Spotlight On - Holt's Hilltoppers
Spotlight On - Holt's Hilltoppers
Spotlight On - Holt's Hilltoppers
Holt’s Hilltoppers
Holt's Hilltoppers
For every Kell Hounds or Wolf’s Dragoons, there are a hundred similar outfits that are just as
talented—and just as deadly—that you have never heard of. Or worse, you have not heard of
enough. Sure, the glory hounds who make the evening tri-vid news are movers and shakers, and
can change national borders whenever they want, but they’re not the only ones. For every Eridani Development
Light Horse, there is a house, mercenary or Clan crew with a storied battlefield history just as Joshua C. Perian • Ray Arrastia
spectacular. These are the unit commands that have gone largely unnoticed in the long, bloody
history of the Inner Sphere, their stories untold or nearly forgotten. Take a closer look at the battles Geoff “Doc” Swift
and events that have shaped the human sphere, and you’ll find even two-bit troops like Wilson’s
Hussars have made a difference. Editing
—Professor Harry Alexander, Spotlight On: The Almost Famous, Free Republic Press Philip A. Lee
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Holt's Hilltoppers
Unit History great opportunity to strike back against their ancestral enemies,
but A liaison officer was integrated into their command due to
and Description their youthful status as mercenaries . When the Harloc Raiders
sent a battalion to eliminate the mercenaries, the Hilltoppers
Operation GUERRERO was a grand success for the Free Worlds prepared concealed positions in St. Ives-controlled city they
League; however, not all citizens of the League were pleased were defending. The liaison, however, relayed orders that the
with the overt support for their ancestral enemy, the Capellan Hilltoppers were to meet the Raiders in the plains outside the
Confederation. The rebellion on Holt seemed a minor thing at city. Holt initially refused the order but relented when his warriors
the time, not even garnering the notice of the interstellar press faced arrest from police waiting outside the conference room.
amid the conflagration engulfing the worlds being wrested from The battle began with luck seeming to favor the Hilltoppers
the Federated Commonwealth. once more. Their fighters caught the Raiders unawares and killed
A battalion of Holt’s planetary militia launched a coordinated both the commanding and executive officers with precision
attack on the Sixth Marik Militia’s base of operations. This attack bombing runs, at the cost of half the Hilltoppers squadron. This
was not intended to destroy the Sixth or even to drive them off- early loss of command might have turned the tide for a larger
planet. Instead, it was to secure enough DropShips to leave Holt, force, but the Raiders regrouped and took advantage of their
in protest of the Captain-General’s alliance with the Capellans. superior numbers. Several Hilltoppers, including the liaison, fell
The Sixth mauled the poorly equipped militia, however. A to the enemy. Holt stunned the Raiders when he positioned
handful of ’Mechs and aerofighters were all that survived of his Nightstar between a fallen comrade and an entire company
the rebellious battalion. Their attack only managed to secure a of light and medium Raider ’Mechs. He entered a battle frenzy
battered Leopard-class DropShip, forcing them to leave some of and downed several Raiders, but the combined firepower of an
their materiel behind. entire company was overwhelming. Keeping his feet apparently
Months passed before these ragged survivors arrived on through willpower alone, Holt powered down and requested
Outreach, using aliases and piloting ’Mechs and fighters with their terms of surrender, hoping that his comrades would be spared.
colors and insignia obliterated. So was born Holt’s Hilltoppers. His courageous defense impressed the Raiders enough that they
Their small numbers, nonexistent MRBC rating, and lack of accepted his surrender, though they charged a heavy ransom.
advanced equipment left them unemployable in the Inner The shattered Hilltoppers limped back to Outreach in defeat.
Sphere, so the Hilltoppers were forced to take contracts in the A surprise awaited the Hilltoppers when they arrived. A small group
Periphery instead. Several years in service to the New Colony of Canopian renegades had hijacked not just a DropShip, but also a
Region garnered the nascent command a reputation for JumpShip, in fleeing their homeworld. These warriors remembered
unconventional defensive tactics, honed in numerous raids by the Hilltoppers and sought to join the honorable command, caring
the pirate bands that plagued the region. Both the Magistracy not a whit that they had just suffered abject defeat.
of Canopus and the colonists, including the Colonial Marshals Holt made the best of the situation. The Hilltoppers counted
with whom the Hilltoppers cooperated on many occasions, almost a ’Mech company and two pairs of aerofighters. More
looked on the Hilltoppers with great favor for their respectful importantly, with transport assets of their own, they possessed
behavior and stalwart refusal to give ground to raiders, even true independence. Never again would the Hilltoppers accept
when outnumbered. During this time, the Hilltoppers techs integrated command from an employer. It was around this time
became adept at modifying their BattleMechs on the fly, as that Holt became known as “Chief” rather than any military
proper replacement parts in the Periphery were hard to come by. rank. His regard for his comrades extended beyond loyalty. The
After several years, commanding officer George Holt, Hilltoppers were now a tribe. Those seeking to join in the future
an Amerindian who had taken their homeworld’s name in would be vetted for selflessness and dedication to the command
replacement of his own, brought the Hilltoppers back to as a whole; glory-seekers were not welcome.
Outreach. He recruited some new MechWarriors and pilots, A short contract defending Kiamba from the Ghost Bears
and the company was hired as an auxiliary force for Operation netted Elemental captives who elected to join the Hilltoppers
STILETTO. The Hilltoppers performed admirably in their limited rather than be turned over to the Combine. Soon after, the
engagements on Acamar, improving their reputation among Hilltoppers became embroiled in the Draconis March’s invasion
potential employers. Fortune seemed to be smiling on the of the Draconis Combine during the FedCom Civil War. The
Hilltoppers. But in the mercenary world, fortune often switches Hilltoppers were hired to “protect the assets of Duke James
favor without warning. Sandoval” during the invasion of Ashio. This limited them to
The Hilltoppers fought on Warlock against Capellan forces defending the Robinson Rangers’ DropShips, MASH operations,
during the St. Ives War. The Hilltoppers’ founders felt it was a headquarters, and supplies.
Holt's Hilltoppers
The Hilltoppers soon had bounties on their heads after they two of the Hilltoppers’ three companies were deployed across
leveled a number of city blocks to eliminate guerrilla activity. Portland for various training exercises. Only one company, plus the
This only motivated the Combine defenders to greater fury when tanks tasked with base defense, were defending the Hilltoppers
the Hilltoppers met them in battle. In particular, the Forty-sixth headquarters. Calderon’s Commando dropped a company of
Dieron Regulars, a formation barely a year old, targeted the ’Mechs and one of fast hovercraft to destroy the base. A secondary
Hilltoppers for elimination. Matters came to a head when the goal was to capture any personnel and salvage any usable
Hilltoppers ambushed and exterminated the scout lances of materiel in the process, but the pirates discounted the tenacity
the Forty-sixth’s second battalion. Second Battalion’s infuriated of mercenaries. Unlike most units who resorted to work in the
commander, Chu-sa Harold Nakayama, took his command Periphery, the Hilltoppers refused to break and run when the
company to annihilate the Hilltoppers and destroy the Rangers’ pirates surprised them. Instead, the Hilltoppers sold themselves
DropShips in the bargain. dearly, refusing to fall before taking at least one pirate with them.
The Hilltoppers waited in ambush positions as the Forty- Rather than the Hilltoppers suffering shattered morale, it was the
sixth approached. The canny Combine commander ordered an pirates who lost their nerve and turned tail to flee. The Hilltoppers
artillery bombardment, striking one of the Hilltoppers Elemental controlled the field, and their civilians and base were safe, but half
Points. The surviving Elementals broke cover and attacked the of the defenders had fallen to the pirate onslaught.
nearest Combine ’Mech, ruining the ambush. The Hilltoppers
erupted from concealment and hurled themselves at the enemy.
A brutal melee broke out. Holt personally challenged the nearest
Combine MechWarrior to a duel, who happened to be the enemy
commander. While they blasted one another, the Hilltoppers
were pounding the Forty-sixth to scrap. When the Hilltoppers
aerofighters arrived and cut off enemy reinforcements, the
Combine commander abandoned the duel and ordered a retreat.
The combined-arms assault ensured only five Regulars, including
their commander, escaped the carnage.
Subsequent battles on Ashio cemented the Hilltoppers’
reputation as excellent defenders. It also showed their utter
savagery. Executive officer Captain Indrakosit was killed when
Chu-sa Nakayama shot through his ’Mech’s cockpit. The members
of Indrakosit’s lance went berserk and killed every Regular on
the field that day, save Nakayama himself, who taunted the
Hilltoppers as he slipped their grasp. It didn’t seem to matter
to him that he had lost three of his own MechWarriors. Killing a
Hilltopper had apparently been his goal.
The Rangers’ withdrawal from Ashio to Mallory’s World ended
the feud with Nakayama. The Hilltoppers carried away enough
salvage to triple their strength. Instead of hiring MechWarriors
immediately, however, Holt took his time and deliberately hired
only those whose character matched his fellow Hilltoppers. It
took months, during which time the command took a short-term
contract on Arboris, followed by a cadre contract with ComStar
on Filtvelt, since the Com Guards could not spare forces for such
a distant planet. By late 3067, the Hilltoppers had grown to a
reinforced battalion of three four-lance companies, and Holt
accepted a several-year garrison-cadre contract in the Fronc
Reaches, primarily to ensure that the new members would be
able to integrate with the Hilltoppers.
Six months after the Hilltoppers’ arrival on Portland, the
Calderon’s Commando pirate band attacked. The goal was not
to acquire loot but to destroy the potential threat posed by the
mercenaries. The pirates made use of publicized reports that
Holt's Hilltoppers
Holt's Hilltoppers
Holt's Hilltoppers
Holt's Hilltoppers
Title/Rank: Lieutenant, Commander of Hilltoppers Battlesuit Assets
Born: 3043
Jonathan is a veteran Elemental who led two Points to join the
Hilltoppers after then-Captain Holt challenged their commander
to single combat and killed him on Kiamba after the Hilltoppers
destroyed the other three Points in Jonathan’s Star. He commands
Asp Point and is still seeking to make amends for springing the
ambush against the Forty-sixth Dieron Regulars too soon on
Ashio. Jonathan’s Point usually mounts onto Sergeant-Major
Zithisakthanakul’s Turkina and thus operates with Chief Holt’s
command lance. Jonathan has requested to take the surname Holt,
in the manner that Clan bondsmen sometimes receive the surname
of their new Clan. His fellow former Ghost Bears and the former
Diamond Sharks in the Hilltoppers’ other Elemental Point have not
echoed this desire.
Holt's Hilltoppers
Holt's Hilltoppers
Holt's Hilltoppers
Vixen-Bound, Regular, Overlord-class DropShip
Indrakosit, Regular, Union-class DropShip
Lucky Roll, Regular, Leopard CV-class DropShip Command
Bounty, Regular, Buccaneer-class DropShip Hierarchy, 3068
Kettle, Regular, Condor-class DropShip
1. Chief George Holt
Home Guard, Regular, Triumph-class DropShip 2. Major Donald “Saint” Valentine
Pride of Hardcore, Regular, Invader-class JumpShip 3. Flight Captain Irina Tripolskaya
Arboris’ Glory, Regular, Invader-class JumpShip 4. Captain Sergei Tripolskaya
5. First Lieutenant Thomas
Base Defense “Scarface” Boyd
Aegis Lance 6. First Flight Lieutenant John
“Hammer” Hamrahan
Steve Collins, Veteran, Demolisher 7. Lieutenant Ruben Catabas
Jorge Bretto, Regular, Demolisher 8. Flight Lieutenant Julia Valenzula
Rojas Sampson, Regular, Demolisher 9. Flight Lieutenant Joseph Kiniry
Lucius “the Bald” Dameron, Regular, Demolisher 10. Lieutenant Jonathan
11. Sergeant-Major Pongamon
Bulwark Lance Zithisakthanakul
Bronson Jardon, Regular, Demolisher 12. Sergeant Benn Koai
13. Sergeant Ernst Klinkert
Celia Roberts, Regular, Demolisher 14. Sergeant L.L. Gresco
Ruby “Silverlocks” Butler, Regular, SRM Carrier 15. Sergeant Timothy O’Callaghan
Barlow Brubaker, Regular, SRM Carrier
Citadel Lance
Halberd Repton, Veteran, LRM Carrier
Frankie “Fastlane” Booker, Regular, LRM Carrier
Nate Witczak, Regular, LRM Carrier
Bob Sekrett, Regular, LRM Carrier
Diamondback, Regular, IS Standard squad
Sidewinder, Veteran, Cavalry VTOL
Holt's Hilltoppers
GAME SETUP The Hilltoppers were hired to defend
the First Robinson Rangers’ landing
Recommended Terrain: Urban Ruins zone and DropShips during the invasion
Arrange at least two maps with their long edges touching. Defender chooses one edge as of the Draconis Combine. The Combine
their home edge, with opposite edge being the Attacker’s home edge. Defender places 2D6 defenders of Ashio were fanatical.
+ 10 buildings (half are Heavy, the rest Medium) on the map; all have been reduced to rubble. Elements of the Forty-sixth Dieron
Regulars sought to end the invasion by
Attacker threatening the invaders’ DropShips.
Only the Hilltoppers stood between
Recommended Forces: Forty-sixth Dieron Regulars
the DropShips and the enemy. The
Attacker consists of Second Battalion’s BattleMech command company, comprised of one defenders concealed themselves in the
Assault lance, one Heavy Lance, and one Medium Lance (see Spotlight On: Nakayama’s Blood rubble of a residential district that had
for specifics of this command). Attacker enters via their home edge on Turn 1. Attacker has one been leveled to quell incessant guerrilla
O-Bakemono (see pp. 150–151, Technical Readout: 3058) in its force. Player must designate one attacks. The Regulars closed in while the
unit as battalion commander Chu-sa Harold Nakayama but may keep secret from Defender hidden warriors waited for Chief Holt’s
which unit this is. Attacker must have all units at least 10 hexes from their home edge before order to spring their ambush.
launching any artillery attacks.
Defender Outskirts of Iscariot
Recommended Forces: Holt’s Hilltoppers Rhodesia
Defender consists of 11 ’Mechs and two Points of Clan Elementals. Defender’s entire force Ashio, Draconis Combine
begins the battle as Hidden Units (see p. 259, TW) placed within 15 hexes of their home edge. 22 November 3063
All BattleMechs reduce armor by one-fifth in each location (except head, which is undamaged), The Forty-sixth Dieron Regulars
and reduce all ammunition by one-fourth, to reflect prior combat. Defender must designate are advancing through a ruined
one unit as Chief George Holt. See the Unit Description and Personnel sections for special rules residential area. The Hilltoppers are
for Holt and the Hilltoppers. concealed in the rubble, waiting for
the right moment to strike.
Track Cost: 500
Optional Bonuses
+200 Air Power. The enemy has a squadron of bomb-laden aerospace fighters. (This bonus may apply multiple times, multiplied by the
number of squadrons used.)
+200 Bombardment. The enemy has 4 Long Toms (Gunnery Skill 3) one map away; each has 2 rounds of high-explosive ammo; enemy
gets five pre-sighted hexes, which must be secretly determined before play begins (see p. 180, TO).
1. Time is Critical (Attacker Only)! Attacker must exit units off Defender’s home edge before Turn 13. [100 per unit]
2. Slow Them Down (Defender Only)! Defender must prevent Attacker’s units from exiting via Defender’s home edge before Turn 13.
[100 per unit not exited]
3. Reap the Rewards (Defender Only). Defender must cripple (not destroy) Attacker’s ’Mechs for later salvage. [100 per ’Mech]
4. Drive Them Away (Attacker Only). Attacker must destroy/cripple or force withdrawal of Defender’s units. [100 per unit]
Holt's Hilltoppers
The following rules are in effect for this track:
Forced Withdrawal
Both sides are operating under Forced Withdrawal rules (see p.
258, TW).
Defender places 1D6 command-detonated minefields (see p. 209,
TO) anywhere on the map. These may be detonated at any time as
long as any defending unit has LOS to the minefield hex.
Honor Duel
Chief Holt may challenge one enemy to an honor duel in this
battle. See Special Rules for Holt, p. 5.
If any Hilltoppers commander (Holt, or either lance commander)
is killed, that commander’s subordinates go into a frenzy. (See Unit
Description, p. 4.)
The Hilltoppers lay in wait as the Regulars advanced. A lucky
artillery strike on Hilltoppers Elementals sprang the ambush too
soon. Units fell on both sides before Chief Holt challenged Chu-sa
Nakayama to a duel. The two engaged in single combat while the
battle raged around them. Holt was close to defeat when Hilltoppers
fighters arrived and prevented Combine reinforcements from joining
their comrades. This swung the momentum against Nakayama, who
lost honor by retreating his forces before the duel could conclude.
The battle became pointless when the Hilltoppers accompanied the
First Robinson Rangers out of Iscariot, though Nakayama swore a
blood oath to avenge his dishonor.
Holt's Hilltoppers
Recommended Forces: Calderon’s Commando Holt Village
Attacker consists of one company of Calderon’s Commando medium and heavy ’Mechs and Riverland, Portland
one company of hovertanks. The lowest allowable Walking/Cruising MP of these units is 5. Fronc Reaches
13 March 3068
Defender Two of the Hilltoppers ’Mech
Recommended Forces: Holt’s Hilltoppers companies are on maneuvers on the
Defender consists of one reinforced company (16 ’Mechs) of Holt’s Hilltoppers (player may continents of Medina and Timberland,
choose any of the three companies to use for this track) and two lances of tanks. The tanks leaving just one company and the
must remain within 10 hexes of their home edge. command’s support units to defend
their new home against a Calderon’s
Commando pirate raid. The pirates
WARCHEST intend to show the mercenaries who
Track Cost: 500 holds the real power in the Reaches.
Optional Bonuses
+250 Uneven Odds. Double the size of enemy’s vehicle force.
+500 Overwhelmed. Increase size of enemy’s ’Mech force by 50 percent.
+200 Suited up for Battle. Enemy force includes 1D6/2 battlesuit units (Elemental Points for Hilltoppers, Inner Sphere Standard squads
for Calderon’s Commando).
1. Base Assault (Attacker Only)! Attacker must exit units off Defender’s home edge, thus attacking the base directly. [100 per unit]
2. Base Defense (Defender Only)! Defender must prevent Attacker’s force from exiting via Defender’s home edge. [100 per unit killed/
3. Punish the Locals (Attacker Only). Destroy the buildings in Holt Village. [100 per destroyed building]
4. Protect the Village (Defender Only). Defender must prevent destruction of the buildings in Holt Village. [100 per building not
Holt's Hilltoppers
Holt's Hilltoppers
Units Type Size Move JUMP T. Move TMM Arm S M L Skill PV Unit Specials
Chief Lance BM 4 3 1 NA 1 21 7 7 5 2 64 OMNI1
Crusher Lance BM 3 4 1 NA 1 16 5 5 2 3 40 FLK1/0
Champion Lance BM 3 4 1 NA 1 11 5 4 0 2 34 FLK1/0
Battlesuits BA 1 3 2 3 2 3 2 1 0 3 13 CAR10,MEC
Formation Type Size Move JUMP T. Move TMM Tactics Morale Skill PV Formation Specials
Holt's Aerospace (Civil War) AS 2 5a NA NA 2 4 6 3 58 BOMB5,FUEL20
Units Type Size Move JUMP T. Move TMM Arm S M L Skill PV Unit Specials
Arrow Flight AS 2 6a NA NA 2 10 4 4 0 3 26 BOMB2,FUEL20
Bolt Flight AS 3 5a NA NA 2 14 5 4 2 3 32 BOMB3,FUEL20,PNT1
Formation Type Size Move JUMP T. Move TMM Tactics Morale Skill PV Formation Specials
Chief Company (Jihad) BM 4 4 1 NA 1 5 6 3 222 OMNI2
Units Type Size Move JUMP T. Move TMM Arm S M L Skill PV Unit Specials
Chief Lance BM 4 4 0 NA 1 21 8 8 6 2 67 OMNI2
Apache Lance BM 3 4 2 NA 1 15 5 6 4 3 47 IF1
Blacvkfoot Lance BM 4 3 0 NA 1 22 5 5 5 4 61 ECM
Crow Lance BM 3 6 0 NA 2 12 3 4 2 4 47 IF1,PRB
Formation Type Size Move JUMP T. Move TMM Tactics Morale Skill PV Formation Specials
Champion Company (Jihad) BM 3 4 2 NA 1 5 6 3 201 OMNI1
Units Type Size Move JUMP T. Move TMM Arm S M L Skill PV Unit Specials
Champion Lance BM 3 4 1 NA 1 15 6 6 2 3 47 FLK1,PRB
Assault Lance BM 3 4 2 NA 1 17 6 6 4 3 59 MHQ1,TAG
Brawl Lance BM 3 4 0 NA 1 18 7 6 4 3 53 IF1,OMNI1
Crush Lance BM 2 5 3 NA 2 12 4 4 2 3 42 FLK1/1
Formation Type Size Move JUMP T. Move TMM Tactics Morale Skill PV Formation Specials
Carnivore Company (Jihad) BM 3 5 1 NA 2 4 6 3 170
Units Type Size Move JUMP T. Move TMM Arm S M L Skill PV Unit Specials
Carnivore Lance BM 3 4 1 NA 1 13 5 4 1 3 41 FLK1
Akita Lance BM 3 4 1 NA 1 14 6 6 3 4 49 ECM
Badger Lance BM 2 4 1 NA 1 14 6 5 1 3 39
Cheetah Lance BM 2 6 2 NA 2 10 4 4 2 3 41 IF1,PRB,RCN
Formation Type Size Move JUMP T. Move TMM Tactics Morale Skill PV Formation Specials
Base Defense (Jihad) CV 3 3 0 NA 1 7 7 4 119
Units Type Size Move JUMP T. Move TMM Arm S M L Skill PV Unit Specials
Aegis Lance CV 4 3 0 NA 1 13 5 5 0 4 36 FLK5
Bulwark Lance CV 4 3 0 NA 1 10 7 7 0 4 35 FLK3
Citadel Lance CV 3 3 0 NA 1 7 3 4 4 4 29 IF4
Battle Armor Force BA 1 3 2 NA 2 4 3 1 0 3 19 CAR15,MEC
Holt's Hilltoppers
Units Type Size Move JUMP T. Move TMM Arm S M L Skill PV Unit Specials
Arrow Flight AS 2 6a NA NA 2 10 4 4 0 3 26 BOMB2,FUEL20
Bolt Flight AS 2 5a NA NA 2 15 4 3 2 3 34 BOMB2,FUEL20,PNT1
Formation Type Size Move JUMP T. Move TMM Tactics Morale Skill PV Formation Specials
Clothyard Squadron (Jihad) AS 3 5a NA NA 2 4 6 3 60 BOMB4,FUEL20
Units Type Size Move JUMP T. Move TMM Arm S M L Skill PV Unit Specials
Clothyard Flight AS 3 5a NA NA 2 14 4 4 2 2 32 BOMB3,FUEL20,PNT1
Dart Flight AS 2 5a NA NA 2 11 4 4 3 3 28 BOMB2,FUEL20
Holt’s Hilltoppers (CW ERA)
Chief Lance
Special Command Abilities: Ground Attack Specialization, Hit and Run; Chief Lance adds Tactical Adjustmentsif included in a Force
Formation: Assault Lance (CO p. 61, ACS p. 151)
George Holt (Nightstar) Special Pilot Abilities: Prior to the beginning of play, assign six points of SPAs to Holt from among the
following: Lucky (3), Range Master (Long), Sharpshooter, and Tactical Genius
BV: 10,259 (Not adjusted for Skill Ratings)
PV: 278 (Adjusted for Skill Ratings)