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Equations are just the boring part of mathematics.

Stephen Hawking Physicist

If you’re like most Students enrolled in a course using this text, you may think that your interests
have relatively little to do with mathematics. But as the quote from Stephen Hawking indicated,
mathematics is much more than equations, which is why this text will focus more on mathematical
ideas and thinking. As you will see, this type of mathematical thinking is critical today for almost
every career, as well as for the decisions and issues that we face daily as citizens in a modern
technological society. In this Prologue, we’ll discuss why mathematics is so important, why you
may be better at it than you think, and how this course can provide you with quantitative skills
needed for your college courses, your career, and your life.

Imagine that you’re at a party and you’ve juts struck up a conversation with

Q a dynamic, successful lawyer. Which of the following are you most likely to
hear her say during the course of your conversation?

a) “I really don’t know how to read very well.”

b) “I can’t write a grammatically correct sentence.”
c) “I’m awful at dealing with people.”
d) “I’ve never been able to think logically.”
e) “I’m bad at math.”

We all know that the answer is E, because we’ve heard it so many times. Not

A just from lawyers, but form businessman and businesswomen, actors and
athletes, construction workers and sales clerk, and sometimes even teachers
and CEOs. It would be difficult to imagine these people same people admitting
to array of choices A through D, but many people consider it socially
acceptable to say that they are “bad at math.” Unfortunately, this social
acceptability comes with some very negative social consequences. You can
probably think of a few already. For more, see the discussion under
Misconception Seven on Page P-7.

Job Satisfaction
Each chapter in this book will began with an activity, which you may do individually or in groups.
For this Prologue, we begin with an activity that will help you examine the role of mathematics in
careers. Additional activities are available online in MyMathLab.

Everyone wants to find a career path that will bring lifelong job satisfaction, but what careers are
most likely to do that? A recent survey evaluated 200 different jobs according to five criteria:
salary, long-term employment outlook, work environment, physical demands, and stress. The table
to the left shows the top 20 jobs according to this survey. Notice that most of the top 20 jobs
require mathematical skills, and all of them require an ability to reason with quantitative

You and your classmates can conduct your own smaller study of job satisfaction. There are many
ways ton to this, but here is one procedure you might try:

 Each of you should identify at least three people with full-time jobs to interview briefly. You
may choose parents, friends, acquaintance, or just someone whose job interests you.
 Identify an appropriate job category for each interviewee (similar to the categories in the
table to the left). Ask each interviewee to rate his or her job on a scale of 1 (worst) to 5
(best) on each of the five criteria: salary, long-term employment outlook, work
environment, physical demands, and stress. You can then add the ratings for the five
criteria to come up with a total “job satisfaction” rating for each job.
 Working together as a class, compile the data to rank all the jobs. Show the final results in a
table that ranks the jobs in order of job satisfaction.
 Discuss the results. Are they consistent with the survey results shown in the table? Do they
surprise you in any way? Will they have any effect on your own careers plans?

Top 20 jobs for job Satisfaction

1) Mathematician
2) Actuary (works with insurance statistics)
3) Statistician
4) Biologist
5) Software Engineer
6) Computer Systems Analyst
7) Historian
8) Sociologist
9) Industrial Designer
14)Parole Officer
16)Medical Laboratory Technician
17)Paralegal Assistant
18)Computer Programmer
19)Motion Picture Editor

Source: JobsRated.com
What is Quantitative Reasoning?
Literacy is the ability to read and write, and it comes in varying degrees. Some people can
recognize only a few words and write only their names; others read and write in many languages.
A primary goal of our educational system is to provide citizens with a level of literacy sufficient to
read, write, and reason about the important issue of our time.

Today the abilities to interpret and reason with quantitative information—information that
involves mathematical ideas or numbers—are crucial aspects of literary. These abilities, often
called quantitative reasoning or quantitative literacy, are essential to understanding issues that
appear in the news every day. The purpose of this book is to help you gain skills in quantitative
reasoning as it applies to issues you will encounter in

 Your subsequent coursework.

 Your career, and
 Your daily life.

Quantitative Reasoning and Culture

Quantitative reasoning enriches the appreciation of both ancient and modern culture. The
historical record shows that nearly all cultures devoted substantial energy to mathematics and to
science (or to observational studies that predated modern science). Without a sense of how
quantitative concepts are used in art, architecture, and science, you cannot fully appreciate
achievements of the Mayans in Central America, the builders of the great city of Zimbabwe in
Africa, the ancient Egyptians and Greeks, the early Polynesian sailors, and countless others.
Similarly, quantitative concepts can help you understand and appreciate the works of the
great artists. Mathematical concepts play a major role in everything from the work of Renaissance
artists like Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo to the pop culture of television shows like The Big
Bang Theory. Other ties between mathematics and the arts can be found in both modern and
classical music, as well as in the digital production of music. Indeed, it is hard to find popular works
of art, film, or literature that do not rely on mathematics in some way.

Quantitative Reasoning in the Work Force

Quantitative reasoning is important in the work force. A lack of quantitative skills puts many of the
most challenging and highest-paying jobs out of reach Table P.1 defines skill levels in language and
mathematics on a scale of 1 to 6, and Table P.2 shows the typical levels needed in many jobs.
Note that the occupations requiring high skill levels are generally the most prestigious and
highest paying. Note also that most of these occupations call for high skill levels in both language
and math, refuting the myth that if you’re good at language you don’t have to be good at
mathematics, and vice versa.
Table 2.1 Skill Levels
Level Language Skills Math Skills
1 Recognize 2500 two-or three-syllable Adds and subtract two-digit numbers. Does
words. Reads at a rate of 95-120 words per simple calculations with money, volume,
minute. Writes and speaks simple length, and weight.
2 Recognizes 5000-6000 words. Reads 190- Adds, subtracts, multiplies, and divides all
215 words per minute. Reads adventure units of measure. Computes ratio, rate, and
stories and comic books, as well as percentage. Draws and interprets bar
instructions for assembling model cars. graphs.
Writes compound and complex sentences
with proper grammar and punctuation.
3 Reads novels and magazines, as well as Understands basic geometry and algebra.
safety rules and equipment instructions. Calculates discount, interest, profit and loss,
Writes reports with proper format and markup, and commissions.
punctuation. Speaks well before an
4 Reads novels, poems, newspaper, and Has true quantitative reasoning abilities.
manuals. Prepares business letters, Understands logic, problem solving, ideas of
summaries, and reports. Participates in statistics and probability, and modeling.
panel discussions and debates. Speaks
extemporaneously on a variety of subjects.
5 Reads literature, book and play reviews, Knows calculus and statics. Is able to deal
scientific and technical journals, financial with econometrics.
reports, and legal documents. Can write
editorials, speeches and critiques.
6 Same types of skills as level 5, but more Works with advanced calculus, modern
advanced. algebra, and statistics.
Source: Data from the Wall Street Journal.

Table 2.3 Skill-level Requirements

Occupation Language Math Level Occupation Language Math Level
Level Level
Biochemist 6 6 Web page 5 4
Computer 6 6 Corporate 5 5
engineer executive
Mathematics 6 6 Computer 4 4
sales agent
Cardiologist 6 5 Athlete’s 4 4
Social 6 5 Management 4 4
psychologist trainee
Lawyer 6 4 Insurance 4 4
sales agent
Tax attorney 6 4 Retail store 4 4
Newspaper 6 4 Cement 3 3
editor mason
Accountant 5 5 Poultry farmer 3 3
Personal 5 4 Tile setter 3 3
Corporate 5 5 Travel agent 3 3
Weather 5 5 Janitor 3 2
Secondary 5 5 Short-order 3 2
teacher cook
Elementary 5 4 Assembly-line 2 2
teacher worker
Financial analyst 5 5 Toll collector 2 2
Journalist 5 4 Laundry 1 1

Misconceptions about Mathematics

Do you consider yourself to have “math phobia” (fear of mathematics) or “math loathing” (dislike
of mathematics)? We hope not—but if you do, you aren’t alone. Many adults harbor fear or
loathing of mathematics, and unfortunately, these attitudes are often reinforced by classes that
present mathematics as an obscure and sterile subject.
In reality, mathematics is not nearly so dry as it sometimes seems in school. Indeed,
attitudes toward mathematics often are directed not at what mathematics really is but at some
common misconceptions about mathematics. Let’s investigate a few of these misconceptions and
the reality behind them.

Misconception One: Math Requires a Special Brain

One of the most pervasive misconceptions is that some people just aren’t good at mathematics
because learning mathematics requires special or rare abilities. The reality is that nearly everyone
can do mathematics. All it takes is self-confidence and hard work—the same qualities needed to
learn to read, to master a musical instrument, or to become skilled at a sport. Indeed, the belief
that mathematics requires special talent found in a few elite people is peculiar to the United
States. In other countries, particularly in Europe and Asia, all students are expected to become
proficient in mathematics.
Of course, different people learn mathematics at different rates and in different ways. For
example, some people learn by concentrating on concrete problems, others by thinking visually,
and still others by thinking abstractly. No matter what type of thinking style you prefer, you can
succeed in mathematics.
We are all mathematicians….[your] forte lies in navigating the complexities of social networks,
weighing passions against histories, calculating reactions, and generally managing a system of
information that, when all laid out, would boggle a computer.
A.K. Dewdney, 200% of Nothing

Misconception Two: The Math in Modern Issues Is Too Complex

Some people claimed that the advanced mathematical concepts underlying many modern issues
are too complex for the average person to understand. It is true that only a few people receive the
training needed to work or discover advanced mathematical concepts. However, most people are
capable of understanding enough about the mathematical basis of important issues to develop
informed and reasoned opinions.
The situation is similar in other fields. For example, years of study and practice are required
to become a proficient writer, but most people can read a book. It takes hard work and a law
degree to become a lawyer, but most people can understand how the law affects them. And
though few have the musical talent of Mozart, anyone can learn to appreciate his music.
Mathematics is no different. If you’ve made it this far in school, you can understand enough
mathematics to succeed as an individual and a concerned citizen.

Skills are to mathematics what scales are to music or spelling is to writing. The objective of
learning is to write, to play music, or to solve problems—not just to master skills.
From Everybody Counts, a report of the National Research Council

Misconception Three: Math Makes You Less Sensitive

Some people believe that learning mathematics will somehow make them less sensitive to the
romantic and aesthetic aspects of life. In fact, understanding the mathematics that explains the
colour of a sunset or the geometric beauty in a work of art can only enhance aesthetic
appreciation. Furthermore, many people find beauty and elegance in mathematics itself. It’s no
accident that people trained in mathematics have made important contributions to art, music, and
many other fields.

It is impossible to be a mathematician without being a poet in the soul.

Sophia Kovalevskaya (1850-1891), Russian mathematician

Misconception Four: Math Makes No Allowance for Creativity

The “turn the crank” nature of the problems in many textbooks may give the impression that
mathematics stifles creativity. Some of the facts, formalisms, and skills required for mathematical
proficiency are fairly cut and dried, but using these mathematical tools takes creativity. Consider
designing and building a home. The task demands specific skills to lay the foundation, frame in the
structure, install plumbing and writing, and paint walls. But building the home involves much
more: Creativity is needed to develop the architectural design, respond to on-the-spot problems
during construction, and factor in constraints based on budgets and building codes. The
mathematical skills you’ve learned in school are like the skills of carpentry or plumbing. Applying
mathematics is like the creative process of building a home.
Tell me, and I will forget. Show me, and I may remember. Involve me, and I will understand.
Confucius (c. 551-479 B.C.)

People Who studied Mathematics

The critical thinking skills developed through the study of mathematics are valuable in many
careers. The following is only a small sample of people who studied mathematics but became
famous for work in other fields. Many of the names come from “Famous Nonmathematicians,” a
list compiled by Steven G. Buyske, Rutgers University.
Ralph Abernathy, civil rights leader, BS in mathematics Alabama State University.
Corazon Aquino, former president of the Philippines a mathematics minor.
Mayim Bialik, actress on The Big Bang Theory, studied mathematics as part of her Ph.D. in
Harry Blackmun, former Supreme Court justice, summa cum laude in mathematics, Harvard
James Cameron, film director, studied physics before leaving college, works in oceanic and space
Lewis Carroll (Charles Dodgson), author of Alice in Wonderland, a mathematician.
David Dinkins, former mayor of New York City, BA in mathematics, Howard University.
Alberto Fujimol, former president of Peru, MS in mathematics, University of Wisconsin.
Art Garfunkel, musician, MA in mathematics, Columbia University.
Grace Hopper, computer pioneer and first woman Rear Admiral in the U.S. Navy, Ph.D. in
mathematics, Yale University.
Mae Jemison, first African-American woman in space, studied mathematics as part of her degree
in chemical engineering from Stanford University.
John Maynard Keynes, economist, MA in mathematics, Cambridge University.
Hedy Lamarr, actress called “the most beautiful woman in Hollywood,” invented and patented the
mathematical technique of “frequency hopping.”
Lee Hsien Loong, politician in Singapore, BA in mathematics, Cambridge University.
Brian May, lead guitarist for the band Queen, completed his Ph.D. in astrophysics in 2007, Imperial
Danica McKellar, actress BA with highest honors in mathematics, UCLA, and co-discover of the
Chayes-McKellar-Winn theorem.
Edwin Moses, three-time Olympic champion in the 400-meter hurdles, studied mathematics as
part of his degree in physics from Morehouse College.
Florence Nightingale, pioneer in nursing, studied mathematics and applied it to her work.
Natalie Portman, Oscar-winning actress, semifinalist in Intel Science Talent Search and co-author
of two published scientific papers.
Sally ride, first American women in space, studied mathematics as part of her Ph.D. in physics from
Stanford University.
David Robinson, basketball star, bachelor’s degree in mathematics, U.S. Naval Academy.
Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Noble prize-winning Russian author, degrees in mathematics and physics
from the University of Rostov.
Bram Stoker, author of Dracula, studied mathematics at Trinity University, Dublin.
Laurence Tribe, Harvard law professor, summa cum laude in mathematics, Harvard University.
Virginia wade, Wimbledon champion, bachelor’s degree in mathematics, Sussex University.

Misconception Five: Math Provides exact Answers

A mathematical formula will yield a specific result, and in school that result may be marked right or
wrong. But when you use mathematics in real-life situations, answers are never so clear cut. For

A bank offers simple interest of 3%, paid at the end of one year (that is, after one year the
bank pays you 3% of your account balance). If you deposit $1000 today and make no further
deposits or withdrawals, how much will you have in your account after one year?
A straight mathematical calculation seems simple enough. 3% of $1000 is $30; so you
should have $1030 at the end of a year. But will you? How will your balance be affected by service
charges or taxes on interest earned? What if the bank fails? What if the bank is located in a
country in which the currency collapse during the year? Choosing a bank in which to invest your
money is a real mathematics problem that doesn’t necessarily have a simple or definitive solution.

Probably the most harmful misconception is that mathematics is essentially a matter of

computation. Believing this is roughly equivalent to believing that writing essay is the same as
typing them.
John Allen Paulos, mathematician

Misconception Six: Math Is Irrelevant to My Life

No matter what your path in college, career, and life, you will find mathematics involved in mant
ways. A major goal of this text is to show you hundreds of examples in which mathematics applies
to everyone’s life. We hope you will find that mathematics is not only relevant but also interesting
and enjoyable.

Neglect of mathematics work injury to all knowledge…..

Roger Bacon (1214-1294), English philosopher

Misconception Seven: It’s OK to Be “Bad at Math”

For our final misconception, let’s return to the multiple-choice question in the opening of this
Prologue. You’ll not only hear many otherwise intelligent people say “I’m bad at math,” but it’s
sometimes said almost as a point of pride, with no hint of embarrassment. Yet the statement often
isn’t even true. Our successful lawyer, for example, almost certainly did well in all subjects in
school, including math, so she is more likely expressing an attitude than a reality.
Unfortunately, this type of attitude can cause a lot of damage. Mathematics underlines
nearly everything in modern society, from the daily financial decisions that all of us must make to
the way in which we understand and approach global issues of the economy, politics, and science.
We cannot possibly hope to act wisely of we approach mathematical ideas with a poor attitude.
Morcover, it’s an attitude that can easily spread to others. After all, if a child hears a respected
adult saying that or she is “bad at math,” the child may be less inspired to do well.
So before you begin your coursework, think about your own attitudes toward mathematics.
There’s no reason why anyone should be “bad at math” and every reason to develop skills of
mathematical thinking. With a good attitude and some hard work, by the end of your course you’ll
not only be better at math, but you’ll be helping future generations by making it socially
unacceptable for anyone to be “bad at math.”

You must be the change you wish to see in the world.

‘\Mahatma Ghandi (1869-1948)

What Is Mathematics?
In discussing misconceptions, we identified what mathematics is not. Now let’s look at what
mathematics is. The word mathematics is derived from the Greek word mathematikos, which
means “inclined to learn.” Literally speaking, to be mathematical is to be curious, open-minded,
and interested in always learning more! Today, we tend to look at mathematics in three different
ways: as the sum of the branches, as a way to model the world, and as a language.
Mathematics as the Sum of its Branches
As you progressed through school, you probably learned to associate mathematics with some of its
branches. Among the better known branches of mathematics are these:

 Logic---the study of principles of reasoning;

 Arithmetic----methods for operating on numbers;
 Algebra----methods for working with unknown quantities;
 Geometry----the study of size and shape;
 trigonometry----the study of triangles and their uses;
 probability-----the study of chance;
 statistics----methods for analyzing data; and
 calculus----the study of quantities that change.

One can view mathematics as the sum of its branches, but in this book we’ll focus on how
different branches of mathematics support the more general goals of quantitative thinking and
critical reasoning.

Mathematics as a Way to Model the World

Mathematics also viewed as a tool for creating models, or representations of real phenomena.
Modeling is not unique to mathematics. For example, a road map is a model that represents the
roads in some region.
Mathematical models can be as simple as a single equation that predicts hoe the money in
your bank account will grow or as complex as a set of thousands of interrelated equations and
parameters used to represent the global climate. By studying models, we gain inside into
otherwise unmanageable problems. A global climate model, for example, can help us understand
weather systems and ask “what if” questions about how human activity may affect the climate.
When a model is used to make a prediction that does not come true, it points out areas where
further research is needed. Today, mathematical modeling is used in nearly every field of study.
Figure P.1 indicates some of the many disciplines that use mathematical modeling solve problems.

Business Business
Management Management

Business Business Business

Management Management Management

Business Business
Management Management

Evaluating Algebraic Expressions

Evaluating Algebraic Expression means to find the value of the expression for a given value of the
Many algebraic expressions involve more than one operation. Evaluating an algebraic
expression without a calculator involves carefully applying the following order of operations
The Order of Operations Agreement
1. Perform operations within the innermost parentheses and work outward. If the algebraic
expression involves a fraction, treat the numerator and the denominator as if they were
each enclosed in parentheses.
2. Evaluate all exponential expressions.
3. Perform multiplications and divisions as they occur, working form left to right.
4. Perform additions and subtractions as they occur, working from left to right.

Example 1 Evaluating an Algebraic Expression

Evaluate 7 + 5( x−4)3 for x = 6
7 + 5( x−4)3 = 7 + 5(6 - 4)3 Replace x with 6
First work inside parentheses: 6 – 4 = 2
Evaluate the exponential expression:
23 = 2× 2 × 2 – 6
= 7 + 5(2) 3
= 7 + 5(8)

= 7 + 40
= 47

 Check Point 1 Evaluate 8 + 6( x−¿ 3)2 for x = 13.

Formulas and Mathematical Models

An equation is formed when an equal sign is placed between two algebraic expressions. One aim
of algebra is to provide a compact, symbolic description of the world. These descriptions involve
the use of formulas. A formula is an equation that uses variables to express a relationship between
two or more quantities.
Here are two examples of formulas related to heart rate and exercise.
The process of finding formulas to describe real-world phenomena is called mathematical
modellag. Such formulas, together with the meaning assigned to the variables, are called
mathematical models. We often say that these formulas model, or describe the relationships
among the variables.

Example 2 Modeling the Cost of Attending a Public College

The bar graph in Figure P.1 shows the average cost of tuition and fees for public four-year colleges,
adjusted for inflation. The formula
T = 4 x 2 + 341 x + 3194
models the average cost of tuition and fees, T, for public U.S. colleges for the school year ending x
years after 2000.

a. Use the formula to find the average cost of tuition and fees at public U.S. colleges for the
school year ending in 2010.
b. By how much does the formula underestimate or overestimate the actual cost shown in
Figure P.1?

Average Cost Of Tuition and Fees At

Public Four Year Unites States Colleges
7000 6585
6000 5491
5000 4694
4000 3487



2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
a. Because 2010 is 10 years after 2000, we substitute 10 for x in the given formula. Then we
use the order of operations to find T, the average cost of tuition and fees for the school year
ending in 2010. This is the given mathematical model.
T = 4 x + 341 x + 3194 Replace each occurrence of x with 10.
T = 4(10)2 + 341(10) + 3194 Evaluate the exponential expression:
102 = 10 × 10 = 100
T = 4(100) + 341(10) + 3194
Multiply from left to right: 4(100) = 400
and 341(10) = 3410.
T = 400 + 3410 + 3194 Add.
T = 700
The formula indicates that for the school year ending in 2010, the average cost of tuition and fees
at public U.S. colleges was $7004.
b. Figure P.1 shows that the average cost of tuition and fees for the school year ending in 2010
was $7020.
The cost obtained from the formula, $7004, underestimates the actual data value by $7020
−¿ $7004, or by $16.

Mathematics as a Language
A third way to look at mathematics is as a language with its own vocabulary and grammar. Indeed,
mathematics often is called “the language of nature” because it is so useful, for modeling the
natural world. As in any language, different degrees of fluency are possible. From this point of
view, quantitative literacy is the level of fluency required for success in today’s world.
The idea of mathematics as a language also is useful in thinking about how to learn
mathematics. Table P.3 compares learning mathematics to learning a language and learning art.

Learning a language Learning the Language of Art Learning the Language of

Learn many styles of speaking Learn many styles of art, such Learn techniques form many
and writing, such as essays, as classical, renaissance, branches of mathematics, such
poetry, and drama. impressionist, and modern. as arithmetic, algebra, and
Place literature in context Place art in context through Place mathematics in context
through the history and social the history and social through its history, purposes,
conditions under which it was conditions under which it was and applications.
created. created.
Learn the elements of language Learn the elements of visual Learn the elements of
—such as words, parts of form—such as lines, shapes, mathematics—such as
speech (nouns, verbs, etc.), colors, and textures—and numbers, variables, and
and rules of grammar—and practice using them in your operations—and practice using
practice their proper use. own art work. them to solve simple problems.
Critically analyze language in Critically analyze works of art Critically analyze quantitative
forms such as novels, short including painting, sculpture, information in mathematical
stories, essays, poems, architecture, and photography. models, statistical studies,
speeches, and debates. economic forecasts,
investment strategies, and
Use language creatively for Use your sense of art Use mathematics creatively to
your own purposes, such as creatively, such as in designing solve problems you encounter
writing a term paper or story or your house, taking a and to help you understand
engaging in debates. photograph, or making a issues in the modern world.
How to Succeed in Mathematics
If you are reading this book, you probably are enrolled in a mathematics course. The keys to
success in your course include approaching the material with an open and optimistic frame of
mind, paying close attention to how useful and enjoyable mathematics can be in your life, and
studying effectively and efficiently. The following sections offer a few specific hints that may be of
use as you study.
Using This Book
Before we get into more general strategies for studying, here are a few guidelines that will help
you use this book most effectively.

 Before doing any assigned exercises, read assigned material twice:

 On the first pass. Read quickly to gain a “feel” for the material and concepts presented.
 On the second pass, read the material in more depth and work through the examples

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