Biodiversity and Human Healt1

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Biodiversity and Human Health to develop a more thorough understanding of these essential

relationships. Additionally, biological diversity of microorganisms,

Biodiversity refers to the variety of life forms, not just on rare and
flora and fauna provides extensive benefits for biological, health,
endangered forms of life, nor just too big, attractive animals and
and pharmacological sciences. Significant medical and
plants. It includes every living thing—the common, the ordinary, the
pharmacological discoveries are made through greater
ugly, and even those organisms invisible to the naked eye. Also,
understanding of the earth's biodiversity. Biodiversity supports
biodiversity refers to more than individual species. It includes the
human and societal needs, including food and nutrition security,
genes they contain, and the ecosystems and habitats of which they
energy, development of medicines and pharmaceuticals and
form part. People depend on biodiversity in their daily lives, in ways
freshwater, which together underpin good health. It also supports
that are not always apparent or appreciated. Human health
economic opportunities, and leisure activities that contribute to
ultimately depends upon ecosystem products and services (such
overall well being.Biodiversity is essential for supporting human life
as availability of fresh water, food and fuel sources)which are
on earth. The health of the natural environment depends on
requisite for good human health and productive livelihoods.
continuing diversity; for instance, if one species islost from an
Health is often considered as a basic human right, and is defined by ecosystem, then all the other species in that ecosystem are affected.
the World Health Organization (WHO) as not simply being free from Biodiversity also is important for ensuring agricultural
illness, but in a state of complete physical, mental and social productivity and for the ongoing sustainable use of natural
well-being. Biodiversity can be considered as the foundation for resources. Further, biological diversity ensures clean air and water,
human health as it underpins the functioning of the ecosystems on and fertile soils .
which we depend for our food and fresh water; aids in regulating
climate, floods and disease; provides recreational benefits and
offers aesthetic and spiritual enrichment. Biodiversity also By securing the life-sustaining goods and services which biodiversity
contributes to local livelihoods, to both traditional and provides to us, the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity
modern medicines and to economic development. Human Health can provide significant benefits to our health. ... Without a global
Depends on Biodiversity Services Healthy communities rely on environment that is healthy and capable of supporting a diversity of
well-functioning ecosystems that provide clean air, fresh water, life, no human population can exist. Threats to Biodiversity and
medicines and food security. They also limit disease and stabilize the Health There is growing concern about the health consequences of
climate. But biodiversity loss is happening at unprecedented rates, biodiversity loss. Biodiversity changes affect ecosystem
impacting human health worldwide. All human health ultimately functioning and significant disruptions of ecosystems can result
depends on ecosystem services that are made possible by in life sustaining ecosystem goods and services. Biodiversity loss also
biodiversity and the products derived from them. While the means that we are losing, many of nature's chemicals and genes, of
inter-linkages between biodiversity, ecosystem services and human the kind that have already provided humankind with enormous
health are inherently complex, inter-disciplinary research is aiming health benefits. Loss in biodiversity may limit discovery of potential
treatments for many diseases and health problems. Biodiversity and croppingpatterns affect biodiversity, and thus impact
loss can have significant direct human health impacts if global nutritional status and humanhealth. Habitat
ecosystem services are no longer adequate to meet social simplification, species loss and species succession often
needs. Indirectly, changes in ecosystem services affect livelihoods, enhancecommunities vulnerabilities as a function of environmental
income, local migration and, on occasion, may even cause or receptivity to ill health.
exacerbate political conflict.
Infectious diseasesHuman activities are disturbing both the
Land use change, pollution, poor water quality, chemical structure and functions ofecosystems and altering native
and waste contamination, climate change and other causes biodiversity. Such disturbances reduce theabundance of some
of ecosystem degradation all contribute to biodiversity loss and, organisms, cause population growth in others, modify
can pose considerable threats to human health. One of the primary theinteractions among organisms, and alter the interactions
threats to biodiversity is habitat loss. This can be through clear between organisms andtheir physical and chemical
cutting forests, polluting oceans, or anything that alters the natural environments. Patterns of infectious diseases aresensitive to
habitat. We harvest large amounts of natural resources and when these disturbances. Major processes affecting infectious
this is not done sustainably it has disastrous consequences. diseasereservoirs and transmission include, deforestation;
land-use change; watermanagement e.g. through dam
Nutritional Impact of Biodiversity
construction, irrigation, uncontrolled urbanization orurban sprawl;
Biodiversity plays a crucial role in human nutrition through its resistance to pesticide chemicals used to control certain
influence on world food production, as it ensures the sustainable diseasevectors; climate variability and change; migration and
productivity of soils and provides the genetic resources for all crops, international travel and trade;and the accidental or intentional
livestock, and marine species harvested for food. Access to a human introduction of pathogens. Infectiousdiseases can be
sufficiency of a nutritious variety of food is a fundamental caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other parasites.
determinant of health. Nutrition and biodiversity are linked at many
Infectious diseases cause over one billion human infections per
levels: the ecosystem, with food production as an ecosystem
year, withmillions of deaths each year globally. Approximately
service; the species in the ecosystem and the genetic diversity
two thirds of known humaninfectious diseases are shared with
within species. Nutritional composition between foods and
animals, and the majority of recently emergingdiseases are
amongvarieties/cultivars/breeds of the same food can differ
associated with wildlife Transmission of virus (Corona virus) to
dramatically, affectingmicronutrient availability in the diet. Healthy
humansBiodiversity plays a complex role in disease emergence, with
local diets with adequate average levelsof nutrients intake,
benefits in somecontexts and threats to human health in others.
necessitates maintenance of high biodiversity levels.Intensified and
Human changes to and degradationof ecosystems, such as modified
enhanced food production through irrigation, use of fertilizer,plant
landscapes, intensive agriculture and antimicrobialuse, may increase
protection (pesticides) or the introduction of crop varieties
the risk of infectious disease transmission.The Role of Science and
Technology in Conserving BiodiversityAs our society develops we sometimes by accident. To limit thenumber of invasive species
continually use more resources, which stainsnatural biodiversity, moved by accident planes, ships, and cargo must bethoroughly
but development also leads to improved science and checked before it is offloaded in a new country.Additionally, people
technology.Currently science and technology are two of the most should not bring new species of animals or plants to anarea without
important tools in conservationbiology If nothing is done to consulting ecologists knowledgeable on the region.Habitat
reduce these changes, there will be disastrousconsequences. restorations: After an area is damaged by human impacts we can
There are many things we can do in politics, science, and even inour tryto return it to its natural state. This means bringing back the
daily lives to help fix these issues. As humans we need to plants and animals thatare naturally found there. This has been
understand the risksassociated with our consuming lifestyles shown to be a promising way of returningbiodiversity to a region.
and work hard to fix what is alreadydamaged and prevent These restoration projects can be undertaken
future harm.Ways on How We Can Protect BiodiversityEven though bygovernments, local organizations, or NGOs. Captive breeding and
the biodiversity of many habitats has become threatened thereare seed banks: Captive breeding is when animals incaptivity (often
many things we can do to help reduce this danger.Government at zoos) are bred. This is seen as somewhat controversial, as
legislation: Governments have the power to control what itrequires the capture of animals that are often near extinction. On
isdone to the habitats within their country. Legislation that protects the positive side itprovides the opportunity to increase the
natural habitats by outlawing development, harvesting of natural population of the species, so they can bereintroduced into the
resources, or other human exploitationhas a huge impact on wild.Seed banks are areas where huge varieties of plant seeds are
maintaining natural biodiversity. Protecting habitats beforethey stored. Thisprovides a failsafe if a species goes extinct in nature. The
have been altered is the best form on biodiversity conservation and plant can be grown from asaved seed and reintroduced back into its
is mostsuccessfully implemented by government regulations. habitat.Research: Understanding how species interact within
Government legislationprotecting our natural environments is one their environment iscrucial to protecting them. As humans further
of the most effective ways of protectingbiodiversity.Nature understand species interaction we findnew and more direct ways to
preserves: Nature preserves are a form of government help protect organisms and maintain biodiversity.One example is
regulationand are often known as National Parks. They protect a the use of wildlife corridors in urbanized areas.
region and the organismsthat live there from certain forms of Byresearching many different species we have found that this
development and provide access for people tovisit them. This is dramatically increasetheir populations. It reduces the number of
excellent because it protects the natural habitat and is a placewhere animals that come into direct contact withhumans and provides
people can view the ecosystem.The goal is that over time this helps areas for migratory animals to move long distances. educe climate
people have more respect for the naturalworld and increases change: As we know, climate change has
pressure on government to further protect other areas. Reducing disastrousconsequences for all living things on earth. We use huge
amount of invasive species: Invasive species are amounts of fossil fuels,which directly cause climate change. We
sometimesintroduced to an area on purpose, but also need to move away from fossil fuels andtowards alternative energy
sources and natural or sustainable products. Reducingthe effects of Purposes of GM crops generally include resistance to
climate change requires a worldwide effort.Purchase sustainable certain pests,diseases, or environmental conditions, or resistance
products: Many products are now labeled withecolabels that to chemical treatments (e.g.resistance to a herbicide). Other
state if they are environmentally friendly. Some of the most purpose of genetic modification of crops is toenhance its
prominentecolabels are Energy Star, USDA Organic, and Rainforest nutritional value, as seen in the case of golden rice. GM foods are
Alliance Certified.Our consumption of natural resources is developed – and marketed – because there is some
one of the main reasons forbiodiversity loss, so it is our perceivedadvantage either to the producer or consumer of
responsibility to consume products that are produced inthe most these foods. This is meant totranslate into a product with a
sustainable way possible. Additionally, when we consume these lower price, greater benefit (in terms of durability ornutritional
goods itincreases demand for environmentally conscious products value) or both. The most notable GMO risks to humans are the
pushing more producersto make them.Sustainable living: It is potentialdevelopment of allergens to GM related crops and toxicity
something that we can each choose to do on a dailybasis. Whether from GM crops. However sequences that require caution and
it is by taking shorter showers, riding a bike to work, or regulationwhen producing genetically engineered
buyingecolabeled products it helps reduce the amount of resources crops.Unfortunately, regulators often rely on short term ‘safety’
we use. This is arguably the most important way of protecting testing carried out bythe commercial funders and proponents of
biodiversity becauseeveryone can do it, often with only small genetic engineering. There is very littlelong term independent
lifestyle changes. If everyone chose to livesustainably biodiversity in analysis of the effects from eating GM crops. GM crops are bred to
a variety habitats would improve.Education: As with most encourage monoculture, i.e. growing vast quantities ofjust one crop.
environmental topics, education is one of the keys tosuccess. Most have been engineered to have inbuilt pesticide and weed
Educating people about the importance of biodiversity killerresistance, for instance Monsanto’s ‘Roundup Ready’ corn,
increases publicawareness of the issue. As public awareness which allows farmers tospray extensively with toxic glyphosate
increases, people become moreinvolved and eventually formulations. This means pesticide andherbicide use has
influence their government representatives, pushing formore actually increased where GM crops are grown. Agribusinesses that
environmental protection. Genetically Modified Organisms: Science, fund genetic engineering claim this is the only way to feedthe world.
Health, and PoliticsGMOs, or genetically modified organisms But in 2013, analysis compared crop yields in the US (which are
are organisms whose geneticmaterial has been altered using largelygenetically engineered) with those grown in Europe (where
genetic engineering. Genetic engineering is themodification of GE is banned). Althoughthere was an increased yield in both
an organism's phenotype by altering its genetic make-up. districts, it was the non-engineered crops inEurope that actually
Geneticengineering is primarily performed by gene recombination. performed better. Worldwide, we have consistent
GMOs range from micro-organisms like yeast and bacteria to insects, cropsurpluses. This led analysts to say it is politics, waste, and war
plants, fish and mammals. Geneticallymodified crops (GM crops) are that cause hunger inthe world - not insufficient food production.
those engineered to introduce a new trait into thespecies. Negative impacts on the environment from GMOs are a
big concern forscientists and the public. Negative effects on the
environment include increased useof herbicides and pollution of
aquatic ecosystems costwith the public. If these claims are
correct, it is argued that use of geneticallymodified crops
will hurt the economy and environment, because
monoculturepractices by large-scale farm production centers (who
can afford the costly seeds)will dominate over the diversity
contributed by small farmers who can't afford thetechnology.
According to a recent national survey, the potential that
GMO foods maytrigger allergies is highly concerning to
consumers. Awareness of GMO’s and theirlink to potential allergens
has increased due to the knowledge that allergy inducingproteins
known to be present in one specific species will remain an allergen
afterbeing engineered into a second species. A well-known example
of this is the Brazilnut allergen, which was transferred into the
soybean species. It was discovered thatthe allergy producing
property associated with the particular protein in the Brazil nutwas
still produced even after being expressed in the soybean, which
could obviouslybe bad news bears for someone with a nut
allergy enjoying some French friescooked in soybean oil. This
case documents that we are capable of detecting knownallergens
that have been genetically engineered from one species to another.

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