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Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) Semester–II (CBS) (New) Examination

Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 70
N.B. :— (1) Question No. 1 is compulsory.
(2) Attempt any five questions from Question No. 2 to Q. No. 10.
(3) Solve the questions as per instructions given below.
Question No. 1 :
N.B. :— (1) Attempt any ten questions from Question No. 1.
(2) Write each answer in 30 words approximately.
(3) All questions carry 2 marks each.
1. (a) List any four functions of operations management.
(b) What is margin of safety ?
(c) What is make or buy decision ?
(d) Write the difference between product layout and process layout.
(e) Define normal time and crash time.
(f) What is bid system ?
(g) What do you mean by vendor rating ?
(h) What is carrying cost of inventories ?
(i) List the advantages of centralized stores.
(j) How quality is related to cycle time ?
(k) What do you mean by continuous improvement ?
(l) What is acceptance sampling ?
(m) What is performance rating ?
(n) Define aggregate planning.
(o) Explain the concept of six sigma.
N.B. :— (1) Attempt any five questions from Q. No. 2 to Q. No. 10.
(2) All questions carry ten marks each.
(3) Write each answer in 300 words approximately.
2. Explain the evolution process from manufacturing to operations management.
3. What are the factors affecting the facility location ? Describe in detail.
4. Discuss the importance of Capacity Requirement Planning (CRP)

POY—25870 1 (Contd.)
5. A project schedule has the following characteristics :
Activity Time Activity Time
(weeks) (weeks)
1–2 4 5–6 4
1–3 1 5–7 8
2–4 1 6–8 1
3–4 1 7–8 2
3–5 6 8–10 5
4–9 5 9–10 7
(i) Construct the network.
(ii) Find earliest occurence time (E) and latest occurence time (L).
(iii) Find the critical path.
6. Define material management. What are the objectives of material management ?
7. A producer has to supply 12000 units of a product per year to his customer. The demand is fixed and
known and backlogs are not allowed. The inventory holding cost is Rs. 0.20 per unit per month and
setup cost Rs. 350/- per run. Determine :
(i) Optimal lot size
(ii) Optimum scheduling period
(iii) Minimum total expected yearly cost.
8. What is the objective of work study ? Explain the advantages and disadvantages of work study.
9. What are the basic assumptions of EOQ ? Also explain the limitations of EOQ formula.
10. Write short notes on (any two) :
(a) Statistical Quality Control (SQC)
(b) TQM
(c) Kaizen
(d) ABC analysis.

POY—25870 2 NRJ/KW/17/6355

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