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Philo means "Love"

Sophos means "Wisdom"


Oldest Philosophy REALISM

Idealists believe that ideas are the (FEELING)
only true reality.
Optimistic Philosophy, which holds
Realists believe that reality exist
that there is more good than bad
independent of the human
people and the humanity can be
improved by education.
The ultimate reality is the world
of physical objects.
Truth is objectives - what can be


Only those things that are experienced
or observed are real.
The focuses is on the reality of
experience, in late 19th century The nature of reality for
American Philosophy. Existentialists is subjective, and lies
Pragmatists is derived from the teaching within the individuals.
of Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914), Existence comes before any
who believed that thought must definition of what we are. we define
produced action, rather than linger in ourselves in relationship to that
the mind and lead to indecisiveness. existence by the choices we make.
(We must take responsibility for
deciding who we are.
The focus is on freedom.

Prennialists are instructors who feel

that the knowledge that has been
passed through the ages should be
continued as the basis of the
curriculum, like the classic works of Behaviorists believe in rewards and
Plato and Einstein. punishment as an approach to
Perennialists base their teaching on controlling the teaching
reason, logic, and analytic thoughts. environment due to their belief in
Only information that stood the test the intrinsic nature of humans to
of time is relevant, they do not illicit react to internal or external
student input. stimuli.
This teacher-centered system
ultimately allows the students to be
controlled by the educator, who
makes the environment pleasant or
ESSENTIALISM unpleasant depending on the
students' behavior.
Essentialists believe that there is a
universal pool of knowledge needed by
all students.
The fundamentals of teaching are the
basis of the curriculum: math, science, PROGRESSIVISM
history, foreign language, and English.
Classroom are formal, teacher- This is a student-centered form of
centered, and students are passive instruction where students follow the
learners. scientific method of questioning and
searching for the answer.
The student are active learners as
opposed to passive learners.
CONSTRUCTIVISM The teacher is a facilitator rather than
the center of the educational process.
Constructivism is the theory that says
learners construct knowledge rather
than just passively take an information.
They build their own representation and
incorporate new information into their
pre-existing knowledge (schemas). RECONSTRUCTIONISM
Constructivism provides students with
Social reconstructionism is a philosophy
rich experience and encourage them to
that emphasizes the addressing of social
reach their own conclusions.
question and a quest to create a better
society and worldwide democracy.
Reconstructionist educators focus on a
curriculum that highlights social reform
as the aim of education.


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