Chb401a L 1 SL1 21 1
Chb401a L 1 SL1 21 1
Chb401a L 1 SL1 21 1
HX H+ + X -
The conjugate bases of HF, HCl, HBr and
HI are F- , Cl- Br- and I- respectively. The
basic character decreases as F- > Cl- >
Br- I- due to the increase in size of the ion.
Thus a weak conjugate base (I-) has the
strongest acid (HI) and a strong conjugate
base (F-) has the weakest acid (HF) .
2. Strength of Oxo acids
Consider an oxoacid
The strength of oxo-acid depends upon
(i) size of the atom (z)
(ii) electronegativity of the atom (z) and
(iii) inductive effect of the substituents present
on z.
Small size and high electlronegativity of z, allows
the proton to dissociate and make the
compound acidic.
Thus acid character decreases in the order
H–O Cl H–O I
Greater tendency to Lesser tendency to
withdraw electrons withdraw electrons
from Oxygen from Oxygen
Similarly H2SO3 is more acidic than H2SeO3 due to
greater electronegativity of S than Se and HClO4 is
more acidic than HIO4
Acidity also increases with the increasing oxidation
number of the atom (z) e.g.
Acid HClO < HClO2 < HClO3 < HClO4
O.N. +1 +3 +5 +7
H2SO3 < H2SO4
But among the oxo acids of Phosphorus the Oxidation Number of
Phosphorus increases in the order of
H3PO2 < H3PO3 < H3PO4
But all the oxoacids of Phosphorus are weak acids
ii) Resonance Effect In aromatic acids, the resonance effects
are more important than inductive effects in determining the
acidic strength.
(Effect of Substituents on the strengths of Lewis acids and
1) Inductive effect of the substituents
In general an electron-withdrawing group (-I effect) will
increase the acidic strength and decrease the basic strength.
On the other hand an electron-releasing group (+I effect) will
decrease the acidic strength and increase the basic strength.
Therefore, acidic strength of Me3B , BH3 and BF3 follow the
order :
Electron withdrawing group increases Lewis acid strength
Electron releasing group decreases Lewis acid strength
Me3B < BH3 < BF3
2. Resonance Effect
Boron trihalides act as lewis acid and since fluorine is
most electronegative the acidic strength should follow
the order
BF3 > BCl3 > BBr3
However, experimentally this order is found to be
BF3 < BCl3 < BBr3
This anomalous behaviour can be explained on the
basis of resonance stabilization and tendency of the
halogen atom to back-donate its electrons to the boron
This results into the transference of the fluorine
electrons into the vacant 2p orbital of the boron
atom. In other words an additional pp-pp bond is
formed between boron and fluorine atoms and
B-F bond, thus acquires some double bond
As a result of the back-donation of electrons
from F to B the electron deficiency of Boron
atom get compensated and its lewis acid
character decreases.
The tendency to form pp-pp is maximum in case
of BF3 and decreases for BCl3 and BBr3 due to
the inability of vacant 2p orbital of boron to
overlap effectively with the 3p orbital of chlorine
in B-Cl bond or with 4p orbital of bromine in B-Br
bond because of appreciable differences in their
energy levels.
3. Steric Effect
To understand steric effects let us compare basic
strengths of pyridine, to methyl pyridine ( 2-picoline) and
4-methylpyridine (4 picoline) with the same acid
trimethylborane, BMe3.
The order of basicity has been found to be
pyridine ~ 4-methylpyridine > 2-methylpyridine
The lower basic strength of 2-methylpyridine may be
attributed steric hindrance between the CH3 group of
2-methylpyridine and CH3 groups on BMe3.
Such an effect is known as front or F-strain.
There is another type of steric hindrance
known as back-strain or B-strain. This is
due to structural necessity for the donor
atom to change its structure so that its
lone pair can be bonded effectively.
• The Advantages of the Bronsted
• The Bronsted definition of acids and bases
offers many advantages over the
Arrhenius and operational definitions.
• It expands the list of potential acids to
include positive and negative ions, as well
as neutral molecules.
• It expands the list of bases to include any
molecule or ion with at least one pair of
nonbonding valence electrons.
• It explains the role of water in acid-base
reactions: Water accepts H+ ions from acids
to form the H3O+ ion.
• It can be expanded to include solvents other
than water and reactions that occur in the gas
or solid phases.
• It links acids and bases into conjugate acid-
base pairs.
• It can explain the relationship between the
strengths of an acid and its conjugate base.
• It can explain differences in the relative
strengths of a pair of acids or a pair of bases.
• It can explain the leveling effect of water the
fact that strong acids and bases all have the
same strength when dissolved in water.