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The self-efficacy theory was coined by a Canadian-American psychologist, a professor at

Stanford University, Albert Bandura. He was the first one who introduced the concept before another
psychologist such as Kathy Kolbe who also discussed the concept. Bandura defined self-efficacy as “a
person’s particular set of beliefs that determine how well one can execute a plan of action in
prospective situations”. Kolbe contended that self-efficacy is a determining factor in measuring
cognitive strength, determination, and perseverance to overcome obstacles and achieve goals. It
provides the foundation for motivation, well-being, and personal accomplishment and it enables the
person to handle stress, anxiety, adversities, and achieve performance (Lopez-Garrido, 2020). This
theory argued that one of the influential factors for success is self–efficacy. It explains the reason why
many people can still perform and achieve successful performance even during a crisis. They can adjust
their lives during difficult times and can make effective decisions. Thus, it is crucial to enhance an
individual's perception of his/her capabilities to produce positive outcomes. Lack of self-efficacy can
affect well-being and reduce performance which leads to failure (Abun, Natividad, Niclas, Magallanes
and Msnsueto, 2021).
Bandura proposed that there are two main aspects of self-efficacy: “efficacy expectation” which
refers to one’s faith in his/her own competence to accomplish a chosen action, and “outcome
expectancy” which means one’s belief that the chosen action will lead to a desired consequence. Hence,
what matters is not the skills that one has, but one’s “judgments of what one can do with whatever
skills one possesses” (Almessabi, 2021).
In education, two kinds of self-efficacy matter. One is students’ self-efficacy in relation to their
own beliefs about their competence and performance, both actual and perceived, in specific content
areas. The other is teachers’ self-efficacy about their ability to impact change in student performance
and achievement in the classroom. In fact, self-efficacy of teachers is a central phenomenon that can be
seen as one of the contributors to the process of learning and effective teaching (Nurindah, Akil and
Jafar, 2019).
Self-efficacy impacts teachers’ determination when things do not go smoothly and their
resilience in the face of disappointment. It is also worth mentioning that teachers with high sense of self
efficacy are more enthusiastic about teaching, and more dedicated to it. In addition, under school
reforms, these teachers also tend to be more open to new ideas and more willing to experiment and
adopt teaching innovations to better meet the needs of students (Shaukat and Iqbal, 2012). .Teacher’s
self-efficacy has constantly been found to relate to positive student and teacher behaviors, and has a
positive effect on educational system and its improvements. This serves as a crucial factor in improving
teacher education and promoting education reforms (Shaukat and Iqbal, 2012). Characteristics of
teachers who are associated with higher levels of teacher self-efficacy strongly impact student
achievement and learning in the classroom (Chang, 2015)Teachers with greater sense of efficacy tend
to demonstrate high levels of planning, organization and passion for teaching, and spend more time
teaching in subject areas where their sense of efficacy is higher (Shaukat and Iqbal, 2012). Teachers
who are confident about their capacity to teach and who believe that efficacious teaching influences
students’ learning show more persistence, focus more on the academic aspects of their activity, spend
more class time in academic activities, use more complex instructional methods, provide more help and
orientation for the students, and praise their academic achievements more than teachers with low
expectations about their capacity to influence their students’ learning. Higher levels of self-efficacy
allow teachers to be less critical of their students when they make mistakes, to work more with students
who have difficulties and to be less inclined to send a difficult student to alternative or special
classrooms (Rodríguez, Regueiro, Blas, Valle, Piñeiro and Cerezo, 2014).
In contrast, teachers who possess lower levels of teacher self-efficacy may believe that
circumstances in the classroom are beyond their control to improve student achievement. Teacher self-
efficacy may also predict teacher burnout, and teachers with a low sense of efficacy are found to be
most likely to drop out of the teaching profession (Brice-Laughter, 2017).
Since teachers have multiple functions, thus Bandura proposed seven dimensions of teacher
self-efficacy which are influence decision making, influence school resources, instruction, and
discipline, enlist parental involvement and create a positive school climate. Reading these dimensions,
one immediately knows that these seven dimensions do not reflect the main function of a teacher in the
classroom. Knowing such limitations, Tschannen-Moran and Woolfolk developed a three dimensions
scale of teacher self-efficacy which are instructional strategies, classroom management, and students'
engagement. Although there is some criticism about these three dimensions, however, these three
dimensions have been proven to be reliable through factor analysis and therefore these dimensions have
been accepted as reliable dimensions for teacher self-efficacy (Abun, Natividad, Nicolas, Magallanes
and Mansueto, 2021).
Teacher self-efficacy in student engagement. Teachers play an important role in engaging
students not just in the classroom but in their broader educational experience. Yet, teachers are a
heterogeneous group; they vary in their knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, and instructional practices that
influence student academic and behavioral outcomes (Thayer, 2020).
Self-efficacious teachers are regarded as having the capability to establish appropriate actions
and to demonstrate tolerance with students who are struggling. Teachers with high self-efficacy not
criticize more about the errors of their students’ but offer additional time to support struggling students,
and remain to display attention in all students’ education. Teachers with high self-efficacy are also
proactively thoughtful in terms of students’ needs in the educational setting. Highly efficacious teachers
engage students in learning and use numerous instructional means to control disagreeable classroom
conduct. Teachers with self-efficacy belief are well aware about the involvement of students’
classrooms actions and activities. Teachers with self-efficacy are able to create classroom climate so as
students are better engaged in academic task by having concentration, attention, effort and role in
classroom discussions. Teachers who supposed that they are capable of doing the mission were much
more likely to engage students’ cognitively than those who had lower self-efficacy beliefs. Moreover,
high self-efficacy beliefs were related to increasing the students of deeper processing strategies such as
elaboration and organizational strategies as well as meta-cognitive strategies over time (Raj Upadhyaya
, 2019).
Teacher self-efficacy in classroom management. Classroom management self-efficacy has
been defined as teachers' judgments of their capability to successfully perform classroom management
tasks in the face of difficulties, for example, by interacting with individuals and groups, setting
classroom guidelines, expectations and rules, and controlling disruptive behavior (Lazarides, Watt and
Richardson, 2020). Empirical studies show that teachers who are more efficacious are likely to perceive
the classroom as less threatening, implement better strategies, and thus have more positive classroom
experiences and fewer disturbances (Dicke, Parker, Marsh and Kunter 2014). Bandura suggested that
teachers who doubt themselves as managers are less likely to act when disruptive situations arise,
allowing self-doubt to overpower existing knowledge and skill (Bacon, 2020). The issues with teacher
self-efficacy and classroom management may occur very early in the career of pre-service teachers.
Pre-service teachers are exposed to very little training in classroom management practices. Therefore,
the confidence and efficacy levels necessary to adequately manage a classroom may never be
developed. Also, pre-service teachers are not exposed to opportunities to build mastery toward
classroom management. As a result, low teacher self-efficacy towards classroom management can
begin to develop at the outset of a teacher’s career (Brice-Laughter, 2017).
Little is known, however, about how teachers' self-efficacy for classroom management, and
those teaching behaviors involved in effective classroom management, interrelate across time. The few
existing longitudinal studies have tended to focus on teacher self-efficacy as a global measure and not
shown substantial effects of teacher self-efficacy on student-perceived teaching behaviors, but
significant and positive effects on teacher-reported learning support. Other empirical work that focused
on teachers’ self-efficacy for classroom management also showed substantial longitudinal relationships
to teacher-reported classroom management behavior (Lazarides, Watt and Richardson, 2020).
Teacher self-efficacy in inctructional strategies. Instructional strategies refer to the ways and
techniques teachers use to deliver their lesson (Baroudi and Shaya, 2022). Teachers with a high level of
instructional efficacy believe more whole-heartedly in children’s ability to be successful and devote
more time and effort to teaching. They teach a subject more clearly and with a more interesting
delivery, and produce better outcomes. Evidence indicates that teachers’ beliefs in their instructional
efficacy partly determine how they structure academic activities in their classrooms and shape students’
evaluation of their intellectual capabilities. Teachers with high self-efficacy believe that all students can
be taught, even those who are difficult and unmotivated. It just takes more effort from the teacher and
the right strategies to make it happen. Efficacious teachers devise and modify instructional strategies to
meet students’ needs and find ways to keep their students engaged and involved in the learning process
(Alvarez – Nunez, 2012).
Teacher self-efficacy varies with experience. Experienced teachers tend to have a higher
efficacy compared to the novice teachers. Skillful teacher are likely to have the support of colleagues
coupled with the necessary teaching resources. Expert teachers have high self-efficacy, never surrender
when challenged, are flexible at work and perform better at work. Novice teachers on the other hand
have lower self-efficacy for example in classroom management and student engagement. This is
because once new teachers enter the teaching profession, they are given a full load of responsibilities
similar to experienced teachers; they are expected to be fully operational on the first day of teaching yet
most of the time there is no proper guidance and support from experienced teachers. High chances are
that the new teacher will make mistakes which reduces self-efficacy (Muhangi, 2017). Self-efficacy
perception is not a feature that becomes stable once it is acquired. Teachers’ perception of self-efficacy
is relative and may change according to environmental conditions. Hoy and Woolfolk also support the
view that self-efficacy perception is relative and argue that it will be affected by the school climate.
Findings from previous studies also reveal that self-efficacy perception is not a fixed variable (Türker
and Kahraman, 2021).


It has been established that school climate affects teacher self-efficacy. Thus far, studies have
used quantitative methods to demonstrate evidence of this relationship.
One reason that school climate affects teacher self-efficacy is the fact that teachers rely on other
professionals in the building (such as administrators or other teachers) to learn more about the craft of
teaching (Veiskarami et al., 2017). Relationships between and among staff members are part of the
school climate Thus, how teachers relate to the other adults in the building can have an impact on what
and how they are learning which influences their efficacy beliefs (Prado, 2022).
Another study conducted in Australia with 781 Western Australian high-school teachers in 29
schools found that teacher selfefficacy and teacher job satisfaction were both related to school climate
dimensions and there was also a relationship between teacher self-efficacy and job satisfaction. One of
most interesting findings is that the extent to which school principals are approachable and supportive
contributes both directly and indirectly to teachers’ selfefficacy and job satisfaction. The present study
revealed that affiliation (the extent to which teachers can obtain assistance, advice and encouragement
and feel accepted by colleagues) significantly influenced teacher self-efficacy (both directly and
indirectly) and influenced job satisfaction indirectly. Our findings support the notion that creating a
supportive community in which teachers can work and share ideas and practices is beneficial for
teachers in terms of both teachers’ self-efficacy and job satisfaction (Aldtidge and Fraser, 2015).
Lacks (2016) conducted a quantitative study to explore the correlation between “school climate
and teacher self-efficacy at two middle schools in the US” and found that results did not show
indication of a significant correlation between the two factors; however, the results of the data analysis
concluded that a positive significant correlation existed “in the relationship between teacher self-
efficacy and community engagement” as one subcategory of school climate
On the other hand, Meristo and Eisenschmidt (2014) surveyed 112 beginning teachers in
Estonia to investigate their perception of school climate as well as their self-efficacy. They found that 
Novice teachers who work with kindergarten or elementary school students at schools with less than
250 students had the highest level of self-efficacy beliefs and the most positive perception of the school
climate, while novice teachers working at comprehensive schools with over 500 students or at
vocational schools had lower self-efficacy beliefs. The findings confirm that a supportive school
climate positively influences novice teachers’ beliefs regarding self-efficacy
Likewise, Hosford and O’Sullivan (2016) Fifty-seven probated primary mainstream teachers in
the Republic of Ireland responded to online questionnaires exploring perceptions of school climate,
teacher efficacy for inclusion and challenging behaviours. sought to investigate whether teachers’
perceptions of the school climate influenced their sense of teaching efficacy for inclusion. Results from
the study indicate a large positive relationship, suggesting that positive perceptions of school climate
are related to teachers’ confidence in their ability to teach in inclusive classrooms. Specifically,
teachers, who perceived a climate supportive through school resources and collaborative structures, felt
more efficacious in their ability to manage disruptive behaviour, implement inclusive instruction and
engage in collaboration. Furthermore, consistent with previous research findings, perceptions of
positive student relations, school resources and collaborative structures were associated with higher
efficacy ratings in managing disruptive behaviour.
 Wilson et al. (2020) in Scottish inclusive schools found that each teacher self-efficacy sub-type
(classroom management, instructional strategies and student engagement) was predicted by collective
efficacy. Both instructional strategies and classroom management efficacy were also predicted by
mastery experience. Further, instructional strategies efficacy was predicted by academic emphasis
while student engagement efficacy was negatively predicted by teacher affiliation. The relationship
between teachers’ overall school climate perceptions and reported inclusive behaviour was mediated by
instructional strategies efficacy. Teachers who believed they worked in a positive and supportive school
environment were more likely to perceive themselves and colleagues as capable of working with
children with intelectual disabilities. This may be a result of a positive school climate promoting a
feeling of unity among staff.
Most studies have examined the influence of school climate on the self-efficacy of teachers in
their home countries. Therefore, there is a gap in the literature in examining the relationship between
school climate and self-efficacy of culturally foreign teachers (Almessabi, 2021). McKinnon, Moussa-
Inaty, Barza (2014) study focuses on the self-efficacy of teachers working in a culturally foreign
environment. This study shows that self-efficacy of culturally foreign teachers is lower than
comparable international means for those teaching in familiar contexts, which may be explained partly
by a culturally, linguistically, academically, and socioeconomically diverse teaching environment. This
is true for teachers in both private and public schools which include large numbers of children of
expatriate workers (. Teachers not only need to meet and understand the diverse learning needs of this
population but also must navigate the diverse cultural attitudes and practices towards education. The
use of cultural induction programmes, including high quality mentorship, that focus on culturally
responsive teaching and differentiation may support teachers to improve their self-efficacy.


Self-efficacy and job satisfaction have been connected through a multitude of studies. Some
focus on specific aspects of the job while others draw connections between specific worker behaviors
and their occurrences based on job satisfaction. While the approaches are varied, they all arba beveik
visi agree that self-efficacy affects job satisfaction. Workers with a higher self-efficacy are less likely to
resign, work harder, are more persistent, and are more confident when dealing with challenges (Peng
and Mao, 2014).
Vienas naujesnių yra Sukor ir Hussin (2019) tyrimas kurio tikslas to investigate self-efficacy
and job satisfaction and the relationship between them for the Substance Abuse Prevention Programme
(PPDa) in Malaysia. Although the results depicted there was no significance in terms of self-efficacy by
gender or experience in managing a PPDa programme or difference in job satisfaction in relation to
experience but a difference was found in terms of gender. Self-efficacy was discovered as an essential
variable for improving job satisfaction among teachers
Türkoğlu, Cansoy and Parlar (2017) tirdami 489 elementary, middle and high school teachers in
the district of Beyoğlu, İstanbul pastebėjo, kad efficacy for student engagement, efficacy for
instructional strategies and efficacy for classroom management were positively related to job and its
quality, opportunities for development and promotion, working conditions, interpersonal relationships,
and organizational setting. However, there was no significant relationship between salary and teacher
Abun su bendraautoriais (2021) teigia, kad that self-efficacy is important to promote the job
satisfaction of teachers. This suggests that the higher the self-efficacy of teachers is in terms of their
ability to engage students in the classroom, instructional strategies, and classroom management, the
more they are satisfied with their work and their career. Their self-confidence helps them to perform
their task and achieve their goal.
According to Ortan, Simut and Simut (2021), the most important factor that contributes to high
levels of job satisfaction among teachers is self-efficacy in class management, subject preparations,
administrative work, and emotional management. Teacher self-efficacy is the most important element
for job satisfaction, because it refers to the personal abilities and competences that a teacher can apply
in the teaching profession, in any school or educational environment, and also in other fields of
expertise that may be relevant.
Karabiyik and Korumaz (2014) found a significant and positive relationship between the self-
efficacy and job satisfaction of teachers in Turkey, and they determined a negative correlation between
self-efficacy and job satisfaction in relation to personal characteristics such as age and gender.
Tyrime, kuriame dalyvavo 46 anglų kalbos mokytojai ir kurio metu buvo siekiama nustatyti the
relationship among Iranian EFL teachers’ job satisfaction, self-efficacy, and their spiritual well-being
pastebėta, kad  there is not any significant relationship between job satisfaction and teachers’ sense of
efficacy (Rastegar ir Moradi, 2016). The non-significant relationship between self-efficacy and job
satisfaction in the regression is again somewhat surprising. This is because previous research has
generally found self-efficacy to be an important contributor to teachers’ job satisfaction (Reilly,
Dhingra ir Boduszek,2014) Patys tyrimo autoriai tokius prieštaringus rezultatus linkę aiškinti The
reason for this controversy might be rooted in the social and political condition of the context of the
study; moreover, the small number of the participants may have also contributed to such dispute
(Rastegar ir Moradi, 2016).
Panašu, kad Rastedar ir Moradi (2016) tyrimo rezultatai nėa „išimtis iš taisyklės“, kadangi
analogiški rezultatai gauti ir kiek anksčiau atikto tyrimo Airijoje metu. Reilly, Dhingra ir Boduszek
(2014) atliko tyrimą, kurio tikslas s to examine the role of teaching self-efficacy, perceived stress, self-
esteem, and demographic characteristics (age, gender, education, and years of teaching experience) in
predicting job satisfaction within a sample of 121 Irish primary school teachers. Čia taip pat, no
significant relationship between self-efficacy and job satisfaction was found.
Panašius tyrimų rezultatus pateikia ir Shaukat, Vishnumolakala ir Bustami (2018). Pastarieji
mokslininkai nurodo, kad although most of the earlier research studies indicated a correlation among
self-efficacy beliefs and job satisfaction of special school teachers, jų tyrimo metu nenustatyta there
was no correlation between teachers’ sense of self-efficacy and their job satisfaction.
This suggests that teachers who are more satisfied with their work are not necessarily more
confident in their own ability to complete work-related tasks and goals. As efficacy beliefs make an
important contribution to job satisfaction and are believed to be relatively stable once formed, further
research is needed to examine the factors which contribute to efficacy judgements and how such
judgments are formed.

• Level of Self-Efficacy of Science Teachers Towards Engaging Students Indra Raj Upadhyaya
• Teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs, self-esteem, and job stress as determinants of job satisfaction
2014 Reilly, Dhingra ir Boduszek
• Self-Efficacy and Its Influence on Job Satisfaction Among Substance Abuse Prevention
Program Teachers Sukor and Husin, 2019
• On the Relationship between EFL Teachers’ Job Satisfaction, Self-Efficacy, and Their Spiritual
Sense of Well-Being 2016 Rastegar and Moradi
• The impact of teachers’ characteristics on their self-efficacy and job satisfaction: a perspective
from teachers engaging students with disabilities Sadia Shaukat, Venkat Rao Vishnumolakala
and Ghanem Al Bustami
• Examining the effect of teacher’s self-efficacy on job satisfaction Abun, Natividad, Nicolas,
Magallanes, Mansueto 2021
• Relationship Between Teachers’Self-Efficacy Perceptions and Job Satisfaction Level Karabiyik
and Korumaz, 2014
• Self-Efficacy, Job Satisfaction and Teacher Well-Being in the K-12 Educational System 2021.
Ortan, Simut and Simut
• The Impact of Person–Job Fit on Job Satisfaction: The Mediator Role of Self Efficacy Yuwen
Peng • Chao Mao 2014
• Examining Relationship between Teachers' Self-efficacy and Job Satisfaction. 2017.
Türkoğlu1,Cansoy, Parlar
• Veiskarami, H. A., Ghadampour, E., & Mottaghinia, M. R. (2017). Interactions among school
climate, collective self-efficacy, and personal self-efficiency: Evidence from education
• School Climate and T School Climate and Teacher Self- Efficacy: T eacher Self- Efficacy:
Teacher's Perspectiv erspectives (2022). J. Prado
• The relationships between school climate, teacher self-efficacy, and teacher beliefs K. Lacks
• Meristo M., Eisenschmidt E. (2014). Novice teachers’ perceptions of school climate and self-
efficacy. International Journal of Educational Research, 67, 1–10.
• Aldridge J. M., Fraser B. J. (2015). Teachers’ views of their school climate and its relationship
with teacher self-efficacy and job satisfaction. Learning Environments Research, 19(2), 291–
• Hosford S., O’Sullivan S. (2016). A climate for self-efficacy: The relationship between school
climate and teacher efficacy for inclusion. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 20(6),
• Wilson C., Woolfson M. L., Durkin K. (2020). School environment and mastery experience as
predictors of teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs towards inclusive teaching. International Journal of
Inclusive Education, 24, 218–234.
• Culturally Foreign Teachers’ Perceptions of School Climate and Its Relationship to Their Self-
Efficacy Ameera Almessabi 2021
• McKinnon M., Moussa-Inaty J., Barza L. (2014). Science teaching self-efficacy of culturally
foreign teachers: A baseline study in Abu Dhabi. International Journal of Educational
Research, 66, 78–89.
• Examining the effect of teacher’s self-efficacy on job satisfaction. (2021) Damianus A.,* E B.
Natividad, M. T. Nicolas, T. Magallanes and J. M. Mansueto.

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