Substance Use, Addictions, and Related Behaviours Lesson 2
Substance Use, Addictions, and Related Behaviours Lesson 2
Substance Use, Addictions, and Related Behaviours Lesson 2
The Peel data provided on the PowerPoint is from 2011. When you look at the percentages for tobacco, alcohol, and
marijuana use, do think a lot has changed in 9 years? Explain
Looking at the data and per percentages for tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana use, I don’t think a lot has changed in 9
years. People still continue to smoke, although more measures are being taken to stop drug abuse, more people are still
using tobacco, alcohol and marijuana on a daily basis.
What is considered drug use? Consuming any drug in order to change the way you think, act, or feel. May not interfere
with one’s daily activities.
What is considered drug abuse? Occurs when the use of drugs results in a problem in one or more of the following
areas: Physical – Emotional – Mental – Legal – Social
Does everyone react to a drug the same way? Explain. No. There are many factors that can change the reaction to a
drug. Some of the factors include Type of drug and how it is taken, the amount and strength of the drug, Previous use of
the drug and a person’s body size.
Used for the wrong reason Progressively use more dangerous drugs
Provide three harmful effects of alcohol and tobacco use. You may do research for this.
Alcohol Tobacco
How can knowledge of the effects of various substances help a teenager make a decision regarding substance use? Give
a specific example.
If a teenager has the knowledge about the effects of substances use, he can make better decisions regarding substance
use. If the teenager knows that if you consume Alcohol you can get Cancer, that teenager would be aware of a life-
threatening effect and wouldn’t take a risk.
What are examples of some risky decisions someone could make when under the influence of drugs?
Provide 3 strategies to reduce the risk when someone goes to a party which may have alcohol and marijuana present.
Think about the consequences that you will face if you do this
Avoid the situation by staying with friends who do less risky things
Have your friends look out for you
If a teenager is confronted with peer pressure to consume alcohol at a party outline 3 ways effective communication can
be used to deal with the situation. Try to create at least one of your own not from the PowerPoint.
1. My religion and beliefs forbid me from consuming alcohol
2. I have to leave now; my parents will be mad.
3. Say No firmly, if asked a lot then reply by repeating No.
Addiction description from CAMH (Centre for Addiction and Mental Health)
loss of Control of amount or frequency of use
Compulsion to use
use despite Consequences.
Substances can obviously form and addiction. Many people can also be addicted to other things.