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1. Smog : The oxdation of…

1.Poised -> Sitting; 2.Take place -> occur; 3.Forced -> pushed
4.Hue -> color; a role in -> serves a function in.
2. Esperanto is what…
1. One man’s ..; 2. To resolve..; 3. Hopeless; 4. Opening.
5.In 1907; 6. It never..; 7. Highs ; 8. The second..;
9. Applied..; 10. How current..
3. Many folk cures…
1. The validity..; 2. Medicenal; 3. Susperted..; 4. Cleanses.
5. Sugar kills..; 6. Catfish venom; 7. It produces..
8. Utilization ; 9. they fight.. ; 10. To advence..
4. After inventing dynamite…(ALFRED NOBEL( floresaw))
1. Predicted; 2. Recognize..; 3.In which are.-> Science;
4. Ceremonies..; 5. -> 6 ; 6. It is.-> Science ; 7. Valuable.
8. $9.000.000 ; 9. Alfred nobel made…10bequest
5. The healing power…
1. To outline..; 2. Revival; 3. The soldiers had..; 4. Blowfly...
5. Consume; 6. Thrive -> grow ; 7. Metamorphose -> Change
8. Maggots ; 9. Maggots come..; 10. Maggot therapy.
6. A number of factors
1. The connection..; 2. The tone..; 3. Interpertional…
4. Obtained ; 5. As example of basic..; 6. Personality.
7. Shyness ; 8. Severely ; 9. Indicated ; 10. Anger.
7. Basic to any understanding…
1. Population trends..; 2. Canadains ; 3. Accelerating.
4. The birth..; 5. Tendency ; 6. Maximum ; 7. People getting..
8. Families..; 9. Population wave ; 10. Preceding. 11. 1966
8. By far the most…cotton…
1. Cotton becam the most..; 2. Preferred ; 3. A shortage of..
4. Difficult ; 5. Long fibers ; 6. More cotton came from short..
7. Sharp increase ; 8. Demonstrate the importance…
9. Not seen befor ; 10. One of the boundaries…
9. The development of jazz ….
1. What are..; 2. Ragtime ; 3. Creating..; 4. Provide solo…
5. Rock/rhyth..; 6. “hot’’ or..; 7. Purposely ; 8. Plain.
9. “improvisation” ; 10. Dividing the dis…
10. There are many theories…
1. The origins..; 2. Human beings ; 3. The connection..
4. Magic ; 5. Substantial ; 6. Performance ; 7. Performers.
8. Ritual has..; 9. No one really...; 10. Paragragh 3.
11.Bird that feed in flock…
1.why some ..; 2. Retain ; 3. Digging..; 4. Intensified.
5. Nest together..; 6. Feed ; 7. The lesser kestrel feeds..
8. Negated ; 9. Several members..; 10. Groups are more..
12. Cities develop as a…
1.the importance..; 2. Resourcefulness ; 3. Site ;
4. Long-term..; 5. Flat terrain ; 6. Qualities ; 7. Define a..;
8. Age ; 9. Alternate ; 10. Account.
13. There are two basic..
1. The different..; 2. Huge ; 3. They cover..; 4. Spreading..;
5. Alberta ; 6. Unusual..; 7. Their flow ; 8. Slight ;
9. Ice caps ; 10. Ice sheets and mountain…;
14. Reality televison…
1. They want to..; 2. Have been..; 3. Have produced..;
4. The name is..; 5. It show..; 6. Is more likely..; 7. For special..;
8. To create..; 9. Thinh the tern..; 10. Are theatre
15. Milions of people…
1.they make them..; 2. The smallest..; 3. Method..; 4. Obviously..;
5. Widespread ; 6. Cause some ; 7. Had a problem ; 8.their invisible..;
9. Keep of mobile ; 10. Technological.
16. American jazz..
1.Jazz in general ; 2. Mixture ; 3. Playing a varied ; 4. The fist type ;
5. Scott jopliin’s ; 6. Money ; 7. Steady ; 8. 500 compostions ;
9. The name of a ; 10. The life of..;
17. Most people can…
1. They are filtered ; 2. Passes ; 3. Maintenance ; 4. To provide a ;
5. By organizing ; 6. Ineffective in the ; 7. Information ; 8. Complex ;
9. Multiple ; 10. Clues .
18. During the seventeenth..
1.the place of ; 2. Written at that ; 3. Even the ; 4. Full of praise ;
5. Authors ; 6. The sources of ; 7. Lettesr from a ; 8. They provided ;
9. Politicianas ; 10. Typical ;
19. Before the mid-nineteenth..
1. Intention that led ; 2. A particular ; 3. Avoid ; 4. Available in ;
5. Before 1980 ; 6. Perishables ; 7. Common place ; 8. Decreased in ;
9. Chemical additive ; 10. Tin cans and ;.
20. Long before they can..
1.How babies ; 2. To contract the ; 3. to ilustrate tha ; 4. Different ;
5. Observed ; 6. Mothers ; 7. Giving all words ; 8. Stress ;
9. Babies noitice ; 10. The enjoy ;
21. It is estimated that..
1. Species ; 2. Eventually ; 3. The are no longer ; 4. Introduction ;
5. Death ; 6. To demonstrate ; 7. Extinction ; 8. Scientific discover ;
9. It may depend ; 10. 225 milion year ;
22. The development of so-called…
1.How surgery ; 2. Endoscope ; 3. Ttraditional ; 4. The viewing ;
5. Wish that ; 6. To check the ; 7. Eight times ; 8. The are equipped ;
9. Allowing ; 10. The surgeon ;
23 . We are descendants…
1. Polar ice caps ; 2. The conditions ; 3. A more diverse ;
4. An increase ; 5. favorble ; 6. Huge ; 7. Did not take ;
8. Man’s upsetting ; 9. Uninhabitable ; 10. The possibility ;
24. Perhaps it was…
1. The father of ; 2. Because it served ; 3. Difficul times ;
4. The state board ; 5. Repuired ; 6. Horace mann’s influence on ;
7. A district school system ; 8. Were later adopted ; 9. Help others ;
25. Around the year 1500..
1. The circumpolar in vironment of ; 2. Region ; 3. Tundra ;
4. 8-9 months ; 5. Soaked ; 6. Difficul ; 7. Not flowing ;
8 . Lack of supplies ; 9. Cement ; 10. Lines 27-29 ;
26. Social parasitism..
1. Ants belong following to the ; 2. Rear ; 3. Are social parasites ;
4. Egg ; 5. The Polyergus are heavily ; 6. Raid another nest ;
7. Dig ; 8. Enlist ; 9. The Polyergus anf and the ;
10. Dulotic species of.
27.The winterthur Nuseum…
1. Elements that make ; 2. Specialheizing in ; 3. The impression ;
4. Winterthur does not ; 5. Brought ; 6. Winterthur ; 7. Evolving ;
8. Past onwership ; 9. The second paragagh explain; 10. Lines 13-16 ;
28. The mordern comic…
1. Features of early comic ; 2. They oned major ;
3. They provided a break ; 4. Hearst convinced ; 5. They “yellow kid’’
6. Appear in a Chicago ; 7. Combine ; 8. Model ; 9. Regular feature ;
10. In the order in which.
29. Because the low latitudes…
1.Is transformed and transforted ; 2. The amount of heat ;
3. Change ; 4. To give an example ; 5. In the tropics ;
6. Gets stored as ; 7. Lattent heat ; 8. Chiefly ; 9. Dominant ;
10. Atmosphere (line 10th) .
30. Tools and hand…
1.Australopithecus robustus’ ancestors ; 2. Numerous ;
3. Hand bones ; 4. Features of Australopithecus bobustus’ hand ;
5. Build ; 6. Displace ;7. Homo habilis ; 8. Why they became extinct ;
9. Dependence on.
31. A distinctively American …
1. Taken seriously ; 2. Their designs were based on how they would be used ; 3.
Influenced the architecture of ; 4. Southern plantations ; 5. A building should fit.
32. The must be be over 50.000..
1. Spreading into the ocean ; 2. Alberta ; 3. Unusual ; 4. Their flow ;5. Glacier.
33. Bye far the most....
1. cotton became the; 2. Preferred; 3. A shortage of...; 4. Difficult; 5.Long fibers;
6.more cotton came from short-staple; 7. Sharp; 8.demonstrate THE...;9. Not
seen...; of...
34. It is commonly....; 2.all; 3.limits; 4.unplanned; essential; 6. Slices of... ; 7. The
boundaries...; 8.going to; 9.contrasting..; is MORE...
35. As Christmas evolved in the Unites States…
1. Dutch settlers; 2. Religious figure; 3. Natural qualities; 4. Europe; 5. A jolly
man on horseback; 6. Santa Claus was a prominent figure at that time.; 7. An elf
accompanying Saint Nicholas; 8. the image of Santa Claus was transformed; 9.
Santa Claus was a kindly saint who flew over housetops in a sleigh.; 10.. Santa
Claus was an imaginary old man created by artists based on traditional figures.
36.Life originated in the early seas less than a billion years…
1.radical; 2. Vascular plants; 3. Removed; 4. Cases ; 5. Specimens; 6. New life –
forms on land developed at a rapid rate; 7. They are older than the mega-fossils;
8. Trapped; 9. The time estimate for the first appearance of terrestrial life-forms
was revised; 10. The evolution of terrestrial life was as complicated as the origin
of life itself.
37.The changing profile of a city… (thêm đáp án differentiated; it can clude a
city….;line 27-29)
1. 1870; 2. 8,000; 3. Persons; 4. Making up; 5. City; 6. The changing definition of
an urban area; 7. City borders had become less distinct; 8. It consists of at least
two cities.; 9. 1/3; 10. 1950
38.Thunderstorms, with their jagged…
1. Methods; 2. Harmless; 3. As a cluster; 4. An advancing cold front; 5.
Meteorology; 6. The development of thunderstorms and squall lines; 7. The greater
temperature differential…; 8. A string of thunderheads; 9. Are of short duration;
10. The development of tornadoes within super cells
39. Television show sounds and pictures
He is describing the history of the TV ---Many shows were only shows in color---
Many Americans were introduced to TV ----3840--When did networks: 1965----
1953--- Which of these events: world war II---They were running tests----It did not
have should --- The 1939 world’s fair
40. Most people can remember…
They are filtered from the sensory storage--- To provide a type of interruption--- Ineffective
in the long run--- Maintenance area ---Multiple choice exams are the most difficult
---- Passes--- By organizing it—Information--- Complex--- Clues

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