Far4 Smuggler S Den
Far4 Smuggler S Den
Far4 Smuggler S Den
Exclusively at WWW.RPGNOW.COM
Player’s Background:
With money running low and your innkeeper demanding payment you and your
associates need to come up with coins soon. Your time in Phoenix has been
interesting but your “adventurer’s lifestyle” is starting to catch up to you. Cabo
Swinson told you that he will give you three more days before he tosses you and
your associates out into the street. As you plead with him for more time he
suggests you get a job soon or live somewhere else.
DM Background:
The young PCs will have been in town for anywhere between two to six weeks
and will have been able to scout out most of the town and take in the wonders
of urban life. This adventure will help the PCs pay the bills while carving out a bit
of a reputation for themselves. It is designed for a group of third level PCs but
can be adjusted to suit several levels and party sizes.
This scenario will have the PCs discover the wanted posters of several criminals,
some of which are in league with each other. Several of these malcontents are
part of a smuggling ring that operates in the sewers with easy access to the
docks. The party will need to do some investigation to discover the group and
then enter the underground labyrinth to find and capture (or kill) their quarry.
Once this is complete the party will have access to most if not all of the listed
The adventure also offers the opportunity to visit a thriving marketplace where
rumors, liquor, and potential danger exist. Those players that enjoy a solid role
A. Adventurer’s Guild
You notify your compatriots about your pending eviction and begin to brainstorm
about solutions. Recent “issues” makes a gambling option out of the question
and a grizzled old man at the table next to you tells you “just go to the
Adventurer’s Guild, they always got stuff to do”.
As you look at each other you decide the man is right and head down the road to
find the hall. As you enter the main section you notice that the tables are empty
and only a couple of “delver types” are present. A group of guards is talking to
the guild master and hand him a sheaf of papers as they leave. The guards look
at you with a bit of contempt and exit the building.
DM: If the PCs have located the establishment they will be allowed a brief
glance at the wanted posters (flash them for an instant) but will not be able to
get a very good look at them. If the PCs have never been to the guild they will
be required to pay a 5gp entry for the first month.
If the party wants a better look at the posters, or a chance to get a copy, they
will be required to perform a service for the director. Chance McCain, director of
the guild will tell the PCs that his dog “Rufus” took off when the guards came in.
Chance wants to get the dog back as soon as possible as pets have been
disappearing of late and he doesn’t want Rufus to become the next victim. The
dirty, shaggy, retriever has a collar with his name stitched in it and is not
The party will be required to go out into the streets and speak with the people of
Phoenix to get information on the dog. The people will be in a hurry to head to
the Gypsy market and will be dismissive (80%), rude (10%), helpful to point a
direction correctly (5%), or very helpful (5%) resulting in the party spotting the
dog in the crowd.
Once the dog has been observed the PCs can get close but the dog will flee
quickly. PCs that have a 35 or higher movement rate will be able to keep up with
Once the PCs have captured Rufus, or worn him out chasing him, they can
return to the guild where Chance will be quite happy. If the party took an
excessive amount of time you can pull one of the wanted posters, noticeably,
and tell them that another group are out searching for the felons as well.
B. Gypsy Market
After finally catching Chance’s dog and obtaining a copy of the wanted posters
you head back outside to formulate a plan. The people are continuing to move
south towards the Gypsy Market and you conclude that the favorable spot may
intrigue some of the criminals as well, or at least potential witnesses. You move
down the street asking the citizens about your quarry but no one is familiar with
them. As you reach a small park in the southern portion of the city you see a
collection of colorful tents erected with people flocking to the different stalls. It is
a large crowd and over twenty different booths/tents.
DM: The PCs should search the area and attempt to contact different people and
merchants in order to find additional information on their quarry. There will be
three key pieces of information at the Gypsy market to obtain. If the PCs can
find their way to the Fortune Teller (#13) either on their own or be directed,
they will gain the location of Sister Christian.
The elegant looking tent at this location will be home to Esmeralda the Seer. The
foreign woman will have strange incense burning and a large crystal ball (fake)
in the center of a small table. She will bid the PCs welcome and offer to tell their
fortune for 2gp. Once paid she will peer into the swirling colors of the crystal ball
and declare that the paying PC is seeking someone who will bring him/her
wealth. The charlatan will continue to make eye contact after each prediction to
confirm she is on the right path but will attempt to lead the PCs into giving out
The second valuable piece of information that is present in the mass of people
will be overheard. As the PCs move through the crowd one of them (randomly
chosen) will overhear several bits of information with the words Socha, Marrow
the Tiefling, and the Persephone docks at midnight. The observant PC will hear
the information but will not be able to pinpoint who in the crowd was discussing
it. They may feel free to move around and eavesdrop but will not find the pair
discussing it. Only one of the PCs should overhear the information and it should
occur prior to them leaving the area.
The third piece of information available in the market is the presence of Tabo
Mastik. This thief will be somewhat intoxicated and will bump into a random PC
to attempt a pickpocket but will fail. When confronted, preferably by less than
the entire party, a fist fight will ensue. Punching will deal out 1d4 non-lethal
damage and kicks will give out 1d6 for purposes of this encounter. If the PC(s)
can knock Tabo out (AC14 & 22hp) before the guards arrive they will successfully
capture him and be allowed to collect the full 75gp bounty. If the guards arrive
before either side is knocked out the fight will be stopped and arrests will be
made. Tabo and the PC doing the most damage will be hauled off to the jail
unless the other PCs forego 25gp of the reward to the guards to bond out the
PC. If weapons were used against the unarmed Tabo the cost will be 50gp or
75gp if the PCs are rude about the situation. The party should be aware that
using weapons in a non-lethal situation would result in incarceration or a heavy
The market is a wild place currently and home to rumors and benign encounters
from the listing at the end of this scenario. The tents/stalls each have something
different for the PCs to purchase or sample which will give rise to additional role
playing opportunities. Most of the proprietors will be honest and hardworking but
some could be a bit on the seedy side. The stalls will contain the following
Along with normal citizens several guards will be patrolling the area looking for
trouble but will not arrive for 1d4 +1 rounds if problems occur. Pickpockets and
drunks will be prevalent as well. Some stalls will have bad information about some
of the wanted subjects. The market will be present for two days then pack up and
leave for another town.
The owner will answer questions politely to a certain extent but will point out
that Sister Christian is not an employee and only rents a room in the back which
is off limits. After a few minutes of discussion and/or negotiation for services a
problem will spill out from the back. Three lightly armed men will come out of
the back followed by a bevy of women yelling at them. As the men reach the
main room they will smash the guards in the mouth with the pommels of their
drawn swords knocking both beefy men out. They order you out of the way
while Madame Lachner yells “don’t let them go!”
DM: The PCs can opt to stop the bandits and win favor from the Madame or let
the men pass and gain no ground with the owner. The three men are obnoxious
sailors that have found their way into the brothel and are now refusing to pay for
services rendered. As they have drawn weapons first there will be no penalty
from a law enforcement standpoint if the PCs also draw theirs and engage in
combat to assist a tax paying business.
If the PCs move and let the men pass they will not be accosted by the sailors but
will be verbally ridiculed by the staff of the bordello. Guards will show up a few
minutes later and “roust” the place. If the party engages in combat they can take
the sailors with lethal or non-lethal force without fear of reprisal of the “law”.
Sailors (2): Armor Class 16 (chain armor) Hit Points 15 (2D8 +2)
STR DEX CON INT WIS CH/11(+0) 12(+1) 12(+1) 10(−0) 10(+0) 10(+0)
Petty Officer: Armor Class 12 (leather & Shield) Hit Points 27 (6D8)
If the party stopped the troublemakers without spilling blood then the Madame
will allow a search of the private room and tell the party that the woman they
seek is only slated to have the room for one more day before she leaves the city
for something. Madame Lachner will point out that she will be glad as the
woman always smells like she has been roaming the sewers. Madame Lachner
will point out the probable entrance that Sister Christian used which is nearby.
A small copse of trees with leaves identical to those on the boots can be found
behind the business. A recent trail will be located behind the business going
through some mud leading out to the next road over. A strong sewer odor will be
detected and next to The Blue Goat Tavern (SW#15) will be a backed up sewer
entrance with a frothy pool in plain sight.
D. Sewers of Phoenix
The tracks through the trees have led you to the side of a tavern where a nasty
smell is emitted. A small group of people have gathered around a pool of backed
up sewage that is the source of the odor. As you approach the crowd, holding
their noses, asks you if you are here to clean up the mess.
DM: The party would have knowledge that several sewer lines exist in the city of
Phoenix but are not all connected. They would also be aware that people are not
An examination will show that wooden debris from a recently crashed cart has
washed up against the opening and has blocked the egress for the sewage. The
party can assume authority to work on the sewer as the group present wouldn’t
know any better and just wants the blockage cleared. Everyone in the party will
need to make a DC8 vs. Constitution or vomit and suffer -1 to all rolls (attack &
save) for the next hour until they can become used to the odor.
Clearing the blockage will require the PCs getting dirty but will also give them a
minor reputation of solving problems by people in this area. Once the blockage is
cleared the standing water will rush down into the open grate which is large
enough for a big human to squeeze through.
Once the party begins to enter the angled tunnel they will hear guards yelling at
them and should make a hasty retreat. At this point the guards will not follow
the PCs but if they stop and speak with the guards they may be hauled away to
the magistrate to explain their “unauthorized work”.
Inside the tunnel the PCs will need to make a DC12 vs. Dexterity as they
descend 12’ down. Those failing this will lose their footing and slide down into a
standing pool of recently drained water. If this occurs the PC will be covered in
filth and have to make a DC12 vs. Constitution or suffer an additional
(cumulative if previously failed) -1 to all rolls.
The interior of this set of sewers is newer construction and the workmanship will
be noticeable. Cut limestone from the cliffs has been used to form sloping
tunnels that are quite efficient at funneling out the waste water into Phoenix Bay
below. Except for a few large pools, the sewage drains naturally out through a
trough cut into the corridors. Some places have overflowed causing the flooring
to give way and create pools of fetid water filled with raw sewage and debris.
Some graffiti is present on the walls.
DM: The entrance the PCs will use will descend 12’ to reach the bottom of the
incline (marked as stairs). The smugglers have taken over to right portion of the
The entire complex is tilted northwest to southeast but for mapping purposes it
was drawn straightforward. There are empty torch sconces every 10’ feet left by
the miners but those in the inhabited sections the sconces will be lit or available.
The temperature is constant but the humidity will be rather high. The gutters in
the inhabited zone will have been flushed clean but are still present. Spots in the
ceiling of #6, #11, and #10 all show where sewer entrances are but have been
blocked from above. At this time city regulators have not noticed the blockages.
1. Guard Outpost
You turn the corner and notice that what you thought was a wall is
actually a sheet painted grey to mislead those wandering around the
darkened sewers. As you push open the sheet several men jump out of
the shadows and engage you!
If this attack (in lieu of attacking the PCs) is successful, everyone in the
tunnel that doesn’t have Darkvision will fight at disadvantage with any
misses potentially striking comrades. These men have been placed here
because of their blind fighting skills. Each of these bandits have 20gp in
coins or jewelry.
The room itself will have several unlit torches, a small table with playing
cards and a “pot” worth 45gp. The smugglers were in the middle of a
game when they detected the PCs. If captured, none will divulge any
secrets of the sewers.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CH/11(+0) 12(+1) 12(+1) 10(−0) 10(+0) 10(+0)
2. Cleric’s Chamber
This chamber is quite Spartan with only a crude bed, writing table, and
lantern present.
DM: This area was given to Father Joi for a few days while he waited for
his ride out of the city. He will most likely be encountered in the “chapel”
area with his followers when they are dealt with. If the PCs managed to
quickly deal with the residents of area #3 then the priest would be located
at this location.
If the room is investigated the PCs will locate a trunk underneath the bed.
It is locked and trapped with a sleep gas that will trigger unless the key
hidden in Father Joi’s shoe is discovered. The gas will fill the room and
require a DC16 vs. Constitution or pass out for 2d4 hours.
If the entire party falls victim to this trap they can find themselves
stripped of their belongings, in the hold of The Persephone as a prisoner,
or naked in the street the next morning. A splash of cold water (or
sewage) will be enough to rouse anyone affected by the gas. Inside the
chest are 400sp of foreign currency and gold altar pieces of an unknown
religion worth 200gp. This chest was to be used for safe passage on the
ship out of Phoenix as Father Joi, incorrectly, believes his cult is wanted
by the authorities.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA /16(+3) 12(+1) 16(+3) 9(−1) 13(+1) 12(+1)
3. Temple
This chamber is filled with candles and a strange copper idol with
moonstone eyes (3). Six men in robes are bowing in front of the 3’ idol
and are being guarded by a trio of Smugglers that spot your party and
ready their light crossbows!
DM: As the Smugglers give the alarm the worshippers jump to their feet
and head towards the party yelling in a strange tongue. Melee will
commence with the group immediately and all involved will be aware that
the PCs should not be in the area. The Smugglers were assigned to keep
an eye on the “guests” until it was time for them to board the ship.
The gemstone eyes are milky and can be pried out if the PCs didn’t want
to carry the entire statue. Together the two parts are worth 150gp. If
separated the copper is worth 40gp and the moonstones 20gp each.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA /10(+0) 10(+0) 10(+0) 10(+0) 14(+2) 11(+0)
Smugglers (3): Armor Class 16 (chain armor) Hit Points 15 (2D8 +2)
STR DEX CON INT WIS CH/11(+0) 12(+1) 12(+1) 10(−0) 10(+0) 10(+0)
4. Weird Waters
This narrow room is filled with fetid water but a thin walkway can be used
to circumvent the pool if the PCs don’t want to get their feet wet. A thick
sludge can be seen around the old limestone but there is enough room to
get both feet on the ledge.
DM: The black sludge covers a very slick mossy surface that will require a
DC12 vs. Dexterity to successfully pass. Anyone failing this check or
crossing the water directly will alert the pair of Water Weirds that reside in
this fetid pool. The pool is 10” deep which is deep enough to potentially
drown a delver.
The pair of stones each possess the ‘essence’ of a Water Weird but once
the stone is broken or the creature it controlled is killed the item is
useless. If a PC can obtain one (or both) of the unbroken stones they can
control the Water Weird and even have it withdraw into the stone. The
gem is activated when immersed in water. The items function as a lesser
Stone Controlling Water Elementals.
5. Green Danger
This dank chamber has a sickly sweet aroma about it and is covered in
vegetation. White and green tendrils are coming through the cracks in the
blocks on the sides of the chamber as well as through the ceiling. A heavy
coating of moss coats the floor.
DM: This room is home to several patches of aggressive plant life. Four
patches of Needle and Vine Blight inhabit this room along with the moss
and algae present. Several small rivulets of sewage keep the room moist
allowing the growth to thrive.
When the party reaches the center section of the chamber the eight
aggressive plants will attack by surprise 75% of the time for first attack.
The humid conditions will prevent widespread fire damage which would
save the party from immolation. If all eight plants are destroyed a patch
of Vine Blight on the wall will expose the recent remains of a Smuggler
that got lost in the sewers. A slimy belt pouch is home to 14gp and a
small rectangular gemstone worth 20gp.
Needle Blight (4): Armor Class 12 Hit Points 16 each (2d8 +2)
D +3 piercing 1D6 +1
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA /12(+1) 12(+1) 13(+1) 4(−3) 8(-1) 3(−4)
Vine Blight (4): Armor Class 12 Hit Points 26 each (4d8 +8)
6. Kitchen
The long hallway allows you to see into a large chamber at the end that is
well illuminated. Several smugglers move back and forth making it difficult
to determine how many people are in the room. A long table can be seen
and it appears to have food and drink on it. From the aroma, it would
appear that the area is a cooking station.
DM: This chamber is the kitchen for the complex and is currently home to
eight Smugglers that are taking a break to eat. Observations from the hall
will not be able to give a definitive answer to the number of opponents in
the room but a guess would be four (if they ask).
If the party attempts to close off the hall and have the Smugglers come to
them they will find themselves being flanked in two rounds by half of the
contingent. Once dispatched, the room can be searched and a variety of
foodstuffs will be located.
Smugglers (8): Armor Class 16 (chain armor) Hit Points 15 (2D8 +2)
STR DEX CON INT WIS CH/11(+0) 12(+1) 12(+1) 10(−0) 10(+0) 10(+0)
7. Mushroom Men
Much like the previous section of the chamber vegetative growth is in
large abundance here. Large mushrooms adorn the flagstone floor and a
constant dripping noise can be heard coming from somewhere is noted.
Some growth hangs from the ceiling but not nearly to the extent of the
section to the northwest.
Myconid Adults (3): Armor Class 12 (natural) Hit Points 36 (4d8 +4)
D +2 2D4 & 2D4 (poison), Spore attack (3x) DC11 vs. Const. or stunned 1 rd.
DM: A search of this chamber will reveal 40cp, 30sp, and 22gp as well as
miscellaneous household items. A broken scarab in a silver setting may
interest a PC but it is worthless. A Wand of Wonder with two charges left
will also be found by a random PC but they have a 50% chance of
believing it is a stick.
During the search of the area the “decorative” Gargoyle will pick out a
target and attack with surprise 80% of the time to a PC that gets too
This exit is quite slick and anyone approaching the tunnel will need to roll
a DC15 vs. Dexterity or slide out of the cliff and 30’ down into the bay.
Those that have this fate will take 3d6 worth of damage and will sink if
they are wearing heavy armor. The nearest dock is 100 yards away and
swimming is the fastest way to it. The rough face of the cliff will allow for
handholds but will cause 1d8 worth of damage from the sharp rocks and
take nearly thirty minutes to climb over to. This method will also have the
PC splashed with sewage from one of the many drainage points in the
cliff. For comedic effect it is possible that an old frying pan could come
down from one of these points and strike the PC in the head for an
additional 1d6 damage.
Gargoyle: Armor Class 15 (hide armor, shield) Hit Points 52 (7d8 +21)
9. Sleeping Quarters
This chamber is filled with crude bunk beds that appear to hold between
20-30 Smugglers. A complete search of the room yields no information
and nothing of value. A visual inspection shows that the “mattresses” are
home to small bugs.
DM: The main hall is where one of the Smuggler captains is going over
the day’s work. This group is responsible for moving cargo in and out of
the hideout and handle basic duties. If the PCs listen more the captain will
mention the “holy rollers” leaving today and to make sure they get out as
soon as possible as he is tired of hearing about their faith.
If the PCs continue to eavesdrop they will quickly discover that they
arrived at the end of the meeting and the group is breaking up into
different groups. A hasty retreat will certainly alert the group of criminals
who will give chase and attempt to cut off the PCs using different
The room is quite large and is filled with empty crates and barrels that are
used as furniture. Chalk has been used on a flat wall to show the different
positions of ships and their arrival times later today. Aside from personal
wealth there is nothing of value present in this chamber.
Smugglers (10): Armor Class 16 (chain armor) Hit Points 15 (2D8 +2)
STR DEX CON INT WIS CH/11(+0) 12(+1) 12(+1) 10(−0) 10(+0) 10(+0)
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA /15(+2) 16(+3) 14(+2) 14(+2) 11(−0) 16(+3)
DM: This large chamber is filled with items that the Smugglers have
obtained illegally or are holding for different crime lords in the city. This
area is supposed to be extremely safe but is not. There are currently a
collection of ten Smugglers present making room for more shipments
arriving on other vessels.
There are three obvious exits to this chamber with each marked by dual
torches. The rest of the room is lit by several braziers two of which are
copper (50gp each) and a silver one (100gp). The shadows will dance in
this chamber and the four subjects originally witnessed will be fully
illuminated. These Smugglers will have moved down the center row of the
crates. If the PCs move on them they will find themselves in a 5’ narrow
passage where only two human-sized subjects can fight on the front line.
If the party opts to perform melee in this section other Smugglers will
come from the other side of the ‘tunnel’ and begin to push the stacked
boxes over. Initially the boxes behind the party will be shifted to block
their escape but in round three and beyond boxes on either side will be
pushed over. If this occurs the randomly targeted PC will take 1d8 +1
damage and be required to make a DC12 vs. Dexterity or be pinned under
the box. Those pinned will lose one round of attack and need to make a
DC11 vs. Strength to push the box over and regain their feet. If more
than four boxes are pushed over the party will all fight at disadvantage
and the remainder of the Smugglers will jump atop the boxes and attack
the party from all sides.
If the party opts to bring the Smugglers out into the open they can fight
normally but in two rounds will find five more criminals come in from
behind them for a total of 15 Smugglers facing off with them. Once these
individuals are dealt with a cursory examination will reveal that the
containers hold stolen and/or smuggled items. Most of the contents will be
Smugglers (10): Armor Class 16 (chain armor) Hit Points 15 (2D8 +2)
STR DEX CON INT WIS CH/11(+0) 12(+1) 12(+1) 10(−0) 10(+0) 10(+0)
This group will not be appreciative that “Phoenix spies” have infiltrated
their enterprise and will attack immediately. This meeting has a list of
items on a piece of paper that one of the regular Smugglers will grab and
burn in the closest brazier thereby destroying it for his initial round of
attack. The only treasure here is personal wealth.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CH/11(+0) 12(+1) 12(+1) 10(−0) 10(+0) 10(+0)
Marrow: Armor Class 16 (+1 Studded Leather) Hit Points 65 (10d8 +20)
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA /15(+2) 16(+3) 14(+2) 14(+2) 11(−0) 16(+3)
Sister Christian: Armor Class 15 (+1 chain shirt) Hit Points 42 (5d8+5)
D +3 to hit Mace 1d6 +4 (+1 Mace – “20” will blind unless DC12 vs. Wisdom
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA /16(+3) 12(+1) 16(+3) 9(−1) 13(+1) 12(+1)
If the party remains in the cave the man will begin to beat himself in the
head and let out a loud yell. He will thrash about and the PCs will notice
that he begins to grow a great deal of hair and appears to be
transforming into a large bear. The hobo is afflicted with Lycanthropy and
is indeed a Werebear.
If the PCs defeat the unfortunate and examine the debris there is a 40%
chance of discovering a mud encrusted copper ring that is decorated as a
large, curved feather. The ring is a Ring of Feather Falling. The few coins
that the hobo has numbers 76gp.
Werebear: Armor Class 11 Hit Points 135 (18d8 +54) silver/magic to hit
DM: The secret door leads down to the landing cave used by the
Smugglers for many years. When this cavern was originally found a small
opening showed that it sat next to the bay and a bit of excavation was
done. The Smuggler bosses at that time employed a mage to perform a
permanent illusion spell while rock removal continued. Once their
The Smugglers use the skiff to move silently out to boats, steal the cargo,
and bring it back to their hideout. Aside from vessel and Smugglers there
is nothing present as they are preparing to raid ships later in the day.
These men will defend the cave to the best of their abilities but the Boss
may take the skiff out on his own to save himself. If he gets away he will
hide until The Persephone docks and warn Rubio the Magnificent and fight
by his side if the party takes that path.
Smugglers (8): Armor Class 16 (chain armor) Hit Points 15 (2D8 +2)
STR DEX CON INT WIS CH/11(+0) 12(+1) 12(+1) 10(−0) 10(+0) 10(+0)
Smuggler Boss: Armor Class 15 (Studded Leather) Hit Points 65 (10d8 +20)
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA /15(+2) 16(+3) 14(+2) 14(+2) 11(−0) 16(+3)
DM: Rubio the Magnificent is one of the four heads of the smuggling ring in the
city but a recent charge of murder has made his stay in the area impossible. The
other Smugglers have suggested that he leave the area for a few months and
As DM, if you wish to provide closure, you can have the PCs stake out the ship
and attempt to gain entry to it in the evening hours when most of the crew is in
town. If the PCs attempt to board the ship during the day they will find
themselves grossly outnumbered by sailors and town guards angry that they are
causing a problem. If they are foolish enough to make an assault during the day
they should be captured and incarcerated long enough for Rubio to escape on
the ship.
If the party opts to come aboard at night they will find only a skeleton crew
present. The twelve sailors and Captain Laredo will be present on the main deck.
They will not willingly allow the PCs to come aboard as they will not have
paperwork to do so. The crew will be aware of their main mission which is to
keep Rubio safe. Melee will occur on the main deck if the party attempts to force
their way aboard.
If the Smuggler leader from #14 escaped he and Rubio will appear as the crew
is cut down by the party. If the PCs can kill or capture the criminal the guards
will arrive as this occurs. The party would be given the full reward amount (at
the jail) but the ship and contents would be seized by the government. Rubio’s
belongings would be turned over to the PCs as an additional reward.
Defeating the Smugglers could have long term consequences as the ring is far
reaching. Revenge is a distinct possibility and can lead to several additional
adventure hooks.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA /11(+0) 12(+1) 12(+1) 10(+0) 10(+0) 10(+0)
Rubio the Magnificent: AC 17 (+2 S. Leather) Hit Points 120 (15d8 +45)
Challenge 5 (1800 XP) adds 3 to AC vs. 1 melee attack per round (reaction)
1. Old Jerad’s pies are the sweetest and tastiest in the whole market. They are so
good, they must have magic in them!
2. A new fortune teller has just set up shop in the market. No one knows anything
about her, but apparently her predictions are uncannily accurate.
3. The sewers running near to the market are old and prone to blockage (and
flood) after heavy rains. When that happens, the marketplace is awash with dirty
water and sewerage. It’s very bad for business—the mages should do something
about it.
4. A recent rash of pick pocketing has annoyed customers and merchants alike. A
thief was almost beaten to death yesterday, in the market.
5. The local lord is reviewing the cost of hiring plots in the marketplace.
Everyone expects him to raise prices and the stall holders will inevitably pass this
onto their customers.