Green Steel World April 2023

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Decarbonising steel for a sustainable world

Issue 5 | April 2023 |

cover story
Alleima: sustainability driver at its core

In this issue
 RONIMET vouches for
C Impact of decarbonisation t hyssenkrupp assumes
green scrap as vital piece of on the steel industry leading role in the changing
sustainability puzzle - p20 structure - p28 fabric of steel industry - p36
As you read this, we are building Sweden’s largest bar and ring in a carbon-neutral process. The excess gas
fossil-free hydrogen plant. Why? Because we can produced can be used for heating nearby communities, as
switch out using propane and natural gas to use fuel for transport and to help stabilize the power grid. Want
fossil-free hydrogen for heating steel before rolling. to lean more? Go to
And there will be plenty for all.
Hydrogen – it’s an ingenious source of energy that emits
nothing but water and recoverable heat when burned. And it
plays a key role in our ongoing Carbon Neutral Now initiative,
which means we are now manufacturing hot-rolled tube,
[ editorial ]

Dear readers,
Green Steel World
Issue 5 | April 2023

Nicole Nagel The Green Steel World team is back with the fifth issue, the
Phone: +49 2821 7114 555 second of 2023. We began working on the first issue of Green
Steel World, which came out in June 2022, around the same
EDITORIAL time last year and what a year it’s been.
Tanya Rudra
David Sear As always, I would like to begin by expressing my heartfelt gratitude towards all the contributors, supporters and of course,
Advertising sales you, readers. This would not have been possible without the
Simon Neffelt constant ideas, information, and feedback we receive from you.
Phone: +49 2821 71145 44
At Green Steel World, April is a special month. It is a month
when we get the opportunity to further develop dialogue, views,
PUBLISHING HOUSE ideas, and action for the rapid decarbonisation of the steel
KCI GmbH industry.
Tiergartenstr. 64
47533 Kleve | Germany April will witness the launch of two parallel shows: Green Steel World (GSW) and Hydrogen Tech World (HTW). Each brand will
Phone: +49 2821 71145 0 feature its own conference programme as well as a dedicated expo
The publishers and the authors state that area, but all conveniently arranged in a single exhibition hall.
this magazine has been compiled meticu-
lously and to the best of their knowledge. We are bringing the entire green steel community under the
However, the publisher and the authors
can in no way guarantee the accuracy or same roof at the same time on 4 & 5 April in Essen, Germany.
completeness of the information. The pub-
lisher and authors therefore do not accept Located in Germany’s industrial heartland – home to several
any liability for any damage resulting from
actions or decision based on the informa- leading steelmakers and transformers who are determined to be
tion in question. Users of this magazine are in the vanguard of the energy transformation – the city of Essen is
strongly advised not to use this informa-
tion solely, but to rely on their professional the perfect venue for the Green Steel World Expo & Conference.
knowledge and experience, and to check
the information to be used. KCI Publishing It is a unique window of opportunity to engage with a broad
cannot guarantee the accuracy of informa-
tion provided by participating companies spectrum of experts involved in decarbonising the entire steel
and authorities. The publisher reserves supply chain and the possibility of listening to an array of
the right to combine, delete and change
sections. brilliant speakers.
The publisher reserves the right to edit and
re-use (parts of) the articles and to distrib- The show’s appeal is evidenced by the strong list of speakers
ute the information by any means. set to take part. Just to mention a few names: Andrea Gentile
All rights reserved. No part of this pub- (Deputy Head of the Unit “Low Emission Future Industries”
lication may be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system or transmitted, in any form in the Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
or by any means, electronic or mechanical, (European Commission), Joachim von Schéele (Global Director
photocopying, recording or otherwise, with-
out the written permission of the publisher. Commercialization, Linde), Maria Persson Gulda (Chief Technical
Hydrogen Tech World is a trademark of KCI Officer, H2 Green Steel), Frank Koch (CEO, Swiss Steel Group)
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30-H, 6883 ES Velp, the Netherlands.
Please turn to Pages 41-44 to find out more about the event.
© 2023 KCI Media Group B.V.
In the meantime, I hope you enjoy reading this latest issue of
Green Steel World and see you in Essen!

Good Company
Tanya Rudra

Green Steel World | Issue 5 | April 2023 3

[ Contents ]

Cover Story 6-9 Technology 24-26
Alleima: sustainability driver at its core How electric heating can pave the way towards
An industry frontrunner already today, Alleima more sustainable steel
is committed to continuing working with its One of the world’s leading
customers and communities to develop further manufacturers of heating
innovative changes that bring a real difference. technology, Kanthal explains
how electric heating can play
a significant role when it
comes to carbon reductions.

Opinion 28-31
Impact of decarbonisation on the
steel industry structure
By Mr Joachim von Schéele, Global
Director Commercialization, Linde.
Interview 10-13
LanzaTech: converting steel industry’s CO2
emissions into sustainable new products Interview 32-35
“Biocarbon’s role critical to ensure European
steel industry’s sustainable future”
Interview with Dr Chuan Wang,
Group manager and research leader,
Resource Efficiency and Environment,
Interview with Mr Sanjeev Manocha, Global Department of Metallurgy, Swerim AB.
Business Development Director, LanzaTech.
Interview 36-39
Technology 16-19 thyssenkrupp assumes leading role in the
Kraftblock: decarbonising steel industry with changing fabric of steel industry
thermal energy storages Interview with Dr Marie Jaroni,
Kraftblock's storage solutions make Head of Decarbonization,
waste heat directly usable in the thyssenkrupp Steel.
industry and enable the efficient
storage of renewable energy.
Expo & Conference 41-44
Interview 20-23 Join Green Steel World in Essen, Germany
CRONIMET vouches for green scrap as vital
piece of sustainability puzzle Industry Updates 14 & 40
Interview with Dr Filipe Costa, CEO, CRONIMET News from around
Envirotec GmbH and Mr Martin the world.
Geisler, Team Technics
Sustainability & Project Manager,
CRONIMET Ferroleg. GmbH.

4 Green Steel World | Issue 5 | April 2023

[ Contents ]

Alleima is already positively impacting society through its products and operation.

Alleima: sustainability driver

at its core
Sustainability is present in all aspects of Alleima operations and an integral part of the commercial
strategy. Based on leading R&D capabilities, over time, Alleima has built a portfolio of products that
have made the company an industry frontrunner, with solutions contributing to sustainability and to the
transition to renewable energy sources.

By Tanya Rudra

On August 31, 2022, at 9.00 CET, Today, Alleima is a leading special alloys, and industrial
Göran Björkman, President and advanced materials company, heating products with strong
CEO, ushered in a new era of and as a stand-alone entity, market positions in a wide range
growth, innovation, operational the organisation has better of niche end markets. Through
and commercial excellence, and opportunities to deliver on its close long-term customer
sustainability at Alleima. Formerly strategy and strategic growth partnerships, the company finds
well-known as Sandvik Materials areas. innovative ways to solve its
Technology, the company changed customer’s complex challenges
its name to Alleima, and was Alleima manufactures high- to make its operations safer,
listed on Nasdaq Stockholm as a value-added products in more efficient, profitable, and
stand-alone company. advanced stainless steels, sustainable.

6 Green Steel World | Issue 5 | April 2023


900 ways to make a change corrosion and high-temperature

With innovation at its core, resistance.
Alleima currently has a portfolio
of more than 900 active alloy Its materials technology
compositions for processing into solutions enable the transition
different niche applications – to electrification and renewable
and over 850 patents. energy sources, as these
technologies demand lighter,
The offering includes products stronger materials and
like seamless steel tubes materials that withstand
for the energy, chemical higher temperatures and more
Mr Göran Björkman, President and CEO,
and aerospace industries, corrosive atmospheres. Alleima.
and precision strip steel for
white goods compressors, Some examples that can strategy, it is part of our DNA,
air conditioners and knife contribute to the renewable and of crucial importance for
applications. It also includes energy sector, are tubular the society around us as well
ultra-fine wires for medical products for solar power, as for our customers. Our
and micro-electronic devices, carbon capture and storage products can really make a
industrial electric heating and hydrogen refuelling change for our customers to
technology and coated strip stations. Alleima products be more sustainable therefore
steel for fuel cell technology can also contribute to areas it is crucial that we work
for cars, trucks, and hydrogen such as geothermal energy, closely together to help the
production. industrial heating technology to get the most preferable
for the conversion of gas to solutions for them,” says
Sustainability and circularity electric industrial heating, Göran Björkman.
are integrated parts of Alleima’s coated strip steel for the most
everyday operations. With critical component in a fuel The circularity ambitions
products and solutions that cell engine, the fuel cell stack, Alleima aims for industry-
enable greater energy efficiency, and compressor valve steel leading sustainability and
renewable energy production that increases the energy- circularity also in its own
and greener transportation, efficiency of compressors operations. Simply put,
Alleima has identified for white goods or air circularity is a system that aims
sustainability as the key success conditioners. to eliminate waste and maximize
factor to compete within its the reuse of resources. Steel
industries. Additional solutions, that help is an excellent example of
reduce environmental impact circularity as scrap can be
The glittering portfolio are seamless steel tubes for the turned back repeatedly into
Alleima solutions are found energy, chemical and aerospace new steel, retaining its original
in the most inhospitable industries, and precision strip properties.
environments, where the steel for energy-efficient white
chemical composition is critical goods compressors. Steel is made from either primary
to meet the feature requirement sources that include extracting
of an application. The products “Sustainability is an iron ore and transforming it into
help provide customers with integrated part of our pure iron; or from secondary

Green Steel World | Issue 5 | April 2023 7


Alleima’s production has been based on recycled steel for more than 100 years.

sources, that involve remelting 80% recycled steel, some of use and be an industry leader in
steel scrap into new steel, or a which are procured through the circularity.
combination of both. materials buy-back program.
In 2020, Alleima even started Today, more than 96% of the
Global emissions from steel a buy-back program for its electricity used in its global
are primarily generated while products that have been used processes is fossil-free and
producing steel from primary for over 20 years. since 2013 all Europe operations
sources. Producing steel from have been running on 100%
scrap uses mainly electricity “This is very effective for us. We green power.
and emits significantly less. can optimise when re-melting
In fact, producing steel from when we know exactly what The sustainability promise
secondary source steel scrap product it is. We get stainless Though Alleima is already
with renewable electricity steel back, but we also help the positively impacting society
results in a very low-emitting customer get rid of old material. through its products and
circular material. The customer, like us, wants to operations, the company has
make the process as circular as set ambitious climate and
While the global steel industry possible,” says Håkan Sundström, circulatory goals for itself.
has just begun the transition, Head of Sustainability and Alleima has committed to
Alleima production has been Governance at Alleima. reaching a 50% reduction of
based on recycled steel for greenhouse gas emissions by
more than 100 years. Alleima The company also aims to put 2030 and achieving net zero
products consist of more than all the by-products and waste to latest by 2050.

8 Green Steel World | Issue 5 | April 2023


Alleima leads the market in sustainability and circularity in both product offerings and operations.

Alleima is a signatory to its 1.5-degree target is clear," The company promises to be

several international principles Håkan Sundström adds. a leading force in the world
and initiatives, including the of advanced stainless steel
United Nations’ global goals for The unbreakable contract and special alloys and create
sustainable development and the An industry frontrunner already sustainable solutions of the
United Nations Global Compact. today, Alleima is committed highest quality.
In 2022, Alleima also joined the to continuing working with its
Science Based Targets initiative customers and communities "With a clear direction for our
(SBTi). to develop further innovative journey ahead, utilizing our
changes that bring a real position as a technology leader,
By committing to SBTi, Alleima difference. progressive customer partner
expanded the scope of its entire and sustainability driver, we aim
value chain and set long-term Although the sustainability path to become an even stronger and
net-zero targets, consistent with is not a new one for Alleima, independent company within
the Paris Agreement. the company aims to reach our industry," Göran Björkman
even greater milestones. concludes.
“This is a natural step for
us in doing our part in How it all started – Did you know?
combating climate change. Alleima history dates back to 1862, when Göran Fredrik Göransson
As scientists have shown, started Sandvikens Jernverk, and developed the Bessemer process
the CO 2 emissions must come which made it possible to manufacture steel on an industrial scale.
down to much lower levels So, he set forth on a long, rich journey of advancing industries and
and the Paris Agreement with societies through innovation.

Green Steel World | Issue 5 | April 2023 9

[ Interview ]

LanzaTech is changing how people think about carbon, with the option to recycle a “liability” into valuable and sustainable new products.

LanzaTech: converting steel industry’s CO2

emissions into sustainable new products
In 2021, Inditex partnered with LanzaTech which led to the design of a capsule collection for the retail
group’s largest brand Zara that incorporates fabric made with carbon emissions. As a big fan of Zara, I
was quite impressed by the Spanish fast-fashion brand’s initiative to make its products more sustainable.
However, when I found a connection with the carbon emissions from the steel industry, I decided to dig

Lanzatech has developed a carbon capture technology that converts carbon emissions into ethanol, which
can then be used to produce new materials such as polyester. LanzaTech’s biological process captures and
converts steel mill emissions that would otherwise be emitted into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide.
Intrigued by the start-up’s cutting-edge processes that are working on making the whole steel supply chain
carbon neutral, I spoke to Mr Sanjeev Manocha, Global Business Development Director, LanzaTech to learn
about the company’s carbon recycling technology, breakthrough project, its role in the decarbonisation of the
steel industry and much more.

By Tanya Rudra

GSW: Can you tell us about in 2005 and headquartered in waste feedstocks. LanzaTech
the mission and vision of the United States and provides completed a merger with
LanzaTech in detail? a sustainable, economically AMCI Acquisition Corp. II and
SM: LanzaTech is a publicly held advantaged solution to produce became a public company in
company (Nasdaq: LNZA) formed fuels and chemicals using 2023. Today there are four

10 Green Steel World | Issue 5 | April 2023

[ Interview ]

commercial plants operating stores today. The production of

using LanzaTech’s technology. 3 ethanol from commercial sites
in China and 1 that has recently using LanzaTech technology is
come online in India. LanzaTech equivalent to preventing over
has been granted 1,250+ 250,000 metric tons of CO2 from
patents for various aspects of its reaching the atmosphere and
technology. has commercial operations on
two continents and counting.
LanzaTech’s mission is to
reduce emissions and other GSW: Can you tell us
environmental impacts through about LanzaTech’s carbon
the recycling of waste carbon to recycling technology?
make fuels and chemicals that SM: LanzaTech has LanzaTech teamed up with fashion retail
giant Zara to produce textiles made using
would otherwise be made from commercialised a biological
carbon emissions.
virgin fossil inputs. LanzaTech gas fermentation platform that
envisions a future where a steel produces fuels and chemicals directly from the same waste
mill, for example, would make from industrial waste gases. gas streams.
the steel in manufacturing Gas fermentation, a form of
equipment and infrastructure carbon capture and utilization GSW: How is LanzaTech
for a low-carbon economy while (CCU), employs microbes that helping in the
using the production emissions live on the carbon from gases decarbonisation of the
to make intermediates for rather than sugars. The carbon steel industry?
manufacturing the chemicals, monoxide in steel mill emissions, SM: LanzaTech carbon recycling
fuels and materials on which for example, is an unavoidable technologies transform waste
society relies. This is the by-product of steelmaking gases (off-gases) containing
circular economy in action: chemistry and is inevitably carbon monoxide (CO), hydrogen
waste mitigation, resource combusted for power and (H2), and CO2 into ethanol and
efficiency and value add through released as atmospheric CO2. other products. This provides
carbon utilization and reduction. The LanzaTech Gas fermentation steel producers with an
process captures carbon and economical, sustainable, and
In LanzaTech’s vision for a energy from these waste flexible means of creating value
post-pollution future, producers gases and converts them into from waste off-gas through
and manufacturers across ethanol. This fermentation is a conversion into sustainable
the value chain are resource continuous, steady-state process. products. The technology has
efficient by recycling or "locking" already been proven on various
carbon into new products Using synthetic biology, the process emissions from the
rather than producing them microbe can be engineered to iron and steel industry including
from newly extracted fossil produce a variety of chemicals, coke ovens, Blast furnaces, and
resources. To date, LanzaTech beyond ethanol directly from Basic Oxygen Furnaces etc.
technology has generated over gases using the same process and is uniquely suited to utilize
40 million gallons of ethanol, and production hardware. By evolving iron and steel-making
some of which have been changing the microbe, important gases as the industry transitions
converted into materials for chemicals such as acetone to new production methods
consumer goods available in and isopropanol can be made such as Direct Reduced Iron

Green Steel World | Issue 5 | April 2023 11

[ Interview ]

(DRI) and Electric Arc Furnace capture solutions will still have
(EAF). Additional gasified inputs a role to play in addressing
(MSW/biomass), plus CO2 and the residual emissions that
H2 can supplement any residual will remain even in a net-zero
emissions turning steel mills steel industry. Carbon dioxide
into circular economy hubs for removal (CDR) solutions, such
low-carbon fuels, chemicals, and as direct air carbon capture
products. (DACC), or some other method
of abating residual emissions
The technology has been will be essential in bringing the
successfully deployed in three industry’s emissions fully down
commercial operating facilities to zero.
at steel and ferroalloy mills,
Mr Sanjeev Manocha, Global Business
with additional projects in MPP study (2022) indicates
Development Director, LanzaTech
the pipeline. Depending on CCU with or without biomass
the feedstock and geography, integration is the only technology the customer through Ethanol
greater reductions are to have negative carbon or its derivatives including
possible with additional emissions. The potential impact Sustainable Aviation Fuel or
sustainably sourced H2 is between 500 – 600 kg of CarbonSmartTM chemicals
and in the process make negative CO2 emissions with producing products to be used
intermediates for producing these technologies. in our daily lives.
the chemicals, fuels, and
materials on which our GSW: Can you tell us about GSW: Can you tell us
modern society relies. This is some of the breakthrough about your partnership
the circular economy in action. projects of LanzaTech? with ArcelorMittal and
SM: In 2008, LanzaTech the CCU plant in Ghent,
GSW: Do you think carbon worked with the BlueScope Belgium?
capture, storage and steel facility in New Zealand SM: LanzaTech and
recycling are critical for and built a pilot plant ArcelorMittal have worked
achieving the goal of demonstrating the operation closely together on numerous
decarbonisation? of its technology at scale, with joint technical, environmental,
SM: A portfolio of solutions real-world gas resources. In and commercial evaluations.
is needed to decarbonise 2012 LanzaTech’s first 100,000 The Steelanol project is the
steelmaking. The three main gallon/annum facility with first European facility using
routes to the decarbonisation partner Baosteel in Shanghai LanzaTech’s technology and
of ore-based production are demonstrated the technology’s puts steel at the heart of the
carbon capture combined with capability at scale. LanzaTech’s circular economy. This project
either storage or use (CCS/U), first commercial facility started has received funding from
hydrogen-based direct reduction in 2018 at Shougang Steel near the European Commission’s
of iron (H2-DRI), or electrolysis Beijing. Horizon 2020 research and
of iron. (ETC 2022). Even if innovation program. The
emphasis were placed on The company has also built project is currently under
avoiding emissions with green a supply chain downstream commissioning expecting
energy and hydrogen, carbon providing significant value to ethanol production in 2023.

12 Green Steel World | Issue 5 | April 2023

[ Interview ]

possible technological solutions

including H2-based DRI, CCS and
CCU. LanzaTech technology has
already been commercialised
and is readily available
to integrate with existing
processes – a step towards
decarbonisation. The technology
is also unique in terms of
flexibility in feedstock (current
and future waste gas stream)
and a huge market potential for
its products. We have seen a
significant increase in interest
from the steel industry across
In 2022, ArcelorMittal launched a CCU project at its steel plant in Ghent. © the world.
The LanzaTech and produce 80 million litres
ArcelorMittal partnership of bioethanol annually, GSW: Is there anything
reflects the common and which can be blended with you would like to share
complementary roles and traditional gasoline and used with our readers?
objectives of the two parties. as a low-carbon alternative SM: LanzaTech's carbon
Both are firmly committed to fuel for the transport sector. recycling technology embraces
reducing global emissions the circular economy,
– ArcelorMittal by deploying In December 2021, eliminating waste and pollution
innovative technologies and ArcelorMittal announced an from the material world. The
processes in its iron and steel investment in LanzaTech company is striving to change
manufacturing operations through its XCarb™ innovation how companies worldwide
and LanzaTech by developing fund, the investment further design their value chains and
technologies that recycle expands ArcelorMittal’s drive revenue from waste
waste carbon into products relationship with LanzaTech. streams. LanzaTech is enabling
to avoid emissions and leave companies to engage across
fossil fuels in the ground. GSW: Can you tell us about sectors that previously would
your other upcoming have been closed to them:
Using LanzaTech’s gas projects with the steel for example, steel industry
fermentation technology, industry? emissions become the starting
which captures carbon- SM: As discussed before, the point for sustainable aviation
rich waste gases from steel industry is looking at all fuel, cosmetics or apparel.
the steelmaking process
and converts them into Mr Sanjeev Manocha, Global Business Development Director, is a
sustainable fuels and metallurgical engineer and seasoned executive leading LanzaTech’s
chemicals, the plant will
commercial partnerships across energy-intensive industries such as
reduce ArcelorMittal Ghent’s
steel, ferroalloys, and cement. Mr Manocha has global experience in
CO 2e emissions by 125,000
tonnes a year. It will also the sector and has served on numerous boards with steel businesses
and institutes.

Green Steel World | Issue 5 | April 2023 13

[ Industry Updates ]

Aperam South Just Climate announces investment

America earns in H2 Green Steel

Following a rigorous audit

process by AFNOR lasting
around 12 months, Aperam
South America has achieved
certification against the
ResponsibleSteel Standard
Version 1.1. Just Climate, an investment H2 Green Steel is an industrial
According to Aperam South business created by start-up based in Sweden
America’s CEO, Frederico Generation Investment which aims to accelerate the
Ayres Lima, the site decided Management to address the decarbonisation of the steel
to pursue certification net zero challenge at scale, industry – one of the hardest-
against the ResponsibleSteel announced three investments to-abate industries, responsible
Standard to further in ABB E-mobility, H2 Green for more than 7% of emissions,
strengthen its commitment Steel and Meva Energy. All according to the IEA. By
to sustainability and,
three companies reflect replacing coal traditionally
strategically, to promote and
Just Climate’s approach of used in steelmaking with
make corporate responsibility
investing in scalable solutions green hydrogen powered by
more widely recognised.
with transformational renewable electricity, the
In total, the auditors
potential that can help company aims to reduce
conducted over 60 interviews
to deliver sector-wide emissions of steel by as
to map stakeholders’
perceptions of Aperam South decarbonisation in hard-to- much as 95%. Just Climate’s
America. abate industries. Just Climate investment forms part of
Aperam South America is an was created by Generation H2 Green Steel’s Series B
integrated producer of Flat Investment Management, fundraising announced in
Stainless, Electric and Special a pioneer in sustainable October 2022, the proceeds of
Steel. It has a total production investing, with the aim of which will be used to develop
capacity of 900,000 tonnes of identifying and investing the company’s first-of-a-kind,
steel per year and employs in those businesses that a large-scale, green steel plant
over 4000 workers and can generate the highest in northern Sweden, the Boden
contractors. positive climate impact while Project.
generating attractive risk-
Read full story online adjusted returns. Read full story online

14 Green Steel World | Issue 5 | April 2023

Circular economy
in action
Environmental challenges will shake up entire industrial sectors, but we are more than ready:
for years, Aperam has been transforming its whole perspective on business, aligning its
development to ambitious long-term sustainability goals. We are continually drawing on the
best expertise to reduce our overall carbon footprint and eventually eliminating it by 2050.
Photos credits: ©iStock/Adobe Stock. Epoka x - 03/23

Our footprint already enables us to offer a wide range of low and ultra-low CO2 steels. These are based on
our own energy from charcoal, produced by our certified FSC® forestry. Via ELG, we have also integrated and
significantly increased our recycling capabilities, using more scrap than ever. Our next move: using plants to
extract nickel from soil, and turning it into stainless steel.
And our initiatives go beyond: we support our customers in minimizing their own footprint, and match today’s
megatrends and the next ones.

And this is just a start... •
[ Technology ]

Kraftblock is a German company that stores and utilizes waste heat up to 1,300°C and enables affordable electrification of steel processes.

Kraftblock: decarbonising steel industry

with thermal energy storages
The sources of energy and the amount of emissions already drive competition in the global steel industry.
In the EU, rising prices for carbon certificates impact production and with the new rules applying in the ETS,
Germany’s steel industry alone faces a rise of over €900 million in carbon emission certificates. Simultaneously
up and downstream from the supply chain, customers request to reduce emissions. Eight per cent of global
emissions is due to the production of steel. Generating process heat has a dominant share of those emissions.
But steel is a core product of wealth and the modern world and a driver for every big economy.

Decarbonising steel production and metal processing are urgent questions and experts who investigated the
hydrogen economy see problems: green hydrogen is too expensive and inefficient to produce. The demand for
renewable energy is too huge to be met by energy suppliers and technical circumstances like preventing leakage
are not sorted out yet. Great investment costs and increased operating costs are foreseeable in addition to the
long transformation time. While for some processes like reduction or temperatures on the high end, hydrogen
seems to be the important puzzle piece, many processes in the steel industry can be decarbonised smarter.

By Dr Martin Schichtel, CEO & founder of Kraftblock

Kraftblock does it using unique tradition due to Stahl-Holding-Saar, One of Kraftblock’s systems is
systems built around thermal developed a unique material to store utilising waste heat from ovens
energy storage. At the moment high-temperature heat: recycled or flare gases, which can supply
these storages are laid out to hold steel slag, additives and a harmless processes time-shifted. The Net-
temperatures of up to 1,300°C which phosphate binder are formed into Zero Heat System is electrifying the
covers most processes in the iron and small balls. This storage material steel industry. Using power-to-heat
steel industry. The German company absorbs heat very well and can store elements, process heat up to 1,000°C
from Saarland, where steel has a long it long and discharge it quickly. can be generated and used.

16 Green Steel World | Issue 5 | April 2023

[ Technology ]

The storage is multifunctional: the temperatures thus offer an

temperature level in the storage as opportunity to improve energy
well as in the application is flexible efficiency and realise fast
and components of the systems can decarbonisation by electrifying
change the heat transfer medium. industries. Here is how it works
The storage can buffer energy for in detail. Kraftblock's storage systems can be easily
up to two weeks which makes him scaled thanks to the modular design with
standardized containers, allowing them to
independent of the application and How Kraftblock works? be tailored to any application.
the available source. Kraftblock’s storage systems have
an easy basic principle: heat is is blown into the storage and is
The potential of wasted heat transported with ventilators via heated from the material. This hot
Waste heat has a high saving air in the storage. This even works air is blown through the system
potential. For example, in Germany directly with flue gases in most and if necessary is adapted to the
125TWh or 225TWh of heat, cases. When renewable power right temperature and transfer
depending on the study, is blown is converted into heat industrial medium before being used in the
into the atmosphere by the industry. power-to-heat elements which are process. All the usual heat transfer
Steel and metal processing have big basically hair dryers with the power media like thermal oil, steam or
shares in that. In most processes, of several megawatts blow the air can be used in the system and
high caloric heat is wasted. The heated air. Inside the storage, the existing infrastructure does not need
product often only takes 60 per cent material absorbs thermal energy. replacement.
of the energy in a burning process
and 40 per cent vanishes through The material was designed with While direct electrification or waste
the chimney system. the additives and the binder to heat recovery and instant use are
have a high heat conductivity. This rather common already, the storage
And this energy is 20 to 25 per cent enables the transported heat to offers new possibilities to tap the
of the primary energy demand of be absorbed fast. Up to 85% of the potential of cheap renewable power
the German industry. Using this material is steel slags which are and waste heat, both business and
waste heat can save big on fossil stable at 1,300°C. The advantage operation-wise. An integrated steel
fuels, which means saving on costs of high temperature is the energy plant of course uses the flare gases
and reducing emissions. Especially density: the higher the temperature again, but the amount is too great to
surplus energy from converter the greater the stored energy in the use and thus the surplus is burned
or other flare gases – Kraftblock same space. To prevent losses from into the atmosphere. Storing this
utilises flare gases in an EU- storing energy, different insulation burned energy allows a wider and
financed project – could replace layers are used. The material was more secure decarbonisation of
fossil fuels in many processes. tested for 15,000 cycles which are other processes. The same goes
charging, storing and discharging. for furnaces that run continuously:
The constantly improving Used once a day it has a tested while they don’t need stored
possibilities of using power lifespan of more than 40 years thermal energy, the waste heat can
directly without the workaround without deformation. be used in other processes which
for hydrogen adds to the efficient demand a time-shifted supply.
and economical actions to Discharging can be done in Regarding renewable power,
decarbonize steel production sequences or completely and works operating costs can be lowered
and metal processing. Thermal on the same principle as charging, when buying power at affordable
energy storage systems at high but in reverse: cold or ambient air prices and storing it until using it.

Green Steel World | Issue 5 | April 2023 17

[ Technology ]

Decarbonising the steel large share usually is lost due to

industry with thermal storage not being able to use it directly.
From the coking plant to production Storage solves this problem. Since
and processing there are a lot of Kraftblock can also be mobile and
possible sources for waste heat and move on a train or truck you even
sinks to replace or save on fossil can support processes that are
fuels. Many processes can benefit miles away. The temperature of Kraftblock offers storage solutions with a
payback period of a few years.
from replacing fossil fuels with flare gas varies depending on the
renewable power, which is possible gas, but temperatures between a sink for the waste heat. Ovens for
up to 1,000°C. 1,100°C and 1,300°C are common. reheating, annealing, tempering,
Kraftblock has the only storage or quenching and many more fall
To depict all the processes possible that can deal with these high under these applications. Some
to recover waste heat from is not temperatures and thus collect of them do provide not enough
possible since operations can be valuable energy. waste heat but serve as a sink,
highly individual and use cases for especially in long processes at lower
Kraftblock’s systems vary from plant The byproduct slag is interesting as temperatures. Another application is
to plant. A couple of examples of well: At the stocks for fresh and hot the heating of zinc baths and heating
integrated steel plants are given in slag, waste heat can be ventilated the quenching medium.
the following. into the Kraftblock storage and
be used in processes, preferably In most of these processes, the
Recycling and utilising waste heat downstream. Oxygen converters, stored energy can be at least used for
starts in the coking plant: coke oven casting processes and reheating preheating and some processes can
gas, coke oven and combustion processes are possible sources of be completely supplied by waste heat
chambers exhaust a lot of heat waste heat as well. from other processes depending on
and can be used in downstream the cycle of production and amount
processes. Alternative sinks for the For electric arc furnaces, waste heat of energy. These are just a few of the
waste heat are for example drying recovery is difficult and Kraftblock possibilities, many more are possible
coke or preheating gases. has not yet made a concept yet, in the steel, metal processing and
although it is possible. However: metallurgic industries.
Kraftblock also can recover waste Preheating the steel scrap takes
heat from the sinter plant. The about 20 per cent of the energy Waste heat recovery is a fast
potential is lower due to the low needed in EAFs. This preheating can way to save on energy and
temperatures of up to 400°C. be a sink from waste heat or realised emissions
However, drying processes or hot by green power and the Kraftblock The business model behind
water can be supplied without fossil storage, making sure that in this step recovering and using waste heat is
fuels using the recovered heat. there is the use of renewable energy simple: less fuel is needed therefore
Reusing the heat in sinter mixing is and lowering costs. operating costs are saved and
a possible application for waste heat emissions are avoided. Waste heat
as well. This is one of the projects Outside of primary steel production, itself is a form of green energy in
being realised by the storage system specialized companies like metal the sense of the usual regulations,
manufacturer. processors or companies that for because for example in the carbon
example have special tempering or certificate process within the EU, the
The already mentioned flare gases annealing processes, use furnaces certificates for the burned fuel were
are used within the plant, but a as well, which can be a source and already calculated. The excess gases

18 Green Steel World | Issue 5 | April 2023

[ Technology ]

are accounted for, and their reuse to collect scientific data from well as for preheating the sinter. The
needs no certificates. metal processors and specialists, project is realised within the plant.
the experience in projects with Since the storages are modular,
The potential of waste heat is great: In SMUs shows that usually in the space issues can be addressed.
the German industrial sector 125TWh metal processing industry there is
respectively 225TWh waste heat potential waste heat. In an EU-financed project, Kraftblock
depending on the study is available. takes the heat of burned flare gases
This covers 20 to 25 per cent of To decarbonize processes from the local steel industry. The use
the industry‘s primary demand. completely, Kraftblock uses its of flare gases at 1,100°C to 1,300°C
Additionally, four to six terawatt hours Net-Zero Heat System, which is is tested. The mobile system is used
are available by flare gases which are combining electrification with here: A truck takes the storage and
not reutilised. heat storage. This is possible up drives it to the company’s production
to 1,000°C, which means that hall. The storage replaces the
In the US steel industry, waste fossil fuel in many processing building’s oil heating system.
heat from hot coke which has a industries and parts of the primary
maximum temperature of 1,100°C production can be replaced by In a German research project, which
is 3.5TWh per year. Regarding steel renewable power and storage. This has the goal to create a digital
slag, the potential is even greater. is especially beneficial in regions process for resource efficiency in
Here are some processes from an with a lot of renewable energy. the industry, waste heat plays a big
integrated steel plant, their maximum Solar and wind plants need to be role. Kraftblock not only helps to
temperature, and their waste heat curtailed regularly due to the lack calculate and manage the waste
potential in the United States: of storage. In these times, power is heat also helps in planning of
installation of a storage system.
Waste heat source Max. temperature Waste heat (TWh/a) The company where the project
Hot coke 1,100°C (2,000°F) 3.5 is at, Wegener Härtetechnik, is a
BF slag 1,300°C (2,400°F) 5.5 heat treatment specialist. When
Cast steel 1,600°C (2,900°F) 36.6 parts are delivered to them, they
have residues of oil which need to
Hot rolled steel 900°C (1,700°F) 145.7
be burned. The concept is to take
Total 193.3
the waste heat from burning those
Source: Waste Heat Recovery: Technologies and Opportunities in U.S. Industry. 2008. residues, store it and then use it for
the tempering ovens which work for
Recovering waste heat flew under cheap and preventing curtailment up to two days at 150°C.
the radar – the energy was too is an attractive option for energy
cheap to care for efficient use. suppliers. Additional other applications at
Now, it has great potential and metal processors are the heating of
one of the biggest advantages Kraftblock projects in the steel quenching media, conveyor furnaces
is that it is a solution which is industry as well as preheating. In a forge, a
available instantaneously. A The storage manufacturer has steam hammer can be supplied by
project with Kraftblock systems different projects in the steel industry. using enough waste heat or with the
takes about one to two years. At one of the biggest steel producers electrification system of Kraftblock.
Therefore, these projects are in the world, waste heat is recovered As diverse the steel industry as
amortised before hydrogen can in the sinter plant. The heat is used diverse are the applications of
even be applied. While it is hard to heat water for sinter mixing as Kraftblock’s systems.

Green Steel World | Issue 5 | April 2023 19

[ Interview ]

Steel scrap is a powerful tool in decarbonisation efforts and its demand is only going to increase in the future.

CRONIMET vouches for green scrap as

vital piece of sustainability puzzle
It is common knowledge that producing steel is highly carbon intensive, and there is no alternative to this
indispensable material. Traditionally, one metric tonne of steel results in 1.8 metric tonnes of CO₂ emissions,
on average, and steel production accounts for about 8 per cent of global CO₂ emissions. At the same time,
every tonne of steel is infinitely recyclable, making it the flag-bearer of the circular economy.

Furthermore, according to a report from the Australia-based Institute for Energy Economics and Financial
Analysis (IEEFA), expanding scrap steel recycling will be a significant step forward in decarbonising the steel
industry. To put things into perspective, by using one tonne of recycled stainless-steel scrap the industry
could avoid 4.3 tonnes of CO₂ emissions.

So, the general takeaway is that steel scrap is a powerful tool in decarbonisation efforts and its demand is
only going to increase in the future. To have a better grasp of the potentially crucial role, the metal recycling
industry could play in the net zero future, Green Steel World sat down with Dr Filipe Costa, CEO, CRONIMET
Envirotec GmbH and Mr Martin Geisler, Team Technics Sustainability & Project Manager, CRONIMET Ferroleg.
GmbH for an intriguing conversation.

By Tanya Rudra

“Metals are our passion” – CRONIMET’s spirit as soon Proud of the company’s journey that
the short statement instantly as you visit the company started forty years ago, Dr Costa
grabs attention and conveys website. began the conversation by saying,

20 Green Steel World | Issue 5 | April 2023

[ Interview ]

“Currently, we are the leading

stainless-steel recycler in the world
and with the launch of the Envirotec
division, we have been able to
recycle waste like never before.”

Producing companies can

now turn their sludges, dust
types and powders back into
recyclable raw materials, thus
increasing resource efficiency.
In addition to metal scrap, CRONIMET also recycles metal sludges, slurries, and powders from
the metal industry.
He explained that the company
is investing heavily in the latest with a minimum carbon footprint. systems management and the safety
technologies. State-of-the-art However, different geographical of our employees and business
laboratories and modern equipment regions and industries may have partners. We report to internationally
enable CRONIMET to prepare drastically different ideas of what recognised GRI and get ourselves
materials for direct use in steel mills, green steel is, how to regulate it, rated by external agencies,” Mr
foundries, and vacuum smelters. and how to achieve it. Geisler said.

“ Dr Costa
In addition to metal scrap, the
company also recycles metal stated that green scrap is a key
sludges, slurries, and powders
from the metal industry. After the
raw materials have been carefully
ingredient for green steel.
He went on to add that the means
” The Global Reporting Initiative
analysed, sorted, and partly of procurement, handling, and (GRI) is an international
processed, they are returned to transportation of raw materials independent standards
the raw material cycle. also need to be sustainable to organization that helps
ensure that the final product businesses, governments and
“We are a recycling company and could be labelled as green. other organizations understand
sustainability is at the heart of and communicate their impacts
everything we do. We are aware Mr Geisler said driving circularity on issues such as climate change,
of our social and environmental and making use of renewable human rights, and corruption.
responsibility and that is why we energy throughout the value
pursue a business model that chain are the key factors. He continued, “From a climate
conserves natural resources strategy standpoint, E-mobility
and preserves the livelihoods of He added that green scrap is a is of utmost importance to us.
future generations in the long vital piece of the puzzle, but ESG Further electrification of the
run,” Mr Geisler quickly added. factors come in to form a more machinery will reduce their carbon
complete picture. footprint in the long term. We
The burning question consider the electrification of our
Essentially, green steel is the “In the last couple of years especially, machinery as the key to reducing
manufacturing of steel without the we have rolled out several initiatives emissions in the processing and
use of fossil fuels. Simply, a product for environmental management, handling of our scrap.”

Green Steel World | Issue 5 | April 2023 21

[ Interview ]

“We are changing all the

machines at our yards to electric
vehicles such as forklifts,
wheel loaders, excavators etc.
At our Envirotec division, no
one is ordering fossil fuel cars
anymore,” Dr Costa added.

A sustainable core
business In 1980, CRONIMET was founded in Karlsruhe, Germany and over the years, it has developed
into one of the leading raw material recyclers for stainless steel and speciality metals.
In 2022, the CRONIMET Group
published its first sustainability For the present Sustainability transport processes. Now with
report that followed the GRI Report, the data for calculating us joining the SBTi, this scope
framework. The comprehensive Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions will become even broader.
report laid the foundations were collected at all operational We looked at the criteria and
for further developing the sites of CRONIMET. The there are certain things that we
strategy in close collaboration company recorded emissions haven't looked into before. We
with stakeholders and defining of greenhouse gases across do not have the data yet as the
additional, concrete goals in the group for the first time in availability of credible numbers is
the areas of environment, 2021, mainly CO2 emitted from a big challenge, but we are going
social affairs, and governance. the combustion of fossil fuels to take everything into account.
CRONIMET aims to reduce directly and the purchase of electrical We believe that Scope 3 reporting
caused CO2 emissions across the energy. will have a meaningful impact
Group in line with the Science on our value chain,” Mr Geisler
Based Target initiative (SBTi). While Scopes 1 and 2 cover affirmed.
direct and indirect emissions,
“Earlier this year, we committed Scope 3 covers emissions that The supply conundrum
to the climate protection targets originate from sources that Steel scrap has high intrinsic
of the Science Based Targets aren’t owned or controlled by the value, and it is estimated that
initiative and are currently organization but occur because globally 85-90 per cent of steel
working on some specific of the organization’s activities. arising from manufacturing
targets,” Mr Geisler elucidated. This includes an organization’s processes waste and end-of-
value chain, both upstream and life buildings, infrastructure,
Dr Costa added, “We are not fully downstream. equipment, vehicles, and
there yet. We will try to decarbonise products is currently recovered
as much as possible, but we need to It is an optional reporting to produce new steel. On the
adapt according to the technologies category for the GHG protocol, other hand, the steel demand
that are available at the moment but various stakeholders like is much greater than the steel
and to do this as well as possible. governments, customers and scrap that is available to make
We are already more sustainable investors ask for this disclosure. new steel. However, Dr Costa
than two years ago. And two believes that there is enough
years ago, we were already more “We have started investigating scrap available in Europe to
sustainable than four years ago. So, our Scope 3 emissions as well. meet the continent’s steel
this is an ongoing journey.” Looking especially into the demands.

22 Green Steel World | Issue 5 | April 2023

[ Interview ]

status. It is a valuable raw

material and benefits society
in the short and long run. From
the legislative point of view, it
is a raw material with innate
circularity and a key driver in
Europe’s growth.

He highlighted another
important point that premiums
for low-carbon steel will become
the norm in the near future, but
green scrap does enjoy the same
In 2022, the CRONIMET Group published its first sustainability report that followed the GRI status.

“The world economy is growing

at a rapid pace and the metals “are
To make the scrap greener, investments
needed. It is true that scrap is not
industry is an integral part of
this growth. Of course, it would produced but recovered and recovery
involves costs, Mr Geisler commented.

be a challenge to fulfil the
global demand, but Europe is
achievable and that is what we system. Because it all comes In conclusion, both Dr Costa and
are focussing on,” Mr Geisler down to economics,” Mr Geisler Mr Geisler live by the ethos of
explained. stressed. ‘working and living sustainably.’
And they truly believe that
Nevertheless, to ensure a Dr Costa added that the image the future depends on the
consistent and high-quality supply, of scrap needs to be changed. sustainable work that we all do
the scrap industry must overcome It warrants a hot commodity today.
technological and economical
challenges on a regular basis. Mark your calendar!

“In our case, 80-90 per cent is a

good recovery ratio but we are
striving hard to bring back those
last percentages in the circular
economy. The metal scrap market
is economically sound and
doesn't depend on government
subsidies because it's cheaper
On April 4, Day 1 of the Green Steel World Expo & Conference in
to process scrap than produce
Essen, Dr Costa, and Mr Geisler will present on the topic – “Green
primary materials. But there's
scrap - the key to sustainable stainless steel”. It is a unique window
not enough investment into
of opportunity to engage with a broad spectrum of experts involved
technologies in order to get these
last 10-20 per cent back into the in the decarbonisation of the entire steel supply chain. Turn to pages
41-44 for more information about the event.

Green Steel World | Issue 5 | April 2023 23

[ Technology ]

Roller hearth furnaces is one furnace type in steel manufacturing that can easily be electrified.

How electric heating can pave the way

towards more sustainable steel
By using electric heating in post-production heat treatment, steel manufacturers can make immediate
reductions in their CO2 footprints. In fact, when powered with renewable energy, the technology can eliminate
emissions completely from many processes.

By Nic Townsend

Collectively the steel industry “The good news is that

is one of the world’s biggest electric heating can play a
sources of CO 2 emissions significant role when it comes
and it is clear that changes to carbon reductions,” says
need to be made. However, Robert Stål, CEO of Kanthal,
the challenge facing many one of the world’s leading
manufacturers is knowing manufacturers of heating
where and how to make technology. “By replacing
reductions. What technologies conventional gas heating in
are available and what heat treatment processes
solutions will be developed in with electric, manufacturers
the coming years? can make significant savings Mr Robert Stål, President of Kanthal.

24 Green Steel World | Issue 5 | April 2023

[ Technology ]

in energy consumption and efficiencies are typically no

emissions. In fact, with the higher than 60-70 per cent.
solutions available today,
electric heating represents However, by replacing
one of the fastest ways steel gas burners with electric
manufacturers can have a heating, steel manufacturers
meaningful impact on their can immediately remove
carbon footprints.” all harmful emissions and
gases from the process. By
A seamless transition to extension, this also prevents
Mr Dilip Chandrasekaran, Business
zero emissions heat loss and as a result,
Development Manager, Kanthal.
The simplest processes to electric heating can deliver
electrify – and therefore a great thermal efficiency of over 90 power rating on the market. In
starting point for electrification per cent. This not only means addition, using the two products
– are continuous annealing and a cleaner, quieter workplace, together can help reduce
galvanizing lines, and roller but a substantial reduction in maintenance and repair costs,
hearth furnaces. Often it is just a energy consumption, energy since the APM material will not
matter of making a straight swap costs and CO2 emissions. cause oxide spallation inside the
from gas burners to electric tube.
heaters or installing electric “In fact, if you use electricity
heating elements in an existing from a renewable source, Another common maintenance
furnace, and manufacturers you can effectively make the issue when using W and U tubes
can expect to immediately see a process emissions-free,” says is a tendency for the burner
difference. Dilip Chandrasekaran, Business legs to drop or sag over time,
Development Manager at which means they typically need
Typically furnaces in Kanthal. “And the cost-savings to be replaced or refurbished
continuous annealing lines are from lower energy consumption at regular intervals. However,
heated with W- or U-shaped can often mean a strong return Kanthal® APM radiant tubes are
radiant tubes, with each tube on investment.” straight with support on both
heated with a gas burner. ends, which combined with the
When fitted with hundreds An optimal solution for superior strength of the APM
of such tubes and burners, a continuous furnaces material, means they can last for
furnace will generate large Kanthal’s Tubothal® heating far longer.
amounts of flue gases and element is an ideal heating
exhaust fumes, which are solution for continuous furnaces Electric heating:
released into the atmosphere. as it can deliver temperatures separating fact from
Not only does this contribute to of up to 1100°C. It is available fiction
the furnace’s CO2 footprint but at almost any length with a Despite these benefits,
it also means large amounts of diameter anywhere between a number of myths and
the heat generated by the gas 68-170mm. misconceptions about electric
burners are lost. Even when heating still persist. First and
taking measures such as gas When used in combination with foremost, there is a perception
preheating or recuperation Kanthal® APM radiant tubes, that electric heating cannot
of exhaust gases, thermal Tubothal® can offer the highest deliver the power output and

Green Steel World | Issue 5 | April 2023 25

[ Technology ]

temperatures needed in the

steel industry. But in actual fact,
Kanthal’s solutions have proven
to be effective for furnace
temperatures up to 1,800°C
Celsius (3,272°F).

There is also a perception that

industrial electric heating is
a new, unproven technology.
However, Kanthal has been
installing electric heating
solutions in multiple industries
around the globe for years
and has been using electric
heating in its own production for

Stacked rolls of steel.

“We have already proven time
and time again that our electric bespoke solutions to suit their “Since converting to electric
heating solutions have no needs.” heating, our premises are free
problems delivering the power of exhaust gases,” says Anders
and temperatures required in A proven technology, Lugnet, Furnace Technology
steel production,” says Dilip available today Specialist at Ovako. “Before,
Chandrasekaran. “There are In 2014, Ovako converted 14 of our operators could get
a lot of processes within steel its roller hearth furnaces from headaches or feel mild nausea
manufacturing that can already gas to electric heating, with from the gas burners, but now
be electrified today and are each furnace being equipped they work in a much cleaner
successfully being done. And with up to 86 Tubothal® environment.”
there are other processes that metallic heating elements.
are close to being electrified It is estimated that they now Switching to electric has
with just some additional save around 1400-2000 tons of also given them much better
development work. We’re CO2 per year per furnace. The temperature control – and by
ready to work together with difference is even noticeable on extension improved product
manufacturers to help develop the factory floor. yields and quality – as well
as lower maintenance costs.
“We originally had around 450
gas burners, and there was
always a problem somewhere
in one of them,” says Lugnet.
“Since replacing them with
300-odd Tubothal® elements,
the daily maintenance
Kanthal Tubothal® heating element. is simply not there.”

26 Green Steel World | Issue 5 | April 2023

Powering sustainability together!

See you in 2024!

Expo & Conference
14–15 May 2024
Messe Essen | Germany
At the Green Steel World The Hydrogen Tech World
Expo & Conference, visitors Expo & Conference will serve
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and application of the latest while enjoying plenary
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conference. BOOK
For more information please contact Team GSW & HTW NOW

[ Opinion ]

About 70% of today’s world steel production takes place at integrated mills using blast furnaces.

Impact of decarbonisation on the steel

industry structure
Steel producers have set carbon-neutral goals over the 2030-2050 timeframe. However, in pursuing this
decarbonisation, the challenging cost situation and availability of clean power at many existing production
locations seem to open a new industry structure, including possible geographical dislocation of ironmaking
and steelmaking, opportunities for new players, and new steel-producing countries.

By Joachim von Schéele, Global Director Commercialization, Linde

Traditionally, as transportation was the steelmaking were connected particularly sea or river-borne
difficult and small-scale, the location to each other with a hot flow; iron transportation. Many large integrated
of ironmaking was governed by ore is reduced and smelted in blast mills imported raw materials – iron
proximity to natural resources: furnaces and the hot metal produced ore and coal – from overseas and
supply of iron ore and coal, required is subsequently converted into steel. sold their products both in the local
for obtaining iron from the iron ore, markets and to export customers.
and power from water streams. The In the twentieth-century development
location of most steelmaking sites of iron and steel production, Thanks to the exothermic nature of the
with a history stretching back more new integrated steel mills were process of converting hot metal into
than a century can be explained by increasingly located to facilitate large- liquid steel, there was an opportunity
those factors. The ironmaking and scale cost-efficient transportation, to use this heat for melting additions

28 Green Steel World | Issue 5 | April 2023

[ Opinion ]

of scrap, first from the plant’s own very limited availability of local scrap
production facilities but also from but a cheap and viable supply of
downstream steel processors and natural gas, EAF-based steel plants
finally from post-consumer use. The with Direct Reduced Iron (DRI) as
latter became increasingly available in feedstock were established, using
the Western World during the second natural gas for producing both the
half of the twentieth century; prior to DRI and the electricity for the EAF,
that, also minor amounts of iron ore which was fed fully or predominantly
were charged and smelted to utilize with DRI. Such plants were typically
the available heat. located in Venezuela, which also had
local iron ore and cheap hydropower,
Mr Joachim von Schéele, Global Director
Plants using processes fully or Mexico, Malaysia, and, particularly, in
Commercialization, Linde.
largely based on scrap, typically by the Middle East and North Africa. With
melting in an Electric Arc Furnace those plants as an exception, costs and difficulties to transport
(EAF), are in general of a rather late representing about 5% of world clean energy (including hydrogen)
date. Initially, the EAFs were mainly steel production, up until recently the large distances; it is way more
used to produce speciality steel availability of cheap electric power efficient to transport Hot Briquetted
grades and the production volumes was not a main determining factor Iron (HBI) or semi-finished steel
were relatively modest. But later, for the location of ironmaking, but of products. These changes might
when also power grids developed course, it could be for steelmaking lead to dislocations of existing
further, a main part of them can be
referred to as somehow related to
the mini-mill concept, supported “Lately, the focus has been on the
ironmaking step, which is this industry’s
by an ever-increasing availability
of post-consumer scrap from the single largest source of CO2 emissions,
1950s onwards. The first mill of this and on replacing blast furnaces with DRI

kind was Hamburger Stahlwerke
in Germany, but its real boom took
place in the USA, particularly headed using EAFs, e.g., in taking advantage value chains, which are discussed
by Nucor Corporation and taking off of proximity to a hydropower plant. below.
in the early 1970s. During this time
the EAF became a “melting machine” In the era of decarbonisation, we Forward and backward
rather than a metallurgical process. are now seeing moves towards integration
The basic principle of the mini-mill is both backward and forward Recent years strive for
the melting of local scrap to produce integration of raw materials supply decarbonising the steel industry
steel for a local construction steel and the use of gas-based DRI clearly has begun to impact short-
market. However, most EAFs today production on a much larger scale term actions, but also on longer
find a large part of their scrap from than previously. DRI would then and more structural perspectives.
sources located further away and the substitute hot metal as a virgin raw Naturally, direct carbon avoidance
range of steel grades produced has material in the production of more solutions like increased scrap use
increased substantially. advanced steel grades. Location and electrification are the first
of production is increasingly steps to achieving sustainability
In case there was a need for steel determined by viable availability of and decarbonisation. About 70%
production in geographies with no or clean energy, which is due to the of today’s world steel production

Green Steel World | Issue 5 | April 2023 29

[ Opinion ]

takes place at integrated mills four scrap metal recyclers, and this
using blast furnaces, a route that year Salzgitter also bought such a
typically has a carbon footprint print company.
four times higher than production
using predominantly scrap-charged In parallel, we see the beginning of a
EAFs. However, outside of China, potential forward integration trend
the world’s by far largest steel- when it comes to DRI production. The location of steel production is
increasingly determined by the viable
producing country, the current Mining companies with suitable
availability of clean energy.
distribution is roughly 50/50, iron ore have been supplying DRI-
It is not only established mining

“ Scrap metal is an input material

carrying zero carbon footprint, which
companies that are pursuing this,
as part of their forward integration,
but we also note two other kinds of
makes it increasingly important from a players in this space.
decarbonisation perspective.
with half of the steel produced in

based steel plants with pellet feed
First, there are steelmaking
companies having integrated plants.
integrated mills and half in EAF mills. for making DR pellets or already Driven by the decarbonisation
made DR pellets. We now see agenda, those companies want to
Between the years 2000 and 2010, mining companies at locations with decrease their carbon footprint by
world steel production grew by access to clean energy evaluating
partly or fully replacing blast furnace
more than 700 Mt/a. This is resulting projects for forward integration to
hot metal with HBI or to some extent
in a massive increase in the ship HBI instead of DR pellets or
using HBI as an input material
availability of scrap for decades to DR pellet feed. Accordingly, such
in their blast furnaces. These
come, especially in China where the development entails putting up
companies are then looking for ways
domestic scrap supply is expected DRI production facilities, operated
to minimise the cost of a secured
to grow at a rate of about 20 million either with hydrogen as a reductant
supply of HBI. Frequently the cost of
tonnes a year going forward. or with natural gas combined with
producing a low carbon footprint DRI
Carbon Capture. Examples of such
at their existing sites is higher than
Secured scrap metal supply potential developments are found at
putting up a DRI facility at certain
has begun to be considered to LKAB in Sweden whilst other mining
new geographical locations. These
have an increasingly important companies are exploring possibilities,
strategic value. This is pronounced e.g., in Australia, Brazil, and Canada. could be places with favourable
at companies taking on a path of conditions for cheap and sustainable
decarbonisation starting from largely Towards Decoupling of supply of clean power or availability
having a basis of integrated steel Ironmaking and Steelmaking  of cheap natural gas with a suitable
mills. Moving forward and gradually At a rather minor scale, shipping situation for Carbon Capture. To take
shifting production to the use of EAFs of HBI across the world has taken an example of an existing supply
for steelmaking, fed with scrap and place for decades. Accordingly, structure, it can be mentioned that
DRI, backward integration into to the this is not entirely new, but an already in 2016 voestalpine Group
scrap supply market has come into increased procurement of HBI commissioned a natural gas-based
focus, and acquisitions are being instead DR pellets can be seen as HBI plant in Texas to supply their
made accordingly. For example, a part of a geographical decoupling operations in Austria. POSCO is
last year ArcelorMittal acquired of ironmaking and steelmaking. a recent example of a company

30 Green Steel World | Issue 5 | April 2023

[ Opinion ]

that in this way begins to decouple geographies, partly combined with the
its ironmaking and steelmaking. development into a multipolar world,
POSCO is pursuing a project in are of course also contributing factors.
Western Australia, where HBI will be
produced using green hydrogen and When HBI production is established
shipped to the company’s existing Linde is a leading industrial gas and at locations favourable for viable
engineering company.
steelmaking plants in Korea. It is production of clean hydrogen in, for
clearly cheaper to produce hydrogen The new great opportunity seems example, countries in Africa, it is not
in Western Australia than in Korea, to be in countries with excellent far-fetched to envisage a scenario
and it is also cheaper to use it there preconditions to produce green where there is also a flow of hot DRI
to produce HBI and ship the HBI electricity from solar power and into a new adjacent EAF mill. And we
to Korea than shipping the green windmills. Among those locations could then consider potentially two
hydrogen to Korea and producing are also countries having an even parallel flows of steel products: one
DRI at the existing steelmaking sites. more favourable situation including catering to an increasing domestic
Other examples include ArcelorMittal proximity to iron ore mines, e.g., market (probably replacing imports);
together with mining company Australia, Brazil, and Mauretania. one exporting semi-finished green
SNIM evaluating HBI production in These HBI production plants may steel. Accordingly, we might welcome
Mauritania, and Nippon Steel looking not necessarily include existing countries like, say, Namibia into
at sites, e.g., in Australia and Brazil. mining or steel companies as main to the fraternity of steel producing
enterprise owners but could instead countries, but might also see how
The second variant here is the be connected to those with long- such green steel will be imported
production of HBI by “independent” term supply and offtake agreements. into, for example, Europe replacing
players. Again, this will be mainly some European steel production.
at locations with the advantage of New steel-producing
a cheap and sustainable supply of countries The impact of decarbonisation
clean power for hydrogen production The world of steel production is about on the steel industry’s structure
or the availability of cheap natural to change. The big surge in Chinese and locations is a process and a
gas with a suitable situation for production has flattened out and it potential trend, which is likely to be
Carbon Capture. This is another seems it will stay at around one billion experienced in different ways and
example of a supply structure that to tonnes per annum. Among the world’s at different paces across the world,
some extent already exists. A main Top-10 steel producing countries, governed by individual preconditions
example is DRI-producing plants only India and Iran increased their and local ability to cope with new
in Venezuela. In 2005 those plants outputs last year. The change in demands. Backwards and forward
produced almost 9 million tonnes the supply of iron for steelmaking, integration of raw materials supply
of DRI, but in the last years, it was driven by the decarbonisation agenda will be pronounced. Moreover, we are
barely adding up to a tenth of that. A combined with the limited ability entering an era with the significantly
large part of Venezuela’s substantial to secure a viable supply of clean increased importance of clean
DRI production used to be turned into power necessary for producing energy supply and operation for the
HBI and shipped overseas. There cheap-enough green hydrogen location of ironmaking, which will
is a possibility Venezuela soon can at many existing steelmaking impact the steel industry structure
start coming back on track again facilities, particularly in Europe, is globally. This dislocation will create
and regain its position as a major potentially changing the global steel winners and losers and have
supplier of HBI to the international production map. Naturally, population substantial positive and negative
market. and economic growth in many local economic impacts.

Green Steel World | Issue 5 | April 2023 31

[ Interview ]

One of the aims of the F-CUBED project is to convert paper sludge into an energy carrier suitable in iron- and steelmaking processes.

“Biocarbon’s role critical to ensure European

steel industry’s sustainable future”
The November 2022 issue of the Green Steel World magazine featured the F-CUBED project that, as one of
its primary areas of research, aims at converting paper sludge into an energy carrier suitable to be used as
an injectant in blast furnace processes. The preliminary results validated that the use of biomass resources
could greatly reduce the cost and CO2 emissions of the blast furnace ironmaking process.

This time around, we at GSW decided to get to know the lead researcher behind the study better and discuss
the application prospect of paper mill sludge hydrochar as a steel production auxiliary.

Here are the excerpts of the conversation with Dr Chuan Wang, Group manager and research leader,
Resource Efficiency and Environment, Department of Metallurgy, Swerim AB.

By Tanya Rudra

GSW: Can you briefly received my master‘s degree Luleå University of Technology
describe your background, in the area of environmental in Sweden. My PhD work was to
such as your education, engineering at KTH, Royal reduce fossil CO2 emissions for
career path, etc? Institute of Technology in steel plants. I joined Swerim (it
CW: I had my basic education in Sweden. From 2004 to 2007, was called MEFOS) in January
chemical engineering in China. I did my PhD study in the area 2007 in the process metallurgy
I came to Sweden in 2001 and of energy engineering at LTU, department. I have been working

32 Green Steel World | Issue 5 | April 2023

[ Interview ]

on resource efficiency, recycling feedstocks, I started investigating

and circular economy, biomass the possibility of using low-
residues for metallurgical grade biomass feedstocks,
applications, energy efficiency such as forestry/agricultural
improvement and CO2 emission residues, green wastes, food
reduction for the iron and steel industry wastes, etc. In the
industry for more than 15 years. case of Sweden, which is rich
I have undertaken research as in forest resources, the forestry
the principal investigator and industry plays an important
have been actively involved role in Sweden for its economic
in many projects financed by development. There are many
Europe Union (EU), regional, and pulp and paper mills in Sweden,
national agencies. which generate different
Dr Chuan Wang, Group manager and
types of biomass residues in research leader, Resource Efficiency and
GSW: What motivated you large amounts, including bio- Environment, Department of Metallurgy,
Swerim AB.
to become a research sludge. This research was
scientist? For example, started in 2017. The main grade biomass residues by using
were you inspired by idea was to use the industrial HTC and the developed biochar,
the work of others, or symbiosis concept to solve so-called hydrochar, for various
have you always been challenges that the industries metallurgical applications,
fascinated by technology? are facing economically and including the blast furnace (BF)
CW: I like to work closely with environmentally. I chose the process. We are also cooperating
the industry, listen and talk to the hydrothermal carbonization with several research groups
industry people. When I started (HTC) process, as this technology in Europe and China to further
my PhD study, I found that it was is suitable for upgrading the develop the concept.
very interesting to do research biomass resources with high
work to solve the problems moisture, meantime, it is possible GSW: Looking back,
that the industry is facing, for to extract some nutrients such how did you become
instance, saving energy and as N, P, and K from the biomass involved in bio-sludge?
reducing CO2 emissions. resources. For example, were you
active as a metallurgist
GSW: And how long have GSW: This sounds like a and looking to improve
you been working on the very niche research field efficiency in blast
use of bio-sludge as a ... are other professionals furnaces, or were you
blast furnace injectant? also active in this line working in pulp mills, and
CW: I have been investigating of work? And if so, how looking for a way to make
using biocarbon for the blast important is it for you use of waste streams?
furnace since 2012. At that to discuss your various CW: As I said early, the main
moment, there it was more research activities driving force is to acquire low-
focused on high-quality biomass together? grade biomass resources for
feedstock, for instance, forest CW: Yes, to my knowledge, we metallurgical applications. When
wood. Due to the availability, are the first research group in we talk about the Swedish case,
competition with some existing the world that has been doing it is more natural to think about
users, and price of those research on upgrading low- the pulp and paper mill, and the

Green Steel World | Issue 5 | April 2023 33

[ Interview ]

The F-CUBED project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement
No 884226.

bio-sludge is one of the residues used as fuel, reductants, slag- GSW: As I understand it,
which may cause environmental forming agents, carburizing biogenic residues could be
problems and, at the same time, agents, etc. The nutrients a big step in reducing CO2
have the potential to upgrade to contained in the biomass emissions from steel mills
fuel and chemicals or fertilizers, residues can be extracted as so whom would you like to
thus can create a win-win bio-fertilizers. reach and what messages
situation for both metal industry would you like to give them?
and pulp & paper industry. GSW: Would you say that eg, steel mills, government
biogenic residues are authorities, etc.
GSW: Where do you see already being used in CW: Several stakeholders are
the greatest benefit from commercial steel plants, interested in and relevant to the
biogenic residues - in or is more research / research work. The steel mills
steel mills or in power applied research required would like to use biocarbon to
plants? before this step can be substitute fossil carbon to reduce
CW: For the steel mills, the taken? fossil CO2 emissions, thereby
developed hydrochar can be CW: No, not yet. It still needs reducing its carbon footprints;
used in the blast furnace and some research, depending on its fertilizer companies and farmers
other metallurgical processes application areas, for instance, are interested in producing and
such as electric arc furnaces to increase fixed carbon content using the bio-fertilizer extracted
(EAF), cupola furnaces (CF), etc. and reduce reactivity as the from the biogenic residues;
to replace the fossil coals, thus carburizing agent, agglomeration pulp and paper mills would like
reducing fossil CO2 emissions. or briquetting, sulphur removal, to extract N and P as nutrients
The hydrochar, which is N, P and K extraction as to be added in the wastewater
properly developed, can be chemical/fertilizer, etc. treatment plant; the biogenic

34 Green Steel World | Issue 5 | April 2023

[ Interview ]

GSW: I can imagine your

work must be very tiring
mentally, so how do you
relax at the end of the
working day?
CW: Actually, as a researcher, we
are happy to see that our research
results can be implemented by
our industry partners, and, we are
very excited when we have some
new research ideas and when our
proposals are granted. We are
expecting and sharing this great
time with our partners. It can be
In the F-CUBED process, the hydrothermal treatment is executed via TORWASH® reactor quite tiring after one day's work,
but not always. For some periods,
residues to the landfill will be GSW: Could you describe the work is very intensive for
further reduced, potentially your average day? instance, when we are working on
reducing the release of methane eg, always behind the some research proposals with a
to the atmosphere, in which the computer, in meetings, very tight deadline. It is important
local government authorities in a research laboratory, to know how to balance your
are interested in; the energy visiting steel mills, etc. work, plan both work and private
companies or suppliers have the Which activity do you find times, and cooperate well with co-
alternative energy carriers for especially rewarding and workers and partners. It is always
different end-users, etc. why? teamwork.
CW: As a researcher, our
GSW: What motivates you daily work is to implement GSW: Anything you want to
most in your work? The the project and prepare new share with our readers?
thrill of making a new proposals. The former part CW: Biocarbon will play an
discovery, the satisfaction includes computing simulation important role in facilitating
of contributing to work, designing and carrying the transition of the European
scientific advances, the out laboratory work, steel industry towards
sense of well-being in performing industrial trials process decarbonisation. In
helping to resolve global at the steel mills, also having order to utilize biocarbon for
issues affecting us all project meetings with project metallurgical applications, it
such as climate change? partners to plan and discuss is important to explore and
CW: As a researcher working the research work. The latter develop locally available
in the metallurgy industry, the part is to create new project biomass residues, in which
most exciting thing for us is ideas. These two parts often many stakeholders will be
that we can help our industrial go hand in hand, and they involved and collaborated to
partners to solve the problems are facilitating each other. find better ways to valorize the
or challenges that they are New and good ideas are often whole value chain economically,
facing, by using our knowledge generated when performing environmentally, and
and competence. projects. ecologically.

Green Steel World | Issue 5 | April 2023 35

[ Interview ]

Steel production at thyssenkrupp is planned to be carbon-neutral by 2045.

thyssenkrupp assumes leading role in the changing

fabric of steel industry
“Get rid of CO2 but retain established production processes and value chains as far as possible” - the motto
is embedded into the fabric of thyssenkrupp Steel’s climate strategy. The company endeavours to step into a
hydrogen-powered green future while staying in the upper echelons in terms of the quality of steel grades.

In an exclusive chat with the Green Steel World, Dr Marie Jaroni, Head of Decarbonization, thyssenkrupp
Steel, talks about the company’s roadmap, top priorities, timelines, goals, commitments and much more
on the path to carbon neutrality 2045.

By Tanya Rudra

GSW: What does that's equivalent to about 2.5 climate change mitigation
green steel mean for per cent of Germany's total measures, we can already take
thyssenkrupp Steel? CO2 emissions. Consequently, ~6 million tons of CO2 out of the
MJ: We operate the largest steel there's no alternative to a system by 2030.
production location in Europe. transformation away from coal
Our current method of producing if we want to achieve the Paris This transformation process
(in coal-based blast furnaces) climate targets. At thyssenkrupp is unique in the history of our
is a CO2-intensive process. We Steel, we intend to be carbon- country. There is no blueprint
alone emit around 20 million neutral by 2045 at the latest. for this, either in scale or
metric tons of CO2 annually – However, with quick and specific complexity. But our work on

36 Green Steel World | Issue 5 | April 2023

[ Interview ]

"greener steel" or an expanded site will operate with hydrogen

portfolio with a reduced carbon instead of coal and will be
footprint didn't just start today. combined with innovative
With bluemint®, certified steel melting units. This allows us to
products with up to 70 per cent manufacture a product almost
less CO2 have been available identical to today's hot metal.
since 2021, and their quality is Direct reduction plants and
no different from our existing melting units can be integrated
grades. We are seeing increasing into the existing metallurgical
demand for these low-CO2 network so that all further
products, particularly from end- production steps from the steel
user industries and processing mill onward can remain in place.
Dr Marie Jaroni, Head of Decarbonization,
sectors. By as soon as 2026, we intend
thyssenkrupp Steel
to take into operation the first
Green steel is the material direct reduction plant with a of electricity from renewable
of the future, the basis for a capacity of 2.5 million metric sources and large amounts of
carbon-neutral ecosystem. As tons. This alone will save 3.5 hydrogen. We will have to procure
Germany's largest steelmaker, million metric tons of CO2, just these not only nationally and
we intend to play a decisive role under 20 per cent of our overall regionally, but also internationally
in shaping the market for green emissions. in the long term. We are pursuing
steel. a multidimensional procurement
In addition to directly avoiding strategy here. Because one thing
GSW: Could you explain CO2 emissions, we have an is clear: Germany will not be able
thyssenkrupp Steel's path alternative technological route to meet its demand for green
to carbon neutrality by with Carbon2Chem: here, we hydrogen and green electricity
2045 in more detail? How convert generated steel mill from its own production. Smart
is thyssenkrupp changing gases, including the CO2 they collaborations will be needed to
the traditional methods of contain, into valuable chemical make production processes such
steel production? Can you precursors. as steelmaking carbon neutral.
tell us something about the We also need a well-developed
tkH2Steel® transformation With tkH2Steel, we show how transport infrastructure – a
project? the ecological transformation to sound and stable hydrogen
MJ: tkH2Steel® is our decarbonized steel production infrastructure is a basic
transformation concept: it can succeed. prerequisite for carbon-neutral
describes our innovative and steel production.
technologically ground-breaking GSW: Do you think
path towards decarbonized steel hydrogen will play a From today's perspective,
production. In short: moving decisive role in the transport via pipelines will be
away from classic, coal-based transformation of the steel the most efficient solution. We
blast furnace technology toward industry? And how will you are planning to connect to the
hydrogen-based direct reduction. ensure an adequate supply pipeline network as early as
In the future, the direct reduction in the future? 2027, and we will be connected
plants which will replace our MJ: For our green transformation, to both the German launch
blast furnaces at the Duisburg we will need both large amounts network and the European

Green Steel World | Issue 5 | April 2023 37

[ Interview ]

network. We are already

connected to Air Liquide's private
network with a link that was
completed in December 2022.

GSW: thyssenkrupp Steel

is focusing on hydrogen
and Carbon Capture and
Utilization (CCU) at the same
time. Do you think multiple
approaches and pathways
are needed to fully
decarbonize the industry?
MJ: The most sensible approach
bluemint® Steel – thyssenkrupp’s high-quality flat steel with a reduced CO2 intensity
would be to avoid generating CO2
directly in steel production. This produced as part of conventional these innovative "melting units",
pathway is known as Carbon blast furnace-based steelmaking. a kind of "electric furnace iron"
Direct Avoidance (CDA). The aim This is what our "Carbon2Chem" can be produced using hydrogen
here is to replace coal and coke as project stands for. and electricity from renewable
reducing agents. This is already sources. From the steel mill
possible in the conventional blast This technological change stage, all established process
furnace process to a limited represents a major challenge steps are thus retained right
extent. However, it is not possible because the processes differ in through to the end product.
to completely dispense with both the reduction process and
coal or coke in the blast furnace, the matter state of the resulting GSW: thyssenkrupp
because the processes in the product: whereas the blast Steel is planning
unit inevitably rely on the lumpy furnace produces liquid hot metal, massive investment in
structure of the coke and thus the which is further processed in decarbonization. The trend
support it provides. steel mills, direct reduction plants shows that the steel sector
will have to make huge

“ One thing is clear: we need the

technological shift away from the blast
investments to achieve the
transition. Do you think
financing will play a crucial
furnace – toward direct reduction.
” role in decarbonization?
We have an unprecedented
In addition to the direct avoidance operate at significantly lower transformation project ahead
of CO2, it is also possible, as temperatures and produce solid of us. Achieving green steel
a second basic technology, to iron (called sponge iron). One production is a task for society
capture the CO2 generated during possibility for further processing as a whole – no steelmaker can
steelmaking and convert it into of sponge iron is electric "melting go down this road alone. If we
basic chemical products. This units", in which the sponge start with the goal and work
pathway, called Carbon Capture iron is melted into steel using backwards, it becomes clear: we
and Utilization (CCU), can be used electricity. In a combination will need support for the difficult
wherever metallurgical gases are of direct reduction plants and initial years of the transformation

38 Green Steel World | Issue 5 | April 2023

[ Interview ]

thyssenkrupp is focusing on two parallel, equally important routes - Carbon Direct Avoidance (CDA) and Carbon Capture and Usage (CCU)

volume. This commitment is
thyssenkrupp Steel is prepared to invest an important signal for us
massively in this green transformation.
” that the steel industry can
become the engine of the green
if we are to maintain a European transformation with a mid-three- transformation in Germany
industry that is not only strong digit million-euro sum. The share and Europe and gives us the
and carbon-neutral but also of funding from the government necessary wind in our sails to
independent and resilient – with will be 70 per cent of the funding take the next steps.
green steel as the starting point
for many value chains. About the interviewee
Dr. Marie Jaroni
We have already achieved Experience
important milestones here. {{ 2021: Head of/ SVP Decarbonization at thyssenkrupp Steel
By releasing equity funds, Europe AG, responsible for green transformation - strategy, raw
thyssenkrupp AG has laid the materials (incl. H2), sales and plant construction
foundations for investments {{ 2020: Head of Strategy and Communications at thyssenkrupp
of over two billion euros in our Steel Europe AG
first direct reduction plant. This {{ 2017: Head of Strategy, Markets and Development at
decision was complemented thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions
by the willingness of the state {{ 2011: McKinsey & Company
government of North Rhine- Education
Westphalia to support our {{ Diploma in Metallurgy at RWTH Aachen University
{{ PhD in Metallurgy at RWTH Aachen University

Green Steel World | Issue 5 | April 2023 39

[ Industry Updates ]

thyssenkrupp Steel awards DRI plant

contract to SMS group
thyssenkrupp Steel has placed an
order with SMS group, Düsseldorf,
for the engineering, delivery and
construction of the first hydrogen-
powered direct reduction plant
at the Duisburg location. This
marks the start of one of the
biggest industrial decarbonization
projects worldwide, which at one
stroke will avoid more than 3.5
million metric tons of CO2 per year
in the future.

The order volume for SMS the German government have 30 per cent of its emissions. The
amounts to over 1.8 billion already signalled substantial transformation to carbon-neutral
euros and marks the largest financial support for the project. production should be completed by
single order in the history of the 2045 at the latest.
company. Moreover, significant The contract award marks a
additional structural building decisive technological turnaround The detailed planning and
services will be required in for Germany’s biggest steelmaker preparatory work for the
addition to infrastructure and in its more than 200-year construction of the direct reduction
media connections. history: As part of the tkH2Steel plant will commence immediately,
transformation concept, the under the scope for an earlier start
The preliminary tasks can be replacement of CO2-intensive steel to work approved by the German
started immediately, under the production by climate-friendly government. One of the tasks
scope for an earlier start to technologies is now beginning. Up on the list involves getting the
work that has been approved. to this point, coal-based hot iron construction site ready on the plant
The plant will have a capacity production in the blast furnace premises of thyssenkrupp Steel.
of 2.5 million metric tons of always involved emitting large
directly reduced iron (DRI) and is amounts of CO2, amounting to In parallel to the project,
scheduled for completion by the about 20 million metric tons per thyssenkrupp Steel will enter an
end of 2026. The overall project year from the Duisburg location open and transparent dialogue
remains subject to European alone. Hydrogen-based processes with neighbourhood residents,
Union approval under state aid in direct reduction plants offer a politicians and the general public,
provisions, as well as the final significant basis for manufacturing to explain the pioneering project
funding decision. carbon-neutral steel in the future. that is now being developed to
thyssenkrupp Steel is already decarbonize steelmaking at the
Both are expected in the planning to avoid as much as 6 Duisburg site.
coming months. The state of million metric tons of CO2 by 2030,
North Rhine-Westphalia and representing well in excess of R
 ead full story online

40 Green Steel World | Issue 5 | April 2023

Expo & Conference
Messe Essen | Germany | 4–5 April 2023

Bringing together green steel experts from the global market

place in one place at one time. This unique event provides an
excellent opportunity to meet with both manufacturers and users
involved in the decarbonisation journey for the steel industry.

Proudly sponsored by:

Supported by:

For all information regarding this event please consult our website:
Conference 2023

European Commission thyssenkrupp Steel Europe H2 Green Steel Fero Labs Outokumpu
Deputy Head of the Unit “Low Emission Head of Business Development Chief Technical Officer Managing Director Head of Sustainability &
Future Industries” in the Directorate- bluemint® Steel, Center of Technical Customer Service
General for Research and Innovation Decarbonization

Jindal Shadeed/Vulcan Green Swiss Steel Group Kobolde & Partners Cronimet Envirotec Cronimet Ferroleg
CEO/Executive Director Marketing CEO CEO CEO Team Technics
Sustainability & Project Manager

Aperam Kanthal Sarralle World Steel Association Linde
Chief Executive Officer Stainless Business Development Manager Hydrogen Business Line Manager Director, Global Director Commercialization
& Electrical Steel Europe Sustainable Manufacturing

ResponsibleSteel SKF Alleima Klöckner & Co Dillinger / Saarstahl
CEO Net Zero Steel Lead President & CEO Head of Investor Relations Director Production & Quality
and Strategic Sustainability

Smart Steel Technologies Ovako Acerinox SMS Group Uniper
CEO & Founder Head of Sustainability and Safety Chief Sustainability Officer Head of Green Steel Senior Manager Business
Development Hydrogen

Policymakers & industry leaders

speaking at the GSW Conference
GMH Group
Director Sustainability &
Conference Timetable
4 April Speaker Company Presentation title
9:20 Opening by Nicole Nagel, Group Director, KCI Media Group
9:25 Welcome by Tanya Rudra, Green Steel World Conference Manager
9:30 Andrea Gentili European Commission The EU’s contribution to decarbonising the steel sector.

10:00 Carmen Ostwald thyssenkrupp Steel Europe bluemint® Steel: Decarbonization of steel production

10:30 Maria Persson Gulda H2 Green Steel Building the world’s first large-scale green steel plant

11:00 Coffee break

Decarbonisation without Deindustrialization -
11:15 Tim Eschert Fero Labs How Machine Learning drives Green Steel Production
The Future is here – Outokumpu sets benchmark for
11:45 Max Menzel Outokumpu Sustainable Stainless Steel
12:15 Harssha Shetty Jindal Shadeed/Vulcan Green Leading a Green Steel Future

12:45 Lunch
13:45 Frank Koch Swiss Steel Group Green Steel End to End thought

14:15 Rutger Gyllenram Kobolde & Partners Roadmaps for bumpy tracks. Time for revision?

14:45 Filipe Costa, Martin Geisler Cronimet Green scrap - the key to sustainable stainless steel

15:15 Coffee break

Leading the Transformation: By redefining its business model and
15:30 Geert Verbeeck Aperam processes, Aperam also supports its customers’ transformation.
Electrification of heating processes – the road towards a
16:00 Dilip Chandrasekaran Kanthal fossil-free industry
Success stories towards CO2 neutral steelmaking via
16:30 Itsaso Auzmendi Sarralle hydrogen-based technologies
17:00 Sponsors' Felicitation
17:30-19:30 Networking Reception
5 April Speaker Company Presentation title
9:30 Andrew Purvis World Steel Association Climate change and the production of iron and steel: an Industry View

10:00 Joachim von Schéele Linde Pathways to green steel production

10:30 Annie Heaton, Cosmina Luchian ResponsibleSteel / SKF How international standards enable sustainable value chains

11:00 Coffee break

11:15 Göran Björkman Alleima The central role of advanced materials in the green transition.
Green steel from the customers' point of view - technology, new
11:45 Felix Schmitz Klöckner & Co business models, new markets
12:15 Michael Bott Dillinger / Saarstahl Pure Steel+ - the transformation path of Dillinger and Saarstahl

12:45 Lunch
Saving energy and CO2 emissions through synchronized
13:45 Falk Florian Henrich Smart Steel Technologies scheduling of continuous casting and hot rolling operations.
From Renaissance to Sustainability: The Evolution of Steel
14:15 Katarina Kangert OVAKO Production to Carbon Neutrality
14:45 Carlos Ruiz Alonso Acerinox Infinite Stainless: innovation for next generation

15:15 Coffee break

15:30 Tim Kleier SMS Group Navigating sustainable pathways into a green future for steelmaking.

16:00 Achim Schillak Uniper A Major Hydrogen Source for the German Steel

16:30 Luciana Filizzola GMH Group Climate-friendly Steel: The time to act is now!
Expo & Conference
Messe Essen | Germany | 4–5 April 2023




36 A20 Dillinger / 20
Saarstahl Lhyfe
16 H14
36 64 B18 40 C17 48 D11 Ventil Test
Endress + SMS Group
Valve World
40 D14 Info. Point Pruss
20 A09
30 F16
Van Uniper Ratnamani
Leeuwen Energy Sales Ovako Metals
16 A07 36 A16 Metalleghe 32 C15 Thyssen Lhyfe
48 36 E05
SPA Krupp H12
KCI Fero Labs Alleima H-Tec
16 H14
40 B14 32 C13 56 D07 Systems Ayvaz
Ayvaz 18
48 D06 D08 Evonik E12 Group
Zapp 18 F07 30
30 F10 16 H12 FOOD Option
Kanthal Precision
Kobolde 56
24 D10 42 E03 32 Lauter-
Verfahrens Lauterbach
H2Green Vulcan
16 A05
Steel Green Steel
GmbH H08
technik GmbH
28 SNACK 28
28 B13 32 B12
Aperam 48 E12 18 F05 G06 16H08
20 A03
Acerinox Regler
42 D05
WARDROBE Exhibitor
36 Service
B11 32 B10 F03
Springer Swiss Steel
Flow Mer-
42 D03 F06
Control wede H2Scan

Mostostal Smart Steel 18 F06 18 G05 24 G04

Zabrze Group Tech.
24 B09 20 C09 VirajE06
Profiles S+D METALS
nel Hydrogen
24 24
24 B07 40 20
36 C07 56 E06 36 F04 24 G02

HydroHub PVT
Cronimet Klöckner E04 Dirostahl
16 20
20 E02 16 E04 20 F01



For the latest version of the floorplan and further information about the exhibition, visit

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