Task 1 - Control Testing Template
Task 1 - Control Testing Template
Task 1 - Control Testing Template
First, review the test details outlined below to familiarize yourself with the test work to be pe
direct you to the appropriate source documentation to perform the respective attribute test
Auditor Name:
Date of Test Work:
For each item within the sample, the auditor tested against the defined
Based on the auditor's review of the internal policy, the below attribute
a) Approval: When applicable (per Purchasing Policy), verify that requir
b) Approval Timing: Verify that the purchase request and approval occu
c) Approval from Direct Supervisor: Purchase approval was requested f
Test Work Performed: See documented results below. Any exceptions identified in red.
Selected Sample
Name of Employee
Sample Selection # Purchase Amount Vendor Name
Requesting Purchase
1 $ 4,000.00 Betty's Diner Kelly Smith
2 $ 10,500.00 Worldwide Computers Mike Jones
3 $ 15,000.00 Top Talent Consultants Dave White
4 $ 20,000.00 Software Solutions Kathy Wood
5 $ 12,500.00 Brownstone Restaurant Mary Thompson
during this simulation.
he test work to be performed, then utilize the documentation provided with this task (as outlined in ro
ective attribute tests.
rkpaper file.)
and controls.
nning July 1, 2021-June 30, 2022)
in the Planning section of these audit workpapers, auditor randomly selected five purchases from the Cash ledger to test the procedures a
cess. The resulting sample of five purchases is shown below.
rols are functioning as designed and to determine whether any control weaknesses in control design exist.
r tested against the defined procedures and controls outlined within ABC Company's internal Purchasing Policy.
ng Policy), verify that required approvals are supported by adequate documentation (i.e., Purchasing Portal Screenshot).
request and approval occurred before purchase.
e approval was requested from, and provided by, the appropriate personnel (direct supervisor of requestor).
Note: Document "N/A" within the subsequent fields if, based on review of the documented Purchasin
Per Purchasing Portal
Per Internal Policy TEST RESULT
Evidence of Approval
Manager Approval
Role of Employee Available within Purchasing
Requesting Purchase (Y/N) Portal?
(Y/N) Name of Direct Supervisor
who Provided Approval
Senior Manager
Senior Associate
task (as outlined in row 35) to
of the documented Purchasing Process, no supervisor approval is deemed necessary (i.e., "N/A" response within Column F).
Per Internal Purchasing
Per Organizational Chart TEST RESULT
Management Approval
Date of Employee Purchase
Direct Supervisor of Obtained by Appropriate
Requesting Employee Person? (xx/xx/xxxx)
N/A" response within Column F).
Per Purchasing Portal
Per Vendor Invoice TEST RESULT