The Influence of Different Wake Profiles On Losses

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International Journal of

Propulsion and Power

The Influence of Different Wake Profiles on Losses in
a Low Pressure Turbine Cascade †
Florian Hammer 1, *, Neil D. Sandham 1 ID
and Richard D. Sandberg 2
1 Engineering and the Environment, University of Southampton, Southampton SO17 1BJ, UK;
2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Melbourne, Melbourne 3010, Australia;
* Correspondence:
† This paper is an extended version of our paper published in Proceedings of the European Turbomachinery
Conference ETC12 2017, Paper No. 213.

Received: 14 December 2017; Accepted: 11 April 2018; Published: 17 April 2018 

Abstract: Large eddy simulations were carried out in order to investigate the influence of unsteady
incoming wakes with different profiles on the loss mechanisms of the high lift T106Alinear
low-pressure turbine (LPT) cascade. Bars placed upstream of the LPT blade were set into rotation
around their axis, thus generating circulation, as well as asymmetrical wake profiles. Three different
rotation rates were simulated, yielding different wake parameters that were then compared to an
actual turbine blade wake profile. Whereas the commonly-used non-rotating bars generated wakes
with turbulent kinetic energy levels several times higher than that of an actual blade wake, the case
with counter-clockwise rotation led to more rapid wake mixing. All three wakes were able to trigger
boundary layer transition and thus intermittently prevent separation on the suction surface. However,
the weaker the wakes, the larger and longer lasting the separation bubbles became, and an increase
in profile losses could be observed. Interestingly, the configuration with the weakest wake and the
largest separation bubble resulted in a reduction of the overall LPT loss.

Keywords: low-pressure turbine; wake boundary layer interaction; transition; incoming wakes;
unsteady effects

1. Introduction
The low-pressure turbine (LPT) in a jet engine makes up 20–30% of its total weight, and its
dimension is restricted by the diameter of the jet engine casing. Furthermore, the rotational speed
of the LPT and hence the prevalent flow velocities are determined by the operational range of the
fan, which is driven by the turbine. Typical chord-based Reynolds numbers range from 0.5 × 105 to
5.0 × 105 [1].
In order to lower the operational cost of a jet engine, the weight of a turbine can be reduced
by decreasing the blade count. As a consequence, each blade has to generate more lift and thus
experiences a higher loading [1]. In the Reynolds number range in which an LPT operates, boundary
layer transition and separation play an important role and have to be taken into account in the design
process. Owing to the higher loadings, the boundary layer on the suction side of the blade is exposed
to large adverse pressure gradients leading to unsteady transitional boundary layers [2]. Hodson and
Howell [1] state that as the flow on the pressure side still accelerates in the direction of the trailing
edge, the boundary layer remains laminar in most cases. A laminar separation bubble develops on
the suction surface on the rear part of the blade due to the adverse pressure gradient. The separation
bubble is highly sensitive to unsteady incoming wakes and disturbed flow in the LP turbine [1].

Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2018, 3, 10; doi:10.3390/ijtpp3020010

Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2018, 3, 10 2 of 17

Thus, the boundary layer on the suction surface of the blade is the main focus when considering
two-dimensional profile losses.
In order to simplify both experiments and simulations, a setup with moving bars upstream of
the rotor is commonly used to generate velocity wakes [3–6], which are also referred to as ‘negative
jets’ as they pass over the blades [7]. In an extensive study, Halstead et al. [8] exposed three forms
of boundary layer transition on blades in a turbine cascade caused by incoming wakes. Schulte and
Hodson [9] found in their experimental investigations that wakes impinging on the blade increase
the wall shear stress and thus create more losses. They also ascertained that the incoming wakes can
prevent laminar separation and the development of a separation bubble due to the induction of early
transition. This means that, since the size of the separation bubble is related to the loss of efficiency [10],
wakes can reduce the overall loss compared to cases without wakes. The effect is stronger for highly
loaded blades, where a large separation bubble is present in steady cases without incoming wakes.
Michelassi et al. [11] demonstrated the importance of the reduced frequencies and flow coefficients
in their large eddy simulations (LES) of a linear low-pressure turbine cascade. The degree of wake
mixing before the leading edge determined how distinct the wakes are that enter the blade passage.
More distinct wakes caused a more unsteady boundary layer, whereas mixed out wakes resulted
in a more free-stream turbulence-like behaviour. Halstead et al. [12] found that wakes with higher
turbulent kinetic energy move the transition point upstream. Between wake passings, the calming
effect (where a non-turbulent boundary layer appears after the occurrence of turbulent spots induced
by the wakes) was also stronger resulting in transition locations further downstream compared to
the weaker wake case. Recently, LES simulations on a linear turbine stage with two different gap
sizes were conducted by Pichler et al. [13]. In the smaller gap configuration, having stronger wakes
passing through the rotor stage, a separation bubble could be prevented, which led to a slightly lower
profile loss.
Understanding these complex mechanisms is vital in order to further increase the efficiency and
to reduce the operational costs, by allowing even higher blade loadings, of a jet engine. Thus, wakes
have become an important part of the design process of low pressure turbine blades and are used as
a means of flow control [9]. The aim of this work is to investigate the effect of wakes that are more
similar to actual blade wakes in terms of intensity and width than wakes generated by upstream bars
that are moving in the pitch-wise direction only. In order to do so, the well-known Magnus effect is
exploited by setting the bars into rotation around their axis [14]. The influence on the loss mechanisms
of the cascade is then investigated.

2. Methods
Simulations of the linear low-pressure turbine have been conducted using the in-house solver
HiPSTAR. The compressible Navier–Stokes equations for an ideal gas are solved on multi-block
structured curvilinear grids. Prior to the simulations, a transformation of the Navier–Stokes equations
from a (z, r ) coordinate system to a generalised (ζ, η ) coordinate system is performed. However,
only the streamwise (axial) and pitch-wise coordinates are mapped, which allows for an independent
spanwise grid and thus reduces the memory consumption [2].
The streamwise and lateral directions are discretised by a fourth-order accurate compact finite
difference scheme [15]. By applying a skew-symmetric splitting approach to the non-linear terms of
the governing equations, the numerical stability is increased [16]. The discretisation of the spanwise
direction, which is assumed to be uniformly spaced and periodic, is done by a Fourier transformation
using the FFTW library [17]. Time advancement is performed by a five-step fourth-order Runge–Kutta
scheme introduced by Kennedy et al. [18].
Prior to this work, the code had been validated by comparing the direct numerical
simulations (DNS) results [2] of the high lift T106A linear low-pressure turbine cascade with
measurements of Stadtmüller [19]. Furthermore, LES simulations, conducted in an extensive study
by Michelassi et al. [11], of the same setup were validated against the DNS results. The wall-adapting
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2018, 3, 10 3 of 17

local eddy-viscosity (WALE) sub-grid model of Nicoud and Ducros [20] was used, which was also
employed within this study.
Soft inflow and non-reflecting outflow boundary conditions based on Kim and Lee [21] were
chosen. The block interfaces of the multi-block setup were connected by the characteristic interface
conditions of Kim and Lee [22]. In order to establish a relative motion between the wake-generating
bars upstream and the turbine blade, sliding interface conditions, proposed by Johnstone et al. [23],
between the first four blocks were applied (see Figure 1). An immersed boundary approach, namely
the boundary data immersion method (BDIM) [24], was used for the representation of the bars.
This provided the flexibility to alter the bar position and geometry, as well as the use of a simple
Cartesian grid. The BDIM had been validated for aero-vibro-acoustic DNS simulations [25] prior to
this study.

Sliding interface
plane 2
Inlet boundary

Moving x = 1.26c
bars 0.0
x = -0.7c y/Pblade

Outlet boundary


Measurement -0.75
plane 1
x = -0.3c

Figure 1. Setup of the linear low-pressure turbine with two wake-generating bars upstream.

2.1. Grid
The grid was generated with a multi-block Poisson grid generator for cascade simulations [26]
and is similar to the one that was already used in the previously conducted LES study of
Michelassi et al. [11]. The setup and domain decomposition of the linear low-pressure turbine with
two wake-generating bars is shown in Figure 1. Periodic boundary conditions for the pitch-wise and
spanwise directions were applied. The two bars are located 0.7 true chord-lengths, c, upstream of the
blade’s leading edge (x LE = 0.0) with a bar pitch of Pbar = Pblade /2 = 0.4995. Based on the size of the
round trailing edge of the turbine blade, the bar diameters were set to D = 0.02c. In order to achieve a
relative motion between the bars and the blade, the two upstream blocks are connected to the cascade
grid via the aforementioned sliding interface.
The whole 3D grid for the large eddy simulations amounts to 12 million grid points, with 32
Fourier modes, or 66 collocation points, for the spanwise discretisation and 181,632 grid points in the
2D plane. With a distance of ∆y/c ≈ 3.5 × 10−4 for the first grid point from the blade surface, a value
of ∆y+min ≈ 2 is achieved. However, in the aft region of the blade where flow transition and separation
occurs, ∆y+min drops well below 1, ensuring DNS-like resolution.

2.2. Simulations
The chosen flow parameters including the inlet velocities, Mach and Reynolds numbers for all
simulations are shown in Table 1. The resulting isentropic Reynolds and Mach numbers, which are
defined based on the exit velocity Vis,2 at x2 = 1.26c (denoted ‘Measurement Plane 2’ in Figure 1) and
the true chord length c, are around Reis,2 = 100,000 and Mis,2 = 0.4, respectively. In order to fully
describe the compressible Navier–Stokes equations with the ideal gas assumption, the Prandtl number
Pr and the Sutherland constant S are also given in the table.
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Table 1. Inlet parameters for the cascade simulations.

Re M Vax Ubar Pr S/Tre f

62,707 0.24357 0.697 0.41 0.72 0.3686
Reynolds number, Re; Mach number, M; axial velocity, Vax ; bar velocity, Ubar ; Prandtl number, Pr; Sutherland
constant, S.

There are two important parameters that determine the state of the incoming wakes. First is the
flow coefficient:
Φ= = 1.7, (1)
with the axial flow velocity Vax and the bar sliding velocity Ubar = 0.41. Second is the reduced
U c
Fred = bar = 0.6. (2)
Pbar V2,is
These parameters were chosen because the study of Michelassi et al. [11] found that for
configurations with a bar count of two or less, distinct wakes enter the cascade passage without
mixing out beforehand. Additionally, with the two bar setup less, simulation time is required for
gathering time and phase-lock averaged statistical data owing to the higher wake passing frequency.
Given these parameters, an equivalent background turbulence, due to the wake mixing within the
blade passage, of Tu ≈ 5% was obtained.
In order to establish wakes with different intensities and thus representing different gap sizes,
the bars rotate around their axis with three different rotation rates:
α= = 0.0, 1.0 and − 1.0. (3)

The rotation rate is defined by the angular velocity ω, the bar diameter D and the free stream
velocity U∞ . In the following, the cases are denoted by R0 , R1 and R−1 . R0 denotes the non-rotating
bar setup, which is commonly used in the experimental and numerical works throughout the literature.
The bars in the cases R1 and R−1 rotate in the counter-clockwise and clockwise direction with a
tangential velocity of ut = U∞ , respectively. Counter-clockwise rotating bars correspond more closely
to the LPT configuration, creating a lift force, owing to the Magnus effect, that points in the opposing
direction relative to the blade. The clockwise rotation setup was chosen in order to provide a range of
wake properties. Additionally, a setup without upstream bars was simulated.

3. Results
Both time and phase-locked averaged statistics were gathered in order to investigate the flow
field. All simulations were restarted based on an initial simulation and then run for more than 15
non-dimensional time units in order to go past the transient. One non-dimensional time unit, t,
corresponds to the time it takes for the flow with unit velocity to convect over one chord length, c.
After that, data over another 16 non-dimensional time units were collected for the averaged statistics.
The periodicity in the spanwise direction allowed for a spatial averaging in this direction while the
simulation was running, reducing the costs for I/O. Lastly, the already spatially averaged data were
then averaged over time.
For the phase-locked averaging, each bar passing period, defined by:

T= , (4)
nbar Ubar

with the bar count nbar , was divided into 24 phases, and each phase was then averaged over 16 bar
passing periods T.
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2018, 3, 10 5 of 17

In the following, the results are divided into two parts. Firstly, the different bar wake profiles are
investigated and compared to an actual blade wake. Secondly, the implications of the different wakes
on the blade profile and the turbine losses are presented.

3.1. Wake Results

The differences between the bar wakes and the actual blade wake are first shown by means of
time-averaged statistics. In order to do so, wake profile data perpendicular to the wake centre lines at
three different positions 5.5D, 11D and 16.5D, based on the bar diameter D, downstream of the bars
and blade were extracted. The centre lines were determined by the peak velocity deficit locations in
the wakes.
The turbulent kinetic energy, TKE (top) and the velocity deficit, Ude f (bottom) profiles for the
three different positions are shown in Figure 2. These quantities were normalised by u2re f and ure f ,
respectively, with the local velocity, ure f obtained outside of the wakes. A fairly rapid mixing of all
the wakes, indicated by the decreasing TKE and widening of the profiles while moving downstream,
is evident. The clockwise rotating bars generate wakes with the highest levels of turbulent kinetic
energy, followed by the stationary bar case. Slightly skewed and much weaker wake profiles are
achieved by the counter-clockwise rotating bars, which are more similar in shape to an actual blade
wake. However, the turbulent kinetic energy is a factor of three higher. The fact that the bars generate
much higher levels of turbulent kinetic energy is in agreement with the experimental findings of
Halstead et al. [8] (p. 442).

Figure 2. Comparison of the normalised turbulent kinetic energy (top) and the velocity deficit
(bottom) of the bar and blade wakes for different downstream positions. x a and xn denote the axes
parallel and perpendicular to the wakes, respectively. The non-rotating bar case is denoted by R0 ,
the counter-clockwise rotating bar case by R1 , the clockwise rotating bar case by R−1 and the wake off
a low pressure turbine (LPT) blade by Blade.
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The velocity deficits of the bar wake profiles, aligned at point xn = −0.1, for the cases R0 and
R−1 are quite similar for all three downstream positions. In the R1 case, the amplitude of the velocity
deficit is markedly lower and decays in a similar manner to the blade wake. Interestingly, the profiles
of the bar wakes compare better to the blade wake profiles, as opposed to the TKE profiles.
Owing to the different rotation rates of the upstream bars, the flow turning is changed, altering the
angle of attack α1 , obtained at Measurement Position 1. However, it is important to maintain the angle
of attack, α1 for the blade constant for all the cases in order to be able to attribute the effects on the
turbine caused by the different wakes only. By changing the pitch-wise flow velocity, Vpitch , at the inlet
plane and keeping the streamwise component, Vax , unaltered, which would influence the mass flow
rate and the flow coefficient (Equation (1)) otherwise, the flow turning can be compensated. Table 2
shows the flow correction angle αinlet that was needed in order to compensate the flow turning and
establish a constant angle of attack α1 . This also ensured that the same turbine conditions, determined
by the isentropic Reynolds, Reis,2 and Mach numbers, Mis,2 , could be achieved. Hence, the differences
shown in the Results Section can be solely attributed to the different bar wake properties. As can be
seen, the correction only has a small effect on the bar Reynolds number, Rebar .

Table 2. Resulting low-pressure turbine flow conditions.

Reis,2 Mis,2 Rebar α1 ( ◦ ) αinlet (◦ ) CD,ζ CL,η ωM

Rre f ≈98,000 0.4074 - 43.04 40.00 - - 0.0001
R0 ≈98,000 0.4059 1663 42.91 46.05 1.5503 −0.0914 0.1317
R1 ≈98,000 0.4074 1714 42.64 37.45 0.9307 −2.8347 0.0748
R −1 ≈98,000 0.4053 1545 42.76 50.15 1.6730 1.6400 0.1434
Isentropic Reynolds number, Reis,2 ; isentropic Mach number, Mis,2 ; bar Reynolds number, Rebar ; angle of attack, α1 ;
flow correction angle, αinlet , at the domain inlet; drag, CD,ζ , and lift, CL,η , coefficients; mixed out loss, ω M .

Furthermore, the drag, CD,ζ , and lift, CL,η , coefficients parallel and perpendicular to the flow
direction, respectively, are given. Owing to the Magnus effect, different values were obtained, which
allows one to check whether the drag coefficient is a reliable parameter as a design criterion for bars,
as stated by Pfeil and Eifler [27]. The mixed out losses, ω M (see Equation (6) for definition), behind the
bars (x = −0.5c) show a strong correlation with the drag coefficients.
Phase-locked averaged results enable the tracking of the wakes passing through the cascade at
different time instants. As already mentioned, one bar passing period was divided into 24 phases,
which were averaged over a total of 16 periods.
The phase-lock averaged turbulent kinetic energy, TKE, for the three different bar wakes at
two different phases is shown in Figure 3. As can be seen, the wakes of the cases R0 (a,d) and R−1
(c,f) passing through the turbine passage are much more pronounced than the wake of case R1 (b,e).
The typical wake distortion, as described by Smith [28], and an increase in turbulent kinetic energy in
the passing wake close to the suction surface, as observed by other authors [29,30], were apparent for
all cases. Furthermore, the levels of TKE of the blade wakes are substantially higher compared to the
bar wakes, but finally merge with them further downstream.
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2018, 3, 10 7 of 17

0.005 0.012 0.024 0.05

(a) Phase = 8 of 24; t/T = 0.333 (b) Phase = 8 of 24; t/T = 0.333 (c) Phase = 8 of 24; t/T = 0.333

(d) Phase = 20 of 24; t/T = 0.833 (e) Phase = 20 of 24; t/T = 0.833 (f) Phase = 20 of 24; t/T = 0.833

Figure 3. Phase-lock averaged turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) at different phases for the non-rotating
bar case R0 (a,d), the counter-clockwise rotating bar case R1 (b,e) and the clockwise rotating bar case
R−1 (c,f).

3.2. Implications for the Turbine Cascade

The state of the blade wakes is dependent on the state of the boundary layers, which in turn are
influenced by the bar wakes passing through the blade passage. A mutual dependence between the
bar wakes and the blade wakes is the result, which will be investigated more deeply in the following
sections. In order to do so, firstly, the influence of the bar wakes on the blade itself is presented.
After that, the combined effects of the merged blade and bar wakes in terms of loss quantification are
Time-averaged plots of the pressure coefficient CP over the whole blade surface and the wall
shear stress τw on the suction surface are shown in Figure 4a,c. For all cases, there are virtually no
differences in CP for most of the blade surface. The portion most affected by the bar wakes is restricted
to the aft region of the suction surface of the blade. The strongest wakes, case R−1 , slightly increase
the pressure on both the suction and the pressure surface compared to the other cases. A separation
bubble for the R1 case, which starts at around x/c ax ≈ 0.89 and reattaches near x/c ax ≈ 0.95, can be
observed (Figure 4b,d). The reference case Rre f shows a marked difference from x/c ax ≈ 0.58 up to the
trailing edge, indicating an even larger separation bubble.
The wall shear stress, τw , on the suction surface is identical for cases R0 and R1 up to x/c ax ≈ 0.73.
After that point, τw drops for R1 and goes below zero, but then rapidly recovers. The wall shear stress
for the R−1 case drops at around x/c ax ≈ 0.4 and then increases at x/c ax ≈ 0.67, yielding the highest
values. These differences correlate with the strength of the bar wakes, where the strongest wakes R−1
produce the highest τw due to the mixing with the turbulent boundary layer in the aft portion, whereas
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2018, 3, 10 8 of 17

the weakest wakes R1 are not able to prevent the separation bubble. Furthermore, the wall shear
stress level for the reference case Rre f is marginally lower from the leading edge up to x/c ax ≈ 0.65.
Towards the trailing edge, τw is significantly lower compared to the cases with bars, leading to a large
separation bubble. This large separation bubble decreases the peak velocity on the blade and hence
results in the mentioned reduction of τw before x/c ax ≈ 0.65. The latter bubble, indicated by a sharp
dip in wall shear stress, closes again at the trailing edge. The kink in the CP and tauw slopes is caused
by an additional small separation region behind the trailing edge.

(a) (b)
0.8 0.1

0.6 0.0

−0.2 −0.3
−0.4 −0.4
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.6 0.8 1

(c) (d)
0.05 Rre f
R1 0.0100
R −1
0.03 0.0075

0.01 0.0000

0 −0.0025
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
x/c ax x/c ax

Figure 4. Comparison of the time-averaged pressure coefficient CP (a,b) and the wall shear stress τw
(c,d) for the four cases. With the non-rotating bar case R0 , the counter-clockwise rotating bar case R1 ,
the clockwise rotating bar case R−1 and the reference case Rre f without bars.

Figure 5 shows the velocity contours, the edge of the boundary layer (black dashed) and the
displacement thickness, δ∗ (white dashed), on the suction surface of the turbine blade. For that,
the tangential flow velocity Ut was extracted as a function of the wall normal direction. Due to the
pronounced wake regions in the boundary layer profiles, the first derivative of the tangential velocity
in the wall normal direction, ∂Ut /∂n, was used to determine the boundary layer edge. The position
where the derivative is minimal min(∂Ut /∂n) or crosses a given value ∂Ut /∂n ≤ e denotes the edge
of the boundary layer.
The most striking feature that can be observed is the length of the separation bubble for the
reference case and its wall-normal extension into the blade passage. The boundary layer remains
laminar until the top of the bubble, then transitions and closes the separation shortly before the trailing
edge. The cases R0 and R−1 show very similar contours. A small separation bubble for case R1 can be
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2018, 3, 10 9 of 17

observed, as well. The most apparent differences can be observed in the thickening of the displacement
thickness for cases Rre f and R1 due to the separation bubbles.
Phase-locked averaged data are used in order to further investigate the effects on the cascade
blade. A space-time diagram of the wall shear stress on the suction surface along the blade surface s,
normalised by the total suction surface length S, for three bar passing periods t/T is shown in Figure 6.
Additionally, the time-averaged free stream velocities are plotted on top of the contours, where the
peak velocity is aligned with the peak τw spot at around s/S ≈ 0.4. The white spots denote wall shear
stress levels below zero, i.e., flow separation. Qualitatively, the cases with bars are fairly similar for the
majority of the blade, as already observed for the time-averaged results. The wall shear stress levels on
the mid-chord, where the wakes hit the blade surface, seem to be slightly lower for case R1 . This is
consistent with the experimental results of Halstead et al. [8], who found increasing levels of wall
shear stress for stronger wakes impinging on the blade. However, as already observed in Figure 4,
the wakes in case R−1 cause slightly lower stress levels compared to case R0 in the mid-chord region.


Rre f R0

R1 R −1

Figure 5. Velocity contours, edge of the boundary layer (black dashed line) and displacement thickness,
δ∗ , (white dashed line) along the suction surface for the non-rotating bar case R0 , the counter-clockwise
rotating bar case R1 , the clockwise rotating bar case R−1 and the reference case Rre f without bars.

Looking at the aft section of the blade, a large separation bubble for most of the time period can be
observed for R1 . The size, the start and end point, as well as the duration of the bubbles markedly vary
over the bar passing periods. At some time instants, two distinct separation bubbles occur. In the case
of R0 , the size and the duration of the bubbles are substantially reduced. For case R−1 , the separation
bubbles are almost completely suppressed. Owing to the absence of incoming wakes, the reference
case Rre f does not show much variation over time, although there is clearly unsteadiness. Looking at a
highly resolved time signal close to the bubble, the frequency and period of this unsteadiness could
be calculated, yielding f = 6.9531/T and 0.144T, respectively. The values correspond to the vortex
shedding frequency at the trailing edge and do not necessarily correlate with the frequencies of the
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2018, 3, 10 10 of 17

instabilities that eventually lead to transition, as was also found by Wheeler et al. [31], although for a
high-pressure turbine blade.

Rre f R1

R0 R −1

Figure 6. Space-time diagram of the suction side wall shear stress τw along the streamwise direction
for three bar passing periods, for cases Rre f (no bars), R1 (counter-clockwise), R0 (non-rotating) and
R−1 (clockwise).

The reason for the larger separation bubble for case R1 can be explained by looking at the incoming
wakes passing through the blade passage; see Figure 3. Due to the sensitivity of the separated flow to
inflow disturbances, like incoming wakes, the weaker wakes of the R1 case seem to be less effective at
reducing the size of the bubble, whereas the wakes for case R−1 , which have the highest TKE levels,
are most effective. As can be seen, this results in larger calmed regions, yielding a reduced separation
bubble. This is also consistent with the experimental results of Halstead et al. [8] and the simulation
results of Sarkar [32].
As the size of the separation bubble is related to the loss generation [10], the largest loss values are
to be expected from the reference case Rre f , whereas the resulting loss values for the bar cases depend
on both the incoming wakes and the size of the separation bubble. Furthermore, time varying losses
for all cases should be linked to unsteadiness, which was even observed for the case without bars.
The losses in a low-pressure turbine cascade can be quantified by the total pressure loss
Ω = ( pt,1 − p(y)t,2 )/( pt,1 − p2 ), where pt,1 is the mass averaged total pressure calculated at
‘Measurement Plane 1’, p2 is the mass averaged static pressure at ‘Measurement Plane 2’ and p(y)t,2 is
the total pressure profile at ‘Measurement Plane 2’. Loss profiles for all cases are shown in Figure 7.
The profile peaks, denoting the total pressure loss due to the blade wake, of R0 and R−1 are very similar.
The slightly lower peak loss value might be explained by the smaller separation bubble, only observed
in the phase-lock averaging, for case R−1 . For the bar case with the largest separation bubble, R0 , the
peak loss value is the lowest, and the blade wake is slightly shifted, as well. The lowest peak loss,
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however, can be observed for the reference case without incoming bars. A significant deflection and
widening of the blade wake is the result of the large separation bubble.

0.14 Rre f
0.12 R1
0.1 R −1



−1 −0.8 −0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0


Figure 7. Time-averaged total pressure loss profile Ω extracted at ‘Measurement Plane 2’ (1.26c) for
cases Rre f (no bars), R1 (counter-clockwise), R0 (non-rotating) and R−1 (clockwise).

The losses in the region of the profile away from the peak values can be attributed to the passing
wakes or rather to the losses generated in the turbine passage. At around y/Pblade = −0.4, the losses
are most elevated for case R−1 with the clockwise rotating bars, which produced the most pronounced
wakes and hence had the strongest wake distortion. For case R1 , with the weakest incoming bar
wakes, the smallest amount of pressure loss in the blade passage can be seen. The negative loss
between −0.3 < y/Pblade < −0.1 is due to varying inlet values in the pitch-wise direction caused by
the bars [33].
Denton [34] identified three sources accounting for the overall profile loss, which will be referred
to as Denton loss ζ (D) in the following;

∗ +t )
C pb (δTE
 ∗ +t 2
ζ= + + . (5)
Pblade cos α2 Pblade cos α2 Pblade cos α2

The first term of the right-hand side is the base pressure loss (A) consisting of the base pressure
coefficient C pb and the displacement thickness, δTE∗ , at the trailing edge with thickness t . The losses
due to the momentum and the displacement thickness at the trailing edge are given by the second (B)
and the third (C) term, respectively. Another value to quantify losses in turbines is the mixed-out loss
(E) [35], defined by:
pt,1,M − pt,2,M
ωM = ; (6)
pt,1,M − p2,M
see Figure 1 identifying Measurement Planes 1 and 2. Rather than mass averaging, the flow variables
are irreversibly mixed out to a state of complete equilibrium. The Indices 1 and 2 denote Measurement
Planes 1 and 2 in Figure 1, respectively. The Denton losses (A − D) and their respective terms, the
overall mixed-out losses (E) and the wake distortion losses (F), where only the part of the profile
outside the blade boundary layer is taken into account, are shown in Figure 8. For the latter, only
values less than roughly 10% of the peak total pressure loss of the respective profile were considered.
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2018, 3, 10 12 of 17







Rre f R1 R0 R −1

Figure 8. Denton losses (A–D), overall mixed-out losses (E) and wake distortion losses (F).

There are no apparent differences in the base pressure losses, A, for the three bar cases. The same
observation can be made for the losses due to the momentum thickness, B. Owing to the larger
separation bubble and hence a larger displacement thickness for case R1 , the displacement loss, C,
due to blockage effects, is increased, leading to a higher overall Denton loss, D, compared to the
other cases. For the reference case, a negative base pressure was obtained due to a small second
separation region behind the trailing edge. Furthermore, the momentum loss is lower compared to
the bar cases. The very large separation bubble causes a marked increase for the displacement loss;
however, a significantly lower overall Denton loss is achieved.
The highest mixed out loss, E, is produced in the reference case Rre f , as was already expected due
to the large separation bubble. The bar case R1 , which led to the largest bubble, generated the lowest
loss, whereas for case R−1 with the almost non-existent separation bubble, the highest loss out of the
three bar cases is obtained. Another reason for this can be found by looking at the wake distortion
losses F. As can be seen, the wakes with the lowest TKE levels, as well as the lowest drag coefficient
and mixed out loss (Table 2, in case R1 ) also produce the least loss as opposed to the case with the most
pronounced wakes, R−1 . The TKE production term, defined by:

00 00 ∂ ũi
− ug
i u j ∂x , (7)

explains this behaviour, as already pointed out by Stieger and Hodson [30]. The higher the turbulent
stresses ug00 00
i u j , as is the case for R−1 , the higher the production of turbulent kinetic energy and hence
an increase in wake distortion losses. A comparison between the Denton losses, D, and the mixed out
losses, E, in combination with the wake distortion losses, F, reveals the importance of wake mixing
effects. The Denton loss decreases for decreasing sizes of the separation bubble, but due to the stronger
wakes, which in turn are responsible for the shrinkage of the separated region, the overall losses
increase. Here, the reference case represents a special case, where due to the strong widening of the
blade wake, the highest overall mixed out loss is achieved, but the lowest profile loss.
The phase-lock averaged mixed-out losses for one bar passing period are presented in Figure 9.
A distinct minimum and maximum peak loss for all bar cases are evident. Furthermore, all bar cases
reach a similar minimum loss at around t/T = 0.333. Considering the TKE contours in Figure 3a–c
(the black dashed line denotes the loss accounting plane) and the space-time diagram (Figure 6) for
t/T < 0.333, it is clear that the minimum loss occurs at the time without a separation bubble on the
blades and when the bar wake has not mixed with the blade wake yet. The opposite effect can be
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2018, 3, 10 13 of 17

seen from t/T = 0.6 onwards, where a separation bubble occurs, for all cases, and the bar wakes mix
with the blade wake. Lower losses are generated in the R1 case, whereas cases R0 and R−1 reach a
similar maximum loss. The deviation between the cases from t/T = 0.1 to 0.25 can be attributed to the
influence of the larger separation bubble in the R1 bar case. This again demonstrates that the absence
or reduction of a separation bubble in a low-pressure turbine does not necessarily lead to reduced
overall losses, since wake distortion and the combined effects play an important role.

Rre f
0.06 R −1



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Figure 9. The variation of the mixed-out losses ω M for one bar passing period.

As already expected from the space-time diagram in Figure 6, the reference case shows an
unsteady loss behaviour, as well, with a period related to the vortex shedding frequency of the blade,
but has a smaller amplitude due to the absence of the bar wakes. Hence, in this case, the time varying
mixed-out losses can be solely attributed to the large separation bubble and the vortex shedding at the
trailing edge.
In conclusion, the interaction between the weaker incoming wakes in case R1 and the blade wake
leads to considerably lower overall and maximum losses, even though a much larger separation bubble
is present, leading to higher profile losses. The consideration of the TKE levels is important when
choosing wake-generating bars in the design process. This can be realised by using rotating bars and
changing the drag coefficient, as already stated by Pfeil and Eifler [27]; it has been proven to be a viable
alternative to using different bar diameters. The very different lift coefficients did not contribute to
any observable effect in our simulations.
As mentioned, the reduced frequency was chosen such that distinct wakes enter the blade passage.
For higher reduced frequencies, the strength of the wakes might no longer be as important, as wake
mixing occurs before the blade’s leading edge [11]. Moreover, added inlet turbulence and higher
Reynolds numbers can positively affect the losses [6], and hence, the importance of the wake strength
might change, as well. Coull et al. [36] have shown that for higher Reynolds numbers, the wakes
dominate the profile loss generation due to the increase of the momentum thickness of the turbulent
boundary layer.

4. Conclusions
Large eddy simulations of the T106A linear low-pressure turbine cascade were carried out.
Three different bar wakes, generated by means of different bar rotation rates, and a blade wake were
investigated. By setting the wake-generating bars into rotation, it was possible to achieve more similar
wakes compared to an actual blade wake in terms of wake width. It has been shown that the TKE
levels of the wakes for the non-rotating bars, which are commonly used, are several times higher
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2018, 3, 10 14 of 17

compared to a turbine blade wake. In the experimental study of Halstead et al. [8], who used different
bar diameters, the authors came to the same conclusion.
The effect of the three different bar wake profiles on the loss mechanisms of the low-pressure
turbine was also considered, as incoming wakes have a profound effect on the profile losses [37].
Mean pressure and wall shear stress profiles of the blade differed only in the rear part of the blade’s
suction surface, where a separation bubble could be observed in the R1 case with the weakest incoming
wakes. A space-time diagram of the wall shear stress on the suction surface revealed a markedly bigger
and longer-lasting separation bubble per blade passing period for R1 . For case R−1 , with clockwise
rotation, the bubble could almost be completely prevented. A reason for the larger separation bubble
is due to the weaker wake boundary-layer interaction and thus the positive effects of earlier transition
and calmed regions are less pronounced. It was also shown that the maximum and overall loss was
lower for the clockwise rotating bar case, even though a larger and longer-lasting separation bubble
was present. Both mechanisms, the strength of the incoming wakes and the size of the separation
bubble, and the combined effect on the overall loss generation have to be considered in the design
process. Hence, it is paramount to choose a bar setup that generates reasonable wakes in terms of
TKE levels.

Acknowledgments: The simulations have been carried out on the supercomputer of the U.K. National
Supercomputing Service ARCHER. Resources were provided by the U.K. Turbulence Consortium funded
by the EPSRC under Grant Number EP/L000261/1. Furthermore, the authors gratefully acknowledge the
Supercomputing facility of the University of Southampton. Richard D. Sandberg acknowledges the financial
support by veski.
Author Contributions: Florian Hammer carried out the large eddy simulations. All authors contributed to the
discussion of the results.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

The following abbreviations are used in this manuscript:

I/O Input/Output
DNS Direct numerical simulation
LES Large eddy simulations
LPT Low-pressure turbinet
NS Navier–Stokes
c true chord length
c ax axial chord length
CD,ζ , CL,η , drag and lift coefficient
CP , C pb pressure and base pressure coefficient
Fred reduced frequency
TKE turbulent kinetic energy
M Mach number
p static pressure
pt stagnation pressure
Pbar bar pitch
Pblade blade pitch
Pr Prandtl number
Re Reynolds number
S Sutherland constant, total suction surface length
t dimensionless time unit
T blade passing frequency
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2018, 3, 10 15 of 17

Tre f reference temperature

ut tangential velocity
ure f reference velocity
Ubar bar velocity
Ude f velocity deficit
Vax axial flow velocity
Vpitch pitch-wise flow velocity
xa axis along the wakes
xn axis normal to the wakes
α rotation rate
α1 blade inflow angle
α2 blade outflow angle
δ∗ displacement thickness
η normal to flow direction
Φ flow coefficient
τw wall shear stress
θ momentum thickness
ωM mixed-out loss
Ω total pressure loss
ζ parallel to flow direction
1 inflow plane
2 outflow plane
ax axial direction
M mixed-out quantity
pitch pitch-wise direction
re f reference value
t stagnation value
TE at trailing edge

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