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GRADE 7/8 School Grade Level 7

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Learning Area Computer Systems Servicing

Teaching Date and Week 6 Quarter 0


A. CONTENT STANDARDS The learners demonstrate an understanding of concepts and underlying principles in terminating and connecting electrical wiring and
electronics circuits
B. PERFORMANCE The learner shall be able to demonstrate proper termination and connection of electrical wiring and electronics circuits
C. LEARNING LO1. Plan and prepare for LO2. Terminate/connect electrical wiring/ electronic circuits LO3. Test termination/connections of
COMPETENCIES/OBJECTI termination/connection of electrical wiring/electronics circuits
VES electrical wiring/electronics
II. CONTENT Basic Electronic Electrical Connections
Equipment and Hand
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials Page 9
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional materials
from Learning
resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning https://youtu.be/yScMj9gBWG4 https://youtu.be/AqvHogekDl4
Resources https://youtu.be/ObSxX_fhmsg
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Pre-Test Review previous lesson Review previous lesson
presenting the new lesson
B. Establishing a purpose for the Watch Me! Solve Me! Watch Me!
lesson The teacher presents a video Activity: Jumbled Words The teacher presents a video clip about the
clip about the common tools Solve the following jumbled words: actual soldering process.
and equipments used in 1. EETCRLIC OCCNETNOIN (Basic Soldering Technique:
electronics. 2. ERRIWIGN https://youtu.be/AqvHogekDl4)
C. Presenting Do you have some Based on the activity, what do you think is our lesson for today? What did you discover in the video?
examples/instances of the new electronic tools/equipments
lesson at home? What are those?
How did you use them?

D. Discussing new concepts and Activity: Identify My Watch Me! Watch Me!
practicing new skills #1 Functions! The teacher presents a video clip about the types of wire joints and splices. Electric Wiring How to Strip and Prepare a
The teacher will divide the Cable for Termination:
students into groups. Each What are the different types of joints and splices mentioned in the video? https://youtu.be/ObSxX_fhmsg
group will be given a picture Question:
of electronic tools. Their task What did you observed in the video?
is to list the functions/uses of Can you name some electronic
the given electronic tools. tools/equipments shown in the video?
How did they use it?
E. Discussing new concepts and Abstraction- The teacher Abstraction- The teacher discusses the soldering processes. Abstraction- The teacher presents the
practicing new skills #2 engages students in the safety precautions that need to be observed
discussion about the basic when soldering.
electronic tools and
F. Developing Mastery Activity: What Is It? Activity: Test Your Knowledge! Activity:
(Leads to Formative Assessment) The teacher tasks students to The teacher tasks students to answer activities 2.1 and 2.2 in their Let the students answer the activity “Text
do the matching type activity textbook page 14 and 15 respectively. Twist” in their textbook page 19.
in their textbook, page 11.
G. Finding practical Activity: So What? Think-pair-Share! Visit a welding shop or any electronic
applications of concepts and Have students answer this Activity. repair shop. Observed how electronic
skills in daily living prompt: What takeaways Explain the uses of the following hand tools/equipment. technician perform soldering process. List
from the lesson will be a. Desoldering Tool down his procedures.
important to know after you b. Soldering Pencil
graduated secondary school? c. Multi-Volts Power Supply
Why? d. Long Nose Pliers
e. Portable Electric Hand drill
H. Making generalizations and Wrap-It Up! 3-2 Summary! Wrap-It Up!
abstractions about the lesson What have you learned Asks students about 3 Facts they have learned today and 2 Questions they What have you learned today?
today? still have.
I. Evaluating learning Teacher-made test Let students answer “Assessment” page 17-18 in their textbook. Teacher-made test
J. Additional activities for Real Life Application Take Home Journal Take Home Journal
application or remediation Visit a welding shop. Asks Research about the safety precautions and procedures being observed Explain the proper way of good soldering
the technician what before, during, and after soldering. job.
electronic tools and
equipments they’ve been
using and how they used it.
List it down and present it
next meeting.
V. REMARKS ____Out of _____students reached the mastery level
A. No. of learners who Grade 7_____out of ______students reached the mastery level
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who Grade 7_______
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial Yes______
lessons work? No. of Grade 7__________
learners who have No______
caught up with the
D. No. of students who
continue to require Grade __________
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did
I encounter which
my principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to share
with other teachers?

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