C-01, 01, Conductor

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pen LS Baek. Compiled and Arranged by MAYHEW LAKE For Military Band, Woodwind Ensemble, Saxophone Ensemble, Brass Ensemble, String Ensemble or Ensemble of Various Instruments. Any one of these instrumental groups may serve as an accompaniment to Four ~ Part Chorus of Mixed Voices (150299350) G. SCHIRMER, Inc. Pi ect eonaner Copyright, 1938, by G. Schirmer, Inc. Printed in the U. S.A. INTRODUCTION ‘These arrangements follow carefully the harmonization made by Johann Sebastian Bach of sixteen preéxisting melodies. The four parts in each chorale have been designated as Soprano, Alto, Tenor, and Bass; and they have been distributed so that they may be per- formed by any family group of instruments or by any group of miscellaneous instruments. For instance, in the Double Reed family, the Ist Oboe plays the Soprano part, the 2nd Oboe the Alto part, the Ist Bassoon the Tenor part, and the 2nd Bassoon the Bass part. The parts are similarly distributed among the Clarinet family, the Saxophones, the various families of Brasses, and the Strings. In a group of miscellaneous instruments care should be exercised (and parts exchanged) in order to obtain tonal balance through an equal distribution of the more powerful and the weaker-toned in- struments. Voices and piano may be added ad Hib. [NOTE: ‘When the entire band plays (tuti), the Bp Clarinets will play 80a (as indicated in the parts) for a fuller effect.] When these chorales are played by the band alone, omission of certain of the holds is left to the discretion of the conductor. When they are used as accompaniment to voices, it would perhaps be best to observe the holds. DISTRIBUTION OF INSTRUMENTS ACCORDING TO VOICE PARTS Soprano Alto Piccolo in C 2nd Flute Ist Flute 2nd Oboe tet Oboe 2nd Clarinet in Bp CD Ist Alto Saxophone in Eb Solo or Ist Clarinet in Bb . Ast Horn in F- 2nd Alto Saxophone in Eb 2nd Cornet in Bb 2nd Horn in F Solo or ist Cornet in Bb Le eel 1st Baritone, Bass clef 2nd Violin, 1st Position Ist Baritone, Treble clef 2nd Violin, Advanced Position Ast Violin, 1st Posi 1st Violin, Advanced Position Tenor Bass 3rd Clarinet in Bp Bass Clarinet in Bb Alto Clarinet in Ep 2nd Bassoon 1st Bassoon Baritone Saxophone in Eb Tenor Saxophone in Bb qa Hoar, ss ee 3rd Trombone, Bass clef ornet in ; 2nd Trombone, Bass clef 2nd Baritone, Bass clef Ist ‘Cello a Viola oe ee Timpani 2nd "Cello CONTENTS Page Wie schon leuchtet der Morgenstern (0 Morning Star! how fair and bright)....... 2 Gieb, dass ich thu mit Fleiss (And grant me, Lord, to do)..........+++++ 3 Ach wie fllichtig (O how cheating)....... 5 4 Ach Gott, wie manches Herzeleid (0 Lord! how many miseries)... 5 Jesu, nimm dich deiner Glieder (Jesu, guard and guide Thy members)....... 6 All!’ solch dein Gat’ wir preisen (To Christ our peace is owing) = 8 Es ist genug; so nimm, Herr, meinen Geist (0God, my Life, in mercy shine on me) 9 Es ist das Heil uns kommen her (Salvation hath come down to us) 10 Auf meinen lieben Gott (O whither shall I flee) Seer Ww Mache dich, mein Geist, bereit (Rise, my soul, to watch). 12 Jesu, der du meine Seele (Jesu! Who in sorrow dying) 13. Du Lebensfiirst, Herr Jesu Christ (Thou Prince of Life, O Christ our Lord) 4 Alleluia, dess soll'n wir Alle froh sein (Alleluia, we may be filled with gladness)... 15 Erhalt uns in der Wahrheit (Thy Truth, which never varies).. . 16 Ei nun, mein Gott, so fall’ ich dir (Then, O my God, with joy I cast) a7 Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme ('‘Sleepers, wake!" a voice is sounding)........ 18 1. Wie schon leuchtet der Morgenstern O Morning Star! how fair and bright Conductor Philipp Nicolai English version by J. S. Bach Catherine Winkworth colt! oa a Soprano & Alto Instruments Tenor & Bass Instruments SOPRANO voices VPP ar Lr ane thoalmoct off Jes se “Sim My [ord sod Bride groom|Thg hat wom My oan) wml yy iT 2 as ails BASS = oC + yt frnow art gio - rious, ig fag, Rute and [eight o'er aT pos ‘The vocal score Is published as Octavo nara, ve eS a y Copyright, 1938, by 6. Schirmer, Ine. Tntarnational Cmpyright Srouret Printed nti C4 Conductor 3 2. Gieb, dass ich thu mit Fleiss And grant me, Lord, to do Johann Heermana English version by J. S.Bach Catherine Winkworth colt? va a . A ‘ Conductor 3. Ach wie fliichtig O how cheating Sit Joha Bowring colt” ay 4 Conductor 5 4. Ach Gott, wie manches Herzeleid O Lord! how many miseries Martin Moller English version by J.S. Bach Joha Christian Jacobi coll? ga = Conductor 5. Jesu, nimm dich deiner Glieder Jesu, guard and guide Thy members Christian Keimasn English version by J.S. Bach Catherine Winkworth coll? sv Je- su, guard and | guide Thy mem- ders, | Fist Thy br aps Sy Heer their prayers ia ba ad Conductor a Aad Grant atl chris. tiass, wei 2s fe _d 8 Conductor 6. All solch dein’ Git’ wir preisen To Christ our peace is owing Paul Eber English version by J.S. Bach John Christian Jacobi coll! va a cust, Tay to [ee a0 ite atrength and a |i 2 _—aley Ge ae. .4 G Conductor 9 7. Es ist genug; so nimm, Herr, meinen Geist O God, my Life, in mercy shine on me Franz Joachim Burmeister English version by J.S. Bach ‘Arthur 1 Russell coll? 804m a nm a > I) > Enfotd-ed | in Thy perfect | sissy is 40 Conductor 8. Es ist das Heil uns kommen her Salvation hath come down to us Paul Speratus English version by J.8. Bach Catherine Winkworth colt? ava Fae | torte toe Conductor 4a 9. Auf meinen lieben Gott O whither shall I flee Johann Heermann English version anonymous J. S. Bach colt? gua A nm 42 Conductor 10. Mache dich, mein Geist, bereit Rise, my soul, to watch Johann Burchard Freysteia TEnulish version by J.-S. Bach Catherine Winkworth colt? gua the Chris - tise aod di SY eye Ys Conductor 43 Tl. Jesu, der du meine Seele Jesu! Who in sorrow dying Johana Rist English version by J.S. Bach Arthur T. Russell coll” gv Ta needs must 44 Conductor 12. Du Lebensfiirst, Herr Jesu Christ Thou Prince of Life, O Christ our Lord English version by J.-S. Bach coll? §va — a + © christ our |Lord, As - cay te feord” The thee And |mect de - [vo - tion |ren-der To |riee, oar one | De-- fend adl4 4 Conductor 415 13. Alleluia, dess soll’n wir Alle froh sein Alleluia, we may be filled with gladness Anonymous 18th-ceatury hyma English version by J.-S. Bach “Arthur Mendel colt? 80a nm fines wien 16 Conductor 14. Erhalt uns in der Wahrheit Thy Truth, which never varies Martin Luther English version by J. S. Bach John Haberkorn coll” va A Conductor 15. Ei nun, mein Gott, so fall’ ich dir Then, O my God, with joy I cast Paul Gerhardt English version by Catherine Winkworth colt? gve R —_ Then,| O” my God, with fioy 1 cast My Take'| me, ad while’ aie [Ife sna 2 a mn TM Kea tie me foes to stand their ent, gafisdlig @ J lt ~S t = a7 JS. Bach 48 Conductor 16. Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme “Sleepers, wake!” a voice is sounding Phitipp Nicotal English version by J. S. Bach Sitfora East coll” sve “shep-ers Bast, the faark Conductor a your |toremes nd | mosct the |eignt or a ate ia. feweet ac -[cora. fous Wie faight-y) [word *0 Conductor roms wy GB CHIRALS CODEN CeO ecoe (I | UMN Us. s10.09 50348220 9 IM73999"42080 "7 u.s. $10.99

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