En Cdpi 01 02 Um C A3
En Cdpi 01 02 Um C A3
En Cdpi 01 02 Um C A3
the chaining cable to adapter connector X102.
4. Adjust the switches at the back of the adapter.
Termination switch (S100):
• If the adapter is connected to one drive only, set the switch to
Note: If cables are long, it is recommended keep switch in ON
CDPI-01/-02 panel bus •
If you have several drives on the panel bus, set the switch to
7 7
ON in the last module of the bus, OFF in all other modules. The
control panel terminates the bus at its end, so only the other
User’s manual
end of the bus must be terminated.
7 7 Bias switch (S101): Must be OFF in all modules.
Note: When a third party RS-485 interface module is used for
communication with the drives, bias switch needs to be set to ON
if the third party module doesn't have internal biasing.
CDPI-01 frontal view CDPI-02 frontal view
5. Attach the adapter to the drive.
• Lead the cable(s) through the hole(s) to the front side of the
adapter (a).
• Place the bottom end of the adapter into the bottom of the
slot in the drive (b).
4 • Pivot the adapter and push the upper part (c) until you hear a
2 click.
Item Description
1 LEDs mirrored from the drive control
1. Introduction to the manual
2 Connector X100 to the drive control unit
Safety instructions 3 Termination switch (S100)
4 Bias switch (S101)
5 Connector X101 for connecting a control
WARNING! Obey the safety instructions for the drive. If you ignore the
panel or a PC
safety instructions, injury or death can occur.
6 Connector X102 for chaining a panel bus
7 Cable hole locations. Used when the
cabling connected to the adapter is
Target audience routed outside the drive.
8 Clip for attaching the module to the
This manual is intended for people who plan to install, start up, use drive
and service the CDPI-01/-02 panel bus adapters. Before you do work
on the adapters, read this manual and the applicable drive manual
that contains the hardware and safety instructions for the product in
question. 3. Planning the installation 4
You are expected to know the fundamentals of electricity, wiring, The cabling to the panel bus adapter can be routed outside the drive.
electrical components and electrical schematic symbols.
In ACS580, ACH580, and ACQ580 drives, you can also route the cables
The manual is written for readers worldwide. Both SI and imperial inside the drive through the drive bottom plate.
units are shown.
Necessary tools and instructions
2. Product overview Cutter/knife to cut holes for cables in the panel bus adapter plastic
The CDPI-01/-02 panel bus adapters can be used to connect a remote wall.
control panel to the drive, or to chain the control panel or a PC to In ACS580, ACH580, and ACQ580 drives, on installing the panel bus
several drives on a panel bus. adapter inside the drive, following tools are required: 3
The panel bus can have a maximum of 32 nodes. The control panel/PC • a T20 torx screwdriver for removing the drive front cover
is the master, while the drives equipped with the panel bus adapter • a cutter/knife for cutting a hole to the rubber grommet at the
are followers.
cable lead-through.
The CDPI-01/-02 panel bus adapter supports following control panels:
• ACS-AP-S Selecting the cables
Use straight-connected CAT5e UTP/FTP cables with RJ-45
• ACS-AP-W connectors.
General cabling instructions
• ACH-AP-W • Arrange the cables as far away from the motor cables as possible.
• Avoid parallel runs with the power cables. 5c
This manual applies to ACS580, ACH580, ACQ580, ACS480 and 4. Installation
ACH480 drives. The table below shows types of panel bus adapter
applicable for each drive type. Unpacking and checking the delivery
Drive type Panel bus adapter 1. Open the option package.
ACS580-01 CDPI-01
2. Make sure that the package contains:
ACH580-01 CDPI-01
• CDPI-01 or CDPI-02 panel bus adapter (depending on the
ACH580-31 CDPI-01
ACQ580-01 CDPI-01
• this manual
ACQ580-31 CDPI-01
3. Make sure that there are no signs of damage.
ACS480-04 CDPI-02
ACH480-04 CDPI-02 Removing the control panel from the drive
The panel bus adapter is installed in the same slot as the control 5b
panel. If a control panel is attached to the drive, remove the control
panel first as follows: 5a
Note: If the drive is in local control and you do not stop the drive
before you remove the control panel, the motor will stop and the drive
will trip to a fault.
1. If the drive is running, stop the drive.
2. Release the control panel by pressing the clip at the upper end of
the panel.
3. Pull the upper end of the control panel out of the slot in the drive.
3. Use a multimeter to make sure that there are no parts under X101 X102 X101 X102 X101 X102
8. Technical data
voltage in reach.
4. Cut an adequate hole into the rubber grommet. Slide the grommet CDPI-01/-02 panel bus adapter
onto the cable. Slide the cable through the hole of the bottom
Degree of protection IP21 when installed
plate and attach the grommet to the hole.
1) Ambient conditions See the drive technical data.
5. Route the cable first under the cable clamp (a) and then
Package Cardboard
anticlockwise round the panel housing (b).
Switches • Termination switch (S100)
6. Connect the panel cable to adapter connector X101. See below • Bias switch (S101)
illustration. Connectors • Unshielded female connector to the drive
control unit (X100, RJ-45)
7. If you need to chain the panel bus to another drive:
• Shielded female connector for connecting
• repeat steps 4...5 for the chaining cable, a control panel or a PC (X101, RJ-45)
• and connect the chaining cable to adapter connector X102. • Shielded female connector for chaining a
panel bus (X102, RJ-45)
8. Adjust the switches at the back of the module. Power supply Supplied by the drive control unit
Termination switch (S100): General • Complies with EMC standard EN 61800-
• If the adapter is connected to one drive only, set the switch to 3:2004
The control panel terminates the bus at its end, so only the other end • Printed circuit board conformal coated
OFF. of the bus must be terminated. • Printed circuit board materials RoHS
Note: If cables are long, it is recommended keep switch in ON
compliant and UL Recognized
• If you have several drives on the panel bus, set the switch to
Chaining a PC through a commercial converter
ON in the last module of the bus, OFF in all other modules. The This figure shows how to chain a PC to several drives through a 9. Pin allocation of connectors X101 and X102
control panel terminates the bus at its end, so only the other commercial converter. Pin No. Signal Direction Description
end of the bus must be terminated. 1 A In / Out / Hi- Data A (+)
Bias switch (S101): Must be OFF in all modules. Z
Note: When a third party RS-485 interface module is used for Drive 1 Drive 2 Drive n (max. 32) 2 B In / Out / Hi- Data B (-)
communication with the drives, bias switch needs to be set to ON Z
if the third party module doesn't have internal biasing. CDPI-01 CDPI-01 CDPI-01
3 /TRANS - Not connected
S100 = ON1) S100 = OFF S100 = ON
9. Attach the adapter to the drive. S101 = ON or S101 = OFF2) S101 = OFF2) 4 /FAULT - Not connected
OFF2) 5 GND - Ground
• Place the bottom end of the adapter into the bottom of the
X101 X102 X101 X102 X101 X102
slot in the drive. 6 GND - Ground
• Pivot the adapter and push the upper part until you hear a 7 GND - Ground
click. 8 VCC From drive Power supply +15…+24 V DC
10. Adjust the cable(s) and tighten the clamp (a).
11. Put the drive cover back. Panel bus
Data A Data B Bus type RS-485
USB - Purpose Used as a panel bus
RS485 Maximum length 100 m
Etherne Maximum number of 32 nodes (control panel/PC and drives)
t- nodes
Maximum transfer 1 Mbit/s
Medium • CAT5e UTP/FTP Ethernet cable, straight
• Connector: RJ-45
Must be switched on in the first module on the bus if the converter
does not have a termination switch.
2) List of related manuals
Must be switched on at some point on the bus if the converter
does not have an internal biasing resistor.
Drive manuals and guides Code (English)
For the X101 pin allocation, see section Pin allocation of
connectors X101 and X102. ACS580-01 manuals 9AKK105713A8085
ACH580-01 manuals 9AKK10103A0587
ACH580-31 manuals 9AKK106930A9561
6. Start-up ACQ580-01 manuals 9AKK106713A2709
ACS380-04 manuals 9AAK10103A6193
Before you start ACS480-04 manuals 9AKK106930A8739
ACH480-04 manuals 9AKK107046A8101
Make sure that you have completed the drive start-up.
5a Setting the parameters – Example for ACS580 Standard Option manuals and guides
control program ACx-AP-x Assistant control panels user’s manual 3AUA0000085685
For a panel bus chaining example, see section Example: Chaining a 2. Define the node ID of the drive (49.01 Node ID number).
control panel. All devices connected to the bus must have a unique node ID. It is
advisable to reserve ID 1 for spare/replacement drives because
5. Bus termination and chaining examples they have ID 1 as the default factory setting. Start numbering from
ID 2.
Bus termination is required to prevent signal reflections from the bus
cable ends. 3. Set the baud rate (49.03 Baud rate) of the drive.
Example: Chaining a control panel Note: The baud rate has to be the same for all nodes on the bus.
This figure shows how to chain a control panel to several drives. 4. Select a suitable value for parameter 49.05 Communication loss
action value.
Drive 1 Drive 2
… Drive n (max. 32) This parameter defines the operation of the drive when the
control panel communication breaks.
CDPI-01 CDPI-01 CDPI-01 • No action (0): No action taken.
S100 = OFF S100 = OFF S100 = ON • Fault (1): Drive trips on a fault.
S101 = OFF S101 = OFF S101 = OFF
• Last speed (2): Drive freezes the speed to the level the drive
was operating at.
X101 X102 X101 X102 X101 X102
• Speed ref safe (3): Drive sets the speed to a safe speed
3AXD50000009929 Rev C (EN) 2019-08-01
5. Set parameter 49.06 Refresh settings to Configure, to apply the
changes made to parameters 49.01...49.05.
7. Diagnostics