Environmental Jurisprudence

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Jurisprudence is the philosophy and theory
of law. It is concerned primarily with what
JURISPRUDENCE the law is and what it ought to be. That
includes questions of how persons and social
relations are understood in legal terms, and
of the values in and of law. (Wikipedia, 2018)
All laws pertaining to the management of natural
resources and the regulation of the discharge of the
materials into the environment. it is a set of legal
rules addressed specifically to human activites that
affect the quality of environment.
different environmental laws


1)Mining Act (Commonwealth Act. No. 137)- Prohibition on the

improper disposal of mine waste and tailings.

2)Anti-Dumping Law- Prohibits the waste of any river.

After regaining
independence (1946)

1)Republic Act (R.A) 3931- First major legal

declaration that pollution control was a policy.
Passage of this law was in response to the
emergence of more industries and urban areas.
martial law (1972-
1)PD 984- Pollution control law- prohibits the disposal
of any organic or inorganic matter or any substance in
gaseous or liquid form that shall cause pollution.

2)PD 1151- Philippine Environment policy- aims to

recognize, discharge and fulfill the responsibilities of each
generation as trustee and guardian of the environment
for succeeding generations12. The policy also aims to
assure the people of a safe
martial law (1972-
3)PD 1152- Philippine Environment code- This Act makes
provision for the protection of the environment of a broad
sense. Its provisions are divided into Titles, the major part
of them dealing with specific aspects of environment
4)PD 389- Forestry reform code- To promote the wise
utilization, conservation and development of the forest
resources of the country
martial law (1972-

5)PD 463- Mineral Resources Development Decree -

provides for a modernized system of administration and
disposition of mineral lands and to promote and encourage
the developme
different environmental laws

7)PD 1181- abatement, control, and prevention of

vehicular pollution and establishing the maximum
allowable emission of specific air pollutant.
8) PD 979- Prohibits the discharge of oil. noxious
liquid substances and other harmful substances
into the country’s island and territorial waste.
9) PD 825- Prohibits the improper disposal of
10) PD 856- Known as sanitation code.
1) Republic Act (RA) 6969 or the Toxic 2) RA 7586 or the National Integrated
Substances And Nuclear Wastes Control Protected Areas System Law-
Act of 1990 biodiversity conservation, natural
prohibits the importation, storage or resources management and
protection of the plants and animals.
transport of toxic or nuclear wastes
into or through the Philippines.

4)HB 8622
3) House Bill 5668 Endorses emission and water pollution
penalize all chemical, thermal and charge system by promoting
industrial plants and factories found cooperation and self regulation among
to be violating environmental industries and market based
protection laws. instrument.

6) RA 3571
an act prohibiting the cutting, 6) RA 9275
destroying or injuring of known as the Philippine Clean
planted or growing trees or Water Act of 2004
flowering plants along plazas,
parks, public roads.
Environmental Department of
Management Bureau Land Management
Environment and
-(National Pollution Bureau
Natural Resources
Control Commission,
(DENR)-protects our
National Council,
Environmental Center of
the Philippines
Department of Public Department of
Works and Highways Agriculture Forest
-responsible oon the -in charge of soil management
construction of flood conservation, Bureau
control systems, regulations on the use
sewage facilities, solid of pesticides and
wastes disposal fertilizer.
Housing and Land Use
Department of Health Department of
Regulatory Board
-takes charge of Science and
environmental Technology
-responsible for
sanitation and health. -undertakes
enforcing regulations
on land use..
Laguna Lake
Metro Manila
Development Authority
DEvelopment Authority
-control industrial
pollution and
enforecement of mand
Describe the picture below

Do you think environmental law exist in our country?

Environmental ethics is a field of applied ethics concerned with the
natural environment and its value. It explores the moral standing,
importance, and relationship of humans to the environment and its
nonhuman inhabitants. It also reflects a commitment and
responsibility toward the environment, includingplants and animals
as well as present and future generations of people. It seeks to
articulate reasons why non-human nature has value that cannot be
reduced solely to economic value

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