Wre Notes
Wre Notes
Wre Notes
It is assumed that the entire area within any polygon is nearer to the
rain gauge station which is included in polygon than to any other
rainfall station.
Then find the area of each polygon shown in Fig. 2.5.1.
If P is the mean rainfall on the basin the area of basin is A then,
P = A1P1 + A2P2 + A3P3...+ AnPn
A = A P
Where P1,P2,P3,...Pn represent rainfall at the respective stations. And
A1, A2, A 3,...An are the areas of respective polygons.
Isohyetal Method:
Isohyets are the contours of equal rainfall. In this method rainfall
values recorded at various rain gauge stations are collected and from
that isohyetal map is prepared and the area between successive
isohyetes is measured with the help of planimeter.
Q.16 Runoff (Marks-1)
The amount of water which flows over the surface of earth after all losses
have taken place is called as runoff. OR The part of rainfall which flows
over the surface of water after all losses have taken place is called as
Runoff = Rainfall – Losses
= (4+2.8+6+8)
P = 20.8 mm
Rainfall = Average Rainfall
P = P/N
= 20.8/4
= 5.2cm
(Note: If any other appropriate method used should be considered.)