Bio 125 Lec Notes
Bio 125 Lec Notes
Bio 125 Lec Notes
S - A (resin duct in gymnosperms), L -B ( white spots are The other components of the cell wall are non-cellulosic
oil glands especially in citrus plants , R - C (lacuna, matrix-hemicellulose, pectin, and glycoproteins.
Vascular bundle of corn, stem is elongating and some I. Hemicellulose is a general term for
tissues cannot resist the action which results in tearing non-crystalline glycans (polysaccharides) that
and creating space (protoxylem lacuna)) are tightly bound in the cell wall. Hemicellulose
differs across the plant group. Thus, it plays an
important role in the taxonomic information of
plants. One example of hemicellulose is
xyloglucans. This can be found in eudicots and
half of the monocots. Xyloglucans are tightly and bending stiffness to the woody stem. It also provides
bound with cellulose microfibrils. It limits the resistance to microbial attack.
extensibility of the cell wall by tethering adjacent
microfibrils. It also regulates cell enlargement. In relation to lignin providing strength, lignin strengthens
the xylem to endure the negative pressure generated
II. Pectins are non-cellulosic. It is found in the from transpiration without collapsing the tissue. As the
primary wall of eudicots and absent in the water evaporates from the leaves, it pulls up other water
secondary wall. Pectins are hydrophilic (soluble molecules. This process cascades down to the other
in water) and form gel. Its gel property parts of the plants. When water moves up, it creates
modulates the ability of cells to stretch - tension to the conducting tissue like xylem. The rigidity
plasticity provided by the lignin prevents the collapsing of the cell
wall during the process of transpiration.
Meristem produces new cells in the plant’s body.
Meristems are low in calcium ions when they are Cutin and suberin are both hydrophobic and insoluble
dividing. As they experience cell elongation and lipids. Cutin is a component of cuticle. When cutin mixes
differentiation, the calcium ion increases abruptly. The with wax it forms a layer of cuticle. It is the waxy layer
calcium ions bind to the free ends of pectin forming a that forms on the surface of the leaves. Since cutin is
cross link. It prevents the pectin from moving freely and insoluble to water and mostly deposited in the epidermis,
decreases the level of plasticity of the cell wall. When it lessens the water loss in the plant.
the calcium ion of the plant cell increases, the plasticity
property of the cell wall also decreases. This is due to When materials pass through the cells, it can take two
the formation of cross links between the calcium ion and pathways: the apoplastic pathway or the symplastic
pectin. Pectins are held together by the calcium ions pathway. Apoplastic pathway is when the material
preventing them from being stretched. This results in passes through the cell wall, while the symplastic
elongation to stop. pathway is when the material passes through the
cytoplast. Remember that the cell wall is more
There are many proteins present in the cell wall and one permeable than the plasma membrane.
of them is the glycoprotein. Glycoproteins are structural
proteins that are involved in strengthening of the cell Endodermis surrounds the vascular tissue and is located
wall. Another example of protein that is found in the cell deep inside the root. The root is an organ of the plant
wall are enzymes such as peroxidase, chitinase, that absorbs water. When the water is absorbed through
cellulase, and pectinase. Enzymes are named after its root hair, it passes through different layers of the plant
substrate. For example, cellulase acts on cellulose while and eventually in the vascular tissue so that it can be
pectinase acts in pectin. Cellulase and pectin are transported to the other part of the plant above ground.
involved in cell wall degradation. It can happen during Before the water gets into an area that contains all the
leaf abscission or the process where the leaves conducting tissue, it needs to pass through the
detached from the stem of the plant. endodermis that has suberin in its cell wall. Since
suberin is hydrophobic, the apoplastic pathway is
Callose is a polysaccharide, and it is deposited between blocked. The water cannot pass through the cell wall
plasma membrane and cell wall. Callose is deposited since there is a hydrophobic material. When the water
rapidly in response to mechanical wounding and passes through the cell wall, it gets diverted from
stress. It plugs the wound and prevents the invasion apoplastic pathway to a symplastic pathway. All water
of the pathogen or any foreign object. that gets into vascular tissue will pass the endodermis
tissue through the symplastic pathway due to the
Lignins are phenolic polymers. It is deposited in the presence of suberin. And because of this process, every
cell wall of supporting and conducting tissues. Lignins water that will come to the vascular tissue needs to pass
are found in the cell that has a secondary wall. An through the semi-permeable plasma membrane where
example of conducting tissue is wood, which is a all unwanted materials will be sieved out.
secondary xylem. Lignin is hydrophobic. It is important
for conducting tissue, such in xylem, to have lignified cell Cell Wall:
walls. The water proofing property of lignin prevents 1. Limits the size of the protoplast
lateral diffusion in xylem and facilitates longitudinal 2. Prevents the rupture of plasma membrane when
transport of water. Lignin provides compressive strength cell is turgid
3. Physical barrier against most potentially
pathogenic organisms (ex. virus)
4. Determines the size and shape of the cell,
texture of the tissue final form of plant organ
5. Contains a variety of enzymes and play
important roles in absorption, transport and
secretion of substances in plants (ex. Cell to cell
signalling influencing cellular differentiation (from
a simple cell to a differentiated cell that performs
a specific function), detection of pathogen to
elicit defense)
1. Polysaccharide
2. Deposited between the plasma membrane and
existing cell wall
3. Deposited rapidly in response to mechanical
wounding and stress (pathogen, environment)
1. Glycoproteins - structural proteins (believed to
strengthen cell walls)
a. Ex. Proline-rich proteins, glycine-rich
proteins, extensions
2. Enzymes (named after its substrate; ex.
Cellulase → acts on cellulose)
a. Peroxidase - defense
Water molecules are attracted to each other.
Transpiration is when water leaves out of the plants
through stomata. Creates tension in the conducting Apoplastic - passes through the cell wall; more
tissues like xylem which is why lignin is important to permeable than the cell membrane (not screened
prevent xylem from collapsing. enough)
Symplast - passed through the protoplast
1. Insoluble lipid Endodermis is located deep inside a root tissue,
2. Forms a matrix with wax to form cuticle surrounding the vascular bundles. Root absorbs water
3. Prevents water loss from aerial parts from the root hair and gets to the vascular tissue.
4. Mostly deposited on the epidermis However, it has an endodermis which has suberin in its
cell wall. Apoplastic pathways are blocked due to the
hydrophobic material. It gets diverted towards the inside
of the cell or symplast pathway. So unwanted materials
in the water are sieved out.
Video 3:
Primary Pits
1. Thin areas in the primary walls
2. Primary pit fields- clusters of primary pits
3. Plasmodesmata aggregated in the primary pit
fields commonly; remains even when a
secondary wall develops ; enables easy transfer
of materials between cells, strands of cytoplasm
that traverse the cell wall of adjacent cells
allowing cell to cell communication and
As the cell wall formation is completed, some parts of
the endoplasmic reticulum are entrapped within the
developing wall, which results in the formation of the
Video 4: Vacuole
● Non-pigmented plastids
● Least differentiated plastid (lack elaborate
system of inner membranes)
● Storage starch (amyloplast), proteins
(proteinoplast), fats (elaioplasts)
● Precursor of all plastids within an adult plant
● Small, colorless plastids in undifferentiated
Chloroplasts: (type of plastid)
regions of the plant body (shoot and root apical
● Sites of photosynthesis because of the presence
of chlorophyll
● Etioplasts - contain prolamellar bodies (when it
● Temporary storage of starch (assimilation
is supposed to develop in a chloroplast but light
is absent); precursor of thylakoids. When they
● Contain chlorophyll and carotenoid pigments
are exposed to light → thylakoids →
(yellow and orange)
● Disk-shaped; 3-300 chloroplasts in mesophyll
● Various kinds of plastids can change from one
type to another
● Broad surfaces parallel to the cell wall surface
bordering air spaces
○ Low-medium light intensity-parallel with
leaf surface
○ Damaging high light
intensity-perpendicular to the leaf
● Cyclosis - chloroplasts transported to the cell, a
way of orienting themselves based on light
● Some plasmids can develop into chloroplasts to All options are correct
chromoplasts or vice versa.
Answer: Chloroplast
Types of meristem
1. Apical meristem - shoot and root tips; produce
the primary plant body (PRIMARY GROWTH).
Grow vertically. GROW TALL
Apical Meristem
- Actively dividing cells
Tunica - gives rise to leaves and buds; epidermis and
most of the cortex
Corpus - vascular system; central ground tissues
Procambial strand - gives rise to first xylem and phloem Root and Shoot Apex
(primary) - Leaves and buds are produced exogenously -
● Products of anticlinal will look square coming from the outside ; originated from the
● Products of periclinal will look round tunica
- Lateral roots arise endogenously (pericycle) -
coming from the inside
Video 2:
First 2 layers - tunica (anticlinal) Primary meristem is derived from apical meristem, they
Others are part of the corpus - products of both anticlinal and periclinal division
produce tissues of the primary plant body. The
examples of primary meristem are protoderm,
d. Root Apex - Tunica-corpus does not procambium, and ground meristem. The protoderm
apply gives rise to the dermal tissue or the epidermis. The
i. Root cap - produced by procambium produces the primary vascular tissue
calyptrogen (primary xylem and phloem). Lastly, the ground
Root cap serves as a protection of the soft meristem produces ground tissues (parenchyma,
apical meristem from soil particles collenchyma, and sclerenchyma.
Types of Division:
Multiplicative Division - results in the increase of
Additive Division - results in an increase of the number
Secondary Meristems
● Another name for “some” of the lateral
meristems. But not all lateral meristems are
secondary. Because some mature cells can
undergo differentiation wherein permanent can
reverse back to being meristematic, Meristems and Plant Growth
● Note: Primary meristems are derived from Link:
● Derived from mature cells s-and-plant-growth
Not a true secondary meristem (partial) Plants grow throughout their lives; this is called
1. Vascular Cambium - has different origins indeterminate growth, and it distinguishes plants from
a. Procambium (meristem) most animals. Although certain parts of plants stop
b. Interfascicular parenchyma (mature growing (e.g., leaves and flowers), others grow
tissue) continuously—like roots and stems.
The roots and shoots of woody plants undergo Vascular plants, which account for over 90% of the
secondary growth in addition to primary growth. Earth’s vegetation, all undergo primary growth—which
Secondary growth is enabled by two lateral lengthens roots and shoots. Many land plants, notably
meristems—the vascular cambium and the cork woody plants, also undergo secondary growth—which
cambium. thickens roots and shoots.
The vascular cambium develops into vascular Primary and secondary growth can occur simultaneously
tissue—including secondary xylem (wood) and in a plant. While primary growth occurs in newer plant
secondary phloem. The cork cambium replaces the regions, secondary growth transpires in regions that
epidermis with the sturdier periderm. The addition of have completed primary growth. There are overlaps and
these cells increases the width of roots and shoots. distinctions between root growth and shoot growth.
Primary and Secondary Growth in Roots and Shoots Apical meristems enable the primary growth of both
Link: roots and shoots - with primary shoot growth beginning in the shoot apical meristem and root primary growth
and-secondary-growth-in-roots-and-shoots starting in the root apical meristem.
Undifferentiated cells in the shoot apical meristem Dividing cells in the root and shoot apical meristems
divide. Some of it differentiate into: differentiate into the same primary meristems—the
Primary meristems that can generate permanent plant protoderm, ground meristem, and procambium. In both
tissues: roots and shoots, these primary meristems develop into
1. Protoderm → Dermal (Epidermis) the same tissue types; the protoderm, ground meristem,
2. Procambium → Vascular (Primary Phloem and and procambium respectively develop into dermal,
Primary Xylem ground, and vascular tissues.
3. Ground Meristem → Ground Tissues (pith and
cortex) However, there are differences between the specific
In roots, primary growth occurs in 3 overlapping zones: tissues produced in roots and shoots. In roots, the
1. Zone of Cell division which contains the root epidermis contains roots hairs, which account for most of
apical meristem the root’s surface area. Additionally, unlike the shoot
ground tissue of eudicots—the most common flowering Lecture 5: Fundamental Tissues
plants—root ground tissue is not divided into pith and
cortex. Furthermore, the shoot apical meristem contains Video 1:
leaf primordia, which form leaves.
Another way to classify plant tissue is based on the type
Compared to primary growth, secondary growth is more of cells that it contains. It can be simple tissue that has
similar between roots and shoots. Secondary growth is one type of cell (e.g., parenchyma) or complex tissues
enabled by two types of lateral meristems, which run that are made up of more than one type of cell (e.g.,
along the lengths of roots and shoots. xylem).
The vascular cambium, between the primary xylem and The three types of ground tissues are parenchyma,
primary phloem, creates a layer of secondary xylem collenchyma, and sclerenchyma.
(wood) and secondary phloem each year in roots and
shoots. I. Parenchyma is the most common type of tissue
in the plant body. It is alive at maturity and
The cork cambium, a component of bark, is located retains an intact protoplast. The parenchyma
outside the vascular tissues. In both roots and shoots, it is the least specialized cell, thin-walled, and
produces cork and phelloderm to form the isodiametric. It functions as space fillers,
periderm—which replaces the epidermis. performs basic metabolic processes, and
storage. Parenchyma is located in the
epidermis, cortex, and pith.
II. Collenchyma is also alive at maturity. It is
usually elongated and has an uneven thickening
of primary walls. Collenchyma has large
amounts of pectins and hemicelluloses. It
provides flexible (plastic) support in growing
organs and mature herbaceous organs.
Collenchyma is usually found in the cortex, just
beneath the epidermis.
III. Sclerenchyma is derived from the Greek word
skleros which means hard. It has secondary
walls with lignin, and it is dead at maturity.
Sclerenchyma functions as elastic support for
regions that have stopped growing in length. It is
also involved in water conduction of tissues. The
two types of sclerenchyma are fibers and
sclereids. Fibers are long cells and tapered at
both ends. It has fewer pittings, arises from
meristematic cells, and usually occurs in groups.
Fibers are one of the most economically
important parts of the plant (e.g., ropes, bank
notes). The sclereids are usually cubical or
spherical. It has more conspicuous pittings and
is usually isolated and scattered. The examples
of sclereids are the stone cells found in pear
fruits and the seed coat of bean.
Plant Tissues
1. Simple - one type of cell
a. Parenchyma
2. Complex - more than one type of cell
a. Xylem (consists of xylem parenchyma,
sclerenchyma [fibers, tracheids, vessels]
Ground Tissues: Fundamental (make up most of the ● Uneven thickening of primary walls
parts of the plants) cell types ● Large amount of pectins and hemicelluloses
a. Parenchyma
b. Collenchyma Functions:
c. Sclerenchyma 1. Provide flexible (plastic - remains stretched)
support in growing organs and mature
Origin herbaceous organs
1. Protoderm → Epidermis Location:
2. Ground meristem → Ground tissues 1. Cortex, beneath the epidermis
3. Procambium → Primary vascular tissues a. Ribs in the celery
● Most common type
● Alive at maturity (retains an impact protoplast)
● Least specialized
● Thin-walled
● Isodiametric
1. Greek word “skleros” = hard
2. Have secondary walls (+lignin = insoluble lipid
making cell wall rigid) lignin stays RED
3. Dead at maturity = loses its protoplast thru
programmed cell death → cell wall is left and
empty space where the protoplast was before
1. Elastic support for regions that have stopped
growing in length
2. Water conducting tissues (vessel elements and
tracheids involved in water conduction)
1. Space flyers
2. Basic metabolism
3. Storage
1. Epidermis
2. Cortex - region in between pith and epidermis
3. Pith
1. Fibers
a. Long cells and tapered at both ends
b. Less pittings
c. Arise from meristematic cells
d. Usually occur in groups
e. One of the more commercially important
part of a plant
i. Leaf fibers used for making
ropes, manila hemp (derived in
● Usually elongated
● Alive at maturity
muxa textilis or abaca; only
found in the Philippines)
2. Sclereids
a. Usually cubical or spherical
b. More conspicuous pittings
c. Sclerosis of parenchyma cells
d. Isolated or scattered
i. Found in sead coat of bean
3. Fiber sclereid
Vacuole store
- Inorganic ions (calcium ions)
- Vacuolar pigment (anthocyanin)
- Sugar
- Malic acid for CAM plants
- Outermost layer of cells of the primary plant
- Usually one layer (multiple layers: roots of
orchids - velamen)
- With cuticle (cutin and waxes)
● Reduce water loss
● Mechanical protection
● Gaseous exchange (stomata)
When guard cells are turgid or swollen, it bulges away
from the pore resulting in the opening of the stoma.
When guard cells are shrunken, it closes the pore.
- Amphistomatic leaf - present in both sides (e.g.
corn) adaxial and abaxial
* for the structure, it usually has no space since it serves - Epistomatic leaf - upper (adaxial)
for protection - Hypostomatic leaf - lower; common (abaxial)
Cell types in the epidermis What is the distribution of the stomata for aquatic floating
1. Epidermal cells (ordinary epidermal cells) → plants? Most floating aquatic plants have stomata on
originated from protoderm their upper leaf surfaces, and usually their stomata are
2. Stoma/ta permanently open.
3. Trichomes
Stoma/ta ● Epidermal appendages - extension of epidermal
● Openings bounded by guard cells cells
● Guard cells - regulate the exchange of water ● Reduces transpiration rate
vapor and carbon dioxide; opens and closes the ● Defense against insects
pore ● Root hairs: extension of absorbing surface
○ With neighboring cells or subsidiary
cells Difference of root hairs and trichomes in the shoot: Root
● Most abundant on leaves hairs lack cuticle since it absorbs water. On the other
● Rare in roots hand, trichomes have.
Phloem is a complex tissue that can be made up of more Companion cells and sieve tube elements are related in
than one type of cells. ontogeny. They are derived from the same mother cell.
Unlike the sieve tube elements, companion cells have
Phloem is the vascular tissue involved in the transport of a prominent nucleus which is intimately connected
solutes and includes sieve elements, fibers, and with the sieve tube element.
The conducting elements of the angiosperm phloem
I. The cells that are involved in the conduction of include sieve tube elements and companion cells.
food are the sieve elements. In gymnosperms
they are called sieve cells and in angiosperms Because the organelles, the protoplasts and the
they are called sieve tube elements, which are companion cells relatively have a complete set of all the
morphologically different. organelles inside the cell, they provide the information
II. For the support system in the phloem, it can molecules, the proteins and even the energy ATP to the
have fibers and sclereids. sieve tube element.
The radial system consists only of phloem The companion cell moves solutes from the
parenchyma, and this is involved in the lateral or the photosynthetic cell. It gathers all the assimilates or the
radial transport of food. solutes and transports it through the plasmodesmata.
The sieve elements also undergo some breakdown of The companion cell transports the solutes to the sieve
the organelles, but the breakdown of organelles is not tube elements through plasmodesmata, the continuity
between the cytoplasm of the sieve tube and the
companion cell.
Video 1:
Perforation is the absence of a wall. More obvious for
vessel elements. There is no primary or secondary wall
for vessels. Vessel elements are broader. End walls of
Vascular Tissue System - complex tissues which
tracheids are not obvious. Vessel refers to a long
means they are made up of more than 1 type of cell
continuous tube consisting of vessel members/elements.
Consist of
a. Xylem - brings water and mineral from the roots
b. Phloem - moves sugar and other organic
nutrients from leaves to the rest of the plant.
Can be arranged into 2 types of systems
1. Axial system - cells are oriented longitudinally or
parallel to the long axis.
a. Tracheary elements - conducting cells
i. Tracheid Vessel elements are more efficient in conducting
ii. Vessel element because water moves without resistance because it is
b. Xylary fibers - sclerenchyma cells and perforated. Unlike tracheids, water leaves and enters
so they are for support and storage through the bordered pit pairs of the adjacent tracheids.
c. Xylary parenchyma - functions for
storage In a vessel, there could be 2 to 1000 vessel elements.
2. Radial System (ray) - rays are perpendicular to
the long axis Similarity:
a. Xylem parenchyma
Xylem sap or the water inside the xylem contains
dissolved gases that freezes out as bubbles during
winter causing cavitation.
Both of them have pits which can be found in the meta Xylary fibers - supporting cells
xylem and secondary xylem. Secondary wall patterning - Long cells that are tapered at both ends
can be found in primary xylem. - With linifies secondary walls
- Wall thicker than tracheids
- Dead
1. Primary xylem (origin - procambium)
a. Protoxylem (primary xylem) - early
formed; during the time when the plant
is still undergoing intensive elongation.
They are stretched and destroyed (when
the cells are elongated because they
have already matured) which brings
about a space called lacuna.
However, since they have bordered pit pairs, water can b. Metaxylem (meta xylem) - late formed;
make a detour to the sides of the vessel elements. Large after the organs have stopped
conduits of water (vessel elements) are more vulnerable elongating. Diameter is larger than the
to cavitation which is why the majority of plants living in protoxylem. Differentiate while the plant
cold climates have lesser vessel elements and more body is still elongating and does not
tracheids. E.g. conifer, gymnosperms mature until plants have finished
elongating. Accounts for the majority of
the functional xylem. Remains functional
for plants that have primary growth only
and becomes non functional when there
is secondary growth. Its function is
replaced by the xylem coming from the
vascular cambium
2. Secondary xylem (origin - vascular cambium) -
during secondary growth
Sieve elements
● Breakdown of nucleus and tonoplast (not entire
● Sieve areas (with pores) - has plasmodesmata;
can be found in the side walls and end walls Companion cells
● Two types: ● Related to sieve-tube element in function and
○ Sieve cells (gymnosperms) development (ontogeny - they are derived from
○ Sieve tube elements (series of same mother ecll)
elements: sieve) has and end wall which ● With prominent nucleus
contains a specialized sieve area called ● Intimately connected with associated sieve-tube
sieve plate - angiosperms element
● Provides information molecules, proteins, and
ATP to sieve-tube element
Tracheids are elongated cells with lignified walls that
contain small gaps called pits, which conduct xylem sap
from one cell to the next in places where their walls
overlap. Seedless vascular plants and most
gymnosperms, or cone-bearing plants, have only
tracheids, which are thought to have evolved before
vessel elements.
The leaves conduct the majority of photosynthesis. Leaves - site of food production and stems function in
While leaves can come in a wide variety of shapes and conduction and support
sizes, the blades are often thin and flattened in shape to Stems - serve as important storage organs, e.g the irish
maximize the surface area exposed to sunlight. The potato (underground stem)
terminal part of the leaf is called the blade, or lamina.
Simple leaves have one blade per petiole, while Shoot Development
compound leaves have multiple blades attached to each - Shoot growth is initiated in the embryo from the
petiole. Some plants, such as grasses, lack a petiole. epicotyl (segment of a seedling which is above
Instead, the blade directly envelops part of the stem. the point where the seedling is attached) , which
may or may not have one or more leaf
- Hypocotyl - segment of the seedling that is
below where the cotyledon is attached.
Shoot apex
● Produces primordia that develop into all the
above ground organs of a plant
● Gives rise to lateral appendages: leaf primordia
and axillary buds
Functions of stems:
1. Support leaves and reproductive structures
2. Produces carbohydrates
3. Store materials
4. Transport water and solutes between roots and
Types of stems
1. Herbaceous = soft, green and short -lived
2. Woody = hard, brown and long-lived
Overview of primary stem
● Product of the apical meristem
● Tissues include dermal, ground (cortical) and
Ground Tissue
- Between the epidermis and stele
- Mainly parenchyma (with some collenchyma and
Internal structure of the primary stem - May see aerenchyma (have large intercellular
3 main tissues: spaces in between) in aquatic plants
1. Epidermis from protoderm via tunica (outermost Pith
tissues) - Internal from vascular tissue
2. Ground tissues: cortex and pith - Typically parenchyma
3. Vascular bundles
● Central cylinder containing the primary vascular
tissues + associated ground tissues (e.g pith)
(cotex is the region between epidermis and
Type of stele:
Parallel division
Bark Formation
Phase 1: As the layers of cells outside the vascular
cambium die, they are sloughed off as bark
Phase 2: In the young stem the bark contains:
epidermis, cork, cork cambium, phelloderm, cortex, and
phloem Lenticels in Bark
Phase 3: In the old stem the bark contains: cork, cork 1. Cork - generally impervious to fluids and gases
cambium, phelloderm, and phloem 2. Special structures for gas exchange are required
to provide oxygen to the living cells of the
secondary growth region called lenticels
replacing stomata of the epidermis
Aging of Bark - Determine age of stem because texture of
1. Due to constant expansion of growing stem, spring and summer cells is different
bark must increase in girth
2. Old bark is continuously being pushed outward
a. Can be shed off from tree by sloughing
b. Sloughing results in unique bark
Part 4:
b. Sapwood
i. Functioning secondary xylem towards
the exterior
ii. Usually light pale and weak
c. Conifer wood
Cells all look alike. No vessels, just tracheids. i. Some wood used commercials is from
Growth / Annual Rings ii. Conifers are often called softwood
1. Only tracheids , no vessels
2. Minimal parenchyma (appears
more uniform)
iii. Resin ducts (or canals)
1. Lined by a ring of parenchyma
2. Defense mechanism
3. Conifer tracheids have - Aloe, Agave (Tequila), Yucca, Dracaena,
prominent bordered pits along Cordyline
their walls
Secondary thickening meristem
- Novel cambium
- Derived from parenchyma of the cortex
- Inner: produces ground tissue and entire
vascular bundles
- Outer: Cortical Parenchyma
d. Dicot wood
i. Comprised of vessels, fiber and
parenchyma ray s
ii. Frequently referred to as hardwood (but
has no real meaning in terms of
iii. Large diameter vessels and more
numerous fibers
Woody monocots
- Exceptions with secondary-like growth
1. The shoot system refers to the above ground
structure which consists of the leaves and the
stem. Roots
2. The stems hold the leaves for support to be able ● Make up the underground portion
to for the leaves to maximize light interception. ● Functions:
3. The stems also function in conduction of the 1. Anchorage
food and water. 2. Absorb water and nutrients
4. The stems also serve as important storage. a. Not all parts have absorptive
5. The shoot is initiated in the embryo from the function. They absorb at young
epicotyl. portions of the root, where there
6. Epicotyl is the segment of a seedling which is is primary growth. Parts of the
above the point where the cotyledon is attached root where secondary growth
(epi-means above and -cotyl refers to the occurs, does not allow water
cotyledon). absorption due to the layer of
7. The opposite of epicotyl is hypocotyl which is the periderm.
segment of the seedling located below the point b. There is a solid core of vascular
where the cotyledon is attached. The shoot tissue which enables conduction
comes from the epicotyl, and it could have one of food
or more leaf primordia. 3. Conduct water, nutrients and food
8. The points where the leaves are attached are 4. Produce some some hormones
called the nodes. 5. Some roots are also important storage
9. The distance or the area between two nodes is organs. (e.g. cassava) → Moss, an early
called an internode, the intervals between two plant, does not have conducting tissues
nodes. unlike the angiosperms or
10. The axil is defined as the upper angle between a gymnosperms. They are not
leaf stock or any lateral structure in the stem. VASCULAR PLANT. They are simple
11. Anything that arises from the axil is called and small which means that they do not
axillary structure. require complex tissues. Instead of
12. There are different kinds of buds based on their having roots, mosses have rhizoid that
location. If the buds are located on the side of holds them down in a substrate.
the twig, usually in the axils they are called
lateral buds. If the buds are at the tip, it's called Types of Roots:
the terminal bud.The terminal buds are for 1. Primary roots - main root, originates from the
extending the length of the stem and the lateral radicle during development. Branches coming
buds are involved, it could be the production of from it are called secondary roots
branches or it could be the production of flowers.
Root Apex
● No lateral appendages comparable to leaves
and no branches (no counterpart for leaf
primordia; axillary structures)
● Branches are usually initiated beyond the region
of most active (from the region of maturation in
contrast with the shoot apex) Quiescent center
● Growth and arise endogenously (comes from ● 500-1000 seemingly inactive cells (relatively
the inside; unlike the shoot apex which comes slowly dividing)
out from the periphery) ● Arrested at G1 (part of the cell cycle, specifically
interphase, resting stage where cells are not
dividing. Cellular contents are duplicated.
● Divide once in 15-20 days
● Reservoir to replace damage meristems
● Organizes the patterns of primary growth in
Root Cap
● Protection and aids in penetration into the soil
● Peripheral cells (and epidermal cells) - secretes
MUCIGEL which is a polysaccharide with
vitamins, enzymes, and amino acids
● Mucigel functions for:
○ Protection
○ Lubrication
○ Water absorption (since mucigel is
○ Nutrient absorption
● Columella cells (middle of the root cap) - contain
amyloplasts (stores starch grains).
Sedimentation of these involved in the
(Sub) Apical Region (region of cell division
● Can be divided into 3 regions
○ Zone of division
○ Zone of elongation
○ Zone of maturation
1. Meristem region (region of cell division)
○ 0.5-1.5mm behind root tip
○ Area where new cells are created by
○ Divide every 12-36 hours
2. Region of Elongation
○ 4-10mm behind root tip
○ Area where cell grow in length (150x)
○ Long, vacuolated cells - makes the cell
elongate → vacuoles are big
3. Region of differentiation (maturation)
○ 1-5cm behind root tip
○ Has root hairs (an appendage;
extension of epidermal cells)
■ Increase surface area for
Protoderm - Epidermis
Ground Meristem - Ground Tissues (pith and cortex)
Procambium - Vascular Tissues (Phloem and Xylem)
The wall facing the page is the tangential wall. With that,
The cortex of the root is much wider compared to the
water can pass through the plasma membrane.
Pathways of water in the root (given that it is lined with
casparian strips)
1. Casparian strip - diverts water and dissolved ii. Triarch - 3 lobes
minerals into the cytoplasm and endodermal iii. Tetrarch - 4 lobes
cells iv. Pentarch - 5 lobes
2. Symplastic movement before it passes to the
3. Prevents leaks/backflow
4. Controls flow of water into the vascular cylinder
PART 4: - All are products of the primary xylem ; however
there are parts which matured earlier (early
Vascular Tissues formed: protoxylem). They have bigger diameter
1. Roots of dicots - protostelic - no pith in the and have lignified walls in comparison with the
middle. Solid core of vascular tissues in the later formed xylem (middle: metaxylem)
a. Procambium forms lobes, solid core of
primary xylem in the center
i. Diarch - 2 lobes
4. Xylem and phloem in roots alternate with each
other (unlike in the stem where xylem and
phloem can be right next to each other)
Function of Leaves
- Leaves are the solar energy and carbon dioxide
collectors of plants (main photosynthetic organ
of the plants)
- Carbon dioxide enters the stomata in
the leaves ● Bud is next to the node.
- Transport of assimilated material (material that
has been synthesized like sugars) Some plants, like the monocots, don’t have a stalk or a
- Transpiration (loss of water through the petiole, but have an expanded petiole called the leaf
stomata); allows for the movement of the water sheath, found at the base of the leaf.
from the soil, a pulling force of water, to move up
the stem.
- In some plants, leaves have become adapted for
specialized functions: (1) Some are succulent,
modified to store water, (2) Some are used for
climbing such as tendrils in vines. (3) Some
have spikes and spines, which have very small
surface area to be prevent water loss, seen in
Leaves possess:
1. Blade or lamina
a. Apex, Base, Margin
b. Veins (vascular bundles) - leaves are
very thin which enables the bundles to
be seen
2. Petiole or Stalk
3. Stipules - leaf-like structures found at the base
of the leaf. Protects the developing bud.
Leaf types:
Palisade Parenchyma
- Elongated; rod shaped in cross section
- Arranged in rows
- Immediately below the epidermis (uni- or multi-
- On the adaxial surface
Spongy Parenchyma
- Presence of lobes
Gymnosperm - Pine leaf: Has a hypodermis and resin
- Larger volume of intercellular spaces
Photosynthetic Efficiency
Increased because:
● Majority of the chloroplasts are found in
palisade: adaxial surface which is the first one to
come in contact with the light
● Arrangement of palisade cells maximize
utilization of light
● Well-developed intercellular spaces - facilitates
rapid gas exchange; large surface area exposed
and contact with air (internal surface area - area
exposed inside the mesophyll) - easy diffusion of
gases. Veins
● Vascular bundles or and association on non
Types of Mesophyll vascular tissues that surround it
1. Dorsiventral or bifacial
a. Palisade on one side; spongy on the
other side
2. Isobilateral or isolateral or unifacial
i. Palisade present on both sides
3. Convergent or uniform
i. Mesophyll cells look the same;
no distinct palisade and spongy
parenchyma A dicot leaf has a large central vascular bundle called
the midrin.
● Usually have a bundle sheath (parenchymatous)
○ Inconspicuous in C3 plants (not very
obvious) - plants that undergo usual
○ Enlarged in C4 plants - it is where the
carbon dioxide is stored. It is where the
calvin cycle occurs to combat
Veins are not obvious ● Similar with stem
● Epidermis continuous with stem
● Parenchyma contains a few chloroplasts
● Supporting tissues:
○ Collenchyma and Sclerenchyma
● Collateral vascular bundle (in the stem, it means
that xylem and phloem are right next to each
○ Phloem found on the abaxial side;
bundles in ring (phloem external to the
● Grow in arid habitats GYMNOSPERM LEAF
● Decreased transpiration under conditions of 1. Xeromorphic
water deficiency 2. Pinus, Cycas
● Structural adaptations to arid habitats 3. Presence of transfusion tissue and accessory
(xeromorphic plants) transfusion tissue
a. Transfusion Tissue: consists of
Specialization: Xeromorphic Plants tracheids and elongated parenchyma
● Small ratio of the external surface to its volume cells; characteristic of gymnosperms;
→ to lessen water loss passage of water and nutrient
● Small leaf side - less transpiration substances between the bundle and the
● Thick walls, cuticle, additional development of mesophyll
● Thick cuticle, multiseriate epidermis, stomatal
crypts (invagination in the lower epidermis),
abundant trichomes
● Some tendency to be isobilateral - it has two
palisades for both upper and lower epidermis
● Covered with trichomes
● Ex. Pine or Ficus
○ Has sunken stomata - found on the level
of epidermis
Pinus ● Has aerenchyma - parenchyma cells with large
● Thick walls and thick cuticle intercellular spaces
● Stomata are sunken and overarched by a ● Epistomatic (floating) - on the adaxial surface of
subsidiary cells epidermis
● Has hypodermis ● Root systems very reduced
● Mesophyll walls have ridge-like invaginations ● Vascular bundles are not complex and
into the cells (increase the surface area); contain well-developed
● Transfusion tissue
● Endodermis
Leaf initiation
● Leaves originate from the apical meristems
● Periclinal divisions on the sides of the
● Epidermal cell thick walled and thick cuticle
apex/peripheral zone of the shoot apex
● Stomata are sunken and abaxial surface
(outermost layer of the tunica)
● Hypodermis
● Vein surrounded by endodermis
Leaf Traces
● “Shoot” implies an intimate physical and
developmental association between leaves and
● At each node, one or more vascular bundles
diverge from the strands in the stem and enter
Leaf Primordium the leaf attached at that node in continuity with
● Protrudes as a result of continued cell division the vasculature of the leaf.
from the shoot apex as a buttress ● The Vascular bundle that will go towards the leaf
● Arise at sites that are correlated with the is called the leaf trace that will always leave a
phyllotaxis of the shoot space (Leaf gaps) from the point of diversion
which can still be filled with parenchyma cells.
Question 2
1 / 1 pts
It is devoid of trichomes.
It is always uniseriate.
Question 3
1 / 1 pts
Which of the following is true of Zea mays and the anatomy of its leave
Question 4
0 / 1 pts
The vascular bundles diverging towards the leaf creates a segment in the stem stele that is
occupied by parenchyma cells instead of vascular tissues called which of the following?
leaf trace
interfascicular region
leaf gap
Question 5
1 / 1 pts
B. Formation of a leaf
Question 6
1 / 1 pts
If leaflets arise from a single point on the petiole, the leaves are said to be which type?
simple leaf
Question 7
0 / 1 pts
Question 8
1 / 1 pts
secondary xylem
fascicular cambium
primary phloem
Question 9
1 / 1 pts
Question 10
0 / 1 pts