July 2023 SSC Bolt

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July 2023



(Current Affairs + Static Questions)

{Including bonus CK questions, as per the updated
CGL Tier II pattern}

Table of Contents

Important Current Affairs ................................................................................. 3

Important General Knowledge (GK) Questions ............................................... 50

Answer Keys ................................................................................................... 54

Solutions ......................................................................................................... 54

Important Computer Knowledge (CK) Questions............................................ 60

Answer Keys ................................................................................................... 62

Solutions ......................................................................................................... 62

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Important Current Affairs

Economy India's direct tax collection soared

1. Rs 1,61,497 crore gross GST 16 per cent to touch Rs. 4.75 trillion
revenue collected for June 2023; this finacial year, showing
records 12% Year-on-Year growth continuity in revenue growth
The gross GST revenue collected in despite external headwinds.
the month of June, 2023 is '1,61,497 It said that the numbers so far
crore of which CGST is '31,013 crore, 'continue to register steady growth.'
SGST is '38,292 crore, IGST is'80,292 On a gross basis, collection from
crore and cess is '11,900 crore direct taxes, which includes income
(including ' 1,028 crore collected on and corporation taxes, grew 14.65
import of goods). The revenues for per cent to Rs. 5.17 trillion.
the month of June 2023 are 12% 4. GST Council Meeting highlights:
higher than the GST revenues in the 28% GST rate on full value of online
same month last year. gaming
2. NHB operationalises Rs 10,000- The 50th GST Council has recently
crore Urban Infrastructure concluded in New Delhi. A 28% GST
Development Fund(UIDF) rate has been levied on the full
The National Housing Bank (NHB) value of gaming, horse racing, and
has operationalised the Rs 10,000- casinos which comes as a
crore UIDF announced in this year's drawback to online gaming
Budget for creation of urban companies. Further, the council
infrastructure in tier-2 and tier-3 members exempted GST on key
cities. import of pharma products like
As many as 459 tier-2 cities with cancer drug Dinutuximab, and Food
population of 50,000 to less than a for Special Medical Purposes
lakh and 580 tier-3 cities with (FSMP).
population of one lakh to less than 5. ADB retains India's growth
a million as per 2011 census are forecast at 6.4 percent for current
covered under UIDF as of now. financial year
Interest rate on UIDF loans has The Asian Development Bank
been kept at bank rate minus 1.5%. retained India's economic growth
3. India's direct tax mop-up in FY24 forecast at 6.4 percent for the
rises 16% to Rs 4.75 trillion so far current financial year and 6.7
percent for the next, The ADB said
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robust domestic demand will International Monetary Fund (IMF)

continue to support the region's has raised India's growth forecast,
recovery. In an update to its Asian projecting a Gross Domestic
Development Outlook, the ADB said Product (GDP) growth of 6.1 per
inflation is expected to continue to cent in the current fiscal. In the
fall, approaching pre-pandemic World Economic Outlook that was
levels. released in April, the IMF had
6. India Needs Average Annual 7.6% projected India's GDP at 5.9 per cent
GDP Growth To Become Developed in the current fiscal.
By 2047: RBI 9. India's per capita income set to
India could become a developed grow by 70% to $4,000 by 2030:
country by 2047 with an average Standard Chartered Bank report
annual real GDP growth of 7.6 per In a recent research report,
cent over the next 25 years, said an Standard Chartered Bank has said
article published by the Reserve that it predicts India's per capita
Bank in its July bulletin. During income is poised to experience
2022-23, India recorded a growth of significant growth, soaring by
7.2 per cent. The RBI's projection for nearly 70 per cent to reach $4,000
GDP growth for the current fiscal by fiscal 2030, up from $2,450 in
year is 6.5 per cent. fiscal 2023. This surge is expected
7. HDFC Bank crosses $100 billion to help the country achieve the
valuation, becomes world's 7th status of a middle-income
largest bank economy, boasting a GDP of $6
Days after its merger with HDFC trillion.
Ltd, HDFC Bank joined the exclusive National
club of companies with a market 1. Dream11 secures BCCI lead
capitalisation of $100 billion. This sponsor rights for Rs 358 crore
makes it the seventh-largest lender Fantasy gaming platform Dream11
globally. The bank's market on Friday won the Board of Control
capitalisation crossed $150 billion, for Cricket in India (BCCI)'s lead
making it bigger than Morgan sponsor rights for Rs 358 crore.
Stanley, Goldman Sachs and Bank Byju's had an optional agreement
of China. with the BCCI until November, but
8. IMF raises India's growth they decided to end the contract in
forecast to 6.1% for current fiscal March. Since then, Team India has
been without a jersey sponsor and
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even played the recent World Test commercial operations. The

Championship final without one. Nuclear Power Corporation of India
2. Home Minister Amit Shah Limited (NPCIL) is building two 700
approves release of Rs 6,194 cr MW pressurised heavy water
disaster relief fund to 19 states reactors (PHWRs) at Kakrapar,
Home Minister Amit Shah today which is also home to two 220 MW
approved the release of over Rs power plants.
6,194 crore to 19 State governments 5. World Bank approves USD 255.5
under the State Disaster Response million loan to improve technical
Fund(SDRF). education in India
The amount includes Rs 1,209.60 The World Bank has approved a
crore as central share of SDRF to USD 255.5 million loan to assist
four states -- Chhattisgarh, India in raising the standard of its
Meghalaya, Telangana and Uttar technical education and expanding
Pradesh -- for 2022-23. the number of jobs prospects
3. Centre announces Tomato Grand available to students. More than
Challenge hackathon 3,50,000 students will benefit
The Centre has announced the annually from the project's
Tomato Grand Challenge (TGC) assistance of 275 government-run
hackathon aimed at addressing the technical institutes.
availability and affordability of 6. NCUI collaborates with Google
tomatoes for consumers and Cloud to launch an E-commerce
ensuring fair value for tomato Application to empower Indian
farmers. The challenge has invited coopera
innovative ideas across the tomato Cooperative body National
value chain. Winning ideas will be Cooperative Union of India (NCUI),
evaluated, developed into partnered with Google Cloud to
prototypes, and implemented on a launch its e-commerce application
large scale. for Indian cooperatives. The launch
4. India's first domestically built 700 took place at the two-day 17th
MW nuclear reactor starts Indian Cooperative Congress (ICC)
commercial operation in Gujarat on July 1-2, 2023 in New Delhi.
India's first indigenously developed 7. Prime Minister Modi inaugurates
700 MW nuclear power reactor at Sai Hira Global Convention Centre
the Kakrapar Atomic Power Project in Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh
(KAPP) in Gujarat started
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Prime Minister Narendra Modi has out of which more than 86 percent
said that the next 25 years of India's of farmers in the country are small
Independence is going to be and marginal. Currently, there are
"Kartavya Kaal" as the country is more than 95000 PACS, of which
giving top priority to its "kartavya" only about 63,000 PACS are
(duties). The convention centre will functional
be the centre of spiritual 10. Urban 20 (U20) Mayoral Summit
conferences and academic concludes with handover of the
programs. Communiqu to G20 Leaders
8. Centre's Fiscal Deficit At 11.8% Of The two-day Urban 20 Mayoral
Full Year Target: CGA Data Summit, hosted by the chair city
The central government's fiscal Ahmedabad, in Gandhinagar ,
deficit at the end of May stood at concluded with the handover of the
11.8% of the full-year budget Communiqu from the Mayors to G20
estimates for 2023-24. leaders.
The fiscal deficit was 12.3% of the The Communique was officially
2022-23 budget estimates in the endorsed by 105 cities across the
same period of the last year. world, the highest ever number of
In the Union Budget, the endorsements received to date for
government aimed to bring down any U20 Communiqu. The
the fiscal deficit during the current Communiqu is aligned with the G20
financial year 2023-24 to 5.9% of the theme of 'Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam'
GDP 11. Agri Ministry asks banks to
9. Amit Shah to inaugurate conclave promote Rs 1 lakh crore Agriculture
on Primary Agricultural Credit Infrastructure Fund
Societies on July 14 The Agriculture Ministry asked
Union Home and Cooperation banks to promote Rs 1 lakh crore
Minister Amit Shah will inaugurate Agriculture Infrastructure Fund
a day-long conclave to discuss (AIF) for creation of necessary
ways to strengthen Primary infrastructure in the farm sector.
Agricultural Credit Societies (PACS) The AIF is a financing facility
through Farmer Producer launched on July 8, 2020 for
Organisations (FPOs) in the national creation of post-harvest
capital. management infrastructure and
The PACS have a huge member community farm assets.
base of around 13 crore farmers,
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12. Cabinet approves changes to Jan the way for commercial mining of
Vishwas Bill to decriminalise six critical minerals ' lithium,
offences in 42 laws beryllium, niobium, tantalum,
The Union Cabinet on Wednesday titanium and zirconium ' and deep-
cleared the Jan Vishwas seated minerals like gold, silver and
(Amendment of Provisions) Bill, copper.
2022 that proposes to decriminalise 15. Centre Exempts Satellite Launch
various offences in 42 laws, Services From GST
including minor ones that invite jail In order to support new businesses,
term. the GST Council exempted satellite
The Jan Vishwas (Amendment of launch services provided by ISRO,
Provisions) Bill, 2022 was Antrix Corporation Limited, and
introduced in the Lok Sabha on New Space India Limited (NSIL)
December 22, 2022 and its aim is to from GST. This may also be
reduce the compliance burden on extended to similar services
individuals and business provided by private sector firms.
13. Centre releases Rs 7,532 crore This decision will enable companies
to states under SDRF to provide competitive prices to
The finance ministry on Wednesday launch satellites.
released Rs 7,532 crore to 22 state 16. G20: Finance Ministers and
governments under the State Central Bank Governors meeting to
Disaster Response Fund (SDRF) be held in Gandhinagar
amid rain causing havoc in the Union Finance Minister Nirmala
northern parts of the country. The Sitharaman and Reserve Bank of
State Disaster Response Fund India (RBI) Governor Dr Shaktikanta
(SDRF) has been constituted in Das will jointly chair a meeting of
each state under Section 48 (1) (a) the G20 Finance Ministers and
of the Disaster Management Act, Central Bank Governors (FMCBG) to
2005. be held on July 17-18 in
14. Union Cabinet clears Gandhinagar where 66 delegations
commercial mining of lithium & 5 will be in attendance.
other critical minerals 17. 3rd Sherpas G20 meeting to
The Union Cabinet Wednesday begin in Hampi, Karnataka
approved amendments to the Mines The third Sherpas meeting under
and Minerals (Development and India's G20 Presidency will begin in
Regulation) Act, 1957, that will pave Hampi in Karnataka.
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Chaired by India's G20 Sherpa, 20. Lavasa, India's first private hill
Amitabh Kant, the three days station, sold for Rs 1.8k crore
meeting on the banks of river In a move that will address claims
Tungabhadra near UNESCO World of hundreds of homebuyers and
Heritage site Hampi will deliberate lenders, the National Company Law
and engage in co-authoring the Tribunal (NCLT) has cleared the
Leaders Declaration to be adopted sale of India's first private hill
by the G20 leaders in New Delhi station, Lavasa, to Darwin Platform
Summit. Infrastructure. The NCLT order
18. President of India to present the approving the resolution plan
'Bhoomi Samman' 2023 on 18th July, submitted by Darwin came after the
2023 lenders voted in favour of the
The President of India will present resolution plan.
the 'Bhoomi Samman' 2023 on18th 21. Amit Shah lays foundation stone
July 2023 at Vigyan Bhawan, New of 108 feet tall statue of Lord Shri
Delhi to 9 State Secretaries and 68 Ram in Andhra Pradesh
District Collectors along with their Union Home Minister Amit Shah laid
teams who have excelled in the foundation stone of 108 feet tall
achieving saturation of the core statue of Lord Shri Ram in Kurnool,
components of Digital India Land Andhra Pradesh through video
Records Modernization Programme conferencing.
(DILRMP) ' the core of Governance. The statue will be built at a cost of
19. Back Surat Diamond Bourse over 500 crore rupees.
becomes world's largest office The statue to be installed in
building, surpasses US Pentagon Mantralayam will give the message
India has surpassed the US in one of Sanatan Dharma to the entire
significant thing--having the world, and it will strengthen the
world's largest office building. Vaishnava tradition.
Gujarat has a record-breaking 22. Airtel becomes first ICT provider
building to house its mammoth to link over 20 million IoT devices
diamond industry. According to a Bharti Airtel announced it has
report by CNN, the newly-opened become the first Information and
Surat Diamond Bourse consists of Communications Technology
15-storey complex, built across service provider in India to connect
more than 35 acres of land. over 20 million devices through its
Internet of Things solutions. IoT
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describes the network of physical The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra

objects embedded with sensors, Modi dedicated to nation the
software, and other technologies International Exhibition-cum-
for the purpose of connecting and Convention Centre (IECC) complex
exchanging data with other tech at Pragati Maidan in New Delhi and
using internet. urged the nation to move ahead
23. In-Principle approval to set up with the principle of 'Think Big,
21 new Greenfield Airports in Dream Big, Act Big'. The complex
country has been named, 'Bharat
Government of India has accorded Mandalam'. He also unveiled the G-
'In-Principle' approval for setting up 20 coin and G-20 stamp at the
of 21 new Greenfield Airports grand opening ceremony.
namely- Mopa in Goa, Navi Mumbai, 26. Govt to consider PLI scheme for
Shirdi and Sindhudurg in chemicals and petrochemicals
Maharashtra, Kalaburagi, industry
Vijayapura, Hassan and Shivamogga The government will consider the
in Karnataka, Dabra (Gwalior) in Production Linked Incentive (PLI)
Madhya Pradesh, Kushinagar and scheme for Chemicals and
Noida (Jewar) in Uttar Pradesh. Petrochemicals sector to make
24. Prime Minister Shri Narendra India a manufacturing hub for such
Modi will dedicate 1.25 lac PM Kisan products. In view of stringent
Samriddhi Kendras to Nation pollution control regulations and
In a bid to provide help to farmers rising labour cost, global
in cultivation, Prime Minister manufacturers in the chemical
Narendra Modi will dedicate 1.25 industry are looking at diversifying
lakh centres of 'Pradhanmantri their products and production
Kisan Samridhi Kendras (PMKSK) at capability.
a special function in Rajasthan's 27. TRAI releases Telecom
Sikar district on 27 July. The launch Regulatory Authority of India
of PMKSKs will provide solutions to Repealing Regulations, 2023
farmers on needs related to The Ministry of Communications
agricultural inputs, seeds, underlined TRAI's Telecom
fertilisers, and testing facilities. Regulatory Authority of India
25. PM inaugurates International Repealing Regulations, 2023 (02 of
Exhibition-cum-Convention Centre 2023) dated 25 July 2023 to repeal
- 'Bharat Mandapam' the Regulation on quality of service
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of dial-up and leased line internet The G20 EMPOWER Summit is set to
access service, 2001 (4 of 2001) with take place on August 1, 2023, at the
effect from the date of its Mahatma Mandir in Gandhinagar,
notification in the official gazette. Gujarat.
28. Government Prohibits Export Of The summit, organised around the
Non-Basmati White Rice theme- 'Women-Led Development:
Government of India has amended ensuring a sustainable, inclusive,
the Export Policy of Non Basmati and equitable global economic
White Rice from 'Free with export growth', will witness the
duty of 20%' to 'Prohibited'. The step participation of delegates from
has been taken to ensure adequate across G20 nations, invited guest
availability of Non Basmati White countries and international
Rice in the Indian market. The organisations.
domestic prices of Rice are on an International
increasing trend. The retail prices 1. New Zealand says it's the first to
have increased by 11.5% over a year ban thin plastic bags from
and 3% over the past month. supermarkets
29. Bengaluru becomes first Indian New Zealand will become the first
city to join World Cities Culture country to ban the thin plastic bags
Forum that supermarket customers use to
Bengaluru has become the first collect their fruit and vegetables.
Indian city to become part of the The new ban will also extend to
World Cities Culture Forum a global plastic straws and silverware, as
network of cities that share the government expands a
research and intelligence, and campaign against single-use
explore the role of culture in future plastics it started in 2019 when it
prosperity. The network currently banned the thicker plastic shopping
has 40 cities spanning six bags that customers used to carry
continents. Bengaluru being the home.
latest addition is set to join the 2. China's Qu-Dongyu re-elected
league of cities like New York, unopposed as head of FAO
London, Paris. In a significant development at the
30. Union Minister for Women and ongoing FAO Conference in Rome,
Child Development, Smt. Smriti Qu Dongyu has been re-elected
Zubin Irani to inaugurate the G20 unopposed as the head of the
EMPOWER Summit in Gandhinagar United Nations' Food and
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Agriculture Organization (FAO) for sworn in as the country's new

the period 2023-2027. President who has pledged to fight
3. NATO's Jens Stoltenberg to stay for inclusion and equality.
on as chief for another year Rinkevics was foreign minister
NATO members has extended the from 2011 until his official
tenure of the alliance's Secretary resignation in July 2023. Latvia
General Jens Stoltenberg by one capital is Riga.
year, following failed efforts to 6. NATO leaders gather in Lithuania
settle on a consensus successor for key summit
for the role. The announcement NATO leaders are gathering in
comes a week before the NATO Lithuania for a crucial summit that
leaders summit in Vilnius, Lithuania could shape the direction of the war
that is sure to be dominated by the in Ukraine and the future of the
Western military alliance's reponse Western alliance.
to the conflict in Ukraine. NATO The 31 allies hope to show Russia
Headquarter: Brussels, Belgium they have the resolve to support
4. China releases its first open- Ukraine militarily for the long term.
source computer operating system They arrive with a welcome boost
China has released its first after Turkey dropped its objections
homegrown open-source desktop to Sweden joining the alliance.
operating system, named 7. UAE becomes first Arab country
'OpenKylin' as the country steps up to get observer status at Asia-
efforts to cut reliance on U.S. Pacific Group on Money Laundering
technology. It is based on the A delegation from the UAE is
existing open-source Linux participating with observer status in
operating system. China's version the plenary of the Asia/Pacific
was built by a community of about Group on Money Laundering (APG),
4,000 developers, and is used in its a Financial Action Task Force-Style
space programme and industries regional body (FSRB), taking place
such as finance and energy. this week in Vancouver, Canada.
5. Latvia: Edgars Rinkevics sworn in The UAE is the first Arab country to
as EU's first openly gay president be granted observer status at the
In Latvia, longest-serving Foreign APG.
Minister Edgars Rinkevics became 8. EIB keen to extend 1 bn euro for
the first openly gay head of state in green hydrogen, RE projects in
the European Union(EU). Rinkevics India
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European Investment Bank (EIB) it Foreign Ministers' Retreat began in

is keen to extend finance of 1 billion Thailand capital city Bangkok.
euros for the development of green BIMSTEC is an economic and
hydrogen and renewable energy technical initiative which brings
projects in India. together the countries of the Bay of
EIB Vice-President Kris Peeters will Bengal for multifaceted
make a four-day business visit to cooperation.
India this week to strengthen 11. Spain fines Apple, Amazon $218
cooperation with the Indian public mn for elbowing out small retailers
and private sectors and discuss EIB Amazon and Apple were fined a
support for clean energy total of 194 million euros (USD 218
investment. The European million for colluding to box out
Investment Ban(EIB) is the lending competitors by favouring sales of
institution of the EU member states. Apple products directly from the
9. India-UAE: Joint Statement on online retail giant, Spain's antitrust
Climate Change watchdog said. Apple was fined
Shri Narendra Modi, Prime Minister 143.6 million euros (USD 161 million),
of India, and Sheikh Mohamed bin while Amazon received a fine of
Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the 50.5 million euros (USD 56.7
United Arab Emirates (UAE) million).
recognized the urgent need to 12. Elon Musk rebrands Twitter to
address the global challenge of 'X,' replaces iconic bird logo
climate change through global Elon Musk has unveiled a new 'X'
collective action while respecting logo to replace Twitter's famous
the foundational principles and blue bird as he follows through with
obligations under the United a major rebranding of the social
Nations Framework Convention on media platform he bought for $44
the Climate Change (UNFCCC) UAE billion. The company first began its
is the host country of COP28 in transition to X in April, when the
2023. name of Twitter Inc. changed to X
10. BIMSTEC foreign ministers Corp., according to court filings.
meeting begins in Bangkok 13. Indian-American policy expert
The Bay of Bengal Initiative for Nisha Biswal becomes Deputy Chief
Multi-Sectoral Technical and Executive Officer of US finance
Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) agency

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Indian-American policy expert throw of 87.03 meter while Jakub

Nisha Biswal is confirmed by the Vadlech of the Czech Republic got
Senate to serve as the Deputy Chief third place with an 86.13 meter
Executive Officer (CEO) of a US throw. In September 2022, Neeraj
finance agency. became the first Indian athlete to
Ms. Biswal will serve as the Deputy win the Diamond Trophy.
CEO of the United States 3. Yuki Bhambri wins maiden ATP
International Development Finance doubles title in Mallorca, Spain
Corporation In Tennis, India's Yuki Bhambri
Sports clinched his maiden title on the ATP
1. India beat Iran to win Asian World Tour, winning the doubles
Kabaddi Championship in Busan, trophy at the Mallorca
South Korea Championships with South African
The Indian men's kabaddi team won partner Lloyd Harris, in Spain. The
the 11th edition of the Asian Kabaddi 30-year-old Indian Bhambri, who is
Championship beating Iran 42-32 in ranked 75 in the ATP doubles tennis
the final in Busan, South Korea. rankings, is all set to jump up to a
This is India's eighth title in nine career-best 58th position in the
editions. standings.
Six teams - India, Iran, Japan, 4. Mirabai Chanu & Bindyarani Devi
Korea, Chinese Taipei and Hong selected in the selected in the 4-
Kong - participated in the member Indian weightlifting team
Championships. Pawan Sehrawat for the Hangzhou Asian Games
was the captain of Indian Kabbadi Tokyo Olympic Silver medalist
team in this tournament. Mirabai Chanu headlines the India
2. Indian javelin thrower Neeraj Weightlifting team for the upcoming
Chopra clinches Lausanne Diamond Asian Games.
League title. The four-member also includes the
Neeraj Chopra clinched the Commonwealth Gold medalist
Lausanne Diamond League 2023 Bindyarani Devi. Mirabai will
title with the best throw of 87.66 participate in the 49 kg category,
meters in the 5th attempt. This is while Bindyarani will feature in the
his second successive Diamond 55 kg.
League victory. 5. SAFF Championship final: India
Germany's Julian Webber slid wins 5-4 in penalties; Sunil Chhetri
secured second place with a best wins Golden Boot, Golden Ball
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The Indian football team beat Satara in Maharashtra defeated

Kuwait 5-4 in a penalty shootout Korean Song Injun in the Under-21
after the final was tied at 1-1 after men's recurve individual final,
regulation time. Limerick, Ireland.
India, who are 100th in the latest 8. Canada Open 2023: Lakshya Sen
FIFA rankings, won their ninth SAFF beats Li Shi Feng in straight sets to
Championship 2023 in 14 editions. clinch title
This was India's second silverware Indian Badminton player Lakshya
on the trot after clinching the Sen defeated China's Li Shi Feng in
Intercontinental Cup last month. straight sets 21-18 and 22-20 to
Indian Football team, head coach clinch the men's singles title at the
Igor Stimac Canada Open 2023.
6. World Archery Youth 21-year-old Lakshya Sen triumphed
Championships: Indian pair over the reigning All England
Priyansh & Avneet Kaur win gold in Champion Li Shi Feng by winning
junior mixed team compound event the first set by 21-18 and the second
in Ireland set by 22-20.
Indian archers Priyansh and Avneet 9. Archery: Parth Salunkhe
Kaur won gold in the junior mixed becomes first Indian to win Youth
team compound event, defeating World Championship
Israel in the final of the World Parth Salunkhe became the first
Archery Youth Championships in Indian male archer to win a gold in
Limerick, Ireland. the recurve category of the Youth
It was a nail-biting contest wherein World Championships as the
the Indian players beat Israel with a country's contingent finished with
close score of 146-144. its highest-ever tally of 11 medals.
7. In archery, Parth Salunkhe The 19-year-old from Satara in
becomes first Indian to win Youth Maharashtra provided the perfect
World Championship in recurve icing on the cake by defeating a
category Korean in the Under-21 men's
Parth Salunkhe became the first recurve individual final.
male archer to win a gold in the 10. Wanindu Hasaranga, Ashleigh
recurve category at the Youth World Gardner bag ICC Player of the
Championships as India finished Month awards for June 2023
with their highest-ever tally of 11 Sri Lanka spinner Wanindu
medals. The 19-year-old from Hasaranga and Australian women's
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team all-rounder Ashleigh Gardner 13. Minister of Sports and Youth

were on Tuesday named ICC's Affairs Shri Anurag Singh Thakur
'Player of the Month' for their unveils trophy for Hero Asian
impressive performances in June. Champions Trophy 2023
Hasaranga clinched the award Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports
following his record-breaking feats and Minister of Information &
at the World Cup Qualifier games in Broadcasting, Shri Anurag Thakur
Zimbabwe. unveiled the coveted trophy for
11. Historic Victory for Team India at Hero Asian Champions Trophy,
International Biology Olympiad Chennai 2023at the Major
Team India achieved a monumental Dhyanchand National Stadium in
feat at the 34th International New Delhi.
Biology Olympiad held in Al Ain, Hero Asian Champions Trophy,
UAE, from July 2 to July 11, 2023. Chennai 2023 will begin from
For the first time in the history of August 3rd, 2023 India, Korea,
the competition, all four students Malaysia, Japan, Pakistan, and
representing Team India clinched China will vie for the Title.
gold medals, showcasing their 14. Asian Athletics Championships:
exceptional talent and knowledge in India's Jyothi Yarraji wins historic
the field of biology. gold medal in women's 100m
12. Praveen Kumar wins bronze in hurdles
Para Athletics Worlds, books 2024 Jyothi Yarraji created history on
Paris Paralympics berth Thursday by becoming the first-
India's Praveen Kumar won a ever Indian woman athlete to win a
bronze in the men's high jump T64 gold medal in women's 100m
event in the World Para Athletics hurdles at the ongoing Asian
Championships here to book a 2024 Athletics Championships in
Paris Paralympics quota. Bangkok.
The 20-year-old Kumar produced a The 23-year-old, who, in 2023 itself,
season's best effort of 2.01m to ran sub-13 seconds six times,
finish third behind Lepiato Maciej clocked 13.09 seconds at the Asian
(2.05m) of Poland and Broom- meet to finish first.
Edwards Jonathan (2.05m) of Great 15. Services Sports Control Board
Britain. Kumar's medal is the first boxers dominate 5th Junior Boys
for India in the championships. National Boxing Championships by
claiming 8 of 13 gold medals..
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Services Sports Control Board 18. Indian Shuttler Satwiksairaj

(SSCB) boxers dominated the 5th Rankireddy sets Guinness world
Junior Boys National Boxing record for fastest badminton shot
Championships by claiming eight of Star Indian Shuttler Satwiksairaj
the 13 gold medals on offer even as Rankireddy has set the Guinness
hosts Arunachal Pradesh ended up world record for the fastest shot by
with the best-ever finish of one a male player in badminton,
gold, three silver and two bronze recording a mindboggling 565
medals at the Don Bosco campus. kilometres per hour with his smash
16. Asian Athletics Championships: during the game. Satwik, who along
Sports Minister Anurag Thakur hails with his partner Chirag Shetty won
athlete Parul Chaudhary on gold the Indonesia Open recently, broke
medal win a decade-long record set in May
Youth Affairs and Sports Minister 2013 by Malaysian Tan Boon Heong.
Anurag Thakur hailed athlete Parul 19. Indian Surf Team wins bronze
Chaudhary for putting up a medal at Asian Surfing
determined performance and Championship in Maldives
bagging a Gold medal in Women's Indian Surf Team won the bronze
3000 metre Steeplechase Final at medal at the Asian Surfing
the Asian Athletics Championships. Championship, held at Thulisdhoo
17. India shooter Prithviraj Island in Maldives. 18 countries
Tondaiman bags Bronze medal at from Asia took part in this
ISSF Shotgun World Cup in Italy championship. The Surfing
In shooting, India shooter Prithviraj Federation of India sent a team
Tondaiman bagged the bronze comprising 4 senior Surfers in the
medal in the men's trap event at the men's category and 2 Surfers in the
ISSF Shotgun World Cup Lonato Under 18 category. 5 out of the 6
2023 in Italy. Surfers were from Tamilnadu.
Britain's Nathan Hales won the gold 20. South Zone win Duleep Trophy,
medal with 49 points while Qi Ying beat West Zone by 75 runs in the
of the Republic of China bagged the final
silver medal with 48 points. South Zone emerged champions of
Prithviraj Tondaiman's bronze was the Duleep Trophy, beating West
India's only medal at the Lonato Zone by 75 runs on the concluding
shooting meet. day of the final at the Chinnaswamy
in Bangalore. West were bowled out
www.oliveboard.in 16

for 222, resuming at 182/5. Vidwath bagged 17 medals, which include 6

Kaverappa who made his first- Gold, 6 Silver, and 5 Bronze. The
class debut in the 2021-22 Ranji championships saw 90 Indian
Trophy won the Man-of-the-Match shooters vie for medals in pistol,
and the Man-of-the-series awards. rifle, and shotgun competitions in
21. Virat Kohli equals Sir Don the under-21 age category.
Bradman's record of most test 24. Sports Minister Anurag Singh
centuries Thakur inaugurates Asian Youth and
Virat Kohli equals Sir Don Junior Weightlifting Championships
Bradman's record of most test 2023 in Greater Noida
centuries after smashing his 29th Sports Minister Anurag Singh
ton in second test against West Thakur inaugurated the Asian Youth
Indies in Trinidad. Skipper Rohit and Junior Weightlifting
Sharma's 80 runs, Ravindra Championships 2023 in Greater
Jadeja's 61 and Ravichandran Noida. The event is being held in
Ashwin's 56 helped India to post a India for the first time. The
massive total in their first innings. international event will see the
22. Satwiksairaj Rankireddy & participation of more than 30 Indian
Chirag Shetty win Korea Open 2023 weightlifters, including many Khelo
men's doubles title in Yeosu Korea India Athletes.
Asian Champions Satwiksairaj 25. Sports Minister Anurag Singh
Rankireddy and Chirag Shetty Thakur inaugurates Asian Youth and
defeated world no. 1 Indonesian duo Junior Weightlifting Championships
Fajar Alfian and Muhammad Rian 2023 in Greater Noida
Ardianto in a thrilling 3-game men's Sports Minister Anurag Singh
doubles final 17-21, 21-13, 21-14 to Thakur inaugurated the Asian Youth
clinch the Korea Open 2023 title in and Junior Weightlifting
Yeosu, Korea on 23rd July 2023. Championships 2023 in Greater
23. India finish 2nd on medals tally Noida.
at ISSF World Championship in The event is being held in India for
South Korea the first time.
ndia finished 2nd on the medals The international event will see the
tally at the recently concluded ISSF participation of more than 30 Indian
Junior Shooting World weightlifters, including many Khelo
Championships 2023 in Changwon, India Athletes.
South Korea. Indian shooters
www.oliveboard.in 17

26. Shooter Aishwary Pratap Singh Asia Regional Anti-Doping

Tomar clinches Gold medal at FISU Organisation
World University Games in National Anti-Doping Agency,India
Chengdu, China signed an MoU with SARADO,
hooter Aishwarya Pratap Singh comprising of Anti-Doping
Tomar clinched Gold medal for India Organizations of Bangladesh,
on the 2nd day of FISU World Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal and Sri
University Games in Chengdu, Lanka, at the NADA India ' SARADO
China. Cooperation Meet in New Delhi.
Olympian Tomar, competing in The MoU aims to increase the
men's 50 meter rifle three Regional Cooperation in anti doping
positions, secured the top podium in sport.
by scoring a total of 461.7 points in 3. MoU signed to establish 1st
the final. campus of IIT Delhi in Abu Dhabi
With this, India have now a gold, A Memorandum of Understanding
silver and bronze each in shooting. (MoU) has been signed between the
Agreements & MoUs Ministry of Education and Abu Dhabi
1. Defence ministry inks Rs 2,725 cr Department of Education and
contract with MDL for refit of Knowledge (ADEK), and the Indian
submarine Institute of Technology Delhi (IIT
The Ministry of Defence signed a Delhi) to establish 1st campus of IIT
contract on June 30 for medium Delhi in Abu Dhabi. IIT Delhi ranked
refit with life certification (MRLC) of among the world's top 50
sub-surface killer class of institutions for engineering and
submarine INS Shankush with M/S technology.
Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Ltd, 4. India, UAE sign MoU on linking of
Mumbai at an overall cost of Rs India's Unified Payments Interface
2,725 crore. with Instant Payment Platform of
Shankush is a Sub-Surface Killer UAE
(SSK) class submarine. India and the UAE has signed three
The submarine post MRLC will be MoUs in banking and education
delivered in 2026. sectors. The MoUs in the banking
2. National Anti-Doping Agency, sector pertain to the use of local
India signs a Memorandum of currencies for cross-border
Understanding (MoU) with South transactions and cooperation for
interlinking their payment and
www.oliveboard.in 18

messaging systems. Under the MOU United Nations Development

in the education sector,the Indian Programme (UNDP) and Absolute, a
Institute of Technology Delhi will set bioscience company signed a MoU
up an IIT campus in Abu Dhabi. to strengthen the government of
5. India and UAE signed historic India's flagship Pradhan Mantri
Memorandum of Understanding on Fasal Bima Yojana and enhance the
LCS system resilience of the farmers. The
In a significant move to strengthen partnership between UNDP India
economic ties, India and the United and Absolute aims to enhance the
Arab Emirates have signed a implementation of the PMFBY and
historic Memorandum of the Restructured Weather Based
Understanding on the Local Crop Insurance Scheme.
Currency Settlement (LCS) system. 8. 'India AI' and Meta, India sign MoU
This groundbreaking agreement, to foster advancements in AI &
signed between the Reserve Bank Emerging Technologies
of India and the Central Bank of the In order to foster collaboration in
UAE, aims to revolutionize cross- the field of AI and Emerging
border transactions between the Technologies, 'India AI' ' an IBD
two nations. under Digital India Corporation and
6. Meta, Microsoft Team Up to Offer Meta, India have signed an MoU. The
New AI Software for Businesses objective of the MoU is to establish
Microsoft will release a new a framework for collaboration and
version of Meta Platforms' cooperation between 'India AI' and
artificial-intelligence language Meta in the field of Artificial
model in a partnership between the Intelligence & Emerging
tech giants that will make the Technologies.
software available to companies for 9. IOC signs $7-9 billion LNG import
the first time. The Meta AI model, deal with UAE's ADNOC Gas
dubbed Llama 2, will be free and Indian Oil Corporation Ltd's recently
available to developers building signed long-term liquefied natural
software on Microsoft's Azure gas purchase deal with Abu Dhabi's
cloud-computing platform. ADNOC Gas is valued at $7-9 billion,
7. UNDP India joins hands with the United Arab Emirate -based gas
Absolute to further sustainable major. The agreement, which was
agriculture practices under PMFBY inked during Prime Minister
Narendra Modi's recent visit to
www.oliveboard.in 19

France and the UAE, is for supply of the Republic of India and the
up to 1.2 million tonnes per annum Ministry of Information and
of LNG for 14 years from 2024. Communication Technology (MICT)
10. ADB, India sign $200 million loan of the Papua New Guinea signed a
for expanding urban services in Memorandum of Understanding on
Rajasthan sharing INDIA STACK i.e.,
The Government of India and Asian successful digital solutions
Development Bank (ADB) signed a implemented at population scale.
$200 million loan as additional 13. India AI, Meta India Ink Pact To
financing for the ongoing Rajasthan Spur Advancements In AI, Emerging
Secondary Towns Development Tech
Sector Project to expand water India AI and Meta India signed a
supply and sanitation systems and pact to foster collaboration in the
enhance urban resilience and field of AI and emerging
heritage living in selected towns. technologies, making Meta's open-
11. India, ADB sign 295 million dollar source AI models available for use
loan agreement to upgrade around by the Indian ecosystem, according
265 Km State highways in Bihar to an official release. India AI is an
The Government of India and Asian Independent Business Unit under
Development Bank signed a 295 Digital India Corporation.
million dollar loan agreement to Schemes
upgrade around 265 kilometer State 1. Government notifies draft
highways in Bihar. It supports the framework for formation of India's
government of Bihar's programme first carbon market
to upgrade all State highways to The Union ministry of power has
standard two-lane widths and notified the much-anticipated
improve road safety. The improved carbon credit trading scheme, 2023.
roads will enhance connectivity in The notification said the Centre will
some of Bihar's poorest rural constitute a 'National Steering
districts. Committee for the Indian carbon
12. India signs MoU with Papua New market" to govern and oversee the
Guinea on sharing INDIA STACK functions of the market.
As a follow-up to the first Global The secretary, ministry of power
DPI Summit was organised by will be the ex-officio chairperson of
Ministry of Electronics and IT on the committee. Central Electricity
June 12-13, 2023 in Pune. Meity of Regulatory Commission (CERC) has
www.oliveboard.in 20

been mandated to regulate the The construction of the facility will

market commence next month on the land
2. Bank of India rolls out Mahila acquired two years ago. The
Samman Savings Certificate expected completion date for the
scheme project is October 2024.
Bank of India (BoI) has rolled out 5. Union Home Minister Amit Shah
Mahila Samman Savings Certificate inaugurates National Mega
scheme. The scheme was Conclave on FPO in Cooperative
announced in tge Union Budget Sector
2023-24. The scheme offers an Union Home Minister and Minister
interest rate of 7.5 per cent per of Cooperation Amit Shah
annum, compounded quarterly. inaugurated the National Mega
3. Ministry of Home Affairs, Conclave on Farmers Producer
launches 'Scheme for Expansion Organisation, FPO in the
and Modernization of Fire Services cooperative sector and released the
in the States' action plan for formation of 1,100
The Union Ministry of Home Affairs, new FPOs by Primary Agricultural
has launched a 'Scheme for Credit Societies in New Delhi.
Expansion and Modernization of 6. DGFT implements the Advance
Fire Services in the States' from the Authorisation Scheme, allows duty-
earmarked allocation of free import of inputs for export
Preparedness and Capacity Building purposes
Funding Window under the National Directorate General of Foreign
Disaster Response Fund (NDRF) for Trade (DGFT) implements the
strengthening fire services in the Advance Authorisation Scheme
States with a total outlay of Rs. under the Foreign Trade Policy,
5,000 crore. which allows duty-free import of
4. Carl Zeiss To Invest 250 Million inputs for export purposes.
Euros In India To Build Its Largest The eligibility of inputs is
Lens Factory determined by Sector-specific
Carl Zeiss India is set to construct Norms Committees based on input-
its largest spectacle lens output norms.
production facility in Bengaluru, 7. First ever 'Credit Guarantee
with an investment of over 250 Scheme' for Livestock Sector
million euros. launched for rebooting rural
economy by leveraging MSMEs
www.oliveboard.in 21

Department of Animal Husbandry & to open 10,000 Jan Aushadhi

Dairying, Ministry of Fishries, Kendras by the 31st of December
Animal Husbandry and Dairying is this year in the country.
implementing the Credit Guarantee 10. Punjab top beneficiary list under
Scheme under Animal Husbandry Atmanirbhar Bharat Rojgar Yojana
Infrastructure Development Fund Punjab is the leading beneficiary
(AHIDF) to strengthen credit among states under the
delivery system and facilitate Atmanirbhar Bharat Rojgar Yojana
smooth flow of credit to the MSME. (ABRY), a scheme initiated by the
8. One crore 19 lakh houses Centre during the pandemic to give
sanctioned under PMAY-U so far: a fillip to formal employment.
Govt in RS According to data, one in every five
The government informed the Rajya active Employees' Provident Fund
Sabha that around one crore 19 lakh (EPF) subscribers in the state
houses have been sanctioned under joined the workforce.
Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana- 11. FAME III corpus may jump to
Urban, PMAY-U so far. In a written '30,000 cr
reply in the Rajya Sabha, Minister of The central government may triple
State for Housing and Urban Affairs, subsidy allocation for electric
Kaushal Kishore said that of the vehicle(EV) purchases in the third
sanctioned houses, around one edition of the Faster Adoption and
crore 12 lakh houses have been Manufacturing of (Hybrid and)
grounded for construction. Electric Vehicles in India (FAME)
9. Product basket of Pradhan Mantri programme amid the rising
Bhartiya Janaushadhi Pariyojana popularity of EVs in India. Allocation
increases to 1,800 medicines & 285 for the FAME III scheme may jump
Surgical Equipment to around'30,000 crore from'10,000
The product basket of Pradhan crore earmarked for the current
Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi FAME II
Pariyojana has increased to 1,800 Appointments & Resignations
medicines and 285 Surgical 1. Lt Gen M U Nair appointed as new
equipment. These products are National Cybersecurity Coordinator
available at 50 to 90 percent lower The government has appointed Lt
prices compared to the market. The Gen M U Nair as the new National
Chemicals and Fertilisers Ministry Cybersecurity Coordinator (NCSC).
said, the Government has decided Lt Gen Nair, who assumed the role
www.oliveboard.in 22

of the 28th Signal Officer-in-Chief 4. Govind Kottis Satish becomes 1st

in July 2022, brings with him Indian to be appointed on Russian
experience and expertise in the oil giant Rosneft's board
field of cyber warfare, signal Rosneft, the Russian energy giant,
intelligence, and communication has made a significant move
and information technology. towards enhancing trade ties with
He is the third cyber security chief India by appointing a former Indian
after Lt Gen Rajesh Pant and 1st Oil Corporation (IOC) director to its
chief Gulshan Rai. board. GK Satish, who retired as
2. BCCI appoints Ajit Agarkar as IOC's director for business
chairman of Indian senior men's development in 2021, is one of 3
selection committee new members joining Rosneft's 11-
Former India fast bowler Ajit member board of directors.
Agarkar has been named chairman Igor I Sechin, CEO & chairman of
of selectors for the Indian men's Rosneft's board.
team by the Board of Control for 5. Justice AP Sahi Gets Appointed
Cricket in India (BCCI). As The New Chairman Of NCDRC
The Cricket Advisory Committee Justice AP Sahi, the Former Chief
(CAC), consisting of Sulakshana Justice of Madras and Haryana High
Naik, Ashok Malhotra, and Jatin Courts has been appointed as the
Paranjape, unanimously new Chairman of the National
recommended Ajit Agarkar. Consumer Disputes Redressal
3. FPSB India appoints Krishan Commission (NCDRC) for a period
Mishra as CEO of four-year term.
The Financial Planning Standards NCDRC is a quasi-judicial body
Board of India (FPSB India) has created in 1988 under the Consumer
appointed Krishan Mishra as Chief Protection Act of 1986. Its head
Executive Officer. office is in New Delhi.
FPSB India is the Indian subsidiary 6. K. Rajaraman appointed as new
of FPSB, the global standards- chairperson of IFSCA
setting body for the financial The government announced the
planning profession and owner of appointment of K Rajaraman as the
the international Certified Financial next Chairperson of the
Planner (CFP) certification program International Financial Services
Centres Authority (IFSCA).

www.oliveboard.in 23

His appointment is for a period of over the charge from Ms. Manmeet
three years. He succeeds the first K Nanda, Joint Secretary,
IFSCA Chairperson Injeti Srinivas Department for Promotion of
who led the authority since 2020. Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT)
At present, the GIFT IFSC is the who had assumed this additional
maiden international financial charge of MD & CEO ad-interim in
services centre in India. March 2023.
7. ITC board reappoints Sanjiv Puri 10. Rakesh Pal appointed as 25th
as chairman & managing director Director General of Indian Coast
ITC Ltd's board has recommended Guard
the re-appointment of Sanjiv Puri Rakesh Pal has been appointed as
as the company's chairman & the 25th Director General of the
managing director for a period of Indian Coast Guard.
five years, effective 22 July, 2024. The Indian Coast Guard came into
Puri, 60, was appointed as chief being on 01st Feb 1977 with a fleet
executive officer in February 2017 strength of just seven ships for
and re-designated as the managing surveillance in the Indian waters
director in May 2018. and the Exclusive Economic Zone,
8. Ritesh Chauhan (IAS) gets The Indian Coast Guard was
additional charge as MD of NAFED formally inaugrated by the then
Ritesh Chauhan (IAS) has been Prime Minister Shri Morarji Desai
appointed as Managing Director on 19th Aug 1978. V.A.Kamath, the
(MD) of the National Agricultural first Director General of Indian
Cooperative Marketing Federation Coast Guard.
of India Limited (NAFED). 11. Admiral Lisa Franchetti becomes
NAFED an apex organisation of first woman to lead US Navy
marketing cooperatives for Admiral Lisa Franchetti has become
agricultural produce in India, first woman in history to serve as
National Agricultural Cooperative the Chief of Naval Operations and
Marketing Federation of India Ltd. member of Joint Chiefs of Staff.
9. Ms. Nivruti Rai appointed as Franchetti, who is currently serving
Managing Director & CEO of Invest as the vice chief of naval
India operations, was commissioned in
Ms. Nivruti Rai joined as the 1985 and has served as the
Managing Director & CEO of Invest commander of US Naval Forces
India on July 12, 2023. She has taken Korea. She is the second woman
www.oliveboard.in 24

ever to achieve the rank of four- 3. NMDC wins ASSOCHAM Awards

star admiral in the United State for Mineral Development and
Awards Employer Brand
1. Boxing champion Mary Kom NMDC Limited won the 'Mineral
named Global Indian Icon at U.K.- Development Award' and the
India Awards 'Employer Brand of the Year Award'
Sporting legend and India's first- at ASSOCHAM Business Excellence
ever Olympic medallist in women's Awards 2023 in Kolkata.
boxing, MC Mary Kom, has been Recognising NMDC's immense
honoured with the Global Indian contribution to the mining sector,
Icon of the Year award at the annual Industry, Commerce and Enterprise
U.K.-India Awards in Windsor, Department, Government of West
south-eastern England. Bengal presented the ASSOCHAM
The awards, now in their fifth year, Awards to NMDC at the Indian
honuors leaders who strengthen Mining and Minerals Conclave 2023.
bilateral ties in various sectors. 4. Coal India receives 'The Rising
She has won six women's world Star Award' by GeM
championship titles. She clinched Coal India Limited (CIL) is the
bronze medal at the London 2012 recipient of the Rising Star Award
Olympic Games. in appreciation of its outstanding
2. CMD EIL conferred with Business efforts to enhance procurement
Leader of the Year Award through the Government e-
Engineers India Limited's (EIL) Marketplace (GeM) portal in FY
C&MD Vartika Shukla EIL was 2022'23. GeM CEO is PK Singh
donned with the Business Leader of 5. Belgian tennis great Justine
the Year Award at the Donwards Henin receives the Philippe Chatrier
Downstream India Awards at the Award
Global Refining and Petrochemicals The International Tennis Federation
Congress 2023 in New Delhi. has awarded Justine Henin its
This award is conferred in highest honor, the Philippe Chatrier
recognition of C&MDs extensive Award.
contributions to the evolution and Henin won seven Grand Slam
development of the hydrocarbons singles titles, an Olympic gold
sector. medal, and was part of Belgium's
team that won the Fed Cup now

www.oliveboard.in 25

called the Billie Jean King Cup in 8. Adani Transmission Wins Golden
2001. Peacock Environment Management
The award, named after the former Award 2023
ITF president, was introduced in Adani Transmission Limited (ATL),
1996. the largest private sector
6. ONGC becomes India's first PSU transmission and distribution
to get certified for Anti-Bribery company listed in India and part of
Management System the globally diversified Adani
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation portfolio, has won the 'Golden
(ONGC) has become the first Peacock Environment Management
Central Public Sector Enterprise Award (GPEMA)' in the 'Power
(CPSE) in India to get certified for Transmission' sector from 'Institute
Anti-Bribery Management System of Directors (IOD)'.
(ABMS) by an international 9. SJVN bags 1st Prize in Swachhta
accredited certification body Pakhwada Awards 2023 by MoP
InterCert USA. SJVN Limited has been conferred
Earlier in 2005, ONGC was the first with 1st Prize in Swachhta
organization in India that adopted Pakhwada Awards 2023 by Ministry
the Integrity Pact (IP) by of Power. SJVN's Chairman &
Transparency International. Managing Director (CMD) NL
7. PM Modi conferred with France's Sharma received the prize from
highest award Grand Cross of the Ministry of Power's Secretary
Legion of Honour Pankaj Agarwal in a ceremony at
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has New Delhi.
become the first Indian Prime The PSUs are evaluated on number
Minister to have been conferred of parameters for the initiatives
with the Grand Cross of the Legion undertaken to create awareness for
of Honour, France's highest civilian Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. Last year
and military honour, by French also, SJVN has won the first prize.
President Emmanuel Macro. 10. NTPC Wins ET HR World Future
The Grand Cross of the Legion of Skills Awards 2023
Honour given by France is another NTPC has received the prestigious
in a series of top international Economic Times (ET) HR World
award bestowed by various Future Skills Awards 2023 for 'Best
countries on PM Modi. use of AI/AR/VR in Learning and
Upskilling" and 'Best Advance in
www.oliveboard.in 26

Creating an Extended Enterprise Remembering the supreme

Learning Programme'. sacrifices of the Indian Soldiers, the
These awards bear testimony to Commune of Monotone (in Italy) and
NTPC's focus on the adoption of Italian Military historians have
cutting-edge technologies such as unveiled 'V.C Yeshwant Ghadge
virtual reality (VR) in Learning and Sundial Memorial' at Montone
Development (L&D). (Perugia, Italy) as a tribute to the
11. IIT professor wins global Indian troops who fought during
recognition with Eni Award for Italian Campaign during the Second
clean water innovations World War.
Professor Thalappil Pradeep from 14. Union Minister Shri Anurag
IIT Madras has been honored with Thakur confers 8th and 9th
the esteemed Eni Award for his Community Radio Awards;
groundbreaking research in energy inaugurates Regional Community
and environment. The award Radio Sammelan
recognises his innovative work in The Union Minister for Information
providing affordable clean water and Broadcasting, Shri Anurag
using advanced nanoscale Thakur today conferred the 8th and
materials. 9th National Community Radio
12. JKRLM wins SKOCH Gold Award Awards.The awards were conferred
for Marketing Avenues to SHGs during the Inaugural Session of
Jammu and Kashmir Rural thetwo-day Regional Community
Livelihoods Mission (JKRLM) has Radio Sammelan (North) which was
bagged the SKOCH Award under the inaugurated by the Union Minister
theme "State of Governance India at the Indian Institute of Mass
2047" in Gold category for its Communication in New Delhi.
outstanding efforts in creating 15. President of India confers
marketing avenues for Self-Help National Geoscience Awards- 2022
Groups in the UT of Jammu & The President of India Smt.
Kashmir. SKOCH award marks a Droupadi Murmu has conferred the
significant milestone for JKRLM, prestigious National Geoscience
being the first award received since Awards- 2022 (NGA) of the Ministry
the inception of the scheme. of Mines in a glittering function
13. Italy Honours Indian Army organized at Rashtrapati Bhavan
contribution in 2nd World War Cultural Centre. The National
Geoscience Award for Lifetime
www.oliveboard.in 27

Achievement was conferred upon declared in November of the

Dr. Om Narain Bhargava. previous year, celebrates the
16. Shankari Chandran, novelist of station's significant contribution to
Sri Lankan descent, wins cultural heritage conservation.
Australia's Miles Franklin Literary 19. PM Narendra Modi to be
Award conferred Lokmanya Tilak National
Shankari Chandran won the 2023 Award in Pune
Miles Franklin Literary Award for Prime Minister Narendra Modi will
her novel Chai Time at Cinnamon be on a day's Pune tour tomorrow.
Gardens. The novel is set in the During this, the Prime Minister will
Cinnamon Gardens Nursing Home be honored with the Lokmanya Tilak
in the suburb of Westgrove, Sydney National Award.
' populated with residents with PMwill be the 41st recipient of this
colourful histories. award.
17. Ratan Tata to get Maharashtra The award was instituted in 1983 by
govt's first 'Udyog Ratna' award the Tilak Smarak Mandir Trust. This
The Maharashtra government has award is given every year on 1st
decided to confer the first 'Udyog August , the death anniversary of
Ratna' award on veteran Lokmanya Tilak.
industrialist and chairman emeritus Ranks & Reports
of Tata Sons, Ratan Tata, state 1. Union Minister of State for
Industries minister Uday Samant Panchayati Raj Shri Kapil
has said. Awards for young Moreshwar Patil releases Report
entrepreneur, woman entrepreneur on Panchayat Development Index
and Marathi entrepreneur will also Panchayat Development Index (PDI)
be given, Samant announced in the Report has come with 144 local
state legislative council. targets, 577 local indicators and 688
18. Byculla railway station gets data points on 9 themes of LSDGs.
UNESCO's Asia Pacific Cultural PDI will act as a baseline for
Heritage award Panchayat for setting local targets
The historic Byculla Railway Station & local action points with
in Mumbai has been awarded the measurable indicators in
prestigious UNESCO Asia Pacific preparation of thematic Gram
Cultural Heritage award in Panchayat Development Plan.
recognition of its extensive
restoration efforts. The award,
www.oliveboard.in 28

2. Tamil Nadu emerges as India's across 83 indicators, which are

top electronics exporter, triples grouped under 6 categories. These
exports to $5.37 bn in FY23 categories are further divided into
Tamil Nadu's electronics exports 12 domains.
nearly tripled in one year to $5.37 PGI-D grades the districts into ten
billion in FY23 from $1.86 billion in grades. Highest achievable Grade is
the previous year. From the fourth Daksh & lowest is Akanshi-3. PGI-D
spot in FY22, Tamil Nadu moved to report for 2018-19 and 2019-20 has
the top spot in FY23. Uttar Pradesh been released before this.
was second with $4.90 billion and 5. India to surpass US to become
Karnataka third with $4.52 billion. world's 2nd largest economy by
Tamil Nadu is now home to over 15 2075: Goldman Sachs
leading electronics manufacturers, Goldman Sachs said India, the fifth-
including Foxconn. largest economy, will become the
3. New Mangalore Port sets record second largest economy in the
with largest container parcel vessel world by 2075 surpassing not only
The New Mangalore Port (NMP) Japan and Germany but also the
achieved a milestone of vessel call United States.
by the highest ever parcel size of According to the investment bank
2,689 TEUs (Twenty Equipment report the innovation and
Units). technology, higher capital
The record was set with the arrival investment and rising worker
of MSC Makoto II,' a Panama- productivity to increase drastically
flagged container vessel, at NMP due to the burgeoning population.
Berth No.14 today, carrying 1,210 Currently India is the world's fifth-
TEUs of import containers and 1,479 largest economy, behind Germany,
TEUs of export containers. Japan, China and US
4. Education Ministry releases 6. India registers remarkable
Performance Grading Index for reduction in poverty; 415 million
Districts combined report for 2020- people out of poverty level in just 15
21 & 2021-22 years: UN
Education Ministry on 9th July 2023 A total of 415 million people moved
released the PGI-D combined out of poverty in India within just 15
report for 2020-21 and 2021-22. years from 2005/2006 to 2019/2021,
The PGI-D structure comprises of the UN said
total weight age of 600 points
www.oliveboard.in 29

It said that 25 countries, including 9. 13.5 crore Indians escape

India, successfully halved their Multidimensional Poverty in 5
global MPI values within 15 years, years.
showing that rapid progress is A record 13.5 crore people moved
attainable. These countries include out of multidimensional poverty
Cambodia, China, Congo, Honduras, between 2015-16 and 2019-21 as per
India, Indonesia, Morocco, Serbia, NITI Aayog's Report 'National
and Vietnam. Multidimensional Poverty Index: A
7. 21% unorganised workers exit PM Progress Review 2023'.
pension scheme National MPI measures
The government's pension scheme simultaneous deprivations across
for unorganised workers, Pradhan the three equally weighted
Mantri Shram Yogi Maan-dhan (PM- dimensions of health, education,
SYM), saw the exit of about 21% and standard of living that are
subscribers in less than six represented by 12 SDG-aligned
months. indicators. Uttar Pradesh registered
The total number of subscribers the largest decline in number of
under the scheme fell to 4.43 poor with 3.43 crore people.
million on July 11, down 1.19 million 10. IEA launches Oil 2023 (Analysis
from an all-time high of 5.62 million & forecast to 2028) medium-term
on January 31, as per government market report.
data. The International Energy Agency
8. Sikkim tops northeast, UP among (IEA) in collaboration with
bigger states in grievance redressal Petroleum Planning and Analysis
Sikkim has topped the northeastern Cell (PPAC) under the aegis of
states in addressing public MoP&NG launched the Oil 2023
complaints, followed by Assam and medium-term market report, titled:
Arunachal Pradesh. The ranking IEA Oil 2023 ' Supply and demand
was made in the Centralised Public dynamics to 2028, in Delhi at an
Grievance Redress and Monitoring event that saw participation from
System (CPGRAMS) monthly report, the captains from the Indian oil and
released by the Department of gas industry.
Administrative Reforms and Public 11. The Paths to Equality: Twin
Grievances (DARPG) under the Indices on Women's Empowerment
Personnel Ministry, for states for and Gender Equality
June 2023.
www.oliveboard.in 30

Only an abysmal 1 per cent of This year's theme for National

women across the world live in Doctor's Day is 'Celebrating
countries that have managed to Resilience and Healing Hands".
achieve both high women 2. National Chartered Accountants
empowerment and gender parity, Day or CA Day - July 1
according to a new report by the CA Day is observed every year on
United Nations. The bodies collated July 1 to mark the establishment of
data from 114 countries and the Institute of Chartered
analysed them based on the twin Accountants of India (ICAI) in 1949
indices of Women's Empowerment by an Act of Parliament in India.
Index (WEI) and the Global Gender ICAI is the second-largest
Parity Index (GGPI). professional body of Chartered
12. India's tiger population estimates Accountants in the world.
to 3,925 with an annual growth rate To commemorate the start of its
of 6.1% per annum reveals a report 75th-year celebrations, ICAI
released unveiled a new logo with the
India's tiger population is estimated tagline: '75 Years of Trust'.
to be 3,925 with an annual growth ICAI functions under the
rate of 6.1%per annum. This was administrative control of the
revealed in a report released by ministry of corporate affairs.
Minister of State for Environment, 3. State Bank of India (SBI)
Forest and Climate Change Ashwini Celebrates 68th Foundation Day
Kumar on the occasion of Global SBI Foundation Day is celebrated on
Tiger Day. July 1 every year to commemorate
Important Days the day of the establishment of
1. National Doctors Day - July 1 India's oldest commercial bank and
Government of India designated SBI celebrates its 68th Foundation
July 1st as National Doctor's Day in Day this year.
1991 to commemorate the birth and The origin of theState Bank of
death anniversary of Dr Bidhan Indiagoes back to the first decade of
Chandra Roy, one of India's most the nineteenth century with the
renowned physicians and the establishment of the Bank of
second Chief Minister of West Calcutta in Calcutta on 2 June 180
Bengal. 4. National Fish Farmers Day - July
Roy was awarded the Bharat Ratna 10
in 1961.
www.oliveboard.in 31

National Fish Farmer's Day is to honour the legendary Sushruta,

celebrated on 10th July every year hailed as the father of surgery.
to recognize and appreciate the 7. World Emoji Day | 17 July
invaluable contributions of fish World Emoji Day, celebrated on July
farmers, aquaculture industry 17, recognizes the influential role
professionals and other emojis play in digital
stakeholders. communication. The date was
NFFD honours Professor Dr. Hiralal selected due to its significance in
Chaudhury and his colleague Dr. K. the world of emojis as the
H. Alikunhi who had guided the "Calendar" emoji displayed on
induced breeding and reproduction platforms like Apple and Google
in Indian Major Carps in 1957 on this features the date July 17.
day. 8. Nelson Mandela International Day
5. World Population Day II 11 JULY I 18 July
World Population Day is observed Every year the Nelson Mandela
on July 11 each year. International Day is celebrated on
World Population Day serves as a July 18 to mark the birth
reminder to work towards anniversary of the legendary South
addressing these issues and African leader.
striving for a better future for The day is celebrated to highlight
everyone on the planet. the legacy of the anti-apartheid
The annual observance aims to revolutionary, political leader, and
raise awareness and educate philanthropist, whose values
people about the global population continue to inspire generations and
and its associated challenges. The shape the world.
United Nations established World This year's theme is 'The Legacy
Population Day in 1989 Lives on Through You: : Climate,
6. All-India Institute of Ayurveda Food, and Solidarity.'
organises a three days seminar on 9. International Moon Day | 20 July
the occasion of Sushruta Jayanti The General Assembly declared
The All-India Institute of Ayurveda International Moon Day, a United
(AIIA) is organizing a three-day Nations-designated international
seminar from 13-15th July 2023 on day to be observed annually on 20
the auspicious occasion of Sushruta July, in its resolution 76/76 on
Jayanti-2023. Sushruta Jayanti is 'International cooperation in the
celebrated every year on 15th July peaceful uses of outer space' in
www.oliveboard.in 32

2021. International Moon Day marks 12. National Broadcasting Day | 23

the anniversary of the first landing July
by humans on the Moon as part of On this day in 1927, the first ever
the Apollo 11 lunar mission. The radio broadcast in the country went
theme for 2023 is 'Lunar on air from the Bombay Station
Exploration Coordination & under a private company, the Indian
Sustainability.' Broadcasting Company. On the 8th
10. World Chess Day | 20 July of June, 1936, the Indian State
International Chess Day is Broadcasting Service became All
celebrated on July 20 every year India Radio (AIR). The Central News
with the aim to raise awareness Organisation (CNO) came into
about the game of chess and existence in August 1937. The Vividh
appreciate chess players across Bharati Service was launched in
the world. Chess is known as the 1957.
"game of kings" and is popular for 13. World Drowning Prevention Day |
its intellectual depth. UNESCO 25 July
established International Chess Day World Drowning Prevention Day,
in 1996 with the aim to honor the declared in April 2021 by General
founding of the International Chess Assembly resolution is held
Federation, FIDE. annually on 25 July. This global
11. PM Modi pays tributes to Bal advocacy event serves as an
Gangadhar Tilak and Chandra opportunity to highlight the tragic
Shekhar Azad on their birth and profound impact of drowning on
anniversary families and communities and to
Prime Minister Narendra Modi paid offer life-saving solutions to
his tributes to legendary freedom prevent it.
fighters Bal Gangadhar Tilak and 14. Kargil Vijay Diwas | 26 July
Chandra Shekhar Azad on their Kargil Vijay Divas or Kargil Diwas is
birth anniversaries. observed every year on 26 July to
Saluting Indian nationalist and honour India's victory over Pakistan
freedom fighter Bal Gangadhar in the Kargil War in 1999. As part of
Tilak, Prime Minister Modi said in a "Operation Vijay," the Indian Army
tweet, Lokmanya Tilak shook the drove out intruders from Pakistan
foundation of British rule by during this conflict and reclaimed
demanding complete Independence. Tiger Hill and other outposts. At

www.oliveboard.in 33

Kargil in Ladakh, the conflict lasted Summit by nations that are home to
for more than 60 days. tigers. The Global Tiger Initiative, a
15. World Hepatitis Day [WHO] | 28 grouping of nations, international
July organisations, and conservation
World Hepatitis Day is observed organisations committed to tiger
each year on 28 July to raise conservation, organised the
awareness of viral hepatitis, which summit, which took place in St.
causes inflammation of the liver Petersburg.
that leads to severe disease and 18. International Day of Friendship |
liver care. Hepatitis Day, initially 30 July
observed on May 19, was later The International Day of Friendship
moved to July 28 in 2010. The World was proclaimed in 2011 by the UN
Hepatitis Alliance, established in General Assembly with the idea that
2007, organized the first friendship between peoples,
community-driven World Hepatitis countries, cultures and individuals
Day in 2008. The theme for World can inspire peace efforts and build
Hepatitis Day 2023 is "One life, one bridges between communities. The
liver." International Day of Friendship is an
16. World Nature Conservation Day | initiative that follows on the
28 July proposal made by UNESCO defining
World Nature Conservation Day is the Culture of Peace. 'Sharing the
recognised annually on 28 July. The human spirit through friendship' is
main purpose of celebrating this the theme of World Friendship Day.
day is to create awareness among 19. World Day against Trafficking in
people about the importance of the Persons | 30 July
natural environment and its World Day Against Trafficking in
resources. NGOs and educational Persons is observed on 30 July was
institutions organise several events adopted at a high-level meeting of
to raise awareness about the the UNGA. The resolution reaffirms
importance of the conversation of the commitment of the United
nature. Nations to end trafficking in
17. International Tiger Day | 29 July persons, especially women and
Global Tiger Day, commonly children, and states that trafficking
referred to as International Tiger in persons is a serious threat to
Day, was first established in 2010 "human dignity and physical
during the Saint Petersburg Tiger integrity, huuman rights and
www.oliveboard.in 34

development" 2023 Theme: Reach India is set to host the Shanghai

every victim of trafficking, leave no Cooperation Organisation (SCO)
one behind Summit in the virtual format today
20. World Ranger Day II 31 May (July 4). The summit will be chaired
World Ranger Day is celebrated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
worldwide on July 31st to The three main issues that are
commemorate Rangers killed or anticipated to be on the agenda of
injured in the line of duty and to the summit are terrorism, regional
celebrate the work Rangers do to security and prosperity.
protect the planet's natural 3. Startup20 Shikhar summit under
treasures and cultural heritage. India's G20 presidency begins in
The 2023 World Ranger Day theme Gurugram, Haryana
is '30 by 30' based on the 2022 The Startup20 Shikhar summit
United Nations Convention on under India's G20 presidency began
Biological Diversity (COP15). It is an in Gurugram, Haryana today. The
International Ranger Federation Startup20 Engagement Group is
initiative promoted together with hosting the two day Startup20
The Thin Green Shikhar summit. During the summit,
Summit & Conferences startup 20 communique was
1. Mumbai to host the G20 Research released, which urged G20 leaders
and Innovation Initiative Gathering to raise the joint investment in the
(RIIG) Summit and Research global startup ecosystem to one
Ministers' Meeting from July 4-5, trillion US dollar by 2030.
Mumbai will host the G-20 4. Power and New & Renewable
Research and Innovation Initiative Energy Minister to inaugurate
Gathering (RIIG) Summit and International Conference on Green
Research Ministers' Meeting during Hydrogen (ICGH 2023) in New Delhi
4th to 5th July, 2023. The Government of India is
A total of about 107 foreign organizing an International
delegates including Research Conference on Green Hydrogen
Ministers from 29 G-20 members, (ICGH-2023) during 5th ' 7th July
invited guest countries and 2023 at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi,
international organizations are to bring together the global
likely to participate in the meeting. scientific, policy, academic and
2. India to host SCO summit in industrial leaders to discuss recent
virtual format today advances and emerging
www.oliveboard.in 35

technologies in the entire green After the successful completion of

hydrogen value chain. two TIWG meetings, the 3rd meeting
5. Gov. of India and Govt. of Kenya will take place from July 10th'12th in
will be co-hosting 'India-Africa Kevadia, Gujarat.
International Millet Conference' in The three-day meeting will be
Kenya on August 2023 attended by more than 75 delegates
To celebrate the International Year from G20 member countries, invitee
of Millets, Ministry of Agriculture countries, regional groupings and
and Famers Welfare, Government of international organisations.
India and the Ministry of Agriculture 8. India-ASEAN conference on
and Livestock Development, traditional medicines on 20th July
Government of Kenya will be co- 2023
hosting the 'India-Africa India is going to hold an ASEAN
International Millet Conference' in countries conference on traditional
Kenya with support of International medicines on July 20, 2023.
Crops Research Institute for the Ten ASEAN countries including
Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT). Cambodia, Vietnam will be
6. Third G20 Culture Working Group participating in the conference.
meeting in Hampi, Karnataka The Ministry of Ayush with support
The 3rd G20 Culture Group (CWG) from the Ministry of External
meeting began in Hampi, Karnataka Affairs, Indian Mission to ASEAN
on July 9. and the ASEAN Secretariat is
An exhibition titled 'Woven gearing up to host the conference.
Narratives' is being organized as 9. G20 Conference on Crime and
part of the 3rd G20 CWG Meeting. Security in the Age of NFTs, AI &
The exhibition's theme focuses on Metaverse held in Gurugram
the third priority outlined by the successfully concludes
CWG - 'Promotion of Cultural and The G20 Conference on Crime and
Creative Industries and Creative Security in the Age of NFTs, AI and
Economy'. Metaverse held in Gurugram
The first two CWG meetings were successfully concluded with the
held at Khajuraho and release of the Chair's Summary.
Bhubaneswar. The conference aimed to address
7. 3rd Trade and Investment the challenges posed by cybercrime
Working Group Meeting begins in and security in the era of new
Kevadia, Gujrat
www.oliveboard.in 36

technologies like NFTs, AI, and Nations (ASEAN) on traditional

Metaverse. medicines in New Delhi. A total of
10. Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh 75 delegates from India and ASEAN
addresses G20 Young participated in the Conference.
Entrepreneurs Alliance Summit in 13. Women-led Sustainable
New Delhi Development through Dairy
Union Minister of State Cooperatives - W20 Janbhagidari
(Independent Charge) Science & Event
Technology; MoS PMO, Personnel, Shri Parshottam Rupala, who
Public Grievances, Pensions, addressed virtually, emphasized the
Atomic Energy and Space, Dr role and importance of women in
Jitendra Singh said successful the dairy sector, mentioning their
launch of Chandrayaan-3 will boost contribution to value-added product
Space StartUps and Space manufacturing, and highlighted that
entrepreneurs. 18 dairy cooperatives are currently
11. G20 Global Food Regulators operated by women.
Summit being held in New Delhi on Smt. Alka Upadhyaya, Secretary of
20th and 21st July AHD, emphasized the significant
The Global Food Regulators Summit contribution of women to the white
2023 is being organized in Delhi for revolution. 70 percent of the
the first time, as a G20 event. The workforce in the dairy sector are
summit is being organized by Food women.
Safety and Standards Authority of 14. PM Modi to inaugurate 'Semicon
India (FSSAI) under the aegis of the India 2023' in Gandhinagar on July
Ministry of Health and Family 28
Welfare on 20th and 21st July, 2023 Prime Minister Narendra Modi will
at Manekshaw Auditorium, New inaugurate 'Semicon India 2023' in
Delhi. Gandhinagar on 28th of July.
This is the first time the summit is The exhibition will inform people
being held outside Rome. about the manufacturing process of
12. Ayush Ministry organizes semiconductors and the progress
Conference of India and ASEAN on made in this field. The exhibition
traditional medicines in New Delhi will be open till 30th July. The
The Ministry of Ayush today national-level event will showcase
organized a Conference of India and the latest technology related to
the Association of South East Asian semiconductors.
www.oliveboard.in 37

15. 5th Helicopter & Small Aircraft the G20's official engagement group
Summit to be organised on 25th that serves as an 'ideas bank' for
July at Khajuraho, MP the multilateral grouping by
The 5th Helicopter & Small Aircraft bringing together think tanks and
Summit is to be jointly organised by high-level experts to discuss policy
the Ministry of Civil Aviation, issues relevant to the G20.
Government of Madhya Pradesh, Science & Technology
Pawan Hans Ltd. and the Federation 1. Chandrayaan 3 spacecraft
of Indian Chambers of Commerce integrated with GSLV Mark III
and Industry (FICCI) on 25th July launch vehicle
2023 in Khajuraho, Madhya Chandrayaan Three spacecraft has
Pradesh. event's theme is been integrated with GSLV Mark III
"Reaching the Last Mile: Regional launch vehicle at Satish Dhawan
Connectivity through Helicopters & Space Centre in Sriharikota
Small Aircraft". spaceport
16. Third and final meeting of G20 The launch is planned between 12
Disaster Risk Reduction Working and 19th of this month. The
Group begins in Chennai Propulsion module will carry the
The inaugural session of the 3rd lander and rover configuration till
G20 Disaster Risk Reduction 100kms lunar orbit.
Working Group, under the Indian The Propulsion module will orbit
Presidency, started in Chennai. The the Moon as was done in
establishment of this Working Chandrayaan I and II.
Group is a testament to the 2. IISc Researchers, Collaborators
commitment of all G20 countries to Crack Structure Of Crucial Neural
finally change from reacting to Transport Protein
disasters to proactively addressing Using 'Cryo-EM', a powerful
their root causes. microscopy technique, researchers
17. Think20 Summit under India's at the Indian Institute of Science
G20 Presidency to begin today in (IISc) and collaborators have
Mysuru, Karnataka decoded the molecular architecture
Observer Research Foundation of a transporter protein controlling
(ORF), as the Think20 Secretariat the movement of a key
under India's G20 Presidency, will neurotransmitter.
host the Think20 Summit in Mysuru
from today till August 2. Think20 is
www.oliveboard.in 38

Neurons or nerve cells set up two 'Satellite Network Portal

communicate by releasing chemical Sites'. One of the sites is to be
signals called neurotransmitters. launched in Jotana, Mehsana,
3. Lupin Gets U.S. FDA Nod For Gujarat. The project is intended to
Cyanocobalamin Nasal Spray provide high-speed, affordable, and
Pharma major Lupin Ltd. has secure satellite internet access
received approval from the U.S. across the country.
health regulator for its generic 6. CERTIn cautions against
version of Cyanocobalamin nasal ransomware 'Akira' attack
spray. An Internet ransomware virus
The approval granted by the U.S. 'Akira' that steals vital personal
Food and Drug Administration is for information and encrypts data
the abbreviated new drug leading to extortion of money from
application for Cyanocobalamin people has been reported in
nasal spray of strength 500 cyberspace, the country's federal
mcg/spray (one spray per device. cybersecurity agency said in the
4. Chinese rocket becomes 1st latest advisory. This computer
methane-fueled launcher to reach malware is targeting Windows and
orbit Linuxbased systems. 'Akira is
A private Chinese company has reportedly active in cyberspace.
launched the world's first methane- 7. Jupiter-3, world's largest private
liquid oxygen space rocket into satellite, set for launch by SpaceX's
orbit. The Zhuque-2 carrier rocket Falcon Heavy
blasted from the Jiuquan Satellite SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket will
Launch Center in northwest China. launch Maxar Technologies' largest
The first launch attempt of the ever satellite, the Jupiter 3. The
Zhuqu-2 in December had failed. communications platform will join
5. MoU signed between OneWeb others in the Hughes Jupiter
India and Gujarat Government to set satellite fleet already in orbit, which
up India's first private satellite provides broadband internet
network services to North and South
The Gujarat government has signed America.
an MoU with London-based The satellite will be the world's
company OneWeb and the largest commercial
Department of Science and communications satellite once it's
Technology, Government of India to fully deployed.
www.oliveboard.in 39

8. ISRO rocket carrying seven and USN have been participating in

Singaporean satellites lifts off from joint Salvage and EOD exercises
Sriharikota since 2005. India's INS Nireekshak
ISRO launched its proven PSLV and United States USNS Salvor
rocket carrying seven Singaporean participated in this exercise.
satellites from Satish Dhawan 3. Defence Acquisition Council
Space Centre. approves procurement of 26 Rafale
ISRO's trusted workhorse Polar Marine aircraft from France
Satellite Launch Vehicle is the DS- The Defence Acquisition Council has
SAR Radar Imaging Earth approved proposals for the
Observation satellite, which has procurement of 26 Rafale Marine
been developed under a partnership aircraft from France to boost the
between DSTA (representing the Indian Navy's operational
Government of Singapore) and ST capabilities.
Engineering, Singapore. It has granted Acceptance of
Defence Necessity for procurement of 26
1. Japan, India Maritime Exercise- Rafale Marine aircraft along with
JIMEX23 commences in associated ancillary equipment,
Visakhapatnam weapons, and logistic support for
The seventh edition of the bilateral the Indian Navy from the French
Japan-India Maritime Exercise 2023 government.
(JIMEX 23) hosted by the Indian 4. India-Mongolia joint military
Navy, is being conducted at/ off exercise 'Nomadic Elephant ' 2023'
Visakhapatnam from 05 -10 July to commence at Ulaanbaatar,
2023. Mongolia
This edition marks the 11th Indian Army contingent comprising
anniversary of JIMEX, since its of 43 personnel left for Mongolia.
inception in 2012 The contingent will participate in
2. Indian Navy and US Navy Conduct the 15th edition of bilateral joint
Seventh Edition of SALVEX Exercise military exercise 'NOMADIC
in Kochi ELEPHANT-23'. India and Mongolia
The Seventh edition of Indian Navy ' have a shared commitment to
US Navy (IN ' USN) Salvage and regional security and cooperation.
Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) 5. Indian, Indonesian naval ships to
exercise, SALVEX was conducted conduct joint exercise in Jakarta
from 26 Jun ' 06 Jul 23 at Kochi. IN
www.oliveboard.in 40

Two frontline Indian Naval ships INS Navy chief, this marks the first time
Sahyadri and INS Kolkata arrived in India has handed over a full
Indonesia's Jakarta to participate in operational corvette to a foreign
the Maritime Partnership Exercise country.
(MPX) with the Indonesian Navy. Books & Authors
INS Sahyadri is the third 1. Abhishek Choudhary's Vajpayee:
indigenously designed and built The Ascent of the Hindu Right 1924-
Project-17 class stealth frigate and 1977
INS Kolkata is the first indigenously The early years of late Prime
designed and built stealth destroyer Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee are
of the Project-15A class. Both the captured in a new biography,
ships have been built at Mazagon Vajpayee: The Ascent of the Hindu
Dock Shipbuilders Ltd, Mumbai. Right 1924-77, by Abhishek
6. Ashok Leyland bags major orders Choudhary.
worth Rs 800 crore from Indian The book published by Picador India
Army was released in May 2023.
Ashok Leyland, the Indian flagship This first volume lays out 53 years
of the Hinduja Group and the of Vajpayee's life, spanning from
largest supplier of logistics vehicles 1924 to 1977.
to the Indian military, announced on 2. 'Through the Broken Glass: An
that it had won major orders for Autobiography' by TN Seshan
defence vehicls, valued at Rs 800 Unveiling the life and legacy of T.N.
crore. The contracts awarded to Seshan, 'Through The Broken Glass:
Ashok Leyland include for the An Autobiography' chronicles the
production of 'field artillery tractors' captivating journey of the former
(FAT 4x4) and 'gun towing vehicles' Chief Election Commissioner of
(GTV 6x6). India, who left an indelible mark on
7. Back India hands over INS Kirpan the nation's process. Published by
to Vietnam in landmark move Rupa Publications India, the
'On completing 32 years of autobiography provides an
illustrious service to the nation, insightful glimpse into Seshan's
Indian Naval Ship Kirpan has been pivotal term as the CEC from 1990-
decommissioned from the Indian 1995.
Navy and handed over to Vietnam
People's Navy (VPN) at Cam Ranh,
Vietnam. According to the Indian
www.oliveboard.in 41

Obituary 3. Odisha's Naveen Patnaik Is Now

1. Former Kerala CM Oommen 2nd Longest-Serving Chief Minister
Chandy passes away at 79 In India
Former Chief Minister Oommen Odisha's Naveen Patnaik became
Chandy has passed away. He was the second longest-serving chief
79. He led the Congress-led United minister in the country, replacing
Democratic Front (UDF) ministries West Bengal's Jyoti Basu. Former
in Kerala from August 31, 2004, to Sikkim Chief Minister Pawan Kumar
May 12, 2006, and from May 18, 2011, Chamling still holds the record of
to May 20, 2016. He was elected to being the longest-serving Chief
the Kerala Legislative Assembly for Minister in the country. He was the
the first time in 1970. Chief Minister of the Himalayan
Person in news state from December 12, 1994 till
1. Lallianzuala Chhangte, Manisha May 27, 2019 more than 24 years.
Kalyan Named Footballers of the 4. S. Phangnon Konyak becomes
Year for 2022-23 first woman member from
India and Mumbai City FC winger Nagaland to Preside over Rajya
Lallianzuala Chhangte and forward Sabha
Manisha Kalyan were named the Marking a significant moment in
AIFF Men's and Women's Footballer history, the first woman member
of the Year for 2022-23 season for from Nagaland in the Rajya Sabha,
their impressive performances Smt. Phangnon Konyak presided
throughout the season. over the House. Earlier she had
2. Shah Rukh Khan appointed brand created history by becoming the
ambassador of ICC World Cup 2023 first ever women member to be
Shah Rukh Khan has been appointed to the panel of Vice-
appointed as the brand ambassador Chairpersons on July 17, 2023.
of ICC World Cup 2023. 5. Aditya Samant becomes India's
India will host the ODI World Cup in 83rd chess Grandmaster
2023 between October 5 and Aditya S Samant became India's
November 19 with ten teams taking 83rd chess Grandmaster.
part in the prestigious competition. The 17-year-old Maharashtra player
CEO of The International Cricket Samant , an International Master,
Council (ICC) : Geoff Allardice; became a GM when he started his
Chairman of ICC: Greg Barclay. ninth-round game against

www.oliveboard.in 42

compatriot Aryan Chopra at the 3. Multilateral development banks

BielChess MTO 2023 tournament. pledge upto $27 bn for India's green
He earned his first GM norm at the growth
Abu Dhabi Masters in August last European Investment Bank has
year. pledged one billion euros to develop
India & World a large-scale hydrogen industry
1. MoU for setting up of campus of hub, while the ADB intends to
IIT Madras in Zanzibar - First ever provide $20-$25 billion over five
IIT campus to be set up outside years to support India's green
India growth during International
The Memorandum of Understanding Conference on Green Hydrogen
(MoU) for setting up of campus of (ICGH-2023), held between July 5-7
IIT Madras in Zanzibar- Tanzania in India. The World Bank also
was signed between the Ministry of approved $1.5 billion to aid India's
Education (MoE), Govt. of India, IIT low-carbon transition. ICGH-2023
Madras and Ministry of Education held in New Delhi
and Vocational Training (MoEVT) 4. India Permits Potato Imports
Zanzibar- Tanzania. This is the first From Bhutan Without License Till
ever IIT campus to be set up outside June 2024
India. India on Monday permitted imports
2. Indian tri-services contingent of potatoes from Bhutan without
leaves for French Bastille Day any license for one more year till
Parade June 2024. Earlier, it was allowed
The tri-services contingent of the till June 30 this year.
Indian armed forces left for France The DGFT said that the import of
on 6 July for the Bastille Day 17,000 metric tonnes of fresh
parade. The Fete Nationale (green) areca nut without a
Francaise is celebrated on 15 July, minimum import price condition
the National Day in France. Bastille from Bhutan will also also be
Day is celebrated as the allowed through land customs
anniversary of Storming of the station Chamurchi. Imports of fresh
Bastille in 1789 during the French or chilled potatoes stood at $1.02
Revolution. Prime Minister million in 2022-23.
Narendra Modi has been invited as 5. Adani group announces full-load
the guest of honour. commencement of power supply to

www.oliveboard.in 43

Bangladesh from 1600 mw thermal contribution of $1 million to the UN.

plant This contribution aims to support
The Adani Group announced the the promotion of the Hindi language
commissioning of India's first within the organization and foster
transnational project at Godda in inclusive dialogue and
Jharkhand to supply power to the understanding.
Bangladesh electricity grid. Apps & Portals
Chairman Gautam Adani called on 1. Government launches CRCS-
Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Sahara Refund Portal to help
Hasina in Dhaka following the full Sahara depositors get refund
load commencement of power Union Home Minister Amit Shah
supply to Bangladesh from the launched the CRCS'Sahara Refund
Group's Ultra Super-Critical portal in New Delhi following a
Thermal Power Plant. Supreme Court order to refund the
6. India's Razorpay launches first money to the depositors of the
international payment gateway in Sahara Group's cooperative
Malaysia societies. On March 29, 2023, the
India's home-grown fintech and apex court directed the transfer of
payments solutions provider Rs 5,000 crores from the Sahara-
Razorpay has announced the launch SEBI Refund Account to the Central
of its first international payment Registrar of Cooperative Societies
gateway services in the Malaysian (CRCS).
market with Curlec. In Feb 2022, 2. Online portal launched to report
Bengaluru-headquartered Razorpay violation of ban on e-cigarettes
which was established in 2014, Electronic cigarettes continue to be
announced its first international sold on e-commerce sites, even to
expansion into South-East Asia children below 18, warn experts
with the acquisition of a majority working in the area of tobacco
stake in Curlec. control. The portal, www.violation-
7. India contributes $1 million to the reporting.in, will allow faster action
United Nations to promote the Hindi against any reported violations, the
language government said.
Ambassador Ruchira Kamboj,
India's Permanent Representative
to the United Nations announced
that India has made a voluntary
www.oliveboard.in 44

States announced the establishment of an

Arunachal Pradesh Atal Tinkering Lab (ATL) in Kerala.
1. Chachin Grazing Festival This collaboration marks the
celebrated with great zeal in establishment of the first-ever Atal
Arunachal Pradesh Tinkering Lab, based on the PPP
Chachin Grazing Festival was (Public-Private Partnership) model.
celebrated with great fervour by the Rajasthan
local graziers of Tawang region 1. REC extends Rs 4,785 crore for
near Bumla Pass, Arunachal HPCL Rajasthan Refinery's project
Pradesh. in Barmer
The two-day event held at Chachin REC Limited has extended a loan of
saw enthusiastic participation from Rs 4,785 crores to HPCL Rajasthan
Graziers from all over Tawang Refinery Limited (HRRL) for setting
region. up a green field refinery-cum-
Assam petrochemical complex in Barmer
1. Project Gajah Kotha Launched To district, Rajasthan.
Control Human-Elephant Conflict In 2. Rajasthan govt tables country's
Assam first gig workers bill
Assam has launched the "Gajah The Rajasthan government tabled
Kotha" campaign to address the the Rajasthan Platform-Based GIG
growing human-elephant conflict Workers (registration and welfare)
(HEC) issue by engaging more than Bill, 2023 - the country's first such -
1,200 individuals and promoting which seeks to guarantee social
coexistence. security to gig workers. The bill
This initiative specifically targets provisions for monetary penalties if
villages in eastern Assam affected an aggregator fails to comply with
by human-elephant conflict, aiming the Act. The state government may
to educate residents about elephant impose a fine of Rs. 5 Lakh to Rs.
behaviour, ecology, and the cultural 50 lakh for It's violation.
significance. 3. Rajasthan Assembly passes
Kerala Minimum Guaranteed Income Bill
1. OPPO India sets up first PPP- The Rajasthan Assembly passed
model Atal Tinkering Lab in Kerala The Rajasthan Minimum Guaranteed
OPPO India in collaboration with Income Bill, 2023, which seeks to
NITI Aayog's Atal Innovation Mission cover the entire adult population of
(AIM) as its knowledge partner has the state with a guarantee of wages
www.oliveboard.in 45

or pension. As per the Bill, all component manufacturing unit in

families of the state, whether urban Tamil Nadu's Kanchipuram district
or rural, will be able to get generating jobs for about 6,000
employment guarantee of 125 days people. The investment to be made
every year. by Foxconn Industrial Internet (Fii),
Tamil Nadu the largest subsidiary of Foxconn
1. India's first 'Police Drone Unit' Technology Group.
launched in Chennai Uttar Pradesh
The Greater Chennai City Police 1. UP govt approves two thermal
(GCP) launched 'Police Drone Unit' power projects a 50:50 partnership
for aerial surveillance over vast with NTPC
areas and quick detection of The Uttar Pradesh government
criminal activities. approved two 'Obra D' thermal
All drones are equipped with built- power projects of 800 MW each to
in Artificial Intelligence (AI) be built at the cost of Rs 18,000
capabilities and can be operated up crore in Sonbhadra's Obra, a move
to a distance of 5-10 Kms from the aimed at providing cheaper
ground station (i.e.) the Drone electricity to the people of the state.
Police Unit. The projects will be executed by the
2. India gets its 36th and Tamil Nadu government with a 50:50
its first flying training school partnership with central
India now has 36 DGCA-approved government-owned power
frying schools. The Directorate generator NTPC. 'Obra D' thermal
General of Civil Aviation power plants will be the first ultra
(DGCA)recently gave its nod to EKVI super critical unit in the state.
Air Training Organization Pvt. Ltd. Jammu and Kashmir
will be based at Salem Airport. This 1. J&K launches India's first chatbot
will be the first flying training for people in mental distress
organization (FTO) in Tamil Nadu. India's first Tele-MANAS chatbot,
3. Foxconn to invest Rs 1,600 crore which will start an instant
in Tamil Nadu for component conversation with people in
manufacturing distress, was launched in J&K. This
Taiwan's Foxconn Technology year Kashmir saw the highest
Group, a key supplier to Apple Inc, number of distress calls to the
pledged to invest Rs 1,600 crore to Tele-Manas centre.The initiative will
set up a high-end electronics ensure the availability of health
www.oliveboard.in 46

counsellors, clinical psychologists as Solicitor General for India, for a

and consultants round-the-clock. period of three years.
2. Srinagar bans sale of 'sharp- Vikramjit Banerjee, KM Nataraj,
edged weapons' amid rise in Balbir Singh, SV Raju, N
stabbing incidents Venkataraman and Aishwarya Bhati
Srinagar authorities on Friday have been re-appointed as
banned the sale, purchase, and Additional Solicitors General
carrying of 'sharp-edged weapons' (ASGs). Solicitor General is the
in public places in view of several second most senior law officer
stabbing incidents in the city. The after Attorney General.
decision was taken apparently as a 2. Justice Sheo Kumar Singh
result of several recent incidents of appointed Acting Chairperson of
stabbings reported several places NGT
in the district. The Central government notified the
3. Jammu to pioneer India's first appointment of Justice Sheo Kumar
Cannabis Medicine Project Singh as Acting Chairperson of the
Jammu is going to pioneer India's National Green Tribunal (NGT) till a
first Cannabis Medicine Project. new Chairperson is appointed.
'Cannabis Research Project' of The appointment was made in light
CSIR-IIIM Jammu is a first of its of the retirement of Justice Adarsh
kind in India initiated the project in Kumar Goel as Chairperson.
Private Public Partnership with a He was appointed as Judicial
Canadian firm, which has great Member of the NGT on March 11,
potential to put the substance of 2020. Notification was issued by
abuse for the good of mankind, Ministry of Environment, Forest &
especially for patients suffering Climate Change (MoEF&CC).
from neuropathies, cancer, and 3. India's third moon mission,
epilepsy. Chandrayaan-3 launched
Imp CA successfully from Sathish Dhawan
1. Tushar Mehta re-appointed as Space Centre Sriharikota
Solicitor General for India, six ASGs The Indian Space Research
for Supreme Court re-appointed Organization successfully launched
The Appointments Committee of the LVM3 M 4 rocket carrying
Union Cabinet on Friday approved Chandrayaan 3 at 2.35 PM from the
the re-appointment of Tushar Mehta second launch pad of India's
spaceport at Sriharikota.
www.oliveboard.in 47

4. Carlos Alcaraz ends Novak Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, West

Djokovic's reign to win maiden Bengal and Kerala in that order in
Wimbledon title the ranking of coastal states.
Carlos Alcaraz marked a pivotal 7. Henley Passport Index 2023:
moment in men's tennis by ending Singapore replaces Japan as
Novak Djokovic's illustrious world's strongest passport
Wimbledon reign with an The updated 2023 Henley Passport
electrifying 1-6, 7-6(6), 6-1, 3-6, 6-4 Index placed Singapore as the
victory claiming his first-ever title world's most powerful passport
at the All England Club. At just 20 with visa-free access to 192 travel
years old, Alcaraz became destinations out of 227 around the
Wimbledon's third youngest men's world. Three European countries
champion, adding to his previous Germany, Italy, and Spain move up
major victory at the US Open last one slot with 190 visa-free
year. destinations and shared the second
5. Marketa Vondrousova defeats place. Japan was placed 3rd.
Ons Jabeur 6-4, 6-4 to clinch 8. Govt appoints Sat Pal Bhanoo as
women's title at Wimbledon Managing Director of Life Insurance
Marketa Vondrousova became the Corp
lowest-ranked woman to win The government has appointed Sat
Wimbledon, defeating 2022 runner- Pal Bhanoo as one of the managing
up Ons Jabeur 6-4, 6-4 in the final. directors of Life Insurance
Vondrousova is a 24-year-old left- Corporation (LIC). He has been
hander from the Czech Republic appointed in place of Siddhartha
who is ranked 42nd and was the Mohanty who has been appointed
first unseeded woman to play for as chairman of LIC in April.
the title at the All England Club in Bhanoo's appointment is effective
60 years. from the date of assumption of
6. Tamil Nadu tops NITI Aayog's charge and up to the date of his
Export Preparedness Index 2022 superannuation on December 31,
Tamil Nadu has pipped Maharashtra 2025 or until further orders
and Gujarat to emerge as the top 9. EPFO declares 8.15% as EPF
state among coastal states in the interest rate for FY 2022-23
Niti Aayog's Export Preparedness The declared interest rate stands at
Index 2022. Tamil Nadu is followed 8.15 per cent, as notified by the
by Maharashtra, Karnataka, Gujarat, retirement body Employees
www.oliveboard.in 48

Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) The Ministry of Chemicals &

in a circular dated July 24, 2023. Fertilizers in association with the
The EPFO has directed all filed Federation of Indian Chambers of
offices to credit the interest at a Commerce and Industry (FICCI)
rate of 8.15 per cent on EPF for the organized the 3rd edition of the
financial year 2022-23 into the Summit on "Global Chemicals and
respective accounts of its Petrochemicals Manufacturing
members. Hubs in India" (GCPMH 2023) on
10. 3rd Edition Of Summit On "Global 27th ' 28th July 2023 at New Delhi.
Chemicals And Petrochemicals Union Minister of Finance Smt.
Manufacturing Hubs In India" Held Nirmala Sitaraman inaugurated the
At New Delhi two days Summit.

www.oliveboard.in 49

Important General Knowledge (GK) Questions

1. Which among the following is a I- Vitamin E

device that uses ultrasonic waves i- Pumpkin
to measure the distance, direction II- Vitamin B1
and speed of underwater objects? ii- Fish liver oil
(a) Barometer III- Vitamin A
(b) SONAR iii- Lettuce
(c) Megger IV- Vitamin D
(d) RADAR iv- Peas
2. Which of the following can be (a) i; ii; iii; iv
released into the environment when (b) iv; ii; iii; i
a compact fluorescent lamp break? (c) iii; iv; i; ii
(a) Hydrogen Fluoride (d) iii; i; iv; ii
(b) Gallium
(c) Carbon Monoxide 5. Which of the following mirrors
(d) Mercury are used in the vehicles headlights
to get powerful parallel beams of
3. Read the following statements light?
and choose the correct code from (a) Convex mirrors
the options given below:I- The (b) Concave mirrors
colour that we see in leaves is due (c) Plane mirrors
to a single pigment, Chlorophyll (d) Both a and b
A.II- Chlorophyll A is the chief
pigment associated with 6. When a sailor jumps out of a
photosynthesis. rowing boat, the boat moves
(a) Only I backwards. Which law of motion
(b) Only II will be applicable in this case?
(c) Both I and II (a) First Law of Motion
(d) Neither I nor II (b) Second Law of Motion
(c) Third Law of Motion
4. Match List I with List II and select (d) Universal Law of Motion
answer from the codes given below.
List I (Vitamin) 7. Read the following statements
List II (Sources) about Wind Energy and choose the
www.oliveboard.in 50

correct option.I. Wind energy is an

environment-friendly and efficient 10. With reference to the August
source of renewable energyII. Wind Offer, which of the statements
energy requires no recurring is/are correct?I. The first cotton
expenses for the production of textile mill was set up in Calcutta. II.
electricity. The first jute mill was set up in
(a) I is true and II is false Kanpur.Select the correct answer
(b) I is false and II is true using the codes given below:
(c) I is true and II is true (a) I only
(d) I is false and II is false (b) II only
(c) Both I & II
8. Which of the following statement (d) Neither I, nor II
about respiration is not correct?
(a) Rate of breathing in aquatic 11. With reference to 'Five Year
organisms is much slower than that Plans in India, which among the
in terrestrial organisms. following is/are correct?I. First Five
(b) Anaerobic respiration took place Year Plan was based on
in the absence of oxygen. Mahalanobis model.II. Second Five
(c) The release of energy in this Year Plan was based on based on
aerobic process is a lot greater the Harrod - Domar model.Select
than in the anaerobic process. the correct answers using the
(d) In human beings, the respiratory codes given below:Codes:
pigment is haemoglobin which has (a) I only
a very high affinity for oxygen. (b) II only
(c) Both I and II
9. Read the following statements (d) Neither I nor II
about Ecosystem and choose the
correct option.I. An ecosystem 12. Match list I with list II and select
consists of biotic components and correct answer using the codes
abiotic components.II. Biotic given below the list:
components consist of temperature,
rainfall, wind, soil and minerals.
(a) I is true and II is false
(b) I is false and II is true
(c) I is true and II is true Codes:A B C D
(d) I is false and II is false (a) 1 2 3 4
www.oliveboard.in 51

(b) 3 2 4 1 16. Which lake is located on the

(c) 3 4 1 2 border of Tamil Nadu and Andhra
(d) 4 3 2 1 Pradesh and is a internationally
recognised wetland under the
13. Arrange the following events in Ramsar convention ?
the chronological order and select (a) Kolleru Lake
correct answers from the codes (b) Sambhar Lake
given below.I. Battle of Kanauj (c) Vembanad Lake
1540II. Battle of Panipat 1526III. (d) Pulicat Lake
Battle of Chausa 1539IV. Battle of
Haldighati 1576Codes: 17. Which mountain range is known
(a) II, III, I, IV for its sandstone formations and
(b) III, IV, II, I famous for the Dilwara Temples?
(c) II, I, III, IV (a) Sahyadri Range
(d) IV, I, II, III (b) Aravalli Range
(c) Vindhya Range
Answer Keys (d) Satpura Range
1. b 2. d 3. b 4. c 5. b 6. c 7. c 8. a 9.
a 10. d 11. d 12. c 13. a 18. Which tectonic plate is
responsible for the formation of the
14. Who among the following was Himalayan Mountains?
the founder of Sunga dynasty? (a) African Plate and Pacific Plate
(a) Agnimitra Sunga (b) Pacific Plate and Indian Plate
(b) Vishwamitra Sunga (c) Indian Plate and Eurasian Plate
(c) Pushyamitra Sunga (d) Eurasian Plate and African Plate
(d) Kaalamitra Sunga
19. Read the statements given below
15. The globe can be divided into and the select the correct option:I.
various zones. Which of the Fiscal Deficit = Difference between
following region comes under the country's expenditure and
Frigid Zone: earningsII. Gross Fiscal Deficit =
(a) Tropical zone Total expenditure - Revenue
(b) Polar region Receipts
(c) Torrid region (a) Only I is true
(d) Mid-latitude region (b) Only II is true
(c) Neither I nor II is true
www.oliveboard.in 52

(d) Both I and II are true the achievements of states and

districts in implementation of:
20. The first Indian to join Viceroy's (a) Sustainable Agriculture
executive council after the Indian (b) Land Record Modernization
Council's Act, 1909 was: (c) Forest Conservation
(a) Satyendra Prasad Sinha (d) Tribal Welfare Schemes
(b) Krishna Govind Gupta
(c) Sayed Hussain Bilgrami 25. Which of the following countries
(d) C Rajgopalachari is NOT a member of the G20 group?
(a) Argentina
21. Nancy Mandhotra is associated (b) India
with which of the following sports: (c) Saudi Arabia
(a) Shooting (d) New Zealand
(b) Swimming
(c) Cricket 26. Select the correct statement/
(d) Hockey with respect to Asian Development
Bank.A. Asian Development Bank
22. Which Article of the Indian was established on 19 December
Constitution specifies qualifications 1986.B. Iran is not a member of
for election as President of India? Asian Development Bank.
(a) Article 52 (a) Only A
(b) Article 60 (b) Only B
(c) Article 58 (c) Both A and B
(d) Article 56 (d) Neither A nor B

23. National companies law tribunal Answer Keys

(NCLT) is a: 14. c 15. b 16. d 17. b 18. c 19. a 20.
(a) Judicial body a 21. a 22. c 23. b 24. b 25. d 26. b
(b) Quasi-judicial body
(c) Constitutional body 27. UNESCO established the
(d) Statutory body International Chess Day in 1996 with
the aim to honour the founding of
24. 'Bhoomi Samman' is a the International Chess Federation
prestigious award scheme launched (FIDE). It is celebrated every year
by the Ministry of Rural on:
Development of India to incentivise (a) 20th July
www.oliveboard.in 53

(b) 20th August (a) Gujarat

(c) 25th May (b) Punjab
(d) 25th April (c) Rajasthan
(d) Uttarakhand
28. Duleep trophy is associated with
which of the following sports: 30. Kudremukh National Park
(a) Tennis located in which Indian State?
(b) Hockey (a) Madhya Pradesh
(c) Football (b) Karnataka
(d) Cricket (c) Kerala
(d) Goa
29. Garba dance is a folk dance
originated in_________.

Answer Keys

1. b 2. d 3. b 4. c 5. b 6. c 7. c 8. a 9. a 10. d
11. d 12. c 13. a 14. c 15. b 16. d 17. b 18. c 19. a 20. a
21. a 22. c 23. b 24. b 25. d 26. b 27. a 28. d 29. a 30. b


1. (b) source. Small amounts of mercury

The acronym SONAR stands for can be released into the
SOund Navigation And Ranging. environment when CFLs break, or if
Sonar is a device that uses they are improperly disposed of at
ultrasonic waves to measure the the end of their useful lives.
distance, direction and speed of No mercury is released when the
underwater objects. Sonar consists bulbs are intact (i.e., not broken) or
of a transmitter and a detector and in use, but mercury vapor and very
is installed in a boat or a ship. small beads of mercury can be
released when a CFL is broken.
2. (d)
Mercury, an essential part of 3. (b)
compact fluorescent lamp (CFLs), Pigments are substances that have
allows a bulb to be an efficient light an ability to absorb light, at specific
www.oliveboard.in 54

wavelengths. The colour that we Third Law of the motion will be

see in leaves is not due to a single applicable in the given question. As
pigment but due to four pigments: the sailor jumps forward, the force
Chlorophyll a (bright or blue green on the boat moves it backwards.
in the chromatogram), chlorophyll b The third law of motion states that
(yellow green), xanthophylls when one object exerts a force on
(yellow) and carotenoids (yellow to another object, the second object
yellow-orange). instantaneously exerts a force back
Chlorophyll A is the chief pigment on the first. These two forces are
associated with photosynthesis. always equal in magnitude but
opposite in direction.
4. (c)
List I (Vitamin) List II (Source) 7. (c)
Vitamin E Lettuce To generate electricity, the rotatory
Vitamin B1 Peas motion of the windmill is used to
Vitamin A Pumpkin turn the turbine of the electric
Vitamin D Fish Liver Oil generator.
Wind energy is an environment-
5. (b) friendly and efficient source of
Concave mirrors are commonly renewable energy. It requires no
used in torches, search-lights and recurring expenses for the
vehicles headlights to get powerful production of electricity. But the
parallel beams of light. They are wind speed should also be higher
often used as shaving mirrors to than 15 km/h to maintain the
see a larger image of the face. The required speed of the turbine.
dentists use concave mirrors to see
large images of the teeth of 8. (a)
patients. Since the amount of dissolved
A spherical mirror, whose oxygen is fairly low compared to
reflecting surface is curved the amount of oxygen in the air, the
inwards, that is, faces towards the rate of breathing in aquatic
centre of the sphere, is called a organisms is much faster than that
concave mirror. seen in terrestrial organisms.
Fishes take in water through their
6. (c) mouths and force it past the gills

www.oliveboard.in 55

where the dissolved oxygen is Mahalanobis model, an economic

taken up by blood. development model developed by
the Indian statistician Prasanta
9. (a) Chandra Mahalanobis in 1953.
All the interacting organisms in an
area together with the non-living 12. (c)
constituents of the environment Assam - 1950
form an ecosystem. Thus, an Andhra Pradesh - 1956
ecosystem consists of biotic Gujarat - 1960
components comprising living Punjab- 1966
organisms and abiotic components
comprising physical factors like 13. (a)
temperature, rainfall, wind, soil and Battle of Kanauj 1540 : Between
minerals. Sher Shah Suri and the Mughal king
10. (d) Battle of Panipat 1526 : Babur
The first cotton textile mill was set defeated Ibrahim Lodhi establishing
up in 1853 in Bombay by Cowasjee the Mughal Empire in India.
Nanabhoy and the first jute mill Battle of Chausa 1539 : Sher Shah
came up in 1855 in Rishra (Bengal). Suri defeated Humayun.
All these modern industries were Battle of Haldighati 1576 :
foreign - owned and controlled by Undecisive battle between Raja Man
British managing agencies. Singh of the Mughal army and Rana
Pratap of Mewar. (Medieval India,
11. (d) Satish Chandra)
In 1950, the government set up a
Planning Commission to help 14. (c)
design and execute suitable policies The founder of the Sunga dynasty
for economic development. There was Pushyamitra Sunga, who was
was a broad agreement on what the commander-in-chief under the
was called a 'mixed economy' Mauryas. He assassinated the last
model. The First Five-Year Plan Mauryan ruler and usurped the
(1951-56) was based on the Harrod - throne. Pushyamitra was a staunch
Domar model with few follower of Brahmanism. He
modifications. The Second Five- performed two asvamedha
Year Plan (1956-1961) followed the sacrifices. After the death of
www.oliveboard.in 56

Pushyamitra, his son Agnimitra 17. (b)

became the ruler. The rule of the The Aravalli Range is the oldest fold
Sungas was important because mountain range in India. It stretches
they defended the Gangetic valley across the states of Gujarat,
from foreign invasions. In the Rajasthan, Haryana, and Delhi. The
cultural sphere, the Sungas revived range is famous for its rich mineral
Brahmanism and horse sacrifice. resources, sandstone formations,
(History - Higher secondary, Tamil and the intricately carved Dilwara
Nadu Textbook Coroporation) Temples in Mount Abu, which
attract tourists from all over the
15. (b) world.
The globe can be divided into three
broad zones. 18. (c)
Torrid zone : This covers the The Himalayan Mountains were
tropical region. Here the formed as a result of the collision
temperature remains high. between the Indian Plate and the
Temperate zone : This covers the Eurasian Plate. The Indian Plate,
mid-latitude region. Here the which was once a separate
temperature remains moderate. landmass, collided with the
Frigid Zone : This covers the polar Eurasian Plate around 50 million
region. Here the temperature years ago, leading to the uplift and
remains low. folding of rocks, creating the
world's highest mountain range.
16. (d)
Pulicat Lake, saltwater lagoon on 19. (a)
the Coromandel Coast of Andhra Fiscal Deficit = Difference between
Pradesh state, southern India. It country's expenditure and earnings
extends from the extreme Gross Fiscal Deficit = Total
southeastern portion of Andhra expenditure - (Revenue Receipts +
Pradesh into the adjacent portion of Non-debt creating capital receipts)
Tamil Nadu state. This is the second Non-debt creating capital receipts:
largest saltwater lagoon in India Those receipts which are not
and a Ramsar site (internationally borrowings, hence does not give
recognized wetland under the rise to debt.
Ramsar Convention).

www.oliveboard.in 57

20. (a) specific area of expertise and

The Indian Councils Act (also known authority.
as Morley-Minto Reforms) provided The National Companies Law
for the association of Indians with Tribunal (NCLT) was constituted on
the executive councils of the 1st June 2016. It is a quasi-judicial
Viceroys and the Governors. body incorporated for dealing with
Satyendra Prasad Sinha became corporate disputes that are of civil
the first Indian to join the Viceroy's nature arising under the Companies
executive council. Act.

21. (a) 24. (b)

Nancy Mandhotra is associated with 'Bhoomi Samman' is a prestigious
Shooting. She won a silver medal in award scheme launched by the
women's 10m mixed air rifle event Ministry of Rural Development of
in the ISSF World Cup 2023 held at India to incentivise the
Baku, Azerbaijan. achievements of states and districts
in implementation of Digital India
22. (c) Land Records Modernization
Articles 52-62 to the Indian Programme.
Constitution are related to the
President of India. 25. (d)
Article 54 - Election of President. It is a group of 19 major economies
Article 56 - Term of office of of the world and the European
President. Union. It was founded in 1999.
Article 58 - Qualifications for Members - Argentina, Australia,
election as President. Canada, China, European Union,
Article 60 - Oaths and Affirmation Brazil, France, Germany, India,
by the President. Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico,
Article 61 - Procedure for Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa,
impeachment of President. South Korea, Turkey, United
Kingdom, and United States of
23. (b) America.
A quasi-judicial body has powers
similar to that of court of law to 26. (b)
conduct proceedings but their Asian Development Bank is a
powers are usually limited to a multilateral development bank. It
www.oliveboard.in 58

was established in year 1966. It is

headquartered in Mandaluyong, 28. (d)
Metro Manila, Philippines. From 31 Duleep trophy is a first class cricket
members at its establishment in competition held every year in India.
1966, ADB has grown to encompass It is administered by Board of
68 members - of which 49 are from Cricket Control in India (BCCI).
within Asia and the Pacific and 19 The first edition of Duleep trophy
outside. was held in 1961-62.
There are 68 member countries of South zone won the trophy in 2023
the ADB including India, Nepal, by beating the West zone. The final
Bangladesh, Myanmar, China, was held at Chinnaswamy stadium,
Bhutan, Mangolia, Pakistan, Bengaluru.
Australia, Indonesia, and others.
Iran is not a member of Asian 29. (a)
Development Bank. Garba is a form of dance which
originated in the state of Gujarat in
27. (a) India.
International Chess Day It is traditionally performed during
was announced in 1996 by the nine-day Hindu festival
UNESCO to commemorate the Navaratri. Padhar dance, Siddi
establishment of the International Dhamal, Hudo, Matukadi, Tippani
Chess Federation, commonly known dance, dandiya raas, and Kagawa
as FIDE by its French acronym. are other folk dances associated
FIDE was founded in Paris, France, with Gujarat state.
and currently has its headquarters
in Switzerland. FIDE is an 30. (b)
international body responsible for Kudremukh National Park is located
connecting various international in the state of Karnataka, in the
chess federations and acts as the Western Ghats in the districts of
governing body for international Dakshina Kannada.
chess competitions. FIDE was It is spread over an area of about
recognised by the International 600 sq km and is 1,894.3 m above
Olympic Committee in 1999. Every sea level.
year, International Chess Day is Kudremukh is Karnataka's 2nd
celebrated on July 20. highest peak after Mullayangiri.

www.oliveboard.in 59

Important Computer Knowledge (CK) Questions

1. Which of the following is/are 5. Match the following:

Output devices:I. SpeakerII. Group A
MonitorIII. ProjectorIV. Microphone Group B
(a) Only I, II and IV 1. MS-DOS
(b) Only I and II a. Virus
(c) Only I, II and III 2. Trojan horse
(d) Only II, III and IV b. Operating System
3. My SQL
2. Which of the following is an e- c. Antivirus
mail Application:I. Microsoft 4. Norton
OutlookII. GmailIII. ProtonMailIV. d. Open Source Software
Newton Mail
(a) Only I and II (a) 1- d; 2-c; 3-b; 4- a.
(b) Only I, II and III (b) 1- b; 2- a; 3- d; 4- c.
(c) Only I, II and IV (c) 1- a; 2- b; 3- c; 4- d.
(d) All of the above (d) 1- b; 2- c; 3- d; 4- a.

3. Which tab of the MS excel is used 6. MATCH is an Excel function used

to perform common commands to:
such as bold, underline, alignment, (a) Compare the font of the text
Number, copy, and paste? (b) Locate the position of a lookup
(a) Insert Tab value in a row, column, or table
(b) Page Layout Tab (c) Align the text while printing the
(c) Help Tab content of the excel sheet
(d) Home Tab (d) Deletes the irrelevant data in a
column, row, or table
4. Which one of the following short
key is used in MS PowerPoint to 7. If one wants to copy the content
open 'Slide Show'? of the cell present in the left cell,
(a) Shift + F6 then which keyboard combination
(b) F5 can be used?
(c) Ctrl + F5 (a) Ctrl + D
(d) Alt + R (b) Ctrl + R
(c) Ctrl + Z
www.oliveboard.in 60

(d) Ctrl + V (a) Fly-down

(b) Put-down
8. The term 'pixels' is an indicator of (c) Pull-down
which feature of the computer? (d) Drag-down
(a) Display size
(b) Screen resolution 13. Port 22 is typically used for
(c) Memory which network protocol?
(d) Graphics (a) FTP
(b) SSH
9. Which of the following is not a (c) Telnet
valid email address? (d) HTTP
(a) Jeevan.Arora@ms.ind
(b) Kiran@Kiran.in Answer Keys
(c) Satish@Outlook.com 1. c 2. d 3. d 4. b 5. b 6. b 7. b 8. b 9.
(d) Suma.Menon@Gmail.com a 10. c 11. c 12. c 13. b

10. Which of the following is a 14. Which memory organization

formatting tool that makes all of the technique allows the CPU to access
cell's content visible without adding any memory location in constant
to the overall width of the time (independent of the memory
worksheet? size)?
(a) Sort (a) Cache Memory
(b) Marge & Center (b) Virtual Memory
(c) Wrap text (c) Associative Memory
(d) Conditional formatting (d) Direct Memory Access (DMA)

11. The term TB is an indicator of 15. Which tab in Windows Explorer

which feature of the computer? (File Explorer) allows you to access
(a) Speed and manage network resources,
(b) Number of pixels such as other computers and
(c) Storage shared folders?
(d) Screen resolution (a) Home
(b) View
12. Which of the following menu (c) Share
types is also called a drop-down (d) Network
www.oliveboard.in 61

16. Which networking protocol is (a) Switch

used to remotely manage and (b) Router
monitor network devices, such as (c) Bridge
routers and switches, and retrieve (d) Gateway
information about their status and
performance? 19. In e-banking, what is the role of
(a) SNMP a "beneficiary" when setting up a
(b) DNS fund transfer?
(c) HTTP (a) The beneficiary is a bank
(d) FTP employee who oversees the fund
transfer process.
17. What type of malware is (b) The beneficiary is the person
designed to spy on users' activities who initiates the fund transfer.
and capture sensitive information (c) The beneficiary is the account
without their knowledge? holder who receives the funds.
(a) Virus (d) The beneficiary is the e-banking
(b) Worm platform provider.
(c) Spyware
(d) Ransomware 20. Which CPU architecture uses a
single, powerful core supplemented
18. What type of networking device by smaller, energy-efficient cores?
connects multiple network (a) Multi-core
segments together and forwards (b) Dual-core
data between them based on MAC (c) Quad-core
addresses? (d) Big.Little

Answer Keys

1. c 2. d 3. d 4. b 5. b 6. b 7. b 8. b 9. a 10. c
11. c 12. c 13. b 14. c 15. d 16. a 17. c 18. c 19. c 20. d


1. (c) are transducers that convert

Speakers are one of the output electromagnetic waves into sound
devices used with computers. They waves.
www.oliveboard.in 62

Projector is an output device that 3. (d)

connects with a computer and The Excel Home Tab is used to
projects the output onto a white perform common commands such
screen or wall. as bold, underline, alignment,
Monitors are the main output device Number, copy, and paste. It is also
of a computer. It forms images from used to apply formats to cells in a
tiny dots that are arranged in a worksheet. The Home Tab groups
rectangular form. The sharpness of and their buttons are:
the image depends on the number · Clipboard Group (Paste, Cut, Copy,
of pixels. There are two kinds of Format Painter)
viewing screens used for monitors. · Font Group (Bold, Italic, Underline,
Microphone is an example Input Font Style, Colour & Size {decrease
Device. and increase}, Fill colour, Borders)
Microphone translates sound · Alignment Group (Alignment {Top,
vibrations in the air into electronic Middle, Bottom, Left, Right, Centre},
signals. It enables many types of Orientation, wrap text, Merger&
audio recording devices for Centre, Indent decrease & increase)
purposes including · Number Group (General,
communications, music and speech Accounting Number Format,
recording. Percent style, Comma style,
Increase and decrease decimal)
2. (d) · Styles Group (Conditional
E-mail is information stored on a Formatting, Format as Table, Cell
computer that is exchanged Styles)
between two users over · Cells Group (Insert cells, Delete
telecommunications. In other cells, Format cells)
words, e-mail is a message that · Editing Group (AutoSum, Fill, Clear
may contain text, files, images, or the format, Sort& Filter, Find &
other attachments sent through a Select)
network to a specified individual or
group of individuals. 4. (b)
Gmail, Outlook, ProtonMail, and F5 is used in MS PowerPoint to
Newton Mail are examples of e- open 'Slide Show'.
mail application. MS PowerPoint is a popular
presentation program and is used
to create slideshows which
www.oliveboard.in 63

comprise text, graphics, sounds and the content of the cell present
other animated media. above.
Short Description
key 8. (b)
Shift + Move anticlockwise Resolution is the image quality
F6 among pane produced by a printer or displayed
Ctrl + Restore window to on a monitor. With monitors,
F5 previous size the screen resolution is measured
Alt + R Review Tab by the number of pixels horizontal
by pixels vertically.
5. (b) A pixel, also known as a picture
Group A Group B element, is the smallest unit of a
MS-DOS Operating System digital image or graphic that can be
Trojan Virus displayed and represented on a
horse digital display device. A pixel is
My SQL Open Source represented by a dot or square on a
Software computer monitor display screen.
Norton Antivirus Pixels are the basic building blocks
of a digital image or display and are
6. (b) created using geometric
MATCH is an Excel function used to coordinates.
locate the position of a lookup value
in a row, column, or table. Often, 9. (a)
MATCH is combined with the INDEX A valid email address has four
function to retrieve a value at a parts:
matched position. • Recipient name
• @ symbol
7. (b) • Domain name
To copy the left cell, click a right • Top-level domain
cell beside the data which one Top-level domains are the highest
wants to copy, and then press Ctrl + level of the domain name system
R keys, and the left cell value has for the internet and are placed after
been pasted into the right cell the domain name in an email
immediately. Ctrl +D is used to copy address.
Common top-level domains are:
.com; .net; .org
www.oliveboard.in 64

.ind is not a valid top-level domain. network. It is commonly used for

remote login to servers and other
10. (c) network devices, allowing users to
Excel's wrap text feature is a access and manage systems
formatting tool that allows you to securely over an unsecured
control the look of cell entries (also network, such as the internet. SSH
called labels) and headings in a replaces less secure remote
worksheet. When the content of a access methods like Telnet (port
cell is wrapped, all of its content is 23), providing a more secure way to
visible without adding to the overall interact with remote systems. FTP
width of the worksheet. (port 21) is used for file transfer,
and HTTP (port 80) is used for web
11. (c) communication.
A terabyte (TB) is a unit of digital
data that is equal to about 1 trillion 14. (c)
bytes. TB is used to measure the The memory organization technique
storage of a computer. Other units that allows the CPU to access any
that are used for measuring memory location in constant time,
storage include KB, MB, GB etc. independent of the memory size,
is Associative Memory.
12. (c) • Associative memory, also known
Also called as Pull-down menu, as content-addressable memory
drop-down is a menu of commands (CAM), enables the CPU to perform
or options that appears when you a parallel search across all
select an item with a mouse. The memory locations, matching the
item you select is generally at the desired content directly. In other
top of the display screen, and the words, the CPU can access any
menu appears just below it, as if memory location directly without
you had pulled it down. the need for sequential searching
or complex calculations to compute
13. (b) the address.
Port 22 is typically used for the SSH
(Secure Shell) network protocol. 15. (d)
SSH is a cryptographic network The tab in Windows Explorer (File
protocol that provides secure, Explorer) that allows you to access
encrypted communication over a and manage network resources,
www.oliveboard.in 65

such as other computers and

shared folders, is 17. (c)
the "Network" tab. This tab provides The type of malware that is
access to the devices and designed to spy on users' activities
resources available on the local and capture sensitive information
network, allowing users to browse without their knowledge
shared folders, printers, and other is "Spyware." Spyware is a form of
network resources that are visible malicious software that secretly
and accessible within the local monitors and collects information
network environment. about a user's online activities, such
as browsing habits, keystrokes,
16. (a) login credentials, and personal
The networking protocol used to data.
remotely manage and monitor • Spyware can be installed on a
network devices, such as routers user's device without their consent,
and switches, and retrieve often bundled with legitimate
information about their status and software or through deceptive
performance is Simple Network social engineering tactics. Once
Management Protocol installed, spyware operates
(SNMP). SNMP is a widely used stealthily in the background,
application layer protocol that gathering sensitive data and
facilitates the exchange of transmitting it to the attacker or a
management information between remote server.
network devices and a network
management system (NMS). 18. (c)
• SNMP allows network A Bridge is the networking device
administrators to monitor the that connects multiple network
health and performance of devices, segments together and forwards
collect data, and receive alerts or data between them based on MAC
notifications about issues or addresses. Bridges operate at the
changes on the network. It provides OSI Data Link Layer of the OSI
a standardized way for gathering model and are responsible for
various types of information, such directing data packets to their
as device status, interface intended destinations from one
statistics, CPU usage, memory computer network to the other.
utilization, and more.
www.oliveboard.in 66

19. (c) 20. (d)

In e-banking, the term "beneficiary" The CPU architecture that uses a
refers to the account holder who is single, powerful core supplemented
the recipient of the funds in a fund by smaller, energy-efficient cores
transfer. When setting up a fund is known as "Big.Little." This
transfer, the account holder needs architecture is designed to improve
to provide the beneficiary's account energy efficiency in mobile devices
details, such as the account and other systems where power
number, name, and bank details, to consumption is a critical factor. The
ensure that the funds are sent to Big.Little architecture combines
the correct recipient. high-performance cores (big cores)
• For example, if you want to with low-power cores (LITTLE
transfer money from your bank cores), and the system can switch
account to your friend's bank between them based on the
account, your friend would be the workload demand. This allows the
beneficiary in this scenario. The device to use the powerful cores for
beneficiary's bank account will resource-intensive tasks and
receive the transferred funds, and switch to the energy-efficient cores
they will have access to the money for less demanding or background
once the transaction is complete. tasks, optimizing both performance
and power consumption.

www.oliveboard.in 67
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