Problem of circularity – The problem is that at the primary rule level, law is coming back
to violence/power – violence is what is ultimately creating law – consent here is lost at
the end.
Such primary rules may be wholly customary in origin; there may be no centrally
organized system of punishment for breach of the rules; the social pressure may take
only the form of a general diffused hostile or critical reaction which may stop short
of physical sanctions.
Berth Milton
Pornographer by profession – Swedish National.
Swedish SC and constitution – allow freedom of expression and interpreted by their
SC as to include pornography and child pornography also if child pornography is not
in the form of explicit images but in the form of cartoon images.
Milton’s father and him both in pornography business – not child cartoon – hardcore.
Many million-dollar worth – earned through this.
Saeed Malekpour
Software engineer from Iran. Job got in Canada and as a part of his job, he developed
a pornographic website.
Iranian constitution – allows freedom of speech and expression – includes freedom of
press – but that is subject to certain restrictions – restriction includes, nothing in the
form of pornography or derogating Islam can be allowed. If you do anything in
restriction, your conduct is punishable, can go up to death penalty.
His grandfather was seriously ill, and he had to come to Iran to meet his grandfather –
when he landed, he was arrested for violating above rule and was given death penalty.
Lot of international pressure on Iran to release him, Iran refused to release, his
sentence was converted to Life sentence.
Take away from these two cases.
To answer the question, is it a lawful outcome, it needs to be examined if the outcome
is in accordance with law or not. The relevant law is the domestic law of the
For Berth Milton – Swedish law is relevant, and for Saeed Malekpour – Iranian.
So if their respective domestic laws give these outcomes, then it is lawful.
But here it needs to be examined, if the laws on the basis of which the decision was
arrived at itself are valid in the first place.
The laws would be valid if they are in conformity with the respective
The laws which were used here are valid, because they are valid in accordance
with the rule of recognition. And since the outcomes were in accordance with the
laws, they are valid.
Now the next question is, how is the rule of recognition valid?
Should we go into morality, or whether society considers it valid ?
Validity of the rule of recognition, is independent of the rule of recognition. The
constitution (rule of recognition) is independent of the content of the constitution.
Hart says, no such question can arise as to the validity of the very rule of
recognition which provides the criteria ; it can neither be valid, nor invalid but is
simple accepted as appropriate for use in its way – Its existence is a matter of
Hart’s rule of recognition is similar to Austin’s sovereign. It exists and
anything that draws validity from the rule of recognition is valid. Even if it
allows immorality, it is valid. Do not question why the rule of recognition is
Constitution is the ultimate touchstone of laws in every society.
Both Hart and Austin suggest that to check validity of the constitution, you
cannot use morality. Immoral constitutions are also valid constitutions.
22.08.2023 – Tuesday
Starting point of Fuller – It is possible to bring law and morality together.
Positvists – important to keep law and morality separate in order to evaluate law.
Fuller – Morality is always a part.
Morality is related with law in two ways
External – aim – what we want to achieve may be moral or immoral.
Internal – laws maybe moral or immoral - irrespective of the aim.
8 deciderata – rule of law conditions. If not complied – duty of legislator/state
has not been fulfilled. – Morality of duty. – Legislator should comply with the
How much compliance is needed?
Total failure in one direction.
Some failure – even this is failure of legislator.
But again subjective question as to how much failure is failure?
Complilance of these conditions also depends on nature of legislation, area
about with the legislation is made. Some can be retrospective, some can be
against these principles – so how much compliance will be there also
depends on area of lw. Eg : criminal law - very very high level of
Aspiraion of the society should be to have 100% compliance – but every
society is imperfect – not ideal – but if we know the ideal we will know where
each stands in respect of other – who is complying in what sense.
Two questions
Is there law on dowry in India?
Does India have “rule of law”?
To answer these two questions, in positivist theory (Kelsen),
First question – if there is a norm, and the norm derives validity from a higher
norm, then it is a valid law.
Look at whether there is some norm that talks about dowry. If the norm
exists, then yes, India has law on dowry.
Second question – can we say because Kelsen says no morality, so no rule of
We have law, but violations are taking place, state is no enforcing it – so
should we conclude that there is no rule of law? As we are not ruled by the
You have to look at whether the normative structure is effective or not. If
we have an effective normative structure, there is a rule of law. But there is
a catch here. Suppose there is a society where there are not enough rules to
ensure equality of women – Such as Saudi Arabia – women on not equal
footing – if you start searching for legislations which provide for equality,
there will be nor norm indicating these things – but if you look at the
entirety of the structure, it will be effective. These societies do not protect
their women, marginalize communities but there is rule of law. There is
rule of law, but there is violation of rights of women, rights of minority. So
by Kelsen, there is rule of law, but no equal protection.
Now answering the questions using Fuller.
First question – simple answer – yes – to check if there is rule.
Second question – don’t look at just norms, look at something inherent in the
Fuller will look at the existence of certain prnciples in the normative structure.
In societies like KSA, there is no 8 deciderata – there is law, but no rule of
law. Rule if law is not just the presence of legals tructure, the legal structure
must be in compliance with some standards which are the 8 deciderata.
If the 8 conditions are fulfilled – it shows that citizens are treated by the state with respect
– citizens are rational enough to make decisions. If they violate the law, they will face the
condiitons. Rules are told to the citizens. They will ensure 8 deciderata. If the 8 deciderata
are present in the system, then the below conditions will be absent in the system.