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1st Semester
A.Y. 2020-2021

Course Title: Quality Management

Course Code: QUAMGT
Course Description: This course aims to enable the students to recognize and assess quality
management processes in hospitality and tourism related organization and to evaluate
departmental processes and planning strategies. Topics include concepts and terminologies of
TQM; definition, common element and terminology; vision and reality, bridging the gap;
constructive and critical perusal reflection: proposed quality, self-assessment and peers
assessment; seeking practical feedback for supervisors and continuing improvement developing
a personal management philosophy and personal development plan.

Coverage: Prelim / Week 1

 Defining Quality
 What are the different views of quality and The Origin of Quality
 Quality control, Quality Assurance and Quality Management

Learning Objectives:
 Define Quality
 Analyze the different views of quality and Understand the origin of Quality
 Describe quality control, Quality Assurance and Quality Management

To do list/Activities:
1. Readings
 Defining Quality
 What are the different views of quality and The Origin of Quality
 Quality control, Quality Assurance and Quality Management
2. Answer the essay questions each topic. Please see attached document on how to write
your answer.
3. Take quiz 1, and quiz 2. Please see attached document on how to write your answer.
4. Self-Paced Activity. Please see attached document on how to write your answer.

Page 1
Topic 1: Defining Quality
Lecture Discussion


Total Quality Management is not a fresh idea. The approaches advocated by Deming,
Juran, Crosby, and others have long been used well effective managers. The most noteworthy
feature is the level of mutual trust that is needed by both management and staff to create a
culture in which an effective quality management program can be successful. Quality is currently
everyone’s task, not just the inspection department. People are anticipated to seriously weigh up
their jobs and make the first move to improve their part of the process. Open, objective
measurements are necessary.

Defining Quality

Quality is a lot more than the nonexistence of defects which allow companies to meet
customer expectations. Quality needs controlled process improvement, allowing companies to
exceed customer’s expectation. Quality will let companies to re-establish pride and loyalty in
their organizations. Quality can only be attained by the nonstop improvement of all system and
processes in the organization, not simply the production of products and services but also the
design, development, service, purchasing administration and indeed, all aspects of the
transaction with the customer. Each one must work in concert toward similar end.

Quality can only observed through the eyes of the customers. An understanding of the
customer’s expectations (effectiveness) is the first step. Then exceeding those expectations
(efficiency) is required. Communications will be the key. Going beyond customer expectations
guarantees meeting all the definitions of quality.

Different people understand quality in a different manner. Hardly anyone can describe
quality in quantifiable terms that can be operationalized. A few individual can provide a specific
definition and measurement of quality when pressured. There is an old saying in management
which says,” if you can’t quantify it, you can’t manage it,’ and it is also true with quality. Every
member if the organization should be clear about its concept, definition and measurement as it
applies to his job if the strategic management system and the competitive advantage are to be
based on quality. Appropriate quality can be identified or perceived in a different way in the
same company.

Discussion Questions:
Instruction: Answer question below in at least minimum of 5 sentences and maximum of 40
sentences. Please see attached document on how to write your answer.
1. Discuss the definition of quality in your own words.

Page 2
Topic 2: What are the different views of quality and the Origin of Quality
Lecture Discussion

What are the different views of quality?

1. Customer’s View (more subjective view): quality of the design (look, feel, and function)
considers both feature and performance measure to assess value.

Value=Quality/Price (value determined by individual customers)

2. Producer’s View (more objective view): conformance to requirements (term coined by

Philip Crosby)

e.g. number of defects per million products is a measure of conformance costs of quality
(Prevention, appraisal, scrap and warranty costs.

Prevention cost; training, writing quality procedures appraisal costs: inspecting and measuring
product characteristics scrap and network costs: internal costs of defective products warranty
costs; external costs for product failures in the field increasing quality conformance reduce
product costs and raises profits.

The Origin of Quality

“Total Quality Control” was the key concept of Armand Feigenbaum’s 1951 book,
“Quality Control; Principles, Practice and Administration,” and that book, a chapter is titled as
“Total Quality Control.” Feigenbaum grabs on to an idea that sparked many scholars interest in
the following decades that would later be catapulted from Total Quality to Total Quality
Management. W. Edward Deming, Joseph Juran, Philip B. Crosby, and Kaoru Ishikwa, known as
the big four, also contributed to the body of knowledge now known as total quality

The American Society for Quality says that the term Total Quality Management was used
by the U.S. Naval Air Systems Command “to describe its Japanese-style management approach
to quality improvement. “ This is consistent with the story that the United States Navy
Personnel Research and Development Center began researching the use of statistical process
control (SPC); the work of Juran, Crosby and Ishikawa; and the philosophy of W. Edwards
Deming to make performance improvements in 1984. This approach was first tested at the
North Naval Aviation Depot.

Discussion Questions:
Instruction: Answer question below in at least minimum of 5 sentences and maximum of 40
sentences. Please see attached document on how to write your answer.
1. Give the origin of “Total Quality Control”.

Page 3
Topic 3: Quality Control, Quality Assurance and Total Quality
Lecture Discussion

Quality Control, Quality Assurance and Total Quality

To provide definition of quality, it is necessary to understand the difference between

three other important quality ideas. These are the distinction which are made between quality
control, quality assurance and total quality.

Quality control is historically the oldest concept. It involves the detection and
elimination of components or final products which are not up to standard. It is an after-the-
event process concerned with detecting and rejecting defective items. As a method of ensuring
quality it may involve a considerable amount of waste, scrap and reworking. Quality control is
usually carried out by quality professionals known as quality controller or inspectors. Inspection
and testing are the most common methods of quality control, and are widely used in education
to determine whether standards are being met.

Quality Assurance is different from quality control. It is before and during the event
process. Its concern is to prevent faults occurring in the first place. Quality is designed into the
process to attempt to ensure that the product is produced to a predetermined specification.
Simply, quality assurance is a means of producing defect and fault-free products. The aim, in
other words of Philip B. Crosby, is “zero defect”. Quality assurance is the responsibility in the
workforce, usually working in cells or teams, rather than the inspection, although inspection can
have a role to play in quality assurance. The quality of the good or service us assured by there
being a system, which lays down exactly how production should take place and as to what
standards. Quality standards are maintained by following the procedures laid down in the QA

Total quality management incorporates quality assurance, by extending and developing

it. TQM Is about creating a quality culture where the aim of every member of the staff is to
delight their customers, and where the structure of their organization allows them to do so. In
the total quality definition of quality the customer is sovereign. It is the approach popularized
by Peters and Waterman in “In Search of Excellence”. Many companies, such as Marks and
Spencers and British Airways, have been pursuing this approach for a number of years.

Total quality is about providing the customer with what they want, when they want it
and how they want it. It involves moving with changing customer expectation and fashions to
design products and services which meet and exceed their expectations. Only by delighting
customers will they return and tell their friends about it.

Quality Management

Quality Management is using all the elements of management (POSDiCon) in order to

achieve quality product and quality service.

Page 4
Discussion Questions:
Instruction: Answer question below in at least minimum of 5 sentences and maximum of 40
sentences. Please see attached document on how to write your answer.
1. Discuss the difference between Quality Control and Quality Assurance is.

Formative Assessment:

Quiz 1: Identification
Instructions: Identify the following statements below. Please see attached document on how
to write your answer.

__________1. It is about providing the customer with what they want, when they want it and
how they want it.
___________2. It is using all the elements of management (POSDiCon) in order to achieve
quality product and quality service.

___________3. It is different from quality control. It is before and during the event process.

___________4. It is historically the oldest concept

___________5. It was the key concept of Armand Feigenbaum’s 1951 book, “Quality Control;
Principles, Practice and Administration,” and that book, a chapter is titled as “Total Quality

___________6. Who are the big four who contributed to the body of knowledge now known as
total quality management?

___________7. It is a lot more than the nonexistence of defects which allow companies to
meet customer expectations.

___________8. Quality of the design (look, feel, and function) considers both feature and
performance measure to assess value.

___________9. It is More objective in view : conformance to requirements, term coined by

Philip Crosby.

__________10. It can only observe through the eyes of the customers. An understanding of the
customer’s expectations (effectiveness) is the first step.

Page 5
Quiz 2: Essay
Instructions: With the given terminologies below, kindly provide its meaning. Please see
attached document on how to write your answer.

1. Quality Control
2. Quality Management
3. Total quality Control
4. Quality Assurance
5. Customer’s View

Self-Paced Activity: Essay

Instruction/Question: Make a narrative report on what have you learned from this module
for week 1. Please see attached document on how to write your answer.
Materials Needed: Laptop/Computer Set and Internet.

Rubrics for Essay

Please see attached rubrics for essay for your reference.


A. Books

 Ong Camilar-Serrano A. 2016. Total Quality Management. Unlimited Books,

Library Service &Publishing Inc.
 Guasch Martin.J. 2016. Total Quality Management. Mindshapers CO., Inc.

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