10.5923.j.ijbe.20110101.01 E
10.5923.j.ijbe.20110101.01 E
10.5923.j.ijbe.20110101.01 E
DOI: 10.5923/j.ijbe.20110101.01
Department of Biotechnology, Sir Padampat Singhania University, Udaipur, 313601, India
Faculty of Biotechnology, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University ,Hyderabad, Hyderabad, 500085, India
Department of Biotechnology, Vignan University, Guntur, 522213, India
Abstract The aqueous, methanol and ethanol extracts of Calotropis gigantea leaves, apical buds and flowers were
prepared and used to study the effect of Calotropis gigantea extracts on growth & survival dynamics of Escherichia coli,
Staphylococcus aureus, Candida albicansandXanthomonascampestris. Microbial growth and survival dynamic profiles in
the presence of solvent extracts in broth cultures were obtained and in most of the cases the flowers and apical buds ex-
tracts have also shown the maximal growth reduction in addition to the leaves, but in some cases growth was rapid and
accelerated than the control growth curves. Calotropis gigantea containing active metabolites such as mudarin, antho-
cyanins, calactin, calotropin, 18, 20-epoxy-cardenolides, non-protein amino acids, protease inhibitors, constitutive
α-amylase inhibitors, lectins etc. may be the ones responsible for the obtained growth and survival dynamics in microbial
broth culture. Over all the study has provided the potential of Calotropis gigantea as a source for biopesticides and future
Keywords Calotropis Gigantea, Medicinal Plant Extracts, Antibiotic Source, Flower Extracts, Microbial Growth and
Survival Dynamics
& flowers were prepared with the freshly harvested explants Time (min.) for 6 hours with respect to each test microor-
by drying, grinding followed by dissolving in distilled water, ganism as shown in the Figures 1-12.
ethanol and methanol separately for 24 hrs. with reciprocal
shaking of 30 cycles per min. and filtering the solvent ex-
tracts by 0.45 micron filters followed by drying in water bath 3. Results & Discussion
at 80oC for methanol & ethanol and at 100oC for water fol-
lowed by dissolving the obtained dry residues or extracts in Growth profiles of E.coliin Figure. 1 in the presence of
their respective solvents[12] to obtain the final extract con- aqueous Calotropis gigantealeaves, apical buds & flowers
centrations as aqueous leaves extract of 3.1482mg/ml, extracts are much lower for the initial 90 minutes of culturing
aqueous apical buds extract of 2.4317mg/ml, aqueous flow- period, suggesting the presence of growth inhibiting mole-
ers extract of 0.1434mg/ml, ethanol leaves extract cules almost stopping the multiplication of E.coli. Later on
of2.1246mg/ml, ethanol apical buds extract of 4.4352mg/ml, E.coli is able to overcome the growth inhibiting molecules in
ethanol flowers extract of 1.6455mg/ml, methanol leaves the presence of aqueous apical buds & flowers extracts and
extract of 4.3729mg/ml, methanol apical buds extract of increased their growth equivalent to that of the control
5.2495mg/ml and methanol flowers extract of 1.6224mg/ml. growth curve; where as in the presence of aqueous leaves
All these extracts were stored in the refrigerator until use. extract, E.coli still had relatively reduced growth rate.
concentration of active metabolites is inadequate to stop the methanol extracts of C. gigantea leaves, apical buds &
growth completely. flowers are lowered than that of the control inferring the
presence of active plant metabolites having mild growth
reducing capability. It may also be the case of minor con-
centrations of active metabolites in the extracts sufficient to
suppress the growth for the initial two hours of culturing.
5. Conclusions
Calotropis gigantea leaves have the active metabolites
capable of suppressing the growth of E. coli, S. aureus, C.
Figure 10. Growth profiles of S.aureus in the presence of ethanol extracts
albicans& X. campestris to greater extent[13] depending on
of Calotropis gigantea.
their abundance in the culturing environment. The apical
buds have the active metabolites possessing the mild to
moderate growth inhibiting capabilities on the tested
pathogenic bacteria, whereas the flowers active metabolites
has the mild growth inhibitory effect on E. coli&S. aureus
and moderate inhibitory effect on C. albicans and X.
campestris. The non-aqueous leaves extracts in case of S.
aureusand C. albicans have shown more of a bactericidal
affect and inhibiting growth effect on X. campestris which
may be due to the extraction of active metabolites such as
18,20 –epoxy cardenolides, Calotropin, frugoside, isor-
hamnetin-3-O-glucopyranoside, non-protein amino acids,
protease inhibitors, constitutive α-amylase inhibitors
Figure 11. Growth profiles of C. albicans in the presence of ethanol etc[14-17] from leaves. The active metabolites from the
extracts of Calotropis gigantea. leaves, apical buds & flowers were better extracted by
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