Formulation Ration Poultry
Formulation Ration Poultry
Formulation Ration Poultry
(BIS 1992)
9. Balance Limiting amino acids (Lysine & Methionine): Calculate supply
of both amino acids from above all feed ingredients, total it and compare
with requirements, if there is any deficit, it can be meet out by addition of
synthetic L-Lysine and DL-Methionine available in the market.
10. Check Crude fiber level: calculate CF contributed by different feed
ingredients, total it and compare with recommended Max. CF levels given in
the feeing standard, it should not be higher than that level.
11. Finally total, quantities of feed ingredients and each nutrients it should
match with the recommended nutrient levels given in the feeding standards.
12. Vit A. D3 K, E, Choline etc. are necessarily added. In addition to this toxin
binder, Antibiotic growth promoters/probiotics, preservatives are also added.
Problem 1: Formulate 100 kg broiler starter (as per BIS 1992) ration using following
feed ingredients/ supplements: Maize, GNC/soya Doc, Deoiled Rice Bran (DORB),
Fishmeal, Di-calcium phosphate (DCP), Lime Stone Powder (LSP), Synthetic Lysine,
Methionine, Trace mineral & vitamin mixture.
Step 1: leave slack space: 05 kg
Total Quantity fixed 23 kg
Step 4: Calculate proportion of Energy feed and Vegetable protein through Pearson
square method
Maize CP 9 % 17
CP 40% 14
Total 31
In Pearson square method is used to get the proportion of two feeds, in our case, maize
and GNC. Desired level of CP in the mixture is kept in middle of the square while at left
upper corner CP value of maize and at left lower corner CP content of GNC is kept. All
three values should be in %. First minus values of left upper and left lower corners from
the middle value. Always minus lower value from higher one diagonally as shown in the
above square, viz. 40 - 23 = 17 keep on right upper corner (indicate proportion of GNC),
similarly 23 – 9 = 14 (indicate proportion of maize), keep this value at right lower corner.
Now, make total of values at right corners. Then work out the proportion of two feeds as
shown below
Proportion of maize in the remaining quantity (77 kg) = 17/31x77 = 42.22 kg
Proportion of GNC in the remaining quantity (77 kg) = 14/31x77 = 34.78 kg
respectively. Sum total of these values is 0.433 kg and 30 % of this is calculated as
30/100x 0.433= 0.130 kg i.e. actually added.
Step 5. ME is balanced by addition of 2 kg maize grain (within the slack place provided in
step 1)
Step 6. Available P is balanced by addition of 0.690 kg DCP (within the slack place
provided in step 1)
Step 7. Ca is balanced by addition of 0.315 kg LSP (within the slack place
provided in step 1) because 0.145 kg Ca is also available through DCP
Step 8. Na may be balance by addition of 0.50% common salt.
Step 9 & 10. Lysine and methionine are balanced by addition of same quantity i.e. 0.217
Kg and 0.148 kg synthetic lysine & methionine, respectively (within the slack
place provided in step 1)
Step 11. CF level is higher by 0.67 %, this is because of higher level of CF in DORB (14
%), therefore DORB should checked before use for CF level, it should not be higher.
Note: by using same steps you can formulate diets for (Practice at home)
Problem 2. Prepare 100 kg ration for broiler finisher using same above feed ingredients and
Note: You can fix quantity of fish meal, DORB at same levels as in case of broiler starter.
Problem 3. Prepare 100 kg ration for chick using same above feed ingredients and
Note: You can fix quantity of fish meal, DORB at same levels as in case of broiler starter.
Problem 4. Prepare 100 kg ration for growing chicken using same above feed ingredients and
Note: in this case, animal protein feed (fish meal) may be fixed at 8 kg instead of
10kg and DORB may be fixed at 25 kg in place of 08 kg..
Problem 5. Prepare 100 kg ration for Laying chick using same feed ingredients and
Note: in this case, animal protein feed (fish meal) may be fixed at 8 kg instead of
10kg and DORB may be fixed at 15 kg in place of 08 kg. In addition to this Oyster
shell grit/ calcite grit must be incorporated @ 4 %, therefore fix quantity of this
initially at 4 kg.