Wre Notes

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Subject Teacher:-Kendre B.A



Q.1Define Irrigation (Mark-1)

1) Irrigation: The process of artificially supplying water to soil for
raising the crops is called as irrigation.

Q.2 State necessity of irrigation in India. (Mark-4)

1. India is basically an agricultural country and all its resources
depend on the agricultural output. India being a tropical country,
there is a vast diversity of climate, topography and vegetation.
2. The amount and frequency of rainfall varies from place to place.
3. Crops required certain quantity of water after certain fixed interval
throughout its period of growth.
4. Indian government is spending lot of amount to ensure irrigation
facilities for the maximum cultivable area.
5. Hence, necessity of irrigation can be summarized as –
Less rainfall, Non-uniform rainfall, Cultivation of cash crops with
additional water supply and controlled water supply.

Q.3 State any four advantages and four ill effects of

Advantages of irrigation:(Mark-2)
1. Yield of crops
2. Protection from famine
3. Improvement of cash crops
4. Prosperity of farmers
5. Source of revenue
6. Navigation
7. Hydroelectric power generation
8. Water supply
9. General communication
10. Development of fishery.
Ill effects of irrigation: :(Mark-2)
1. Rising of water table
2. Formation of marshy land
3. Dampness in weather
4. Loss of valuable land

Q.4 Classification of irrigation or types of irrigation


Flow irrigation Lift irrigation

Perennial Inundation Well irrigation lift canal irrigation
Direct irrigation Storage irrigation

Q.5 Explain the following terms with respect to Drip

irrigation method, Head mains, Laterals, Drip nozzles.
1. Drip Irrigation Method: It saves the water and fertilizer by
allowing water to drip slowly to the root of the plants. In water
scarcity zones, this system is much useful. There is no wastage of
water in this system. It is most suitable for row crops.
2. Head Mains: Water is pumped from source and conveyed to the
fields from the control head through head mainlines.
3. Laterals: Water is conveyed by pipelines which are perpendicular
to head mains are called as lateral. laterals are generally made in
PVC or polythylene hose which buried below ground.
4. Drip nozzles: It is a device by which the discharge of water from
lateral to the plants can be controlled. These are generally spaced
more than 1m apart with one another

Q.6 a) Classify irrigation scheme on the basis of purpose and

Ans:-a) Classification based on purpose:- :(Mark-2)

1) Single purpose irrigation project :-this type of project mainly

constructed and founded under one head or purpose like irrigation,
power generation etc.
For example –Mula dam is constructed for irrigation purpose and
koyana dam which is mainly use for power generation.
2) Multipurpose irrigation Project: - It is a project which is constructed
for two or more purpose such as irrigation, flood control, power
generation, and navigation, domestic and industrial water supply.
For example:Bhakra nangal project is used for irrigation and
hydropower generation.
b) Classification based on Administration :- :(Mark-2)
Class of project Command.Area (ha)
Description of works
1.Major project are the project estimated to cost above Rs.5 Crores &
project having CCA of more than 10000 Ha.are classified as major
project .
2.Medium project are the project estimated to cost above Rs.25 Lakh
and upto 5 crores are classified as medium project and project having
CCA between 2000 Ha.and 10000 Ha as medium project .
3.Minor project are the project estimated to cost below Rs.25 Lakh are
classified as minor project and project having CCA less than 2000 Ha.
Are classified as minor project .

Q.7 Hydrology (Marks-1)

Hydrology:- It is the science which deals with occurrence distribution
and circulation of water on earth on and below the earth surface
Q.8 Describe in brief Hydrologic cycle with neat sketch. .(Marks-4)
Hydrological cycle –
1. In general it means a term to show the circulation of water from
ocean to atmosphere to the ground and back to ocean again.
2. Water from ocean is evaporated into atmosphere. The vapor is
condensed and fall onto earth as rain fall. Some of water is
evaporated back to atmosphere, some portion fall in direction of the
ocean and some falls on land surface.
3. A portion falling on land is retained by soil, depression and
vegetation and some portion runs as runoff and ultimately joins to
ocean. The portion retained by soil infiltrate through soil and joins
ground water which joins streams and ultimately ocean.
4. The portion retained by vegetation returned to atmosphere by
evaporation and transpiration. Thus the hydrologic cycle includes
evaporation, precipitation and run off
Q.9 Define rainfall.(Marks-2)
Rainfall is the depth in mm or cm of water that would stand on the
surface of the earth provided it were not lost by evaporation or
absorption or any other manner.

Q.10 What is raingauge? Explain any one recording type

raingauge with a neat sketch. .(Marks-4)
Raingauge: The instrument which measures rainfall is called
Types of raingauges:
1) Weighing bucket gauge
2) Tipping bucket gauge
3) Syphon gauge (Float type rain gauge)
Weighing type rain gauge:
- The rain water passes through a funnel into a bucket called as catch
bucket which is placed on weighing platform.
- When weight of bucket is increased due to rain water the weighing
platform moves. Movement of weighing platform is transmitted to
Links and levers to a pen arm. This pen traces the collected amount of
rainfall on a graduated graph paper wrapped around drum.
-Thus increasing weight of the bucket helps in recording the rainfall
with time by moving a pen on a revolving drum

Q.11Explain with neat sketch Symon’s rain gauge.(Marks-4)

1. Simon’s rain gauge is a non recording type of rain gauge
which is most commonly used.
2. It consists of metal casing of diameter 127mm which is set on
a concrete foundation.
3. A glass bottle of capacity about 100mm of rainfall is placed
within the casing.
4. A funnel with brass rim is placed on the top of the bottle.
5. The rainfall is recorded at every 24 hours.
6. To measure the amount of rainfall the glass bottle is taken off
and the collected water is measured in a measuring glass and
recorded in rain gauge record book.

Q.12 Explain with neat sketch automatic rain gauge. (any

one) (Explain marks-2,sketh-2 ,solve any one)
Types of automatic rain gauges:
1) Weighing bucket gauge
2) Tipping bucket gauge
3) Syphon gauge (Float type rain gauge)
Weighing type rain gauge:
1.The rain water passes through a funnel into a bucket called as catch
bucket which is placed on weighing platform.
2.When weight of bucket is increased due to rain water the weighing
platform moves. Movement of weighing platform is transmitted to
Links and levers to a pen arm. This pen traces the collected amount of
rainfall on a graduated graph paper wrapped around drum.
3.Thus increasing weight of the bucket helps in recording the rainfall
with time by moving a pen on a revolving drum.

Tipping Bucket type rain gauge :

1. A Steven’s tipping bucket type rain gauge consist of 30 cm dia.
Sharp edge receiver
2. End of the receiver is provided with funnel. A pair of bucket is
provided under the funnel in such a way that one bucket receives
0.25 mm of precipitation .it tips, discharging its content to
container brining the other bucket the funnel.
3. Tipping of the bucket completes an electric circuit causing
movement of pen to mark on clock driven revolving drum which
carries a record sheet.
4. The electric pulses are generated due to tipping of bucket is
recorded at the control room far away from the rain gauge station.
Float type Automatic rain gauge :
1. The funnel receives rain water which is collected in rectangular
2. A float is provided at the bottom of the container.
3. The float is raise as the water level rises in the container, its
movement being recorded by a pen moving on a recording drum
actuated by the clock work. When the water level in the container
rises so that siphons come into operation and releases water. Thus
all the water in the box is drain out
(Note: Explanation for any type mentioned above should be

Q.13 Rainfall intensity(Marks-1)

it is the maximum rainfall during a short period measured in
mm /hr. is called rainfall intensity.

Q.14 Define computation of rainfall. Describe Thiessan’s

Polygon method with suitable sketch.(Marks-4)
The computation of rainfall is done by following methods-
1. Arithmetic mean method
It includes averaging of all amount that has been recorded
at the various stations in the area is added and then divided
by number of rain gauges
P = (P1+ P2+ P3 + P4........ Pn) / N
2. Theissons polygon method
3. Isohyetal method
In this method, rainfall values recorded at various rain
gauge station are collected and from that isohytel map is
prepared and the area between successive is measured with
the help of planimeter.
Pavg = [A1 (P1+ P2) /2]+ [A2 (P2 + P3) /2]+ ........ Pn) / A1+
A2+ A3+......
Theissons polygon method-
1. In this method adjacent stations are joined by straight lines
and thus dividing entire area into series of triangles and
then perpendicular bisectors are erected on each of these
lines and thus forms series of polygons each polygon
contain one rain gauge station
2. It is assumed that the entire area within any polygon is
nearer to the rain gauge station which is included in
polygon than to any other rainfall station.
3. Then find the area of polygon as shown in figure
4. If P is the mean rainfall on the basin, A is the area of basin
Average annual rainfall = (A1 P1+ A2 P2+ A3 P3+ .........An Pn)/ A
Average annual rainfall = (∑AP) / ∑A
Q.15 State the methods of determining average annual
rainfall. Explain any one method.(Marks-4)
Methods of determining average annual rainfall:
1) Arithmetic Mean method
2) Thiessen’s polygon method
3) Isohyetal method
Arithmetic Mean method of determining average annual rainfall:
1) This is a simple method of determining average annual rainfall
using simple arithmetical formula.
2) For this we require rainfall data of various years, based on which
we can calculate average annual rainfall.
Thiessen’s Polygon Method / Representative Area Method:
 In this method adjacent stations are joined by straight lines and thus
dividing entire area into series of triangles and then perpendicular
bisectors are erected on each of these lines and thus forms series of
polygons each polygon contain one rain gauge station

 It is assumed that the entire area within any polygon is nearer to the
rain gauge station which is included in polygon than to any other
rainfall station.
 Then find the area of each polygon shown in Fig. 2.5.1.
 If P is the mean rainfall on the basin the area of basin is A then,
P = A1P1 + A2P2 + A3P3...+ AnPn
A = A  P
 Where P1,P2,P3,...Pn represent rainfall at the respective stations. And
A1, A2, A 3,...An are the areas of respective polygons.
Isohyetal Method:
 Isohyets are the contours of equal rainfall. In this method rainfall
values recorded at various rain gauge stations are collected and from
that isohyetal map is prepared and the area between successive
isohyetes is measured with the help of planimeter.
Q.16 Runoff (Marks-1)
The amount of water which flows over the surface of earth after all losses
have taken place is called as runoff. OR The part of rainfall which flows
over the surface of water after all losses have taken place is called as
Runoff = Rainfall – Losses

Q.17 Explain four factors affecting runoff.(Marks-4)

Following are the different factors which affect runoff :-
1)Rainfall characteristics :
a. More the rainfall, runoff will be more.
b. More the intensity of rainfall, More will be the runoff.
2) Topography:
a. It depends upon smoothness and roughness of the surface
b. Steep slopes – Heavy runoff will reach the valley quickly,
reducing losses gives more runoff.
c. catchment is mountainous, more will be runoff
d. catchment is in windward direction, more will be runoff
3) shape and size of catchment –
a. Catchment area – Larger the area, more runoff
b. Fan shaped catchment gives greater runoff
4) Characteristics of catchment :
a. Rocky strata – heavy runoff
b. Compactive strata - heavy runoff
c. Sandy strata – reduced runoff
d. if more area of catchment is cultivated ,surface runoff will
be less.
e. Presence of vegetation covers reduces the runoff during
smaller storm.
5) Meterological characteristics :-
a. Low temperature – greater runoff
b. High temperature– less runoff
6) Geological characteristics :-
a. pervious soil – reduces runoff
b. porous and fissure rock – very low surface runoff

Q.18 State the effect of type of catchment on maximum flood

The area from where the surface runoff flows to the dam or river
through the tributaries, streams, springs is termed as catchment area.
This area is bounded by watershed line.
There are two types or shapes of catchment area that effect maximum
flood discharge such as, Fan shape and Fern shape
1) Fan shape: In fan shape catchment area the amount of runoff and
maximum flood discharge is more. (fig. a)
2) Fern shape: In fern shape catchment area the amount of runoff
and maximum flood discharge is less. (fig. b)
Q.19 State the factors which affect runoff & maximum flood
discharge.Following are the different factors which affect
runoff & maximum flood discharge (Maks-4)
1) Rainfall & its quantity : More the rainfall, runoff will be more &
thus maximum flood discharge will be more.
2) Intensity of rainfall : More the intensity of rainfall, More will be the
runoff & maximum flood discharge.
3) Direction of wind : If wind direction is in an upstream side of the
site, maximum flood discharge will be less & if it is in downstream
side, maximum flood discharge will be more.
4) Temperature : More the temperature, runoff will be less & thus
maximum flood discharge will be less & viceversa.
5) Characteristics of catchment :
Rocky strata – heavy runoff & more maximum flood discharge
Compactive strata - heavy runoff & more maximum flood discharge
Sandy strata – reduced runoff & less maximum flood discharge
6) Topography of the catchment :-
Catchment area – Larger the area, more runoff & maximum flood
Steep slopes – Heavy runoff will reach the valley quickly, reducing
losses gives more runoff & maximum flood

Q.20 State Inglis formula for MFD.

Inglis formula to calculate MFD is:
Q.21 Yield-(Marks-1)
Yield of drainage basin is defined as, the total quantity of
water available from a catchment area at the outlet in the
period of one year.

Q.22 Define dependable yield from a catchment.(Marks-2)

Dependable yield: It is the quantity of water available for a given
number of years per rainfall cycle.

Q.23 Compute the MFD of the stream over a catchment area

of 150 Km2 (Marks-4)
using :
(1) Dicken’s formula (C=27)
(2) Ingli’s formula
Given, A = 150 Km2 , C = 27
(1) Dicken’s formula
Q = C A3/4
Q = 27 X 1503/4
Q = 27 X 42.86
Q = 1157.22 m3/sec
(2) Ingli’s formula
Q = 123A/ √ (A+10.24)
Q = 123 x 150 / √ (150+10.24)
Q = 18450/ √ 160.24
Q = 18450 / 12.66
Q = 1457.35 m3/sec

Q.24 In an area four rain gauge station which are

equidistant from each other at a distance of 6 km. The
rainfall measured at each station is 4 cm, 2.8 cm, 6 cm and 8
cm. Calculate average rainfall.
Total numbers of rain gauge stations are 4
Find out  P i.e. sum of rainfall for all stations.

= (4+2.8+6+8)
  P = 20.8 mm
 Rainfall = Average Rainfall
P =  P/N
= 20.8/4
= 5.2cm
(Note: If any other appropriate method used should be considered.)

Q.25 Calculate the maximum flood discharge for a

catchment area 1500 km2 using Dicken’s formula. Assume
Dicken’s coefficient as
By Dicken’s formula:
= 28 x 1500 ¾
= 6748.79 m3/s

Q.26 A tank has a catchment area of 150 km2 of which 30

km2 is independent. The average annual rainfall of the
catchment is 85 cm. The runoff of average bad year is 20%
of the rainfall for an average bad year. The runoff from the
intercepted catchment available for this tank is 20% of
actual runoff. Calculate the assured yield.
Total C. A. = 150 km2
Independent C. A. = 30 km2
Intercepted C. A. = 150 – 30 = 120 km2
Average annual rainfall = 85 cm
Bad year is called when annual rainfall is less than 80 % of the
average annual rainfall.
Rainfall of bad year
= 80 % of Average annual rainfall
= (80 / 100) X 85
= 68 cm
Runoff of average bad year from Independent C. A
= 20 % of Rainfall of bad year
= (20 / 100) X 68
= 13.6 cm
Runoff of average bad year from Intercepted C. A
= 20 % of Runoff of average bad year from Independent C. A
= (20 / 100) X 13.6
= 2.72 cm
Yield from independent C. A
= Independent C. A. X Runoff from Independent C. A
= 30 X 13.6
= 408 ha.m
Yield from intercepted C. A
= Intercepted C. A. X Runoff from intercepted C. A
= 120 X 2.72
= 326.4 ha.m
Total Yield
= 408 + 326.4
= 734.4 ha.m
Total Assured Yield = 734.4 ha.m
Remaing questions solved in book

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