Ga TB Test Form

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School of Nursing

1601 Maple Street

Carrollton, Georgia 30118

TB/PPD Test Results

Kenneth Giden
Student Name: ______________________________________________________
Proof of a negative TB skin test must be obtained EVERY YEAR and must not expire during the
clinical experience.

All fields must be completed for this form to be valid.


Tuberculosis Skin Test, Mantoux, Purified Protein Derivative (PPD)

Date of Injection__________________________

Date of reading (48-72 hours after date of injection) __________________Reading 0.00


If student has a history of a positive PPD or Bacilli Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine then the following
should apply:
Initial documentation for students with a positive PPD must include: Most recent positive PPD,
most recent chest x-ray summary, current and/or past treatment record, as well as a letter from a nurse
practitioner, physician assistant, or medical doctor stating that the student is free and clear of all signs
and symptoms of TB to participate in clinical activities. A doctor’s note must be obtained each year for
students with a positive PPD record.

** Students with positive TB skin tests must receive follow-up assessment and treatment as
recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
All students who take 5 or more credit hours per semester on the main Carrollton campus who have
paid health fees at UWG may have the TB Skin test completed at University Health Services for no
charge. However, there will be a charge if other tests are ordered. TB tests at UWG Health Services
can only be done on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays due to they have to be read within 48 to 72

Signature of Nurse Practitioner, Physician Assistant, or Medical Doctor:

Karla Schances
_____________________________________________ 07/28/2023
Date: ___________________________

2206 Barnes Blvd Rockford, IL 61109

Facility Address: ________________________________________________________________

(815) 543-0451
_____________________________________ Provider Telephone #: ______________________
Created: 11/10/09

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