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EN 16440‑2:2023

BSI Standards Publication

Testing methodologies for refrigerating

devices for insulated means of transport

Part 2: Eutectic cooling devices


National foreword
This British Standard is the UK implementation of EN 16440‑2:2023.
The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical
Committee TW/1, Freight containers and swap bodies.
A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on
request to its committee manager.
Contractual and legal considerations
This publication has been prepared in good faith, however no
representation, warranty, assurance or undertaking (express or
implied) is or will be made, and no responsibility or liability is or will be
accepted by BSI in relation to the adequacy, accuracy, completeness or
reasonableness of this publication. All and any such responsibility and
liability is expressly disclaimed to the full extent permitted by the law.
This publication is provided as is, and is to be used at the
recipient’s own risk.
The recipient is advised to consider seeking professional guidance with
respect to its use of this publication.
This publication is not intended to constitute a contract. Users are
responsible for its correct application.
© The British Standards Institution 2023
Published by BSI Standards Limited 2023
ISBN 978 0 539 13017 1
ICS 27.200
Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from
legal obligations.
This British Standard was published under the authority of the
Standards Policy and Strategy Committee on 30 June 2023.

Amendments/corrigenda issued since publication

Date Text affected
BS EN 16440‑2:2023



ICS 27.200

English Version

Testing methodologies for refrigerating devices for

insulated means of transport - Part 2: Eutectic cooling
Méthodes d'essai des dispositifs de réfrigération des Prüfung von Kühleinrichtungen für wärmegedämmte
moyens de transport isothermes - Partie 2 : Dispositifs Transportmittel - Teil 2: Eutektische
de réfrigération eutectiques Kühleinrichtungen

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 10 April 2023.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this
European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references
concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN

This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by
translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management
Centre has the same status as the official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway,
Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye and
United Kingdom.



CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels

© 2023 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 16440-2:2023 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.
BS EN 16440‑2:2023
EN 16440-2:2023 (E)

Contents Page

European foreword ............................................................................................................................................ 4

1 Scope.......................................................................................................................................................... 5
2 Normative references.......................................................................................................................... 5
3 Terms and definitions ......................................................................................................................... 5
3.1 General terms and definitions ......................................................................................................... 5
3.2 Terms and definitions for eutectic units with fans only ......................................................... 9
3.3 Typical setups for direct and indirect eutectic cooling devices ........................................... 9
3.4 Symbols and uncertainties .............................................................................................................. 11
4 Requirements ....................................................................................................................................... 12
4.1 General.................................................................................................................................................... 12
4.2 Description of the eutectic cooling devices and eutectic units .......................................... 12
4.3 Test equipment .................................................................................................................................... 12
4.3.1 General requirements ....................................................................................................................... 12
4.3.2 Requirements for the calorimeter box ....................................................................................... 13
4.3.3 Requirements for the conditioned test room ........................................................................... 16
4.4 Installation and connection of the eutectic cooling device.................................................. 17
4.4.1 General.................................................................................................................................................... 17
4.4.2 Installation of eutectic cooling device with locally separated components (split
system) ................................................................................................................................................... 17
5 Test conditions and methodology................................................................................................. 17
5.1 General.................................................................................................................................................... 17
5.2 Test conditions .................................................................................................................................... 17
5.2.1 Generality and rated conditions.................................................................................................... 17
5.2.2 Temperature measurements.......................................................................................................... 18
5.3 Testing of dependent eutectic cooling device .......................................................................... 19
5.3.1 General.................................................................................................................................................... 19
5.3.2 Mandatory test 1: Testing of the charging time and the total energy consumption of
the eutectic cooling device .............................................................................................................. 21
5.3.3 Mandatory test 2: Testing of the maximum cooling time and the useful cooling energy
................................................................................................................................................................... 21
5.3.4 Optional test 3: Testing of the recharging time ....................................................................... 22
5.3.5 Optional test 4: Testing of cooling time and energy after recharging ............................. 22
5.3.6 Measurements for performance testing ..................................................................................... 22
5.4 Time measurement ............................................................................................................................ 23
5.5 Functional tests - Defrosting device test .................................................................................... 23
5.6 Air flow measurement....................................................................................................................... 23
6 Test results ............................................................................................................................................ 23
6.1 General.................................................................................................................................................... 23
6.2 Useful cooling capacity ..................................................................................................................... 24
6.3 Total power ........................................................................................................................................... 25
6.4 Determination of the cooling energy efficiency ratio EERC ................................................. 25
7 Test report............................................................................................................................................. 26
8 Marking .................................................................................................................................................. 27

BS EN 16440‑2:2023
EN 16440-2:2023 (E)

8.1 Marking, type plate ............................................................................................................................ 27

8.2 Information on total energy consumption ................................................................................ 27
Bibliography ....................................................................................................................................................... 28

BS EN 16440‑2:2023
EN 16440-2:2023 (E)

European foreword

This document (EN 16440-2:2023) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 413 “Insulated
means of transport for temperature sensitive goods with or without cooling and/or heating device”, the
secretariat of which is held by DIN.

This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an
identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by December 2023, and conflicting national standards shall
be withdrawn at the latest by December 2023.

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CEN shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

Any feedback and questions on this document should be directed to the users’ national standards body.
A complete listing of these bodies can be found on the CEN website.

According to the CEN-CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organisations of the
following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia,
Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland,
Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of North
Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye and the United

BS EN 16440‑2:2023
EN 16440-2:2023 (E)

1 Scope
This document is applicable to eutectic cooling devices which are intended to be used with insulated
transport equipment.
The following applications are covered:
— eutectic cooling devices with or without compressor/condenser unit intended to be installed into
insulated means of transport (e.g. lorries, trailers, swap bodies, other transport equipment and
wagons). Charging of the eutectic elements from the liquid to the solid phase can be performed either
by a compressor/condenser unit mounted onto the vehicle or by a stationary direct or indirect
system. The eutectic cooling devices are equipped, if relevant, with necessary components for the
charging, transmission, cooling and/or with temperature control devices. The eutectic elements can
be fitted with or without fans;

— eutectic cooling devices with independent eutectic elements are not covered by this document.

This document specifies the testing methodologies.

This document is only applicable for mono-temperature eutectic cooling devices. This document does not
provide any safety requirements.

2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
EN ISO 5801, Fans — Performance testing using standardized airways (ISO 5801)

EN ISO/IEC 17025, General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories
(ISO/IEC 17025)

ISO/IEC Guide 99, International vocabulary of metrology — Basic and general concepts and associated
terms (VIM)

3 Terms and definitions

3.1 General terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO/IEC Guide 99 and the following
ISO and IEC maintain terminology databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https://www.iso.org/obp

— IEC Electropedia: available at https://www.electropedia.org/

BS EN 16440‑2:2023
EN 16440-2:2023 (E)

calorimeter box
thermally insulated room in which the eutectic unit of the eutectic cooling device is placed

Note 1 to entry: With eutectic cooling devices, usually the insulated transport equipment is used as the calorimeter

charging power
power input needed to operate all necessary eutectic cooling components during charging

charging energy
energy consumption for charging

charging time
period of time required for the freezing of the eutectic mixture inside the eutectic elements which are
submitted to the charging conditions defined by the manufacturer

compressor/condenser unit
part of the eutectic cooling device including compressor, condenser, condenser fans, housing, drives and
the operating panel with the control devices

EXAMPLE A drive can be an electric motor, an internal combustion motor, a hydraulic engine and similar.

conditioned test room
room where the test conditions can be maintained at a constant level and in which the calorimeter box
with the eutectic unit is mounted

Note 1 to entry: Eutectic unit is mounted inside the calorimeter box and its compressor condensing unit is mounted
outside the calorimeter box, if applicable.

insulated means for transport
insulated vans, bodyworks for trucks and trailers, swap bodies, any kind of mobile containers and railway

cooling device
system which lowers and/or maintains temperature

cooling energy efficiency ratio
ratio of the useful cooling energy EC to the total energy consumption ET of the eutectic cooling device
under rated conditions

BS EN 16440‑2:2023
EN 16440-2:2023 (E)

energy supply
devices not forming part of the eutectic cooling device but providing or generating the form of energy
required for its operation

Note 1 to entry: This includes electric generators, hydraulic pumps, electric accumulators and fuel cells, among

dependent eutectic cooling device
direct or indirect system with eutectic unit serving as a cooling device, intended to be installed into an
insulated transport equipment with a compressor/condenser unit intended to be installed stationary or
mobile onto the vehicle to charge the eutectic unit

eutectic element
element containing eutectic mixtures intended for cold charging, optionally having evaporation tubes or
heat exchangers

EXAMPLE tubes, plates, etc.

eutectic mixture
liquid mixture of two or more components which at certain ratios inhibit the crystallisation process of
one another resulting in a system having a lower melting point than either component

eutectic unit
part of the eutectic cooling device consisting of one or more eutectic elements with or without forced air
circulation and, if applicable, including the required expansion or refrigerant control valve and
refrigerant distributor

heat load
heating power delivered into the calorimeter box by electric heating elements during the determination
of the useful cooling capacity PC

heat transmission
heat flow through the insulated limiting surfaces of the calorimeter box

heat transmission energy
thermal energy transmitted through the insulated limiting surfaces of the calorimeter box during the
determination of the maximum cooling time tcmax

BS EN 16440‑2:2023
EN 16440-2:2023 (E)

independent eutectic cooling unit
eutectic elements or eutectic units without any connection to a refrigerant circuit

Note 1 to entry: According to the scope independent cooling eutectic units are not covered by this document.

inlet air temperature at the compressor/condenser unit
mean temperature of different measuring points located at air inlets of the compressor/condenser unit

inside temperature of the calorimeter box
arithmetic mean temperature measured at different locations inside the calorimeter box

load space
volume inside an insulated transport equipment or a compartment available for loading the goods
(excluding eutectic unit)

maximum cooling time
period of time in cooling operation, starting after the charging of the eutectic elements has finished and
stopping once the inside temperature Ti of the calorimeter box has reached the requested temperature
of the class

rated conditions
constant values laid down for comparison and certification purposes

temperature of the conditioned test room
mean temperature of different measurement points located outside the calorimeter box (in the
conditioned test room)

total energy consumption
energy consumption of all components necessary for the operation of the eutectic cooling device under
rated conditions, over the total charging time and the maximum cooling time

Note 1 to entry: Example of energy: fuel or electricity.

total power
arithmetic mean of the power input of all eutectic cooling device components necessary for the operation
during charging and/or cooling under rated conditions, including all means for operation

BS EN 16440‑2:2023
EN 16440-2:2023 (E)

total thermal transmittance
heat flow passing through the insulating limiting surfaces of the calorimeter box per degree temperature

useful cooling capacity
capacity of the eutectic unit available with a defined heat load inside the calorimeter box determined
under rated conditions

useful cooling energy
cooling energy stored in the eutectic elements and available over the maximum cooling time at a certain
heat load in the calorimeter box under rated conditions

3.2 Terms and definitions for eutectic units with fans only

air volume flow
volume flow delivered by the fan(s) in the eutectic unit

inlet air temperature at the eutectic unit
mean temperature of different measuring points located at air inlets of the eutectic unit

operating time
period of total run time of the eutectic unit fans during the test while cooling

outlet air temperature at the eutectic unit
mean temperature of different measuring points located on the air outlet of the eutectic unit

3.3 Typical setups for direct and indirect eutectic cooling devices

Figure 1 includes diagrams for direct and indirect eutectic cooling. The direct system cools the eutectic
element by direct expansion. The indirect system cools a secondary fluid by heat exchanger as a transfer
medium to cool the eutectic element by pump circulation.

BS EN 16440‑2:2023
EN 16440-2:2023 (E)

a) Typical setups for direct eutectic cooling devices

b) Typical setups for indirect eutectic cooling devices

1 condenser
2 refrigerant receiver
3 compressor
4 optional fans/optional control devices
5 eutectic elements (cross section with inside heat exchanger)
6 expansion valve
7 secondary fluid
8 pump
9 heat exchanger

Figure 1 — Typical setups for direct and indirect eutectic cooling devices

BS EN 16440‑2:2023
EN 16440-2:2023 (E)

3.4 Symbols and uncertainties

For the purposes of this document the symbols and uncertainties given in Table 1 apply. The
uncertainties given in Table 1 can be mean values calculated from individual measurements.
Table 1 — Symbols and uncertainties

Symbol Quantity Unit Uncertainties

VA air volume flow m3/h ±5 %

EERC cooling energy efficiency ratio Wh/Wh ±7 %

Efan,C energy consumption of the fans Wh ±3 %

EC useful cooling energy Wh ±3 %

ET total energy consumption Wh ±5 %

ETR energy transmission Wh ±3 %

tcmax maximum cooling time s ±1 %

PC useful cooling capacity W ±5 %

PHL heat load W ±1 %

Pfan power to the fans of the eutectic unit while W ±3 %

PT total power W ±5 %

PTR heat transmission W ±3 %

tCH charging time s ±1 %

Te temperature of the conditioned test room °C ±0,5 K

Ti inside temperature of the calorimeter box °C ±0,5 K

TIN CON inlet air temperature at the condenser unit °C ±0,5 K

TIN EU inlet air temperature at the eutectic unit °C ±0,5 K

TOUT EU outlet air temperature at the eutectic unit °C ±0,5 K

tOP operating time of the fans while cooling s ±1 %

U total thermal transmittance W/K ±3 %

NOTE 1 The uncertainties are either the maximal measurement uncertainties for the measured quantity or the
uncertainties in the determination of quantities when those are calculated.
NOTE 2 1 Wh = 3,6 kJ.

BS EN 16440‑2:2023
EN 16440-2:2023 (E)

4 Requirements
4.1 General

For eutectic cooling devices, eutectic units and eutectic elements the following requirements apply.
4.2 Description of the eutectic cooling devices and eutectic units

The overall height, length and width of cooling device or unit as well as the installation or mounting
dimensions shall be specified by the manufacturer. Energy supply lines are not considered. Moreover, all
dimensions of the components that are required for assessing the cooling equipment shall be determined.
The charging conditions shall be specified by the manufacturer.
4.3 Test equipment
4.3.1 General requirements

The testing equipment shall be so equipped that all requirements of this standard for setting of reference
values, stability criteria and accuracy shall be fulfilled.
In Table 2, uncertainties for individual measurements are given. All measuring systems used for testing
shall be calibrated at regular intervals. The measuring uncertainty shall not exceed the values specified
in Table 2.
Each measured quantity shall be recorded at intervals of 120 s maximum using the arithmetic mean of
measured values of each sensor with a time interval of 10 s or lower.
Air temperature sensors shall be protected against radiation when necessary.

BS EN 16440‑2:2023
EN 16440-2:2023 (E)

Table 2 — Measuring uncertainty

Measured quantity Unit Measuring uncertainty

Air temperatures °C ±0,3 K
Air volume flow m3/h ±5 %

— pressure Pa ±0,5 %
— temperature °C ±0,5 K
Electric quantities
— voltage V ±0,5 %
— current A ±0,5 %
— electrical power kW ±1 %
— electrical energy consumption Wh ±1 %
— time measurement s ±1 %
Dimensions m ±0,5 %
revolution speed (fan, compressor) min–1 ±0,5 %

heat load W ±1 %
total power W ±1 %
heat transmission energy kJ ±3 %
total energy consumption kJ ±5 %

NOTE min–1 = 1/60 s.

The useful cooling capacity Pc under steady-state conditions shall be so determined that the maximum
measuring uncertainty does not exceed 5 %.
Testing laboratories should follow the principles of EN ISO/IEC 17025.
4.3.2 Requirements for the calorimeter box

For the test of the eutectic cooling devices the heat transmission PTR of the calorimeter box shall be kept
to a minimum and not exceed 35 % of the measured useful cooling capacity PC.
The electric heating elements of the heat load in the calorimeter box shall be controllable and shall not
be of the forced air circulation type. It shall not exceed the specific heat load of 1 W/cm2 in steady-state
conditions. The heating elements should be distributed uniformly across the horizontal section of the
calorimeter box, positioned at 1/3 of the height of the load space. The distance from the heating elements
to the temperature sensors and the eutectic unit, shall be at least 300 mm where applicable. If the box is
too small for 300 mm spacing, then the heating elements should be moved to the centre between the
upper and lower measuring points.

BS EN 16440‑2:2023
EN 16440-2:2023 (E)

In the case of forced air circulation eutectic unit it shall be ensured that any short circuit of the air flow
between the inlet and the outlet of the eutectic unit is ruled out in the calorimeter box.
Depending on the inner volume of the calorimeter box the number of temperature sensors, their
distances to the heating elements and to the eutectic unit, shall be reduced and defined according to
Table 3 and Figure 2.
Table 3 — Number and location of temperature measuring points inside and outside the
calorimeter box, heater location, during eutectic cooling device test, according to the load space

Inner volume of the Location of the Number and location of Number and location
calorimeter box or heater from the the inside temperature of the outside
the insulated walls measuring points temperature
transport equipment measuring points
4 8
0,05 < B ≤ 0,10 m in 4 corners of the load in the 8 corners
0,02 < Vi ≤ 0,50 (see Figure 3) space diametrically
A = 0,050 m
(see Figure 3)
8 8
B = 0,100 m in the 8 corners of the in the 8 corners
0,50 < Vi ≤ 2,00 (see Figure 3) load space
A = 0,100 m
(see Figure 3)
12 12
B = 0,100 m in the 8 corners of the in the 8 corners and in
(see Figure 3) load space and in the the centre of the
2,00 < Vi centre of the 4 largest 4 largest external
internal surfaces surfaces
A = 0,100 m
(see Figure 3)

BS EN 16440‑2:2023
EN 16440-2:2023 (E)

Front view and side view

1 eutectic unit
2 load space
3 electrical heater
4 calorimeter box or small container
5 conditioned test room
6 door
r, b distances of the eutectic unit to the walls and ceiling
l distance of temperature sensor to walls and floor
7 temperature sensors of the condition test room (Te)
8 inner temperature sensors (Ti)

Figure 2 — Exemplary placement of horizontal eutectic units and heat loads for measurement of
useful cooling capacity

BS EN 16440‑2:2023
EN 16440-2:2023 (E)

1 temperature measuring point
2 heater
A/B locations of the heaters B and inside temperature sensors A as defined in Table 3
C 1/3 internal height of the load space
length specifications in mm

Figure 3 — Exemplary placement of the electrical heaters and the temperature sensors for
measurement of useful cooling capacity

4.3.3 Requirements for the conditioned test room

The size of the conditioned test room and the size of the calorimeter box shall be selected so that air
stream cannot be obstructed at the air inlets and outlets of the eutectic cooling device.
Therefore, when the cooling device is switched off, the room air stream velocity at a distance of 0,10 m of
the calorimeter box walls shall be between 1 m/s and 2 m/s in the centre of the lateral surfaces.
The calorimeter box has to be set up with a distance of at least 0,30 m from the floor of the conditioned
test room.
The air temperature of the conditioned test room shall be so regulated that the mean ambient
temperature of the calorimeter box shall be maintained within ±0,5 K. At any given time, the maximum
difference between the temperatures of any two temperature sensors shall not exceed 2 K.

BS EN 16440‑2:2023
EN 16440-2:2023 (E)

4.4 Installation and connection of the eutectic cooling device

4.4.1 General

The eutectic cooling unit shall be installed in the calorimeter box and the compressor/condenser unit
mounted onto it in compliance with the manufacturer’s installation and operation instructions. The
distances of the eutectic unit to the walls and ceiling of the calorimeter box are to be defined by the
The location and positions of horizontal eutectic elements inside the calorimeter box shall be in the upper
50 % of the calorimeter box.
4.4.2 Installation of eutectic cooling device with locally separated components (split system)

The following installation conditions shall be observed for tests of eutectic cooling device consisting of
several parts:
— refrigerant piping between the locally separated parts and inside the calorimeter box shall be in
accordance with the manufacturer’s specification;


— refrigerant piping shall be so installed that the height difference between the highest and lowest pipe
does not exceed 3,5 m;

— the thermal insulation of the refrigerant piping shall be carried out according to the manufacturer’s

5 Test conditions and methodology

5.1 General

For the dependent eutectic cooling devices with calorimeter box the following requirements apply.
The useful cooling capacity of eutectic cooling devices is determined by measurements in a calorimeter
box. To determine the useful cooling capacity, a heat load PHL shall be applied in the calorimeter box by
means of electric heating elements.
5.2 Test conditions
5.2.1 Generality and rated conditions

The tests are carried in accordance with the manufacturer’s indications of the eutectic cooling device
under the rated conditions given in Table 4. For eutectic units without fans the reference temperature is
the inside temperature of the calorimeter box. For eutectic units with fans the reference temperature is
the inlet air temperature at the eutectic unit.

BS EN 16440‑2:2023
EN 16440-2:2023 (E)

Table 4 — Rated conditions

Inlet air temperature at the

compressor/condenser unit
Inside temperature of the calorimeter box Ti or inlet air
TIN CON or temperature of
temperature at the eutectic unit TIN EU
the conditioned test room
°C °C
normal conditions: 30
elevated conditions: 38 +25 +12 +7 0 −10 −20 −30
tropical conditions: 43
pharmaceutical transport range of inside temperatures
(as above) of the calorimeter box Ti
or inlet air temperature at the eutectic unit TIN EU

+25 to +15 +8 to +2 −15 to −25

The total energy consumption during the charging time shall be measured at one of the inlet air
temperatures TIN CON of the compressor/condenser unit as given in Table 4 and at a minimum of one
inlet air temperature at the eutectic unit or one inside temperature of the calorimeter box according to
Table 4 and manufacturer's instructions.
The useful cooling capacity or the useful cooling energy shall be measured at one of the air temperatures
of the conditioned test room as given in Table 4 and at a minimum of one air inlet temperature at the
eutectic unit or one inside temperature of the calorimeter box according to Table 4 and manufacturer’s
For the determination of the energy efficiency of eutectic cooling devices, the tests performed at a
minimum of one of the test temperatures given in Table 4 are taken as a basis.
For comparison reasons the energy efficiency and the useful cooling capacity measurements shall be
carried out at +30 °C inlet air temperature at the compressor/condenser unit of the conditioned test
For eutectic mixtures that operate at temperatures other than the rated inside temperatures conditions
given in Table 4, the manufacturer shall specify alternate appropriate rated conditions.
5.2.2 Temperature measurements General

The maximum difference of the measured inlet air temperatures of any two temperature sensors shall
not exceed 2 K, at any given time.
The measurement of temperature shall be carried out with an uncertainty not higher than the
uncertainties defined in Table 2.

BS EN 16440‑2:2023
EN 16440-2:2023 (E) Temperature of the conditioned test room Te

The temperature of the conditioned test room Te shall be measured on the outside of the calorimeter box,
at a distance of 100 mm from the walls, the floor and the roof, at the points mentioned in Table 3.
From the measured temperatures the arithmetic mean is calculated on the set of points on the total
duration of the test. This mean value is the temperature of the conditioned test room Te. Inside temperature of the calorimeter box Ti

The temperature of the calorimeter box shall be measured inside the calorimeter box at a distance of
100 mm from the walls, the floor and the ceiling, at the points mentioned in Table 3.
From the measured temperatures the arithmetic mean is calculated. This mean value is the inside
temperature of the calorimeter box Ti. Inlet air and outlet air temperatures at the eutectic unit TIN EU and TOUT EU

If the eutectic unit is equipped with fans, the temperatures of the air entering the eutectic unit and of the
air leaving the eutectic unit shall be measured at a minimum of six positions each equally distributed in
front of the inlet and behind the outlet, respectively. At the air inlet, parts of equal area shall not be larger
than 0,05 m2. From these temperatures the respective arithmetic mean is calculated. These mean values
are the inlet air temperatures at the air inlet and the air outlet, respectively, of the eutectic unit. Inlet air temperature at the compressor/condenser unit TIN CON

The inlet temperature at the compressor/condenser unit shall be measured at a minimum of six positions
equally distributed in front of the inlet of the housing. Parts of equal area shall not be larger than 0,1 m2.
From these measures the arithmetic mean is calculated. This mean value is the inlet air temperature at
the compressor/condenser unit.
5.3 Testing of dependent eutectic cooling device
5.3.1 General

The test procedure is divided into two parts as shown in Figure 4:

— the initial test (Figure 4, Key 5), including the pull down to charge the eutectic unit and the cooling

— an optional additional test (Figure 4, Key 6), including the recharging and the cooling test.

BS EN 16440‑2:2023
EN 16440-2:2023 (E)

1 test 1 period
2 test 2 period
3 test 3 period
4 test 4 period
5 initial test (pull down + charging/cooling) (test 1 + test 2)
test 1:
charging time t1 = tCH ≤ 24 h,
initial energy consumption for charging E1 = ECH
test 2:
maximum cooling time t2 = tcmax ≥ 12 h
6 additional test (recharging/cooling) (test 3 + test 4)
test 3:
recharging time t3 = tCH ≤ 12 h,
periodic energy consumption for recharging E3 = ECH
test 4:
maximum periodic cooling time t4 = tcpmax ≥ 12 h
7 rated inside temperature of the calorimeter box or rated inlet air temperature at the eutectic unit
8 temperature of the eutectic elements
9 inside temperature of the calorimeter box or inlet air temperature at the eutectic unit

Figure 4 — Test procedure for dependent eutectic cooling devices

BS EN 16440‑2:2023
EN 16440-2:2023 (E)

5.3.2 Mandatory test 1: Testing of the charging time and the total energy consumption of the
eutectic cooling device

The initial test (see Figure 4, Key 1) includes the following steps:
— First: The mean temperature of the calorimeter box is brought to the mean temperature of the
conditioned test room as given in Table 4 with the doors and hatches open, and maintained at this
temperature for at least 12 h.

— Second: The hatches and doors are closed and the eutectic cooling device shall be operated until the
eutectic mixture has completely solidified following the criteria given by the manufacturer (the
completion of charging can for example being indicated if the inside temperature of the calorimeter
box or a certain suction pressure declared by the manufacturer has been reached). The charging time
tch is limited to 24 h maximum. The charging time tch, the total power PT, the total energy
consumption ET of the eutectic cooling device and the temperatures shall be recorded over the whole
charging period.

The total energy consumption ET of the eutectic cooling device is in the case of an electric drive the
electrical energy consumed, in kWh.
5.3.3 Mandatory test 2: Testing of the maximum cooling time and the useful cooling energy

Once the compressor/condenser unit is switched off, the useful cooling energy EC and the maximum
cooling time tcmax are measured. The compressor/condenser unit shall be switched off during the
measurement of testing of the maximum cooling time and the useful cooling energy (see Figure 4, test 2).
For this test, a constant heat load PHL is applied to the calorimeter box, with the heat load corresponding
to the useful cooling capacity stated by the manufacturer minus the heat transmission through the walls,
the floor and the ceiling of the calorimeter box related to the inside and outside temperatures at rated
conditions. The maximum cooling time tcmax has been reached when the indicated inside temperature Ti
of the calorimeter box exceeds the temperature at rated conditions.
The useful cooling energy of the eutectic mixture is calculated from the sum of the heating energy
introduced into the calorimeter box and the heat transmission ETR.

EC =
PHL ⋅ t cmax / 3 600 + E TR (1)

EC is the useful cooling energy, in Wh;
PHL is the heat load, in W;
tcmax is maximum cooling time, in s;
ETR is the heat transmission energy, in Wh.
The energy introduced into the calorimeter box through heat transmission ETR can be determined on the
basis of the total thermal transmittance U and the time-averaged temperature difference between the
conditioned test room and the calorimeter box at rated conditions.

BS EN 16440‑2:2023
EN 16440-2:2023 (E)

5.3.4 Optional test 3: Testing of the recharging time

Once the test of 5.3.3 has been completed and the rated temperatures reached, the heat load shall be
switched off and the process of recharging starts immediately (see Figure 4, test 3). And the eutectic
cooling devices shall be operated in the same matter as described in 5.3.2 including the energy
consumption ET of the eutectic cooling devices. The charging time tch is limited to 12 h maximum.
The results of this test can be used as an indication for the daily charging and cooling operation.
5.3.5 Optional test 4: Testing of cooling time and energy after recharging

If the compressor/condenser unit is switched off, the useful cooling energy EC and the maximum cooling
time tcmax are measured as mentioned in 5.3.3 (see Figure 4, test 4).
The compressor/condenser unit can be switched on to simulate the driving mode and the impact on the
cooling time and the useful cooling energy can be measured.
The heat load has to be switched on and the useful cooling energy EC and the maximum cooling
time tcmax are measured.
The results of this test can be used as an indication for a daily operation.
5.3.6 Measurements for performance testing General

The eutectic cooling devices shall be tested in the fully assembled state as specified by the manufacturer.
For this test, the eutectic unit is installed in the calorimeter box and the compressor/condenser unit, in
the conditioned test room, in accordance with 4.3.1.
Prior to the beginning of the measurements, the temperatures given in 5.2.1 shall be maintained for at
least 12 h in both the calorimeter box and the conditioned test room.
The measuring uncertainties shall comply with Table 2 during the performance test. Dimensions

The number and the external dimensions of the eutectic elements (plates or tubes) as well as the largest
height, length and width of the compressor/condenser unit, including the installation or mounting
dimensions, shall be stated. Moreover, the dimensions of all the components that are required for
assessing the useful cooling capacity of the eutectic cooling device (condenser, compressor, ventilator,
refrigerant collector, electric engines, etc.) shall be determined. Heat transmission

The heat transmission energy ETR introduced into the calorimeter box shall be determined over the
whole duration of the measurements in accordance with 5.3.3. In order to do so, the total thermal
transmittance U of the calorimeter box with the eutectic cooling device installed shall be determined in
accordance with 4.3.2 and a measurement uncertainty of ±3 %. Useful cooling capacity and total power of the eutectic cooling device

The useful cooling capacity Pc, the total energy consumption and the total power PT shall be determined
in accordance with 5.3.2 as arithmetic means over the whole duration of the measurements. Speed

The speed of the compressor and of the fans shall be measured in accordance with 5.3.2 under rated

BS EN 16440‑2:2023
EN 16440-2:2023 (E) Test documents

The following documents shall be submitted together with the application for testing to this standard:
— technical data of the eutectic cooling device;

— description of the eutectic cooling device including data on capacities, coolant quantity, mode of
operation, type of feeding, etc.;

— refrigerant circuit diagram;

— mounting instructions;

— instructions for use;

— wiring diagrams or diagram of the pneumatic control circuit;

— description of the installed eutectic cooling device, including the specification of the refrigerant, the
eutectic mixture, the eutectic point or the solidification temperature of the eutectic mixture, the
melting heat at the eutectic point, the ingredients, etc.;

— safety data sheet of the eutectic mixture, including information regarding the toxicological properties
such as the LD50 values, etc.

5.4 Time measurement

The operating time tOP, the charging time tch, the maximum cooling time tcmax shall be recorded.
5.5 Functional tests - Defrosting device test

If the eutectic cooling device is equipped with a defrosting device, this device’s working function shall be
checked and documented.
5.6 Air flow measurement

The air volume flow of the fan(s) at the eutectic unit is determined according to EN ISO 5801 at a
temperature of 20 °C ± 5 K, if applicable.

6 Test results
6.1 General

The data for the performance tests shall be recorded in accordance with Table 5. The Table includes the
required general information, but it is not intended to limit the data to be recorded to the ones indicated.

BS EN 16440‑2:2023
EN 16440-2:2023 (E)

Table 5 —Data to be recorded

Measuring quantity/result Unit Conditioned Calorimeter Eutectic

test room box cooling
Air temperatures:
— air temperature; °C X X
— inlet air temperature at the °C X
compressor/condenser unit TIN CON;

— inlet air temperature at the eutectic unit; °C X

— outlet air temperature at the eutectic unit. °C X
Electric quantities:
— voltage; V X
— current; A X
— total power; W X
— energy consumption. Wh X
heat load PHL W X

— suction pressure of compressor; Pa X
— discharge pressure of compressor; Pa X
— evaporation pressure; Pa X
— discharge temperature of compressor; °C X
— evaporator superheat temperature. K X

6.2 Useful cooling capacity

The useful cooling capacity PC is calculated as the arithmetic mean of the useful cooling energy EC over
the maximum cooling time tcmax.

PC = 3 600 E C / t cmax (2)

PC is the useful cooling capacity, in W;
EC is the useful cooling energy, in Wh;
tcmax is the maximum cooling time, in s.

BS EN 16440‑2:2023
EN 16440-2:2023 (E)

6.3 Total power

The total power PT is calculated as the arithmetic mean of the energy consumption for charging ECH over
the charging time tCH and the power of the fans of the eutectic unit Pfan,C over the maximum cooling
time tcmax.

=PT (3 600 E CH / t CH ) + Pfan,C (3)

PT is the total power, in W;
ECH is the energy consumption for charging, in Wh;
tCH is the charging time, in s;
Pfan,C is the power of the fans of the eutectic unit while cooling, in W.
In case of charging the energy consumption of the fans is included in ECH.
In the case of eutectic elements without fans, the fan power shall be set to Pfan,C = 0.
In the case of eutectic elements with fans, the fan power Pfan,C is calculated as the arithmetic mean of the
energy consumed over the maximum cooling time:
Pfan,C = 3  600  E fan,C / t OP (4)

Pfan,C is the power input of the fans of the cooling device, in W;
Efan,C is the energy consumption of the fans, in Wh;
tOP is operating time of the fans during cooling, in s.
6.4 Determination of the cooling energy efficiency ratio EERC

EERC is the ratio of the useful cooling energy EC to the total energy consumption ET.
The EERC ratio is calculated as follows:

EERC =  /
EC E T (5)

EC is the useful cooling energy, in Wh;
ET is the total energy consumption, in Wh while Et = Ech + Efan,C.
Since the total power and the useful cooling capacity depend on the respective size and heat capacity of
the calorimeter box, the coefficient can only be used for evaluation when the performance test is carried
out on the insulated transport equipment.

BS EN 16440‑2:2023
EN 16440-2:2023 (E)

7 Test report
The test report shall include a reference to this standard and a precise description of the eutectic cooling
device indicating the characterizing data for the individual components.
The test report shall comply with EN ISO/IEC 17025.
The test report should contain at least the following 5 parts.
a) Part 1 – General information:

— number, title and date of the test report;

— general information of the laboratory company (name, address of the company responsible for
the test);

— general information of the laboratory facilities (name, address, location of the test facilities
where the test is performed);

— general information about the customer requesting the test and owning the test results (name,

— general information of the manufacturer of the eutectic cooling device (name, address);

— testing methodology and standard reference and clauses applied.

b) Part 2 – Tested eutectic cooling device:

— technical specification of the eutectic cooling device (date and place of manufacture, brand,
make, type, serial number);

— description of the eutectic cooling device (integrated or external charging /independent, single
unit and assembled components, type of drives, refrigerant fluid, etc.);

— description in detail of the following components and their dimensions (if applicable) of the
eutectic cooling device: compressor, drive train, condenser, eutectic element, heat exchanger,
fans, expansion and control valves, operating panel, software version;

— description of the optional components of the eutectic cooling devices: fans, etc.

c) Part 3 – Test conditions:

— description of the conditioned test room;

— description of the calorimeter box and of all accessories and instrumentation;

— temperatures during the useful cooling capacity test: TIN CON, Ti and if applicable TIN EU;

— Temperatures during the total energy consumption test: TIN CON, Ti and if applicable TIN EU;

— vehicle engine speeds (idling, working), if applicable;

— compressor and fan speeds, if applicable.

BS EN 16440‑2:2023
EN 16440-2:2023 (E)

d) Part 4 –Test results:

— the European Standard used (including its year of publication);

— the result(s), including a reference to the clause which explains how the results were calculated;

— any deviations from the procedure;

— cooling capacities;

— air volume flow at measurement temperature, if applicable;

— functional tests;

— total energy consumption;

— uncertainties.

e) Part 5 – Summary:

— company requesting the test report;

— manufacturer;

— make or brand;

— type;

— serial number;

— brief description of the eutectic cooling device;

— main performances (reference useful capacities and the corresponding total energy

8 Marking
8.1 Marking, type plate

The eutectic cooling device shall be provided with a type plate at an easily visible position. This marking
plate shall include at least the following information:
— name and address or identification of the manufacturer;

— type designation, serial number or product number;

— year of construction.

8.2 Information on total energy consumption

— Useful cooling capacity and maximum cooling time;

— total power, charging power and charging time.

BS EN 16440‑2:2023
EN 16440-2:2023 (E)


[1] EN 17066-1:2019, Insulated means of transport for temperature sensitive goods — Requirements
and testing — Part 1: Container

[2] ATP Agreement on the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs and on the Special
Equipment to be used for such Carriage. Available at: https://unece.org/text-and-status-

[3] EDQM Council of Europe. Available at: https://www.edqm.eu/

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