Ent Questions
Ent Questions
Ent Questions
1. Gender a) Male [ ] b) Female [ ] c) Other………………………..(specify)
2. Sex a) Male [ ] b) Female [ ]
3. Age a) Below 18 [ ] b) 18‐25 [ ] c) 26‐35 [ ] d) 36 and above [ ]
4. What is your educational background?
a) Primary [ ] b) Junior High(JHS) [ ]
c) Senior High (SHS) or Technical [ ] d) Tertiary [ ]
e) Never had any formal education [ ]
5. Marital status (tick only one)
a)Married [ ] b) Seperated [ ] c) Cohabitation [ ] d) Divorced [ ] e)Unmarried [ ]
6. Employment status: a) Employed [ ] b) Unemployed [ ]
7. Which part of Kumasi do you live? ………………………
11. On average, how much money do you spend on entertainment in your community per month?
a) Less than GH¢100 [ ] c) GH¢250 - GH¢500 [ ] e) more than GH¢1000 [ ]
b) GH¢100 - GH¢250 [ ] d) GH¢500 - GH¢1000 [ ]
12. What forms of entertainment do you enjoy? (tick all that apply)
a) Movies [ ] h) Swimming [ ]
b) Dining [ ] i) Theatre [ ]
c) Music [ ] j) Sports [ ]
d) Live shows [ ] k) Games [ ]
e) Singing and dance [ ] l) Shopping [ ]
f) Painting [ ] m) Night club [ ]
g) E-sports [ ] n) Bar [ ]
5. How likely are you to recommend this entertainment venue event in your community to friends or
family members who do not live in the area?
6. What would you rate this venue in terms of the following categories?