Kill Team - Ashes of Faith - Campaign Rulebook
Kill Team - Ashes of Faith - Campaign Rulebook
Kill Team - Ashes of Faith - Campaign Rulebook
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With thanks to First Claw for their additional playtesting services.
Kill Team: Ashes of Faith Campaign Rulebook © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2023. Kill Team: Ashes of Faith Campaign Rulebook, GW, Games Workshop, Space Marine, 40K, Warhammer,
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This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional, and any resemblance to real people or incidents is purely coincidental.
British Cataloguing-in-Publication Data. A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. Pictures used for illustrative purposes only.
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Exhalus........... 4
Deepwell......... 6
Overview..................... 10
Campaign Round 12
Battle Stage 13
Draft Stage 13
Scheme Stage 14
Dominance Stage 16
Campaign Objectives 17
Territory Rules 18
hiah could not believe she had been Beneath her feet Ahiah felt a warm and soft carpeted
chosen. Her hands trembled with floor. When they stopped walking, the Great Speaker
JfiBkexcitement and her stomach lurched as the declared that the True Gods' chosen was present,
She had ready, willing and devoted. In reply came a male voice
never left the bottom of the hive before, and now she Ahiah did not recognise, one with the accent of the
was being taken to its very peak! The elevator was most wealthy up-hivers.
steeped in luxury, with a mosaicked floor alongside
gilded doors and seats upholstered with purple velvet. 'Child,' said the voice. 'It is the True Gods' desire that 3
Ahiah had never seen anything like it. only you meet with them here. We will draw upon
your flesh the signs of faithful welcome, and then
What must the spire be like? she wondered. depart. Only when you hear the door close behind you
may you remove your fold, and then gaze upon the
The seating was far from the only comfort Ahiah wonders of the divine. Do you understand?'
was enjoying. She wore an exquisite black dress that
seemed to flow around her like liquid, and elegant 'Yes, my lord/ said Ahiah.
servants of the Great Speaker had bathed her ahead
of her journey so she smelled of flowers and spices. 'Very good. I must warn you, this will hurt, but we
For her whole life she had always worn rags and been promise it will be worth it.'
encrusted with filth. If this was what Human beings
could produce and achieve on their own, she couldn't Ahiah felt a knife blade cut into the surface of her
begin to imagine what finding communion with the skin. She stopped herself from crying out, not wanting
gods would be like when she reached the tip of the the gods to think her weak or ungrateful.
spire. Ahiah shivered in anticipation.
'We will see you soon, child,' the Great Speaker
'You are shaking,' said the Great Speaker, her gentle reassured her. 'We promise, your whole life with
voice as reassuring to Ahiah as the feel of her hand change after this.'
upon her shoulder. It was filled with the power of the
True Gods, and Ahiah felt it strengthen her. Seconds later, Ahiah heard the door close. She waited
a little, to be sure she was alone, then removed her
1 don't feel worthy,' she confessed. blindfold. Before her was a window covered with a
metal screen. There was a gentle click followed by a
'The True Gods alone tell us our worth,' the Great soft hum, and it slid open. Through the now revealed
Speaker said. 'You have been chosen. What better window Ahiah could see the night sky, which was
proof can there be?' The floor counter above the dissected by a thick line of churning light - crimson,
elevator's door reached seven hundred. violet and black. It made Ahiah's eyes burn, and she
felt a terrible, dizzying pressure building in her skull.
'It is time for the fold,' the Great Speaker said kindly.
'We are almost at the spire, and you must not see Ahiah did not look away, terrified doing so would
until all is ready.' With that, she removed a black disappoint the gods. The light roiled. Lightning bolts
blindfold from a pocket in her long, heavy-looking of fire shot through it and she heard thunderous
robes. The blindfold felt sublimely soft on Ahiah's clashes and deep rumbles. Ahiah felt an overwhelming
skin as it was wrapped gently about her head. force of anger focusing on her, pinning her in place,
Ahiah smiled. and was terrified she had been judged unworthy.
'Now I must ask silence of you, child, for I must say Then she felt a tremor in her mind, like a will or
the proper prayers,' the Great Speaker said, as she presence other than her own invading it. She sensed
finished tying the fold. She spoke for some time, its malevolence and spite. Was this the gods' divine
her words flowing between Imperial Gothic and a will? It wasn't like what she'd expected. Agony then
harsher tongue Ahiah did not understand. Then the shot through Ahiah like fire. Her thoughts tumbled
lift stopped. She heard its doors hiss open before the and convulsed as - horrified and repulsed - she felt
Great Speaker took her hand and led her out. the flesh of her body ripple and twist.
When the Great Rift tore itself into existence, splitting the galaxy in two with a chain of raging warp storms,
reverberations spread all the way to the outer dark. Warp rifts were wrenched open spontaneously in dozens of
locations, ripping apart entire systems. Few Imperial worlds were left unscathed, and Exhalus was no exception.
4 Promethium and mineral rich, the world of Exhalus region of the planet in which they dwelt was not caught
has been vital to the planets of the Orthros Cluster in view of the warp rift. Though this seemed to have
for centuries. After the shock waves of empyric energy some of the desired effects - attacks on Enforcer patrols
released by the Cicatrix Maledictum - also known as the dropped three-fold - Exhalus' production fell dramatically,
Great Rift - receded, they left a colossal warp rift near as millions of workers were forbidden to leave their
the Cluster, with Exhalus closer to its roiling boundary dwellings for hours at a time.
than any other of the region's worlds. Strong planetary
leadership saw Exhalus survive the effects of the Great Narikana needed a way to restore her world's output
Rift's emergence, though mutation outbreaks were still and protect it from the corruptive effects of the Siren's
common and the embers of rebellion were not fully Storm. She had leaned deeply into her faith in the
stamped out. Now, Exhalus' rulers had to contend with Emperor during all the troubled times, and knew so many
a tear in reality itself, visible in their world's skies. This of her world's loyal citizenry had too. Wherever there
warp rift became known as the Siren's Storm, for it drew was a holy shrine of the Emperor, the signs of heresy
the gaze just as the mythical creatures of its namesake seemed fewer and the tendrils of corruption weaker. The
drew sailors to their deaths. planet's Ecclesiarchal priesthood grew greatly in power
and influence in this time, as Narikana turned to them
Being in such close proximity to the Siren's Storm, exclusively for guidance more and more often.
kaleidoscopic tempests wracked the skies day and night.
The people of Exhalus were plagued with hallucinatory The Governor ordered the sanctification of thousands
madness, causing planetwide panic and riots. more holy sites and that prayers be read over planetwide
Malcontents and Cults took advantage of the upheaval, loudhailer systems day and night. However, for all her
launching armed revolts. Governor Narikana initiated efforts, the gaze of the people was still drawn to the rift.
upheaval-crushing plans, knowing her ability to maintain At first only the most fanatical of Ecclesiarchal priests -
Exhalus' vital exports depended on managing crises and driven half mad by fear and faith - put out the eyes of
suppressing rebellions swiftly. Nonetheless, the mutation their congregations to stop them looking upon the evil
epidemics, mass hysteria and uprisings were far more above them, but the practice spread like a plague. The
severe than anything the governor had readied herself priests claimed that the guidance of the Emperor was all
for. Outright war raged in Exhalus, from its pollution the people of Exhalus needed, not their own flawed eyes.
belching factorums to its warren-like hab-sprawls. It
took several years of horrific bloodshed for Exhalus' Narikana made no effort to stop this mass mutilation
defence forces to finally assert control over the planet's of her people. She had been hardened to suffering by
infrastructure, and still the world faced much instability. years of war, and was willing to permit almost anything
to see heresy on Exhalus destroyed and productivity
Heresy and the mutant population proved impossible restored. Narikana even had a pair of highly advanced
to stamp out entirely. One effort instituted by Governor augmetic eyes awaiting her after she was blinded. If she
Narikana to quash these malignant cankers in her world's was willing to make such sacrifices, she expected no less
society was a 'rotational curfew'. As Exhalus spun on its from her subjects.
axis, zones of its surface hopelessly rotated into view of
the Siren's Storm. Others were blessedly shielded from it Even with the eyes of millions put out in the name of
for a time before they were once again exposed to the faith in the Emperor, corruption still simmered beneath
warp rift's horrors. Massive sirens screamed warning of Exhalus' surface. Thus the idea emerged in Narikana's
the danger whenever a zone drew close to the Siren's council chambers of blackening the skies - blocking
Storm's gaze. People scrambled for cover as lurid coronas out sight of the rift across Exhalus using the fumes of
played upon the horizon and huge shutters closed down burning promethium and the cremated dead. Millions
over windows and doorways. Narikana decreed that of immense fires were lit in huge braziers all over the
citizens were only free to move and work provided the planet, especially throughout its densely populated cities.
Thick smog filled the air - the people referring to it by sometimes hours at a time - brutal, keen-eyed overseers
such names as the Scorched Sky, the Emperor's Veil or the strode about them, searching for any who dared look up.
Smog Shield. Exhalus was bathed in shade and, over many These cruel sentinels were trained by the Ecclesiarchy in
years, life on the world inverted. Thick with toxic fumes, the identification of heresy, and wore wide-brimmed and
people sought to avoid the outdoors and the surface. The blinkered helms that they mistakenly believed sheltered
elite - used to dwelling in plush apartments in the very them from the Siren's Storm. They stalked around the prone
highest spires - took over the lowest areas of hives and masses on stilts, which at once gave them perspective over
subterranean hab-sprawls, establishing vast underground a wide area, but also emphasised their authority by placing
estates and purging or driving away the wretches who once them above those they scrutinised. Armed with long spears 5
called those spaces home. In turn, those without power and and rifles, they had explicit orders to execute any who dared
resources were forced to migrate to the higher levels, leaving look up.
them exposed to the Siren's Storm whenever the pollution
clouds broke. The people of Exhalus had never known such an oppressive
regime. Though the process had been long and gradual, many
The entire way of life on Exhalus changed forever, for remembered when life was different. Fear and resentment
no attempt to avoid the Siren's Storm's malignant pull simmered. These have always been catalysts for insurrection
was foolproof. Strong winds could blow even the thickest and heresy, and Exhalus was ripe with both. The people
smog clouds away, exposing the surface to the warp wanted security, certainty and freedom. Narikana could
rift's power once more. In these instances, citizens were guarantee none of this. The conditions were perfect for
ordered to lie face down on the ground. As they did so - for exploitation by the unscrupulous and the corrupt.
One of Exhalus' most populous and productive cities, Deepwell was a huge conurbation of squalid hab-blocks, pollution
gushing factorums, promethium processing plants and grand hive spires. Though the roots of rebellion and heresy were
embedded in many of Exhalus' cities, none burrowed more swiftly than those in Deepwell.
6 Dense clouds of smog hung over Deepwell, fed generously the power of the True Gods to clean filthy water and heal the
by thousands of colossal braziers and pyres that burned sick. Throngs flocked to them, and the Great Speaker saw in
unrefined promethium and the corpses of the dead day and Deepwell's masses a horde on the precipice of falling into
night. Piercing the soot-filled air were the city's immense the thrall of the Chaos Gods. But the tides of the unwashed
hive spires. Once all populated by the obscenely rich, more were not her only target, the Great Speaker's aspirations
and more of these individuals carved empires beneath went higher.
Exhalus' crust, leaving their lavish homes to be inhabited
by those who once lived deeper in the city. From Factorum- The bowels of Deepwell's society were inhabited not only
sprawl 18Q and the Spaceport of Saint Ligourius to Precinct by the impoverished. A handful of the nobility's offspring
fortress Alpha and the Wet-markets, the people of Deepwell also travelled there, bored and seeking thrills their relatively
were watched. safe home could not provide. Often second or third in line
of inheritance to their family's wealth, these rakes believe
Despite the oppressive nature of Exhalus' regime, the world's they had little to look forward to in life besides being used in
rulers, Enforcers and overseers were neither omnipresent politically advantageous marriages.
nor omniscient. There remained many a dark corner where
whispers could be shared unheard and unsavoury figures
move undetected. One such individual was a being known
only as the Great Speaker, who appeared in a labyrinth of
long-neglected slums where the light of the Ecclesiarchy was
dim indeed.
Visible to an operative.
15 Territory cards
Randomly determine 6 cards to use in the campaign, or
each player selects 3 of them. The rest have no effect in
this campaign.
CBHII 3 Inquisitinn Scheme cards CUNEI PIBSUM) iMfSUCHt 3 Chans Cult Scheme cards
The Inquisition player adds The Chaos Cult player adds
6 Territory tiles
For each of the six Territory tiles:
■ I crosses an area of smoke.
I the round after).
beyond the limit, they must place an Markers for the Chaos Cult
additional marker to the left of the tracker to player to track their points ci
mark points often. For example, if a player totals on the Territory tiles.
has 12 Control points, they would place one
marker to the left of that tracker and the Markers for the players to
other on 2. match Territory cards with
Territory tiles when setting
up for the campaign round.
The campaign is played in six rounds (unless the players agree to play
more), followed by a final game known as the Ritual. During each
round, the players complete the following stages in order:
A game of Kill Team is played in one of the campaign's territories.
cn The players earn 2 Ruse cards each and a number of Conspirator cards
determined by the victory points they scored in the preceding Battle stage.
S3 Scheme, Conspirator and Ruse cards are assigned to different territories within
the city.
Scheme, Conspirator and Ruse cards are revealed, their effects are determined
and rewards are earned.
After six rounds have been played, play one final game using a Ritual mission
chosen from pages 30-33.
Each game will be played in a The players complete a game The winner of the game earns
campaign territory, and each territory sequence as normal. They have the 1 Control point (pg 16) in the
will have additional mission rules freedom to determine a mission as territory the game was played in. 13
to apply. These can be found on appropriate. For example, they could: Update the tracker on the Territory
pages 18-25 of this book, and on the tile accordingly. 03
Territory cards. In the first campaign • In the first campaign round, use
round, the Inquisition player selects The Cult Revealed mission on
the territory to play the game in. page 29.
In each other campaign round, • Agree amongst themselves
the player who controls the least on missions that capture
territories selects the territory (if it's the developing narrative of Cl
Each player adds a number of Conspirator cards (pg 14) Each player adds 2 Ruse cards (pg 15) to their hand.
to their hand based on the number of victory points they
scored in the preceding Battle stage.
There is no limit to the number of cards
VPs Conspirator Cards each player can have in their hand. The
1-6 1 number of cards in each player's hand is
revealed information, but the specifics of
7-12 2 their cards should be kept secret.
13-16 3
17-20 4
Scheme Cards
Scheme cards have a value of '1' and denote the player's choice of scheme in a territory. Each player cannot bid more than
one Scheme card in each territory each campaign round (i.e. each of your Scheme cards must be in different territories). The
CO Scheme cards are as follows:
Control Persoade Investigate
The player's conspirators attempt to The player's conspirators attempt The player's conspirators attempt
take control of the territory - one of to persuade the territory to provide to investigate the territory to gain
the campaign objectives. Persuasion Benefits (pg 18-25). Investigation Reward cards (pg 16)
for later use, or Sabotage (pg 16)
a territory that has already been
investigated. Each territory can only
be investigated once, so once a
player does so, their opponent cannot
investigate that territory.
Conspirator Cards
Conspirator cards have a value of '1' and
are used with Scheme cards to increase the
bid in a territory. They have no effect on
their own - one of a player's Scheme cards
must be bid in the same territory for them
to contribute to a bid.
Ruse Cards
Ruse cards have a value of '0' and are used to deceive the
opponent when bidding. For example: BUSt HUSf
• A player could bid one of them in a territory to convince
their opponent they have bid a single Scheme card there. GO
• A player could add them to their Scheme card bids to
convince their opponent they have bid Conspirator cards. C3
• A player could bid them over multiple territories to hide
their true intentions. I
One at a time, starting with the player that has more cards Note that players can choose to pass to save their cards
in their hand (if it's a draw, the winner of the game played for future rounds. As players will bid more and more cards
in the Battle stage goes first; if that was a draw, the players during the phase, the number of cards they have bid should
roll off and the winner goes first), players alternate bidding be revealed information, but the specifics of their cards
a card from their hand or choosing to pass until each player should be secret (until revealed later). n
passes in succession. To bid, the player places one card
from their hand face down next to one of the six selected
territories. As bidding progresses in this stage, more and R
more cards will be added to different territories. Just keep
your bid cards stacked next to the relevant territories and
separate from your opponent's bid cards.
— - menu ! or mil
All bid cards are revealed. For each territory in which a player has bid If a player bids an Investigation card in a
a Scheme card, determine the total value of that bid. This is their bid territory that has already been investigated
16 Scheme card (value of 1) and Conspirator cards (value of 1 each) in that in a previous campaign round, they instead
territory. Note Ruse cards have a value of 0 each, and Conspirator cards Sabotage that territory. In such circumstances,
GO bid without an accompanying Scheme card have a total value of 0. they subtract one from their opponent's
Control or Persuasion points in that territory.
At the end of the final campaign round (usually the sixth If you are using narrative play, at the end of the campaign
round), the winner of the campaign is determined. There each player selects two rewards from the list below. In
are two campaign objectives, meaning the players can addition, for each campaign objective a player won, they 17
achieve one campaign objective each, or one player can can select one additional reward from the list below. You
achieve both: can select the same reward more than once. 03
• Control Victory: At the end of the final campaign • You gain one Requisition point.
round, the player controlling the most territories wins • You can add one item of rare equipment to your stash.
this objective. If it's a draw, the player persuading the • You can increase your asset capacity by one.
most territories wins this objective. If it's still a draw, • You can distribute up to 5XP across the operatives on
the player with the most Control and Persuasion points your dataslate.
wins this objective. If it's still a draw, both players win • You can remove up to one Battle Scar from each
this objective. friendly operative.
• You can add one operative to your dataslate (this must
• Ritual Victory: Play one final game known as the be an operative from your faction). It gains 5XP.
Ritual. The Chaos Cult player selects one campaign
territory to play the game in and one Ritual mission
from pages 30-33. In this game, the players do not
select Tac Ops - the mission objective is too important!
If the Chaos Cult player wins this game, they win this
objective. If it's a draw or the Inquisition player wins
this game, they win this objective.
As described in the Battle stage (pg 13), each game of the campaign is played in a territory. Each territory
has a mission rule affecting an aspect of gameplay. As described in the Dominance stage (pg 16), Persuading
a territory allows you to use its Persuasion Benefit. In the Select a Kill Team step of the game sequence,
you can select up to three Persuasion Benefits to use for that game from the territories you are currently
18 Persuading. Reveal your selections when you reveal your kill team. The territories and their mission rules and
Persuasion Benefits are presented below.
3^ heal
n Up The mission rule for each territory is
also presented on the reverse side of its
card - the Persuasion Benefits can be
found on the Persuasion Benefit cards.
The Saint Lydwena Medicae
With an abundance
provides operatives emergency I
of medical supples for treated the I
first aid. It has long
'keepwell, g^ing I
self-blinded Of
to those who have!
eye augmentations
,cribed number of yea!
i worked the Presc,_
99 I for their bionics.
This long promenade runs through Deepwell's heart. Those who walk it
must cast their eyes down to ovoid being driven mod by the Siren's Storm,
unless they find shelter from above.
When determining what's Visible to an operative, unless any part of the
operative's base is hidden by a terrain feature from directly above, other
operatives more than O from the operative are not Visible.
Control of one of Deepwell's arterial transitways allows operatives to
move between the districts of the city with much greater ease. This aids
them in their attacks, or when defending against the enemy's incursions.
In the Set Up Operatives step, you can set up your operatives wholly
within /\ of your drop zone (instead of wholly within it).
From the shaded balconies of their spires, the nobles of Deepwell once
looked down upon the teeming masses who toiled upon their orders.
you can retain one attack dice as a successful normal hit without rolling it.
Those who inhabit the spires see much of what goes on below them. In
particular, the few elite who remain miss little gossip or news, and whoever as
they side with is provided with highly valuable intelligence, enabling them
to stay one step ahead of their foes.
Once per battle, after rolling off to determine initiative, you can re-roll
your dice. co
With crates packed high and limited lighting, fighting in this facility is
difficult. Enemies can easily lie in wait in the shadows or around corners.
Control of this vast facility ensures operatives are never short of weapons,
ammunition and other supplies.
In the Select Equipment step, you can select 5 additional points worth of
equipment to equip operatives from your kill team with.
Powered at its core by a colossal generatorium, piles of waste and pools
r of caustic chemicals litter this refinery saturating the air with toxic fumes
and rendering the battlefield incredibly hazardous.
Among the vast resources to be found here are smoke canisters and casks
of raw promethium, perfect for operatives in the field to make temporary
cover for themselves.
In the Set Up Barricades step, you can place one of your Smoke tokens
in the killzone more than Q from your opponent's drop zone. That token
creates an area of smoke with a • radius and unlimited upward height
(but not below). An operative is Obscured if every Cover line drawn to it
crosses an area of smoke.
This expansive repair and construction facility is home to armies of
i I / Tech-Priests and servitors working day and night, and is filled with huge
machines for constructing shields to protect Deepwell from the effects of
the Siren's Storm.
Barricades have the Heavy trait (instead of Light). In addition, you can
set up barricades more than (2? from Your opponent's drop zone (instead
SECTOR of within O of your own).
The servitors and Tech-magi of the Sanctum Mach in us can produce
prodigious amounts of defensive barricades with which to fortify
vulnerable areas of Deepwell.
In the Scouting step, after resolving your selection, you can resolve the
Fortify option. If you've already resolved the Fortify option in this step,
you must instead select one of your barricades to gain the Heavy trait
(instead of Light). Initiative is still determined by your original selection.
Vast engines and machines of industry pollute the area with clouds of
smog that seriously impair the visibility of all around. The Ma nu facto rum
is vital however, for it produces ammunition and armoured transports for
the wider war effort, and even agricultural harvesters for agri worlds. 21
Terrain features with the Light trait (excluding barricades) are Obscuring. GO
B3 In their efforts to render the city as industrious as possible - despite all
the hardship it faces - DeepwelTs rulers have become very resourceful,
and have learned to tailor their manufacturing output to changing needs n
extremely rapidly. 3
If you won the game, you gain 1 Requisition point. If you didn't, roll one
D6: on a 4+, you gain 1 Requisition point.
This large communications hub and infotorium possesses interrogation
cells, training chambers and a gaol. It also holds vast databanks and
archives full of tactically viable information - such as urban pacification
case studies - and allows operatives to contact allies far and wide.
In the Strategy phase of each Turning Point, the first time you pass, you
gain ICR
Control of the Military Intelligence Headquarters ensures that operatives
can send and receive the latest information, orders and intelligence
quickly and accurately. They also have access to a treasure trove of useful
data and reports.
In the Generate Command Points step of the first Strategy phase, you
generate 1 additional Command point.
' ■' 11
Access to a transport hub allows operatives to rapidly deploy wherever
they ore needed most, using either abandoned luxury aerial transports
of the elite, or the mog-lev trains pocked full of labourers on their way to
22 and from their back-breaking shifts.
GO In the Set Up Operatives step, you can set up your operatives with a
Conceal order wholly within O of your drop zone (instead of wholly
CO SECTOR within it).
Thanks to reliable and safe transport, operatives con insert themselves
into ideal attack positions quickly.
In the Scouting step, after resolving your selection, you can resolve the
Recon option (even if you've already resolved that option). Initiative is
still determined by your original selection.
The Saint Lydwena Medicae Centre provides operatives with on
abundance of medical supplies for emergency first aid. It has long treated
03 This operative regains D3+1 lost wounds. It cannot perform this action
while within Engagement Range of an enemy operative.
Medicae Servitors and their facilities can keep even seriously wounded
operatives alive and bring them to a full recovery.
Using the support of the civilian population, operatives can infiltrate key
areas of the city, blend in amongst the masses and set ambushes.
In the first Turning point, you can resolve the Infiltrate option (even if
you've already resolved that option in the Scouting step).
Toxic sludge, noxious pools, industrial ooze and clouds of radioactive
filoments flood this area. Operatives must move with extreme caution and
keep to safe ground.
While their base isn't touching a terrain feature, operatives are always
treated as being injured, regardless of rules that say they can't be. If they
begin an action in which they move with their base touching a terrain
SECTOR feature, their Movement characteristic is unaffected for that move as a
The few wretched dwellers of this foul place know well how to take
advantage of what little opportunity it offers. In a ferocious battle, this
knowledge - which they willingly sell - can tip the balance.
At the end of the Select a Kill Team step, you can select one Persuasion
Benefit or one strategic asset your opponent is using in this game; they
cannot use it for this game. You cannot select a Persuasion Benefit or
strategic asset you selected in the preceding campaign round (but you
could select it in the round after).
Littered with mountains of rotting detritus left by generations of
Deepwell's most deprived people, the Undersprawl is difficult to traverse.
24 Use a Close Quarters killzone for games in this territory, e.g. Killzone:
Gallowdark. Operatives cannot perform Dash actions and cannot
cn move more than their Movement characteristic when performing
Charge actions.
Brave - or desperate - operatives can squeeze through the filth-lined
alleys and tunnels of the Undersprawl to find perfect ambush positions.
In the Set Up Operatives step, you can set up one friendly operative in
n the tunnels instead. In the Firefight phase of the first Turning Point, that
so operative is considered to be within the killzone for activation purposes
and must be activated as normal. When it is activated, set it up with
co an order of your choice anywhere in the killzone within O of your drop
zone and more than Q from enemy operatives. That operative is treated
as having performed a Normal Move action (subtract action points
accordingly), then continue its activation as normal.
These well-maintained tunnels beneath Deepwell are used by the city's
inhabitants to avoid the Siren's Storm. Their clear passageways allow for
5J accurate fire even when operatives have to shoot with little warning.
Use a Close Quarters killzone for games in this territory, e.g. Killzone:
Gallowdark. Do not worsen the Ballistic Skill of operatives' ranged
weapons when performing Overwatch.
These passageways provide a flexible means for operatives to move from
territory to territory so long as they have enough knowledge of their
winding lanes, or a guide to take them through.
If the players roll off to determine the Attacker and Defender, you can
re-roll your dice.
At the end of the Set Up Operatives step, you can change the set up
of one third of your operatives (rounding up), including changing
their order.
Barely accessible, Deepwell's ancient catacombs are a maze of corridors
and chambers, in which many routes have long been sealed off by decay.
Use a Close Quarters killzone for games in this territory, e.g. Killzone: 25
Gallowdark. The first time the Operate Hatch action is performed
at each closed Hatchway terrain feature, roll one D6: on a 4+, that oo
SECTOR action must be performed again to open it. Note that an operative still
can't perform the Operate Hatch action more than once during its
The dusty catacombs of Deepwell are a treasure trove of ancient relics, lost
technology and powerful artefacts that can be repurposed to great effect. n
In the Select Equipment step, you can equip one of your operatives
with one item of rare equipment for the battle without spending any co
equipment points (even if you aren't using narrative play). In narrative
play, you can do this even if it's not in your stash.
This hallowed ground inspires those loyal to the Emperor to fight to the
death, but fills the forces of Chaos with a fanatical hatred.
^>1 Operatives cannot be injured and can ignore any or all modifiers to their
characteristics (excluding Overwatch).
Up to twice per battle, you can use the Command Re-roll Tactical Ploy
(see the Kill Team Core Book) without spending any Command points.
■k JU on ike squeezed the trigger of her 'Bakus,' ordered Monike, 'frag grenades to the
llfl autopistol. The shot blew the brains out of barricade. Unit Four, you will then suppress the
■ VI the howling Mutant charging towards her, heretics.' She clicked on her ear-fitted vox. 'Rendi,
gore spraying from the back of its skull. outflank the right of the barricade, and when it stops
firing, move in and kill any survivors.'
Next to her, Bakus - the hulking and hideously scarred
Death World Veteran - skewered another Mutant on 'Yes, Interrogator/ said the Pistolier, who was clearing a
the serrated blade of his polearm. He twisted the nearby building.
blade and ripped it free from the monster's corpse,
then spun his weapon around to smash the spiked 'Bakus, go,' Monike ordered. She heard the veteran take
mace at its butt into the face of another. Fangs, a step back and pull the pins from a pair of grenades.
blood and writhing tentacles splattered against a He waited for a second before throwing both around
hab-building's wall. the corner. Bakus winced in pain as he was struck by a
lasbolt in his right arm. The instant he got back behind
'You sure there's a Cult here?' said Bakus, sarcastically. cover, Unit Four strode out, and Monike's ears rang as it
His disfigurements creased when he smiled. unloaded its heavy bolter on full automatic.
'Focus,' retorted Monike. 'Amuse yourself when they're 'I'm well, thank you for asking,' said Bakus. 'Just a
all dead.' light burn. Even a whelp from Catachan would carry on
after this.'
Monike and her Agents were in a truly squalid Deepwell
hab-sector. It had clearly been neglected by the 'Good, because we need to move quickly,' said Monike.
authorities for months, though the las-scorches and
bullet holes in the walls were telltale signs that Exhalus' 'I'm on my way Interrogator/ Rendi voxed.
past civil war had reached it.
Monike peered around the corner. No one fired at her
They had been investigating for weeks, eliminating a this time thanks to Unit Four's relentless shooting. The
few small heretic cells with no connections to anything barricade had been ripped apart. The Gun Servitor had
bigger - the kind of target the Inquisitor had sent taken a few hits - nothing capable of putting it out of
them to destroy. Finally, a solid lead had brought them action. When a Mutant miraculously made it through
here. The aggressive response by the numerous Cultists the hail of heavy bolter fire to charge it, Unit Four
and Mutants in this hole told Monike she was on the grabbed the creature by the neck with its vice-like servo
right track. claw and crushed it in an instant. 'Cease fire,' Monike
ordered. The Gun Servitor did so immediately.
A thin smog hung in the air that reduced visibility, but
the densely packed buildings already blocked most Seconds later, blazing bolts of azure plasma fire
lines of sight anyway. Neither were significant issues; engulfed the heretics behind what remained of the
the Mutants' shrieks meant there was no mistaking barricade. The heat was so fierce that Monike could
their location. feel it wash over her skin. Then she heard the heretics'
agonised screams, followed by a faint succession of
The Interrogator took cover at the corner of a building, suppressed autopistol shots. She broke cover, the others
pistol raised. Bakus slotted in behind her. The moment following behind her, and met Rendi.
Monike poked her head around the corner, a salvo of
lasblasts struck the wall close enough to her head that 'A few of them retreated down there,' said Rendi,
she felt her skin burn. Even in that small glance she had pointing down an alley. 'It will be a trap.'
identified a barricade blocking the way to a junction of
narrow alleys, manned by twisted heretics. 'Unit Four,' Monike clicked her vox on. 'Sliskor,' she addressed her
she said. Hexorcist, who had been clearing another building.
There was no reply. 'Where is he?' she asked. Bakus
'Yes, Interrogator,' replied Unit Four in its monotone, pointed to something in the grime on the street floor.
mechanical voice. The Gun Servitor stomped to her Signs of someone having been dragged.
position. Its entire right arm was replaced with a
heavy bolter. 'It looks like they have a prisoner.'
After weeks of relentless hunting, the Agents of the
THE CULT Inquisition have found the Cult. The heretics spill from
their warrens and burrows to drive the loyalists away,
operative within its Engagement At the end of the battle, each player
Range, before it's removed from the scores a number of victory points 29
Cult Ambush: In the Firefight phase killzone, place one of your Prisoner based on the percentage of their
of the first Turning Point, each time a tokens underneath the enemy opponent's kill team that has been
Chaos Cult player activates a friendly operative as close as possible to incapacitated (rounding down to the
operative, they can change its order. the centre of its base. Operatives nearest percentage grade):
can perform the Pick Up action
Smog: In the Initiative phase of the on Prisoner tokens (both yours and Kill Team
VPs Scored
first Turning Point, the Inquisition your opponent's) while more than Incapacitated
player chooses the status of the from an enemy operative (or 0% 0
smog: active or inactive. At the start more than if the smog is active).
of each Initiative phase thereafter, Subtract from an operative's 10% 1
the Inquisition player rolls a dice: Movement characteristic while it's 20% 2
on a 3+, the status of the smog carrying a Prisoner token. co
30% 3
changes. The effects of each status
are as follows: 40% 4
50% 5
Active: When determining Line At the end of the battle, if at least C-3
of Sight to an intended target, if one friendly operative is carrying 60% 6
it's more than from the active one of your Prisoner tokens, you 70% 7 33
operative, it's Obscured. score 4VPs. Note that you cannot
80% 8
Inactive: No effect. score victory points for carrying your
opponent's Prisoner tokens, but 90% 9
Take Prisoner: Each time a friendly doing so also means your opponent
100% 10
operative incapacitates an enemy can't carry that token.
□ □
□ Inquisition Drop Zone □
Inquisition Killzone Edge
RITUAL MISSION The Cult cannot afford for its ritual to be disrupted
in any way. Protections must be put in place — not
just physical defences, but spiritual. By committing
gross acts of sacrilege in holy Imperial sites, the
k 4 k 4
2□ □A
--- J >
0) a;
0) cn
3 s s
CD o o Q.
2 Chaos Cult
1 6
Drop Zone V o o v O
ID a 3
RITUAL MISSION Thanks to the terrible slaughter inflicted by the
Cult in this region, psychic ley lines run through it,
MALIGNANT charged with the lingering pain and fear of the slain.
Should the Cult conduct their ritual at the centre of
LEY LINE the longest line, the atrocious energy that runs along
it will infuse the faithful with power.
3 3
2 2
o §
3 K 4
RITUAL MISSION Wherever the Cultists have dwelt and operated, they
have prayed to their gods, conducted dark services and
ACCURSED carried out minor ceremonies, for everything they do is
for the Chaos Gods. By fully consecrating the ground
32 MISSION RULES drawn to it crosses more than one Ritual line, subtract
2 instead. In either case, this is to a minimum of 1.
The Chaos Cult player's operatives can perform the
following mission action:
CONSECRATE 1AP At the end of the battle, if there are three Consecrated
The first time an operative performs this action, place tokens in the killzone and:
a Consecrated token underneath the operative as
close as possible to the centre of its base. Thereafter, • You have one or more operatives within the area
an operative can perform this action while more than created by the three Ritual lines, you score 4VPs.
| but within of each Consecrated token. If it does • The total APL of friendly operatives within the area
so, place a Consecrated token as above. An operative created by the three Ritual lines exceeds that of
3 cannot perform this action while within Engagement enemy operatives, you score 8VPs.
03 Range of an enemy operative or within | of their
Z drop zone, or if there are already three Consecrated At the end of the battle, if there are less than three
tokens in the killzone. Consecrated tokens in the killzone, the Inquisition
player scores 12VPs.
n Accursed Nexus: Draw imaginary straight lines
so (known as Ritual lines) 1 mm in width with unlimited
height between the centres of each Consecrated
token. Each time a shooting attack is made against
an operative, if a Cover line drawn to it only crosses
03 one Ritual line, subtract 1 from the weapon's Attacks
characteristic for that shooting attack. If a Cover line
know the gaze of the gods must be drawn to them. The
Dark Powers rightly expect payment in return for their
precious attention, and so a devout believer must make
operative. That operative is now wound, roll one D6: on a 5+, Inquisition player scores 8VPs. 3
performing the ritual, and is that wound is not lost. co
doing so until it moves, performs • In the Ready Operatives step of
any actions other than Pass or each Turning Point, it regains
is incapacitated. D6 lost wounds.
• If it's a CHAOS CULTS
operative, it cannot mutate into
another operative.
It was in the moments of the ritual's completion that Interrogator Monike and her warriors plunged into
Interrogator Monike and her forces breached the unholy Deepwell like a stiletto knife into a heart. They struck
chapel the Great Speaker had carved for herself beneath directly against their target - the ritual of the Great
Deepwell's slums. They were too late. Hundreds of Speaker - with a furious sense of purpose. Silent
enraptured Cultists were chained to black pillars and Sisters drove Devotees of the Dark Cods to insanity
surrounded by candles that flickered with violet light. before purging them, and Tempestus Scions killed
Upon Monike's entrance, the Cultists contorted suddenly. with perfectly drilled efficiency. The Interrogator and
Their veins were a stark black upon their emaciated her ruthlessly capable Agents undid the ritual itself,
bodies and blood poured from every orifice. Soon the air slaughtering those enacting it and putting sacrificial
was filled with the sounds of their screams and of bones victims to the torch as they recited oaths to the Holy
breaking as the entities of the warp possessed their Emperor. But they could not save Deepwell.
bodies and mutated them beyond all recognition.
So determined was Monike to root out the Cult
Monike knew her only hope was to kill the Cult's that she paid little attention to the ongoing war for
leadership and the abominations as quickly as possible, Deepwell. Her and her surviving forces were ambushed
but the enemy's numbers were overwhelmingly against and annihilated in their withdrawal from the ritual
her. The Interrogator threw herself into combat as the site, loyalist forces guarding their egress route having
boltguns of Sisters of Silence roared and the hot-shot already been wiped out. Deepwell was burning as the
lasguns of Tempestus Scions pulsed. Her last known Cult's momentum, even with the ritual's failure, rolled
message was received by Governor Narkana, warning on inexorably.
of the Cult's success. It was a missive received too late,
and she was never heard from again. The Enforcers of Ward-Garrison Seven were overrun after
a nine-day siege, a force of no fewer than one hundred
Thanks to Monike and her Agents, much of Deepwell Arbites were lured into an almighty ambush that saw
was in Imperial hands, but the Cultists were rallied each one of them butchered, and the entire 75th and
by the Great Speaker's ritual. A long war began as 76th Deepwell Militia regiments revealed their true
the revitalised Cult threw its energies into capturing colours as loyal followers of the Great Speaker. Judging
Deepwell. The Avenue of Faithful Acquiescence became the situation in Deepwell beyond salvation, Inquisitor
a battleground that changed hands with each passing Patahbo spoke personally with the captain of the
week. The Grand Spires of Saint Helamyre too became Imperial battlecruiser Wrath of the Righteous in Exhalus'
hotly contested, overlooking some dozen promethium orbit. He ordered Deepwell be scoured from the planet's
rigs. As the war spilled over into surrounding territories, surface; it was a tumour in need of excision. The captain
calls for aid poured from Exhalus. With the Orthros executed the order without question.
Cluster itself engulfed in conflict, none was forthcoming.
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The player that controls the least territories selects a territory Reveal bid cards and work out total bids.
(unless it's the first campaign round, in which case the
Inquisition player selects it). If it's a draw, the player who 0. UPDATE POINTS TRACKERS
didn't select in the preceding campaign round selects. Add the bids to each player's Control, Investigation and
Persuasion points in each territory.
Play a game in that territory using the relevant mission C.ESTARLISH DOMINANCE
rules (pg 18-25). Work out who Controls and Persuades territories by having
more of the relevant points than their opponent there. Earn
C. EARN CONTROL an Investigation Reward card when you have 4 or more
The winner earns 1 Control point in that territory. Investigation points in a territory. Each territory can only be
investigated once, but it can then be Sabotaged (pg 16).
VPs Conspirator Cards • The player that controls the most territories.
• The player that wins the final battle (the Ritual).
1-6 1