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Each team (Division) must have exactly 10 players

Finance (Red Team)

Operation (Blue Team)

Sales (Green Team)

 The number of players, number of balls, size of court and length of game can be determined by
the organisers.
 The Goal of dodgeball is to eliminate all players of the opposing team by throwing game balls
and hitting the opposing player below the shoulders on the fly.
 While there is no real point scoring in dodgeball, the aim of the game is to eliminate players of
the opposing team, which can be done in a number of ways. The most obvious way is hitting an
opponent with a ball, if a player is hit and the ball is not caught before becoming dead, that
player is eliminated. However, if a player throws a ball that is caught by an opponent, the
throwing player is eliminated from the game
 Players must remain within the court at all times, unless collecting dead balls.
 Players are allowed to leave the court to collect balls but they are not allowed to throw the ball
until they are back within the court. If a player leaves the court for any other purpose or they
throw a ball from outside the court, they are eliminated.
 The rules regarding headshots can be decided upon personal preference or by order of an
official body. Some games will see the throwing player eliminated if an opponent is stuck on the
head, some games will see the player struck on the head eliminated.
 Players struck with a ball that is then caught before it becomes dead are eliminated.
 When a player catches a ball, the throwing player will be eliminated.
 The game is over when all of the players on one team are eliminated, resulting in the other team
winning the game. If both teams still have members at the end of an allotted amount of time,
the winning team will be the one with most players. If this still results in deadlock, overtime can
be played.



Each team (Division) must have exactly 10 players

Finance (Red Team)

Operation (Blue Team)

Sales (Green Team)

 First and foremost, the players group themselves into two teams: the Passers and the Guards
(also called the offensive and the defensive, respectively). Sometimes, too, the teams are
referred to as the Runners and the Taggers. Each team is composed of 2 to 6 players each.
 The Goal of the game is to cross the rectangle back and forth without getting tagged. One tagger
is usually assigned per crosswise line. Taggers can only move along their respective lines, with
the exception of the tagger on the first line who is regarded as the team leader (patotot).
 Although the more participants, the merrier the game.
 The game is started with toss of a coin. Whoever wins becomes the passer.

 The passers position themselves at the starting point (base). This point is just behind the first
crosswise line of the rectangle. While the guards stand on the lines. A guard or two is assigned
on each of the crosswise lines. 
 Guards are allowed move along their respective lines, except for the team leader. The team
leader positions himself or herself on the first line. He or she moves both along the crosswise
and lengthwise lines.
 Guards are not allowed to step into the squares.
 The guards tag the passers that come within their reach, including those running past them. But
they must do it only when their feet are on the lines. Tagging a passer when none or only one
foot is on the line is not valid.

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