Section 174 of The Criminal Procedure Act: Is It Time For Its Abolition?
Section 174 of The Criminal Procedure Act: Is It Time For Its Abolition?
Section 174 of The Criminal Procedure Act: Is It Time For Its Abolition?
1 Introduction
Amongst the litany of fair trial rights that exist in South African criminal
and procedural law is the presumption of innocence. This right provides
that an accused person is presumed to be innocent until proven guilty.
The presumption of innocence obliges the state to show guilt beyond a
reasonable doubt in order for an accused to be convicted. Therefore, for
a conviction to ensue the state is required, at the close of its case, to have
rebutted the presumption of innocence by leading sufficient evidence
against the accused, upon which a reasonable person could convict.
A failure by the state to mount sufficient evidence for a conviction at
the close of its case, gifts the accused the opportunity to escape having
to be put on their defence. This gift takes the form of a procedural device
in the Criminal Procedure Act,1 namely section 174, which provides:
“If, at the close of the case for the prosecution at any trial, the court is of the
opinion that there is no evidence that the accused committed the offence
referred to in the charge or any offence of which he may be convicted on the
charge, it may return a verdict of not guilty.”
If the application of the provisions of section 174 favour the accused they
are discharged from prosecution without having to testify – but with the
same advantages as would have accrued if the trial had run its course and
if they had been acquitted.
The article traces the origin and application of section 174 of the
Criminal Procedure Act in South African law and shows that the
circumstances which warranted the adoption of the section 174
procedure are no longer present. Therefore, in light of the absence of the
historical factors justifying the procedure, and mindful of the lack of
certainty in the judicial application of the test for a discharge, an
assessment is conducted of the utility, need and appropriateness of the
procedure in current South African law. The Canadian and English
approaches to the procedure are scrutinised briefly, with a view to
understanding its application in these jurisdictions, and for guidance on
best practices worthy of emulation.
The section 174 procedure, although useful, risks morphing into a
process to avoid accountability – so compromising the broader interests
of justice. Arguably, there are cases where this risk has materialised: In S
v Dewani,2 it was successfully employed by a high-profile defence team
to see the three accused in a murder trial acquitted. The judgment and
order of the court drew harsh media and public criticism, which, it is
submitted, may not have been wholly unjustified from a legal
perspective. The argument may be warranted that the court in Dewani
deviated so drastically from the parameters of the test for a discharge in
terms of section 174 of the CPA, that a miscarriage of justice occurred in
that an accused person against whom a prima facie case had been made
was acquitted without having been put his defence.
The decision in Dewani has further lent credence to the perception that
justice through the courts exists only for the wealthy. It is commonplace
that the public has an interest in the proper trial of accused persons.
Acknowledgement of this is evident in South African legislation,
jurisprudence and policy which recognise the interests of victims at the
trial stage. Legal decision-making and conclusions which compromise
these interests pose problems in the context of a system aimed at serving
such interests. This is particularly so when these decisions and
conclusions are founded on an over-zealous approach to the application
of existing principles.
At the very least, therefore, there is a need to clarify the parameters of
the test and the judicial inquiry that needs to occur when a section 174
application is made. Furthermore, although section 174 remains a
valuable tool in the fair trial rights’ arsenal, South African courts seem to
have misconstrued what is required of the state when it closes its case,
and of the judges when they assess whether evidence exists at this stage.
Applications of the test inherent in section 174 have been inconsistent
and have resulted in the exploitation of legal loopholes which then
triumph over the goals of the criminal justice system.
For this reason, at the close of the Crown’s case, judges in England were
authorised to decide whether evidence existed upon which a conviction
could be made, based on a clinical legal inquiry: Was there evidence led
which, if accepted, would satisfy the elements for guilt? The inquiry was
not, and has never been whether the evidence was cogent, plausible or
constituted proof of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. The role of a judge
in an English criminal court (of first instance) and the limitations on their
functions were expressed thus: even if the judge considered that, because
of inconsistencies, the evidence could not support a conviction, he
should leave the matter to the jury; and the judge’s obligation lies with
cases where the necessary minimum evidence to establish the facts of
the crime has not been called, and it is not his responsibility to weigh the
evidence and stop the case if he thinks the witness is lying – which is the
function of the jury.9
14 R v Herholdt (3) 1956 (2) SA 722 (W); S v Mpeta 1983 (4) SA 262; S v
Shuping 1983 (2) SA 119 (B); S v Phuravhatha 1992 (2) SACR 544 (V); S v
Lubaxa 2001 (2) SACR 703 (SCA).
15 2001 (2) SACR 703 (SCA).
16 1983 (2) SA 119 (B).
17 Shein supra.
18 Shuping 148.
19 Shuping 148.
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It is unclear what the SCA would decide now if faced with a challenge
to judicial discretion in cases involving multiple accused. The English
position is favourable to an accused in this situation. It holds that an
accused person is entitled, as of right, to a discharge if there is no
evidence against him and, if this is refused him and he is later convicted
as a consequence of evidence given by his co-accused, his appeal will
succeed.29 Mathebula, discussed above, also supports this position – but
only in instances where there is absolutely no evidence against the
Despite the rule which emerged in Lubaxa it is often ignored that the
SCA ultimately did not grant the application for discharge in that case.
The court found that evidence of the commission of the crimes (robbery
and murder under the doctrine of common purpose), and the arrival of
Lubaxa with the other accused and their continued association until after
the commission of the crime, constituted sufficient evidence upon which
a reasonable court may convict (i.e. sufficient evidence for the state to
avoid a discharge). As the court explained, “[I]f anything was lacking in
the evidence at that stage it was an innocent explanation”.30
This statement appears to lie at the heart of the section 174 enquiry.
This, together with an appreciation of the appropriate approach to the
question of whether there is sufficient evidence upon which a reasonable
person would convict, is what South African courts appear to be missing.
Courts are failing to distinguish between spurious state cases in which
there is actually no case to answer, and cases where the evidence
presented proves the elements of the offence sufficiently for a reasonable
person to convict on. It is submitted that it was the inability of the court
to make this distinction in S v Dewani, which led to a miscarriage of
justice in that matter.
This was also the case in R v Shein,35 where the court found that
existence of the following evidence on a count of arson was sufficient to
refuse a discharge at the close of the state’s case: (i) clear evidence that
the fire was deliberate; and (ii) circumstantial evidence that the accused
had committed the crime (including motive and presence at the property
around the time the fire would have been set). The accused did present
alternative versions, but suggested mistakes or inconsistencies in the
eye-witness accounts of his presence, at the key times, on the property.
The court was firm, however, and maintained that these were matters of
assessment which involved the evaluation and weighing up of evidence.
The imperfections in the state’s evidence did not necessarily mean that
there was no evidence upon which a reasonable person might convict.
The court accordingly stated that the test was for an absence of evidence
probative of the crime.36 In other words, the judge had to determine
whether the facts necessary to sustain a particular charge or claim have
been shown, and the jury was to determine whether those facts having
been shown, were sufficient to warrant a conviction.37
Acknowledging the standard in theory, the courts however appear to
have fallen short in practice. Even the court in Shuping38 would not have
needed to devise a second leg to the discharge inquiry if it had taken the
correct approach – that is, if it had confined itself to determining the
existence of evidence upon which an accused might be convicted. In
Shuping, there was evidence in the form of an eye-witness account which
was not disqualified. That the witness was a single eye-witness, or given
that there was no corroborating evidence, or that aspects of her
testimony were contradicted by other eye-witnesses (as Hiemstra CJ
noted)39 – did not mean that there did not exist admissible evidence
probative of the elements of theft.
The approach to evidence at the stage of an application for discharge
was well articulated in S v Cooper.40 The court stated it was the duty of
the judge to determine the presence or absence of facts suitable to be
considered by the jury, and, if such facts existed, then the jury had to
evaluate the evidence in reaching a final decision in the matter. The court
was explicit in stating it was neither the task nor the responsibility of the
judge to evaluate the evidence. It should be noted that this is also the
post-constitutional approach – as was illustrated in Lubaxa above.
The only exception to this rule in South African law is that a court may
discharge an accused when the state’s evidence is of such poor quality
that no reasonable man acting carefully could convict thereon.41 This
exception which permits a limited probe into credibility, appears to be a
35 Shein 10-11.
36 Ibid.
37 See Thielke (above) 375, 379.
38 Shuping 121.
39 Ibid.
40 [1974] 3 All SA 253 (T) 266.
41 Schwartz 2001 (1) SACR 334 (W).
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agreement with one of the alleged accomplices, Tongo.44 The court duly
noted that “[i]t is common cause that the only witness who could
implicate the accused was Tongo (who was an accomplice witness)”.45 It
consequently approached Tongo’s evidence with caution, and required
that it be corroborated. Certain CCTV footage existed which the state
tendered in corroboration of Tongo’s evidence of a meeting with the
accused. Quite bizarrely, the court found that the CCTV footage did not
meet the required standard for corroboration. This is a clear misdirection
on the facts by the court, even on authority cited in the judgment:
“It must be emphasised immediately that by corroboration is meant other
evidence which supports the evidence of the complainant, and which render
the evidence of the accused less probable, on the issues in dispute” (original
Tongo had testified that he had met with the accused on specific
occasions and that the accused asked him to arrange or commit the
murder of his wife in exchange for money. The CCTV footage revealed
that meetings took place between the two at the times and in the places
alleged by Tongo.47 The CCTV footage could not of course confirm what
was said during those meetings.
It is therefore unclear on what basis the CCTV footage failed to
corroborate the accomplice’s testimony. In addition, where an accused
is known only by one person to have committed a crime, and where
there is CCTV footage at least confirming the probability of the witness’s
version, the Court surely cannot be so circumspect in its approach to
allow for the accused to avoid trial – merely because he managed to keep
secret and guarded his involvement in a crime. The court was
accordingly wrong to find that the CCTV footage did not corroborate
Tongo’s version, because the tape could not reveal “what was said during
those events”.48 It is submitted that that evidence equated to sufficient
circumstantial evidence to warrant placing the accused on his defence.
If, after his defence, the court was persuaded by the accused’s
explanation regarding his meeting with Tongo, the payment made to
him, and the telephone calls placed by him – then it could discharge the
accused. However, the testimony led by the state together with the
objective supporting evidence tendered and the series of seemingly
strange coincidences – cried out for an “innocent explanation” by the
accused. To have discharged the accused under these circumstances
amounted to a misdirection on the law which hamstrung the state.
The court was equally wrong to dismiss Tongo’s evidence because of
certain contradictions, mistakes and (in its view) inadequate
There are clearly differing views of judicial power at this stage of a trial,
or at least the full extent of the credibility inquiry which judges are
required to undertake. A similar situation of differing judicial practices
occurred in England, and was settled in R v Galbraith.54 In this case the
Criminal Court of Appeal (CCA) attempted to settle a dispute about
whether the test for discharge was “no evidence” or whether a judge
should stop the case if – in their view – it would be unsafe (alternatively
unsafe or unsatisfactory) for the jury to convict. The court wisely noted
that there were risks inherent in such wording which could lead to a
deviation from the true purpose of the procedure and compromise the
integrity of the jury system. It felt that a judge could hardly be blamed for
evaluating the prosecution’s evidence if he were to be obliged to consider
whether a conviction would be ‘unsafe’ or ‘unsatisfactory’.55 The CCA
therefore clarified the approach by refusing to grant a discharge – even
where evidence and aspects of the record were favourable to the accused
and possibly exculpatory, including internal inconsistencies in witness
testimony and the inability of witnesses to identify the accused in
identity parades.56 The court considered that the jury should be left to
evaluate the weight on which the Crown had based its case. It found that
Galbraith was not a case which could justify the judge stating that the
Crown’s evidence, at its best, was such that the jury, properly directed,
could not convict on it.57
This attitude of the English criminal courts encompasses the very
essence of what is being submitted – that the judge’s role in assessing a
section 174 application is not to assess credibility. This was most
explicitly stated by Lord Devlin when he said:
“[T]here is in truth a fundamental difference between the question whether
there is any evidence and the question whether there is enough evidence. I
can best illustrate the difference by an analogy. Whether a rope will bear a
certain weight and take a certain strain is a question that practical men often
The Canadian decision of Perry v The King,59 which still holds sway
today, set the same standard. In Perry the court stated that the criterion
to determine whether an accused should be put on his defence, is
whether the evidence is such that, in the “absence of contradiction or
explanation”, “a jury might reasonably and properly convict upon”.60
The question of credibility is excluded to the extent that an accused may
not be discharged if there is admissible evidence which could, if believed,
result in a conviction.61
Foreign jurisdictions therefore do not consider the credibility of
witnesses at such an early stage, and applications for discharge are dealt
with on the basis of whether the prosecution’s evidence, if believed,
would secure a conviction. It is submitted that, given the proven inability
of judges to limit their credibility inquiry, this practice should be strictly
emulated in South Africa, and the credibility assessment in section 174
applications should be abandoned. Currently, the credibility inquiry
appears to be a uniquely South African problem.
rule of law and to administer justice without fear, favour or prejudice. That I
cannot do if I permit public opinion to influence my application of the law. If
any court permitted public opinion, which has no legal basis to influence their
judgments, it will lead to anarchy. I am obliged to follow the established legal
principles regarding a discharge at the close of the State case.”70
70 Dewani 83.
71 51 of 1977.
72 Section 342A(2)(h) of the CPA.
73 Victim’s Charter at 5.
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The public prosecution system on which the victims of crime and the
public rely cannot be discussed in the abstract without noting its dire
state,74 and without contrasting it to the legal teams to which wealthy
accused persons have access. Victims in cases involving wealthy accused
are often faced with the might of well-resourced, round-the-clock legal
teams, while they have no option but to rely only on oversubscribed and
underfunded public prosecutors.
The suggestion is not that the victim’s interests be taken into account
for the purposes of assessing guilt or innocence, or even at the stage of
an appeal against a conviction.75 Nor is the suggestion that the victim’s
rights should trump the entrenched constitutional rights of an accused.
However, the disregard of a victim’s interest in a full trial and the
reduction of public interest to mere opinion, without further
substantiation, does not do justice to the full scope of the criminal justice
system. Therefore, the proposal is that the victim’s interests should be
weighed up in the section 174 inquiry.
The complete disregard of the victim in the current judicial approach
to the section 174 inquiry does not accord with the general appreciation
for the role of victims in the entire criminal justice process. Seemingly,
this has happened as a result of the expansion of the credibility inquiry –
coupled with the constitutional emphasis on an accused person’s rights,
and the historically entrenched idea of the state as dominus litus. It is
submitted that these aspects have subverted the judicial approach in a
most inappropriate fashion – one of imbalance between rights with the
consequential risk of the public in general and victims specifically feeling
that their interests are not protected.
5 Conclusion
The ability of wealthy accused to bankroll criminal litigation over an
extended period gives rise to infinite possibilities for exploiting any legal
loopholes and procedural mechanisms, and also for employing delaying
tactics. As a result, this has become deeply prejudicial to victims and the
public interest in the equal administration of justice. A jurisprudence
which treats all litigants as equal before the law, ought to be developed
to guard against this.
The section 174 process is not harmful in and of itself. However, its
implementation presently has been harmful. Therefore, there needs to
be an assessment of ways to make section 174 the device that it once
74 Mistry, D “Victims and the criminal justice system in South Africa” (1997),
Paper presented at Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation,
Seminar No. 11, 29 October 1997.
75 See Morris v Slappy, 461 U.S. 1 (1983); United States v Hasting, 461 U.S. 499
(1983), where the United States Supreme Court refused to uphold appeals
against convictions, citing as a relevant factor in the inquiry the interests of
the victims who testified at the initial trial.
Section 174 of the Criminal Procedure Act: Is it time for its abolition? 269
What does this mean for the application of the discharge procedure in
an era without juries? The answer is simple: The judge must ask himself
whether there is any evidence on which to base a charge. He must
reserve the weighing up or assessment of that evidence for when the trial
has closed. If he does not perform that exercise, and splits his functions
at the close of the state’s case and at the end of the trial as a whole – then
he places the state in a position where it is required to meet an unduly
high, if not impossible, burden without the other side testifying.
In other words, the judge needs to delineate and understand his role
at the two key stages of the trial: (i) at the close of the state’s case he is
to draw a legal conclusion on the existence of evidence required for a
particular offence; and (ii) at the close of the trial as a whole he is to draw
his factual conclusions from the existing evidence.79
Based on the existing legal standard, then, a legislative leap is
unnecessary. What is necessary, however, is an appreciation by judges
of their shifting functions at different stages of a criminal trial.
79 This distinction in the judge’s function has been expressed in some way in
S v Cooper [1974] 3 All SA 253 (T) 266 at 890: “If there is more than one
inference possible from the facts assumed to be uncontradicted at the close
of the case for the prosecution, then that is just the sort of evidence that
should be referred to the triers of fact for decision.”