Ansi C37.32-1996

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American National Standard High-Voltage Air Disconnect Switches Interrupter Switches, Fault Initiating Switches, Grounding Switches, Bus Supports and Accessories Control Voltage RangesSchedules of Preferred Ratings, Construction Guidelines and Specications

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. 3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997, USA Copyright 2003 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Print: PDF: ISBN 0-7381-3604-2 ISBN 0-7381-3605-0 SH95098 SS95098

No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

American National Standard Approval of an American National Standard requires verification by ANSI that the requirements for due process, consensus, and other criteria for approval have been met by the standards developer. Consensus is established when, in the judgment of the ANSI Board of Standards Review, substantial agreement has been reached by directly and materially affected interests. Substantial agreement means much more than a simple majority, but not necessarily unanimity. Consensus requires that all views and objections be considered, and that a concerted effort be made toward their resolution. The use of American National Standards is completely voluntary; their existence does not in any respect preclude anyone, whether he has approved the standards or not, from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, or procedures not conforming to the standards. The American National Standards Institute does not develop standards and will in no circumstances give an interpretation of any American National Standard. Moreover, no person shall have the right or authority to issue an interpretation of an American National Standard in the name of the American National Standards Institute. Requests for interpretations should be addressed to the secretariat or sponsor whose name appears on the title page of this standard. CAUTION NOTICE: This American National Standard may be revised or withdrawn at any time. The procedures of the American National Standards Institute require that action be taken periodically to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw this standard. Purchasers of American National Standards may receive current information on all standards by calling or writing the American National Standards Institute. Published by National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1300 N. 17th Street, Rosslyn, Virginia 22209 Copyright 1996 National Electrical Manufacturers Association All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without prior written permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States of America


(This Foreword is not part of American National Standard C37.32-1996)

The purpose of this revision is to bring the standard up-to-date and in line with present-day requirements. The standard is coordinated with the other American National Standards in the field of high-voltage air switches, insulators, and bus supports: ANSI/IEEE C37.30, Standard requirements for high-voltage air switches ANSI/IEEE C37.34, Test code for high-voltage air switches ANSI/IEEE C37.35, Guide for the Application, installation, operation, and maintenance of high-voltage air disconnecting and load interrupter switches ANSI/IEEE C37.36b, Guide to current interruption with horn gap air switches ANSI/IEEE C37.37, Loading guide for AC high-voltage air switches This standard has been expanded to include distribution class air switches, a broader coverage of interrupter switches and ANSI C37.33, Rated Control Voltage and Their Ranges for High Voltage Air Switches. Circuit switchers are excluded from this standard. This standard contains three annexes, which are not considered a part of the standard. Suggestions for the improvement of this standard will be welcome. They should be sent to the National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 1847, Rosslyn, VA 22209. This standard was processed and approved for submittal to ANSI by the Accredited Standards Committee on Power Switchgear, C37. Committee approval of the standard does not necessarily imply that all members voted for its approval. At the time it approved this standard, the C37 Committee had the following members: E. Byron, Chair A.K. McCabe (Executive Vice-Chairman, HV Standards) J. Scott (Executive Vice-Chairman, LV Standards) D.L. Swindler (Executive Vice-Chairman, IEC Activities) M. Calwise, Secretary

Organizations Represented Electric Light and Power Group

Name of Representative D.E. Galicia D.G. Komassa M.C. Mingoia J.H. Provanzana J.L. Koepfinger T.E. Bruck (Alt)

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

L.R. Beard P.W. Dwyer


Organizations Represented

Name of Representative A. Monroe D.F. Peelo D. Sigmon S.C. Atkinson (Alt) D.G. Kumbera (Alt) L.V. McCall (Alt)

National Electrical Manufacturers Association

R. Garzon W. Kracht H.L. Miller T. Olsen D. Stone E. Byron (Alt) G.T. Jones (Alt) G. Sakats (Alt) D.L. Swindler (Alt)

Testing Laboratory Group

L. Frier P. Notarian

Tennessee Valley Authority U.S. Dept. Of the Army-Office of the Chief of Engineers U.S. Dept. of the Navy-Naval Construction Battalion Center Western Area Power Administration

D.N. Reynolds J.A. Gilson R.R. Nicholas G.D. Birney

Power Switching Equipment Technical Committee SG VI of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association's Switchgear Section, which revised and approved this standard, had the following personnel at the time of approval: R. Brown, Chair J. Angelis M. Beard (Alt.) G. Corriero M. Dunagin D. Martin R. Reynolds G. Sakats R. Siegel (Alt.)




Introduction .........................................................................................................................................................1 1.1 Scope .......................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 References .................................................................................................................................................. 1

2. 3.

Definitions...........................................................................................................................................................2 Station class outdoor air disconnect switches .....................................................................................................2 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Basis of preferred ratings ........................................................................................................................... 2 Preferred ratings......................................................................................................................................... 3 Dielectric test voltages ............................................................................................................................... 3 Construction specifications ........................................................................................................................ 4


Distribution class outdoor air disconnect switches .............................................................................................4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Basis of preferred ratings ........................................................................................................................... 4 Preferred ratings......................................................................................................................................... 4 Dielectric test voltages ............................................................................................................................... 5 Construction specifications ........................................................................................................................ 5


Indoor air switches ..............................................................................................................................................6 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Basis of preferred ratings ........................................................................................................................... 6 Preferred ratings......................................................................................................................................... 6 Dielectric test voltages ............................................................................................................................... 6 Construction specifications ........................................................................................................................ 7


Grounding switches.............................................................................................................................................7 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 Basis of preferred ratings ........................................................................................................................... 7 Preferred ratings......................................................................................................................................... 7 Electrical clearances................................................................................................................................... 7 Corona and radio influence test voltage limits........................................................................................... 8 Construction specifications ........................................................................................................................ 8


Fault initiating switches ......................................................................................................................................8 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 Basis of preferred ratings ........................................................................................................................... 8 Preferred ratings......................................................................................................................................... 8 Preferred closing time ................................................................................................................................ 8 Operating life expectancies........................................................................................................................ 8 Corona and radio influence test voltage limits........................................................................................... 8 Construction specifications ........................................................................................................................ 8


Outdoor, indoor and enclosed interrupter switches ............................................................................................9 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 Basis of preferred ratings ........................................................................................................................... 9 Preferred rated power frequency................................................................................................................ 9 Preferred rated voltages ............................................................................................................................. 9 Preferred rated dielectric withstand ........................................................................................................... 9 Preferred rated currents ............................................................................................................................ 10



8.6 Preferred rated switching endurance........................................................................................................ 10 8.7 Preferred rated ice breaking ability .......................................................................................................... 11 8.8 Preferred rated control voltage................................................................................................................. 11 8.9 Preferred rated mechanical operations ..................................................................................................... 11 8.10 Preferred rated terminal loading .............................................................................................................. 11 8.11 Construction specifications ...................................................................................................................... 11 9. Bus supports......................................................................................................................................................11 9.1 Insulators .................................................................................................................................................. 11 9.2 Fittings ..................................................................................................................................................... 11 9.3 Phase spacing ........................................................................................................................................... 12 10. Switch accessoriesoperating mechanisms and switch hooks ........................................................................12 10.1 Rated control voltages for power-operated mechanisms ......................................................................... 12 10.2 Hook stick lengths and hook dimensions................................................................................................. 13 Annex A (Informative) Reference data.........................................................................................................................32 Annex B (Informative) Historical Data ........................................................................................................................35 Annex C (Informative) Bibliography............................................................................................................................36



High-Voltage Air Disconnect Switches Interrupter Switches, Fault Initiating Switches, Grounding Switches, Bus Supports and Accessories Control Voltage Ranges Schedules of Preferred Ratings, Construction Guidelines and Specifications

1. Introduction

1.1 Scope
This standard provides the schedules of preferred ratings and construction specifications for high-voltage air disconnect, interrupter, fault initiating, and grounding switches rated above 1000 volts. Switch operator control voltage ranges (formerly ANSI C37.33), bus supports and accessories are also covered by this standard. High-voltage air switches included in ANSI/IEEE C37.20.2, ANSI/IEEE C37.20.3, ANSI/IEEE C37.71 and ANSI C37.72 are not covered by this standard.

1.2 References
The following standards are referenced by this text or have content relevant to the apparatus covered by this standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this American National Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. ANSI C29.8-1985, Wet-process porcelain insulatorsApparatus, cap and pin type ANSI C29.9-1983, Wet-process porcelain insulatorsApparatus, post type NEMA SG 6-1996, Power switching equipment NEMA 107-1987, Methods of measurement of radio influence voltage (riv) of high-voltage apparatus
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ANSI C37.32-1996

ANSI/IEEE C37.30-1992, Standard requirements for high-voltage air switches ANSI/IEEE C37.34-1994, Test code for high voltage air switches ANSI/IEEE C37.35-1976 (R1992), Guide for the application, installation, operation, and maintenance of highvoltage air disconnecting and load interrupter switches ANSI/IEEE C37.36b-1990, Guide to current interruption with horn gap air switches ANSI/IEEE C37.37-1979, Loading guide for AC high voltage air switches (in excess of 1,000 volts) ANSI/IEEE C37.38-1989, Gas-insulated, metal-enclosed disconecting, interrupter, and grounding switches IEEE C37.100-1992, Standard definitions for power switchgear ANSI/IEEE 142-1991, Practice for grounding of industrial and commercial power systems IEC 815-1986, Guide for the selection of insulators in respect of polluted conditions

2. Definitions
The definitions of terms contained in this document, or in other standards referred to in this document, are not intended to embrace all legitimate meanings of the terms. They are applicable only to the subject treated in this standard. An asterisk (*) following a definition indicates that at the time this standard was approved, there was no corresponding definition in IEEE C37.100. Refer to IEEE C37.100 for additional definitions 2.1 outdoor switch: Switches designated for operation outside buildings or enclosures. Outdoor switches may be exposed to the weather. Outdoor switches experience no restriction of heat transfer to the ambient.* 2.2 indoor switch: Switches designated for operation inside buildings or weather-resistant enclosures which do not restrict heat transfer to the ambient.* 2.3 enclosed switch: Switches designated for operation within a housing restricting heat transfer to the external medium. 2.4 station class: A descriptive term used to denote application or restriction or both to generating stations, switching stations, substations and transmission lines.* 2.5 distribution class: A descriptive term used to denote application or restriction or both to that part of an electric system between the substation and the customer.*

3. Station class outdoor air disconnect switches

3.1 Basis of preferred ratings

The ratings of station class outdoor disconnect switches shall be based upon the definitive conditions specified in ANSI/IEEE C37.30.

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3.2 Preferred ratings

3.2.1 Voltage and current The preferred voltage, continuous current, and withstand current ratings at the rated power frequency of 60 Hz shall be in accordance with tables 1, 2, and 3. 3.2.2 Ice breaking ability If an outdoor switch has an ice breaking rating, the preferred ratings shall be 3/8 inch (10 mm), and 3/4 inch (20 mm). A switch that has successfully passed the ice test and is rated for a given thickness of ice is also rated for lesser thicknesses. 3.2.3 Mechanical operations The preferred mechanical operation rating shall be 1000 operations: 900 close-open cycles without terminal loading and 100 close-open cycles with terminal loading as specified in 11.3.2 of ANSI/IEEE C37.34. Refer to table 16 for rated control voltages for motor-operated switches and 11.3.3 of ANSI/IEEE C37.34 for number of operations at minimum and maximum control voltage. 3.2.4 Terminal loading The preferred mechanical terminal loadings shall be in accordance with table 4.

3.3 Dielectric test voltages

3.3.1 Energized parts to ground Outdoor switches in either the open or closed positions shall withstand the voltages specified in table 1, columns 2, 3, and 4. See note 1 of table 1 and table 2 for switching impulse ratings. 3.3.2 Open gap withstand The air gap of outdoor air switches, when in the full open position, shall withstand voltages that are 10 percent higher than the rated lightning impulse dry withstand and the power-frequency dry withstand voltages given in columns 2 and 3 of table 1. For switches rated 362 kV and higher, the open gap shall also withstand the switching impulse voltages specified in table 2. Station class outdoor air switches having solid insulation material across the open gap shall withstand 100 percent of the voltages given in table 1 columns 2, 3 and 4. 3.3.3 Corona and radio influence test voltage limits Switches rated 121 kV and higher when tested under dark conditions at the voltage levels specified in table 1, column 5 shall be free of visible plumes or spikes. The limits of radio-influence voltage are given in column 6. Refer to ANSI/ IEEE C37.34, clause 5. and NEMA 107 for testing procedures.

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3.4 Construction specifications

3.4.1 Insulators Insulator units shall have electrical characteristics and leakage distance values equal to or exceeding those listed for equivalent insulation in ANSI C29.8 or C29.9. Refer to clause 3.4 of ANSI/IEEE C37.35 and IEC 815 for insulator creepage distance considerations under contaminated conditions. Insulators shall have sufficient mechanical strength to withstand applicable operating forces, including magnetic forces produced by the rated peak withstand current of the switches for which they are supplied, as specified in table 3. 3.4.2 Arrangement and size of bolt holes in terminal pads Bolt hole centerlines in terminal pads, when used, shall be as shown in figure 1. Holes shall accommodate bolts with a diameter of 1/2 inch (12.7 mm). 3.4.3 Phase spacing (pole spacing) Phase spacing for outdoor switches and bus supports shall be as specified in table 5. 3.4.4 Ground clearance Ground clearance for outdoor switches and bus supports shall equal or exceed that specified in table 5. 3.4.5 Single-pole switch dimensions Minimum metal-to-metal, single-pole air gap distances (switch full open position) and centerline-to-centerline spacings of insulator columns are listed in table 6. The air gap distance is based upon being at least 10 percent in excess of the minimum clearance to ground as given in table 5. These dimensions may be modified depending upon dielectric test results (See 3.3.2). 3.4.6 Base mounting holes Spacing for the base mounting holes for 600, 1200, and 1600 ampere switches should be as specified in table 7. Other spacings can be used. Base mounting holes shall be at least 9/16 inch (14.3 mm) in diameter.

4. Distribution class outdoor air disconnect switches

4.1 Basis of preferred ratings

The ratings of distribution class outdoor air disconnect switches shall be based upon the definitive conditions specified in ANSI/IEEE C37.30.

4.2 Preferred ratings

4.2.1 Voltage and current The preferred voltage, continuous current and withstand current ratings at the rated power frequency of 60 Hz shall be in accordance with tables 8 and 9.

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4.2.2 Ice breaking ability Refer to 3.2.2 for preferred ratings. 4.2.3 Mechanical operations The preferred number of mechanical operations shall be as specified in 3.2.3. 4.2.4 Terminal loading The preferred mechanical terminal loading shall be in accordance with table 4.

4.3 Dielectric test voltages

4.3.1 Energized parts to ground Outdoor switches in either the open or closed positions shall withstand the voltages specified in table 8, columns 2, 3 and 4. 4.3.2 Open gap withstand The air gap of outdoor switches, when in the full open position, shall withstand voltages that are 10 percent higher than the rated lightning impulse dry withstand and the power-frequency dry withstand voltages given in columns 2 and 3 of table 8. Distribution class outdoor air switches having solid insulation material across the open gap shall withstand 100 percent of the voltages given in table 8, columns 2, 3 and 4. 4.3.3 Corona and radio influence test voltage limits Switches rated below 121 kV have no corona or radio influence voltage requirements.

4.4 Construction specifications

4.4.1 Insulators Insulators shall have electrical characteristics and leakage distance values such as to coordinate with the switch dielectric test voltage withstand requirements of 4.3.1. Refer to clause 3.4 of ANSI/IEEE C37.35 and IEC 815 for insulator creepage distance considerations under contaminated conditions. The insulators shall have sufficient strength to withstand the applicable operating force, including magnetic force produced by the rated peak withstand current of the switch to which they are applied, as specified in table 9. 4.4.2 Arrangement and size of bolt holes in terminal pads Bolt hole centerlines shall be as shown in figure 1. Holes shall accommodate bolts that are 1/2 inch (12.7 mm) in diameter. 4.4.3 Phase spacing (pole spacing) Phase spacing for distribution class switches and bus supports shall be as specified in table 10.

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4.4.4 Ground clearance Ground clearance for distribution class switches and bus supports shall equal or exceed that specified in table 10. 4.4.5 Single pole switch dimensions The minimum metal-to-metal single pole air gap distances (switch full open position) shall be as listed in table 11 with possible modifications as noted.

5. Indoor air switches

5.1 Basis of preferred ratings

The ratings of indoor air switches shall be based upon the definitive conditions specified in ANSI/IEEE C37.30, except that they are not subjected to wind loads and they do not have ice breaking ratings.

5.2 Preferred ratings

5.2.1 Voltage and current The preferred voltage, and preferred continuous and withstand current ratings at the rated power frequency of 60 Hz shall be in accordance with table 12. 5.2.2 Mechanical operations The preferred number of mechanical operations shall be as given in 3.2.3. 5.2.3 Terminal loading Presently, there are no preferred mechanical terminal loadings for indoor switches.

5.3 Dielectric test voltages

5.3.1 Energized parts to ground Indoor air switches, in either the open or closed positions, shall withstand the dielectric test voltages specified in columns 2, 3, and 4 of table 12. 5.3.2 Open gap withstand The length of the air gap of indoor air switches, when in the full open position, shall be such that the open gap or gaps will withstand a test voltage that is 10 percent higher than the lightning impulse dry and power-frequency dry withstand test voltages specified in columns 2 and 4 of table 12. Indoor air switches having solid insulation material across the open gap shall withstand 100 percent of the voltages given in table 12, columns 2, 3 and 4. 5.3.3 Corona and radio influence test voltage limits Switches rated below 121 kV have no corona or radio influence voltage requirements. 6
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5.4 Construction specifications

5.4.1 Insulators Insulator units shall have electrical characteristics and leakage distance values such as to coordinate with the switch dielectric test voltage withstand requirements of 5.3. The insulators shall have sufficient strength to withstand the applicable operating force, including the magnetic force produced by the rated peak withstand current of the switch to which they are applied, as specified in table 12. 5.4.2 Arrangement and size of bolt holes in terminal pads The arrangement of bolt hole centerlines in terminal pads, when used, shall be as shown in figure 1. Holes shall accommodate bolts that are 1/2 inch (12.7 mm) in diameter. 5.4.3 Phase spacing The minimum metal-to-metal clearance between phases for indoor air switches and bus supports shall be as specified in table 13. 5.4.4 Single pole switch dimensions The minimum metal-to-metal single pole air gap distances (switch full open position) shall be as specified in table 13 with possible exceptions as noted.

6. Grounding switches

6.1 Basis of preferred ratings

The ratings of high-voltage grounding switches shall be based upon the definitive conditions specified in ANSI/IEEE C37.30.

6.2 Preferred ratings

6.2.1 Voltage and current The preferred voltage and withstand current ratings at the rated power frequency of 60 Hz shall be in accordance with tables 1, 3, 8, 9, and 12. Grounding switches have no continuous current ratings but have withstand current ratings which may be equal to or less than the disconnect switch rating. 6.2.2 Ice breaking ability Refer to 3.2.2 for preferred ratings for outdoor switches. Indoor switches have no ice breaking requirements.

6.3 Electrical clearances

The electrical clearance between the grounding blade and the nearest energized part during ground blade travel shall be equal to or greater than the minimum gap distance listed in table 14. In the fully open position of the grounding blade, the switch shall withstand the voltages listed in columns 2, 3, and 4 of tables 1, 8, and 12.

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6.4 Corona and radio influence test voltage limits

Switches rated 121 kV and higher when tested under dark conditions at the voltage levels specified in table 1, column 5 shall be free of visible plumes or spikes. The limits of radio-influence voltage are given in column 6. Refer to ANSI/ IEEE C37.34, clause 5. and NEMA 107 for testing procedures.

6.5 Construction specifications

Construction specifications for grounding switches shall be in accordance with the requirements specified in 3.4, 4.4, or 5.4.

7. Fault initiating switches

7.1 Basis of preferred ratings

The ratings of high-voltage fault initiating switches shall be based upon the definitive conditions specified in ANSI/ IEEE C37.30.

7.2 Preferred ratings

The preferred fault-making current ratings of fault initiating switches at the rated power frequency of 60 Hz shall be 9.5, 12.5, 20, 25, or 38 kA rms symmetrical. Peak withstand current ratings are 2.6 times the short time (symmetrical) withstand current values.

7.3 Preferred closing time

The preferred closing time which includes blade travel to close the switch, shall not exceed 0.5 seconds.

7.4 Operating life expectancies

The manufacturer should be consulted for operating life expectancies for fault initiating switches.

7.5 Corona and radio influence test voltage limits

Switches rated 121 kV and higher when tested under dark conditions at the voltage levels specified in table 1, column 5 shall be free of visible plumes or spikes. The limits of radio-influence voltage are given in column 6. Refer to ANSI/ IEEE C37.34, clause 5. and NEMA 107 for testing procedures.

7.6 Construction specifications

Construction specifications for fault initiating switches shall be in accordance with the requirements specified in 3.4, 4.4, or 5.4.

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8. Outdoor, indoor and enclosed interrupter switches

8.1 Basis of preferred ratings

The ratings of interrupter switches shall be based upon the definitive conditions specified in ANSI/IEEE C37.30.

8.2 Preferred rated power frequency

The preferred rated power frequency of interrupter switches shall be 60 Hz.

8.3 Preferred rated voltages

8.3.1 Rated maximum voltage The preferred rated maximum voltage shall be as given in column 1 of tables 1, 8, and 12. 8.3.2 Rated loop splitting voltage The preferred rated loop splitting voltage is 20 percent of the rated maximum voltage. 8.3.3 Rated differential capacitance voltage range The preferred limits for the differential capacitance voltage range are 100 volts for the lower limit and 4 percent of rated maximum voltage for the upper limit.

8.4 Preferred rated dielectric withstand

8.4.1 Preferred rated power frequency withstand voltages Rated live parts-to-ground dry withstand voltage Live parts-to-ground withstand voltage shall be as given in table 1, column 3; table 8, column 3; and table 12, column 4. Rated live parts-to-ground wet withstand voltage Live parts-to-ground wet withstand voltage for outdoor interrupter switches shall be as given in table 1, column 4 and table 8, column 4. Rated live parts-to-ground dew withstand voltage Indoor and enclosed interrupter switches shall withstand the test voltages specified in column 3 of table 12. 8.4.2 Preferred rated lightning impulse dry withstand voltage Rated live parts-to-ground withstand voltage These withstand voltages shall conform to table 1, column 2; table 8, column 2; or table 12, column 2.

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8.4.3 Preferred rated switching impulse withstand voltage Interrupter switches having lightning impulse withstand ratings of 1050 kV and above shall withstand switching impulse voltages as specified in table 2, columns 3 and 4. 8.4.4 Open gap withstand The air gap of fully open interrupter switches shall withstand 110 percent of the voltages given in table 1, columns 2 and 3; table 8, columns 2 and 3; or table 12, columns 2 and 4. For switches rated 362 kV and higher, the open gap shall also withstand the switching impulse voltages specified in table 2, columns 3 and 4. Interrupter switches having solid insulation material across the open gap shall withstand 100 percent of the voltages given in table 1, columns 2 and 3; table 8, columns 2 and 3; or table 12, columns 2 and 4. Outdoor interrupter switches with solid insulation across the open gap shall also withstand the rated wet withstand voltage given in table 1, column 4 or table 8, column 4. Indoor or enclosed interrupter switches with solid insulation across the open gap shall also withstand the rated dew withstand voltage given in table 12, column 3. 8.4.5 Corona and radio influence test voltage limits Switches rated 121 kV and higher when tested under dark conditions at the voltage levels specified in table 1, column 5 shall be free of visible plumes or spikes. The limits of radio-influence voltage are given in column 6. Refer to ANSI/ IEEE C37.34, clause 5. and NEMA 107 for testing procedures.

8.5 Preferred rated currents

8.5.1 Preferred rated continuous current The continuous current ratings shall be as given in tables 3, 9, and 12. 8.5.2 Preferred rated withstand currents The rated withstand currents shall be as given in tables 3, 9, and 12. 8.5.3 Preferred rated withstand current durations The withstand current durations for the short-time (symmetrical) withstand current test and for the peak withstand current test shall be as given in tables 3, 9 and 12. 8.5.4 Preferred rated fault-making current The rated fault-making currents shall be as given in 7.2. 8.5.5 Preferred rated switching currents Rated switching currents for interrupter switches shall be as specified in table 15.

8.6 Preferred rated switching endurance

Rated switching operation endurances for interrupter switches are dependent on the application and the many different interrupter switch designs. Ratings are established by agreement between user and manufacturer. 10
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8.7 Preferred rated ice breaking ability

The preferred ice-breaking ratings shall be as given in 3.2.2. Indoor and enclosed switches have no ice-breaking requirements.

8.8 Preferred rated control voltage

Rated control voltages and their ranges shall be as given in table 16.

8.9 Preferred rated mechanical operations

Rated mechanical operations of outdoor, indoor, and enclosed interrupter switches shall conform to 3.2.3.

8.10 Preferred rated terminal loading

The preferred rated terminal loadings for outdoor interrupter switches are specified in 3.2.4. Indoor and enclosed switches have no preferred rated terminal loadings.

8.11 Construction specifications

8.11.1 Phase spacing of interrupter switches The phase spacing shall be in accordance with tables 5, 10, and 13. Interrupter switches having large lateral extensions of live parts beyond the insulators or unconfined switching arcs may require greater phase spacings and the manufacturer should be consulted. 8.11.2 Insulators Insulators for interrupter switches shall be in accordance with the requirements specified in 3.4.1, 4.4.1, or 5.4.1.

9. Bus supports

9.1 Insulators
Insulators for bus supports shall be in compliance with the requirements specified in 3.4.1, 4.4.1, or 5.4.1.

9.2 Fittings
The strength classification of fittings for outdoor bus supports, expressed in terms of the gradually applied load that the fitting shall withstand without failure or fracture of any parts, shall be as follows:

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ANSI C37.32-1996

Class Designation pounds Standard strength High strength 2000 4000

Load kN 8.90 17.79

Applicable bolt circle inches 3 or 5 5 mm 76.2/127 127

In all cases, the load shall be applied to the fitting in a plane parallel to its mounting surface, perpendicular to the length of the conductor at its centerline.

9.3 Phase spacing

The phase spacing of bus supports shall be in accordance with columns 3 and 6 of table 5 and table 10 and columns 2 and 3 of table 13.

10. Switch accessoriesoperating mechanisms and switch hooks

10.1 Rated control voltages for power-operated mechanisms

10.1.1 Control voltages and their ranges 10.1.2 Control voltages The rated control voltages and their ranges for power-operated mechanisms used on high-voltage air switches shall be as shown in table 16. Operating, auxiliary and tripping functions shall perform satisfactorily when control voltages are within the ranges given in the table. 10.1.3 Voltage range measurement conditions Voltage measurements shall be made at the control power input terminals of the mechanism. Maximum voltages are measured at no-load1 and minimum voltages with operating currents flowing. 10.1.4 Torque requirements Power-operated mechanisms shall develop the manufacturer's rated torque when operating at the preferred rated voltages given in table 16. 10.1.5 Power-operated mechanism characteristics Motor-operating mechanisms for outdoor switches shall have a torque at the output shaft under minimum operating voltage adequate to operate the switch under rated ice conditions, eg., 3/8 inch (10 mm) or 3/4 inch (20 mm) as specified in 10.5.2 of IEEE C37.34. Operating time and torque value required should be in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation.
1Maximum voltage at no-load recognizes battery charging and equalizing techniques. Control

circuits must dielectrically withstand the high voltage which also occurs if maximum voltage is maintained with operating current flowing. It is not necessary to maintain the high voltage level as long as the voltage remains within the specified range. This obviates the need for a higher than maximum voltage to maintain the stated maximum voltage with operating current flowing. However, the minimum voltage must be maintained with operating current flowing to verify proper operation.


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10.2 Hook stick lengths and hook dimensions

The lengths of hook sticks in feet (meters) shall be one of the following: 4 (1.2), 6 (1.8), 8 (2.4), 10 (3.0), 12 (3.7), 16 (4.9), 20 (6.1), or 24 (7.3). See figure 2 for hook dimensions. Table 1 Preferred voltage ratings for station class outdoor air switches
Rated Withstand Voltage Rated Maximum Voltagee kV rms (1) 8.25 15.5 25.8 38.0 48.3 72.5 Lightning Impulse* kV Peak (2) 95 110 150 200 250 250 350** 121 350 450 550** 145 350 450 550 650** 169 450 550 650 750** 242 550 650 750 900** 1050 362 1050 1300** 550 1550 Power Frequency kV rms Dry 1 minute (3) 35 50 70 95 120 120 175 175 235 280 175 235 280 335 235 280 335 385 280 335 385 465 545 545 610 710 Wet 10 second (4) 30 45 60 80 100 100 145 145 190 230 145 190 230 275 190 230 275 315 230 275 315 385 455 455 525 620 Test Voltage ge kV rms (5) 77 77 77 92 92 92 92 107 107 107 107 154 154 154 154 154 230 230 349 Limit of RIV mV @ 1MHz (6) 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 Corona & Radio Influence Voltage

Line Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

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Rated Withstand Voltage Rated Maximum Voltagee kV rms (1) Lightning Impulse* kV Peak (2) 1800** 800 2050 Power Frequency kV rms Dry 1 minute (3) 810 940 Wet 10 second (4) 710 830

Corona & Radio Influence Voltage

Line Number 27 28

Test Voltage ge kV rms (5) 349 508

Limit of RIV mV @ 1MHz (6) 500 750

*For switches rated 362 kV and higher, see table 2 for values of rated switching impulse withstand voltages. The test voltages are 110 percent of the rated maximum line-to-neutral voltage. It is not necessary to retest switches previously tested and acceptable at 105 percent. If equipment of any given rated maximum voltage is used on a circuit of higher voltage rating, the radio influence voltage limit and test voltage for the equipment shall be that corresponding to the rated maximum voltage of the circuit. **Modern arrester technology enables use of lower lightning impulse rated equipment in some applications. The traditional values are shown in bold font. The switches listed in lines 19 through 28 are intended for application on systems effectively grounded as defined in ANSI/IEEE 142.

Table 2 Preferred switching impulse withstand voltage for station class outdoor air switches
Rated maximum voltage kV rms (1) 362 362 550 550 800 Rated Lightning Impulse kV Peak (2) 1050 1300 1550 1800 2050 Switching Impulse Withstand Voltage kV Peak To ground* (3) 750 885 1050 1150 1300 Across open gap (4) 655 + (295) 825 + (295) 880 + (450) 1000 + (450) 1000 + (650)

Line Number (from table 1) 24 25 26 27 28

*Line-to-ground insulation strength is based upon 97.7 percent probability of withstand where the standard deviation is 6 percent. See ANSI C37.34, 4.4.7. Values in parenthesis are 60 Hz bias voltages expressed in kVp units (column 1 voltage 2 / 3). The summation of this opposite polarity bias voltage and the associated open gap switching impulse voltage is equal to a 97.7 percent probability of line-to-ground flashover (CFO + 2 ). See C37.34, 4.4.8.


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Table 3 Preferred continuous and withstand currents for station class outdoor air switches
Withstand Currents Continuous Current Rating Amps (1) 600 1200 1600 2000 2000 3000 3000 4000 Short-Time Withstand (symmetrical) kA (2) 25 38 44 44 63 63 75 75 Peak Withstand kA ( 3) 65 99 114 114 164 164 195 195

Line Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

NOTES: 1 The ratio of the peak withstand current to short-time (symmetrical) withstand current is 2.6. 2 Rated duration of the short-time (symmetrical) withstand current is 3 seconds with allowable I2t variations given in IEEE C37.34. 3 Rated duration of the peak withstand current test is 167 milliseconds. 4 Peak withstand current (kA) 1.625 times the rms asymmetrical momentary current (kA). Switches previously rated at 40, 61, 70, 100 and 120 kA rms asymmetrical momentary are closely equivalent to the above peak withstand current ratings and do not require retesting.

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Table 4 Terminal loadings for high-voltage switches

Maximum Voltage Line Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 500 242362 121169 kV (1) 4.872.5 Current Rating amps (2) 2001200 > 2000 6001600 > 2000 12001600 > 2000 All 90 90 120 120 180 230 450 F1 and F2 lbs (3) 400 400 530 530 800 1020 2000 30 30 40 40 60 75 150 N lbs (4) 130 130 180 180 270 330 670 30 30 110 250 375 685 750 F3 N lbs (5) 130 130 490 1110 1670 3040 3330 F4 N

NOTES: 1 Terminal loadings F1, F2, F3, and F4 incorporate considerations for weight of typical connected bus conductors having ice and wind loads, expansion loads, and limited moment forces. It is recommended that the manufacturer be consulted on forces that exceed those given in table 4. These higher forces may be due to long bus spans rigidly connected to switches, extra high short-circuit current forces, bus spans other than aluminum tube conductors, and other forces not considered. 2 These loadings were derived for the mechanical operations requirement of IEEE C37.34 , clause 11 and do not necessarily represent the mechanical loading limit on terminals. Consult the manufacturer when actual values are needed. 3 At 242 kV and above, F4 forces may be reduced by 40% for switches with hinged or pivoting type terminals.


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Table 5 Phase spacing and ground clearance for station class outdoor air switches and bus supports
Centerline-to-Centerline Phase Spacing Min. Metal-toMetal Distance Disconnecting Switches, Bus Supports and Rigid Conductors inches (3) 7 12 15 18 21 21 31 31 44 53 31 44 53 63 44 53 63 72 178 305 381 457 533 533 787 787 1118 1350 787 1118 1350 1600 1118 1350 1600 1830 7.5 10 12 15 18 18 29 29 39 47 29 39 47 52.5 39 47 52.5 61.5 mm Vertical Break Disconnecting Switchesand Bus Supports Side Break (Horizontal Break) Disconnecting Switches All Horn Gap Switches (Vertical and Side Break)

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Rated Maximum Voltage Line Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 169 145 121 kV rms (1) 8.25 15.5 25.8 38.0 48.3 72.5

Rated Lightning Withstand Voltage* kV Peak (2) 95 110 150 200 250 250 350 350 450 550 350 450 550 650 450 550 650 750

Ground Clearance** Recommended inches (4) 191 254 305 381 457 457 737 737 991 1193 737 991 1193 1333 991 1193 1333 1562 6 7 10 13 17 17 25 25 34 42 25 34 42 50 34 42 50 58 mm Minimum inches (5) 152 178 254 330 432 432 635 635 846 1067 635 846 1067 1270 846 1067 1270 1473 mm

inches (6) 18 24 30 36 48 48 60 60 72 84 60 72 84 96 72 84 96 108


inches (7)


inches (8)


457 610 762 914 1220 1220 1520 1520 1830 2130 1520 1830 2130 2440 1830 2130 2440 2740

30 30 36 48 60 60 72 72 91 108 72 91 108 132 91 108 132 156

762 762 914 1220 1520 1520 1830 1830 2310 2740 1830 2310 2740 3350 2310 2740 3350 3960

36 36 48 60 72 72 84 84 103 120 84 103 120 144 103 120 144 168

914 914 1220 1520 1830 1830 2130 2130 2620 3050 2130 2620 3050 3660 ANSI C37.32-1996 2620 3050 3660 4270


Rated Maximum Voltage Line Number 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 800
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Centerline-to-Centerline Phase Spacing Min. Metal-toMetal Distance Disconnecting Switches, Bus Supports and Rigid Conductors inches (3) 53 63 72 89 105 105 119 1350 1600 1830 2260 2670 2670 3020 See Note See Note See Note 47 52.5 61.5 76 90.5 90.5 106 mm Vertical Break Disconnecting Switchesand Bus Supports Side Break (Horizontal Break) Disconnecting Switches All Horn Gap Switches (Vertical and Side Break)

Rated Lightning Withstand Voltage* kV Peak (2) 550 650 750 900 1050

Ground Clearance** Recommended inches (4) 1193 1333 1562 1930 2299 2299 2692 42 50 58 71 83 84 104 124 144 166 mm Minimum inches (5) 1067 1270 1473 1803 2108 2134 2642 3150 3658 4216 mm

kV rms (1) 242

inches (6) 84 96 108 132 156 156 174


inches (7)


inches (8)


2130 2440 2740 3350 3960 3960 4430

108 132 156 192 216 216 See Note

2740 3350 3960 4870 5500 5500 See Note

120 144 168 192 216 216 240 300 324 600

3050 3660 4270 4870 5500 5500 6100 7620 8230 15240


1050 1300


1550 1800 2050

See Note See Note See Note

See Note See Note See Note

See Note See Note See Note

NOTE Values not yet established.

*Close lightning arrester coordination may allow lower lightning impulse values. Traditional values shown in bold font. Minimum metal-to-metal distance may be modified providing proof of performance is substantiated by dielectric tests. The phase spacings in columns 6, 7, and 8 are recommended values. Overall width of switch and bus support energized parts, angle of opening of side break switches, etc., may allow a reduction in phase spacing dependent upon voltage concentration on sharp projections. Resultant metal-to-metal distances between phase energized parts should not be less than that shown in column 3. **Ground clearance for switches with voltages 362 kV and above are based on switching surge voltage levels. Refer to bibliography, Annex C.

Table 6 Station class outdoor air switchpole unit dimensions

Rated Maximum Voltage kV rms (1) 8.25 15.5 25.8 38.0 48.3 72.5 Rated Lighting impulse withstand voltage kV Peak (2) 95 110 150 200 250 250 350 121 350 450 550 145 350 450 550 650 169 450 550 650 750 242 550 50 60 68 50 50 60 50 32 See Note (1270) (1520) See Note (1270) (1520) (1730) (1270) 32 38 44 32 32 38 7 10 12 18 22 22 32 32 Length of break minimum metal-to-metal* Single break distance inches (3) (178) (254) (305) (457) (559) (559) (813) (813) See Note (1270) (813) 32 22 12 15 15 22 22 (mm) Double break distance inches (4) (305) (381) (381) (559) (559) See Note (813) (559) See Note (813) (965) See Note (813) (965) (1120) (813) 12 15 18 24 30 30 42 42 51 60 42 51 60 72 51 60 72 84 60 (mm) Insulator centerline-to-centerline spacing inches minimum (mm)* Single break Insulator strength Standard (5) (305) (381) (457) (610) (762) (762) (1067) (1087) (1295) (1520) (1067) (1295) (1520) (1830) (1295) (1520) (1830) (2030) (1520) 54 45 54 (1470) 15 18 21 27 33 33 45 45 54 (1140) (1370) High (6) (381) (457) (533) (688) (838) (838) (1140) (1140) (1370) 18 23 23 30 30 35 42 30 35 42 48 35 42 48 54 42 Double break Insulator strength Standard (7) (457) (585) (585) (762) (762) (889) (1067) (762) (889) (1067) (1220) (889) (1070) (1220) (1370) (1067) 34 ANSI C37.32-1996 21 24 24 34 34 (864) High (8) (533) (610) (616) (864) (864)

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Line Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19


Line Number 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 800 550 362 Rated Maximum Voltage kV rms (1)
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Rated Lighting impulse withstand voltage kV Peak (2) 650 750 900 1050 1050 1300 1550 1800 2050

Length of break minimum metal-to-metal* Single break distance inches (3) 60 68 84 104 104 120 (1520) (1730) (2130) (2640) (2640) (3050) See Note 38 44 50 57 57 66 (mm) Double break distance inches (4) (965) (1120) (1270) (1450) (1450) (1680) 72 84 96 116 116 132 (mm)

Insulator centerline-to-centerline spacing inches minimum (mm)* Single break Insulator strength Standard (5) (1830) (2130) (2440) (2950) (2950) (3350) High (6) 48 54 68 75 75 84 Double break Insulator strength Standard (7) (1220) (1370) (1730) (1900) (1900) (2130) High (8)

See Note

NOTE Values have not yet been established.

*The design of some switches may be such that minimum metal-to-metal distances and centerline-to-centerline spacing conflicts. Where this occurs, minimum metal-to-metal distance should be used. Minimum metal-to-metal distances may be modified provided proof of performance is substantiated by dielectric tests.

Table 7 Station class outdoor air switches preferred mounting hole spacing for 600, 1200, and 1600 ampere switches
Rated maximum Voltage kV rms (1) 8.25 15.5 25.8 38.0 48.3 72.5 121.0 145.0 169.0 18 21 24 30 39 51 66 78 90 Hook stick A inches (2) (457) (533) (610) (762) (991) (1290) (1680) (1980) (2290) 2 or 7 2 or 7 2 of 7 2 or 7 2 or 8-1/4 3 or 8-1/4 3 or 8-1/4 3 or 8-1/4 8-1/4 (210) (76.2 or 210) (mm) inches (3) (50.8 or 178) 24 24 27 33 39 51 72 84 96 B (mm) inches (4) (610) (610) 686 (838) (991) (1290) (1830) (2130) (2440) 3 or 7 3 or 7 3 or 7 3 or 8-1/4 3 or 8-1/4 3 or 8-1/4 8-1/4 8-1/4 8-1/4 (210) (76.2 or 210) A (mm) inches (5) (76.2 or 178) 36 36 39 48 54 69 87 99 111 Single side break B (mm) inches (6) (914) (914) (991) 1220 (1370) (1750) (2210) (2510) (2820) 3 or 7 3 or 7 3 or 7 3 or 8-1/4 3 or 8-1/4 3 or 8-1/4 8-1/4 8-1/4 8-1/4 (210) (76.2 or 210) A (mm) inches (7) (76.2 or 178) Vertical break B (mm)

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Line Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

NOTES: 1 A Is the dimension along the length of the base and B is the dimension along the width of the base in inches. 2 Dimensions for switches above 169 kV have not yet been established.

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ANSI C37.32-1996

Table 8 Preferred voltage ratings for distribution class outdoor air switches
Rated Withstand Voltage Rated Maximum Voltage kV rms (1) 8.25 15.0 27.0 38.0 Power Frequency kV rms dry (3) 28 38 50 70 wet (4) 24 30 45 60

Line Number 1 2 3 4

Lightning Impulse kV Peak (2) 75 95 125 150

Table 9 Preferred continuous and withstand currents for distribution class outdoor air switches
Continuous Current Rating amps Line Number 1 2 3 (1) 200 or 600 600 or 1200 1200 Withstand Currents Short-Time (symmetrical) kA (2) 12.5 25 38 Peak kA (3) 32.5 65 99

NOTES: 1 The ratio of the peak withstand current to short-time (symmetrical) withstand current is 2.6. 2 Rated duration of the short-time (symmetrical) withstand current is 1, 2 or 3 seconds. 3 Rated duration of the peak withstand current test is 167 milliseconds.


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Table 10 Phase spacing and ground clearance for distribution class outdoor air switches and bus supports
Centerline-to-centerline phase spacing Minimum metal-tometal distance, all disconnecting switches, bus supports, and rigid conductors inches (3) 5 7 9 12 (127) (178) (229) (305) 4.5 6.0 7.5 10.0 (mm) Vertical break disconnecting switches andbus supports Side break (horizontal break) disconnecting switches All horn gap switches (vertical and side break)

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Line Number 1 2 3 4

Rated maximum voltage kV rms (1) 8.25 15.0 27.0 38.0

Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage kV Peak (2) 75 95 125 150

Ground clearance recommended inches (4) (114) (152) (191) (254) 4.0 5.0 6.5 9.0 (mm) minimum inches (5) (102) (127) (165) (229) (mm)

inches (6) 12 18 24 30


inches (7)


inches (8)


(305) (457) (610) (762)

18 22 26 32

(457) (559) (650) (813)

24 28 38 44

(61 0) (71 1) (96 5) (1,118)

NOTE The phase spacings in columns 6, 7 and 8 are recommended values. It is recognized that at certain points of application these values may be reduced. Overall width of switch and bus support energized parts, angle of opening of side-break switches, and the like, may allow a reduction in phase spacing, depending on voltage stress concentration on sharp projections. Minimum metal-to-metal distances may be modified provided proof of performance is substantiated by dielectric tests.

ANSI C37.32-1996


Table 11 Distribution class outdoor air switches--pole unit dimensions

Length of break minimum metal-to-metal Rated maximum voltage kV rms (1) 8.25 15.0 27.0 38.0 Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage kV Peak (2) 75 95 125 150 5 7 9 12 Single break distance inches (3) (127) (178) (229) (305) 8 (mm) Double break distance inches (4) (203) 9 11 13 16 (mm) Insulator centerline-to-centerline spacing minimum Single break distance inches (5) (229) (279) (330) (406) 12 (305) (mm) Double break distance inches (6) (mm)

Line Number 1 2 3 4
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NOTE The design of some switches may be such that the minimum metal-to-metal distances and the centerline-to-centerline spacing conflict. Where this occurs, the minimum metal-to-metal distance should be used. Minimum metal-to-metal distances may be modified provided proof of performance is substantiated by dielectric test.

Table 12 Preferred ratings for indoor air switches

Rated withstand voltage Rated maximum voltage kV rms (1) 4.8 8.25 15.0 15.5 25.8 38.0 Power Frequency kV rms Dew 10 seconds (3) 15 24 26 30 40 Dry 1 minute (4) 19 26 36 50 60 (5) 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 80 200 400 Continuous current rating (amperes, rms) 600 1200 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000

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Line Number 1 2 3 4 5 6

Lightning Impulse kV Peak (2) 60 75 95 110 125 150

Short-time (symmetrical) current ratings, thousands of amperes rms* (6) 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 (7) 25 25 25 25 25 25 (8) 38 36 38 38 38 38 (9) 50 50 50 50 50 50 (10) 63 63 63 63 63 63 (11) 75 75 75 75 75 (12) 100 100 100 100 (13) 125 125 125 -

NOTES: 1 The ratio of the peak withstand current to short-time (symmetrical) withstand current is 2.6. 2 Rated duration of the short-time (symmetrical) withstand current is 3 seconds with allowable I2t variations given in IEEE C37.34. 3 Rated duration of the peak withstand current test is 167 milliseconds.
*Withstand current ratings include a peak withstand current rating as well as a short-time (symmetrical) withstand current rating as shown.

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ANSI C37.32-1996

Table 13 Indoor air switches and bus supportsPhase spacing and length of break
Rated Maximum Voltage kV rms (1) 1 2 3 4 5 6 4.8 8.25 15.0 15.5 25.8 38.0 4.5 6.0 7.5 9.0 13.0 18.0 Phase Spacing Minimum Metal-to- Metal Clearance Disconnecting Air Switches and Bus Supports* Inches (2) (114) (152) (190) (229) (330) (457) 4.5 6.0 7.5 9.0 13.0 18.0 (mm) Length of break minimum metalto-metal single-break distances inches (3) (114) (152) (190) (229) (330) (457) (mm)

Line Number

*Barriers may be used to provide additional safety during operation by preventing accidental contact with live parts. The provision of adequate insulating barriers may allow a modification of these clearances. These minimum clearances may be modified provided proof of performance is substantiated by dielectric test (with due consideration to the effects of electromagnetic forces) in accordance with the values shown in columns 2 and 4 of table 12. When indoor switches are mounted in equipment covered by other standards, minimum clearances may be modified by such standards. Minimum metal-to-metal distances may be modified from the values listed above provided proof of performance is substantiated by the dielectric tests in accordance with Clause 4.1 of C37.34.

Table 14 Grounding switch electrical clearance

Minimum gap grounding switch to live parts inches (3) mm

Line Number

Rated maximum voltage kV rms (1)

Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage kV Peak (2) INDOOR

1 2 3 4 5 6

4.8 8.25 15.0 15.5 25.8 38.0


2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 4.0

50.8 50.8 50.8 50.8 76.2 102

7 8 9 10

8.25 15.0 27.0 38.0


2.0 2.0 3.0 4.0

50.8 50.8 76.2 102

11 12

8.25 15.5

95 110

2.0 2.0

50.8 50.8


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Line Number 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

Rated maximum voltage kV rms (1) 25.8 38.0 48.3 72.5

Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage kV Peak (2) 150 200 250 250 350

Minimum gap grounding switch to live parts inches (3) 4.0 6.0 9.5 9.5 14.0 14 18 22 14 18 22 27 18 22 27 31 22 27 31 38 44 47 50 75 85 112 102 152 241 241 387 367 457 559 367 457 559 686 457 559 686 787 559 686 787 965 1118 1194 1270 1905 2159 2845 mm


350 450 550


350 450 550 650


450 550 650 750


550 650 750 900 1050


1050 1300


1550 1800



NOTE These gap distances are not a requirement for grounding blades that operate in a plane perpendicular to the main switch base.

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Table 15 Preferred rated switching currents for interrupter switches*

Line-charging current Rated maximum voltage kV rms (1) 8.25 15.0, 15.5 25.8, 27.0 38.0 48.3 72.5 121.0 145.0 169.0 242.0 362.0 Load and loop current amps (2) RCC 2) RCC 2) RCC 2) RCC 2) RCC 2) RCC 2) RCC 2) RCC 2) RCC 2) RCC 2) RCC 2) Unloaded Transformer current amps (3) See Note 2 See Note 2 See Note 2 See Note 2 10 10 10 8 8 8 5 Isolated Capacitor bank current amps (6) 400 400 400 250 250 630 315 315 400 400 -

Line Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Quick-break amps (4) 10 10 10 10 10 13 10 8 7 5 -

Interrupter amps** (5) 10 10 10 10 10 15 35 50 75 150 350

Cablecharging current amps (7) 10 15 20 20 50 80 90 100 100 115 -

NOTES: 1 RCC = rated continuous current from tables 3, 9 or 12 ie., 200, 400, 600, 1200, 1600, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000 and 6000 amps. 2 These switches are capable of switching unloaded transformers rated 2500 kVA or less provided the switches have demonstrated their ability to switch their rated load current. For larger transformers or switches not having load switching ratings, consult manufacturer.
*Interrupter switches may have one or more specifically assigned switching ratings. Refer to Annex A for typical system values. Values given are for station class switches. Preferred ratings for distribution class switches have not been established. Consult manufacturer. These devices are typically high-velocity whips or rigid arm devices, having unconfined arcs with air as the dielectric medium and are usually inserted in the circuit during the opening process. **These devices are interrupters with gas, vacuum, or oil as the interrupting medium.


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Table 16 Preferred rated control voltages and their ranges*,,

Voltage Range, Volts Rated Voltage, Volts Operating and Auxiliary Function** Direct Current*** 12 24

Tripping Functions

1014 2028 3656 90140 180280 Single-Phase Alternating Current (60 Hz)

714 1428 2856 70140 140280

48 125 250

120 240 480

104127 204254 416508 Poly-Phase Alternating Current (60 Hz)

208Y/120 240 480 480Y/277

180Y/104220Y/127 208254 416508 416Y/240508Y/292

*Electrically operated motors, contactors, solenoids, valves, and the like, need not carry a nameplate voltage rating that corresponds numerically to the rated voltage shown in table 16 as long as these components perform the intended duty cycle (usually intermittent) in the voltage range specified. Relays, motors, or other auxiliary equipment that function as part of the control for a device shall be subject to the voltage limits imposed by this standard, whether mounted at the device or at a remote location. Switchgear devices in some applications may be exposed to control voltages exceeding those specified here due to abnormal conditions such as abrupt changes in line loading. Such applications require specific study, and manufacturer should be consulted. Also, application of switchgear devices containing solid-state components exposed continuously to control voltages approaching the upper limits of ranges specific herein require specific attention, and the manufacturer should be consulted before an application is made. **Operating functions include (a) the opening and closing power mechanisms, and (b) the means (coils, contactors, seal-in relays and the like) to actuate the power mechanisms. Auxiliary functions include all functions except operating and tripping. Tripping is the release of the holding means that permits stored energy to open a device such as an interrupter switch or close a device such as a fault initiating switch. It is recommended that the coils of operating, auxiliary, and tripping devices that are connected permanently to one direct-current potential should be connected to the negative control bus to minimize electrolytic deterioration. ***Power-operated mechanisms utilizing 12 and 24 V serf-contained direct-current control sources shall operate over the range of 85 percent to 115 percent of the rated voltage. 12, 24, or 48-volt tripping, operating, and auxiliary functions may present special consideration to factors particularly affecting low voltage systems. Self contained or close location of the power source is recommended. Includes heater circuits.

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Figure 1 Arrangement of bolt hole centerlines in terminal pads NOTES:

1 Two or more interleaved 4-hole pad configurations can be used as shown in figure 1(b). 2 All dimensions are in inches and millimeters


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Figure 2 Outdoor air switch hook dimensions NOTES:

1 All dimensions are in inches (mm values are approximate). 2 Dimensions that are not shown are optional.

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Annex A Reference data (Informative)

Peak withstand current replaces momentary current and short-time (symmetrical) withstand current replaces 3 second current.

Typical system values for cable and line charging currents

Rated Maximum Voltage kV rms 8.25 15.0, 15.5 25.8, 27.0 38.0 48.3 72.5 121.0 145.0 169.0 242.0 362.0

Overhead Line Current A/mile 0.03 0.06 0.10 0.14 0.17 0.28 0.44 0.52 0.61 0.87 1.31

Typical Line Length miles 10 10 20 30 30 50 80 100 120 170 250

Line Charging Current Amps 0.3 0.6 2.0 4.2 5.1 14.0 35.2 52.0 73.2 147.9 327.5

Cable Charging Current A/mile 1.5 2.8 3.2 3.5 9.8 15.7 18.2 19.4 20.0 22.3 -

A.3 Short-time (symmetrical) withstand current and electromagnetic force equations

A.3.1 Calculation of short-time (symmetrical) withstand current limits The following formulas may be used as guides for calculating short-time (symmetrical) withstand current capability of uniform conductors based on thermal capacities assuming no heat loss during the time of current flow. The formula for aluminum is written for conductivities between 40 to 65 percent of the International Annealed Copper Standard (IACS). The formula for copper is written for conductivities of 95 to 100 percent IACS.
2 20 + ( 15150 G ) 1 I al = 0.144 106 A -- log 10 -------------------------------------------------- + ( 15150 G ) t


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2 20 + ( 25400 G ) 1 I cu = 0.22 10 6 A -- log 10 -------------------------------------------------- 1 20 + ( 25400 G ) t

Where: Ial Icu A t 2 1 G NOTES:

1 The temperature limit (2) of materials may be determined by mechanical requirements since annealing of heat-treated or hard drawn material occurs in relatively shorter time as temperature is increased. For current carrying parts when t=3 seconds and Ial or Icu = symmetrical rms amperes associated with the short-time (symmetrical) withstand current ratings from table 3, 9 or 12, typical temperature values to minimize annealing are:

= maximum rms amperes for aluminum conductor = maximum rms amperes for copper conductor = cross-sectional area in square inches = the duration of constant current flow in seconds = the temperature limit (degrees Celsius) = is the starting temperature (degrees Celsius) = the conductivity in percent IACS

2 = 250C for heat-treated aluminum alloy 2 = 300C for hard-drawn copper

2 1 should be no more than max of ANSI/IEEE C37.30 , table 3. 3 Other materials available for current-carrying parts may have other values for 1 and 2. Such materials are acceptable provided it can be demonstrated that the switch meets the requirements of 3.5 of ANSI/IEEE C37.30 and 8.6 of IEEE C37.34.

A.3.2 Calculation of electromagnetic forces The electromagnetic force exerted between two current-carrying conductors is a function of the current, its decrement rate, the shape and arrangement of conductors, and the natural frequencies of the complete assemblies, including mounting structure, insulators, and conductors. Obviously, it is not feasible to cover every case with one simple equation, even if some approximations are made, because of the large number of variables involved including the wide range of constants for support structures. The force calculated by the following equation is that produced by the maximum peak current. In most cases, the calculated force is higher than that which actually occurs due to inertia and flexibility of the systems, and this fact tends to compensate for the neglect of resonant forces. The equation, therefore, is sufficiently accurate for usual practical considerations.
5.4 I 2 F = M ----------------- S 10 7


= force in pounds per foot on conductor = multiplying factor shown in following table = short-circuit current in amperes expressed in terms shown in table = spacing between center-lines of conductors in inches

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Multiplying factor (M) for calculation for electromagnetic forces

Circuit dc ac, 3-phase ac, 3-phase ac, 3-phase 1 phase of 3-phase or 1-phase 1 phase of 3-phase or 1-phase 1 phase of 3-phase or 1-phase Amperes (I) expressed as maximum peak maximum peak rms asymmetrical rms symmetrical maximum peak rms asymmetrical rms symmetrical Multiplying factor (M) 1.0 0.866 (0.866 1.632) = 2.3 (0.866 2.822) = 6.9 1.0 (1.632) = 2.66 (2.822) = 8.0


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Annex B Historical Data (Informative)

Figure B.1Typical construction classification of station class outdoor air disconnect switches

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Annex C Bibliography (Informative)

ANSI C2-1990 : AIEE Committee Report: IEEE Substation Committee:

National Electrical Safety Code A guide for minimum electrical clearances for standard basic insulation levels. Part III (PAS) Vol. 73, June 1954. Safety Aspects in Substation Voltage Uprating by Substation Committee Working Group E1: Recommended minimum clearances in substations, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, July 1992, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 12501255.


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