July 2023 SSC Bolt
July 2023 SSC Bolt
July 2023 SSC Bolt
Table of Contents
Solutions ......................................................................................................... 54
Solutions ......................................................................................................... 62
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Prime Minister Narendra Modi has out of which more than 86 percent
said that the next 25 years of India's of farmers in the country are small
Independence is going to be and marginal. Currently, there are
"Kartavya Kaal" as the country is more than 95000 PACS, of which
giving top priority to its "kartavya" only about 63,000 PACS are
(duties). The convention centre will functional
be the centre of spiritual 10. Urban 20 (U20) Mayoral Summit
conferences and academic concludes with handover of the
programs. Communiqu to G20 Leaders
8. Centre's Fiscal Deficit At 11.8% Of The two-day Urban 20 Mayoral
Full Year Target: CGA Data Summit, hosted by the chair city
The central government's fiscal Ahmedabad, in Gandhinagar ,
deficit at the end of May stood at concluded with the handover of the
11.8% of the full-year budget Communiqu from the Mayors to G20
estimates for 2023-24. leaders.
The fiscal deficit was 12.3% of the The Communique was officially
2022-23 budget estimates in the endorsed by 105 cities across the
same period of the last year. world, the highest ever number of
In the Union Budget, the endorsements received to date for
government aimed to bring down any U20 Communiqu. The
the fiscal deficit during the current Communiqu is aligned with the G20
financial year 2023-24 to 5.9% of the theme of 'Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam'
GDP 11. Agri Ministry asks banks to
9. Amit Shah to inaugurate conclave promote Rs 1 lakh crore Agriculture
on Primary Agricultural Credit Infrastructure Fund
Societies on July 14 The Agriculture Ministry asked
Union Home and Cooperation banks to promote Rs 1 lakh crore
Minister Amit Shah will inaugurate Agriculture Infrastructure Fund
a day-long conclave to discuss (AIF) for creation of necessary
ways to strengthen Primary infrastructure in the farm sector.
Agricultural Credit Societies (PACS) The AIF is a financing facility
through Farmer Producer launched on July 8, 2020 for
Organisations (FPOs) in the national creation of post-harvest
capital. management infrastructure and
The PACS have a huge member community farm assets.
base of around 13 crore farmers,
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12. Cabinet approves changes to Jan the way for commercial mining of
Vishwas Bill to decriminalise six critical minerals ' lithium,
offences in 42 laws beryllium, niobium, tantalum,
The Union Cabinet on Wednesday titanium and zirconium ' and deep-
cleared the Jan Vishwas seated minerals like gold, silver and
(Amendment of Provisions) Bill, copper.
2022 that proposes to decriminalise 15. Centre Exempts Satellite Launch
various offences in 42 laws, Services From GST
including minor ones that invite jail In order to support new businesses,
term. the GST Council exempted satellite
The Jan Vishwas (Amendment of launch services provided by ISRO,
Provisions) Bill, 2022 was Antrix Corporation Limited, and
introduced in the Lok Sabha on New Space India Limited (NSIL)
December 22, 2022 and its aim is to from GST. This may also be
reduce the compliance burden on extended to similar services
individuals and business provided by private sector firms.
13. Centre releases Rs 7,532 crore This decision will enable companies
to states under SDRF to provide competitive prices to
The finance ministry on Wednesday launch satellites.
released Rs 7,532 crore to 22 state 16. G20: Finance Ministers and
governments under the State Central Bank Governors meeting to
Disaster Response Fund (SDRF) be held in Gandhinagar
amid rain causing havoc in the Union Finance Minister Nirmala
northern parts of the country. The Sitharaman and Reserve Bank of
State Disaster Response Fund India (RBI) Governor Dr Shaktikanta
(SDRF) has been constituted in Das will jointly chair a meeting of
each state under Section 48 (1) (a) the G20 Finance Ministers and
of the Disaster Management Act, Central Bank Governors (FMCBG) to
2005. be held on July 17-18 in
14. Union Cabinet clears Gandhinagar where 66 delegations
commercial mining of lithium & 5 will be in attendance.
other critical minerals 17. 3rd Sherpas G20 meeting to
The Union Cabinet Wednesday begin in Hampi, Karnataka
approved amendments to the Mines The third Sherpas meeting under
and Minerals (Development and India's G20 Presidency will begin in
Regulation) Act, 1957, that will pave Hampi in Karnataka.
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Chaired by India's G20 Sherpa, 20. Lavasa, India's first private hill
Amitabh Kant, the three days station, sold for Rs 1.8k crore
meeting on the banks of river In a move that will address claims
Tungabhadra near UNESCO World of hundreds of homebuyers and
Heritage site Hampi will deliberate lenders, the National Company Law
and engage in co-authoring the Tribunal (NCLT) has cleared the
Leaders Declaration to be adopted sale of India's first private hill
by the G20 leaders in New Delhi station, Lavasa, to Darwin Platform
Summit. Infrastructure. The NCLT order
18. President of India to present the approving the resolution plan
'Bhoomi Samman' 2023 on 18th July, submitted by Darwin came after the
2023 lenders voted in favour of the
The President of India will present resolution plan.
the 'Bhoomi Samman' 2023 on18th 21. Amit Shah lays foundation stone
July 2023 at Vigyan Bhawan, New of 108 feet tall statue of Lord Shri
Delhi to 9 State Secretaries and 68 Ram in Andhra Pradesh
District Collectors along with their Union Home Minister Amit Shah laid
teams who have excelled in the foundation stone of 108 feet tall
achieving saturation of the core statue of Lord Shri Ram in Kurnool,
components of Digital India Land Andhra Pradesh through video
Records Modernization Programme conferencing.
(DILRMP) ' the core of Governance. The statue will be built at a cost of
19. Back Surat Diamond Bourse over 500 crore rupees.
becomes world's largest office The statue to be installed in
building, surpasses US Pentagon Mantralayam will give the message
India has surpassed the US in one of Sanatan Dharma to the entire
significant thing--having the world, and it will strengthen the
world's largest office building. Vaishnava tradition.
Gujarat has a record-breaking 22. Airtel becomes first ICT provider
building to house its mammoth to link over 20 million IoT devices
diamond industry. According to a Bharti Airtel announced it has
report by CNN, the newly-opened become the first Information and
Surat Diamond Bourse consists of Communications Technology
15-storey complex, built across service provider in India to connect
more than 35 acres of land. over 20 million devices through its
Internet of Things solutions. IoT
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of dial-up and leased line internet The G20 EMPOWER Summit is set to
access service, 2001 (4 of 2001) with take place on August 1, 2023, at the
effect from the date of its Mahatma Mandir in Gandhinagar,
notification in the official gazette. Gujarat.
28. Government Prohibits Export Of The summit, organised around the
Non-Basmati White Rice theme- 'Women-Led Development:
Government of India has amended ensuring a sustainable, inclusive,
the Export Policy of Non Basmati and equitable global economic
White Rice from 'Free with export growth', will witness the
duty of 20%' to 'Prohibited'. The step participation of delegates from
has been taken to ensure adequate across G20 nations, invited guest
availability of Non Basmati White countries and international
Rice in the Indian market. The organisations.
domestic prices of Rice are on an International
increasing trend. The retail prices 1. New Zealand says it's the first to
have increased by 11.5% over a year ban thin plastic bags from
and 3% over the past month. supermarkets
29. Bengaluru becomes first Indian New Zealand will become the first
city to join World Cities Culture country to ban the thin plastic bags
Forum that supermarket customers use to
Bengaluru has become the first collect their fruit and vegetables.
Indian city to become part of the The new ban will also extend to
World Cities Culture Forum a global plastic straws and silverware, as
network of cities that share the government expands a
research and intelligence, and campaign against single-use
explore the role of culture in future plastics it started in 2019 when it
prosperity. The network currently banned the thicker plastic shopping
has 40 cities spanning six bags that customers used to carry
continents. Bengaluru being the home.
latest addition is set to join the 2. China's Qu-Dongyu re-elected
league of cities like New York, unopposed as head of FAO
London, Paris. In a significant development at the
30. Union Minister for Women and ongoing FAO Conference in Rome,
Child Development, Smt. Smriti Qu Dongyu has been re-elected
Zubin Irani to inaugurate the G20 unopposed as the head of the
EMPOWER Summit in Gandhinagar United Nations' Food and
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France and the UAE, is for supply of the Republic of India and the
up to 1.2 million tonnes per annum Ministry of Information and
of LNG for 14 years from 2024. Communication Technology (MICT)
10. ADB, India sign $200 million loan of the Papua New Guinea signed a
for expanding urban services in Memorandum of Understanding on
Rajasthan sharing INDIA STACK i.e.,
The Government of India and Asian successful digital solutions
Development Bank (ADB) signed a implemented at population scale.
$200 million loan as additional 13. India AI, Meta India Ink Pact To
financing for the ongoing Rajasthan Spur Advancements In AI, Emerging
Secondary Towns Development Tech
Sector Project to expand water India AI and Meta India signed a
supply and sanitation systems and pact to foster collaboration in the
enhance urban resilience and field of AI and emerging
heritage living in selected towns. technologies, making Meta's open-
11. India, ADB sign 295 million dollar source AI models available for use
loan agreement to upgrade around by the Indian ecosystem, according
265 Km State highways in Bihar to an official release. India AI is an
The Government of India and Asian Independent Business Unit under
Development Bank signed a 295 Digital India Corporation.
million dollar loan agreement to Schemes
upgrade around 265 kilometer State 1. Government notifies draft
highways in Bihar. It supports the framework for formation of India's
government of Bihar's programme first carbon market
to upgrade all State highways to The Union ministry of power has
standard two-lane widths and notified the much-anticipated
improve road safety. The improved carbon credit trading scheme, 2023.
roads will enhance connectivity in The notification said the Centre will
some of Bihar's poorest rural constitute a 'National Steering
districts. Committee for the Indian carbon
12. India signs MoU with Papua New market" to govern and oversee the
Guinea on sharing INDIA STACK functions of the market.
As a follow-up to the first Global The secretary, ministry of power
DPI Summit was organised by will be the ex-officio chairperson of
Ministry of Electronics and IT on the committee. Central Electricity
June 12-13, 2023 in Pune. Meity of Regulatory Commission (CERC) has
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His appointment is for a period of over the charge from Ms. Manmeet
three years. He succeeds the first K Nanda, Joint Secretary,
IFSCA Chairperson Injeti Srinivas Department for Promotion of
who led the authority since 2020. Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT)
At present, the GIFT IFSC is the who had assumed this additional
maiden international financial charge of MD & CEO ad-interim in
services centre in India. March 2023.
7. ITC board reappoints Sanjiv Puri 10. Rakesh Pal appointed as 25th
as chairman & managing director Director General of Indian Coast
ITC Ltd's board has recommended Guard
the re-appointment of Sanjiv Puri Rakesh Pal has been appointed as
as the company's chairman & the 25th Director General of the
managing director for a period of Indian Coast Guard.
five years, effective 22 July, 2024. The Indian Coast Guard came into
Puri, 60, was appointed as chief being on 01st Feb 1977 with a fleet
executive officer in February 2017 strength of just seven ships for
and re-designated as the managing surveillance in the Indian waters
director in May 2018. and the Exclusive Economic Zone,
8. Ritesh Chauhan (IAS) gets The Indian Coast Guard was
additional charge as MD of NAFED formally inaugrated by the then
Ritesh Chauhan (IAS) has been Prime Minister Shri Morarji Desai
appointed as Managing Director on 19th Aug 1978. V.A.Kamath, the
(MD) of the National Agricultural first Director General of Indian
Cooperative Marketing Federation Coast Guard.
of India Limited (NAFED). 11. Admiral Lisa Franchetti becomes
NAFED an apex organisation of first woman to lead US Navy
marketing cooperatives for Admiral Lisa Franchetti has become
agricultural produce in India, first woman in history to serve as
National Agricultural Cooperative the Chief of Naval Operations and
Marketing Federation of India Ltd. member of Joint Chiefs of Staff.
9. Ms. Nivruti Rai appointed as Franchetti, who is currently serving
Managing Director & CEO of Invest as the vice chief of naval
India operations, was commissioned in
Ms. Nivruti Rai joined as the 1985 and has served as the
Managing Director & CEO of Invest commander of US Naval Forces
India on July 12, 2023. She has taken Korea. She is the second woman
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called the Billie Jean King Cup in 8. Adani Transmission Wins Golden
2001. Peacock Environment Management
The award, named after the former Award 2023
ITF president, was introduced in Adani Transmission Limited (ATL),
1996. the largest private sector
6. ONGC becomes India's first PSU transmission and distribution
to get certified for Anti-Bribery company listed in India and part of
Management System the globally diversified Adani
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation portfolio, has won the 'Golden
(ONGC) has become the first Peacock Environment Management
Central Public Sector Enterprise Award (GPEMA)' in the 'Power
(CPSE) in India to get certified for Transmission' sector from 'Institute
Anti-Bribery Management System of Directors (IOD)'.
(ABMS) by an international 9. SJVN bags 1st Prize in Swachhta
accredited certification body Pakhwada Awards 2023 by MoP
InterCert USA. SJVN Limited has been conferred
Earlier in 2005, ONGC was the first with 1st Prize in Swachhta
organization in India that adopted Pakhwada Awards 2023 by Ministry
the Integrity Pact (IP) by of Power. SJVN's Chairman &
Transparency International. Managing Director (CMD) NL
7. PM Modi conferred with France's Sharma received the prize from
highest award Grand Cross of the Ministry of Power's Secretary
Legion of Honour Pankaj Agarwal in a ceremony at
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has New Delhi.
become the first Indian Prime The PSUs are evaluated on number
Minister to have been conferred of parameters for the initiatives
with the Grand Cross of the Legion undertaken to create awareness for
of Honour, France's highest civilian Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. Last year
and military honour, by French also, SJVN has won the first prize.
President Emmanuel Macro. 10. NTPC Wins ET HR World Future
The Grand Cross of the Legion of Skills Awards 2023
Honour given by France is another NTPC has received the prestigious
in a series of top international Economic Times (ET) HR World
award bestowed by various Future Skills Awards 2023 for 'Best
countries on PM Modi. use of AI/AR/VR in Learning and
Upskilling" and 'Best Advance in
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Kargil in Ladakh, the conflict lasted Summit by nations that are home to
for more than 60 days. tigers. The Global Tiger Initiative, a
15. World Hepatitis Day [WHO] | 28 grouping of nations, international
July organisations, and conservation
World Hepatitis Day is observed organisations committed to tiger
each year on 28 July to raise conservation, organised the
awareness of viral hepatitis, which summit, which took place in St.
causes inflammation of the liver Petersburg.
that leads to severe disease and 18. International Day of Friendship |
liver care. Hepatitis Day, initially 30 July
observed on May 19, was later The International Day of Friendship
moved to July 28 in 2010. The World was proclaimed in 2011 by the UN
Hepatitis Alliance, established in General Assembly with the idea that
2007, organized the first friendship between peoples,
community-driven World Hepatitis countries, cultures and individuals
Day in 2008. The theme for World can inspire peace efforts and build
Hepatitis Day 2023 is "One life, one bridges between communities. The
liver." International Day of Friendship is an
16. World Nature Conservation Day | initiative that follows on the
28 July proposal made by UNESCO defining
World Nature Conservation Day is the Culture of Peace. 'Sharing the
recognised annually on 28 July. The human spirit through friendship' is
main purpose of celebrating this the theme of World Friendship Day.
day is to create awareness among 19. World Day against Trafficking in
people about the importance of the Persons | 30 July
natural environment and its World Day Against Trafficking in
resources. NGOs and educational Persons is observed on 30 July was
institutions organise several events adopted at a high-level meeting of
to raise awareness about the the UNGA. The resolution reaffirms
importance of the conversation of the commitment of the United
nature. Nations to end trafficking in
17. International Tiger Day | 29 July persons, especially women and
Global Tiger Day, commonly children, and states that trafficking
referred to as International Tiger in persons is a serious threat to
Day, was first established in 2010 "human dignity and physical
during the Saint Petersburg Tiger integrity, huuman rights and
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15. 5th Helicopter & Small Aircraft the G20's official engagement group
Summit to be organised on 25th that serves as an 'ideas bank' for
July at Khajuraho, MP the multilateral grouping by
The 5th Helicopter & Small Aircraft bringing together think tanks and
Summit is to be jointly organised by high-level experts to discuss policy
the Ministry of Civil Aviation, issues relevant to the G20.
Government of Madhya Pradesh, Science & Technology
Pawan Hans Ltd. and the Federation 1. Chandrayaan 3 spacecraft
of Indian Chambers of Commerce integrated with GSLV Mark III
and Industry (FICCI) on 25th July launch vehicle
2023 in Khajuraho, Madhya Chandrayaan Three spacecraft has
Pradesh. event's theme is been integrated with GSLV Mark III
"Reaching the Last Mile: Regional launch vehicle at Satish Dhawan
Connectivity through Helicopters & Space Centre in Sriharikota
Small Aircraft". spaceport
16. Third and final meeting of G20 The launch is planned between 12
Disaster Risk Reduction Working and 19th of this month. The
Group begins in Chennai Propulsion module will carry the
The inaugural session of the 3rd lander and rover configuration till
G20 Disaster Risk Reduction 100kms lunar orbit.
Working Group, under the Indian The Propulsion module will orbit
Presidency, started in Chennai. The the Moon as was done in
establishment of this Working Chandrayaan I and II.
Group is a testament to the 2. IISc Researchers, Collaborators
commitment of all G20 countries to Crack Structure Of Crucial Neural
finally change from reacting to Transport Protein
disasters to proactively addressing Using 'Cryo-EM', a powerful
their root causes. microscopy technique, researchers
17. Think20 Summit under India's at the Indian Institute of Science
G20 Presidency to begin today in (IISc) and collaborators have
Mysuru, Karnataka decoded the molecular architecture
Observer Research Foundation of a transporter protein controlling
(ORF), as the Think20 Secretariat the movement of a key
under India's G20 Presidency, will neurotransmitter.
host the Think20 Summit in Mysuru
from today till August 2. Think20 is
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Two frontline Indian Naval ships INS Navy chief, this marks the first time
Sahyadri and INS Kolkata arrived in India has handed over a full
Indonesia's Jakarta to participate in operational corvette to a foreign
the Maritime Partnership Exercise country.
(MPX) with the Indonesian Navy. Books & Authors
INS Sahyadri is the third 1. Abhishek Choudhary's Vajpayee:
indigenously designed and built The Ascent of the Hindu Right 1924-
Project-17 class stealth frigate and 1977
INS Kolkata is the first indigenously The early years of late Prime
designed and built stealth destroyer Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee are
of the Project-15A class. Both the captured in a new biography,
ships have been built at Mazagon Vajpayee: The Ascent of the Hindu
Dock Shipbuilders Ltd, Mumbai. Right 1924-77, by Abhishek
6. Ashok Leyland bags major orders Choudhary.
worth Rs 800 crore from Indian The book published by Picador India
Army was released in May 2023.
Ashok Leyland, the Indian flagship This first volume lays out 53 years
of the Hinduja Group and the of Vajpayee's life, spanning from
largest supplier of logistics vehicles 1924 to 1977.
to the Indian military, announced on 2. 'Through the Broken Glass: An
that it had won major orders for Autobiography' by TN Seshan
defence vehicls, valued at Rs 800 Unveiling the life and legacy of T.N.
crore. The contracts awarded to Seshan, 'Through The Broken Glass:
Ashok Leyland include for the An Autobiography' chronicles the
production of 'field artillery tractors' captivating journey of the former
(FAT 4x4) and 'gun towing vehicles' Chief Election Commissioner of
(GTV 6x6). India, who left an indelible mark on
7. Back India hands over INS Kirpan the nation's process. Published by
to Vietnam in landmark move Rupa Publications India, the
'On completing 32 years of autobiography provides an
illustrious service to the nation, insightful glimpse into Seshan's
Indian Naval Ship Kirpan has been pivotal term as the CEC from 1990-
decommissioned from the Indian 1995.
Navy and handed over to Vietnam
People's Navy (VPN) at Cam Ranh,
Vietnam. According to the Indian
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Answer Keys
1. b 2. d 3. b 4. c 5. b 6. c 7. c 8. a 9. a 10. d
11. d 12. c 13. a 14. c 15. b 16. d 17. b 18. c 19. a 20. a
21. a 22. c 23. b 24. b 25. d 26. b 27. a 28. d 29. a 30. b
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Answer Keys
1. c 2. d 3. d 4. b 5. b 6. b 7. b 8. b 9. a 10. c
11. c 12. c 13. b 14. c 15. d 16. a 17. c 18. c 19. c 20. d
comprise text, graphics, sounds and the content of the cell present
other animated media. above.
Short Description
key 8. (b)
Shift + Move anticlockwise Resolution is the image quality
F6 among pane produced by a printer or displayed
Ctrl + Restore window to on a monitor. With monitors,
F5 previous size the screen resolution is measured
Alt + R Review Tab by the number of pixels horizontal
by pixels vertically.
5. (b) A pixel, also known as a picture
Group A Group B element, is the smallest unit of a
MS-DOS Operating System digital image or graphic that can be
Trojan Virus displayed and represented on a
horse digital display device. A pixel is
My SQL Open Source represented by a dot or square on a
Software computer monitor display screen.
Norton Antivirus Pixels are the basic building blocks
of a digital image or display and are
6. (b) created using geometric
MATCH is an Excel function used to coordinates.
locate the position of a lookup value
in a row, column, or table. Often, 9. (a)
MATCH is combined with the INDEX A valid email address has four
function to retrieve a value at a parts:
matched position. • Recipient name
• @ symbol
7. (b) • Domain name
To copy the left cell, click a right • Top-level domain
cell beside the data which one Top-level domains are the highest
wants to copy, and then press Ctrl + level of the domain name system
R keys, and the left cell value has for the internet and are placed after
been pasted into the right cell the domain name in an email
immediately. Ctrl +D is used to copy address.
Common top-level domains are:
.com; .net; .org
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