiuiTies Uneerned Revenue ~ an income collected by the business in advance whose product or service is yet to be provided 1. Current Liability 2 + Accounts Payable + Notes Payable + Salaries Payable + Utilities Payable Interest Payable ~ Interests accumulated from debts 2. Long-term Laity + Mortgage Payable + Loan Payable + Bonds Payable caprraL + Owner's Capital invested/investment “ > + Owmer's Drawing - account used for assets withdrawn bythe owner for personal use revenue O + Sales + Commissions Service Revenue + Rent Income + Interest income EXPENSES + Salaries Expense + Utlties Expense « pentenence + bootkeping recog athe varsaconin WS + Classifying — grouping similar and Imre sn arn stg the ledger Summarizing ~ preparing nancial statements)“ + Journalizing - recording business transaction in a Book of original entries called a journal + Posting -transferring entries fry ficial oles + Adjusting entries are used to; 2. lose the books record accruals X + Reminders: WN = Pag column ang tinatanong, it's either DEBIT or CREDIT lang = _Pagang transaction nag end sa “on account or on credit” ang creitsde ay Accounts Payable pero pag ‘wal, automiatié ang credit side ay Cash >" Lahat ia purasok DEBIT, lahat ng lumabas CREDIT ~ Fanalyze maigi ang transaction bago mag answer © + Reminders: 2 Pog goss sales, walang bawas ang pain = Pag net sales naman bawas ang expenses — Pag depreciation value, if given na yung value, Iconvert ang percentage into decimal, then multiply sa amount —fperyeary or monthly ito ang formula; total amount ~ depreciation value time (months if needed) + Reminders: — Pag kukuha ng percentage, mauuna ang malit na value sa mas malaking velue, kaylangan naka decimal ‘muna then multiply sa 100 para maging whole number, kapag dinivide mo at naka whole number agad, bliktarin mo yun pag divide dahil baka nagkamalika lang © = Pag wala yung exact answer, hanapin ang pinaka malapit 8 BLESSING NOTES, + Statement cash flows, the information concerning the cash Inflows and outflows + Closing entries are made, in order to transfer net Income/ioss and owner's drawings to the owner account ‘Trade companies ~ business to recelve goods and services before paying + example of external finance ~ Bank loan + Capital gain~ shareholder sells his shares for more than he pald Point at which the level of sales of a business exactly equals Its casts ~Break-even point + Current Assets-Current Liabilities - Working capital + does not appear in Balance Sheet Depreciation Expense Net Income or Profit results from, revenues excceding expenses ‘Assets are normally recorded at ~ cost Requires 15 months of payment ~ Long-term lability Best applies to current asset ~ Accounts recelvable + Non-current assets ~ Properties and equlpment Received in exchange for delivery of goods ~ Income Decreases In Owner's equity - Expenses Resources owned ~ Assets * Acquired assets through obligations — ability Business owned willbe due not to exceed a year ~ Current Asset Requires prompt payment - Current Liability capltal compuraTion o War 1. Jeff receives P2,500 from her parents as manthllaWance, He spends 3/S for dormitory fee and utilis, 2/5 for her other needs and saves the rest. How much does she save?» ‘ ‘8.2000 PNG : Paso 3.P750 ee » .P500 € 3/5445 24/5, _ cS devine m/s OP 500% 4 = 2000 ~ Y neonimr-s0 9 AY) 2. Christine ga salefay in Meso Department Store She recived a salary of 10,000 8 month plus 2 commission of 1900 aller sales. Last month, her total sales was P35,000. How much did she ear fr the month? ‘AP 10,035.00 Bur 10n03%0 €.P30,350.00 .P20,530.00 1%/100=0.01 35000 X0.01 = 350 10000 + 350= 10, 350 3. Ifa skirt marked down 25%, what wil the purchase price be? A.P25.00, B. 75% of its original price €.50% off, 0.75.00, B. 75% of its original price “4 4. Find the profit of Ronnet's water refilling business with revenue of P6,000,000 and costs of 142,000,000 114,000,000 6 140,000 «¢ 91,400,000 414,000 ‘56,000,000 = 42,000,000 » 14,000,000 $. Niko's food stall has costs of P2,900. Her total food sales are P1 1,600. What percent of her food sales do the food costs represent 20% bas cam 4.30% 2.900/1,600 @ F0233100 s5% 6. Brea needs 250 cookies fora buet. She will make oatmeal rast ‘cookies. She wants 25% of the cookies to be oatmeal raisin and 15% of fhe How many chocolate chunk cookies must Brea bake? 150 b.125 6.140 4.100 25 %oatmeal + 15%macaroons 40% 100% - 40% = 60, 250 (total cooki 250°" 0.60, 4 7. -Acustomer places sped order through 480 Furniture Store. The ist price Inthe manufacturer's catalogs 11,600. 480 Furniture fecelvesa 35% trade ciscount. Whats the net price forthe furniture order? shortcut in getting net price in Trade Discount "Subtractthe given discount from 100% then multiply to the given amount 100% 38% = 65% 1,600.65 1,040 8. Ron's Manufacturing offers discounts on most of its products. What is the trade discount rate on an item with a list price of P16.79 and a net price of 72.42? 22% b.26% 6 54% 4.74% ‘Trade Discount = List Price x Trade Discount rate Net Price = List Price ~ Trade Discount TD =16.79x242 8 4063 But, in the given option, 26% Is nearest to the correct answer. COSMETOLOGY + Matrix~ contains nerves + Cutlele~ overlapping skin around nail + Mantle ~ deep fold or skin at the base of nail + Nall Wall skin on sides of nail + Eponychium-thin ine atbase of nal © potted been he + tunula—half moon shape SR “ul grooves stor track innallbed “ » a PROCEDURES IN MANICURE + Remove old polish + Shape nats Free Edge ; + Soften cuticle \___ Hyponychium. + Dry fngetis, ; * Apply cuticle remover Nail Groove + Loosen cuticle * Trim cuticle Nail Bed + Gleanunder free edge + Apply hand and arm massage Cuticle + Remove traces af oll + Apply base coat * Apply colored polish + Apply top coat Q + Apply instant nail dry. @, X x + Kinds of Make Up Ry ~e AS or 1. Day make-up work, ehufth, orelnry event 2, Evening make-up — -néavy/dcamatle party, pageant 3. Photographic make-up = Wedding, pictorial 4 5. |. Theatrica/Fantasy make-up disguise, theater play . Corrective make-pachieve balance ~ flghighting eco Shadowine/Shading 6. Implement and Supeles © EYE: Eyeliner eyeshadow, mascara and eyebrow brush = FACE: Foundation brush, concealer brush, powder brush and blusher brush = UPstipbrush 7. Cosmetics ~ Foundation = Powder ‘SPECIAL PROBLEMS: Induces relaxation ~ even tempo or rhythm Oily skin and blackheads ~ caused by hardened mass sebum ‘Whiteheads (Miia) ~ common skin disorder ‘Acne ~ disorder of sebaceous gland Packs and mask normal and olly skin Hot oll mask facial ~ dry, scaly skin, and skin inclined to wrinkle 16 Plain Facial + Prepare tools and patron + Give plain faclat + Apply beaten egg white + Let application stay for 3~5 minutes and remove it with hot towel ‘+ Apply ski lotion and makeup Facal Treatment. + Cleansing cream + Massage cream + Treatment mask + Moisturizer + Study of halr=trichotogy + Hair comes in variety of colors, shapes and sizes + Hair is distributed all over the body, except palms of hands, soles of feet, lips and eyell + Types of hair: + Longhair + Short hair and t + Vellus hair (lanugo) @ Color of halr Natural color depends mainly on heredity . Albino ~ person born with white hair ‘Gray alr ~ absence of color plament, result of natural "er Hair cutting Beveled -90 degrees ; cadre Layering ~ achieve by cutting with: ete Parting - subsection Section - dyon of halebefore cutting oseh “Srecrarg Undercutting ~held in fora postion 10, Weight lien—ends ofhairhahg together see NY 1 2. Petal blssomn~ pageant 3. Laced uy nd Elégart wedding 4. French twist casual, BLESSING NOTES ‘+ foundation serves as make-up base~eream + best shear to use for thinning bulky hair— thinning shear + process of thinning, tapering and shortening ~halr cutting + color to the cheeks ~ Rogue (also called blush on) + To correct misshaped eyebrows ~ eyebrow pencil + makes eyelashes wavy ~ cul lash ‘+ makes small eyes appear bigger, adding lines on the eyelids + emery board is used to shape -free edge + orange wood stick is used to ~ remove excess nall polish around the nails + ability of the hair to absorb moisture —hair porosity + Foot cosmetics with tiny particles — foot scrub + best way of shaping the eyebrow with the use of shave ~ Depilation + heavy make-up ~ evening affair ” fist cosmetic applied on nal ~ base coat dividing the hair ~ Sectioning darker shade of eye color~ Lighter lipsare broad use lip tine atthe outer portions ofthe ips rnailis composed —Keratin Customer Als complaining, Ask for an apology, malntaln professlonallsm and ask what she wants, fist thing the pedicurst should do, Ask the customer what she wants for her toenals ike the shape, color, etc, [NOT desirable qualty for effective client relation dscussing personal Ife statement is NOT true, Salon owners and managers do not consider appearance, personality and polse to be as important as technical knowledge and manual sls. guidlines for good human relations and profesional atttude, EXCEPT one, Make a good Impresidn by wearing obtrusive Jewelry to look at your best. public teacher Business attire ‘make-up of public teacher —Ught make-up a neatly finished up style ~Chignon Long hair~ Laced-up and Elegant makeup in wedding ~ Photographie short nails Round nail % implements —eutile pusher, nail brush cuticle nipper, nail file and orange wood stick cosmetics ~top cat, base cost, stored colored pl and cle remover > equipment ~ manicure pillow, chair, and finger bowl Coren owe cera The el sae ded Scand sen ete tao poesia ; massage applied before ~ base coat last step in manicuring/pedicuring ~ apply top coat), Imaginative and artistic process —nailart (4, \ Expert nal technician e Protein in nall~Keratin art > Aallestenders-aricitrat 9 QR DS Decorative /paiming= nal tteal 0. x.” statement is CORRECT, Adult, fingerntl Brow | % an average rate of 1/8 inch a month technical term of nail Onfx <>” Nail diseases — Onychosis Dy » »v study of nail— Onychlogy hand-held tools sed n, CS a lia, continous stone movement ~eflurage Massage with pressire™ petrissage Continuous stroke: that ‘create heat friction rot good to apply massage when a person high blood pressure and heart condition shaping the nails, what comes first, Discuss with the client the nail shape best suited for him/her, File the nails at the left hand starting with the little finger and working towards the thumb. exposed tothe sunlight SPF lotion drinks can take to hydrate - plain water color testing of a foundation —jawline aids in maintaining face —face cleansers moisturize the face ~ face cream frst step in giving facial~ apply cleansing ream NOT a concern in analyzing the clients skin~ shape of the face NOT beneficial for facial treatments - weakening muscle tissue common skin disorder - whiteheads recommended for dry, scaly skin, or skin that ls inclined to wrinkles — hot ail mask facial role ofthe cosmetologist, Work closely wth the clients physician to carry cut insttuetions as to the kind and frequency of fatal treatments. 8 treatment for acne, EXCEPT ~ Apply molsturlzer used to set the foundation ~ powder backdrop for entire make-up ~foundatlon bighlight ls produced when a lighter shade than the original one Is applied toa particular part ofthe face in ahvng facial manipulations t induce relaxation ~ tempo has some obvious abrasions on her scalp ~ Advise the cllent of her scalp condition and reschedule her appointment cause of gray hairs at this early age—has defects in pigment formation occurring at birth arranging the hair with attractive shapes and styles ~ Halrstyling ‘Who is an albino, an absence of coloring matter Inthe halr shaft, which Is accompanied by no marked of pigment coloring inthe skin or rises of the eyes Ab holds the shears at an angle to the hair strand other than 90 degrees ~ beveled cut 4 safety measures in haircutting is NOT true, Cut past the second knuckle when cutting on the inside of the hand partially wet and partially dry - Uneven. texturizing performed most effectively, On dry hair styled the way it wil typically be Worn myths abou hair groth EXCEPT, Normal eat ar grows an shes ech lide repeated cjeles ‘through three stages ® | sraduated effect — taped haireutting » art of creating curls or weaving ~ Hai setting {increase the circulation ofthe blood tothe scalp ~ Scalp manipulation remove tangles before hairstyling -Nape of the neck @ strands of hair an average person shed per day 40-100. Sn, Haris ctbte allover the boy, XCePT- soles of het. ‘Assessing personal need of lent - Consultation aW >” ‘Manicure hands and fingernails . . {deal nal contour Oval shaped Fits most fingers and toes ~ almond shape, N Lies undemeath most of nail~ nail bed . Half moon lke ~lunula “ First step in manicure/pedicure~ leaning Loosen cuticle~ push in one dire Use to loosen cuticle ~euticle pusher.” Functions of top coat ~ protect enamel from chipping ‘smal nail round shape Do not shake bottle ~ air bubbles Prevent multiplication of micro-organism ~ disinfectant Ordinary occasions, work or going church ~day make-up / light make-up Facial with normal skin~ about a month / once @ month Oily skin type ~ skin toner Hair structure above the skin— hair shaft Hair structure beneath the skin surface ~hair root Holreut by analyzing ~ face shape. Effective client relationship ~ good manners and emotional balance tong and casual hairstyle ~rollers with large circumference Cutting straight across without thinning ~layered cut Tweeze eyebrow — upward ‘Tools and equipment be sanitized ~ before use Commercial hot-oil treatment Apply hot oll product, Cover with plastic cap for 15-20 mins Give scalp massage Rinse hair 19 ‘Shampoo hair Answer ~1,3,2,5,4 + Arrange the following cosmetics in their order of use in applying make-up? Leurllash Eyeliner I Eye shadow WV, Mascara 9.1 bam AWE eM, IV Mth + ttyouare goin to start home service a2 mankrst/peeurit nd your parents ee you 500 00% rt vith which eqment, implements, cosmetic and materials should youtuy rs? QC @ |. Nail cutter, nail pusher, cuticle nipper, assorted nail polish, base coat, and top coat IL Sohent foto, ticle oan alert designs ¢ I. Tray bast, emery board, rangewood tral brash, all, and nal poleh Fair 1V. Finger bowl, manicure pillows, hand towel, antiseptic solution, and nail buffer ateny bland land land + Arrange steps in cleaning the nals |. Apply cuticle remover I Push cuticle Cut & file nails 1. Trim cuticle” at, baht lM a &s 4.1/1,1V,1 DRAFTING \ FOUR COMMON TERMS ) + Drawing ~Y International fanguage> + Freehand dawing/sketching. ~ Paper and pend) + Mechanica drawing = With Instruments such as T-sqaure, triangles + Orthographic projection — Exact shapes and observation METHODS OF DRAWING LINES ‘A. Orthographic + Also called as 3 VIEW DRAWING + Planes of perfection = Frontal Pane Front View ~ Horizontal Plane Side View = Profile Plane Top View + Glassbox technique = Extracting or extraction of TV, SV and FV B Pictorial = Isometric = 3 Dimensional, 30 degrees, 30x 60 degrees, triangle » = Perspective ~ Most realste, visual observation A. Bird's Eye View (becomes narrower) 1B. Man's Eye View (horizontal plane) C._ Worm’s Eye View (becomes bigger) = Oblique One sides parallel to another, 45 degrees ‘AL Cavalier ~ actual measurement 8 Cabinet depth reduce to % . General—depth reduce to % ‘TWO KIND OF DIMENSION + Location Dimension parts, size, shapes + Detalled Dimension > Overall width, length, height > Sembdetalled -minor measurements Grades of Pencil used for General Drafting ® papier * aittertine work «\S «ator gener % ‘Minimum requirement for drafting students + 4H=for repencing F or H~ forall ettering and freehand work, + GH=for light construction lines 2i—for vile obec ines > Sesh AS + Typesof Lines . — Parallel tine will never me ~ Perper pe ecg ne 2 Thesiger t son ann "hoa nerve ton = ttc tinllsontiaithonct tendo meron 3, = ettudageiateletchone tte ans ta ane nec 50 + Another way grolip triangles is by looking atthe lengths of their sides: = Equllatral langle fone In which al three sdes have the sare length ~ Isocees triangles ane in which two sides have the same length. = Scaene elange is one in which al three sides have different lengths 3/POLVEONS —_casateston tgetaon depen ont mnt aie | Octagon | Hepiagon | | | | enneagon | Becagon 10 ‘+ PROPORTION OF LETTERS 1. Normal letters ~ used when space Is adequate 2. Extended letters ~ used when space is wider 3. Compressed letters — used when space is limited a 4, Uphtface ~ with very thin stems having heavy stems 6 Guidelines an vaitee ‘avin selon ‘Types of Lettering Roman - (thick and thin lines) 2. Gothie = (uniform width) 3, Malic Letters - (slant) 4, Script Letters -(cursve/fancy/elegant) 5, Text Letters -(fancy style of letters) ‘TYPE OF LINES + Break line (long wavy, and short ~ pointy) + Cutting plane tine + Visible line + Hidden tne + Centerline + Extension ine + mension ine + Types of Section 1, Full ection ~cuts entirety across Op 2 fal secon -symmerial és nO 2, troarov ston rtesag Ryders 4, evolved section show tr shag 5. Removed or Detaled seion SF rent ntnet tomonten + xtnos oF crapfis os, v 1, Line Graph usualy constructed by placing two sets of figures in elation to each other 2. Bor Graphs ~ejcellent for comparing quantities, values, and percentages 3., Volume Graphs ~ suitable when only two or three items are to be compared 4. Pictorial graphs made effectively by using geometric or pictorial symbols 5. Phahtom section or Hidden section - emphasized interior + KINDS OF CHARTS 4. Organizational Charts —usefulin showing the relationships and functions of diferent departments 2. Pie Chart ~ useful in making percentage comparisons + KINDS OF MAPS 1. Maps sed to find directions easily 2. Geographic map ~shows the boundaries of countries 3. Topographic map ~used to show in some detall the top view ofa section of country 4, Relief map shows the relative elevations of the ground surfaces 5. Contour map -made when contour are given with elevation BLESSING NOTES 2 sometrle~ 3 dimensional, 30 degrees, 30 x60 degrees ‘Orthographle ~3 view, exact shape, actual observation, planes of projection Geometric Construction = accurate shape / angles /lines Pictorial ~ can be seen by naked eye Perspective ~ most realistic, visual observation Glass box technique ~ extract Architectural delineation ~ detailed dimenslon Drafting ~ systematic representation ‘Oblique ~ one side Is paalle to another, 45 degrees Cavalier ~ actual or same measurement Cabinet reduce to a General - reduce to % Fe subttle=3/26 Inch . Good height of lettering 1/8 Dimension line ~¥ (dimensioning) Extension ine~ 3/16 to 1/8 (dimensioning) Drafting ~ systematic representation Drawing international language ‘Mechanical — with instruments Freehand paper and pencil ‘medium of communication between designers and clients — Drafting ‘orthographic projection can be seen in an object including its unnecessary views, 6 views horizontal ines ~T-Square Re, Vy” Vertical lines —triangles angle or an are~ protractor & : eae Meter bit A Avcand circle - Compass aw Divider - dividing lines » Ge French curve ~ curves except ctelés andatcs)» Scale~ reproduce, reduce or enlarge’, Protect rest of rewin, ering shield 4” Make penell point shar, pest shtperer Indicate measurement — dimension line Centerline = cle dimer sien dismeter Dark solidi, show visible edges ~ visible ine ‘Composed of dashes, show invisible edges — hidden line Has been cut alvay long break line Cutting plane cbt through — section line Gradual darkening ~ shading Never eter without Guidelines Most important par Lettering English Inch Grade for lettering - HB Uinch = 2.54 centimeters 1ft=42 Inches yard = 36 inches lyard=3 tt Imeter=36 inches Caliper ~ cylindrica objects Like sketching freehand Emphasis~ pleasing to the eye Proportion ~ relation to one ancther 23 + CAD ~Computer Aided Designing + NOT accepted type of dimension, None of the options + Create depth, add light and shadow + tall letters spaced equally, used up too much space + drawing pencils better than an ordinary wrlting pencil except, There are different kinds of drawing pencils for specific work + good to follow when making lettering except, When using lower case leter only two horizontal guidelines are used + center of holes ~ Center tines + increases in the enroliment of frst year high school students this school year, bar graph + horizontal ines ~It is drawn from left to right + one-point perspective, ll horizontal ine polnt towards the one vanishing point + orthographic projection it contains ~3 views + zero point ofa line graph ~origin ‘+ percentage comparison ~Ple graph + descriptions of tangent lines except, The point of intersection isthe radius. / + Boxing method ~ isometric (fr clarification, ito po yung tama, hindi po obliqué @) + After 2-dimensional drawing are done, nest step is Dimensioning + Imaginary cut ~ Sectioning + Manual drafting — lettering by hand g + Dimensions —Tolerancing & + Single-stroke letters ~ free and natural fashion x + Lines at end of every letter except O in Roman letters SeA3) > + Lettering box ~ tools made of plastic or aluminum forlettering, +31 angle projection, Right side view, Left side view and bottom side view + Additional plane of projection ~ Frontal plane, oT + Supertluous dimensioning repetition + Section tobe detailed - assembly of + Approach ~Dual dimensioning syste 2 + Size of reinforcement bars Top View, Front View, Side + Parallel ine —Lines of sight " + Commonly used in TLE drafting Roman a ELECTRICITY & ELECTRONICS ELECTRICITY + Greek word Elektron means amber + Hew Latin ~Eletrcus means amber-ike + Basic part of nature andi is one of our most widely used forms of energy + Electrons ~ negative Charges + Protons Pesitve charges + Electrical charge can be generated by friction, induction or chemical change + Potential difference (voltage) across an ideal conductor Is proportional to the current through it + Electricity is measured in units of power called watts + James Watt invented the steam engine + Electric charge — determines electromagnetic interactions + Electric Current movement or flow of electrically charged particles + measured in amperes (unit of current) + Electriceurrentis either + Direct Current (0¢ sngleiection flow + Alternating Current (AC) repeatedly changes direction + Eleetre field ~ electric charge on other charges nits viity a ‘+ Electrical Energy ~ form of energy present In an electric fied or magnette field + Electrle potential ~ capacity of an electric fled to work (measured in volts) ‘+ Electromagnetism ~ fundamental Interaction between magnetic fleld and the presence and motion of an electric charge + Eleetrie power — name given to electrical energy production and distribution SOURCES OF ELECTRICITY s 1, Blomass ~ al solid material of animal or vegetable origin, 2. Geothermal~ Geo means earth and thermal means heat. Heat energy of the earth (volcanoes) 3, Hydropower — hydro comes from Greek word for water. Forces of moving water from rivers or storage reservoirs (alls, dam) 4. Ocean power ~ Marine currents. Two-way current: ocean ties caused by gravitational pullof the thgon and sun, One-way currents: rivers of ocean water flowing within the ocean. 5. Solar Energy ~ from sun, most inexhaustible and cleanest source of energy. 6. Wind Power = wind sa form of solar energy. > 7. Coal energy — coal is among the fossil fuels along with oll (petroleum) and natural cas(/ 8. Nuclear energy eneray trapped inside atoms. Electricity is generated in a nucear reactor bythe fision of atomic ruck » 9._ Natural Gas~made up mostly of methane. Methane ls combination of hydrogen api café ‘TYPES OF ELECTRIC CIRCUIT > a) Alternating Current (AC) d ~ Electric charge moves forward and backward = ~ Voltage or current that changes polarity or direction overtime = _Backand forth motion occurs betwen Sand {ims pe setond ~ tiscale he frequency ands desenated ag ers 9760 Hert, b) Direct Current (OC) > = moventet serch orn es = voltage or current that maintains constant party Sr direction, overtime = _ source of direct current Chemical Battery elcRorc power supply, mechanical generator) xis OF ELECTRICITY ao < ~ StatieEleetrcity-at rest, Oy. + Builup of electiecharée + Net presario bale of charge on body ~ Dynamic Electricity in ation + Floqatelectnethore + «Movement of postive and negative charge partes FLECTRICALSYMBOLS, \<™ Circuit symbols used in circuit diagrams which show how a circuit connected together. + “Wires and connections + witches: + “Output devices

PARTS OF ELECTRICAL eon, i ad ‘Schematic Diagram ~a representation ofthe elements ofa system using abstract, graphic symbols rather than reget Load electrical device (fixture and appliances), that consumes electrical energy % Y Path ‘are wire use as conductor; provides passage for electric current from source and back 4 “ontrol~ device that eontrol or turns the etcuit on/off switch) Source ~ provides electrical power (battery, dry cel, generators) ‘OHM's LAW In Household Electrical House Wiring ~ discovered by German physicist George Ohm (1787 ~ 1854) ~ deals withthe relationship between voltage and current In an deal conductor states that the current through 2 conductor between two points is directly proportional to the potential difference or voltage across the two point, and inversely proportional to the resistance between them, + Volts E=1xR (Voltage) + Current 1 =E/R (amperes) + Resistance R=E/1 (Ohms) PROCEDURE IN ELECTRICAL HOUSE WIRING % Basic Principles of Good Wiring 1. shutoff the power; remove the main fuse electleal wires are color coded white wires are connected to other white wires study the wiring diagram ‘most home wiring is complete with ether No. 14 gauge or No, 12 gauge wiring. No. 14s the smallest wiring permitted under most codes 6, always use same size cable for continuation of extended wring any circuit Single pole switch ~ most basic on al electrical switching. Installing new light and switch determine current to know what size of cable will you use run feed cable from electrical panel to switch location run switch cable from the switch location to light fixture ttle bor > ral eres G& make connections to switch. Splice white or neutral wires together. Connect black wt terminal. Connect ground to switch ground terminal and box iit is mel 7. install switch into the box 8. install cover plate ‘9. connect feed cable in main electrical pane to proper size circuit brea, and ground / neutral bar 10. tet yourwork XS HOUSE WIRING » House wiring methods approved by National Fire Protectiof Association include open conductors, if scat gt ett rsa sheathed cable, electrical metallic tubing, castIn-pace raceways, wire ways and house ways. Wooden Raceways Method -madgof dry af qualify wood and usualy consists of backing and capping The Philippine Elec code reais he sua weeden raceways maybe ued in exposed dry aa ewe locations and where the maximum potential dfference tween conductors does not exceed 300 volts. It shall not be use in the ff; Kor 1. torconceted wing ‘Types of Resistor 4 band color code resistor ‘Types of Crcult Board 1 2 3. Variable Resistor (Potentiometer) Tolar [Fa aaa waar | Paver Variable Resistor (Preset) Carbon Composition Resistor Film or Cermet Resistor Wire ~Wound Resistor Metal ove Restor a a Vitreous enamel Resistor - Cement Resistor ¢ = . ie Broadband ‘— . Temporary no olerigreaited > + Fortesting purposes, << DS, : ayn ores Rage ercomemen Strip board a” . Ferman Rt wy + Has parallel strips of copper track on one side + Canbe eitwithajuior hacksaw Pr inted circuithoard), Permanent, soldered + \ Have eBpper tracks connecting the holes where the components are placed ELECTRONIC SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM Etectrohie Symbols, = Resistor = Capacitors = Diodes = Transistor ~ Audio and Radio Devices = Meters and Oscilloscope = Sensors (input device) — Logie gates BASIC ELECTRONIC CIRCUIT TROUBLE IN APPLIANCES. Broken wiring inside cord set ‘+ most common problems with vacuum cleaners + internal breaks in the conductors of cord sets caused by flexing, pulling or other long abuse Bad internal connections 2 + broken wires, corroded or loosened terminals + operation willbe Intermittent or errate~ or parts of appllances will nt funetlon = Short cleults + twowires touching of contacting the metal case of an appliance happens too often + due to repeated vibrations, heating and cooling cycles = Worn, dity or broken switches or thermostat contacts + ill result in erratic or no action when switch is llpped or thermostat knob Is turned = Gummed up lubrleation, or worn or dry bearings + due to-environmental condition (dust, drt, humidity or poor quality control during manufacture = Broken or worn drive belts or gears + rotating parts do nat rotate or turn slowly = Broken parts + caused by normal wear and tar Improper use, accidents or shoddy manufacturing “> = Insect damage > » *+ frayed insulation, short crcults caused by bodily flulds or entire bod amnains offood and droppings. )) ~ Fleetronet deals with how eletrons move to creat letety and how that fete slang eatrid In electric products = Electronics depend on certain highly spelalzed components, such as wns and Nyse ciruits, which are part of almost every electron product BLESSING NOTES s% . + 2voltge connected in Peralel and reconnected in series AV ess ht . hla devs stomatal reat doo gp >” + Junction box = termination and connecto + Breaker switch for elect shock + Symbols — schematic diagram = ie phnttoppeannce + Block diagram linear appearance” + Load ~ convert electrical efiersyinto thr form of energy + Great-wholeRat 4 * Seurce=ac orden ty, yy? + Control - cote My . Mesure reine obmmetet + Measure curren) armiter + Measure voltage, ‘Acyoltmeter / DC voltmeter + Measure voltage, resistance, current =multitester or multimeter + Electrical pliers“ cutting/holding + Soldering Iron ~ joing (circuit board) + Fas puller, for pulling carte ‘+ Mint drill boring holes + Screwdriver - driving, + Desoldering pump ~ removing solder on + Silicon diode = rectier + qystal diode ~ detector, signal + Ught emitting diode (LED) -ighting + Zener diode ~ regulator + Rectifier diode ~ convert AC to0C + NPN base ~ postive; outward + PNP base negative; Inward + Fusion = joining hydrogen atoms + Facilitate puling ~ pull box Ys + lectrical metalic tubing ee 30 Tension ~ surface Fission ~ splitting Friction = rubbing ‘Weatherproof socket ~ outdoor / wet location ‘substation plan, not included in electrical plans for residential house Surface type = beyond wall surface Fish type within the wal Generator mechanical Battery ~ chemical Transformer = magnetism Heat to electric energy ~ thermacouple "and 2" band significant digits Muttipier~3* band Tolerance ~4” band Anode, positive cathode, negative ‘aM, $30 Ki ~ 1600 Khe FM, 88 Mhz ~ 108 Mhz Oscillator - produce high frequency Soldering flux acid used to clean metals 14 AWG light fixtures and circuit 12AWG convenience outlet AWG cable for service entrance Sn. WG SIstandard of 14 AWG 62.0 mm & > Becca metalic taking sig to ether hahe6aec levely sere comeced dye -inreate amount of ge SY Resistor oppose, ess it Dee oe eon omer C100 OD Insulator ~noelectronmoving CORO canncter—sorageotchane, S Sine wave~ rie and fllot A and lone Open rsistor— infinite (yo deett on) Eraticsound detective volume coil ‘Worn out amplifier: savsio frequency signal Broken antenna apna ‘main, signal, v Slated tune radia station Tuning capacitor une t diferent tation Resistor non polatze Transit, Olde, Capacitor (polarize, +-) Emiter, electrode with an arrow Seif tas bate connected to coletor Coner~ commonly used cheapest silver ~best conductor ‘Aluminum ~ better conductity han copper Busbar-for connecting high voltage Western unlon housing installation Photoeleetrcty- emision fight Source supplier of electri (battery, cy cl generator) Load ~ electrical devices Control — switch on/off ath circuit, wires Electrical pressure ~ volts Solid conductor= electrons re tomove aL + Bigger wire less resistance + Bend copper without kinking, expose copper to heat + NPN silicon base bias voltage ~ 0.6 volt + Stored= memory + Encoder phase distortion + Voltage divider ~ operating polnt Is almost stable + Difference in potential ~ voltage drop + C~serles + AC~parallet + Binary processor ~ single integrated circuit + Cannot be recharged ~ primary battery + Wire stripper, to cutinsulation + Solder~Tin and Lead + Forward Biased —ON Switch + Reversed Biased ~ OFF Switch + Yollow-Violet-Black-Gold, 47 ohms, 5% eam cocci bade « Femeehond, ceeding copper ¢ a ® {Aluminum etl used as eat ik : Semen Arto fowingis® amperes? Eetek 30x80 = 240 Vos + What amount of current does a 40, afte mp draw from a 220 volts power source ? +126 (givenisP and £) Lor 1=P/E ON =40/220 =018A ar + Two resistences(6f 4 oh ai86 ohm atin series and another 10 ohm resistancein parle to the series combination/ The cesltant resistance is? setes on OD » t=4+5=10 ohm?) Parallel ‘Note: Kung nauna niyang bangaltin ang parallel, yun din ang uunchin mong formula then after that tsoka ka mag series © ‘+ Two resistors of 3 ohm and 15 chm are connected in parallel to a 30 volts cireuit. The current flowing through the 3 ohm resistor is? I=e/R =30V/3R 108 ‘+ Two resistors of 6 ohm and 9 ohm are connected ina series toa 120,volt source. What Is the power consumed by the 6 ohm resistor? 32 EUR = 120(120)/6 = 14400/6 = 2400 watts + tna series cireuit with ¢ ohm, 16 ohm, and B ohm resistors connected In 7V source, what is the current flowing inthe ohm resistor ? Leese II 4R =LI5A + ti2vonaueappled mace ae what fanart ohms econ ert wip nanat oer . e/R 12V/3R 48 + Resistance of 230 V lamp is 300 ohms. What current is required? 1eEIR = 230/300 = 0.7666... 0.77 A + Electric heater uses 20Kw-hr in 8 hrs. if voltage across thet fe 15240) ht, whats the resistance PY R vi 7 ory XY \Note* convert Kw into watts first, remember that | weir atts 20 wx 1000 w= 20,000 wats = 240(240) / 20,000 =57,600/ 20,000 #2888 rs £3.08 ohms + Toaster tates 104 on 900 ne he poner ee xe owmw sox GY e100" <0 ‘if wong hinohanap, divide the total watts in 1000 to get the value in kw + How many klgwatts the water heater iit raws.curent of 10 amperes ané ha a reistance of 23 ohms? xR = 10(10)x23 = 100123 2300 / 1000 (to convert in Kw) = 2.3KW + How many kilowatts does a certain appliance consume for S hrs of use, if thas @ power rating of 1.5 Hp? 746 KW 5 x0.746 119.x5 hrs 595 or 5.6 Kw ‘+ Find the cost using a 100W, 220V amp for 20 hrs at Php 3.00 per Kw-hr. = 100 Wx 20 hours 33 * 2000 W / 1000 (to convert into Kw) = 2kw = 2 kw x Php 3.00 = Php 6.00 *+ What is the horsepower rating of an electre water pump If It ha a power rating of 1.75 KW? A kwe1.34Hp 175x134 = 2.345 0F 2.3 Hp + A 200-vlamp has a resistance of 400 ohms. The power rating in watts of lamp is? PeeYR 200(200} / 400 40000 / 400 = 100 watts ‘+ What isthe resistance of a 100 w, 110-v Incandescent lamp ? nee yp * = 110(110) / 100 =12100/100 = 121 ohms + Afluorescent lamp unit connected to a 110v AC tne takes 6 net :110w power. Whats its power factor? Peixe = 12Ax110V =132W Power factor =110w /132w += 0.83333... or 0.833 + The sistance ofa 230 {300 ohms. What curtent I required to operate the lamp? lee/R =230/300 sanase each» + Agroup.of lamps operates a current of 12 A and a voltage of 120v. What is the total power of the lamps? + Acell supplies a load current of 0.58 for a period of 20 hours until its terminal voltage falls to an unacceptable level. How long can it be expected to supply a current of 100mA? 1A=1000mA 0.5.x 1000mA= 500 mA = 500mA/ 100 mA =5x20hss = 100 hrs 4 Abattery is rated 200Ah. fits used to supply a constant current of Bah, How long can the battery last until it becomes unusable? = 2008h/8Ah = 25 hours ‘The resistance of 500 meters ofa certain wire Is 125 ohms. What length ofthe same wire will have a resistance ‘of 60 ohms ? = 900 meters / 125 ohms = Gohms per meter = 60 chmsx4 ohms per meter = 240 meters ENTREPRENEURSHIP Entrepreneur ~ gain profit and gives opportunities (CHARACTERISTICS OF AN ENTREPRENEUR: + Adaptive + Aniytical Ns + Committed v + creathe ¢ + Innovative + Inquisitive a a> + Leadership "RESOURCES IN PRODUCTION + Persistent [Financial Resources 90> _ [Saas sau purest nsivevasensine + Self discipline [Human Resources, ee InformratfonalResdurees —— [ittnrscnpercitoanchawst Concepts of Filipino Entrepreneur a |oneeurytethe succeset an ererrse 1, Self-reliant ‘Material Resources ee 2. Risk-taker r FACTORS OF PRODUCTION 3 create mer” [awettraenitamn 4, industrious \Fentieprencurar ain aay case RRS Humble p 5 « Stor Fea on eT RSS eR wae 6 Hebfl — Lane Rane ST TO 7. Happy essrs nortan nd PRODUCTION = creation of goods and services Costs of Production = represents the payments for the factors of production ry FOUR PHASES OF PRODUCTION [Operation Ren mae a id Fo sorting Producer pat at prs ogee fT Assembly tea poet Finishing et eee Producers make wire tal the products Inspection eh qaly and errect arty according specie standards. PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE Introductory Stage Anew posts reeasedin he mae Growth Stage bebo pes scomeeana esi Maturity Stage Soles wi reach ts peak Decline Stage tayo deem reed 35 oa) ve muenatona Oganaten tr Standraten enon ob Ne 150 [eae ancope nana ne vrtheng set SS hss ays Crea Caneel Port en evans cpt lucene ot prvetng mchcpea.chamcasn oes | rtreton ood ru dteg tm pcesng otc eee fd at porate a pon wee + Scheduling a = process of ensuring the delivery of materials atthe right place and atthe right time 2 + Quality Controt ~ process of ensuring that goods and services are produced in accordance to thi scat requirement e ) + Productivity ~ efficient creation of goods and services, [MARKETING PROCESS ~ Asset of human actives directed a facitating and erggenceen ~_ Itisanintegration of various functions = Selingis only a partof marketing + ttn nines an celtic Y faa = oa ge + Political fares + Economic forces & AY + Societal forces and + Technological forces. + Marketing Strategies ~toos of achieving thelgoals ofthe enterprise = Product strategy starts fronintroduction to growth and maturity and finaly to decline. ~ Promotion strategy cont: of svertsing and personal seing = Pricing strategy help|in the onverson of product and services into money in business, the apparent objective of grein sto miaximize profit. (manopoty or olgopoly) + «Penetration prllng strategy ~ very low pice fr 9 new products offered ~ Place strategy is delivery of goods tothe customers + Marketing Functions = process of buying and seling =. Exchange = buying selling, pricing = "Physica; assembling, handling, processing and packaging, storage = Facilitating financing, market information, demand and supply, market research othe ot ogre 1. Retailing is selling in small quantities = Classification of Retailing €)_ General store, permanent institution in the economic life of the country It carried a wide variety of items bb) Single line store specializes in one single iter. ©) Convenient store includes coffee shop, bakery shops candy stores magazine and newspaper, stand located in business districts 4) Specialty shop specializes in certain items which the busy department store cannot offer e) itinerant store or rolling store f) Large scale retailing like variety store, mail order house, supermarket department store 2. Business plan blueprint guide, detalled roadmap 3, Research study ~ an systematic assessment 4, Feasibility study ~ well documented 5. Outline of Feasibility Study 4. Evaluate your personal resources and Interest, and the resources of the community 2. Analyze the market 3. Business location 4, Financial Plan 5. Production plan 6. Organizational Plan 7.Management plan 5 Ts une ed operied by ve aun Tw cana cab Q Proprietorship _|* proprietor > v [Alagal eugene of Wow mee Gener Wo Gl emma Po ® eee aa Pariersip [iting tse be ite Use ty a seaion Bounded by ti iw aa sng sity Te etn ane ei Corporation |s"thwe=Apoon tony pny at stan mann ote cavpnn roan aaa aoe Se [Cooperative + TWOTWPES OF MANAGING 1. Managing Business 3, Keeping clear records bering prota oss €-Maragng cash ow 2. Managingtntemrise “throne a. cooperatives ia bindpendent, aly asd ates c. Marketing boards and other ‘state enterprises d. Transnational companies 7 BLESSING NOTES), “> + first and foremost for entrepreneurs ~ Being a good follower frst + base the type Gt business, Availabilty of resources and time for business + distributed among the stock holders, Dividend + step-by-step procedure ~ Project proposal ‘+ how the business will be managed ~ Market study + key ingredient to entrepreneurship Is placed on ~ Innovation + can identity a good business through, The availabilty of suppl, interest, capacity and skills ‘+ Attracting buyers depends on, Consumers likes and dislikes + Risk taker ~ Acceptance of challenges and changes + working together ~ Coordinating + Entrepreneurship refers to any lawful activity + first step to put up her own business, Application of mayor's permit to operate + records the financial operations ~ Bookkeeping. + true about debit and credit, Debit increase asset and decrease liabilities + Entrepreneur, A person who Is able to look at the environment and Identify opportunities + Objective ~aim of business organizations 37 Machinery and/or equipment, Capital assets factors must he possess that will not rely on services of employees - Knowledge / Skills ‘most important in choosing the best location, access to supplies and raw materials (<_< & how to increase profits —not included in planning a business & environment includes technological, social and ethical/political factors ~ Mac/@ environment strep esablishrgs busines rom seh We. superior ‘delegates authority to a subordinate =| fine: type > Private label brand ~ typeof product, as desighed,prodlced and marketed bythe seller INAPPROPRIATE — Relaxed a primary cause of failure in small business ~ Poor location physical meeting, ‘point -| xchange functions marketing objective is NOT true, Maintain instability of supply and demand for marketed goods ‘SWOT, Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats. functions 38 + well documented Feasibility study + Blueprint ~ Business plan + successful entrepreneurial activity ~ Careful planning + Coffee and Cake apply ~ Marketing concept + Assess entrepreneurial projects ~ Competitor analysts, + Do things faster ~efflelency + Blending of variables ~ Variable research + Help community and government ~ Salary and Taxes + Person who is enterprising, has high level of technical knowledge ‘+ Monthly oad payment Principal + Interest + Where are we now? ~first stage in the marketing planning + Itvitated~ NOT a characteristic of an entrepreneur Foops + aste- moisten foods din ooking to yuna alagawe poe ne be-barbeauhabong ang ung met nilalagyan ng liquid mixture, ong tawag dun ay basting) > < + Bread ~ coat food with bread crumbs + Julienne — cut food into thin, matchstick strips + Marinate ~ process + Marinade~ dry and liquid mixtures COOKING METHOD + Moist Heat Uses liquid + DryHeat — Uses oil » ‘Moist Heat + Bolling Aa + Blanching + Braising + Pressure Cooking + Simmering + Poaching = OS + steaming a \ TWO TYPES OF NUTRIENTS <> Macro Nutrient + Carbohydrate + Protein + Fats = Micro Nutrient + Vitamins + Mineral + CARBOHYDRATE Polysaccharides ~ Disaccharides — Monosaccharide + PROTEIN = Amino Acid + FATS: w Y Vv + stewing Dry Heat + Brolling + Griling + Frying + Sauteing + Roasting + Barbecuing 39 Triglyceride. CLASSIFICATION OF VITAMINS + Fat Soluble Vitamins (AD-E-K) + Water Solubte ‘Vitamins (¢, 1-02-B6-012 ) ‘Vitamin A= vision Vitamin D = (calcium) bones and teeth vitamin E~ skin Vitamin K ~ (potassium) Joints Vitamin C= absorption of Iron and immune system ‘Vitamin 81 (Thiamine) good appetite ‘Vitamin 82 (Riboflavin) protein ‘Vitamin 86 (Pyrodixine) metabolism ‘Vitamin 812 (Cobalamin) Blocd clothing and reproduction of red blood cells, Dry Ingredients in Baking 1. Flour + major ingredient among all other ingredients + Bread ~ 12% -14%6 4 + All purpose — 10% - 1196 > * Ses oY 2 see ar + Brown sugar —has been processed, les BR Maer 1 Ana guia spr comme det ste « Cotclonert sgt 3. Leavening Agents ae + Air Incorporated in seyefal ways When one reams the butter and sugar; egg ae added one at time while mixing OP’, + steam hot water Yapatcauses the’ minture to rise + Carbon dioxid Shei) asst mixture to rise 4 Salt »* . enhance fp.) > + hela prevent growthvef undesirable bacteria + controls yeast activity + Strengthens'the gluten + removes the fat taste ‘Table Setting for Different Table Service + Russian Service = foodis fly prepared in the kitchen and placed on platters for service to the guests + Butfet Service = Itis used when there is no large table availabe to accommodate al diners plus the food + Plate = This type of service offers the opportunity to arrange the food attractively and in the size portions. desired Volume 1 teaspoon % 49 milters 1 tablespoon . 3 teaspoons Younces 14.8 miters| tom . iskepoar iteegene sana spi : tome inet : ip trator : ‘Ne tam ina ie sass ike : soon eeu vies isan es , ikea 2.21 pounds Cao tame : a ‘ound : coast oas ~ £ surssnenons + Mill source of Vitamin B1 (Thiamine or good appetite) + CHOW (Carbon = Hydrogen ~ Oxygen ~ Nitrogen) chemical formula for amino cd which Is a component of Protein A + Aldente~ firm yet tender to bite $7 + sty products tender and oy Wo’ + Bread flour — strongest and sweetest flour (12-24 % gluten) \y . + Measuringsiftflourbefore measuring =< \S + creaming ~ sugar, butter, egg oy «Beating ~ the purpose of beating Ito Incorpotite «keadng= recess imling resin putin. fg, an sth othe dosh + Mutrent that responsible inthe fofration of tsues inthe bod, Protein + Application of dry, heat on cakes, bread a pastries is called Baking +The ight “kind” means, Bu those whighfis the Intended purpose + wands whic sich rote taps, minerals, and other macronutrients and canbe prepared atalimted budget Pinakbet wit bred bangus + Deglazing - added som white wie and scarped the bottom of the pan { lambé~ added wif cook food Mor thane the eorie per erm, ats . Fats ~9 keal/g + Carbohydrates 4 keal/g + Protein=4 keal/e. ‘+ Main structural component ofthe body, Protein + Fat) Sugar, salt and alcohol — Eat least food + Cutting vegetable into thin match stick Jullenne + Poor night vision, Retinal (vitamin A) + Appealing tothe eye~ Garnish + Most accurate (vitamins), Regulate physiological processes + Carbonara ~ bechamel sauce + Lactose~ milk + Sucrose ~sugar + Glucose - plants + Fructose ~fruits + Loss of riboflavin canbe prevented, kept cold & protected from light + Soften skin scalding a Slaughtering, killing of domestic livestock penovegel ete, ctetheeg Evisceration, entrails or abdominal parts Tropes tte serie toate bem emes Se Chae sweeter Teas iy trie ‘Meat, biggest expense Cate spies eee enyrate hares bated sl, wes doh 6 Dosing adn foals by past tenes fy Saimorels- eee G& ry Ecoli~ contaminated food / raw meat Cooking, breakdown cellulose Baking~ cakes, breads and pastries »9 Braising - menudo, asado and adobo e Blanch — the vegetable in boiling water ¢ Blncing~punee meting suar~Caramelng Simmeting jst below bling pint tetan the most antoidan Steam ghty LEAST healthy - Frying staring peeve veal clr and mitra amin hey mn a ogo pce ed andthe’ nied waft Nice ‘a ood Behind cola needy nents ‘hee ld when ned ane“ ela etn an bedi osdre or ee ih ead nts rode Seid Wy Chken aia tonsthg lacks protein - Kwast hiorkor WwW Berber~ vari eliing™” Blnching ul ig afd hen cropped tintocoldvater least gluten— Cake floun, not used right away) They ‘are stored in the body as fat ueridon~ “French Choking 8 nt water Poaching canes Fake Rou, Nur nda te) foe be of eh, vin, scallops Hives water percentage, Tratoes Absorpion tron, itamine Velo see chicken or fsh tock eet bin fod ~tcheving agent All drinks serve at the right side Mest mgoran me teats Hain gol~eep mesinutionay adequate Fermentaen nbread=sat sed rman the preperation of fiat kings cnfectoner supe Colagn,conesto gta when ences a2 anti-oxidant ~ Vitamin € ‘most vitamin C, 1 cup of chopped green chil peppers Saturated fats, Movle theater popeorn aleohol and carbon dioxide, Yeast [NOT belong to the group ~Ple pastry shel is baked before it can be filled, Blind baking Buttercream Icing ~ shortening, sugar syrup and eggs safety risks in baking EXCEPT, sufficient light blunt knife for cake designing — palette conventional method of mixing Is FALSE, one-bow! method NOT function of salt, increase volume y 2 (quick breads - Cut in the shortening x ives structure, Gluten Seamer snot val ce the sh wap nbanana lea ard cookin a ight covered fe pn cotang water, ic statement about service rules FALSE, Serapeand stack diy plates on guest table) CORRECT menu sequence appetizers, main dish, cereals, beverages, desserts» » frst thing that receptionist should offer—menu card 3 ‘requited before assembling the food materials, menu planning » e004 source of fiber, bread, rice, pasta roling boil forming rapidly and cannot be stopped when stirred, Onions ~sulfur compounds chewed nary amiss te OP bestcootng temperature ow tomederate heat yo proofing ~ Testing cakes for doneness pourable mixture of flour, Batter Copper bowl, has special property which states he east - mise enplace pre-heating the oven “> Cutis apropriate for potato in prepasing end) cube cooked verve coals Barbeau co y To soak- marinate 4 ‘Working the dough by stefehing and ‘odre Kneading fat soluble vitamins, EXCEPT?) Vitamin c $ physologicalfuretions of fob, EXCEPT provide satisfaction iron defciensy Anemia NOT 3 funtion tat Repalr body tissues 00d sores of crate, EXCEPT Legumes NOT efOupffom the Food Gulde Pyramid food additives Provides energy not a function of water ‘ordered food from appetizer to dessert ~ Table dhote proper doneness in vegetables, EXCEPT: cook different kinds of vegetables together Callos and Goto Tripe Bopiz— Variety ‘general direction for Low-Cholesterol diets is FALSE, use of margarine [NOT a moist-heat method of cooking, Baking Cooking meat is FALSE, unavaliablityof nutrients food from approved sources, guarantee safe and wholesome food reasons for cooking meat is FALSE, unavallablty of nutrients {pinch = % dash 16 tablespoons = 48 teaspoons a3 Computation +4508 serving see of eiffon cake contains 3g fat, 22g carbohydrates and 3g protein, How mary kcal are in a serving see of chiffon cake? apt 9 keal/e #27 22¢ carbo xAKeal/g = 88 Sa protein x4 heal» 12 27488412» 127 heal + Estimate the kllocalorie value of a 25g biscuit with 26g total carbohydrates. 16 gn kcal/g= 64 heal y 4 he, + One sachet of powdered juice contains 60g orange flavor. How many liters of water should be added ifthe proportion is 1g powder, 20 mt water? > > 60x20 ml=1200ml + comet mito aR 3200 mi / 1000. mat » + How many ounces is cup ef soda? t~.. ‘What isits equivalent in ‘SY + Baking chiffon cake requires @ baking temperature o Centigrade if your oven thermostat was setin d Catan oP 2x18 +32 ¢ 18 = 350F-32/18 #17667 0r176°C PLUMBING @ + leanout~alowdfin acti oreleaning oggeines + brainage system =iflddes a ping within public or phate premises + WV Drainage Wasfegnd Vent : rein SE hing items in household (lavatories, snk, tubs) + Potable safe for drinking and cooking + Grade —sidpe orfall of pipe + Fting —ubed to connect pipes + Sewer ~ underground tunnel tat caries off drainage and waste mater from house + Soll Pine ~ discharge of water coset (tiles) + Riser extends vertically + stack=vertcal main + Trap~ prevent back passage or backflow of air + Vent System provide circulation of ir + Waste Pine ~ conveys liquid waste from fhxture + Water Supply carries water under pressure + Drain Water System — begins at fixtures and appliances, + Vents System ~ provide way for sewer gas to escape HOUSEHOLD WATER SUPPLY + House Service ~ pipe connection from public water main to any source of water supply + Riser ~ extends upward from one floor to next + Branches ~ horizontal pipes that serves faucets or fixtures PLUMBING MATERIALS 1. Pipes 2. Fittings 3. Valves. Pipes 1. Rigld Type + Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) ‘+ Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPvC) + Unplasticized Potywiny! Chloride (uPVC) + Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) + Styrene Rubber Plastic (SR) 2. Flexible Type + Polyethylene (PE) + Polybutylene (P8) Tver Pps er a : Seema ener GN + Galvanized Iron Pipe (G.!) ~ carry water into home: ‘per « CttonPpe oad ngs ieos agai a < Scene eon ea + Plastic ~for drains and usually for white eat a e Fittings: + Usedto connect and reduce ppalifes + Kinds of pipe fittings; ss = Elbow 2zchona@ erection” ~ Coupling a> connect ss at their ene = Bushing 6) <>Inseed 0 one pipe and allow to screw another smaller pipe = Union > connect shafts quickly and conveniently = Plug 2h aeoheerins = Cap Dp covers the end of pipe — “Rediger__)) “> connect larger pipe to smaller pipe = Ripple > used for extension from fitting. = Tee Cawie valves + Control flow of water through pipes + Types of valves = Gate > allows maximum flow of water = Globe > slow down flow of water Check > prevent backllow of water = Angle > control water supply in lavatory, sink, tub = Float > control water supply inside tank Trap + Prevent backflow of gasses 45 + Plumbing Code on Traps “Every trap shall be self-cleaning trap for bath tubs, lavatories, sink and other similar fitures” + Plumbing Tools 1, Wrenches = tighten or loosening. Pipe cutter (plastic) and Hacksaw (metal) Threader teeth on pipes, Pipe vise ~for cutting, threading and reaming pipe Pliers Blow torch and Propane torch ‘Water Supply System + Consist of; = water service pipe = water distributing pines and — necessary connecting pipes ‘Types of Sewage Disposal System + Cesspool = Hole in ground w/ stones and bricks. ~ Allow contaminated sewage to leach into undersurface of ground + Privy Pa, VS ~ Concrete veut wth wooden shelter for collecting ailsewsbe)( ” « Septeank ‘o Wa” Na sed a coletorplevante om ga an A + Public Sewer Line & K >” = Conveys raw sewage from buldingsand ge To system ‘SEPTIC TANK es > - en = > ania fee > scum toatne snags oY NG ‘Two Processes in Septic Tank 1. Sedimentation “decompéstion in upper portion of tank (wth scum) 2. Anaerable decompost on ~ accumulated sludge atthe bottom of tank 2. Good waste pip? installation; 11. Right location of the cleanout 2._ Proper fitting 2nd joining of pipes 3. Correct slope of the pipelines ‘TYPES OF WASTE + Solid waste~ discharge from water closet (toilet) + Liquid waste - from sink, lavatories etc. ‘TYPES OF DRAINAGE PIPING + Soil Pipe waste from water closet + Waste Pipe — waste from various fixtures other than water closet REPUBLIC ACT NO. 6541 NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES (Chapter 5.02 ~ SANITATION SECTION 5.02.01: General Provision Al buildings hereafter erected for human habitation should be provided with plumbing facilites installed in conformity with the National Plumbing Code adopted and promulgated by the National Master Plumbers Association ofthe Philippines pursuant to Republic Act 1378, otherwise known as the "Plumbing Law". 1. Establish standards that will protect the health of the community. Faulty plumbing is a serious health hazard. 46 2. Codes have always varled widely from place to place, 3. With the Increasing standacdizatlon of equipment and materials, plumbing codes In efferent areas of the country are tending more and more toward uniformly, 4, There Is by no means a single plumbing code. Organizations are at work encouraging the adoption of a uniform, nationwide plumbing code. 5, Most obvious variations In code have to do with clmate-plpes in underground (to prevent freezing) 6. Plastic piping, still a relative new comer In the Industry Is not accepted uniformly throughout the country, 7. Regulations concerning It may vary; some places don’t allow its use at all. 8. improvements in the materlals and an Increasing amount of experlence with plastic piping seem to Indicate that more ‘uniform regulations can be expected. 8. Since changes will always oceur- In materials, In methods of jolning pipes ~ an absolutely current plumbingcode will never be possible, a 410. Every home plumber should have a copy of the local code. (Get this from the building inspector's office; cost is usualy low.) 11. When you do any plumbing, check the code frst, Ifthe material you're planning to use isnt mentionedin.the code, ccheck with the building Inspector. 12. Some plumbing codes prevent anyone but a licensed plumber from doing certaln kids of work 13. Most codes, allow homeowners to do all plumbing work in homes they own and live In. 14. Check your code before you begin any work Plumbing (RA 1378) > Plumbing isthe art and science of installing pipes, fixtures and other apparatus to convey and supply water In buildings and to dispose and discharge waste water ina Safe, ordery, healthy and sanitary way. Plumbing designs and installations are governed by a set of rules préseibed by the National Plumbing Code. Republic Act 3378, otherwise known as the "Plumbing Law", \ Plumbing (Purpose of the Code) é >” > Establish standards that will protect the health ofthe community. Faulty plumbing is @serfous health hazard. . ? > With the increasing standardization of equipment and materials, plumbing codes indifferent areas of the country are tending riore and more toward uniformity % Cleanout be installed in the pipe system to facilitate troubleshooting in case of stoppage of flow Any structure with a house drain installed, must have at least one soil stack or stack vent extended full size above the rocf. > Not less than 3” or 75mm diameter, no less than 2 m above the roof f the roof is used other than protection from the elements of weather. ~ > Cleanout be:nstalled in the pipe system to facilitate troubleshooting n case of stoppage of flow > Any structure with a holse drain installed, must have atleast one soil stack or stack vent extended ful size above the roof. > Not less than 3" or 75mm diameter, no less than 2 m above the root ifthe roof is used other than protection, from the elements of weather > The ideal position of horizontal pipe, were those installed at 2% slope, 2 cm per 1 meter length, a 3 meters pipe will have inclination of 3x2=6 em, The house drain shall be provided with adequate number of cleanouts to facilitate troubleshooting or cleaning In «ase of stoppage or flow. Every 20 m space BLESSING NOTES Person who installs pipes ~ Plumber Showers, lavatories, bath tubs and sink ~ Plumbing Fixtures Required by the National Plumbing Code EXCEPT, There should be no ventilation pipe to avold exposure of bad odor Faulty plumbing may cause, Serious health hazard Pipe that conveys waste other than from the water closet, Waste pipe Prevent siphonage or backflow of the water ~ Vent pipe ar \deal size ofthe pipe ~ Not less than 3” or 75 mm diameter Commonly used plastic pipe, Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) Septic tank collect organic waste discharge Septic tanks ideal ina family with 6 members ~1.3 um, Septic tanks ideal ina family with 8 members ~2.95 cum. Decomposition inthe upper potion ofthe septic tank, Sedimentation Minimum distance ofthe tank tothe nearest source of water, 100 meters Threader making teeth on pipes Teflon tape used to sea} Gi pipe~ hacksaw Pipe Wrench tighten or loosen Trap prevent the back passage of air Connect smaller pipe from larger pipe, Reducer Connect fixed pipe and fitures, Union fitting » Plumbum ~ latin word for Lead Came Adjustable wrench = tighten or loosen bolts and nuts — Pipe wrench ~ tighten or loosen pipe Pump~move fuid Pipe made of concrete and usually use fr sewer Soil pipes System of pipes and drains installed for the purpose of distribution — Plumbing System ‘Avoid the sewer gases to buld up pressure - Venting System " Drainpipes connections are lead away from all fixtures ata cera ewes slope of, % per ft. Use for making flanged, cast iron Rp, OY” Venting system falta the flow of sewer gases ang solid and water dlsposal Copper—reliability and durability o Used in conjunctions, Sealants plumbing local code ~ Building ins Galvanized -1960 Type of joints is generally used on large-diameter pipes Flanged Compression tings ~Jointng polyethylene Most corrosion- resistant, Stainless Stel tube ‘Shape and position of a trap retains watérthat serves as an, Effective seal Increasing standardization of Plumbing codes, equipment and materials improvements of the plastic matetias in plumbing, uniform regulations can be expected Sludge accumulated atthe bottom Sewer underground tunnel Prevent backfiow of water~ Check valve Ball valve ~con be closed or opened schedule 40 pipe, Thicker than schedule 20 NOT required by the National Plumbing Code, No vent pipe is needed Cleanout, purposes of troubleshooting in case of stoppage of flow Plastic pipes are commonly used - PVC Connected for each faucet, toilet, and fixtures, Fixture shutotfs Plumber's snake, Metal with semi-rigid auger Toilet has trouble ~ plunger erioping large pipes and iregular objects, chain wrench Holding tool when cutting pipes, Yoke vise Hold pipe by hand, ise grip Good plumbing practices, EXCEPT ~ excessive water consumption Back flow, being forced back examples of plumbing fhtures, XCEFT, drainage [NOT trve about plumbing standards, Plumbing shall be designed and adjusted to use the maximum quantity of water consistent with proper performance and cleaning. 43 Tox substance, Hazardous to human health best describes a tolet bowl, The Box Type compartment holding water for flushing the tolet Plumbing ventilation means, arty sewer gas out and relleve pressure ofthe drainage system ‘Down spout, Rainwater from the roof down to the ground toside building the diameter of pipes ~0.5 Inch Potable water travel~ Galvanized pipes System has leak ~ Gate valve Shut off the flow of water just 90 degrees tur, Globe valve Fitted with a male adopter, Cap Fitted with 3 female adopter, Plug PAC pines can be installed in 2 7.50 meter ~2.5 pes Coupling, connect two length of pipes Leaking in the water supply of lavatory sink, and water close ~ Angle valve Source of potable water, minimum safe distance from the septic tank—15 meters <> sueply water for public use, minimum meter radius from a wellto the residences ~100 meters Standard length of a PVC pipe 10 ft, Standord length of Gi pine 6 q Standard length of a PVC pipe -3.0 m Dw, o Plumbing fixtures must have P-trap, EXCEPT, water coset > Size of house drain — surge flow rate from shower ? House sewer, conveys discharge to public sewer Water Reservoir supply (am) Wate estrbution = dstrbutor (Maya, Maia water later dt "Main wate pipe —system of pipes y Water sevice pine — water from service to plumbing fires < Below atmospheric ressure—Gatevalve «SO ™ Water heaters ~ Anti vacuum . Radiator valve, self regulating ~ Calorifer. > Protect tank rom pressure - Vacuum, Needle nose pliers ~ cutting, holding 7 ‘Combination pliers ~ grip, cut, twi St) Side ~ cutting pliers ~ cutting eds Tongue —and — groove plier = Jooseh and tighten faucets sin clogs up~P-Trap, Water closet—Jbend >. First step in undry tub, Level the stand Send copper without kinking, expose to heat Fist step in lavatory) water closet National Plumbing Code, EXCEPT - to enhance siphoning of water 49

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