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Stock Name Sector Total Shares Price/Share Input Value Current Value

LT Group Holdings 1800 9.9 17860 17820

Fgen Energy 500 16.32 8000 8160
Current Net Net Income
Value (Div.-Tax) Capital Gain Net Gain

17767.09 -52.91 -0.22% -0.52%

8136.4 -23.6 2.00% 1.71%
LTG -52.91 FGEN
No. of Price per Dividends No. of Price per
Date Shares share Total Price & Fees Shares share
March 16, 2023 1000 9.94 9940 -29.32 500 16
800 9.9 7920 -23.59
FGEN -23.6 CREIT 0
Total Dividends & No. of Price per Total Dividends & No. of Price per Total
Price Fees Shares share Price Fees Shares share Price
8000 -23.6
& Fees
As Of: 4/19/2023
Priority Company Type Fair Value Current Value % Discounted
1 LT Group Holding Firm 17.79 9.9 44%
2 Fgen Renewable Energy 27.17 16.32 40%
3 CREIT REIT/ Renewable Energy 4.01 2.45 39%
4 DMCI Holding Firm / Estate 20.78 10.64 49%
5 Globe Infotech 3435 1787 48%
6 Megaworld 4.57 1.99 56%
7 Filinvest 1.32 0.75 43%
8 AREIT REIT 32.4 #DIV/0!
9 RCR REIT 5.77 #DIV/0!
10 DDMPR REIT 1.35 #DIV/0!
11 ICT Shipping 329.73 203.4 38%
As Of: 2/28/2023
Company Type Earning per Share (EPS)

1 LT Group Holding Firm 2.83

2 Fgen Renewable Energy 3.4
ACEn Renewable Energy 0.13
DNL Holding Firm / Industrial 0.42
DMCI Holding Firm / Real Estate 2.45
CREIT REITS / Renewable Energy 0.1549

Globe I.T.
URC Industrial
Fair Price to Earnings Ratio (P/E) Growth rate Percent of Safety No. of years

6.7 8% 30% 10
10.6 8% 30% 10
18.6 8% 30% 10
15.3 8% 30% 10
4.4 8% 30% 10
16.1 8% 30% 10
Return per Year% Final Value Inrinsic Value Buy Below Price

10% 40.93537687329 15.7823598537655 11.0476518976359

10% 77.80765690171 29.9982199846901 20.9987539892831
10% 5.220280643406 2.01264417100391 1.40885091970273
10% 13.87325203248 5.34873922368532 3.74411745657972
10% 23.2732114706 8.97283050596448 6.28098135417514
10% 5.384121461449 2.07581189893504 1.45306832925453
Price/Share Shares Gross Amount
9.92 1800.00 17856.00

Commission(Min. 20) 0.25% ₱44.64

VAT 12% 5.3568
PSE Trans fee 0.005% 0.8928
SCCP 0.01% 1.7856
Total 17908.68
%Fees Paid 0.30%

Intrinsic Value Calculator

Inputs Outputs
EPS 3.57
Average P/E 8.81 Final Value 67.902
*5 yr. High P/E 11.51 Inrinsic Value 26.17911
*5 yr. Low P/E 6.11 Buy Below Price 17.01642
Growth rate 8%
No. of years 10
Return per year % 10%
Percent of Safety 35%
Price/Share Shares Gross Amount Total Cost 17908.68
10.00 1800.00 18000.00 Average Price 9.949264
Market Value 17838.90
Commission(Min. 20) 0.25% ₱45.00 Profit -69.78
₱20.00 % Gain Loss -0.39%
VAT 12% 5.4
PSE Trans fee 0.005% 0.9
SCCP 0.01% 1.8
Sales Tax 0.60% 108.00
Total 17838.90
%Fees Paid -0.89%

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