The Preparation and Standardization of KMnO4

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Preparation & standardization of N/10 Potassium Permanganate solution

Experiment No - 4
Aim: To Prepare and Standardize of N/10 Potassium Permanganate solution


Potassium permanganate (KMnO4, m.wt. = 158.0) is a dark purple or brownish black powder or dark
purple or almost black crystals. It is soluble in cold water and freely soluble in boiling water. It is a strong
oxidizing agent. Potassium permanganate is widely used as an oxidizing agent in synthetic as well as in
analytical chemistry. The reactions are governed by pH of the medium. Among six oxidation states of
manganese from +2 to +7, permanganate, Mn (VII) is the most potent oxidation state in acid as well as in
alkaline medium. The oxidation by permanganate ion finds extensive application in organic synthesis1-6
especially since the advent of phase transfer catalysis .

During oxidation by permanganate, it is evident that permanganate is reduced to various oxidation states
in acidic, alkaline and neutral media. Furthermore, the mechanism by which the multivalent oxidant
oxidizes a substrate depends not only on the substrate but also on the medium used for the study. In
strongly alkaline medium, the stable reduction product of permanganate ion is manganate ion, MnO 42-.
Potassium permanganate solution is standardized with Oxalic acid. Oxidation-reduction reaction takes
place. The titration is carried out in acid medium and the reaction occurs as follows:

5 C2O42- + 2 Mn7+O41- + 16 H+ ⟶ 2 Mn2+ + 8 H2O + 10 CO2

Materials & equipments:

Balance, Watch-glass, 250 ml beaker, glass rod, glass wool, funnel, 1 lit vol flask, Burette, 25 ml bulb
pipette, measuring cylinder, Potassium permanganate, oxalic acid, Sulphuric acid.


1. Preparation of N/10 KMnO4 solution

Mol. Wt of KMnO4 = 158, Eq wt = 158/(7-2) = 31.6

Weighed about 3.2 gm of Potassium permanganate on a watch-glass. Transferred the content to a 250 ml
beaker containing cold water and stirred vigorously with a glass rod to effect rapid dissolution. Decanted
the solution through a small plug of glass wool supported by a funnel, into a 1 litre volumetric flask,
thereby leaving the undissolved residues in beaker. Added more distilled water to the beaker and repeated
the above process till all the potassium permanganate gets dissolved. Finally made up the volume to the
graduated mark and shaken well so as to effect uniform mixing.

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2. Preparation of N/10 Oxalic acid
Mol. wt of C2H2O4, 2H2O = 126.1, Eq wt = 63.05

Weighed out accurately about 0.63 gm Oxalic acid and transferred to a 100 ml volumetric flask.
Dissolved in 100 ml distilled Water. Made up the volume upto the mark with distilled water.

weight taken
Strength of oxalic acid= be taken ¿ N/10
Weight ¿

3. Standardization of N/10 Potassium Permanganate solution

Pipetted out 25.00 ml of the standard N/10 oxalic acid solution, added to it 5 ml of concentrated sulphuric
acid along the side of the flask, swirled the contents carefully and warmed upto 70⁰C. Titrated this against
the potassium permanganate solution from the burette till the pink colour persists for about 20 seconds.


S.No Volume of Oxalic Burette reading Volume of Accurate

acid initial Final KMnO4 volume of
solution KMnO4


V1 x S1 = V2 x S2

Where, V1 = volume of Potassium Permanganate, S1 = strength of Potassium Permanganate,

V2 = volume of Oxalic acid, S2 = strength of Oxalic acid

V 2 X S2
Or S 1=

Conclusion: Report: N/ 10 Patassium Permanganate solution was prepared & Standardize,

strength was found to be …………

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