Aziz Ur Rehman (35323)
Aziz Ur Rehman (35323)
Aziz Ur Rehman (35323)
An evaluation of supply chain sustainability practices in Getz Pharma for effective supply
chain management
In partial fulfillment of
Degree of
Executive Summary
Getz Pharma initially started working on a low scale and soon became a well-known name in the
pharmaceutical industry of Pakistan. With the expansion of the organization the responsibility of
the company towards supply chain sustainability has been increased. In today’s era sustainability
standouts amongst the most important instruments for effective supply chain management. The
Getz Pharma supply chain directors have not been able to extract maximum benefits out of their
supply chain sustainability strategies. Currently it has been most important need of Getz Pharma
to achieve sustainability in its operation yet it has turned into a test for the organization. The
company looking for several ways through which it can attain sustainability in order to achieve
supply chain excellence and probability. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to analyze and
evaluate the sustainability of Getz Pharma and give valuable suggestion in this manner to the
organization. The research finding revealed the strength, weakness, opportunities and threats in
relation with supply chain sustainability in Getz Pharma. This study was conducted using the
single case study methodology of qualitative nature was chosen for this research. Primary data
was collected with the help of semi-structured interviews and the Non-profitability sampling
method was chosen. It is evident from the research outcomes that the company should have
effective strategies to overcome its weaknesses with respect to sustainability. Organization can
utilize its palatable sustainability practices to improve its business as happenstance, be that as it
may, rising culmination, stricter directions concerning sustainability and shorter item life cycles
Table of Contents
Executive Summary.....................................................................................................................................2
1.2 Project research problem:.................................................................................................................4
1.3 Purpose of research project:.............................................................................................................5
1.4 Research questions:...........................................................................................................................6
1.5 Significance of the Project:................................................................................................................6
Project Related Literature Summary...........................................................................................................7
Planned Research Methodology................................................................................................................12
3.1 Single case study:.............................................................................................................................12
3.2 Approach:........................................................................................................................................13
3.3 Data collection:................................................................................................................................13
3.3.1 Primary Data Collection Method:.............................................................................................13
3.3.4 Secondary Data:........................................................................................................................13
3.3.2 Non-Probability sample:...........................................................................................................14
3.4 Ethical considerations:.....................................................................................................................14
3.5 Schedule for completion:.................................................................................................................15
Results & Findings.....................................................................................................................................16
4.1 Analyzing the data.......................................................................................................................16
4.2 Answering the research question................................................................................................16
Conclusion, Discussion, Implications, Limitations and Recommendations................................................20
5.1 Conclusion...................................................................................................................................20
5.2 Discussion:.................................................................................................................................21
5.3 Implications:...............................................................................................................................22
5.4 Limitation:..................................................................................................................................23
5.5 Recommendations:....................................................................................................................23
Getz pharma is the largest and fast-growing pharmaceutical industry of Pakistan. Its operations
are spread in some other countries of Africa, Asia and Middle East. This organization offers
pharmaceutical items such as different kind of medicines and others health related stuffed which
helps to overcome different disease. Getz pharma was established in 1995 by the Getz Brothers
& Co. Inc, it is very important for the Getz Pharma to implementing the sustainable supply chain
practices in their operations, but there is some barrier which insecure the company to achieve this
objective. Getz pharma is wants to analyze these barriers in detail that what’s are the weakness
and strength in their supply chain sustainability and how to overcome these challenges which
will help to avoid the risk that is associated with supply chain practices of this company.
As the environment and trends of business is now changing because of globalization and the
organizations faces many challenges from risk of sustainable supply chain, because consumers
have more knowledge that how the social, economic and environmental factors triple bottom
line of supply chain sustainability can effect on their lifestyle that’s why organization are mainly
focusing on implementing the sustainability practices. Keeping these factors in the mind Getz
Pharma is also concerned about supply chain sustainability of their organization and they
admitted that they are currently facing a research problem of critical evaluation of their supply
chain sustainability practices. And what are the weakness in their supply chain sustainability that
creates supply chain risks. According to the (Hofmann, 2014) the risk that related to
sustainability in the supply chain management is mistreated area. Risk management of supply
chain can be viewed as “ability of organization to understand and manage its economics, social
and environmental risks in the supply chain” (Rogers, 2008). Because there is a literature gap on
the triple bottom line in the developing countries like Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. There is
practically no constructive research in relation with supply chain sustainably risks and this
situation has generated a significant literature gap that must be addressed (Papadopoulos, 2015).
This reference would be used as supporting evidence of literature gap which will become
foundation of this research. Getz Pharma also understand this research gap about sustainability
and wants to support my research to justify and solve the organizations issues related to supply
chain sustainability and supply chain risk or critical examination of their supply chain practices
and the same approach supported by the literature gap. with the help of above evidence this
research problem seems guanine and it must be properly examined. I am studying the
manufacturing sector of pharmaceutical industry. most recants research boost that the argument
that sustainable supply chain practices are mutually supportive to supply risk practices
(Kahkonen, 2016).
To investigate and evaluate the supply chain sustainability practices of Getz Pharma and identify
the current issues related to sustainability and provide them to the point recommendation for
1. What are the existing practices and policies of Getz Pharma with respect to supply chain
2. What are the strength and weakness of managing supply chain sustainability in Getz Pharma?
3. What are the opportunity and threats for Getz Pharma with respect to supply chain
sustainability management?
4. How Getz Pharma can improve its management of supply chain sustainability for better and
The aim of this study is to examine the role of sustainable supply chain management in Getz
Pharma. This research will help to provide some important suggestions that how Getz pharma
can overcome the issues related to their supply chain sustainability and how this company can
successfully implement their supply chain management processes effectively. The company
strength and weakness in relation with supply chain sustainability will be evaluate. In an
research outcomes will help to other companies who working in Pakistan and some others
research and development organizations, because in past there is no research done in the area of
sustainable supply chain management. My research can also be used by other universities to be
The background of my studies is supply chain management. Sustainability is very important for
The process of supply chain management is integrating and flows of information among the
different channel’s supplier, distributor, retailer and manufacture to fulfill the demands of the
customers. Supply chain management is a process in which the integration starts from the end
user to the original supplier that provides the material, product or services or information that
helps to add values for our customers and other stakeholders (Rajagopal, 2016). the
configurations of supply chain network significantly changed due to global sourcing strategies
(Jia, 2014).
It is not possible to run the supply chain function without managing the risk that related to supply
chain management. Sustainability can be explained as balance among the social equity,
development helps to meets the current need without compromising the future generation
requirements. in the supply chain management sustainability also gained so much awareness.
The term sustainability helps to integrate social, economic and to the environmental
waste reduction, here to produce the natural green products that help to save our cost (Blome,
2014). Sustainability helps companies to improve their efficiency many companies have look on
the sustainability that whether from environmental and social factors, labor standards violations
Sustainability helps organizations to improve their operations and achieve the innovative goals.
Agenda 21 highlighted three variable to maintain the sustainability environmental, economy and
social these variables known as triple bottom line thinking and the aim is to highlight the
problem related to these three variables. It shows the capability of an organization to react, find
out, and recover the increasing international risks that’s related to the supply chain management
to achieve the long-term values (Closs, 2011). Although the concept and field of supply chain
sustainability seems quite interesting, but now interest in the supply chain sustainability growing
rapidly over the years. In today’s era organization now realized the importance of sustainability
and now it’s becoming the part of strategic business. The cycle of supply chain management is
from acquiring the raw material into finished goods even return. According to (Dyllick, 2002).
supply chain management where sustainable development can be described by containing the
three dimensions -integrating social, economic and environmental issues for human development
The total process of supply chain management can be classified by two driver internal and
external drivers, we can evaluate the internal driver with the help of ecofriendly design and
internal environmental management , whereas others important factors that we called external
driver helps to find out as environment free buying and sourcing of raw material and inventory
and try to cooperation with the external customers for the betterment of the environment
development, and safety needs (Zhu, 2013). Environmental consideration in supply chain
sustainability consider as the new model for the organizations in order to meet the requirement of
stakeholders and customers and helps to improve profit and achieving the environmental
effectives and social responsibility in their supply chain network (Gualandris, 2014). The
practices of supply chain like sharing of information, build the strong relationship with the
integrated into corporate culture and business planning at all stages with the help of
manufacturing. Design, disposal and distribution in this particular selected or redefined area in
The standard of any country and lifestyle of people are influence by the condition of the
business. One of the main purposes to develop the sustainability is to ensure the sustainability
and social justice for todays and future generation. now many organizations have realized to
generating profit while considering environmental protection and social values. Sustainable can
helps organization to become more successful because Sustainable supply chain providing the
skills sets to the organizations and allow companies to make the innovative business structure to
achieve the sustainable performance. Because people are aware about what they buy, where they
work and changes in rules and regulation of government and public perception that’s why it
emphasizes business to take efficient steps to make their supply chain process more sustainable
that help companies to become eco-friendlier. (Wolf, 2011), write sustainability supply chain
To understand the importance of sustainable supply chain network we must understand the
design, pollution free distribution and warehouses these are some factors that comes under the
environmental dimension. Product recall due to environmental safety can positively impact on
the financial position of the organization (Handfeild, 2002). because in recent time because of
environmental awareness and ethics customers are giving preference to the products with green
carbon footprints, using small packaging and align our logistics with third part providers helps in
reduction of carbon footprint from environment (Ji, 2014). After that study of different elements
that are related to Sustainability in the field of supply chain suggest that sustainability would
align with inventory management, green product design for products, production, planning
implementation and controlling for the remanufacturing, recovery of products , reverse logistics,
In Business supply chain suitability problems affecting the overall supply chain and logistics
process of any organization because of environmental risk and waste cost risk in the business.
With the help of previous research, it is observed that the need of sustainability in the supply
chain management is increasing because of environmental fit choices and as well as social aspect
of business practices in the supply chain management process is increasing day by day. because
issues related to environmental sustainability are becoming major problem for business and
public organizations and the stockholders are forcing firms to manage and measure the social and
public, customers, investors are expecting from firm to assure the ecologically and sound
In this manner, some of the major should take in order to reduce these critical issues. The issue
considers in environmental sustainability that in the purchasing of input material on the top of
the purchasing criteria, which is only focus on cost, delivery, and quantity (Lorente, 2001). Many
researchers have identified that local firm can face damage and risk due to poor disruption and
also stockholders’ minds when thinking the risk related sources of sustainability (Hofmann,
2014). Now it is important for any organization to select the best suitable supplier for their raw
material because purchasing is the starting point of company value chain and company cannot
achieve its environmental effort until they do not integrate the company environmental goals and
There purchasing has ability to contribute to a firms overall environmental objectives and
undertaking in several wats (Carter, 2000). Sustainable packaging of product is also big
challenges for the organizations because its help in reduction in waste and environmental impact
can be derived from sustainable packaging. Here packaging directly contributing the product
success in the supply chain process and it helps to enable efficient distribution of products and
reduced environmental important impacts of that products wastage and in spoilage (James,
Substantiable supply chain management becoming the need of every national and multinational
companies now considering the suitability as the important factor of supply chain management
because it helps to ensure the social, environmental stability and this stability only achieved by
reducing the waste from different resources of water, energy and power. The future of supply
components in their strategic policies are more likely to connect in environmental management
practices (Sharfman, 2009). sustainability brings the positive outcome in the field of supply
chain because companies who use sustainability in their core business strategies use some certain
and unique practices in their management of supply chain. And these strategies and practices are
mostly related to relationship issues between the stakeholders and the internal chain process.
That’s why in Pakistan companies also investing in three drivers of sustainability that help to
enhance the goals. But still according to my knowledge there is no industry who meets all the
criteria of sustainability in their supply chain process at that moment. Research is trying to
explore the social dimension and social responsibility that related to sustainable supply chain
management which plays a important role in the corporate market and their positive behaviors
and outcomes (Searcy, 2013). Social dimension helping in reducing the discrimination and
providing equal rights in the society and ensuring the excellent quality of life inside the
organizations as well as outside the organizations. The future of social suitability in supply chain
is purely related to the problems that are prevailing in our society (Jenning, 2015). Recognition
accomplices bring various solicitations, and the firm needs to settle on decisions in like way to
fulfill the wants of performing craftsmen in the store arrange. This investigation perceived three
unmistakable strategies careful generation arrange exercises for stock system to manage societal
concern which are designated continues and procedures, Correspondence framework and
supplier improvement.
Among the modern researcher’s case study is gaining popularity with the passage of time (Yin,
2013). Single case study is chosen in this context because I am conducting my research only on
one company, which is Getz Pharma. The case study concerned about exploring the factors that
are prevailing Getz Pharma from achieving sustainability in their supply chain management
operations. It will help to analyze the strength and weakness of its supply chain practices and
reveal the company’s initiatives, implementation policies and concerns regarding social
dimension of supply chain sustainability. With the help of qualitative research analysis
recommendations will be given that how to avoid the risk with respects to supply chain
3.2 Approach:
In this project an inductive approach has been chosen to examine and analyzes the supply chain
sustainability of Getz Pharma. All the sustainability related issues and weakness will be
identified, analyzed and compare with the industry and academic literature.
The explanatory research is used to find out the problems which are not clearly identified and
help in order to improve the final research design (Zwinderman, 2014). Nature of research is
qualitative and primary data will be used for finding the issues regarding my research. The
qualitative research mostly used to detect the internal behavior and opinion of different people
As the primary data is start with initial stage and it is trickier to observe because it also has major
effect on the decision-making process (Reitz, 2015). Top, middle and low-level employees,
suppliers and the competitors of this company will be interviewed. In addition, the representative
Since I am collecting the primary data only, so there is no need for secondary data collection.
I used non-probability sampling technique for this research because it is important in non-
probability sampling selecting the sample of employees in the management is based on some
specific criteria rather than randomly selecting the employees (Mason, 2013). Sustainable suppl
chain directly helps organization to control the risk related to their supply chain management and
help to make different strategies to improve the system (Hallikas, 2012). In the qualitative
research it is reasonable to use 5-11 until the data is saturated (Eisenhart, 1989).
a) Employees in the top-middle and low levels of Getz Pharma who are
international and national bodies working for sustainable supply chains as well as
In this research we will follow every aspect of ethical consideration. Some essential data has
been collected by this research and all the collected date will be remain confidential and every
aspect of privacy will be followed. Taking permission of our respondent is very important. For
this purpose, a special consent form will be given to the interviewers in order to take their
permission. If the candidate wants so they can withdraw them self from interview from any
The time allocated to every milestone of the research has been defined in the table below:
Tasks Date
In this part the data will be analyzed from the findings of the interview which is done by the
researcher and ensure the findings that are enough to support the research.
Existing Practices and policies of Getz Pharma with respect to supply chain sustainability
The pharmaceutical business is completely baffling with full of clashing targets and various
recalcitrant imperatives. A very combined and controlled condition with the life changing nature
According to the Getz Pharma’s supply chain manager, maintaining and controlling the proper
supply chain practices in Pakistan is great challenge for Getz Pharma. The uncertainties related
to the external environment are high which creates a lot of challenges and imbalance in the
system and for the company. the whole supply chain is end to end process so they have to
manage all those activities that related to supply chain management and run this end to end
process according to the rules and regulation of the country. But now company has realized the
importance of sustainable supply chain in process. According to a manager, Getz Pharma follow
the international standards and code of conducts that is delegated by the authorities. And Getz
Pharma transforming these international patterns according to the local environment of the
country to run their operation more effectively and smoothly. Practices like Good Manufacturing
Practices are used in. The current mission of Getz Pharma is to provide customers with the best
possible products and services in the health care and consumer industry. In order to fulfill the
corporate social responsibility towards society and protection of the environment and actively
taking part to manage the changes in market place to maintain its leadership position. Getz
pharma promotes the team spirit among its employees whilst maintaining their individuality,
these spirits will help to create a culture where people are encouraged to achieve their
individuality goals and work for the betterment for all its stakeholders through the innovation
The supply chain sustainability always give impact in long term, the strength of the company is
bringing the sustainable supply chain practices in its operation through the effective tools and
techniques , the functional operations and IT bridges established between the supplier and
company and assuring that all the action and operation would be carried in the circle of supply
chain sustainability. As we observed that changes occur globally the pharmaceutical business
expand widely in order to earn more profits and the fact is organization knows the constant
quality consistently. According to the supply chain manager, the strength of our company to
system and lowering the risks and provides a certain advantage to Getz Pharma over its
competitors and helping the organization to achieve its goals. Getz Pharma has implemented
SAP and integrated all the functional departments with the system. He further added, to manage
and control the environmental factors paper less system is being implemented throughout the
organization and payment are made through the online banking which helps to maintain good
and long-term relationship with the suppliers. All the organization operational technique is
managed in a way that take very less time and in favor of company. According to another
manager sometime they have to educate the suppliers as suppliers are not mature enough to
understand the circumstances that creates issue for the company. Getz Pharma has general order
suppliers and do not understand the specific requirements of company and at least 4 to 8 times
they explained what specification the company requires that increase the lead time. In addition,
the supplier of syrup bottles and caps are local suppliers and it is a completely manic process to
deal with them in order to minimize these risks company should become its own suppliers. Also,
they need to search reliable suppliers to manage their inventory only. And in company end
equipment’s are required to be up to date and SOPs should be made. Furthermore, they added
the IT department is still working on the SAP to eliminate some weakness in their current
system and it will take some time to reach its potential. And day by day the operations
procedure, sales, and operational planning and policies will be improved. Because the system
cannot be improved n one night it required changes occurs from top to bottom in a company.
Opportunities and threats for Getz Pharmaceutical with respect to supply chain
Supply chain management is providing opportunities to the business and provide the flexibility
to achieves their goals. This opportunity comes from the aggregation and the tractability of
affiliation. According to the Getz Pharma’s supply chain manager, organization has opportunity
in terms of increase in productivity and decrease in supply chain risks. If the government passes
an order to reduce the taxes and duties to certain kind of raw material so It will also create an
opportunity for the company. According to another supply chain manager as technology is
increasing day by day and world is moving towards automations and these days ERP system
picking up pace and becoming the strength of organizations, and ERP will create opportunity for
the Getz Pharma and the employees. In addition, Getz Pharma providing awareness programs,
workshops, trainings etc. And proper orientation program is conducted by all the new hiring
batch in order for the better understanding of the company and its norms ethics, policies and
Sometimes company faces the problem of shortage of inventory due to weak forecasting. In
general, this problem arrives when unexpected demand for a product exceeds production
capability. Currently Getz Pharma working with their suppliers to ensure them to deliver the
quality and hygienic products and make their manufacturing process that ensure the
environmental. Supply chain consists of procurement, which has its own risks, logistics, which
has its own risk and when comes to inventory when its own set of different risks and altogether
these risks are combined together and they form the supply chain risks and threats.
that very first thing that company needs to focus on its better technology and supply chain
transparency to handle the factors related to external environment and internal environment.
Currently company is in serious deficit of people who can run and develop the supply chain
operation through the sustainability practices that will help the company to grow by any means.
Company needs to give training on procurement and logistics related activities for cost cutting,
and they should improve their tracking system which will Definity cut down counterfeits and
competitors copying products. If they want to take the full advantage of the resources and
information available to them. Getz Pharma by managing these all three factors of
environmental, economic and social performance through out their supply chain activities. It will
help company to conserve their resources, maximize the processes, uncover product innovations,
reduce cost, increase productivity as well as promote corporate polices and values. Research
shows that business cases related to supply chain sustainability is growing day by day. Getz
Pharma should by should pay attention on sustainability practices with in supply chain it will
help to communicate with corporate values and culture to your suppliers and well as customers.
5.1 Conclusion
With the above information and findings that is gather in previous chapter from the supply chain
head, consultant and suppliers of Getz Pharma. Our discussion covered all the topic related to
policies, challenges and risk linked with Supply chain management Sustainability. We conclude
that there are three main significant factors which are considered very important to Getz Pharma
for Effective supply chain performance of the Getz Pharma. Those three main factors are social,
economic and environmental. Getz Pharma is not much aware on identifying and managing the
sustainability related risks with in the company and these drawbacks needs to be planned and
significantly addressed. For Getz Pharma the transportation of perishable products and material
is a big task and these factors will provide the edge to the company over their competitors and
will maintain efficacy of their respective products when they reached at the end users. Currently
company focusing on exogenic factors with suppliers and contingency strategies to handle the
uncertainty of business environment, but they are slightly ignoring the empowering of works and
employees. Study reveals that company need to design a sustainable supply chain system
equipped with best supplier and others authorities to ensure the supply chain sustainability
practices in the company. Getz Pharma works effectively on tools and techniques, IT bridges
established between the supplier and the company and the functional operations in order to
5.2 Discussion:
challenges but so far, the progress is much better. The globalization and customer awareness are
increasing and organization is focusing to emerged the concepts of supply chain sustainabitility
risks. The usage of product and its impact towards the society and environment is more worrying
for the consumer. All the activities involved in supply chain must be reliable and suitable for
economics, society and the is the responsibility of the organization to full fill
Human development and social requirement for the society and all the production process of the
organization should be done in ethical manner that develop a sustainable financial position with
healthy revenue .Getz Pharma continuously tries to enhance the transparency in supply chain
operations in order to minimize any possibly damaging exercise either external or internal
management (Eccles, 2012). All these practices help the company to reduce the age of waste,
expanding productivity, increasing working license from neighborhood groups and when any
mischief is found and conveyed to the partners considerations, its main driver is distingue and
appropriately redressed. Firms in the pharmaceutical business are presently anticipated that
would be mindful to monetary, societal and ecological necessities. In addition, the ecological
assurance and support can’t just be ecological and societal necessities. This sort of approach
prompts the expansion business execution and benefit, supporting their exercises longer from the
uncovered. This process helps to utilize people in general impression of the assembling
proficiency as expenses for info and yield assets. The maintainable practices recognize the
appropriate the practices of the organizations to decrease the dangers, child labor, expansion of
production material, producing the newly products and increase the number of labor force
licenses from nearby groups and when any mischief is found and conveyed to the partners
consideration, its underlying drivers are distinguished and legitimately redressed. This sort of
approach prompts the expansion business execution and benefit, supporting their exercises
longer. In concentrate the dynamic, complex and setting subordinate issues, it is basic that
specialists investigate more extensive system choices. This research aim is to provide insights for
companies to cover and address the social aspects that not only cover the community issues but
also look the employee welfare (Ahi and Searcy, 2015). These all aspects should be covered and
improved by each passing day. Big companies usually work on these aspects, as they are aware
of the advantage that these aspects will provide. These are all the strategic decisions that should
5.3 Implications:
The pharmaceutical business of Pakistan is facing several difficulties. Even the transportation of
perishable materials and products are bringing challenges with specific end goal to acquire
with sustainability practices, supply chain professionals and experts need to identify first internal
problems. create strategies and regarding risk and act accordingly. I will make Getz Pharma
more competitive and would improve the operations and process more efficient under an
appropriate system. It is the responsibility of Getz Pharma to maintain and implement a standard
of working with highly qualified and professional suppliers who offer the economical cost ,
provide goods at right time and value of goods on the basis of results, Getz Pharma should invest
5.4 Limitation:
There is major limitation while conducting this research, these limitations that are keeping us
obliged in fitting part of the research scope. Was limited amount of time and the interview
participant had extremely busy schedule and could not provide much details information in deep.
And the sample size was also limited because of limited time, and the question was asked as per
given time frame. This frame unsystematic way of investigation to measure relationship
associated risks of factors. Some of the respondent were youthful and has limited experience in
the industry and they have not presented or announced their future plans as it is confidential.
5.5 Recommendations:
This research study is all about to investigate the challenges of sustainability practices in
pharmaceutical industry and finding efficient ways to overcome these addition it is
recommended to the authorities and members of the industry to develop pro-active strategies by
scanning the internal environment as well as external environment in order to gain more market
opportunities. The survey questionnaire could be design in way that keep emphasized points in
the discussion section of result, concerning the sustainability-related risks with supply chain.
Secondly, there are number of potential reasons that caused risk event. Also, future researches
are recommended to investigate and study the relationships among the environment and social
factors. Case studies are much appropriate approach to validate and check internal reliability of
the research. As the demand increasing and the industry need more sustainable experience to
handle the need of the market. Increase the sustainability will increase the responsibility of the
activities of the whole chain of production. This process can lead to potential development in
Getz Pharmaceutical supply chain related risks. All the standard operations and procedures are
aligned according to the goals that help to overcome the weaknesses. Change never comes from
the bottom it always starts from the top and then it goes towards the bottom of an organization.
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