October 2011: Celebrate Oktoberfest!
October 2011: Celebrate Oktoberfest!
October 2011: Celebrate Oktoberfest!
October Town Meetings......Page 2
Comment from the Council Table....3
Conserve Water & Save Money......3
Vehicle License Fee Due Nov. 30...4
Town Clean Up Day: Nov. 5...........5
Prescription Drug Take Back..........6
Leaf Collection Begins.....................7
Vienna Theatre Company Presents..8
News From Vienna Parks & Rec...9
Happenings Around Our Town...10
Candidate Forums in October...12
Town hall will be closed on Monday,
October 10, in observance of
Columbus Day. Tere will be regular
trash collection for residents on the
Monday route.
Te Fairfax County Department of Transportation and the Tysons
Metrorail Station Access Management Study (TMSAMS) Advisory Group
will share the fndings of the TMSAMS project on Tuesday, October 4,
from 7 - 9 p.m. at Freedom Hill Elementary School, 1945 Lord Fairfax
Road, Vienna.
TMSAMS was conducted to get the publics input on planned transportation
improvements for pedestrians, bicyclists and bus service to access the new
Silver Line Metrorail Stations in Tysons Corner. Tis meeting will discuss
the fnal report.
Information on TMSAMS can be found at
When: Saturday, October 1, 2011
Time: 11 a.m. 7 p.m.
Where: Historic Church Street
More Information: www.vtrcc.org
Sponsored by The ViennaTysons Regional Chamber of Commerce
and the Town of Vienna.
Celebrating 65 Years of Tradition:
The Vienna Halloween Parade
through the Decades, 1946-2011
Wednesday, October 26, 7 p.m.
Dont miss the Vienna Halloween Parade on Wednesday, October 26,
at 7 p.m. on Maple Avenue. Kids are invited to dress up in their favorite
Halloween costume and walk in the parade!
See page 6 for tips on putting out your placeholders on the day of the
parade and page 8 for more information on this years parade!
Vol. CXXI, No. 10 Vienna, Virginia October 2011
M. Jane Seeman, Mayor
Laurie Genevro Cole Laurie A. DiRocco
Edythe Frankel Kelleher Michael J. Polychrones
Carey J. Sienicki Howard J. Springsteen
Town Attorney Steven D. Briglia 703-255-6305
Town Clerk Melanie J. Clark 703-255-6304
Town Manager Mercury T. Payton 703-255-6371
Director of Admin Services Nancy Novak McMahon 703-255-6351
Director of Finance Philip R. Grant 703-255-5752
IT Administrator Craig Grif n 703- 255-6364
Director of Parks & Recreation Catherine L. Salgado 703-255-6356
Director of Planning & Zoning Gregory M. Hembree 703-255-6341
Chief of Police Col. Robert A. Carlisle 703-255-6390
Public Information Of cer Kirstyn L. Barr 703-255-6330
Public Works Director Dennis Johnson, P.E. 703-255-6380
Send news to Vienna Newsletter c/o Town Hall
FAX 703-255-5722 e-mail pio@viennava.gov
Deadline for the November issue is October 15.
Page 2 Vienna Newsletter October 2011
5th: Planning
Tursday, 6th: Police
Chief s Advisory
Committee, 7 p.m.
12th: Planning
Tursday, 13th:
Liaison Committee,
7 p.m.
Monday, 17th: Town
Council Meeting
Wednesday, 19th:
Board of Zoning
20th: Board of
Architectural Review;
Bicycle Advisory
Committee, Lower
Level Conference
Monday, 24th: Town
Council Meeting
Tuesday, 25th:
Transportation Safety
27th: Planning
Commission, Lower
Level Conference
Meetings are at Town Hall, 127 Center Street,
South, at 8 p.m. unless otherwise noted.
June 20, 2011
Adopted the Fiscal Year (FY)
11/12 Town of Vienna Budget
in the amount of $29,841,504.
Establised the real estate tax
rate for FY 11/12 at 24.21 cents
per $100 of assessed valuation.
Established the water and sewer
rates for FY 11/12.
Adopted the proposed
amendments to Chapters 17
and 18 of the Town Code
to conform with Phase III
requirements of the Chesapeake
Bay Preservation Area
Designation and Management
Awarded a Hill Top Road
and Glyndon Street, NE
sidewalk construction contract
for $162,500 to Arthur
Adopted the Citizens Guide
for use by the Transportation
Safety Commission.
Approved Water & Sewer funds
for an emergency sanitary
sewer repair near 1014 Maple
Ave., E from FY 10/11 Water &
Sewer account in the amount of
Awarded a contract to B&B
Signal Company for Maple
Avenue and Follin Lane
Directional Boring in the
amount of $24,602.
Awarded a contract to Colossal
Contractors, Inc. for Town
Hall exterior trim painting/
replacement in the amount of
Approved to waive competetive
bidding for Virginia Utility
Protection Service, LLC and to
continue to use them as a sole
source for underground utility
call center services from July 1,
2011 through June 30, 2012.
Re-appointed Steven Briglia as
Town Attorney, Melanie Clark
as Town Clerk and Philip Grant
as Town Treasurer for FY 11/12.
All votes are unanimous unless noted otherwise.
Town Council minutes, agendas and meeting videos are available online at
What makes a great community? Tere
are a number of factors, but I believe
having organized, community events
is a signifcant one. According to the
American Planning Association (www.
americancity.org), it is the ability to
provide for the pedestrian and bring
residents together that makes a great
community. Te Town of Vienna has a
long history of providing community
oriented events. Te month of
October hosts the newest Town event,
Oktoberfest, and the oldest Town event,
the Halloween Parade.
Te frst event is OktoberFest, which
will be held on Saturday, October 1,
from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Te 4th
annual Oktoberfest, held on Church
Street, features live music, food, a beer
garden, childrens entertainment and a
huge marketplace. Te second event is
the Halloween parade. Te 65th annual
Halloween parade will be held on
Wednesday, October 26th at 7:00 p.m.
Te Halloween Parade has been a staple
in the Town for many years and is well
known in the region. Te Town closes
down Maple Avenue so the community
can enjoy the parades foats and
attractions, and kids can walk in their
costumes down the street. Te theme
for this years parade is Celebrating 65
years of Tradition: Vienna Halloween
Parade through the Decades 1946-
2011, and will pay homage to longtime
residents and businesses.
Te ViennaTysons Regional Chamber
of Commerce helps host both events.
Te Chamber takes the lead for
organizing Oktoberfest and the Town
provides support. Te opposite is true
for the Halloween Parade where the
Town takes the lead and the Chamber
provides support. Both events are
managed by the Towns Department of
Parks and Recreation. Cathy Salgado,
the Director of Parks and Recreation,
says the staf enjoys hosting these
events, and she loves that children have
access to free activities. Both of these
events draw a wide range of residents
from Fairfax County.
Tere are many things that make a
great community. According to APS
Healthcare, a strong community
benefts the individual, the community,
as well as the greater society. People of
all ages who feel a sense of belonging
tend to lead happier and healthier
lives, and strong communities create
a more stable and supportive society.
I think the Vienna Halloween Parade
and Oktoberfest bring the community
together in enjoyable and relaxing ways
that help lif community spirit and
pride. Having these types of events is
one of the things that makes Vienna a
great place to live.
Te Power of Community Events
By Laurie A. DiRocco, Vice Mayor, Vienna Town Council
It might be confusing to hear that the
Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) predicts 36 states will be facing
water shortages by 2013, especially
since our area and the Midwest were hit
with storms and hurricanes that caused
severe fooding in the last few years.
However, these storms produce a large
amount of water in a short period of
time resulting in signifcant runof, so
not all of it is replenishing our water
tables and our drinking supplies.
As shortages occur, the cost for the
precious resource will certainly rise.
Consequently, its important that we use
water wisely in and around our homes.
It helps to lower your costs and conserve
the highly needed resource. Tere are
many ways for you to conserve water
in your home and yard. Here are just a
few ofen overlooked money savers as
provided on the Water Use It Wisely
Monitor your water bill for
unusually high use. Your bill and
water meter are tools that help you
discover leaks. Leaky toilets can be
the culprit for spikes in bills. You
can test for leaks by placing food
coloring in the tank and if within
30 minutes any of the water in the
toilet bowl has turned color, youve
got a leak.
Use a water-ef cient showerhead.
Teyre inexpensive, easy to install
and save up to 750 gallons a month.
Run your washing machine and
dishwasher only when they are full.
You can save up to 1,000 gallons of
water a month.
Plant in the fall when conditions
are cooler and rainfall is more
Water your lawn and garden in
the morning or evening when
temperatures are cooler to
minimize evaporation.
You can fnd these and many more
tips on how to conserve water on
the Water Use It Wisely website:
October 2011 Vienna Newsletter Page 3
By Joanne Burke, Community Enhancement Commission
Page 4 Vienna Newsletter October 2011
Town of Vienna residents have until Saturday, October
1, to request a Special Pickup for this year. Residents
must call by midnight on October 1, in order to ensure
receipt of a Special Pickup this year. No orders for Special
Pickups will be taken from October through January as
leaf collection will be performed during these months.
To dispose of furniture, building materials, brush and
other debris not included in regular trash collection,
residents can order a Special Pickup between February 1
and October 1 of each year. Place discards at the curbside,
then call the Special Pickup hotline at 703-255-5727 and
leave the following information: your name, address,
daytime phone number and amount and type of debris.
Special Pickups can also be ordered online at
Applications to display banners across Maple Avenue in
2012 will be available in the Public Works Department at
Town Hall beginning Monday, October 3. Applications
may be submitted by non-proft community organizations
anytime through November.
Organizations displaying banners this year will
automatically receive application forms in the mail.
Banner space will be awarded in December via a lottery.
Each banner will be displayed for two weeks. For more
information, call 703-255-6380.
Town of Vienna residents pay Fairfax County personal property
tax on motor vehicles, due every year on October 5.
Te current tax rate is $4.57 per $100 of assessed value. New
residents or those registering a vehicle for the frst time must
fle a personal property vehicle registration form within 60 days
of purchase or entry into the County.
Fairfax County provides car tax relief to citizens who are either
65 years of age or older, or permanently and totally disabled,
and meet income and asset eligibility requirements. For more
information, call 703-222-8234 or visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/
Monday, October 17, is the last day to register to vote
in the November 8 general election. Registration
applications are available at various locations around
Fairfax County, including the Town Clerks Of ce
in Town Hall, and may also be downloaded from
Registered voters who will be away from Fairfax County on
Election Day, or who are unable to go to the polls because of
illness or disability, may vote by absentee ballot. You may vote
in person prior to Election Day or apply to have an absentee
ballot mailed to you. November 5 is the last day to vote absentee
For more information, call the Fairfax County General
Registrars Of ce at 703-222-0776. Recorded information is
available 24 hours a day at 703-324-4700.
Beirut Butcher & Grocery
Grocery Store
407 Maple Ave., W
Beirut Cafe and Kabob
409 Maple Ave., W
M Spa
Massage Terapy & Barber Shop
226 Maple Ave., W
Tese businesses received business licenses
during the month ofAugust.
Town of Vienna 2011 Vehicle License Fees are due on November
30 for vehicles garaged in town as of January 1, 2011. Te fee is
$33 for vehicles and $18 per motorcycle and bills will be mailed
out on November 1. Payments postmarked afer November 30
will incur a $25 late fee and further collection costs may apply.
If you have a delinquent balance for 2010, it will be billed
separately on November 1, 2011.
Vienna residents are responsible for paying the Vehicle
License Fee to the Town and Personal Property Tax to
Fairfax County. If you have any questions, please contact the
Vehicle License hotline at 703-255-5375 or send an e-mail to
vehicle@viennava.gov. Questions for Fairfax County can be
directed to 703-222-8234.
October 2011 Vienna Newsletter Page 5
Te annual Town Cleanup Day, sponsored by Viennas
Community Enhancement Commission, will be held rain or
shine on Saturday, November 5, from 9 to 11 a.m. Individuals,
families and community service groups are invited to
participate in making Vienna a more beautiful community.
Clean up your own neighborhood, or be assigned an area of
town that needs attention.
Check in at the Vienna Community Center on Cleanup Day
to receive garbage bags and gloves. Walk-ins are welcome;
however, organizations are asked to sign up by November
1. For more information, contact Cathy Salgado at 703-255-
6356 or csalgado@viennava.gov.
Deadline: November 1, 2011
Mail to: Vienna Parks & Recreation Department
120 Cherry St., S.E., Vienna, VA 22180
Fax to: 703-255-6399
_____ Yes, our organization/family is interested in participating in the November 5 Town Cleanup Day.
Please contact us to arrange participation.
_____ No, but contact us regarding other community service projects.
Name of Organization ___________________________Contact person ______________________________
Address ___________________________________________________________________________________
Home phone # ______________________________Work phone # ____________________________________
Number of volunteers _____Age range ______Area of interest ________________________________________
On Sunday, September 4, longtime Vienna resident Jill Decker
passed away unexpectedly. Ms. Decker was a resident of Vienna
for over 50 years and donated her talents and time to the Town
of Vienna through her service on several Town Boards and
Commissions and community organizations. As a member of
Historic Vienna, Inc., Ms. Decker oversaw the restoration of the
Freeman House as a Town Bicentennial project in 1976. She
also served on the Vienna Centennial Committee and assisted
with planning the year long celebration in 1990 of the Towns
incorporation. Most recently, she served as a member of the
Towns Transportation Safety Commission.
In addition to her civic contributions to the Town of Vienna,
Ms. Decker was an established writer and editor and belonged
to a number of local and national writers groups. During her
lifetime, she authored several short stories for young adults and
a book titled Family Spirit, which is available at the Freeman
Ms. Deckers contributions to the Vienna community are
invaluable and she will truly be missed.
Leonard Ignatowski of Chapter 227 was selected as the
2011 Vietnam Veterans of America Member of the Year
at their national convention on August 18, in Reno,
Mr. Ignatowskis selection was based on his exceptional
and dedicated service at the chapter, state council,
and national of ce levels since 1987. He has served
as a chapter leader, of cer and director, and has been
involved with many chapter activities including
newsletter editor, DMZ to Delta Dance chairperson,
membership afairs chairperson, speakers panel
chairperson, national convention delegate and a chapter
member who addresses local homeless veteran and
active duty military needs. Mr. Ignatowski served as
an army infantry lieutenant with the 169th Engineer
Battalion (Construction Support), Corps of Engineers
in South Vietnam during 1970 and 1971.
Page 6 Vienna Newsletter October 2011
As the 65th Annual Vienna Halloween Parade approaches we ask
for the safety of all, that spectators follow a few common sense rules:
Do not place any items on Maple Avenue prior to noon on the
day of the parade.
When placing items, do not put them in bus shelters as they
need to be clear for bus users during the day. Items placed
in bus shelters prior to 5 p.m. on the day of the event may be
moved for the safety of bus users.
Keep items of the sidewalks and benches so that pedestrians
can walk and use the benches without having to move or walk
over items.
Secure all items to ensure that weather conditions do not cause
them to blow into the roadway or sidewalks.
Please follow these few guidelines for the safety of everyone and we
hope to see you at the parade!
See page 8 for information on this years parade!
In conjunction with the United States Drug
Enforcement Agency (DEA) and state and local law
enforcement agencies, the Vienna Police Department
will again participate in a one-day initiative to remove
potentially dangerous controlled substances from
area homes. In April of this year, the Vienna Police
Department collected approximately 235 pounds of
unused drugs.
Residents can turn in their old, expired, unused or
unwanted prescription medications, controlled or
non-controlled substances, and over the counter
drugs for disposal to the Vienna Police Department,
215 Center Street, South, Vienna, on Saturday,
October 29, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Residents are encouraged to remove any identifying
information from the container. Liquid products
should remain in their original container to prevent
leakage. Intravenous solutions, injectable and
syringes will not be accepted due to associated
For more information, contact MPO Bill Murray at
On August 23, the Town of Vienna Police Department
received the Highest Safety Belt Usage award from
the Click it or Ticket Virginia campaign. Click it or
Ticket is one of a number of safety campaigns which
promote safe driving and life saving strategies within
Virginia. As part of Smart, Safe, and Sober Virginia,
the Click it or Ticket campaign provides grant money
for successful enforcement of seat belt laws, speeding
laws, driving under the infuence laws and various
other traf c safety laws.
Award recipients were determined by analysis of the
seat belt usage of drivers in participating jurisdictions
prior to and subsequent to the Click it or Ticket
campaign. With a 97% seat belt usage rate, the Vienna
Police won the Highest Safety Belt Usage Award for
jurisdictions employing less than 50 law enforcement
of cers. Te award was presented at a workshop in
Fredericksburg, Virginia by the Virginia Department
of Motor Vehicles Highway Safety Of ce.
As a follow up to the Town of Viennas
successful Biggest Loser Challenge in
which employees lost almost 480 pounds
earlier this year, the Towns Employee
Wellness Committee organized a Summer Meltdown weight loss/
maintenance competition. In partnership with Mark Landers, owner
of Evolution Health & Fitness, twenty-one employees accepted the
challenge to either lose weight or maintain the weight loss they
attained from the frst competition. As a group, the participants lost
134 pounds and fve participants maintained their weight within a
14 week period.
Mark Landers and his team provided diet
and exercise guidance to all the participants
throughout the competition and even held
weekly lunch-time workout classes to keep
everyone motivated and working hard on
their goals. In the end, Missy Adams, an
employee of Parks and Recreation, won the
challenge by losing 11.80% of her weight!
Employees celebrated the completion
of the Summer Meltdown with a lunch-
time feld day, including an exceptional
lunch donated by the Vienna Inn.
Summer Meltdown winner
Missy Adams poses with Mayor
M. Jane Seeman.
October 2011 Vienna Newsletter Page 7
Fall leaf collection will begin October 21 in south Vienna and October 25 in the north side of town. Te complete schedule
is given below.
Department of Public Works crews using leaf vacuum machines will collect leaves that residents have raked to the curbside.
Crews may take several days to fnish in an area, but they will pass your address only ONCE during each collection period. If
you miss your vacuum collection dates, the Public Works Department will still collect your leaves; however, the leaves must
be bagged and placed at the curbside for pickup with your regular trash. Up to 20 bags of leaves will be picked up on any
single refuse collection day throughout the year.
Please rake leaves just to the curbside, not into the street. Cars parked on leaf piles may catch on fre, and children playing in
the leaves may be struck by a passing vehicle. Also, leaves may prevent rainwater from reaching stormwater inlets. Residents
may want to move vehicles of the street to avoid dust from the leaf vacuums when the weather is dry; the Town cannot be
responsible for washing cars.
Te schedule for 2011-2012 is shown below. For more information about leaf collection, contact the Public Works Department
at 703-255-6380 or dpw@viennava.gov.
Rake Leaves By: Collection Starts:
October 20 October 21 (1st pass)
October 27 October 28 (2nd pass)
November 18 November 19 (3rd pass)
December 26 December 27 (4th pass)
Rake Leaves By: Collection Starts:
October 24 October 25 (1st pass)
November 5 November 6 (2nd pass)
December 9 December 10 (3rd pass)
January 6 January 7 (4th pass)
AT&T customers driving along the Dulles Toll Road on
their way to work or while running errands likely have
noticed improved voice quality and faster data download
speeds in recent weeks. As part of its continuing network
investment to support growing demand for advanced
mobile devices and applications, AT&T recently
announced the activation of a new mobile broadband cell
site in Vienna, between exits 14 and 16 on the Dulles Toll
For more information about AT&Ts coverage in Vienna
or anywhere in the United States, consumers can visit the
AT&T Coverage Viewer at att.com. Using the online tool,
AT&T customers can measure coverage quality from a
street address, intersection, ZIP code or even a landmark.
Model Railroad (HO Scale)
Open House and Display
Saturday, October 15, 2011
1 PM to 5 PM
Historic Vienna Depot (along the bike trail),
231 Dominion Road, Vienna, VA 22180
Model Railroad (HO Scale) depicts the Western
North Carolina Railroad (now a portion of
the Norfolk Southern) during the period of
transition from steam to diesel. Te Open
House also features Tomas the Tank Engine
and some of his friends.
Free (donations accepted). For more information
visit www.nvmr.org or call 703.938.5157 (leave
Page 8 Vienna Newsletter October 2011
Te Little League coaches of Vienna Teatre Companys Rounding Tird don't
always see eye-to-eye about baseball or life. Tis comedy will be presented weekends,
October 21 to November 6 at the Vienna Community Center. Lef to right: Actors
Chuck Dluhy and Michael Sherman.
Photo Credit: Harold Bonacquist
The Vienna Theatre Company Presents...
Rounding Third
Vienna Community Center
120 Cherry Street, S.E.
8:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m.
October 21, 22, 28 & 29 October 30
November 4 &5 November 6
Tickets are $13 for adults and $11 for students
and senior citizens 65 and older.
Tickets on sale at the Community Center
in advance or at performances.
9th Annual 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run
Vienna Turkey Trot
When: Sunday, November 13
Where: Vienna Volunteer Fire
Department, 400 Center St, S
Time: 7 a.m., Packet Pickup and
8 a.m., 5K Race Start Time
9 a.m., NEW! 1 Mile Fun Run
Start Time
Cost: $25 for adults 15 and older;
$20 for youth 14 and younger;
$10 for 1 Mile Fun Run
Proceeds beneft James Madison High School Band and the
Vienna Volunteer Fire Department.
To register or for more information, visit
When: Wednesday, October 26
Time: 7 p.m.
Where: Maple Avenue, Branch Road to Center Street
Celebrating 65 Years of Tradition:
The Vienna Halloween Parade through the Decades, 1946-2011
Kids are invited to walk in the parade in their Halloween costumes. NO REGISTRATION REQUIRED. Meet at 6:30 p.m.
in the parking lot of Virginia Commerce Bank, 374 Maple Avenue, East. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Parade Information: 703-255-6360 or www.viennahalloweenparade.org
Longtime Vienna Businesses including
Money & King Funeral Home, Vienna
Rexall Drug Store, The Vienna Inn and
Cuppett Performing Arts Center
Special Guests:
Washington Redskins Marching Band,
Sponsored by Air Treatment Company
Business Hazardous
Waste Clean-up Day
October 5
9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
I-66 Transfer Station,
4618 West Ox Road,
(For Conditionally
Exempt Small
Quantity Generators)
Saturday, October 22
8 a.m. - 12 p.m.
North County
Human Services
Center - Suite 600,
1850 Cameron Glen
Dr, Reston
Electric Sunday
Sunday, October 23
10 a.m.-3 p.m.
I-66 Transfer Station,
4618 West Ox Road,
For information
on Fairfax County
Recycling Events, visit
October 2011 Vienna Newsletter Page 9
Charlestown Races, Slots, Table
Games on Fri., Dec. 2, from 10 a.m.
to 5:30 p.m. Play over 5,000 slots and
85 table games at Hollywood Casino
at Charlestown, WV. Te cost is $35
for residents and $43.75 for out-of-
town participants and includes bus
Ice Skating classes for ages 4 and
up start October 3. Students will
learn gliding, forward and backward
swizzles, backward wiggles and one-
foot glides. Seven week classes include
seven 30-minute lessons, seven free
admissions to public skate sessions, free
skate rental for lessons and practice and
free use of helmet. Check page 25 of the
Fall Parks and Recreation Brochure or
call 703-323-1132 for class information.
Cost per seven-session course is $121.
Classes held at Fairfax Ice Arena.
Musical Teater Workshop I (for ages
8-12), no experience required, will be
held on Mondays, 4-5 p.m., Oct. 17-
Dec. 5. Musical Teater Workshop
II (for ages 10-16), for the serious
performer, will be held on Mondays, 5-6
p.m., Oct. 17-Dec. 5. Cost for each eight
class course is $50 for residents and
$62.50 for out-of-town participants.
3s and 4s Leaping Ahead course will
provide a morning of play, learning
and exploring the world using age
appropriate activities in Math, Science
and language. For ages 3-6; children
must be toilet trained to attend.
Wednesdays, Oct. 5-Nov. 23, 9:30 a.m.-
11:30 a.m. Cost is $96 for residents and
$120 for out-of-town participants.
Message in a Bottle: decorate your
own bottle to seal in a letter with your
goal, dream, secret or even a joke you
want to remember forever! Oct. 13,
4:30 p.m.
Halloween Costume Party at the Teen
Center! Come enjoy food, games and
costume contest. Oct. 31, 3:30 p.m.
Babysitters Training will prepare
teens with everything a parent looks for
in a babysitter. Taught by an American
Red Cross Instructor. Class will be held
on Saturday, October 1, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Te cost is $70 for residents and $87.50
for out-of-town participants.
Refuse To Be A Victim is a crime
prevention seminar that teaches easy
to understand methods you can use
to increase awareness and prevent
becoming a victim. Tis is NOT a
hands-on self defense class and is
appropriate for people of all physical
abilities. Saturday, October 15, 9 a.m.-
1 p.m. Te cost is $35 for residents,
$17.50 for residents 65 and older and
$40 for out-of-town participants.
October 12, 7-8 p.m. Monitoring
Todays Teens Technology seminar
will bring parents and other adults up
to speed on todays technology and
how to monitor their teens usage.
Monitoring options, keyloggers, carrier
usage options, advise and resources will
be available at this information session.
Estate Planning Made Simple will be
held on Monday, Oct. 3, from 10 a.m.
to 11:30 a.m. No registration required.
Knitting class will teach those new
to knitting and also refresh the skills
of those with experience. Tursdays,
Oct. 6 - Nov. 17, 10 a.m.-11:30 a.m.
Te cost is $52.50 for residents, $26.25
residents 65 years and older and $65.75
for out-of-town participants.
Indian Cooking with Paneer will
cover the uses of paneer and show the
multitude of dishes that can be made
with paneer in a jify. Saturday, Oct.
1, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Te cost is $40 for
residents and $50 for out-of-town
Shepherds Center of Oakton-Vienna is
presenting Laughter is the Best Medicine
featuring nationally acclaimed humorist
Jeanne Robertson on Sun., Oct. 23 at 3:00
p.m. at the Vienna Presbyterian Church,
124 Park Street, NE. Tickets are $20.00
pre event and $25.00 at the door. Please
call 703-281-0538 for tickets and more
Te Vienna Womans Club 51st Holiday
Bazaar will soon be out of spaces for
crafers. Te Bazaar is Sat., Nov. 12, at the
Vienna Community Center from 9:30 a.m.
to 4 p.m. Please contact Diane at 703-281-
7494 or dcabel@cox.net for an application
and more information.
Te Vienna, Oakton Vision Impaired
Group will meet on Mon., Oct. 17, at Patrick
Henry Library at 10:15 a.m. Te group will
hear a speaker from a local Hospice Group.
If you need a ride call Steve Sedgwick at
703-255-0515 or Rhoda Stevens at 703-
281-9679. Te public is welcome.
More Happenings Around Our Town
on pages 10 and 11!
All classes are held at the Vienna Community Center, 120 Cherry Street SE, unless otherwise specifed.
Register for Parks & Recreation classes online at: http://www.viennava.gov/Town_Departments/webtrac_start.htm.
Page 10 Vienna Newsletter October 2011
Your old magazines and paperback books
are welcome by detainees at the Fairfax
County Adult Detention Center through the
Literacy Project, sponsored by the Daughters
of the American Revolution, Fairfax
County Chapter. Regular donors may leave
publications in sturdy plastic bags at the usual
location on the last Tuesday of each month
from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. (Be sure to remove
mailing labels from magazines.) First-time
donors may call Florence Roseborough at
703-281-2498 for information.
Epiphany United Methodist Church, 1014
Country Club Dr., NE, on October 16 at
11:00 a.m. will be observing Laity Sunday - a
time to celebrate the role of laity in the church.
Mr. Bill Fowkes, a member of Epiphany, will
be speaking. For information, contact of ce@
epiphanyumc.com or 703-938-3494.
Te Oakton Church of the Brethren
Community Concert Series welcomes
violinist Dr. Rami Kanaan and pianist Bettye
Cooley for a return engagement on Sat.,
Oct. 1 at 6 p.m., 10025 Courthouse Rd.
Free. For more information, see www.
oaktonbrethren.org, or call 703-281-4411.
Chapter 227, Vietnam Veterans of America
Inc., will meet on Turs., Oct. 20, at
Neighbors Restaurant, Cedar Lane Shopping
Center, at 7:30 p.m. Carl J. Beisel of the SAIC
Corp. will discuss the report on the Arlington
National Cemetery Assessment and Findings
regarding the cemeterys grave management.
Te general public and all veterans are invited.
Admission is free. For information, call 703-
255-0353 or visit www.vva227.org.
Te Committee for Helping Others (CHO)
is in need of donations to assist families in
need. Donate new toys for kids ages 1-12; gif
cards for teens; food cards for families; bikes in
excellent condition; and lightly used coats and
jackets (please donate these now). Help us set
up our Christmas Shop at Vienna Presbyterian
Church on Fri., Dec. 9 and come back on Sat.,
the 10th, and help families choose gifs. For
more information, call Carolyn Mysel at 703-
Te Annual Albright Memorial Leadership
Forum will be held on Sun., Oct. 2, at
11 a.m., at United Methodist Church, 711
Spring Street SE. It is designed to engage
people in an examination and discussion of
ethical and spiritual leadership needed in the
21st century. Tis years speaker is Dennis
Bakke. For more information, call 703-938-
Te Ayr Hill Garden Club will sell a wide
selection of fower bulbs at the Vienna
Farmers Market in the Caboose parking lot
on Church Street on Oct. 15, 22 and 29 from 8
a.m. to noon. Sale proceeds will help maintain
the W&OD bike trail garden in the center of
Vienna, the Patrick Henry Library, Salsbury
Spring, Childrens Discovery Garden and the
Ayr Hill Learning Center Garden.
Te Vienna Saturday Farmers Market is
closed on 10/1 for Oktoberfest but will reopen
on 10/8 for the rest of the month. Located in
the Caboose parking lot on historic Church
Street from 8 a.m. to noon. Troughout the
markets in October, well be collecting warm
clothing and toiletries for homeless children
within Fairfax County (a bin will be placed
at the front of the market). A listing can
be found on our Facebook page, Vienna-
Farmers-Market. Call 703-200-7806 for more
Te Western Fairfax PFLAG (Parents,
Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays)
support group and FLY ((Fairfax Lesbian, gay,
bisexual, transgender, questioning Youth), a
PFLAG support and social group for youth
ages 12 (with parental permission) to 19, will
meet on Tues., Oct. 4, 7:30-9:00 p.m. and
Sun., Oct. 16, 3:00-4:30 p.m. at the Unitarian
Universalist Congregation of Fairfax at 2709
Hunter Mill Road. E-mail wf.pfag@gmail.
com or fnd us on Facebook Fairfax LGBTQ
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 180 will
hold a Breakfast Bufet on Sun., Oct. 23, from
8 a.m. to noon. Adults $7, children $3. Open
to the public. 330 Center St., N. For parties of
eight or more, call 703-625-5736.
Te Shepherds Center of Oakton-Vienna in
conjunction with Bob Evans is sponsoring
Dine to make a Diference, a community
fundraiser, on Fri., Sept. 30 and Sat., Oct.
1 from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Bob Evans
will donate 15% of sales on those days to the
Shepherds Center. Bob Evans is located at
10443 White Granite Drive, Oakton.
Ayr Hill Garden Club to host Designing
the Small Garden: Illustrating the Wisdom
of Henry Mitchell on Mon., Oct. 24, 1 p.m.,
at Emmanuel Lutheran Church, 2589 Chain
Bridge Road. Free. Landscape designer Sarah
S. Boasburg revisits the nuggets of wisdom
of iconic gardener and garden column writer
of the Washington area, Henry Mitchell,
illustrating her talk with pictures of gardens
from across the US. If interested in attending,
please contact Pam Weiss at plhweiss@yahoo.
Families are invited to step back in time to
discover Viennas history right before the
Civil War. Children can learn about life in
the 19th century, speak to costumed living
history interpreters, make crafs, play games
and participate in a scavenger hunt. Te
event, which is free and open to the public,
will be held on the side lawn of the Freeman
House, Sat., Oct. 22 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon.
It is planned and coordinated by local Girl
Scout Catherine Bobalek as her Gold Award
project and HVI is pleased to support her and
her fellow volunteers. For more information
contact cmbobalek@msn.com.
Te Shepherds Center of Oakton-Vienna is
sponsoring the Annual Caregivers Treat on
Wed., Nov. 2, from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Our
Lady of Good Counsel Church in Vienna.
Tis popular free event is designed to give
caregivers of older adults a day of relaxation
and respite with massages, entertainment, a
speaker and lunch. Activities and daycare are
available for the care-receivers, but space is
limited. For more info or to sign up for the
event, contact the Shepherds Center of ce at
703-281-0538. Registration deadline is Wed.,
Oct. 26.
Unless specifcally noted as an event conducted or sponsored by the Town of Vienna, the events listed are published for informational
purposes only. Te listing of these events does not constitute an endorsement of the content of the event or necessarily refect any policy or
position of the Town of Vienna or its employees.
October 2011 Vienna Newsletter Page 11
Te Womens Center will host several
workshops during the month of
October. All classes are held at Te
Womens Center, 127 Park St., NE. For
more information or to register, go to
www.thewomenscenter.org or call 703-281-
2657, ext. 276. Te cost for each course is
$35 registration fee/$25 for Members, unless
otherwise noted.
Healthy Responses to Anger
Sat., Oct. 1, 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
$45 registration fee/$35 Members
Divorce or Custody DiscoveryDos,
Donts and Dangers
Mon., Oct. 3, 7-9 p.m.
$55 registration fee/$45 Members
Anger Management for Men (7 weeks)
Weds, Oct. 5 Nov. 23, 79 p.m.
$150 registration fee/$140 Members
Reclaiming Your Future: Financial
Planning During Separation & Divorce
Turs., Oct. 6, 6:30-9:30 p.m.
$50 registration fee/$40 Members
Re-entering the Workforce Turs., Oct.
13, 7-9 p.m. Held at VPC
Avoiding Divorce Court I How
to Negotiate or Mediate a Property
Settlement Agreement
Turs. Oct. 13, 6:30-9:30 p.m.
$40 registration fee/$30 Members, $70
couples registration fee/$50 Member
NEW - Homework A Parents Guide
to Helping Out Without Freaking Out
Sat., Oct. 15, 10 a.m.12 noon
NEW - Womens Guide to Investing 2-
Night Series Mon., Oct. 17 and Mon.,
Oct. 24, 7-9 p.m.
$60 registration fee/$50 Members
Improving Tough Family Conversations
about Elder Issues
Turs., Oct. 20, 7-9 p.m.
Avoiding Divorce Court II Provisions
of Settlement Agreements Turs., Oct.
20, 6:30-9:30 p.m. $40 registration
fee/$30 Members, $70 Couples
registration fee/$50 Member Couples
NEW - Federal Resume Development
Workshop Sat., Oct. 29, 10 a.m.12noon
Te Vienna Adventist Academy will host a
day of preventive health screenings for local
residents on Wed., Oct. 12. Call 1-800-324-
1851 (code HSC3549) to pre-register.
Koinonia Kofeehouse, Sat., Oct. 1, 7-10
p.m., Our Lady of Good Counsel Church,
8601 Wolfrap Road, 703-896-7424. Live
music/open mic, light refreshments, good
conversation. All ages.
Historic Vienna, Inc. has opened a new
exhibit, Vienna Awakens to War: 1861 to
1865, in the exhibit room of the Freeman
House, 131 Church Street, NE. Te artifacts
loaned by members of the Vienna community
include reproductions of uniforms, a dress
of the period, bullets, ammunition, frearms,
currency, original magazine stories on
the Train Battle of Vienna, childrens toys
and games, cooking utensils and other
photographs and memorabilia. Te exhibit
is open Wednesday through Sunday from
12 noon to 4 p.m. For information call 703-
938-5187 or visit www.historicviennainc.org.
Pennywise Trif Store, a community service
project sponsored by Church of the Holy
Comforter in Vienna, will celebrate its 50th
anniversary and in celebration of this golden
anniversary, all items at Pennywise will be
50% of on Turs., Nov. 3. Come join with
the workers at Pennywise (corner of Mill and
Church Street) and share this special day! You
are sure to fnd a bargain!
Te Vienna Host Lions Club meets at the
American Legion Hall in Vienna, 2nd and
4th Tuesday evenings, 6:15 p.m. Social time
followed by dinner and a speaker. Visit our
website www.viennahostlionsva.lionwap.org
to learn more about what the Lions do. 703-
938-7716 or n.volpe8@verizon.net.
Te Vienna Volunteer Fire Department
Auxiliary is sponsoring a scrapbooking
weekend on Fri., Oct. 7, from 6 p.m. to
midnight and Sat., Oct. 8, from 9 a.m. to
9 p.m. at the fre department, 400
Center St., S. Te cost is $55 afer Sept.
22 and includes croppin space, lunch on
Saturday, snacks, drinks and a goody bag. For
more information, contact Lisa Emerson at
lisaemerson3@verizon.net or 703-981-4504.
Historic Vienna, Inc. will hold its Fall
Membership Meeting on Tues., Oct. 18 at
7:30 p.m. in Town Hall. Following a brief
business meeting, they will present the 2011
Volunteer of the Year Award. Te speaker
will be local historian Ted Ballard who will
discuss the Civil War Battle of Balls Bluf in
neighboring Loudoun County. Te meeting is
free and open to the public and refreshments
will be served. For information see www.
historicviennainc.org or call 703 938 5187.
Te Vienna Sesquicentennial Committee
will meet on Tues., Oct. 18 at 6:30 p.m. at
Town Hall, 127 Center St., S. Afer two highly
successful Civil War commemorative events,
all interested persons are invited to discuss
future projects to recognize the signifcance
of this important period of our history.
Attendees are invited to stay for the Historic
Vienna, Inc. Fall Membership Meeting,
immediately following at 7:30 p.m. For more
information call 703 938 5187 or visit www.
Fairfax-based non-proft Our Daily Bread
will hold a unique food drive and hunger
awareness event at 2 p.m. on Sun., Oct. 16,
on the feld at the corner of George Mason
Boulevard and University Drive in Fairfax
City. Proceeds will beneft needy families in
the Fairfax County area. For information,
contact 703-273-8829, info@ODBFairfax.org
or visit www.ODBFairfax.org.
Te National Association of Active and
Retired Federal Employees (NARFE) is
selling the Entertainment Book. Te cost is
$30 each and all profts beneft Alzheimers
research. Call Shirley Martin at 703-938-
6580. Delivery is available.
Te Northern Virginia Handcrafers
Guilds Fall Crafs Show will be held on Sat.,
Oct. 8, 10 a.m.- 5 p.m. and Sun., Oct. 9,
11 a.m.- 4 p.m., NOVA Community College,
Annandale Campus in the Ernst Cultural
Center Gymnasium. Admission is $3. For
more information, visit www.nvhg.org.
Fairfax County Parks and the Northern
Virginia Handcrafers Guild present arts and
crafs at the South Run RECenter on October
22 and 23. Admission is $3, children 12 and
under free. $1 of with food donation. For
more information, call 703-866-0566.
(Voice & TDD)
(Voice & TDD)
Vienna, VA
Permit No. 36
703-255-6300 (Voice)
TTY Virginia Relay 711
127 Center Street, South
Vienna, Virginia 22180-5719
Business Hours
Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
703-255-6300 (Voice)
TTY Virginia Relay 711
127 Center Street, South
Vienna, Virginia 22180-5719
Business Hours
Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
703-938-4900 (Voice)
703-255-5730 (TDD)
703-255-6366 (Voice)
703-255-5730 (TDD)
703-938-4900 (Voice)
703-255-5730 (TDD)
703-255-6366 (Voice)
703-255-5730 (TDD)
703-255-6360 (Voice)
TTY Virginia Relay 711
120 Cherry St., S.E.
Vienna, Virginia 22180
703-255-6360 (Voice)
TTY Virginia Relay 711
120 Cherry St., S.E.
Vienna, Virginia 22180
From the Vienna Newsletter Archives
October 2001: Te Town of Vienna has scheduled a planning workshop
at Town Hall November 1-3 beginning at 9 a.m. each day. Te workshop is
designed to bring the community together to discuss the problems and issues
that the town will face in the next year, fve years and twenty years. Tis
intensive planning exercise will challenge Viennas leadership and citizens to
solve community problems through consensus building.
October 1991: Te Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act, adopted by the Virginia
General Assembly in 1989, requires local jurisdictions to institute measures
for improving water quality and reducing pollution. Afer considering
the Act for almost a year, the Town Planning Commission has structured
a proposed ordinance so as to have minimal impact on homeowners while
meeting the state-mandated regulations to protect the Bay.
October 1981: Residents may have noticed the signs posted around the
Malcolm-Windover Heights area announcing the new Neighborhood
Watch program to reduce crime through increased citizen awareness. Te
Malcolm-Windover Civic Association begin its neighborhood watch about
three months ago and about 190 residents are now involved.
October 1971: Te Town has purchased the old Arlington-Fairfax Railroad
right-of-way through the Vienna Technology Park to the town limits for use
as a second access road to the Park. Vienna will now have to look to Fairfax
County to open the road on out to Woodford Road.
Page 12 Vienna Newsletter October 2011
Meet the Candidates
Tues., Oct. 11, 1:30 p.m.
NARFE Chapter 1116 Meeting
Vienna Community Center,
120 Cherry St., SE
Invited guests include:
Senate District 32: Janet Howell
(D) and Patrick Forrest (R)
Senate District 34: Chap
Petersen (D) and Gerardo
Culipher (R)
House District 34: Barbara
Comstock (R) and Pamela
Donner (D)
Fairfax County School Board
Candidate Forum
Turs., October 13 at 7:00 p.m.
American Legion Auxiliary Unit
#180, 303 Center Street North
(upstairs hall,
enter rear of building)
Te Hunter Mill race will be
featured, and at-large candidates will
also attend. For more information,
contact Edythe Kelleher at
ekellehermail-ALA@yahoo.com or