Q1 Week4 DLL

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Teacher: LUCYNIL Q. OBERES Learning Area: Science
July 8-12, 2019
Teaching Dates and Time: Quarter: First ( Week 6)
@ 8:30- 9:20 VI-Maalalahanin/ 3:20- 4:10 VI- Masigasig
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding of the different techniques to separate mixture.
B. Performance Standards The learners should be able to separate desired materials from common and local products.
C. Learning Competencies/ Enumerate techniques in separating mixtures such as sieving/sifting, picking, winnowing, filtering, using a magnet and funnel, evaporation and sedimentation
Objectives (with LC Code for each) S6MT-Id-f-2

Describe how to separate Describe how to separate Describe how to separate Describe how to separate Describe how to separate
D. Unpacked Competencies mixture through sieving or mixture through picking mixture through winnowing. solid-solid mixture through solid-liquid mixture through
sifting filtering. filtering .
II. CONTENT Mixture and their Characteristics
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources (LR)portal
B. Other Learning Resources Mixed fruits rocks and sand cooked peanuts, green peas rice grains, water, rice pulps, 1 big plastic bottle, 1 small Cup, Hot water, teabag
pebbles and sand and corn bits, water, card board, manila paper plastic bottle, rocks, course Glass, water, flour, spoon,
powdered juice powdered juice, plastic sand, fine sand, filter paper cloth Grated coconut, water,
– cocoa powder and sugar bottles, small plates, oil, rice or empty tea bag, water mosquito net Sand, water,
– cornstarch and salt grains, corn, marbles, glass Muddy water,
mongo seeds, gravel, sand
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Ask: What are colloids? Identify the technique of Teacher will present Recall how winnowing is What technique of separating
presenting the new lesson What are the types of separating mixtures from pictures that show sieving done and tell its importance mixture did you learn
colloids the pictures shown. and sifting technique. Let yesterday?
the students identify the
technique used in the
picture orally.
The teacher will ask the
students to mix together in
a bowl the following
ingredients: (See attach pictures on the
cooked peanuts, green peas folder)
and cornbits.

Ask: Can you still see or

identify the different
ingredients you mixed
B. Establishing a purpose for the Say: Today we are going to Ask the motive question: On What do you usually do with Present noodles in a hot
lesson learn a new way of separating the bowl of mixed the rice grains before water placed in a bowl. Then
mixtures. ingredients what do you cooking it? let someone drain the water
want to eat? Just choose using the strainer
one ingredients.

How will you get the

ingredient you like to eat?
C. Presenting examples/ instances Ask: Who among you here Showing Pictures: What do you see floating on Present a mixture of sand
of the new lesson loves to eat pancit canton? top of the water with rice and gravel and mixed
How do you usually prepare Present a mixture of sand grains? vegetables
it? and gravel and mixed
Ask: Can you still identify the
Ask: Can you still identify different materials in each
the different materials in set up?
each set up?
Ask: What will you do to
Ask: What will you do to separate each material from
separate each material from each mixture?
each mixture?

Video Presentation
D. Discussing new concepts and Discuss Sieving and Sifting are Discuss Picking is a Discuss winnowing as a Discuss solid-solid mixture
practicing new skills #1 techniques in separating technique in separating technique to separate filtration Discuss solid-liquid mixture
E. Discussing new concepts and mixtures mixtures mixture. filtration
practicing new skills #2
F. Developing Mastery (Leads to Group Activity (Beforehand, Group Activity Group Activity Group activity: The class will be divided into 5
Formative Assessment) the pupils have brought the Teacher will prepare 5 set Class will be divided into 5 Each group will prepare the groups. Each group will be
materials needed for the ups. Each group will mix the groups. Each group will be set-up as shown below to given 10 minutes to complete
activity. materials provided to them. given 10 minutes to observe the filtration the task.
Group 1 – rocks and sand Group 1 – water and oil complete the task and process. Group 1. Cup, Hot water,
Group 2 – pebbles and sand Group 2 – gravel and sand answer the questions. (See materials above) teabag
Group 3 – powdered juice Group 3 – water and Group 2. Glass, water, flour,
Group 4 – cocoa powder and powder juice Materials: Rice grains spoon, cloth
sugar Group 4 – marbles and Rice Pulps Group 3. Grated coconut,
Group 5 – cornstarch and salt mongo Seeds Cardboard water, mosquito net or cloth
Group 5 – rice grains and Manila paper Group 4. Sand, water, glass,
Students will ask to discuss for Corn Kernel Marker cloth
5 minutes in their group if the Questions: Group 5. Muddy water, cloth,
mixture they made can be Students will ask to discuss 1. Using the materials glass.
separated by picking. for 5 minutes in their group given to you, how (See attached file on
if the mixture they made will you separate Q1.WEEK4.DAY 4.F)
They will presents their can be separated by picking. rice grains from rice Directions: Answer the
observations by answering the They will presents their pulps? Write it into following questions then write
guide questions. observations by answering 2-3 steps. your answers on a piece of
the guide questions. 2. How did the rice manila paper. Select a
Have each group answer the pulps separate from member to present your
questions below: Have each group answer the the mixture? answers on the class.
questions below: 1. What mixture have you
1. What happened to the 3. Be ready to created out from the
ingredients when you mixed 1. What happened to the demonstrate it into materials given to you?
them together? ingredients when you the class. 2. What did you use to filter
mixed them together? the mixture you created?
2. Can the mixture be 4. Select one reporter 3. What have you observed
separated through sieving 2. Can the mixture be to present your with the mixture when you
and sifting? Why or why separated through output. use the filtration technique?
not? picking? Why or why not?

G. Finding practical application of What are the activities at What are the activities at Cite some activities at Cite some activities at
concepts and skills in daily living home or in school where we home or in school where we home/in school or the home/in school or the
can use sieving and sifting in can use picking in separating community where community where filtration
separating mixture? mixture? winnowing can be used in can be used in separating
separating mixtures. mixtures.
H. Making generalizations and What technique in separating What technique in What technique in What technique in separating What technique in separating
abstractions about the lesson mixture did you learn today? separating mixture did you separating mixture did you mixture did you learn today? mixture did you learn today?
learn today? learn today?
What is sieving and sifting? What is filtration? What is filtration?
What is picking? What is winnowing?

How are we going to do in

holding the materials while
we are performing the
I. Evaluating learning Directions: On the space Directions: Put check on the Directions: List down 3 Directions: List down 3 Directions: List down 3
provided write YES if the Yes column if the mixture examples of mixture where examples of mixture where examples of mixture where
mixture can be separated can be separated by picking winnowing can be used. filtration can be used. filtration can be used.
through sieving and sifting and and put ex on the No
NO if not. column if not. 1. 1. 1.
Mixture Yes No 2. 2. 2.
_____1.Water and Noodles 1. water and 3. 3. 3.
_____2. Marbles and beads oil
_____3. powdered juice 2. gravel and
_____4. grated coconut and 3. sand
coconut milk 3.Water and
_____5. Coffee powder and powdered
Sugar juice
_____6. salt and pepper 4. marbles
_____7. flour and salt and mongo
_____8. powdered milk and seeds
sugar 5. rice grains
_____9. sand and gravel and corn
_____10. water and sand kernel
Write YES if the following
mixture can be separated by
hand picking and NO if not

_____ 1. nails and stones

_____ 2. lemon juice
_____ 3. chocolates and
____ 4. pepper seeds and
mongo seeds
_____ 5. corn and palay
J. Additional activities for Cut or draw at least three Bring the following
application or remediation (3) pictures of mixtures that materials for the activity
can be separated through tomorrow.
1 big plastic bottle, 1 small
plastic bottle, rocks, course
sand, fine sand, filter paper
or empty tea bag, water

A. No. of learners who earned 80%
on this formative assessment

B. No. of learners who require

additional activities for

C. Did the remedial lessons work?

No. of learners who have caught
up the lesson

D. No. of learners who continue to

require remediation

F. What difficulties did I encounter

which my principal or supervisor
help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized

materials did I used/ discover
which I wish to share with other

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