220 IELTS Speaking-Topics
220 IELTS Speaking-Topics
220 IELTS Speaking-Topics
With Practical Tips & Useful Expressions
Taraneh Sadeghian
Mahdieh Azaminejad
getf3cScS12zaking gopies
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Table of Contents .11
Introduction III
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Building 40
Choice, Childhood 41
City 42
Competition 43
Environment, Family 47
Favorites .49
Festival 51
Food 52
Free times 55
Game 57
Hazard, Health 58
Holiday 59
Letter 62
Movie 63
Music 64
Money 65
Magazine, Museum 66
Natural Scenery 67
Object 68
Party 69
Personal Possession 73
Place 75
Photograph, School 78
Shopping, Skill, Sports 82
Stress, Travel 83
Transportation 86
Writing, Website 87
Animal, Advertisement 88
Apartment, Book 89
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
References 184
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Chapter 1
The speaking test of IELTS is an interview which assesses how well a candidate can
communicate in spoken English. It is a general speaking skill and is broadly the same for
all candidates. In the Speaking Module, each candidate has a face-to-face interview with
an examiner. The interview consists of three parts and takes between 11-14 minutes. The
examiner records the interview for remarking, if necessary.
For example:
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
In this part, the examiner and candidate engage in a discussion of more abstract
issues and concepts which are thematically linked to the topic prompt in Part 2.The
discussion lasts between 4-5 minutes. In this part, the candidate's ability to justify opinions,
analyze, discuss, and speculate about the issues will be assessed. The follow-up questions
related to the above topics could be:
Why do you think some countries produce TV programs for another country?
What factors do you think TV program producers consider for preparing a certain
However, recently it is understood that the above format is not fully observed by the
examiners. The reason might be that the examiner can not be sure of the candidate's ability
and level of proficiency from only part 1. Moreover, most of the candidates are fully
prepared for this part and sometimes they memorize certain samples. Therefore, examiners
may ask candidates their names, candidate numbers, and directly start with Part 2. So, as
preparing yourself for some general questions, such as the reason for taking IELTS test, your
country, your town, your past studies, and your plans for future; be mentally prepared to skip
this part if necessary.
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
The candidate is a 'limited user' of language. He has a basic ability to use English in
familiar situations. He may have frequent problems with understanding and expression
and is unable to use complex language.
The candidate is an 'extremely limited user' — this means that he can express and
understand only general meaning in very familiar situations. He will have frequent
breakdowns in communication.
possible except for expressing the most basic information using isolated words or short
Band 1-Non-User
The candidate is at the lowest level and means he is a 'non-user' — this means he does not
have the ability to use English except for a few isolated words.
From I July, 2007, a small but important change has been made in IELTS Band Scores.
Scores for each part of the test will be reported on the scale from I to 9, but now the
Writing & Speaking modules will be reported in whole or half-bands in the same way as
the Reading and Listening modules. There will be two main benefits to the new
Recognized Organizations will be able to meet their requirements for admission, and
recruitment more precisely, based on more detailed information about the test-taker's
Test takers will get a report that gives them more information on their strengths and
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
You belong to Band 1 if you can not communicate in English in any way.
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Can use simple sentences easily, but complex sentences are difficult for you
Can not say the same thing in a different way (rephrase) or use a synonym for a word
Use grammatically correct simple sentences most of the time. It is rare that you use
more complex sentences and when you do, you make grammatical errors or it is
difficult to understand what you're saying.
Have no problem speaking for some time keeping the right speed (like your first
language); your speech is smooth and easy to understand; it is rare that you pause and
look for a word to say, repeat or correct yourself.
Can discuss any topic using a lot of smart words, use English expressions correctly.
Use complex sentences without a lot of grammatical mistakes. There are more
correct sentences in your speech than incorrect.
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Make sure you understand the examiner and are able to communicate without grammar
Consider this part of the test as meeting someone for the first time and telling him about
yourself. Try to be relaxed and keep conversation going.
Speak clearly and don't worry about your accent. Everyone has an accent when they
speak English. The important point is that you enunciate the best you can so the examiner
can understand you. Rehearse in advance to overcome any obvious problems. If you make a
mistake, don't worry, just correct yourself and keep going.
S. If the examiner asked you questions about your home town, neighborhood, or city; use
good words about your home town, etc. to impress the examiner. Do use negative
expressions to talk about your country or city. If you express all bad things always when you
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
are talking, the examiner won't be impressed by your words unless you are asked to explain
the problems.
I. In part 2, you have one minute to think about the topic and organize your mind. The
examiner will give you a piece of paper and a pencil to take notes because speaking for two
minutes without stopping is not easy. The biggest mistake students make is not to take
notes. Candidates who do not take notes often say, "Uh. I think may be, um,... well,...,
Ur..., It seems to me, ...".
"Um and Uh" are the sign of hesitations. It means you are not sure of what to say or you do
not have any ideas to express. In both cases, you are most likely to lose scores with long
pauses and hesitations. Therefore, use notes to help you organize your mind and ideas,
remember what to say and how to say.
In this part. use P.R.E.P." method. Start with "P"- make one sentence about your main
Point/ topic. Then give two or three sentences to provide "R", a Reason. You need to
support your ideas. Next give "E", an Example. Describe the example using two or three
sentences. Finish by repeating "P". your main points, but use a different sentence. If you
have extra time, give a second example.
Do not memorize answers to prepare for the test. The interviewer has enough
experience to recognize that you are not speaking naturally and will change the subject or
give you a lower score.
Explain names or words which are in another language. For example, if you are asked
to speak about a festival, which involves using words in your language, say the words clearly
and give the meaning so the examiner can follow your expressions.
Try to make good sentences to make good impression. For example, in part I, if you give
easy answers, the examiner can not be sure of your level whether you are Band 4 or may be
I3and 5. But if you give good and specific answers with short explanations, the examiner
will think you could be Band 6 or even Band 7.
y 220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Do not take so much time. Two sentences for each answer are usually enough. If you have
a long time introduction, the examiner may think you do not know how to answer the
Remember you do not need to present true ideas or facts. Some times, you do not have
any personal idea or example on a certain topic to say.
Avoid words such as: I have no idea. I don't know what to say, etc. Try to make up your
own story related to the topic and explain the connection.
For example, if you are asked to talk about a foreign country you have been to, but in fact
you have never visited a foreign country before, try to make your own story.
Do not worry about the time. Try to organize your conversation for about 2 minutes
but the examiner will stop you when time is up.
Record yourself. Play the recordings back to see how easy you are to understand and
how you could improve. You should practice one or two topics every day before your exam.
Use easy words and expressions if you are not very confident.
Remember to practice. Use a watch; give yourself one minute to take notes on a topic,
and then two minutes to make four or five sentences to express your ideas on the topic. Make
sure to provide answers to all of the questions in Part 2.
I. In part 3, which seems to be the most difficult part of speaking test, when the examiner
says "Now, I would like to ask you some more questions related to part 2, you know that
Part 3 is starting. Be ready!
2. In Part III, you could be asked to talk about changes either in your country or in
International trends. Remember in this part, you need to justify and support what you say by
examples, explanation, story, and statistics.
Example I: Tell me about the recent changes in university graduation in your country.
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Answer: Well, not only in my country but also around the world, there is a remarkable
increase in the number of university graduates. I can't speak for the world, but in my country
this is partly due to subsidized study costs. Only 10-15 years ago, the option of going to
university was open to those who were wealthy enough, but now people from all
backgrounds have an equal opportunity to follow their education. I think, this is definitely a
step in the right direction, although there are still potential students who don't have the
Comment: As you see, the first sentence includes the candidate's main idea and the
following sentences are supporting the main idea.
Try to use "FILLERS" instead of pausing and hesitating. Fillers are set of the words
which can give you the opportunity of tilling the gaps you face during speaking such as:
I mean ; You see....; Well, let me see ; If you see what I mean...; Let's get this into
perspective, ; You know,. ; Well, ; Uh,....
Before you start speaking, think of different tenses. You must use past and present tenses
to compare tiko aspects of a topic.
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
the buses would come from, explain how you would raise the money for the buses and
persuade people how to use them. This certainly impresses the examiner.
You can not ask questions on partl and Part 2, but you can ask questions on Part 3 if
you do not understand the question or you do not know the meaning of a word.
For example, the interviewer says. "Do you like traveling on the tube?"
You can say that you don't understand:
Hopefully these simple questions will get the interview back on track and you can also
impress the interviewer with your conversation skills.
If you are asked a question about a subject for which you have no idea to express, use the
following expressions to give yourself time to think more or remember what to say:
Well, it's difficult to say. but...
I don't have any idea, but I suppose,...
I am no expert to comment, but...
Actually, that's not something I've really thought about, but...
Mmm... I am not really sure, but...
I dot know much about that, but...
That's an interesting point and I think I would have to say that ....
I'm not exactly sure what you mean, but...
That's a rather difficult question, but perhaps...
If you still can not think of anything to say after a few seconds, you should focus on the
question or an aspect of the question and move your answer onto a related but more familiar
topics. This is not ideal, but it is still better than saying nothing.
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
When you can not remember an English word, use other words. Try to explain or give
examples. Sometimes you can use the opposites. For example, if you forget to say the word
"tidy" while you are describing your roommate or your neighbor, you can say "clean" or
"not messy".
Part 3 is where the final score is given to you. So, try to use a wide range of
vocabularies, different expressions, and also various structures to present your ability in
using language in different situations.
For example, if you are asked, "what do you think about the balance between the work and
leisure", you can say:
"I am a big table tennis fan, even though I am not very good at playing table tennis myself. I
love to watch the match on TV.I play table tennis whenever I get a chance. Playing table
tennis not only refreshes my body and makes me mentally alert, but it also makes me ready
and eager to engage in the work of day. In addition, a reasonable amount of exercise
prepares the body for a good night sleep. However, over-indulgence in physical
exercise can do more harm than good because it will make you too tired to stay awake
during the work.
Try to see the following websites which offer in-depth articles on a variety of topics of
general interest. Read some of the articles, check the vocabulary you don't know, try to get a
general understanding of what an article is about and understand some of the specific details.
Try to pick up something from the articles there in order to improve your general knowledge.
If you remember just one fact that you can use in the test, it will improve your confidence!
The Economist: www.the economistcom
National Geographic :www.nationalgeographic.com
New Scientist: wrni: new scientist corn
Go articles: www.goarncles.com
Find articles: in rw.findarticles.com
At the end of the interview, you should say "Thank you and Goodbye."
Do not ask the examiner about your score because he is not in a position to tell you.
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
1- Sentence Building:
Make a better sentence, get a better score.
The following questions and answers will give you hints on how to improve your
performance and therefore get a better score.
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Better answer: I rarely have free times. If I got free time, I would probably do many
different things, including playing sports, going out with my friends, listening to music, and
so on.
Do not use too many connectors when you speak. It may sound unnatural.
For example:
Say: After resting all the night, waking up every morning, and doing my chores, I look
forward to a new day.
Don't say: After resting all the night and waking up every morning, and after that doing my
chores, I look forward to a new day.
It is important to use different structures and various tenses to present your speaking
ability. Moreover, you have to be sure of a tense and grammar you are using. It is important
to be correct and accurate. For example, when you are asked to compare recent changes in
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
your country with the past, you have to start with the past tense and simply shift to present
Example: How has travel changed in your country over the last 20 years?
Answer: Well, the first thing is that there are more and more cars on the road, so traffic
congestion is becoming a serious issue. We used to have a good and smooth public
transportation system, but fewer people use it now; the numbers of services have been
Try to use a wide range of vocabularies throughout the test. Use different expressions
and vocabularies, but make sure you know the correct usage of the words you are using. In
this way, you can avoid repeating yourself.
Try to improve your pronunciation by listening to native speakers. Listening will help
you to learn how to stress important words, how to speak naturally and even how to organize
your speech. When you learn a new word, learn how to pronounce it correctly. Then, make
sentences with the new vocabulary. After that practice pronunciation every week (3-4 times
a week) by reading out loud a short passage.
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Another good thing about my job is flexi working hours.
Another way to solve the problem would be to relocate the factories.
"As with "or" just like"
As with the first question, we must consider this one very carefully.
Just like Tokyo and London, Sydney has fast and developed transportation system
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Besides that fact, here is another interesting point that I would like to mention and
that is the low rate of unemployment.
In addition to that law, there are many other laws to prevent traffic accidents.
"Except for"
Except for that one case, I do not know of any other problems.
Except for the main character, all the others were bad people.
"For example"
I believe that moving the factories to the remote areas is the best way. Let me give
you an example. ...
"When" or "whenever"
When I think about such a topic, I think about.....
When I remember how I grew up, I realize....
Whenever I think about my studies, I wonder how I survived!
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Some useful expressions you need to know to give personal or non-personal information
especially in PART 2 & PART 3, when you need to give reasons and support your
I'm going to talk about.
I've chosen to talk about...
The aspect/factor/ issue I've looked at is...
What I'm going to cover is...
I've decided to talk about...
I remember ...
There are a lot that I've enjoyed, but the best one was...
The main reason why there is much traffic in this city is lack of roads and proper public
Most importantly, ...
Last but not least...
The only explanation I can think of is...
My impression is that...
Consider..., for example.
Take.. .as one example of...
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
"Expressing a Preference"
I prefer A to B because
(I prefer watching TV to reading newspapers in my free times.)
If I have a choice, I will (a real possibility)
(If I have a choice, I will swim in the pool not in the sea because sea sometimes has
rough waters, but the indoor pool is always calm.)
If I had a choice, I would
( not a real possibility, just whishing)
(If I had a choice, I would travel by plane not by train since airplane is safer, faster and
more convenient in long distances.
For me, A is much more attractive/ interesting/ preferable than B because
(For me, watching a film is more entertaining than reading a book because when I watch a
movie, I can see different scenes and special effects whereas; in a book I have to imagine the
characters to follow the story line.)
I would much rather do/have/eat/ listen to A than B.
Note: "Would rather" is always followed by an infinitive WITHOUT "TO".
(I would rather shop in an old market than in a modern shopping mall.
Expressing Opinions"
This is only my opinion but....
After a lot of thought, I have come to the conclusion that ...
I've never thought about this question much before, but it seems to me that there ought
to be some facilities for senior citizens such as free medication.
In my opinion/ in my view...
Personally, I think/ believe...
To my mind.....
As far as I am concerned .....
From my point of view....
I think/ reckon/ presume...
I (strongly/personally/honestly/firmly) believe that...
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
The (main) reason: The reason I believe this is low crime rate.
That's because of .....
The most important evidence supporting my belief is...
Because: because children spend so much time indoors, they may have health problems.
Because of/ as a result of: their schoolwork can suffer because of/ as a result of having
incompetent principle.
So/such: some games are so realistic that children may.....
That's why...: Fatty foods are fattening .That why I usually avoid them.
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
"Conversation Repair"
May be I'm not making myself clear. I want to say that...
What I mean to say is...
What I'm trying to say is...
Another way to put it is...
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
"Expressing Disagreement"
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Altogether, there were...
In the end, they had to ...
Considering all of these factors, may be the best thing would
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Chapter 2
I. What is your favorite animal? Why? (IELTS Test Builder 2,:64)
Do you like the same animal you liked when you were younger?
What can you learn about people from the animals they like?
Which animals are popular as pets in your country?
I. Tell me about the use of bicycles in your country.(iELTs Test Builder 2:119)
How popular are bicycles in your country?
Are they used more now than in the past? Why?
What do bicycles mean to you?
I. What kinds of things do you enjoy reading in English?(iELTS Masterclass : 171)
Are you someone who can read any where, or do you have a favorite place?
Do you need peace and quiet place to be able to read, or can you concentrate even in noisy
How did you first learn to read? (Step up to IELTS:79)
What did you prefer reading as a child?
Has your reading habit changed since you were a child?
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
I. When did you first use a computer? (Step up to IELTS: 97)
Do you think computers are bad for your health?
Which computer software do you use more?
What purpose did you use your computer for?
Which town or city do you come from?(Focus on IELTS: 30)
What's the best thing about living there?
Is there any thing you don't like?
Which places would you recommend a tourist to visit?
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
I. Do you enjoy dancing? Why? (Cambridge 6: 32)
Has any one ever taught you to dance?
Tell me about any traditional dancing in your country.
Do you think that traditional dancing will be popular in the future?
What are your most/ least favorite foods? (Focus on IELTS: 16)
If you invite a friend round for a meal, what are you likely to offer him?
Do you prefer eating at home or in a restaurant? Why?
What special dish from your country would you recommend to a visitor?
What sorts of food do you enjoy eating more?
Do you spend much time shopping for food?
Which one do you prefer, eating at home or eating out?
Do you think people should be careful about what they eat?
Who prepares the meals you eat? Do you ever cook?
What do you think makes cooking easy, and what makes it difficult?
What is your opinion of time-saving kitchen equipment, such as a dishwasher or food
processor? (Qs 5-12, Exam Essentials 1ELTS: 130)
What types of kitchen appliances and gadgets do you think will be useful in the future?
(Qs9-12, IELTS Objectives:52)
What kind of food do you like? (High impact IETLS: 118)
What do you know about Genetically Modified (GM) food?
What are the purposes of GM food?
Do you think there are any potential dangers of GM food? What are they?
(Qs 14-16, Instant IELTS: 29)
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Are you loyal to any brands, i.e. do you always try to buy that particular brand?
(IELTS Objectives: 20)
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
1. Can you describe one of the main festivals celebrated in your country?
(IELTS Strategies For Study: 129)
2. Tell me something about the most important festival in your country?
3. What special food and activities are connected with this festival?
4. What do you most enjoy about it?
5. Do you think festivals are important for a country? Why? (Qs 2-5, Cambridge 3: 53)
I. Can you tell rne about the job you are doing? (IELTS Masterclass : 34)
What do you like or dislike about it?
What plans do you have for your career in the future?
How serious is unemployment in your country? (IELTS Strategies For Study:129)
Is English important in your chosen career? (Test builder: 69)
What do you hope to do in future?
Have you ever given up anything you used to do in free time? if so, what?
Which other hobbies or sports would you like to do?
Do you share similar interests with your friends?
How serious is unemployment in your country? (IELTS Strategies for study:129)
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
I. Describe a place where you were born? (IELTS Test Builder 2 :35)
Tell me about the main types of buildings there.
How have buildings in your hometown changed since you were a child?
Can you describe your home town for me? (404, GT:38)
Which part of your country do most people live? (Cambridge 5:31)
Tell me about the main industries in your city.
Tell me about your hometown. (High Impact 1ETLS : 58, 118, 213)
Can you describe your home town?
Where is your hometown? (Step up to IELTS: 97)_
Where were you born?(IELTS Strategies for study :121)
What part of the city do you live in?
What are the main tourist attractions in your country?
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
What subject did you find most interesting when you were at school?
Apart from classes, what else did you enjoy at school?
Do you think you will stay friends with people from your school?
What study or training would you like to do in the future?
(Qs 3-6, Exam Essentials IELTS. 1301
What were your favorite subjects at school? (404 IELTS, CT: 68)
Did you learn a language at school? (Test builder: 37)
How long have you been studying?
What subject did you find the most difficult to study?
What do you like/dislike about studying?
Do you hope to gain any qualifications?
Do hope to do any further studies in the future? IIELTS Practice Test:95)
What do you remember about your first school, when you were a child?
In what ways have life changed since you were a child?
What was your favorite subject? Why?
What did you study at high school? (IELTS Strategies for study:127)
Which is the most popular sport in your country?
How do people spend their weekends in your home town?
Could you tell me why you choose to study at University?
Do you live near the sea? (Step Up to IELTS: 28)
How do you feel when you are near the sea?
What do you like/ dislike about the sea?
Would you like to live on an island? Why?
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
What are the benefits of visiting different countries? (IELTS Foundation: 36)
What are the negative effects of tourism?
What do you need to do before you go abroad on holiday?
What type of problems can people have on holiday?
How should countries encourage tourists to come to their country?
How do you think tourism in your country will change in the future?
How easy is it to travel around your country? (Cambridge 5:31)
Where would you like to travel in future? (404, GT:83)
What role does tourism play in your country's economy? (TEETS Strategies For Study: 128)
Is there any thing you don't like doing on holiday? (step up to IELTS:9)
Do you prefer to spend your holidays alone or with your friends?
What is your favorite holiday activity?
Do you enjoy traveling? (Step Up to IELTS:22)
Tell me about the best place you have ever visited.
Do you agree with the saying" Travel broadens the mind"?
What experience do you have of traveling to other countries?
Country would you especially like to visit? Why? (Qs 16-17, 1ELTS practice test:95)
What are the main tourist attractions there? (IELTS practice test :117)
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Step Up To IETLS: 55
IELTS Objectives: 89
Focusing on I ELTS: 93
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
IELTS Objectives: 89
Focusing on IELTS: 93
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Step Up to IETLS: 78
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Cambridge 6 :100
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
IELTS Objectives: 60
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Cambridge 3: 75
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Instant IELTS:121
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Focus On IELTS:158-9
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
IELTS Foundation: 11
Describe a popular food from your country.
You should say:
What it is
How it is made
When it is eaten
and explain why it is more popular than other dishes
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Focus on IELTS:51
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
(Cambridge 4: 56)
Describe the thing you most like to do when you have time
some free time.
You should say:
What it is
What you do
What makes you enjoy the activity
and explain why this activity is important to you.
Cambridge 6:77
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Focus On IELTS : 80
Cambridge 6 : 54
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
IELTS Foundation: 94
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Instant IELTS : 27
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Focus on IELTS:164
Focusing IETLS:93
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Step Up to IETLS: 72
Cambridge 5: 54
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Cambridge 4:80
Focusing: 93
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Barron's IELTS:120
Test builder:98
Cambridge 5 : 31
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Describe a famous person you know, who has achieved great success.
You should say:
Who they are and what they do
Where they come from: their background
How they became successful
and explain why you admire this person.
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Describe a well-known person from the world of sport (or film) that
you would like to meet.
You should say:
Who this person is
What this person has done
Why this person is well-known
and explain why you would like to meet this person.
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Describe a famous person that has/ had great influence on the people
of your country.
You should say:
Who that person was
What that person did
How you feel about that person
and explain whether or not that person will continue to be
an influence in the future.
Impact IELTS:26
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Focus on IELTS : 63
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
IELTS Foundation: 76
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Impact IELTS:142
Instant IELTS: 62
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Describe something you bought that you were not happy with.
You should say:
What you bought
Why you were not happy with
What you did with it
and explain how you felt about the situation.
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
TEST Builders:36
Test builder: 37
Step up to IELTS : 96
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
I. In what ways are humans different from other animals? (IELTS Masterclass:124)
What are the main roles of animals in your country?
In what ways humans are different from other animals?
Which species are endangered in your country? Why?
Do you think modem farming methods are cruel to animals?
Why do many people refuse to eat meat?
Why do people have pets? (Barron's IELTS p.127)
In your opinion, what kind of animal makes the best pet?
In what different ways have animals been useful to people throughout history?
How are people attitudes toward animals different now than they were in the past?
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
In the last century, why do you think we more skyscrapers were built?
These days we see more "green" buildings that are environmentally friendly. What do you
Why do many people leave home when they are still quite young? OUTS Practice Test: 96)
What personal qualities do you feel are required for a young person to live alone?
Why do you think some people write books? (Focus on WITS : 118)
What type of books do you read often?
Do you prefer to read a book or watch a movie on the same subject and why?
What are the disadvantages for adults who can not read?
Do you think a time will come when people get all factual information from the Internet?
Why do you think some people decide to write a book? (Step up to IETLS.: 78)
What can we do to encourage young people to read more?( New Insight into IELTS: 156)
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
I. What are the typical choices people make at different stages of their lives?
(Cambridge 6:100)
Should important choices be made by parents rather than by young adults?
Why do some people like to discuss choices with other people?
What kind of choices do people have to make in their everyday life?
Why do some people choose to do the same things everyday? Are there any disadvantages
in this?
Do you think that people today have more choices to make today than in the past?
I. In many countries there has been large-scale migration from the countryside to the cities.
Do you think this is positive or negative?_(IELTS Practice Test: 96)
Do you think that the possibility of working from home via the internet will lead to many
people going back to the countryside?
In what ways do the new megacities of Asia, Africa, and South America differ from older
ones such as London or New York?
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Why do you think some people use the intemet for shopping? Why doesn't everyone use
it in this way?
What kinds of things are easy t buy and sell online? Can you give me some examples?
Do you think shopping on the interne will be more or less popular in the future? Why?
What other uses will computers have in future?
(IELTS Foundations: 122)
Do you think children will benefit more from using computers?
1.How aware do you think people are nowadays about environmental issues?
(IELTS Strategies For Study:128)
In what ways is life becoming safer, and in what ways is it becoming more dangerous?
(Instant IELTS: 121)
Should people always avoid dangers, or is it a good idea to take a risk?
What risk should people try to avoid?
Do you think people take fewer risks as they grow older? Why?
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
I. Do you think new festivals will be introduced in the future? (Cambridge 5: 100)
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
What about the significance of gifts, are their particular presents that are given on
particular occasions? (Test Builders:98)
How have cultural celebrations and festivals changed in your country?(404: 38)
Is it important for the immigrants to adopt customs and festivals that are celebrated in
their new country?
Are there many other festivals in your country?
What type of special occasions are generally celebrated in your country?
How important is it for families to celebrate occasions together? Why?
Are family occasions as important today as they were for former generations?
(Qs 11-13, IELTS Plus 2:127)
Are birthday celebrations important in your country? (Barron's IELTS: 126)
How are older people treated in your country?
Are birthday celebrations different now than they were in the past? Why or why not?
In your opinion, how will the role of older people in your culture change in the future?
What events in a person's life are most celebrated in your country?
What about the significance of gifts, are there particular occasions?
Celebrations such as wedding are often times when families gather together, 21. What
effect does this have on family relationship?
How is the way we celebrate events such as birthdays and religious days changing?
Do you think such changes are good or bad thing?
Which celebrations do you think will change the most in the next few years? 25. How do
you think they will change and why?(Qs 18-25, Test builder:97)
If you invite a friend, what meal are you likely to offer them? (Focus on IELTS: 107)
What kinds of food are popular in your country?
What is the eating habit of people like in your country?
Do you prefer eating at home or in a restaurant?
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Are there any type of food which we should not eat too much of? (Instant IELTS: 31)
How important is to be careful about what we eat?
Do you think the quality of food is better now than it was before?
What do you think a healthy diet consists of? (Instant IELTS: 120)
Which one do people in your country prefer: fast food or traditional food?
Do you think children should be taught healthy diets and cooking at schools? Why?
At what age do you think children should be taught to cook?
What can be done to prevent poor people in the world going hungry?
Should rich countries help poor countries with more than just food?
What kinds of food do you think we should eat, and which should we avoid?
What role does food and drink play in your culture? Do you think people in your country
eat better or worse nowadays than they did in the past?
Do you think science is improving the quality of the food we eat, or making some foods
danger to our health? (Qs: 14-16, IETLS Masterclass: 40)
What foods do you consider are good for you? Why?
Why do you think people eat such things, if they are good for them?
How do you think people's eating habits have changed over the years?
How could the eating habits of children be improved?
If you could, how would you change your own eating habits?
(Qs 17-21, Test builder:126)
Do you think the way people eat now is different from the way they ate in your
grandparents' day? (Focus on academic IELTS -NEW: 33)
How do people usually meet new friends where you live?(IELTS Plus 2:87)
Is it easier for adults or children to make new friends? Why?
how are relationships with friends different from relationships at work/ college?
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Is it possible for people to be close friends with their boss or teacher? Why?
Some people believe that friends can never be as important as family. Do you agree?
How are responsibilities towards friends and family different?
Will the relative importance of friends and family change in future societies?
What are the qualities of a good friend? (Barron's IELTS:127)
What role do friends play in most people's lives?
What differences are there between men's and women's friendship?
Do you think the nature of friendship is changing?
I. What kind of presents do children ask for today? (Focus On IETLS: 183)
What effect was advertising had on this?
Is there a case for banning advertising directed at children?
Which do you enjoy more: giving or receiving presents? (IELTS Practice Test:118)
Do you like presents to be a surprise, or do you prefer to choose what you are given?
On what occasions do people in your country give each other presents?
Do you feel the commercialization of gift-giving, e.g. Charismas in certain countries, has
gone too far?
What is the role of charities nowadays?
Which charity would you like to be able to give a lot of money to?
Should rich countries give more financial assistance to poorer ones?
II. How can we encourage more young people to do voluntary activities?
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
I. Studying history can help countries to avoid repeating past mistakes. Do you agree or not?
(IELTS Objectives.: 130)
Could you comment on suggestion that studying your own country's history can help us to
understand present-day situations?
How important do you consider it to study the history of other countries?
How has life changed for young people in your country since your parents'time?
In which other period of history would you like to have lived? Why?
What do you think future historians will say about the way we live now?
(From Qs 4-6, IELTS Masterclass : 160)
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
What is the best way to prepare for a job interview?(IELTs Foundation: 54)
Which jobs do you think are the most dangerous?
How can employers keep their staff happy?
Do you think pop and sports stars earn too much money?
How important is appropriate dress at work?
Is it better to stay in one job for a long time to have many different jobs?
Describe the range of job opportunities in your countryAiTTLs Objectives :124)
If you ran your own business, what would it be?
What things are important to consider before setting up your won business?
How possible developments in your country may affect the types of work available.
What is the best way to prepare for a job interview? (IELTS Masterclass: 54)
How can employers keep their staff happy?
Which jobs do you think are the most dangerous?
How important is appropriate dress at work?
Is it better to stay in one job for a long time or have many different jobs?
What do most people consider as important when deciding on a job or career?
In modern life a lot of people work too hard. What are the effects of this?
At what age do you think people should retire from work?
How could the problems of overworking be avoided?
Do you think this should be the same for all jobs?
How has technology changed the way that people work?
What further changes in the way work do you think we will see in the future?
( Qs 16-22, 1ETLS Test Builder: 68)
Do you think people are happy to stay in the same job for a long time these days?
(IETLS Test Builder 2: 119)
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Do you think schools provide enough advice and support about future career?
What changes have there been in recent years in employment in your country?
Do you agree that for a job should reflect the level of contribution to community the job
What do most people consider as important when deciding on a job or career?
In modern life a lot of people work too hard. What are the effects of this?
35.How could the problems of overworking be avoided?
At what age do you think people should retire from work?
Do you think this should be the same for all jobs?
How has technology changed the way that people work?
What further changes in the way people work do you think we will see in the future?
(Qs34-39,Test builder:68)
I. In what ways are newspapers better for learning about the news than listening to the radio
or watching?
Do you think newspapers should be completely free to say whatever they want?
What do people enjoy reading in your country?
Do you think it is important for people to read a lot?
What sort of stories do newspapers and magazines publish about well-known or famous
people in your country?
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
6. Do you think the media should be allowed to publish stories about the private lives of
public figures? (Qs 1-6, Instant IELTS: 121)
I. Do you think the cinema has increased or decreased in popularity in recent years?
(Qs 1-6, Cambridge 3:53)
In your opinion, will this trend continue into the future?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of making films of real-life events?
How important do you think it is for a film-maker to remain true to the original story?
Should films and television be censored or should we be free to choose what we see?
How do you think censorship laws will change in the next 20 years?
How important a form of entertainment is film for you and your friends? Do you think
film is effective as a carrier of a message?
Is film a useful medium for education? What sort of things cab be usually taught by film?
Do you think there is too much violence in films? Do you think such portrayals are
harmful to anyone?
What do you think of the way men and women are portrayed in film?
II. What sort of things do you believe should be censored out of films?
(Qs 7-11, IELTS preparation and Practice: 60)
Would you recommend others to watch it? Why.
(Focus on IELTS: 164-5)
How the movie industry has changes in recent years in your country?
What types of movie is more popular among the young?
Do you prefer watching films in the cinema or on videos?
Do you think television and video will kill the cinema?
Special cameras are sometimes used to film everything that goes on in the street and in
shops. Do you think this is a good idea?
Do you think other people would feel the same in that situation? (Qs 1-6, IELTS Objectives : 39)
Have you had a similar experience since then?
How would you account for the popularity of credit cards?
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Can you outline the methods used to encourage people to borrow money?
Can you suggest ways to educate people about dangers of borrowing a lot of money?
Could you speculate on whether people will change their attitudes towards borrowing
How do you think developments in information technology will alter the way individuals
deal with their money in the future?
How do you predict people's shopping habits will change in the future?
( Qs 7-8, IELTS Master Class :100)
I. What kinds of music are popular with young people in your country?
How gas technology affected the kinds of music popular with young people?
What do you think influences a young person's taste in music?
How important is it for a culture to have musical traditions?
Why do you think countries have traditional anthems or songs?
( Qs 1-5, Cambridge IELTS 5: 54)
What is the national music of your country? (Focus On IELTS: 56)
How important is music in your culture and traditions?
On what occasions does music play an important rile in your country?
Is there enough time in the primary school curriculum to introduce music?
Does every school have the financial resources to support such a program?
What are the benefits of learning a musical instrument at a young age?
What are the challenges in teaching music to young children?
How important is music in your life? (Qs 9-13, IETLS Objectives: 43)
When and where did you see it? (I ELTS Practice Test: 69)
Have you ever seen anything else similar to it?
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
1-How does water transport, like boats and ships, compare with other kinds?
2-Are there any advantages/disadvantages of water transport?
3-How important is it for a town or a city to be located near river or the sea? Why?
4-Have there been any advantages in the number of jobs available in fishing and water
transport industries, do you think? Why do you think this is? (Qs 1-4, Cambridge 4:80)
I. What do you think are the most important inventions of the last 50 years?
How have mobile phones made communications easier?
Which household appliances do you think people need most?
What are the disadvantages of modem technology?
Do you think we rely too much on technology?
What technological developments might happen in the future in transport, education or
health? ( Qs 1-6, IELTS Foundation: 108)
What types of parties are popular in your country? (Focus On IELTS: 70)
What sort of activities do people do at parties?
What do you think of attending parties?
What do people wear in parties?
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Flow has education changed in your country in the last ten years?
Is a good education more important to a boy or girl?
How well do you think schools prepare young people for working life?
Do you think schools should teach subjects like art, music and dancing?
How important is it for schools to have computers for their students?
Is the Internet a valuable educational tool? (Qs 21-26, Instant IELTS: 121)
Did you find studying English at school?(404, GT:83)
Is there any subject that you wish you could studied?
School years are the best years of your life. Do you agree?
30 What qualities do you think a good teacher needs to have?
31 Do you think school gives you the skills to succeed in life?
32 What other subjects do you think schools should teach to prepare students for life?
Describe your old school uniform. (Step Up to IETLS : 50)
Describe a special ceremony that took place at your school.
Describe a school assignment that you once did.
Describe a student you remember well.
Describe the sports or social facilities at your school.
Describe a school trip that you went on.
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
What kinds of products are most affected by fashions from other countries?
Will overseas trends and fashions have more or less impact on what people buy in the
What kind of techniques do advertisers use to persuade people to buy more?
Who should be responsible for the quality of products: producers, shops or customers?
I. Could you comment on the idea that children shouldn't waste their time trying to develop
a skill if they lack natural ability? (IELTS Objectives: 79)
Is it important to learn a skill?
What do you think are the most important skills for children to learn in the modern world?
Which skills do you think children should learn at schools and which at home? Why?
Do you think future generations will need to acquire new skills? What kind?
What role do you think skills play in the modern work place?
Do you think skills people need to learn have changed compared to the past?
What do you think has brought about these changes?
19s 3-8, IETLS TEST BUILDER 2 :92)
I. How have games changed from time when you were a child? (Cambridge 6:77)
Do you think this has been a positive change? why?
Why do you think children like playing games?
Do you think competitive games are good or bad for children? In what ways?
How can games sometimes help to unite people?
Why is competition often seen as important in today's society?
Why is exercise good for the health?(Foeus on IELTS: 15)
Which is more exciting to watch: athletics or gymnastics?
Is it better to attend a sporting event or watch it on television? Why
Some people say children shouldn't be encouraged to play competitive games. What do
you think?
What are the benefits of becoming a member of a sports club?
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
What are some advantages and disadvantages that tourism can have for a specific place?
Do you think getting to work is easier or more difficult than it used to be?
How methods of transports been improved?
Are there any problems that have been created by new transport systems?
Do you think these problems can be solved?
What about your ideal journey, how and where would you like to travel?
In your opinion, in what ways can governments encourage people to use public transport?
Having too many cars in the roads causes air pollution. What are some of the other
causes of pollution?
I. What effect have computers had on the way we write? (STEP Up to IETLS: 79)
What are the advantages and disadvantages of e—mail?
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Chapter 3
9. Have the type of clothes people wear in your country changed during the last twenty
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
I. Do you enjoy playing games?
What kind of games do children play in your country?
Do you think adults should play games?
What kind of games was popular when you were younger?
What games are popular in your country?
Do you think board games like chess is good for you? Why?
Should adults spend time playing with their children? Why?
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Do you like music?
What kind of music do you like?
When do you usually listen to music?
What kind of music is popular in your country?
What are the benefits of listening to music?
Do you play any musical instruments?
Do you wish you could play any musical instruments? Why?
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
I. Can you say some thing about the transportation in your hometown?
What is the common means of transportation in your country?
Do traffic jams often occur in your city?
How can we solve this problem?
S. Is bicycle a good means of transportation?
Do you think there should be separate lanes for bicycles?
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Follow up Questions:
Talk about a piece of advice you received that was helpful to you.
You should say:
Who gave this advice to you
When you were given this advice
What it was about
and explain why the advice was helpful for you
Follow up Questions:
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Follins up Questions:
Follow up questions:
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Follow-up questions:
Follow-up questions:
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Follow-up questions:
Describe if you could change one thing in the world, what it would be.
You should say:
What it would be
How you would change it
Why you want to change that
and explain why you think it is the most important thing you could change.
Follow-up questions:
I/ 71//1/1trill'''
220 JELTS Speaking Topics
Follow-up questions:
Do you think you will ever have the biggest collection in the World?
How valuable your collection would be in future?
Why do you think some people collect things?
Should archeological findings be kept in museums? Why?
How do people in your country collect things?
Are young people interested in collecting items as much as old people?
Follow-up questions:
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Follow-up questions:
Follow-up questions:
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Follow-up questions:
Follow-up questions:
What are the differences of the life in the past and present?
What are the impacts of electrical equipment on our life?
How will technology change our life in future?
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Follow-up questions:
Follow-up questions:
Follow-up questions:
Talk about your favorite place that you would like to spend your free time.
You should say:
Where it is
How you can get there
What you do there
and say how you would improve that place if you could.
Follow-up questions:
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Follow-up questions:
Follow up questions:
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Talk about a film or a movie that you never seen but would like to see.
You should say:
What kind of movie it is
How famous it is
Why you want to see it
and say if you will see that movie in the near future or not, and why.
Follow- up questions:
Follow-up questions:
What is a national flower in your country and what is it the symbol of?
In What occasions do people give flowers to each other in your country?
Is there a special kind of flower that is used for special occasions?
Is there a special color that associates something bad in your culture?
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Follow-up questions:
Follow-up questions:
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Follow-up questions:
Follow up questions:
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Follow-up questions:
Follow-up questions:
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Follow-up questions:
Follow-up question:
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Follow-up questions:
Follow-up questions:
Follow-up questions:
Describe an impressive natural feature in your country that you have seen.
You should say:
Where it is
What kind of place it is surrounded by
What it looks like
and say what is impressive about it.
Follow-up questions:
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Follow up questions:
Follow-up questions:
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Follow-up questions:
Follow-up questions:
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Follow up questions:
Follow up questions:
220 HILTS Speaking Topics
Follow-up questions:
Follow-up questions:
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Follow-up questions:
Follow-up questions:
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Follow up questions:
Follow-up questions:
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Follow-up questions:
Follow-up questions:
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Follow-up questions:
Follow-up questions:
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Follow-up questions:
Follow-up questions:
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Follow-up questions:
Follow-up questions:
How people's eating habit has changed in recent years in your country?
What do you think of advantages and disadvantages of fast foods?
What is the difference between fresh food and canned food?
What makes a restaurant run better?
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Follow-up questions:
Follow-up questions:
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Follow up questions:
Follow-up questions:
What do you think of the role of family and children to learn skills?
What do you think of traditional skills?
What is the most popular skill people want to learn?
What skill do you think the university has provided for your job?
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Follow-up questions:
Follow-up questions:
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Follow up question:
Follow-up questions:
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Describe your favorite toy you had when you were a child.
You should say:
What the toy was
Who gave it to you
What it was like
and explain why you liked it.
Follow-up questions:
Follow-up questions:
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Talk about something you like to do when the weather is hot/ cold.
You should say:
Where you do it
How often you do it
When you first started doing that thing
and explain what clothes or equipment you need.
Follow-up questions:
Follow-up questions:
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Last Words
Successful Candidates:
Basically, there are three ways to look at this problem. One way is to imagine....
It depends on how you look at it. For example, if you were a parent, you would have
one opinion and if were a student, you might have another perspective.
I think there are several ways to solve this problem. I think one way would be to....
I suppose you could break it up into two or three areas. First,...
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
In the IELTS speaking, Part I focuses on Present Tense, Part 2 on the Part, and Part 3
on the future and modals (can, would, might, may, etc.).You are expected to predict, guess,
analyze, relate, suggest, and evaluate in this part.
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Samples Scripts
Sample Test I
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
neighbourhood. There's lots of activity going on during the day, which makes
it very interesting as a city.
Examiner: OK, Ameneh. Tell me, what do most of the people do in your hometown?
Candidate: Well, as Tehran is the capital, there's a variety of vocations and activities
going on during the day. Obviously it's the base of a country, so you have
businessmen, you have lots of shops, and you have many ministries, many
schools. All in all, there's a variety of jobs and activities going on.
Examiner: OK, thanks Ameneh. Now let's move on to the second part. I would like to
show you a topic card, and you have to talk about this topic for about two
minutes. You have one minute to prepare yourself. Here is a paper and a pencil.
You can write down your notes if you wish.
Candidate: Thank you very much.
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Sample Test 2
to seven. After this, well it depends on how much work I have to do for the
next day. Or, whether or not I have enough free time, in which case I will sit
down and watch some television or spend some time with my mother.
Examiner: Alright Sara. What do you do on weekends?
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Candidate: Well, preferably, I'd like to spend weekends relaxing and refreshing myself
for the coming week. But, there will be times when I'll need to sit down and
do some studying. Maybe I've fallen behind on a certain subject, or maybe!
need to do some research. But! do prefer to relax, spend some time with my
family, maybe go out with my friends, and generally feel rested for the
following week.
Examiner: OK, thanks Sara. What are some of your hobbies?
Candidate: Well, if! have the time, I do enjoy going for a swim every once in a while. I
also enjoy going window shopping with my friends, and reading. But during
university, you have so much to read that I sometimes don't feel like reading
fiction during my spare time.
Examiner: OK Sara. How much time do you spend with your friends in your spare time?
Candidate: Well, I like to divide that spare time between my family and my friends.
Obviously, I see my family every day, mostly over a meal in the evening.
Friends, it's not so. Of course, my university friends I'll see during the day, if
we have classes together. But other friends, it's difficult to catch up on a
regular basis. I'd say I wouldn't mind spending one day a week catching up
with my friends and seeing what they're up to, and exchanging our weekly
Examiner: Alright Sara, now we move onto another topic. I will show you a topic card
and I would like you to talk about the topic for about two minutes. You
have once minute to organise your mind and think about the topic. Here is a
paper and a pencil and you can write down notes if you wish.
Candidate: Thank you very much.
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Candidate: Thank you. Well my favourite photograph has to be one taken of my father
many years ago. I think it must have been even before he married my mother.
It's a very quaint photograph of him sitting in a tree with a very playful look
on his face. And all his friends and colleagues standing under the tree, and I
think, wondering how on earth he got up there in the first place. But they're
all very amused, and they look like they're having a very good time.
I didn't actually, obviously, take the photograph myself. I'm imagining that it
must have been one of my father's friends or colleagues on the university
campus he was working at during that time. But I have to say it's a very
candid photo, and it really captures the moment, and my father's very playful
nature. This photograph of course is even more special to me since my father
is no longer with us, and this really reminds me of how he was when I was a
child, and how wonderful it was to be around him.
Examiner: Thank you Sara. Now I would like to ask a few more detailed questions. How
can someone take a good photograph?
Candidate: Well, I do enjoy photography, but I'm in no way a professional
photographer. I'd have to say a good angle, the right subject. I think light is
very important, obviously, well, it would depend on the subject as well and
location, but I think there are many different aspects involved in taking a
good photo.
Examiner: Do you prefer to keep a film or a photograph?
Candidate: Well, you have to consider them both really. Photographs are obviously
moments in time that have been captured and you can take them out at any
given time and have a look at them and feel those emotions again, and see the
happiness or whatever the occasion was and what feelings it induced in the
people in the photograph or the subject of the photograph. Film has its
advantages of being more real, having motion and movement and also sound.
But on a personal level, I think there's something magical about a photograph
that will never be about a film.
Examiner: Do you prefer a black and white photo or a colourful one?
Candidate: Again, that depends on the subject matter. I think portraits are more beautiful
when they're black and white. But some landscape and sceneries are
obviously all the more breathtaking because of the colour. So it would be a
shame to take the photograph in black and white.
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Examiner: How do you feel when you look at your family album?
Candidate: A great sense of nostalgia. I absolutely enjoy going through
my family albums and looking at my parents and relatives from even before I
existed. I like to think what they were thinking then and how they felt, and the
funny part, I think, is the way they used to dress. It's just such a beautiful
experience, to be able to go back and see what your loved ones looked like, or
try to imagine what must have been going on through their minds at the time
when this photograph was taken. It's a lovely experience.
Examiner: Thank you very much Sara. That is the end of your speaking test. Have a nice
Candidate: Thank you very much.
Sample Test 3
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Candidate: Well, you've asked me to describe an important letter or email I've received. It
was about a year ago that I made an application to a very reputable university to
pursue my studies in English. I received a letter a few months back from the
Head of the Department of Languages. This letter was of course one of the most
important letters I've ever received in my life because not only did it confirm
my place on that course, but it also offered me a full scholarship, which was the
best news I could have got. The only thing holding me back all these years was
of course the question of finds, but now that is no longer the problem. The
letter also mentioned when the course begins, and how to go about registering.
Examiner: Alright, thanks Nazli. Now I would like to ask a few more questions. What is
the difference between a letter and an email?
Candidate: Well, we can say the main difference is I suppose the speed in which we
receive a letter as opposed to an email. Modern life probably necessitates
speedier access to communication. So therefore, an email is much more
convenient and less time-consuming.
Examiner: How do you think internet has changed traditional letter writing?
Candidate: Do you mean in the aspect of whether it's a good change or a negative
Examiner: That's right.
Candidate: Well, I think that it has a little bit of both. The internet facilitates the speed in
which you can communicate important matters and personal matters with
others. And also, it doesn't necessitate a person sitting down and writing a
letter, and having to post it, and waiting for the time that it would take to
deliver in order to get a reply. With the internet you can write a message and
convey a certain thing within minutes, and receive a reply within minutes.
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
On the downside, I would have to say that an email lacks the emotion that
maybe the sender is trying to convey. With letters you can perhaps tell a lot
about its context because of the person's handwriting. It has a generally
more personal touch to it, which I think is quite special. So, maybe emails
are a good thing, but on special occasions for the people who matter to you,
sending the occasional letter I think is a nice gesture.
Examiner: And the last question Nazli. Would post offices disappear in the next fifty
Candidate: Well, I wouldn't be surprised if they did, or at least they were diminished in
numbers greatly. The reason is that obviously people are relying more and
more on the internet to communicate. But on the other hand, as is the case
now, a lot of people around the world still don't have access to the internet,
so I think it wouldn't altogether disappear. At the end of the day you can't
send a parcel, or a small package via the internet. So perhaps not entirely,
but maybe you'd come across them a lot less often than you do now.
Examiner: Thank you very much, Nazli. This is the end of the speaking test.
Candidate: Thank you.
Sample Test 4
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Candidate: Well we try to get on as well as we can, but obviously each of us has a very
different character to the other. So yes, because we're not a small family we
try to learn, or we were taught early on to appreciate our differences and try
and get along as best as we can.
Examiner: Thanks Maryam. What do you like to do to together as a family?
Candidate: If we haven't seen each other for a long stretch of time, what we most like to
do is get together for a family meal, and discuss the things that are going on
in our lives. We tend to do that at least once a week with all the family
gathered at my parent's house. It's a very enjoyable time, because you get to
catch up and learn what your family are doing. And also, give each other
advice on different subjects or difficulties we might be having.
Candidate: I have to say yes, because it's quite central and therefore everything is easily
within access. The downside to my neighbourhood is maybe the traffic and the
noise. But all in all, I like it. I do.
Examiner: Have you ever thought about changing your apartment?
Candidate: Not for the moment, no. But if our family grows, then obviously we will have
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Candidate: Well I haven't been there for many years now, but I have been told that it's
expanded. The building has been expanded. I'm sure this is due to the
numerous books they must have accumulated since my last visit. And also, I've
been told that the whole library has been digitalised and the books are now
available as e-books.
Examiner: Alright. What skills should a librarian have?
Candidate: Well I think as a librarian, it's a pre-requisite to have a good knowledge of
literature, and also of the books available in the library you're working at. I
think another thing that helps is patience and people-skills. You have to manage
the people attending the library, trying to keep the peace of the environment,
trying to keep it a calm atmosphere. And also, I think perhaps enjoying solitude
at long stretches of time is also a benefit.
Examiner: Is it important to take children to libraries?
Candidate: Well, I think it's very important to introduce children to books as soon as
possible, as early on in life as you can. Of course you can do this by buying
books for your children, but obviously you would never be able to buy all the
books available at a library for your child. So yes, I think taking children to
libraries to enhance their knowledge and their curiosity, and exposing them to the
variety available there is very important.
Examiner: Thank you very much Maryam. This is the end of the interview, and have a very
nice day.
Candidate: Thank you very much.
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Sample Test 5
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Examiner: We are going to move onto a different subject now. Do you use the Internet much
during a day?
Candidate: Well I can say yes. I use most of the time during my office on the net because
due to nature of my job I have to surf the net, find out different answers to many
questions and different subjects. So, most of the time I spend my day on the net.
Candidate: Basically! surf Google and Yahoo. Yes, I can tell you that the most recent one
that I have visited was the yahoo site when in fact few hours back I had to send
an urgent e-mail to my colleagues overseas, so I switched on the net and I got
connected, I composed my own mail , and in fact through mail I sent my message
to my friend.
Examiner: What are some advantages of interne?
Candidate: I suppose there are too many to be counted. In fact, intemet has made
the interactions among the people very close and it brought the people close
together and it covers the distances. As you know probably, Now that the whole
World is called the global village because all the interactions and
communications are among the people and in fact with only a single click on the
net, you can get connected to your friends on the other side of the globe, you can
also send and receive e-mails and also you can have also access to lots of
Candidate: I can say more or less yes people use intemet a lot because the young mostly use
Internet for chatting, for surfing, for sending and receiving e-mails ,and of
course the organizations and offices use intemet for official correspondence.
Examiner: Thank you, Laleh. Now I'm going to give you a topic card which I like you to
talk about 2 minutes, please take 1 minute to study topic card and here is a
Candidate: Thanks.
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Candidate: Well about museum that I have visited, I would like to say that it was almost 9
months back when I had a visit to Auckland. In fact, over there, in that city, there
was an anthropology museum that was a huge single storey glass building and in
fact when we entered the building, on the right side, there was a small gift shop
where visitors could buy souvenirs and opposite the gift shop, there was a gallery
movement of the old and disabled visitors. There were several items on display,
in one comer, there was a big window, old pots and ceramic dishes were on this
display. On the other side was a pot which old costumes belonging to people
living in those areas were was on display. In fact, on the other corner of this hall,
there was a part which displays ancient indigenous artifacts. So, altogether, there
are so many items on display which were really informative and in general I
suppose the museum depicted the ancient civilization of the people used to live in
those times. The reason I visited there in fact as a tourist, so I thought that
probably it's better to familiarize myself with the customs and traditions of the
Examiner: Alright, thank you Laleh, now E m going to ask you some more detailed
questions on the same topic. What do you think is the importance of the
Candidate: Well in fact, I have never given it much thought, but I suppose the importance
of museums are far too many probably to educate people of the ancient
civilizations and also to familiarize them with different life styles that have our
ancestors, their traditions and I believe in general museum takes us back in time
to different eras.
Examiner: Thank you. What types of museums are popular in your country?
Candidate: I can say that different types of museums which are quite popular if you want to
and there are also different museums exhibiting different items inside the kings
Candidate: Well it is really important to visit museums, especially to educate our kids and
exhibiting different items to help people to get to know their ancient cultures and
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
civilizations and in fact as I told before it takes us back to different times and
different eras and there are also so many old and ancient items on display which
are in fact pertained to our ancestors that are really unique.
Examiner: Alright thank you very much Laleh, it is the end of your speaking test.
Candidate: Thank you very much. Have a nice day.
Sample Test 6
Examiner: Hello.
Candidate: Hello.
Examiner: Come in please and have a seat.
Candidate: Thank you.
Examiner: May I have your full name, please?
Candidate: My name is Ladan Sariri.
Interviewer: Alright, Ladan .Can I look at your passport, please?
Candidate: Yes, there you go.
Examiner: Thanks, all right Ladan, where are you from?
Candidate: I'm from Tehran which is the capital of Iran, I was born and raised here and
lived here all my life, it's a very big city but I enjoy living here.
Examiner: What's the weather like in your home town?
Candidate: Well, in Tehran the weather is very diverse. We have 4 seasons exactly; it can
be very hot in the summer, very hot and dry, and extremely cold in the winter.
The temperature can go down to minus 17 and we used to have a lot of snow
that stopped for a while , but in recent years it's been snowing more and more
Examiner: Ok, thanks Ladan, does the weather affect your mood?
Candidate: I think the weather probably affects everybody's mood. Some people feel more
energetic and cheerful under blue sky with the sun shining, and perhaps the wet
weather dampens their mood and makes some feel depressed but there are
many people who prefer you call it rainy weather.
Examiner: What is your favorite season of the year?
Candidate: I personally real!) enjoy autumn because I think everything looks more
beautiful. The colors are warm, the trees look beautiful, the weather is mild. It
is neither too hot nor cold.
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Candidate: Well, We once had a pet cat, which was given to us by a neighbor, he came
across it in the garden downstairs, and it was very small at that time, and
extremely skinny. He was not allowed - his parents didn't allow him -to take it at
home, so he brought it to our door. Of course, once we saw it, we fell in love
with it and took her in. She was a ginger cat. I think by some standard, she was
quite ugly, we thought she was very pretty. First she needed a bit of care because
she was so small and she wasn't used to be around people. But once she stayed
with us for a while, she took of the apartment basically, we were more her guest
rather than she ours. Taking care of her was a pleasure. She could get messy
sometimes, but once she learned where her kitty little was, she knew she had to
go to bathroom there. And of course, like all cats, she always looking for extra
food. I don't know whether l' be able to have a pet and keep it and look after
probably now because I tend to be more outside of the house than inside. Also
my brother is quite allergic to cat fur.
Examiner: Ok Ladan, I would like to ask you a few more detailed questions about the same
topic. Why do you think some people keep pets?
Candidate: Well, the reason for some people is because they are very fond of animals. May
be they've been brought up with animals in a house, so it's just a part of their
normal life. I think for others, it is because of their loneliness, and the end of the
day when you come home if it depresses you there is no one there, it's good to
have a living breathing animal waiting for you.
Examiner: what kinds of pets are popular in your country?
Candidate: I' m afraid some animals in general are not popular. Domesticated animals like
pets are not very popular. It is not in our culture to keep animals in the house.
However, there are many people who own dogs. We have quite a few dog lovers,
cats less and less, there are people who feed them occasionally outside of their
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
home. I would say perhaps an animal with less fuss and less fur like parrots or
goldfish is the popular type in my country.
Examiner: Why do you think some people hate keeping pets, while others like it?
Candidate: Again, I think that goes back to what you are brought up with and personal
feeling towards pets .I think one reason people might not like keeping pets is the
trouble they have to go through in order to look after the pet properly. Of course
once you take in a pet, you are obliged to look after it properly, feed it on the
regular basis, make sure it has a clean dry place to sleep and also make sure it
gets enough activities during the day.
Examiner: Thanks Ladan, one more question. What are the limitations in your country for
keeping pets?
Candidate: Well as I mentioned before because of our culture ,perhaps our religion, people
who keep dogs have a pretty difficult time because dogs need exercise; you
can't keep them in the house all day long, you need to take them out for a walk.
Perhaps people in the streets would not welcome this. In fact I think they are
extremely frowned upon. I think another issue might be the expense of keeping
a pet . Ever since a dog, well there is not dog food in a can, ready available in
every supermarket so you would have to spend more money and time in
making for your pet dog.
Candidate: Thank you very much Ladan. This is the end of your interview, have a nice time
Examiner: Thank you
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Sample Test 7
things I need.
Examiner: Ok Sogol, do you ever shop on the Internet?
Candidate: I don't think I would like to. I never have. For me shopping is a personal
experience. I like to see what I am choosing and about to buy. Seeing the
photograph I don't think does the same thing. It's not the same experience.
Examiner: Thanks. let's move onto the topic of clothing. What type of clothes do you like
to wear?
Candidate: I like comfortable clothes something easy to be in for the whole day.
Examiner: O.K. What kind of clothes do people in your country usually wears?
Candidate: It depends on their age and also it depends on their jobs sometimes even, but I
think you'll find in Tehran, younger people like to wear trendy clothes. They like to
wear jeans and colorful coats and t-shirts. Yes, I think younger people enjoy
younger fashion like everyone in the world. They prefer to dress in a sporty manner
but of course for formal occasions the men will put on a very nice suit and ladies
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Candidate: I think they probably do. If you wear something smart and formal I think you
subconsciously feel that you're supposed to behave dignified may be and then
you might feel important. If you are wearing something comfortable and sporty
every day, you probably behave more casual as well and then you'll probably be
more approachable at the same time.
Examiner: Now let's move onto the topic card. I would like you to describe one of the
shopping centers you often go to. So you have to talk about the topic for about
2 minutes and you have 1 minute to think about the topic here is a paper and a
pencil to write down whatever you wish and then you may start.
Candidate: Thank you.
Candidate: The shopping center that I normally go to is a large one. It was built I think about 5 or
6 years ago. The reason I go there is because there is such a wide variety to choose
from. It has 4 or 5 different stories and numerous different shops. Basically you can
find whatever you are looking for, whether it is a pair of flip-flops or a formal
evening dress. I would probably go there at least once a month or may be twice.
might not even buy anything but there also are some cafes or restaurants to sit and
then have about to eat in. so, I might just end up going there with a friend or a few
friends just for a coffee or may be do some window shopping. I go to this particular
one because as I mentioned before you can find whatever you are looking for: sports
wear, formal wear, shoes, bags, accessories, and even I think recently household
Examiner: Alright Sogol, now I would like to ask you a few more detailed questions related to
the same topic. Will smaller shops survive in the current business system?
Candidate: Actually, I have actually never thought about it before, but I'd assume they
would especially in rural areas where demand for the shopping centers is
probably zero; however, population is growing and there are new products every
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
day, so I think they will diminish in numbers in more urban areas, but however
not completely disappear from the face of the earth. A lot of people still prefer to
go to the local shop to buy what they are looking for and support their family
Examiner: What are the differences of modem shopping malls and smaller shops?
Candidate: Well, again, I haven't given this much thought before, but I suppose
modem shopping mall is quite inviting with its huge structure, its modem
architecture and there is so much to choose from as oppose smaller local shops. I
think this abundance of choice might be a bit confusing at times, smaller shops
tend to store less items when you go in and you don't have a huge variety to
confuse you and of course the appearance is much more traditional.
Examiner: Ok, thanks and the last question. What is the trend of future shopping centers?
Candidate: Well, in my opinion, I think the future of shopping centers; they will be fewer in
numbers, but probably a lot bigger. I think this would because people want to go
to one place and buy whatever they need. There's also this growing trend of
intemet shopping but I don't think interne shopping will take over completely
because I think people generally prefer to see and see whatever about the
purchases before making a decision
Examiner: Thank you very much Sogol. This is the end of your interview .Have a nice day.
Sample Test 8
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Candidate: A kind of musical instrument I would like to play is probably DAFF. I ye when
I was younger always wanted to learn how to play DAFF. Well, in fact DAFF
is a large frame drum with metal bangles and it is a bit similar to tambourine in
instruction, it is handmade and it is a part of religious music in Iran in our
country in Sufi especially it is always a spiritual tool I can say it is generally
played in the ancient middle east by women in Kurd_society, it can also be
played to produce highly intense and complex rhythm and well, in fact, the kind
of people probably, it is popular may be with the people who are interested in
mysticism and ethnic music and in fact I had started learning playing DAFF,
this my interesting musical instrument, almost 2 years back , I registered in an
institute and in fact with the help of a skilled and experienced instructor, I had
managed to learn.
Examiner: Alright, thank you, Taraneh. Now I'm going to ask you some detailed questions
on the same topic. What musical instruments are popular in your country?
Candidate: Well, in my country, I suppose the piano, the guitar; perhaps the drum is the
most popular among the younger people. However, many older people tend to
play eastern musical instruments such as the Sitar which is a string instrument
and DAFF which is percussion.
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Examiner: Do you think people have tendency to Western music and if so why?
Candidate: Well I'm not expert but I can say, I do think still people have more tendency
toward western music especially the younger generation, in spite of the fact that
Iranian Pop and music styles have developed and improved a lot, still I suppose
because of so much variety in western music, people tend to listen to western
Examiner: Alright and do you think children should be encouraged to play music from the
early childhood?
Candidate: Like any other activities, I suppose playing music is better to be encouraged
from early childhood-from early age because children are capable of absorbing
things very quickly and easily and they can develop it further with their practice ,
with their talent more quicker than adults and probably the later ages.
Examiner: What is the best way to learn to play an instrument?
Candidate: Probably the best way to play music is registering in a prominent and leading
institute and with the help of a skilled, experienced ,I can say, professional music
instructor probably that would be the best way because I've heard around it from
some people they go back to their talent , they are self-tutored, I believe, they
don't develop further , and I have also seen the people who are talented and
started learning musical instrument with the help of a capable music instructor
and I can say they have improve much further.
Examiner: Ok, Tareneh. What do you think about the role of music in people's lives?
Candidate: Well it is multifaceted; music plays a great role in people's lives basically. It
depends on the situation and the occasion; in sad situation, it can calm them down
in time listening to light music is very soothing and relaxing. On the other hand,
on happy occasions, it lifts their spirits, it really helps them to rev- up and it is
very relaxing, but I suppose it can have destructive effect on the younger
generation and children, it may encourage them to drug abuse or some violence.
Examiner: Alright, Taraneh, thank you very much. Your speaking test is now over.
Candidate: Thank you, have a nice day.
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Sample Test 9
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Candidate: I can tell you that honestly, I'm a big fan of music I have spent much of my time
listening to different kinds of music; western music, Iranian, pop songs. Yes
totally I can tell, I really am interested in listening to music.
Examiner: What kind of music do you like?
Candidate: There is a variety of music I really like. I can tell you from folk music, western
music, pop music which these days is very popular, so, I'm a big fan of almost all
types of music
Examiner: Can you tell me what kind of music is popular in your country?
Candidate: Well in recent years I can tell you, pop music is probably very popular among
the people especially the younger generation, but those days, I remember, in the
past, people had more tendencies towards western music.
Examiner: Alright, Now I'm going to give you a topic card which you have to talk about in
2 minutes, please take 1 minute to study it and here's a piece of paper and pen if
you need to take some notes.
Candidate: Thanks.
Candidate: It's about my favorite toy .when I was a child about 2 or 3 years old, I had a
Barbie doll, in fact, my mother gave it to me because ,at that time, I can
remember that they had already put me in the kindergarten and they probably
had difficulties sending me there, I was a naughty girl at that time, I was crying
I wasn't keeping up with people even the babysitters over there .So probably to
encourage me to stay there, she bought me a Barbie doll, I remember, it was
really nice, looks like Cinderella and it had nice long blond hair, very well-
dressed fashionably, but, in fact, I really like it because still I have it after so
many years when I look at it, it reminds me of sweet memories of the past.
Examiner: Alright, Now I'm going to ask you some detailed questions on the same subject.
What kind of toys do you think are more suitable for kids?
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Candidate: Well, I suppose, it depends on the age. If they are toddlers or kids probably
something pretty safe, such as stuffed toys, dolls something without jagged
edges or without sharp edges. Something really keep them away from dangers,
but when they grow older, I think, when they go to 5 or 6 years, it's better to
give them something more educational to keep their mind more active, give
them some more challenging games such as board games, chess , etc.
have supervision over the type of toys basically they use. Especially these days,
there are different types of computer games in the market; so definitely, in that
Examiner: How has the type of toys that the children play with change in recent years in
your opinion?
Candidate: I can tell you it has dramatically changed since I was a child, I can tell you those
days, I used to play safe toys such as stuffed dolls, teddy bears, balls, plastic
balls and something really safe. However, these days I notice that younger
generation, children and different ages tend to play with modern toys from gun
shots to different toys and they also spend time playing different type of violent
game which is not at all useful for them. So I suppose, unfortunately, there is a
tendency towards more from violent games to dangerous games these days.
Examiner: Thank you very much, Pooneh, your speaking test now is now over.
Sample Test 10
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Candidate: Well you've asked me to describe an old person that I've met. I'd like to
describe my best friend's late grandmother. She was quite a short lady, bent
over even further with her back problems and arthritis. She had snow-white
hair, which was always very neatly pulled back into a bun. She always smelt
of a very pleasant flowery type of smell. I think she may have put her clothing
into some very aromatic flowers, as they used to in the old days.
She was very kind, and I remember her taking very good care of us whenever I
was visiting my friend. What I remember as a very fond memory was her
lovely cookies. She used to make very delicious biscuits and sweets and
cookies, and we used to enjoy them a lot. And that also gave her a very nice
smell because we associated her with these beautiful biscuits.
Examiner: Alright Naghmeh, now I would like to ask a few more detailed questions
about the same topic. What are the problems of old people in your country?
people tend to suffer from loneliness. Obviously this is not very beneficial to
them because it affects their health. Also, there are cases obviously, where old
people are distant from their immediate family or they have none left, and
therefore they are put into nursing homes. In some cases, this might even
happen with immediate family available.
Candidate: Old people in my country I think enjoy getting together with their family and
exchanging stories, and advising the youngers in their family how to lead their
lives properly. I think the old people in my country become very sociable. They
1" 4
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
going out a lot. If they're healthy enough, I think they all like to go to the park,
meet new people. Basically, I think they enjoy any activity that involves
interaction with other people.
Examiner: Do you think old people should be kept in nursing homes?
Candidate: Well actually, I don't agree with nursing homes unless it's the last option. Old
people should be taken care of by the people that they've taken care of before,
such as their children and close relatives. But of course there are exceptions
where people are too ill, or they need special care, in which case a well-equipped
environment would be to their benefit.
Examiner: And the last question: What can the government do to improve the life of senior
Candidate: I think governments can do a lot by allocating funds to develop social
gathering places for the elderly where they can meet and convene with their
peers. I also think that the elderly should have access to free medical treatment
and medication, because at the end of the day this is the generation that raised all
these doctors and people in the society. And I think also another point might be
for the government to improve the conditions in nursing homes, so that they're all
uniformly equipped to take care of those who need to be there.
Examiner: Thank you very much Naghmeh. This is the end of the interview. Thank you
very much and have a nice day.
Candidate: Thank you very much.
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
Haines S. & May P. (2008),IELTS Master Class. Oxford: Oxford University Press
220 IELTS Speaking Topics
aimed at helping IELTS candidates pass 'diet •
speaking section of IELTS Exam successful
This book provides practical advice and tau+
expressions for IELTS Speaking Tes! alonStiri
ample samples which enable the candidaiegto
, improve their speaking skill.
RealtTest Samples for Part 1,2frand1-7,
:miip and arra'nsed al
crep4s of students to various 4i erS.
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ISBN: 964-6117-72-4
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