MAPEH 9 Q3 Week 3

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At the end of this module 3, you are expected to:

a. Relate Romantic music to other art forms and its history within the era.
b. Listen perceptively to Romantic Period music
c. Identify the use of artworks to derive tradition/history of Neoclassic and
Romantic Period.
d. Compare the characteristics of arts produced in the Neoclassic and
Romantic Period.
e. Undertake physical activity and physical fitness assessments.
f. Involve oneself in community service through dance activities in the
g. Demonstrate appropriate bandaging techniques for unintentional injuries.

Direction: Recall the activities, insights and reflection that you have learned in
last topic. Write you answer in your MAPEH journal book.


Name 5 Romantic era composers and Elements and Principles of Romantic Art
2 of their famous works. I’ve learned that ...


What are the two phases of Bandaging?

Give at least 5 examples of social



Romantic music originated in the late 18th century to the 19th century. The imagination
and passion of the composers and artists were seen in their works during this era.
Composers of this era started incorporating their country’s musical styles and native folk
songs in their composition. Romanticism (also known as the Romantic Era or the
“Romantic Period”) was an artistic, literary and intellectual movement. Romanticism was
embodied most strongly in the visual arts, music and literature.

Characteristics of the Romantic Period Music

- Individuality of musical style with self-expression

- Development of new harmonies, including chromatic harmonies (harmonies that
use all the keys of the piano keyboard-the black and white keys together)
- Development of “program music” (music that depicts a story or scene)
- Development of “nationalism” in music, such as French, Spanish, Hungarian, Czech
music, incorporating native folk music
- Greater variety of mood, atmosphere and tone color
- Expanded orchestra size for many new compositions, including large bass sections,
expanded woodwind sections and the addition of new instruments, such as the
English horn, bass clarinet, contrabassoon and added percussion
- Development of a wider range of musical dynamics-(volume)- from very soft
(“pianissimo”) to very loud (“fortissimo”) often soaring musical high points
- Greater flexibility of tempo, (musical speed) incorporating the increased use of
accelerando (speeding up) and ritardando (slowing down), as well as the
extensive use of rubato (the bending and stretching of tempo/rhythm)


ACTIVITY #1 Choose one among the composers of the Romantic Period listed
below and listen to his work. Present the life and musical works of chosen
composer by setting/ presenting his story. Be CREATIVE!
As an example, you may dress up like the composer or set his music as a
background while telling his story. Record a video of your work and send it to
your teacher via messenger.

a. Frederic Chopin
b. Franz Liszt
c. Camille Saint-Saēns
d. Hector Berlioz
e. Peter Illyich Tchaikovsky

Rubric for Storytelling

Criteria Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning

5 4 3 2
Knows the Knows the story Knows the story Knows some Does not know
story well; has obviously pretty well; with parts of the the story and
practiced telling practice; fairly story; relies on completely relies
the story; does not confident with guide cards on guide cards
use any guide the use of some or idiot and idiot boards.
cards or idiot guide cards or boards.
boards. idiot boards.
Voice Always sings or Usually sings or May sing or Sings or speaks
speaks loudly, speaks loudly, speak too softly too softly or too
or too rapidly;
slowly, and clearly. slowly, and mumbles
Correct clearly. Correct occasionally. mumbles.
pronunciation. pronunciation. Incorrect Incorrect
pronunciation of pronunciation.
some words.
Audience Storyteller looks at Storyteller looks Storyteller Storyteller
Contact the camera and at the camera occasionally seldom looks at
expresses his/her and looks at the the camera and
emotions occasionally camera and doesn’t express
effectively. expresses rarely any emotion.
his/her emotions expresses
effectively. emotions.

ARTS: Nature and Background of Neoclassic Arts

Neoclassical artists embraced the ideals of order and moderation in which artistic
interpretations of classic Greek and Roman history were restored to realistic portrayals.
Neoclassical painters gave great importance to the costumes, settings and details of
classical subject-matter without adding distracting details but with as much historical
accuracy as possible.

Many artists during the mid-17th century profited much from nobles and royals.
They did this by catering to the vanities and extravagance of the rich people during
those times as they were commissioned to paint for them. The Romantic movement
affected the moral, social and political life of the Europeans and Americans for almost
half a century (1800-1850). It became the visual, musical, and literary expressions of
man’s basic rights and his exercise of freedom. Jacques-Louis David used his
knowledge of the classical culture to advance his political view against the Monarchy.
His subjects are his ideal heroes he wanted to be emulated by his countrymen. Jean-
Auguste-Dominique Ingres His paintings were usually nudes, portraits and mythological
themes. He was regarded as one of the great exemplars of academic art and one of
the finest Old Masters of his era. Francisco Goya was a commissioned Romantic painter
by the King of Spain. He was also a printmaker regarded both as the last of the “Old
Masters” and the first of the “Moderns.”


ACTIVITY 1” Background Check.”

Below are the paintings from Neoclassic and Romantic Art. Write the title of
each painting on the second column and name of the artist on the third
column, then a short description on historical background of each painting.

Painting Title Artist Short Description

al background




Festival dances are cultural dances performed by the strong beats of percussion
instruments by a community of people sharing the same culture usually done in honor
of Patron Saint or in Thanksgiving of a Bountiful harvest. Festival dances may be religious
or secular.
Religious Festivals- in honor of a certain religious icon
Secular Festivals- in thanksgiving or celebration of peoples’ industry and bountiful harvest.
Sinulog Festival Cebu City Panagbenga Festival Baguio City
Ati-Atihan Festival Kalibo, Aklan Masskara Bacolod City
Higantes Festival Angono, Rizal Mango Festival Iba, Zambales
Dinagyang Festival Iloilo City Bangus Festival Dagupan City
Pintados De Pasi Passi City, Iloilo Ibon Ebon Festival Pampanga


Locomotor movements- movements that allow you to move from one place to another.
Step- is defined as transfer of weight from one foot to another.
Walk- series of steps executed by both of your feet.
Run- series of walks executed quickly.
Jump- simply described by having both feet lose its contact with the ground.
Non-locomotor movements- movements that are performed in one point in space without
transferring to another point.
Flexion- act of decreasing the angle of a joint.
Extension- opposite of flexion.
Contraction- muscle movement done when it shortens.
Release- opposite of contraction.
Collapse- to deliberately drop the exertion of energy into a body segment.
Recover- opposite of collapse.
Rotation- is to move a body segment allowing it to complete a circle with its motion.
Twist- to move a body segment from its axis halfway front or back.


Activity 1:

1. Watch some videos of Religious and Secular Festivals on YouTube.

2. Prepare and perform a Warm Up Exercise.
3. From the basic steps that you have learned, execute some basic movements
or steps used in Festival.
4. Choose one Festival dance from the videos you have watched and perform
it at least 2 minutes and send it to your Teacher via messenger.
Rubrics for grading:

Execution- 10 points
Costume/Creativity- 20 points
(Improvised. No need to buy new clothes or props)
Over-all Performance- 20 points
TOTAL 50 points


Wounds – is a break in the continuity of a tissue in the body. It may be closed in which there is no
break or damage in the skin. It is also called hematoma or contusions. A wound may also be an
open wound in which there is a break in the skin.
Use the following techniques to hold dressings in place, immobilize, and protect various body
parts. A dressing should always be applied over a wound before bandaging. The following are
the appropriate bandaging techniques for common unintentional injuries such as wound in
hand/foot, elbow and head/scalp.

Elbow Bandage
1. Bend the arm at the elbow and place the middle
of the cravat at the point of the
elbow bringing
the ends upward.
2. Bring the ends across, extending both downward.
3. Take both ends around the arm and tie with a
square knot at the front of the elbow.
Hand/Foot Bandage
1. Place the Hand/Foot in the middle of the Triangular bandage with the wrist/heel well
forward of the base (A).
2. Ensure that the fingers/toes are seperated with absorbent material to prevent chafing
and irritation of the skin.
3. Place the apex over the top of the hand/foot and tuck any excess material into the
pleats on each side (B).
4. Cross the ends on the top of the hand/foot, take them around the wrist/ankle, and tie at
the front of the wrist/ankle. (C, D, and E.)

Apply a Triangular Bandage to the Head/Scalp.

1. Turn the base (longest side) of the bandage up and

center its base on the center of the forehead, letting the point
(apex) fall on the back of the neck.
2. Take the ends behind the head and cross the ends over
the apex.
3. If short, tie at base of neck, or take them over the
forehead and tie.
4. Tuck the apex behind the crossed part of the and/ or
secure it with a safety pin.


The learners will demonstrate the proper bandaging in specific
unintentional injuries such as a wound. The learner will apply bandaging in
hand/foot, arm, and head. They will perform together with any member of the
family portray or will act like an injured individual. Stop, look (Assess Emergency
Situation), Help (Techniques in applying a dressing and bandaging), Record or
take a video of your presentation and submit to your teacher via messenger or

Level of Preparedness Completeness Consistency

5 – Excellent Very Good – The student was Very Good – The Very Good – The student
able to follow the procedure of student was able to is very competent,
bandaging techniques given performed entirely observant, accurate,
with great the procedure of focus and show

accuracy, completeness, bandaging eagerness to perform

confidence and consistency techniques correctly. while doing the steps of
within the time allotted. bandaging.
4 - Good Good – The student was able Good – The student Good - The student is
to compose oneself while was able to perform competent; the student
doing the every step of totally the procedure is less observant,
bandaging techniques with of bandaging accurate, focus and less
accuracy, completeness, techniques with a eagerness to perform
confidence and consistency little inaccuracy in while doing the steps of
within the time allotted. doing the steps.. bandaging.
3– Needs Fair – The student had done Fair – The student Fair – The student is
Improvement the every step of bandaging was able to perform partly competent; the
techniques but showing a little the procedure of student is not so
unpreparedness doing the bandaging observant, accurate,
steps. techniques with a lot focus and lack of
of shortcomings and eagerness to perform
inadequacy in doing while doing the steps of
the steps. bandaging.


Keep in mind the following terms in order for you to understand the lesson.

Music of the Romantic Period
-The Romantic period started around 1830 and ended around 1900, as compositions became
increasingly expressive and inventive. Expansive symphonies, virtuosic piano music, dramatic operas,
and passionate songs took inspiration from art and literature.
-The Romantic era is known for its intense energy and passion. The rigid forms of classical music gave
way to greater expression, and music grew closer to art, literature and theatre.
-Beethoven pioneered Romanticism and expanded previously strict
formulas for symphonies and sonatas, and introduced a whole new approach to music, giving his works
references to other aspects of life - for example, his 'Pastoral' Symphony No. 6 describes countryside
-The Romantic era gave birth to the virtuoso. Liszt was one of the greatest of his time, and wrote
demanding piano music to show off his own brilliance. Chopin is also among the outstanding
composer-performers from this time. In the world of opera, cue the entrance of Verdi in the middle of
the Romantic era.
-Germany’s Richard Wagner also played a key role in developing the operatic genre. The characters
and ideas are given short signature melodies called leitmotifs.
-Ideas and compositions became more and more outlandish and inventive until the musical rules had
to be rewritten, and the scene was set for the biggest change in music for centuries - the beginning of

-Neo classical painters gave great influence to costumes, settings of classical subject-matter
without adding distracting details but with as much historical accuracy. The Romantic
movement affected the moral, social, and political life of the European and American for
almost half a century (1800-1850)
They are Jacques Louie David, Jean August Dominique Ingres, and Francisco Goya from
Romantic Period.
Festival dances are cultural dances Techniques in Bandaging:
performed by the strong beats of percussion 1. Keep in mind the following:
instruments by a community of people a. Always use a square knot.
sharing the same culture. b. Keep the cloth sterile to avoid infection.
Religious- done in honor of Patron Saint c. Always keep the ends.
2. Bandaging Technique depends upon the
Secular- thanksgiving for a bountiful harvest size and location of the
and wound, your first aid skills, and materials at
celebration of people. 3. Bandage firmly over bleeding and securely
Locomotor movements- moving from one over the broken bone,
place to another not so tight so as not to cut off blood
Non-locomotor- moving in one point without 4. When wrapping bandages around the
transferring to another. body, such as knees, ankles, neck, and
small back, use its natural hollows to slide
the bandage gently into place.
5. Since most injuries swell, check regularly to
ensure that the bandage is still comfortable
and that it remains firmly secured.

Secure the bandage with a tape, clips or a

bow or square knot. Ensure that the
bandages, especially the knots, do not touch
the skin,


Before I move on to the next module, I will assure that…

I understand…

I will apply the lesson in…


I will practice…


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